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4179/95 FP900 E 10.7.

2000 11:18 Uhr Seite 1

Thermal Analysis

Rapid and automatic

determination of thermal values

Thermal values,
thermal microscopy and
scanning calorimetry

FP90 Central Processor

FP modules
FP system software
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METTLER TOLEDO FP90 Central Processor

Performance, convenience

and precision

Modern production processes fre- The FP90 Central Processor The simple solution:
quently require exact knowledge of The FP90 is the communication and stored methods
the thermal behavior of substances control unit of the FP900 Thermo- The method concept of the FP90
under different conditions. Whether system. After attachment of the allows fully automatic experiments
you develop new products with op- desired measuring cell to the FP90, with minimum effort. All required
timized properties or routinely deter- the corresponding menu functions instructions for a method (tempera-
mine deviations from a standard – are automatically activated. ture program, options for evaluation
thermal values are an inviolable and result recording) can be com-
indicator. In the FP900 Thermo- Function keys bined under a number and stored.
system, you have an efficient work- The six function keys provide you The FP90 already has 15 standard
ing aid to perform your daily routine with access to all software opera- methods stored; you can define 35
analyses. tions of the FP90. If a computer additional methods to suit your own
keyboard is attached, its function requirements.
keys become active; their assign-
ment remains the same. Records to GLP and EN
The FP90 supports various commer-
Display cial printers with a serial interface.
The display is the information center You have a virtually completely free
of the FP900 system and covers hand in the design of your record:
practically all aspects of information • experimental curve with auto-
and operation: matic scaling
• You conduct the dialog with the • system configuration
instrument on the menu and • the method used, with tempera-
command lines ture program and evaluation
• Configuration, module mode and criteria
current method are shown • the numeric result
• Status displays inform you of the • statistical evaluations (number of
progress of the measurement measurements, mean value,
• Individual results such as melting standard deviation)
points, dropping points are shown • sample identification
Final inspection immediately. • date, time
and check in the
lab ensure the
quality of your

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Alphanumeric entries Adaptable and expandable

Characteristics of the FP90 Central Processor
Bar codes have proved their worth With the entry-level configuration
• accurate, objective results thanks to automatic
and gained general acceptance in comprising a measuring cell and
detection of the event temperature
routine analysis for the repetitive the FP90, you can already solve
• time tested method concept: fully automatic and
reading in of sample data. You can demanding routine tasks. You can
rapid running of the temperature program, end
use a computer keyboard attached expand your area of application
point detection, evaluation and result printout
to the FP90 to enter sample names with additional measuring cells,
• multiple measurements with automatic calcula-
or read in the bar codes with a options for the alphanumeric entry
tion of mean values and standard deviations
commercial wand reader. of sample data and a printer for
• user calibration
• method concept, rapid or slow heating or cool-
ing, isothermal phases
• remote control keys for thermal microscopy
Even during pro- • powerful performance for research, quality control
duction you can
check and correct and product development
the properties of • wide temperature input range –100... 600 °C;
your products.
the instrument is thus designed for future use with
measuring cells with an extended temperature
• all measuring cells of the METTLER TOLEDO
FP800 Thermosystem are fully upward compat-
ible with the FP90

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Fully automatic,

accurate and standardized

Melting, boiling and cloud points Differential thermal analysis

with METTLER TOLEDO FP81HT A time tested method
You can use this measuring cell for METTLER TOLEDO FP85
the fully automatic determination of DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis)
melting points, boiling and cloud is one of the most frequently used
points. Melting points can be deter- thermoanalytical methods. Detailed
mined according to pharmacopoeia knowledge of raw materials or inter-
(measuring cell temperature) or mediates is of great importance.
thermodynamically by correction to Simple routine measurements with
the sample temperature. Melting a METTLER TOLEDO FP85 quickly
point determinations can be per- provide information on the melting
formed simultaneously in the three ranges or the crystallinity of both
measuring slots of the FP81HT – transparent and nontransparent
this assures a high sample through- samples. A rapid comparison with
put. Work intensive tests such as specification values is possible with-
identity tests are quickly handled out time consuming investigations.
with the FP81HT: the sample is
mixed with the reference substance The features of the FP85
and measured (mixed melting • Simple operation; permanently
point). If the melting points of the installed reference crucible
sample, mixture and reference sub- • Reliable, rugged construction
stance are the same, the identity is • Simple evaluations such as melt-
already proven. ing and boiling range built into
the FP90 Central Controller
Dropping and softening points • For qualitative characterization,
with METTLER TOLEDO FP83HT the experimental signal can be
With this measuring cell you can recorded with a dot matrix printer
determine dropping and softening • Expandable to a system solution:
points of fats, resins, bitumen and optimum PC software package for
pasty products fully automatically. rapid, interactive evaluation of the
Standardized sample cups and DSC curves.
measurement method assure you of
comparable measurement results.

