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2020, VOL. 21, NO. 4, 457–463

Automatic classification of pavement crack using deep convolutional neural network

Baoxian Lia, Kelvin C. P. Wanga,b, Allen Zhanga,b, Enhui Yanga and Guolong Wanga
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China; bSchool of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA


The classification of pavement crack heavily relies on the engineers’ experience or the hand-crafted Received 27 June 2017
algorithms. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has demonstrated to be useful for image Accepted 4 June 2018
classification, which provides an alternative to traditional imaging classification algorithms. This paper
proposes a novel method using deep CNN to automatically classify image patches cropped from 3D Pavement; crack
pavement images. In all, four supervised CNNs with different sizes of receptive field are successfully classification; deep learning;
trained. The experimental results demonstrate that all the proposed CNNs can perform the convolutional neural
classification with a high accuracy. Overall classification accuracy of each proposed CNN is above 94%. network; receptive field
Upon the evaluation of these neural networks with respect to accuracy and training time, we find that
the size of receptive field has a slight effect on the classification accuracy. However, the CNNs with
smaller size of receptive field require more training times than others.

1. Introduction
data at highway speed up to 100 km/h (Wang et al. 2008,
Crack information is a primary indicator of pavement distress Wang et al. 2012). These systems have proven their technologi-
for pavement design and management purposes. As reported in cal superiority of automatic acquisition of pavement surface
MCAG (2009), with the appearance of the pavement cracks, the data, but there remains a need for further improvement in an
quality of road surface deteriorates 40% during its first 75% of automated interpretation of pavement data, especially in
life, and then, if without any treatment, it decreases another classification for the major types of pavement cracks.
40% in the next 12% of life. Pavement cracks are usually divided Conventionally, the framework for crack detection is based
into six types ( on designing a variety of feature extractors for each image pixel,
tress-summary/): alligator crack, block crack, edge crack, longi- which is followed by a binary classifier to determine whether
tudinal crack, transverse crack and reflection crack. Typical this pixel contains a crack or not. The local image-processing
examples of them are shown in Figure 1. Traditional crack methods, such as the intensity thresholding, edge detection
detection is conducted by skilled raters going over the road, and sub-window based hand-crafted feature extraction
which is time consuming, labour intensive and expensive. methods (Oliveira and Lobato Correia 2008, Hu and Zhao
The manual inspection is dangerously risky for the personnel 2010, Zou et al. 2012) are widely used in practice. However,
due to traffic hazards. Additionally, the variability and repeat- two major challenges of the automatic interpretation of pave-
ability are also the major issues due to the inconsistency in ment image still exist: (1) extracting cracks from complex back-
manual surveys. Hence, an automated inspection method for ground using low-level image cues and (2) classifying the
detecting pavement distress becomes essential. recognised cracks into a specific category. The industry in the
Over the last decades, with a rapid technological advance of pavement distress inspection has been struggling to produce
machine vision, comprehensive pavement survey systems have production-worthy and fully automated systems.
been developed (Huang and Xu 2006, Wang et al. 2008). In Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), introduced in 1980
accordance to the application of different sensor technologies, (Fukushima 1980) and improved over the past two decades
three approaches dominate: (1) a two-dimensional image pro- (Behnke 2003, Simard et al. 2003), is a powerful technology
cessing (Mahler et al. 1991, Downey and Koutsopoulos 1993); for image classification. Since the early 2000s, CNN has been
(2) a three-dimensional cloud point scanning (Smadja et al. applied with great success to classification (Gao et al. 2017,
2010) and (3) a three-dimensional line scanning (Wang et al. Pedraza et al. 2017), segmentation and recognition (Li et al.
2012, Wöhler 2013). In 1998, Australian Commonwealth 2017) of objects. Face recognition is a major practical success
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization developed an (Garcia and Delakis 2004). CNN has yielded full potentiality
automated road crack detection system, RoadCrack (Ferguson compared with traditional methodologies. Local Connections,
et al. 1998), which was able to identify cracks wider than 1 mm Shared Weights, Pooling and the Use of Many Layers are four
at highway speed. The emerging 3D laser-scanning technique key ideas behind CNN (Lecun et al. 2015). The architecture
has been fully adopted in PaveVision3D Ultra system to achieve of a typical CNN (Figure 2) is structured with convolutional,
30-kHz scanning rate for 1 mm resolution pavement surface pooling and fully connected layers.

