Chapter 8 Construction Specifications

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I N T R O D U C T I O N Materials form is also found on the Student CD. You can

Building plans, including all of the elements that make up a also access this form online by doing an Internet search
complete set of residential or commercial drawings, contain using the words FHA Description of Materials. The plans,
general and specific information about construction. It is often construction specifications, and building contract
very difficult to provide all of the required information on a set together become the legal documents for the construc-
of plans. Schedules, as discussed in detail in Chapter 16, provide tion project. These documents should be prepared very
specific information about items and applications such as doors, carefully in cooperation with the architect, client, and
windows, appliances, fixtures, hardware, finishes, and structural contractor. Any variation from these documents should
components. Information that cannot be provided clearly or be approved by all three parties. When brand names are
completely on the drawing or in schedules is provided in con- used, a clause specifying “or equivalent” can be added.
struction specifications. Specifications are an integral part of any This means that another brand that is equivalent in
set of plans. Specifications are part of the construction and value and quality to the one specified can be substituted
contract documents consisting of written technical descriptions with the client or construction supervisor’s approval.
of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards, and
work quality.
Construction specifications often follow the guidelines
of the individual architect or engineering firm where Specifications are written documents that describe
the architectural design and drawings are created. in detail the requirements for products, materials,
Specifications can be as basic as a description of mate- and workmanship upon which the construction proj-
rials created for a construction loan, or can be as in- ect is based. A specification is an exact statement
depth as MasterFormat, a detailed specifications format describing the characteristics of a particular aspect
published by the Construction Specifications Institute of the project. Specifications communicate information
(CSI) and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC). about required products to be used in construction,
as a basis for competitive construction bidding, and
to measure compliance with contracts. Proprietary
RESIDENTIAL DESCRIPTION product specifications, method specifications, and end-
OF MATERIALS result specifications are types of performance specifi-
Most lenders have a format for providing cations commonly used in the construction industry.
residential construction specifications. The Federal Proprietary product specifications provide specific
Housing Administration (FHA) and the Federal Home product names and models for desired applications.
Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) have a specifica- When this type of specification is used, a named
tion format titled Description of Materials. This specifi- product can be followed by “or equivalent,” which
cations form is used widely, as is or with revisions, by allows for equal alternatives and helps promote com-
most residential construction lenders. The same form is petition in providing the product. Proprietary product
used by the Farm Home Administration (FmHA) and specifications can limit competition, increase cost,
by the Veterans Administration (VA). and decrease flexibility. Method specifications outline
A completed FHA Description of Materials form for a material selection and the construction operation pro-
typical structure is found on the Student CD and shown cess to be followed in providing construction materials
in Figure 8-1. The sample completed form is for the and practices. Method specifications provide the final
model home used in the step-by-step instructions found desired structure, such as the concrete thickness and
throughout this textbook. A blank FHA Description of strength, or the lumber dimensions, spacing, species,

142 Architectural Drafting and Design

FIGURE 81 Completed FHA Description of Materials form for the model home used throughout this textbook.
Chapter 8: Construction Specifications 143