4179/95 FP900 E 10.7.2000 11:19 Uhr Seite 5

Thermo-optical measurements
The sample is subjected to a tem-
perature program and visually ob-
served through a microscope, pho-
tographed or filmed by a video
camera. Special events can be
marked during the measurement
and documented as a function of


The samples are positioned
between commercial slides and
a cover glass. The photomonitor
available as an option allows deter-
mination and plotting of the light
intensity of the field of view as a
function of temperature. This permits
even complex substances (e.g. li-
quid crystals) to be investigated.


Simultaneously allows visual obser-
vation of the sample and measure-
ment of heat flows following the DSC Application fields of measuring cells FP81C FP81HT FP82HT FP83HT FP84HT FP85
principle. You thus gain qualitative Melting point ● ● ●
and quantitative information on the Melting range ● ● ● ●
chemical or physical changes Melting and solidification behavior ● ● ●
Crystallinity, crystal formation ● ● ●
occurring in your sample. For exam-
Cloud point ● ●
ple, color changes, melting, poly- Boiling point ● ●
morphism, crystal transformations Purity ● ● ●
or decompositions can be detected Eutectic melting ● ● ●
and documented. Phase transition, polymorphism ● ● ●
Decomposition temperature ● ● ●
Oxidative stability ●
Glass transition ●
Heat of reaction ● ●
Heat of fusion and transition ● ●
Dehydration ● ● ●
Curing ● ●
Dropping point of edible fats ●
5 Softening point of pitch, asphalt ●
4179/95 FP900 E 10.7.2000 11:19 Uhr Seite 6


Measure, store, evaluate

Software supported thermal Your benefits with the FP99A

analysis • with the FP99A you can control
The FP99A system software supports all functions of the instrument
measurements and evaluations with combinations FP90/FP84HT and
the FP84HT and FP85 Measuring FP90/FP85.
Cells. The evaluation of thermoana- • you can follow what you measure
lytical experimental curves, the online on the screen and store
graphical processing and the docu- following the measurement
mentation are implemented in the • powerful algorithms allow you to
simplest possible way. evaluate the experimental curves
to suit your requirements
Wide application range • you can compare experimental
The FP99A system software is suit- curves with stored reference
able for both the quantitative evalu- curves and immediately make a
ation of thermoanalytical experi- qualitative assessment.
mental curves in routine work and • the functions integrated in MS-
qualitative curve comparison in WINDOWSTM facilitate further pro-
research and product development. cessing and presentation
The simple and logical operation of • the FP99A system software allows
the software as well as the window you rapid access to stored meas-
technique familiar from MS-WIN- urements.
DOWSTM facilitates your entry into
the software supported analysis

The FP99A system

software is suitable
for both the quanti-
tative evaluation of
DSC curves and
easily surveyed
curve comparison.

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Technical data FP90

Temperature measurement Input range –100... 600 °C
FP900 system Temperature display °C, °F, K
Heating/cooling rate controlled 0...20 °C/min, the cooling rate depends on the particular measuring cell
Temperature recording Pt100 sensor, accuracy dependent on the measuring cells
T compensation = 0.1 °C deviation per 10 °C change in the ambient temperature
Methods Entry dialog for sample data, measurement conditions, evaluation procedures and result recording
Method storage 15 standard methods (incl. temperature calibration) and 35 freely definable methods
Evaluation principles Melting range, melting, cloud, boiling, dropping and softening point
% transmission, threshold values for end point detection configurable
Statistics Mean value, relative standard deviation of all calculated results
Display LCD with graphics capability, 6 lines, 36 characters per line 60 x 256 pixels, menu and command line
Languages Two; English plus choice of either German, French, Italian, Spanish or Flemish
Date Built-in clock with date (battery backed)
Ambient temperature +20...32 °C
Weight 13.4 kg
Dimensions 305 x 485 x 155 mm (w x d x h)
Power supply Voltage 110/120/220/240 VAC selectable, +10... –15%; frequency 50/60 Hz; power consumption 210 VA
Measuring cell connection 64-pin, measuring cells of FP800HT series are attachable
Printer/PC connection RS232C (25-pin/f) for commercial printers with Epson emulation and compatibles
Keyboard connection 5-pin connector, recommended keyboard: CHERRY G81-1600 with integrated connection for bar-code reader
Bar-code reader 5-pin connector, bar-code reader from CHERRY
Tests S+ and CSA Conformity mark: CE