CONTACT Kelvin C. P. Wang

© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
458 B. LI ET AL.

concatenated together into a form of a vector. Particularly,

the vector in the output layer (the last layer) indicates a class
that the input belongs to.
All layers of the CNN are trained using the backpropagation
algorithm. The process of backpropagating gradients is similar
to a regular deep neural network, allowing all the weights and
bias in all the filter banks to be trained.
In the context of local connections in CNN, receptive field
is one basic concept, which is important for understanding
how deep CNN works. The receptive field is the concrete
embodiment of Local Connection and Shared Weights. In
Figure 2, the red boxes represent the respective field. Since
pixels outside the receptive field do not affect the value of out-
put unit, it is necessary to carefully control the size of recep-
tive field, to ensure that it covers the entire relevant image
region. The size of receptive field can be increased in a number
of ways. One option is to stack more layers to make the net-
work deeper, which increases the size linearly by theory. On
the other hand, sub-sampling increases the size multiplica-
tively. Modern deep CNN architectures, like VGG networks
and Residual Networks (He et al. 2016), use a combination
of these techniques.
In this paper, based on the successful application of CNN for
image classification, a novel crack classification method is pro-
posed. Operating directly on raw 3D pavement images, an
image library is built as our training dataset and testing dataset.
Figure 1. Examples of asphalt pavement crack.
The architecture of the proposed CNNs is stacked with nine
layers (three fully connected layers and six convolutional and
pooling layers) except for input layer. In order to explore
Convolutional layers – Units in a convolutional layer are how the size of receptive field affects the accuracy and training
organised in feature maps. Each unit in the feature maps is con- time of the CNNs, four different receptive field sizes are
nected to local patches in the feature maps of the previous layer employed in CNNs.
or the input map through a set of weights called a filter bank.
The result of this local weighted sum is then passed through
a non-linear function such as ReLu and tanh.
2. Related works
Pooling layers – The role of pooling layers is to select spatial
invariance by reducing the resolution of feature maps. Structu- The current advanced pavement survey systems make it feas-
rally, the pooling layers are followed behind convolutional ible to collect high-resolution pavement images at highway
layers. Usually, the unit in a pooling layer receives the maxi- speed. As a result, more and more effort has been taken into
mum of a local patch of units in one feature map. automatic crack classification by researchers at universities
Fully connected layers – Fully connected layers are followed and the area of industries. Many existing methods for detection
after several stages of convolution, non-linearity and pooling. or classification are primarily based on characteristics of crack.
They are the traditional multi-layer perceptron. The term Due to the fact that crack pixels are darker than their neigh-
‘fully connected’ implies that all units in the feature maps are bouring pixels, a lot of intensity-thresholding methods have

Figure 2. Overall architecture of a typical CNN: the first stage and second stage are composed of convolutional layers and pooling layers; the classifier is composed of few
fully connected layers.

been widely applied, such as histogram-based algorithms and accurate hand-crafted feature extractor. Without designing
iterated clipping algorithms (Kirschke and Velinsky 1992, Oh hand-crafted features extractor, Zhang et al. (2016) and Cha
et al. 1998, Li and Liu 2008). However, they cannot deliver con- et al. (2017) demonstrate that CNNs can provide high perform-
sistent good results only by setting a single threshold for the ance on pavement crack classification regardless of the intensity
entire image, especially when image intensity varies with differ- inhomogeneity and complexity of background.
ent illuminance conditions.
Edge-detection-based methods are another kind of common
techniques. The edge detectors are applied to process over the 3. Proposed method
pavement images, such as Sobel, Prewitt, Laplacian and Canny PaveVision3D Ultra made by WayLink was used to acquire 3D
(Canny 1986). In Yan et al. (2007), the morphological filters are pavement images. A great deal of data was collected at various
introduced to detect crack edges with the assistance of a sections of highways, allowing the authors to create a dataset.
modified median filter to remove noise. In most cases, detecting One thousand images were randomly selected from the col-
disjoint crack curves is the main limitation of using edge- lected database. The size of each image is 4096 × 2048 repre-
detection. senting rough 4-m by 2-m pavement surface.
Wavelet transforms are a powerful tool for pavement crack
detection in frequency-domain. Because of wavelet transforms’
high-performance on processing linear singularity in 2D signal, 3.1. Pre-processing and building dataset
in (Shan et al., 2005). Ridgelet Transform and Curvelet Trans- In order to solve the classification problem, the proposed CNNs
form are applied to image segmentation and enhancement. In are trained on square image patches. The original 3D pavement
Zhou and Huang (2006), pavement cracks are extracted from images are divided into patches with size of 512 × 512, as
background by using wavelet-based statistical criteria. How- depicted in Figure 4. Both the training dataset and testing data-
ever, due to the anisotropic characteristic of wavelets, these set are made of these small patches.
approaches may encounter difficulty in detecting cracks with In the training dataset and testing dataset, small patches are
high curvature or low continuity. classified into five types: (1) non-crack, (2) transverse crack, (3)
Machine learning based methods have attracted more and longitudinal crack, (4) block crack and (5) alligator crack.
more attention of researchers, with rapid growth of data Figure 5 presents a subset of the training dataset. The
usage involved transportation, such as traffic sign and pave-
ment surface images. In Jahangiri and Rakha (2015), the
authors adopts different supervised learning methods to
develop multi-class classifiers that identify the transportation
modes including a driving car, a riding bicycle, a bus, etc. In
Chou et al. (1995), Cheng et al. (2001) and Nguyen et al.
(2009), a vector of various features is extracted from sub-
images cropped from the whole pavement images, and the vec-
tor is used for training and classifying afterwards. In Bray et al.
(2006), the density and histogram are calculated as features that
are passed to a neural network for the classification of images
into crack maps or free-crack maps. For all the methods, the
training and classification are conducted on extracted features
rather than the raw images. Figure 3 depicts two main modules
in a traditional classification system. Due to the variability and Figure 4. An illustration for the way to crop an original 3D pavement image into
richness of image data, it is almost impossible to build an patches.