FIGURE 81 Continued

144 Architectural Drafting and Design

FIGURE 81 Continued

Chapter 8: Construction Specifications 145

FIGURE 81 Continued

146 Architectural Drafting and Design

and grade. Method specifications allow for more flexi- is from MasterFormat and UniFormat and is pub-
bility, but the owner is responsible for the performance. lished by CSI and CSC; it is used with permission
End-result specifications describe the final characteris- from CSI, 2008. For more information on organi-
tics of the products and methods used in construction, zations involved with construction specifications,
and the contractor can use a desired method for meet- please contact:
ing the requirements. End-result specifications often
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
provide minimum and maximum as a range of accept-
99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 300
able completion. For example, slab gravel under con-
Alexandria, VA 22314
crete might be specified between 4" and 8" thick with
800-689-2900; 703-684-0300
specific compaction given. End-result specifications
Web site:
can use statistical methods to estimate overall material
quality based on a limited number of random samples. Construction Specifications Canada (CSC)
End-result specifications place construction quality on Web site:
the contractor, by defining the desired final product. The MasterFormat: Master List of Numbers and Titles
This gives the contractor freedom in achieving that for the Construction Industry is a master list of numbers
final product, which can lead to innovation, efficiency, and subject titles for organizing information about
and lower costs. construction work results, requirements, products, and
activities into a standard sequence. Construction proj-
ects use many different delivery methods, products,
SPECIFICATIONS FOR and installation methods. Successful completion of
RESIDENTIAL DESIGN projects requires effective communication among the
Minimum construction specifications, as estab- people involved. Information retrieval is nearly impos-
lished by local building officials, vary from one location sible without a standard filing system familiar to each
to the next, and their contents are dependent on specific user. Using MasterFormat numbers and titles facilitates
local requirements, climate, codes used, and the extent standard filing and retrieval schemes throughout the
of coverage. You should verify the requirements for a construction industry. MasterFormat numbers and
construction project in your location, because they can titles are suitable for use in project manuals, for orga-
be different from those given in this discussion. Refer nizing cost data, for referencing keynotes on drawings,
to Chapter 9 for specific information related to national for filing product information and other technical data,
building codes. For more information about the general for identifying drawing objects, and for presenting con-
classifications of construction specifications, see the struction market data. Each MasterFormat number and
Student CD, TYPICAL MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION title defines a “section,” arranged in “levels” depend-
SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DESIGN. ing on the depth of coverage. The broadest collections
of related construction products and activities are
level-one titles, otherwise known as “divisions.” Each
SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL division in the MasterFormat 2004 Edition: Numbers
CONSTRUCTION and Titles is made up of level-two, level-three, and
occasionally level-four numbers and titles assigned by
Specifications for commercial construction projects are
MasterFormat, each of which defines a gradually more
often more complex and comprehensive than the docu-
detailed area of work results to be specified. Work
ments for residential construction. Commercial project
results are traditional construction practices that typi-
specifications can provide very detailed instructions
cally result from an application of skills to construction
for each phase of construction. Specifications can estab-
products or resources.
lish time schedules for the completion of the project.
The MasterFormat 2004 Edition numbers are estab-
Also, in certain situations, the specifications include
lished using a six-digit system. The following is an
inspections in conjunction with or in addition to those
example showing how the list of numbers and titles
required by a local jurisdiction. Construction speci-
is used:
fications often follow the guidelines of the individual
architect or engineering firm, although a common Division 04 Masonry
format has been established. Published by CSI and The first two numbers, 04 in this example, repre-
CSC, the common format is called MasterFormat: sent the division and are also called level one. The
Master List of Numbers and Titles for the Construc- complete list of divisions is given in the next section
tion Industry. The information used in this textbook of this textbook.
Chapter 8: Construction Specifications 147

Division / Level one—Masonry
Level two—Common Work Results for Masonry Division 01 General Requirements
Level three—Masonry Anchorage and Reinforcing
Level four—Masonry Reinforcing Bars
Division 02 Existing Conditions
FIGURE 82 Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
Division 03 Concrete
MasterFormat titles and numbering system.
Division 04 Masonry
Division 05 Metals
04 05 Common Work Results for Masonry
Division 06 Wood, Plastics, and Composites
The second pair of numbers, 05 in this example, is
referred to as level two. In this case, Common Work Division 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection
Results for Masonry is a subcategory of Masonry. Division 08 Openings
04 05 19 Masonry Anchorage and Reinforcing Division 09 Finishes
The third pair of numbers, 19 in this example, is Division 10 Specialties
called level three. In this case, Masonry Anchorage Division 11 Equipment
and Reinforcing is a subcategory of Common Work
Division 12 Furnishings
Results for Masonry.
Division 13 Special Construction
04 05 19.26 Masonry Reinforcing Bars
Occasionally, level-four numbers are provided, such Division 14 Conveying Equipment
as .26 in this example. When level-four numbers Divisions 15 through 19 Reserved
are used, they follow level-three numbers and are FACILITY SERVICES SUBGROUP
separated from level-three numbers with a dot. Level- Division 20 Reserved
four numbers are used when the amount of detail
requires an additional level of classification. In this Division 21 Fire Suppression
case, Masonry Reinforcing Bars is a subcategory of Division 22 Plumbing
Masonry Anchorage and Reinforcing. Division 23 Heating, Ventilating, and Air-
An example of the six-digit numbering system with Conditioning (HVAC)
levels one through four is shown in Figure 8-2. Division 24 Reserved
Division 25 Integrated Automation
Division 26 Electrical
MasterFormat Division Numbers
and Titles Division 27 Communications
Division 28 Electronic Safety and Security
The MasterFormat has two main groups: (1) Pro-
curement and Contracting Requirements, and (2) Speci- Division 29 Reserved
fications. Procurement and Contracting Requirements SITE AND INFRASTRUCTURE SUBGROUP
are referred to as series zero because they begin with a Division 30 Reserved
00 level-one numbering system prefix. These docu-
Division 31 Earthwork
ments are not specifications. They establish relation-
ships, processes, and responsibilities for projects. The Division 32 Exterior Improvements
Specifications group contains the construction speci- Division 33 Utilities
fications subgroups and their related divisions. Some Division 34 Transportation
divisions are identified as reserved for future additions
or specific user applications. The following is an out- Division 35 Waterway and Marine Construction
line of the divisions found in the two groups: Divisions 36 through 39 Reserved
MENTS GROUP Division 40 Process Integration
Division 00 Procurement and Contracting Division 41 Material Processing and Handling
Requirements Equipment

