17 TALKu

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o Complete list of A1 grammar contents

  This is a list of all the grammar topics covered in level A1. But if you want to learn A1 grammar, we recommend studying the
topics in the order that they appear in: Grammar points » A1 Grammar lessons and exercises.  
Present tenses
A1 Present simple forms of ‘to be’ – am/is/are
A1 Present simple – I do, I don’t, Do I?
A1 Present continuous – I’m doing, I’m not doing, Are you doing?
A1 Present simple or present continuous?
A1 Have got
Past tenses
A1 Was/were – past simple of ‘be’
A1 Past simple – regular/irregular verbs
A1 Past simple – negatives and questions
A1 ‘Will’ and ‘shall’ – Future
A1 Be going to – plans and predictions
Modals, the imperative, etc .
A1 Can, can’t – ability, possibility, permission
A1 The imperative – Sit down! Don’t talk!
A1 Would you like…? I’d like…
-ing and the infinitive
A1 Verbs + to + infinitive and verbs + -ing
Articles, nouns, pronouns, and determiners.
A1 A/an, plurals – singular and plural forms
A1 A/an, the, no article – the use of articles in English
A1 This, that, these, those
A1 Possessive adjectives and subject pronouns (I/my, you/your, etc.)
A1 Object pronouns vs subject pronouns – me or I, she or her?
A1 A, some, any – countable and uncountable nouns
A1 Much, many, a lot of, a little, a few
A1 Whose, possessive ‘s – Whose is this? It’s Mike’s
there and it
A1 There is, there are – there was, there were
A1 There or it
Adjectives and adverbs
A1 Adjectives – old, interesting, expensive, etc.
A1 Adverbs of manner (slowly) – or adjectives (slow)?
A1 Comparative adjectives – older than, more important than, etc.
A1 Superlative adjectives – the oldest, the most important, etc.
A1 Conjunctions: and, but, or, so, because
A1 At, in, on – prepositions of time
A1 At, in, on – prepositions of place
A1 Next to, under, between, in front of, behind, over, etc.
Word order
A1 Adverbs of frequency with present simple

Present tenses
A2 Present simple vs present continuous
A2 Present perfect or past simple?
Past tenses
A2 Past simple – Form and use
A2 Past continuous and past simple
A2 Past perfect

A2 Will vs be going to – future
A2 Present continuous for future arrangements

Verb tense reviews

A2 Review of all verb tenses A2

Modals, the imperative, phrasal verbs, etc .

A2 Have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t
A2 Should, shouldn’t
A2 Might, might not – possibility
A2 Used to, didn’t use to – past habits and states
A2 How to use the verb ‘go’ in English
A2 The different uses of the verb ‘get’
A2 ‘Do’ vs ‘Make’ – What’s the difference?
A2 Verbs with two objects
A2 Stative vs dynamic verbs (or non-action vs action verbs)
A2 Phrasal verbs: transitive and intransitive, separable and inseparable

Conditionals, if, wish, etc.

A2 First conditional and future time clauses
A2 Second conditional
A2 Present and past simple passive: be + past participle

Reported speech
A2 Reported speech – indirect speech

-ing and the infinitive

A2 Expressing purpose with ‘to’ and ‘for’
A2 Infinitives and gerunds – verb patterns

Articles, nouns, pronouns, and determiners.

A2 Subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives
A2 Something, anything, nothing, etc.
A2 Too, too much, too many, enough
A2 Most, most of, the most

Relative clauses, relative pronouns and adverbs

A2 Defining relative clauses – who, which, that, where

Auxiliary verbs
A2 So, neither – so am I, neither do I, etc.

Adjectives and adverbs

A2 Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
A2 No longer, any longer, anymore
Conjunctions and clauses
A2 However, although, because, so, and time connectors

A2 Prepositions of movement – along, across, over, etc.

A2 Asking questions in English – Question forms
A2 Subject questions, questions with preposition

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