Figure 5. A subset of the training dataset: the first block diagram – non-crack; the
second block diagram – transverse crack; the third block diagram – longitudinal
Figure 3. Traditional classification system with two modules: a fixed feature crack; the fourth block diagram – block crack; the fifth block diagram – alligator
extractor and a trainable classifier. crack.
460 B. LI ET AL.

Table 1. Target values for five types of data. at the (m + 1)th layer, where the backpropagation algorithm
Type of Transverse Longitudinal Block Alligator derives its name.
crack Non-crack crack crack crack crack
Batch training vs. SGD – SGD algorithm involves ‘on-line’
Target [1 0 0 0 0]T [0 1 0 0 0]T [0 0 1 0 0]T [0 0 0 1 0]T [0 0 0 0 1]T or incremental training, which means that the network par-
ameters are updated after each input is presented. Perform-
ing batch training is a good choice, which means that the
average gradient is computed after a batch of inputs is fed
convergence of training is usually faster if the average of each to the network. The updating equation for the batch training
input data is close to zero (Lecun et al. 1998a), so the input algorithm is
data is normalised as follows:
I − mean(I) a Q
N I= W(k + 1) = W(k) − , (3)
max (I) − min (I)
(1) Q q=1 ∂W

where N_I denotes the normalised data and I denotes the input where Q denotes batch size.
In this classification problem, the target value is a five-
dimensional column vector with value of ‘0’ or ‘1’. Each train- 3.3. The proposed architectures of CNNs
ing data and testing data is labelled with a vector according to
To maximise the performance of classification, it is essential to
Table 1.
compose CNN layers in an optimal way. With more hidden
In the term of training for deep learning, the sufficiency and
layers, the performance of classification could be improved,
diversity of training dataset are fundamental to the success of
but the speed of training may slow down. On the other hand,
training CNNs. Hence, more than 28,000 patches and corre-
high complexity of CNNs with many layers and parameters
sponding target vectors make up the training dataset and test-
may lead to overfitting. Inspired by AlexNet (Krizhevsky
ing dataset. The composition of the training dataset and testing
et al. 2012) and LeNet (Lecun et al. 1998b), four CNN architec-
dataset are listed in Table 2.
tures are proposed through some experiments, which are out-
lined in Table 3. For notational convenience, we refer to the
3.2. CNN training CNN by their names (CNN-1∼4). The parameters of convolu-
tional layer are denoted as ‘Conv < number of feature maps> −
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) – The goal of training a CNN < size of receptive field >’ for brevity. The loss function E is the
is to find the value of all parameters, W, that can minimise a mean square error for all CNN architectures, which is defined
loss function, E. The loss function E (i) = D(D (i), F(W, Z (i))) as
measures the discrepancy between D (i), the ‘correct’ or desired
output for input Z (i), and output F(W, Z (i))) generated from the 1 Q
function F, that is, the CNN. The general problem of minimis- E= (D(i) − O(i) ) , (4)
Q i=1
ing a function with respect to a set of parameters is at the root
of many issues in the field of computer science and mathemat- where D (i) is the ith target vector, and O (i) is the ith output
ics. SGD algorithm has been proven a predominant method- vector.
ology (Chou et al. 1995, Bray et al. 2006, Zhang et al. 2016). ReLu and log-sigm are applied as the activation function in
The loss function can be minimised by estimating the impact convolutional layers and fully connected layers, respectively.
of small variations of the parameter values in the CNN. The Before feeding the CNNs with our training dataset, in order
simplest minimisation procedure using SGD is to save computing time, each patch is resized into 256 × 256.
The batch size Q is equal to 5. All the data processing and
W(k + 1) = W(k) − a , (2) the CNNs training were running on MATLAB platform
∂W installed in my own computer equipped with Intel Core i7-
where α is learning rate, which is a constant less than 1, and k is 6700 T microprocessor and 12GB of RAM. Once the conver-
iteration time. gence is achieved, the training process is terminated, as illus-
Since the proposed CNN is a multi-layer feedforward net- trated in Figure 6.
work, the relationship between the CNN parameters and the
implicit loss function E is complex. Hence, the chain rule of
calculus is applied to calculate derivatives. In this way, the Table 3. CNN configurations.
gradients at the mth layer are computed from the gradients CNN-1 CNN-2 CNN-3 CNN-4
Input layer 256*256 3D pavement image
Conv6-3*3 Conv6-5*5 Conv6-7*7 Conv6-9*9
Table 2. The composition of the dataset. maxpooling
Conv12-3*3 Conv12-5*5 Conv12-7*7 Conv12-9*9
Non- Transverse Longitudinal Block Alligator maxpooling
Type of crack crack crack crack crack crack Conv24-3*3 Conv24-5*5 Conv24-7*7 Conv24-9*9
Number of 5552 5184 5419 5362 5445 maxpooling
training data FC-1
Number of testing 300 300 300 300 300 FC-2
data FC-3

