Social Studies 2

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Plot 2, Akinmade street, off Lasu-Isheri road, Igando, Lagos.

1. An official or formal discussion or meeting between the representatives of opposing groups, party or
individuals who are trying to reach an agreement is called? a) Negotiation b)Penetration.
c) interaction. d) utility. e) aphorism.
2. The following are essential steps and actions necessary in a successful negotiation except ________
a) Taking a positive stand or position on truth. b) stating and repeating ones job.
c). offering a compromise to consider and consent to other people's feelings or position. d).
walking away from the scene. e) aggravate the situation.
3. The following are factors that influence negotiation except? a). Being honest. b). Having
positive self esteem. c). Being able to ask for what we want. d). Ability to discover the
strengths or weaknesses or ignorance about the other party. e). Being deceptive and
4. The following are examples of STI'S except_______. a). Gonorrhea. b). Syphilis. c).
HIV/AIDS. d). Trichomoniasis. e). Malaria.
5. AIDS is caused by a virus called? a). Gonorrhea. b). Syphilis. c). HIV. d). Malaria. e).
6. Sleeping sickness is also called _____. a). Fever. b). Malaria. c). Parasite. d).
Trypanosomiasis. e). Syphilis.
7. An information of a biased or misleading nature used to promote a political cause or point of view is
called? a). Advocate. b). Propaganda. c). Politicians. d). Complication. e).
8. happens when your stomach contents come back up into your esophagus. a).
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER). b). Regulation. c). Resuscitation. d). Malaria. e).
9. Regurgitation can also be likened to? a). Sensation. b). Locomotion. c). Gastroesophageal
reflux. d). Balanced diet. e). Metropolitan.
10. Cheating in respect of examination so as to gain undue advantage before, during or after any
examination is called? a). Complication. b). Reputation. c). Sublimation. d).
Impersonation. e). Examination malpractice.
11. An act of pretending to be another person for the purpose of entertainment or fraud is called? a).
Impersonation. b). Lampoon. c). Burlesque. d). Parody. e). Insorbodination.
12. The use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends such as committing fraud, trafficking in
child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities or violating privacy is called? a).
Political culture. b). Cybercrime. c). Social media. d). Oligarchy. e). Edutainment.
13. Which of the following is not a form of examination malpractice. a). Impersonation. b).
Intoxication. c). Copying other students' work. d). Coming into the examination hall with
textbooks. e). Teachers who pretend to be invigilators assisting students by giving answers to
them in the examination hall.
14. A systemized form of organization in which members are engaged in concerted hidden activities
whose overall ends and results spell doom for both the members, the community and the society at
large is referred to as ? a). Cultism. b). Politics. c). Proliferation. d). Militarisation.
e). Rustication.
15. The ways that different groups come together to form a whole in a society is called? a). Social
integration. b). Dissertation. c). anthropology. d). Proliferation. e). Oligarchy.
16. The study of people, past and present with a focus on understanding the human condition both
culturally and biologically is called? a). Doxology. b). Toxicology. c). Anthropology.
d). Horticology. e). Psychology.
17. The field of science that helps us understand the harmful effects that chemicals, substances, or
situations can have on people, animals, and the environment is called ? a). Anthropology.
b). Nationalism. c). Toxicology. d). Impersonation. e). Polymerisation.
18. A is a person who has a strong understanding of scientific disciplines, such as biology
and chemistry and typically works with chemicals and other substances to determine if they are toxic
or harmful to humans and other living organisms or the environment. a). Psychologist. b).
Scientist. c). Physicist. d). Biologist. e). Toxicologist.
19. A is a trained mental health professional who helps people learn healthy ways to
handle mental health challenges. a). Psychologist. b). Chemist. c). Toxicologist. d).
Socialist. e). Horticulturist.
20. The totality of our surroundings which either encourage or discourage and distort the development
and survival of human beings is called . a). Horticulture. b). Toxicology. c).
Environment. d). Society. e). Psychology.
21. The Vibration, sinking and submerging of the earth's surface as a result of contraction and expansion
of the earth crust due to volcanic eruption is called . a). Drought. b). Denudation.
c). Pollution. d). Erosion. e). Earthquake.
22. The geological processes in which moving water, ice, wind and waves erode the earth surface leading
to a reduction in elevation and in relief of landforms and landscapes is called ? a).
Denudation. b). Drought. c). Volcanoes. d). Earthquake. e). Weathering.
23. The breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on earth surface is called _____? a). Drought.
b). Erosion. c). Weathering. d). Thermometer. e). Deterioration.
24. The clearing or destruction of existing natural vegetation or forest, leaving the land bare is called.
? a). Weathering. b). Socialization. c). Volcanoes. d). Deforestation. e). Trafficking.
25. The artificial establishment of a forest by planting or seeding in an area of non-forest land is called
? a). Deforestation. b). Earthquake. c). Afforestation. d). Toxicology. e).

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