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What are Quantifiers?

Quantifiers are very important words because they let us

express the quantity of something. There are several
quantifiers in English and they can be a little tricky to use.
So here’s a description of each quantifier with examples to
help improve your understanding of them.
What are Quantifiers?
A quantifier is a word that usually goes before a noun to express the quantity of the
object; for example, a little milk.  Most quantifiers are followed by a noun, though it is
also possible to use them without the noun when it is clear what we are referring to.
For example,

Do you want some milk? – Just a little.  (It’s clear that I mean ‘a little milk’.)

There are quantifiers to describe large quantities (a lot, much, many), small quantities
(a little, a bit, a few)  and undefined quantities (some, any).  There are also quantifiers
that express the idea of a sufficient amount (enough, plenty).

There are some quantifiers that have a similar meaning but differ because one is used
with countable nouns and the other is used with uncountable nouns. Countable nouns
are things that we can count; for example, a table, two chairs.  Uncountable nouns are
things that we cannot count and only have a singular form; for example, some
furniture, some fruit.

Let’s start by looking at quantifiers that express large quantities.

Much, Many, A lot (of)

We use many, much, a lot (of)  to refer to big quantities. We use ‘many’ with countable
nouns and ‘much’ with uncountable nouns, and we can use ‘a lot (of)’ with both
countable and uncountable nouns. In modern English it is very common to use ‘a lot
(of)’ in affirmative sentences instead of ‘many’ and ‘much’.
Here are some examples:

 There are  many things  to do today.

 We have  a lot of time  left, don’t worry.
 Many people  take the train to work.
 Much Italian wine  is sold abroad.
 When we want to emphasize a really big quantity we can add ‘so’ in front of
‘many’ and ‘much’. For example:
 There were  so many passengers  on the train, it was difficult to get off.
 She had  so much work  to do, she stayed at the office until midnight.   

A Few, A Little, A Bit (of)

To talk about small quantities we can use ‘a few’ and ‘a little’. We use ‘a few’ with
countable nouns and ‘a little’ with uncountable nouns. It’s also possible to use ‘a bit’
with uncountable nouns, but it is more informal.

Here are some examples:

 We need  a few coins  for the car park.

 Would you like  a little milk  in your coffee?
 They ate  a few biscuits  with their tea.
 The engine needs  a little oil.
When we want to refer to a small quantity with a negative sense, we use ‘few’ and
‘little’ without ‘a’. For example:

 Few trains  arrive on time.  (A small number of trains arrive on time which is
a bad thing.)
 Little attention  is given to the problem of parking.  (A small amount of
attention is given to this problem and it’s not good.)

Some, Any
When we want to refer to a plural noun or an uncountable noun, without giving a
specific quantity, we use ‘some’ and ‘any’. We use ‘some’ in affirmatives and ‘any’ in
questions and negatives.

Here are some more examples:

 We have  some free time  later this afternoon.

 She doesn’t want  any coffee.
 Do they need  any bread?
 I went to  some meetings  in Rome last week.
 Will there be  any managers  at the party?


As is common in English, there is an exception to this rule. When we make requests

and offers, we usually use ‘some’ instead of ‘any’. For example:

 Can I have  some water  please?

 Would you like  some chocolates?

What is the difference between a lot of a lot and lots of?
We use a lot of and lots of in informal styles. Lots of is more informal than a lot of. A lot of and lots of
can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular uncountable nouns for affirmatives,
negatives, and questions: We've got lots of things to do.

(A) Few (A) little Explanation

Presentation and Exercises

No is a determiner – a word that identifies a noun in more detail. Use no before
countable and uncountable nouns.

– There is no milk.
– We have no problems.
– There is no information available.

*However, it’s more common to use “isn’t + a” for singular countable nouns,
“isn’t + any” for uncountable nouns and “aren’t + any” for plural nouns.
Exercise 1 - some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little, a few

Choose the correct answer.

1. There aren't car parks in the center of Oxford.

2. Eating out is expensive here. There aren't cheap restaurants.

3. Liverpool has great nightclubs.

4. Hurry up! We only have time before the coach leaves.

5. We saw beautiful scenery when we went to Austria.

6. There are a shops near the university.

7. It's very quiet. There aren't people here today.

8. There are expensive new flats next to the river.


Exercise 2 Write any or some

1. There’s __________ money in my wallet.

2. Do you know _________ Italians?

3. We need __________ more coffee.

4. Is there _________time to go shopping?

5. I didn’t have __________ breakfast today.

6. He hasn’t done _________work for ten years.

7. There are ___________ students in the cafeteria.

8. I’m having _________ problems with my computer.

9. Are there ____________restaurants near here?

Exercise 3 Look around your classroom and write three sentences using quantifiers.






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