Figure 6. The value of loss function versus training times.

Table 4. Classification results.

Non-crack (%) Longitudinal crack (%) Transversal crack (%) Block crack (%) Alligator crack (%) Overall accuracy (%)
CNN-1 98.00 96.33 96.67 91.67 88.67 94.27
CNN-2 93.00 97.67 97.33 94.00 89.33 94.23
CNN-3 98.67 97.67 98.00 96.00 91.33 96.33
CNN-4 95.00 98.67 96.00 92.67 90.67 94.60

4. Experimental results Table 5. Performance comparison of different methods.

As shown in Figure 6, CNN-1 produces the slowest conver- Overall
accuracy Input image
gence in around 17,000 times of training. CNN-3’s and No. References (%) size The number of image class
CNN-4’s errors have almost the same tendency of conver- 1 Zhang et al. 86.96 99 × 99 × 3 2
gence, and the values of their loss function converge in around (2016) Crack; Non-crack
4000 times of training. It means that the CNNs with 7 × 7 2 Cha et al. 97 256 × 256 × 3 2
(2017) Crack; Non-crack
(CNN-3) and 9 × 9 (CNN-4) size of receptive field finish to 3 Park et al. 98 32 × 32 12
train within far less iterations than the CNNs with smaller (2016)
size of receptive field. 4 Our proposed 94 256 × 256 5
method Non-crack; Longitudinal
After training, the testing dataset was fed to CNN-1∼4 aim- crack; Transverse crack;
ing at evaluating the classification performance of the proposed Block crack; Alligator crack
CNNs. Table 4 summarises the classification accuracies of the
proposed CNNs, which demonstrates that all of them can per-
form a high-accuracy classification. CNN-3 achieves the peak their CNNs contains only two nodes. So their networks are
classification performance, except for classifying longitudinal less complex than others. Our proposed method can obtain
crack. The overall accuracies of the four CNNs are above 94% accuracy, and it has a reliable power to classify pavement
94%. The classifications of alligator crack and block crack patches into five categories aforementioned.
have a lower accuracy than others. It happened several times
that the CNN confused block cracks with alligator cracks.
5. Conclusions
This may be caused by the similarity of their patterns.
Through summarising the recent research works on pave- In this study, novel CNNs are proposed for pavement cracking
ment crack classification based on deep learning methods, classification based on 3D pavement images. The proposed
Table 5 lists the performance comparison of these methods. CNNs are used to classify pavement patches into five cat-
Generally speaking, these methods show a high-performance egories, i.e. non-crack, transverse crack, longitudinal crack,
of classification using CNNs. Park et al. (2016). achieved the block crack and alligator crack. More than 28,000 patches
highest accuracy by using CNN to classify 12 types of defect (making up the training dataset and testing dataset) were col-
images, however, their input image size was 32 × 32, which lected by manual to train the CNNs.
means that fewer parameters are needed to train. Zhang et al. In total, four proposed CNNs are successfully trained. The
(2016) and Cha et al. (2017) adopted the methods based on mean square error is applied to evaluating the training process
CNN to classify pavement patches into two categories: crack of the CNNs. Classic backpropagation algorithm works on
image, or non-crack image, which means the output layer of backward propagation of parameter gradients. The overall
462 B. LI ET AL.

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