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Question 1: Alexi entered into an Agreement of Sale with Myrna to purchase Lot 5, Hadfield Park.
Myrna gave Alexi a copy of the Transport for the said property. Alexi made checks with the Deeds
Registry which revealed that no encumbrances are registered against the transport and now
wishes to proceed with the purchase of the property.
Advise Alexi what is the process she needs to follow to:
(a) Have the property conveyed to her
(b) Protect her interest in the property being purchased Note: There is no requirement of word
limits, however students will be assessed on the content and understanding of the areas being
required to be discussed. Please refer to the requisite sections of the Acts; case law and required
textbook readings.

Question 2:
Discuss the procedure for Applying for a Lost Grosse

Question 3:
JJ files a conveyance in the Deeds Registry for the transfer of her property to Jen, through sale.
The conveyance was advertised in the Official Gazette. JJ is indebted to Guyana Water Inc for the
sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). You are retained by GWI, advise on the
procedure to follow to recover the sum owing.

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