The Construction Specifications Institute has established Those using the Web site can print reports on specific
GreenFormat: The Construction Product Sustainability products based on their questions within the database.
Information Reporting Guide. GreenFormat is a new CSI Sustainable information reported in GreenFormat is
format allowing manufacturers to accurately report the grouped into categories, each containing individual topics
sustainability measuring properties of their products, and questions about product sustainability. The categories
and providing designers, contractors, and building are organized with topics more likely to be important
operators with basic information to help meet “green” to design decisions first. This flexible structure can adapt
requirements. When using GreenFormat, construction to anticipated changes in the industry. As sustainability
product manufacturers complete an online GreenFormat issues evolve, new topics and questions are added in the
reporting questionnaire that collects the sustainable appropriate category, and existing topics and questions
information about their product. Data from the that become obsolete or change are dropped if necessary.
questionnaires are displayed in a standardized style The structure can be applied to all construction products
designed to ease sustainable design decision making. and product categories. Refer to
Access to the GreenFormat report and the resulting data to see the categories and their contents and to view
is provided through additional information about GreenFormat.

Division 42 Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying commissioning, operation, and decommissioning.
Equipment The purpose of UniFormat is to achieve consistency
Division 43 Process Gas and Liquid Handling, in economic evaluation of projects; enhance report-
Purification, and Storage Equipment ing of design program information; and promote
consistency in filing information for facility manage-
Division 44 Pollution Control Equipment
ment, drawing details, and construction market data.
Division 45 Industry-Specific Manufacturing UniFormat classifies information into nine level-one
Equipment categories, which can be used to arrange brief project
Divisions 46 and 47 Reserved descriptions and preliminary cost information. The
Division 48 Electrical Power Generation first level-one category is Project Description, which
includes information about the project, through cost
Division 49 Reserved
estimating and funding. The last eight level-one cat-
egories are referred to as Construction Systems and
The UniFormat Uniform Assemblies, which include construction applications
Classification System and practices, such as foundation, roofing, exteriors,
electrical, and plumbing. Each of the Construction
UniFormat is a uniform classification system for orga- Systems and Assembly categories is identified with a
nizing preliminary construction information into a letter and title as follows:
standard order or sequence on the basis of functional
elements. Functional elements, also referred to as A—Substructure
systems or assemblies, are common major compo- B—Shell
nents in buildings that perform a known function
regardless of the design specification, construction
method, or materials used. The use of UniFormat can D—Services
provide consistent comparable data across an entire E—Equipment and Finishings
building life cycle. Building life cycle refers to the F—Special Construction and Demolition
observation and examination of a building over the
course of its entire life. The life cycle of a building G—Building Site Work
considers everything about the building from design, Z—General
Chapter 8: Construction Specifications 149

UniFormat has a numbering system that divides

each level-one category into level-two, level-three,
Coordinating Drawings
level-four, and level-five titles with set alphanumeric
and Specifications
labels. The following is an example showing the first A complete set of construction documents contains
three levels of the UniFormat alphanumeric system for drawings and specifications. These combined draw-
a specific category: ings and specifications are often referred to as plans.
Level 1: D Services One person or a unified team of people should coor-
dinate drawings and specifications. The elements used
Level 2: D20 Plumbing in the drawings and specifications, such as symbols,
Level 3: D2010 Plumbing Fixtures abbreviations, and terminology, should be standard-
ized to prevent confusion. After the construction
documents are prepared in a professional manner, the
CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS construction coordination must be conducted with
Documents is a general term that refers to all draw- effective communication.
ings and written information related to a project. The drawings should locate and identify materi-
Construction documents are drawings and written als and should include the assembly of components,
specifications prepared and assembled by architects dimensions, details, and diagrams. The drawings have
and engineers for communicating the design of the notes, but notes should be used only to identify, not to
project and administering the construction contract. describe, a material or part. Overly detailed notes can
The two major groups of construction documents obscure the drawing. Detailed written information
are bidding requirements and contract documents. should be placed in the specifications. Symbols used
Bidding requirements are used to attract bidders in the set of drawings should be represented as an
and explain the procedures to be used for submitting approved standard and should be shown and labeled
bids. Bidding requirements are the construction docu- in a legend for reference purposes. Drawings do not
ments issued to bidders for the purpose of providing need to be cross-referenced to the specifications.
construction bids. Contract documents are the legal Drawings and specifications are combined to become
requirements that become part of the construction the complete set of construction documents, which
contract. The construction drawings and specifications means that you do not have to provide notes that
are found within the contract documents. refer to the specifications when identifying an item
on the drawings. The specifications are used to define
the specific quality and type of material, equipment,
Construction Drawings and installation. The drawings provide quantity,
capacity, location, and general written information in
As you learn concepts and develop skills covered the form of notes, whereas the specifications clearly
throughout this textbook, you will be creating con- define items such as minimum requirements, physi-
struction drawings. Drawings show lines and text cal properties, chemical composition, and installation
for the purpose of providing information about the procedures. Schedules are used on drawings to help
project. These drawings are a principal part of the simplify communication by providing certain items
set of construction documents. The individual draw- in a table format. The schedules can be placed on the
ings needed depend on the specific requirements of drawings or in the specifications. The information
the construction project. The drawings for a small found in schedules or on the drawings should not
residential addition might fit on one or two pages, repeat the information found in the specifications.
while the drawings for a commercial building might The drawings, schedules, and specifications must be
be on a hundred or more pages. Drawings vary in how carefully coordinated so the information is consis-
much information they show, depending on the use, tent. The MasterFormat divisions and sublevels can
the project phase, and the desired representation. In be used as a checklist to ensure that every required
addition to plan views, elevations, sections and details, specification is included. MasterFormat is an effective
drawings can have schedules that have a detailed list system for indexing specifications for large projects,
of components, items, or parts to be furnished in the and can be used for light commercial or residential
project. You will create all of these drawings and fea- construction.
tures as you progress through this textbook.
150 Architectural Drafting and Design

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES See CD for more information

The following Web sites can be used as a resource GreenFormat report and the
to help you find information related to construction resulting data
specification procedures and keep current with trends National Association of
in the industry. Home Builders
These Web site links are also provided on the Student U.S. Department of Housing
CD where you can select a link and go automatically to and Urban Development
the specified Web site.
Company, Product,
Address or Service Construction Specifications
Canada Construction Specifications

See CD
for more
Construction Specifications Test information

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions with short, com- f. Roof
plete statements or drawings as needed on an 8 1/2" × 11" sheet g. Chimney and fireplace
of notebook paper, or complete the electronic chapter test on
h. Thermal insulation and heating
the Student CD.
1. Letter your name, Chapter 8 Test, and the date at the top of i. Fire warning system
the sheet. A partial example would be as follows:
2. Letter the question number and provide the answer. You do
4. d. Framing
not need to write the question. Answers can be prepared on
a word processor if approved by your course guidelines. 1. lumber grades
2. beams bearing area
Question 8–1 Give a general definition of construction
specifications. Question 8–5 Briefly describe the format established
by the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) for
Question 8–2 Identify the basic differences between
construction specifications.
residential and commercial specifications.
Question 8–6 Define work results.
Question 8–3 List four factors that influence the specific
requirements of minimum residential construction Question 8–7 Define functional elements.
specifications established by local building officials. Question 8–8 Define systems or assemblies.
Question 8–4 Refer to the Student CD: Supplemental Question 8–9 Define building life cycle.
Reference, TYPICAL MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION Question 8–10 Define construction documents.
Question 8–11 Define bidding requirements.
general terms, list the typical minimum construction
requirements for the following categories: Question 8–12 Define contract documents.
a. Room dimensions
b. Light and ventilation PROBLEMS
c. Foundation
Problem 8–1 Obtain a blank copy of the FHA
d. Framing Description of Materials form from your instructor,
e. Stairways from the Student CD, or by doing an Internet search
Chapter 8: Construction Specifications 151

using the words FHA Description of Materials. Make between proprietary product specifications, method
a copy or print of the Description of Materials form specifications, and end-result specifications.
and keep it in a notebook or folder for reference. Problem 8–3 Use a word processor to write an
Alternately, if you access the Description of Materials approximately 500-word report covering the
form from the Internet, you can save a copy in a Construction Specifications Institute and Construction
file with the same name on your computer. As you Specifications Canada MasterFormat: Master List
progress through this textbook, problems are assigned of Numbers and Titles for the Construction Industry.
that allow you to complete a set of residential working Include detailed information about the purpose and
drawings. Access and complete the Description of function of this specifications format. Explain and
Materials form as you complete each drawing in the set show an example of the numbering system. List the
of architectural plans for the residence you select or are MasterFormat division numbers and titles.
assigned as a continuing problem. If you create more
Problem 8–4 Use a word processor to write an
than one set of plans, fill out a separate Description of
approximately 250-word report covering construction
Materials form for each set of working drawings.
documents, construction drawings, and coordinating
Problem 8–2 Use a word processor to write an drawings and specifications.
approximately 150-word report covering the difference

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