The accuracy of the
Temperature range normal operation RT ... 375 °C Temperature range normal operation RT ... 375 °C
melting and dropping
with cooling –20 ... 375 °C with cooling –20 ... 375 °C
points was determined
at a heating rate of Accuracy melting point –20 ... +30 °C ± 0.4 °C Accuracy dropping point –20 ... +30 °C ± 0.4 °C
0.2 °C/min, the boiling 30 ... 200 °C ± 0.2 °C –20 ... 400 °C ± 0.2 °C
point at a heating rate 200 ... 375 °C ± 0.5 °C 200 ... 375 °C ± 0.5 °C
of 1 °C/min. Reference Boiling point –20 ... +30 °C ± 1.2 °C Reproducibility dropping point 0.3 °C
sample for melting 30 ... 200 °C ± 0.6 °C Sample throughput dropping point 8/h
point: benzoic acid; for 200 ... 375 °C ± 1.5 °C Sample quantity dropping point 0.4 ... 0.6 g
melting range: benzoic Reproducibility melting point 0.1 °C Standards The FP83 is mentioned in the following standards:
acid; for boiling point:
melting range 0.2 °C AOCS Cc 18-80
94% ethanol; for drop-
boiling point 0.3 °C ASTM D 3140-82/4361-85/3954/566/2265
ping point: 99.9%
stearic acid. Sample throughput melting point 30/h DIN 51920
boiling point 10/h
Sample quantity melting point 1 ... 3 mg
boiling point 50 ... 80 µL FP84HT
Standards JIS K 4101, JIS K 0064 Temperature range Normal operation RT ... 375 °C
with cooling –60 ... 375 °C
Accuracy hot stage temperature –60 ... –20 °C ± 0.8 °C
–20 ... 100 °C ± 0.4 °C
Microphotography FP82HT 100 ... 200 °C ± 0.6 °C
FP82HT and FP84HT
Temperature range normal operation RT ... 375 °C 200 ... 300 °C ± 0.8 °C
Shutter synchroniza-
with cooling -60 ... 375 °C Reproducibility melting point 0.2 °C
tion: At camera end
1 ms/min.; floating Accuracy hot stage temperature –60 ... –20 °C ± 0.8 °C enthalpy typically 5%
contact, resistance –20 ... 100 °C ± 0.4 °C Sensitivity thermometric typically 100 µV/°C
100 ohm max. 100 ... 200 °C ± 0.6 °C calorimetric typically 400 points/mW
At handset end: voltage 200 ... 300 °C ± 0.8 °C Sensor DTA 5-element thermopile
via open contact Reproducibility melting point 0.2 °C gold/nickel
3.75 V; source resis- Sample chamber field of view ∅ 2.5 mm Sample chamber 45 x 30 x 2 mm
tance = 1 kohm; cable distance objective sample 7 mm field of view ∅ 2 mm
32 cm; male connector
distance objective micro hot stage 29 mm distance objective sample 7 mm
following DIN
General data dimensions w x d x h 195 x 85 x 28 mm distance objective micro hot stage 29 mm
weight 1.0 kg General data Dimensions w x d x h 195 x 85 x 28 mm
Standards ASTM D 2117 Weight 1.0 kg

FP85 P99A system software for FP84HT and FP85

Temperature range normal operation RT ... 400 °C Hardware IBM PC AT or compatible, IBM PS/2
with cooling -20 ... 400 °C Requirements 640 KB RAM free memory
Accuracy of cell temperature –20 ... 30 °C ± 0.7 °C MS-DOS 5.0 or higher
30 ... 100 °C ± 0.5 °C hard disk with min. 1 MB free storage capacity
100 ... 200 °C ± 0.7 °C MS-Windows 3.1 or higher
200 ... 300 °C ± 1.2 °C graphics adapter EGA or VGA
300 ... 400 °C ± 1.5 °C diskette drive HD 3.5”
calorimetric typical 5% graphics monitor
Reproducibility melting range ± 0.4 °C 1 serial interface RS232C
boiling range ± 0.4 °C 1 parallel interface (Centronics)
enthalpy 1% Language English
Sensitivity calorimetric typical 240 points/mW Printer compatible with the printer drivers
Cooling behavior uncontrolled typically from 400 to 100 °C in 3.5 min installed under Windows
controlled –10 °C/min to 40 °C (at RT 25 °C)
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
7 DTA sensor chromel/alumel type K MS-WINDOWS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
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Mettler-Toledo AG, Analytical

Sonnenbergstrasse 74
CH-8603 Schwerzenbach
Tel. (01) 806 77 11
Telefax (01) 806 73 50
BE N.V. Mettler-Toledo S.A.
Frans Walravensstraat 84, B-1651 Lot
Phone (02) 334 02 11
Fax (02) 378 16 65
CN Mettler-Toledo (Shanghai) Ltd.
4th Floor, Building A-E,
471 Gui Pin Road, Shanghai
Phone (8621) 485 39 32
Fax (8621) 485 33 51
Matching your quality demands Ask for our product documentation
DK Mettler-Toledo A/S
Lyngbyvej 172, fully on the subject of material charac-
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Our quality products are developed, terization
Phone (39) 29 04 00
Fax (39) 29 04 26 produced and tested in accordance We offer a large selection of system
GB Mettler-Toledo Ltd. with mandatory international stand- combinations for the determination
64 Boston Road, Beaumont Leys, ards. Our affiliated companies in of thermal values such as melting,
Leicester, LE4 1AW
Phone (0116) 235 0888 Greifensee, Schwerzenbach (CH) boiling, dropping and cloud points.
Fax (0116) 235 2837 and Albstadt (D) have been award- Different measuring modules (DSC,
NL Mettler-Toledo B.V.
Postbus 6006, NL-4000 HA Tiel
ed the ISO 9001 quality assurance TGA, TMA, TOA) and software are
Phone (0031) 344-63 83 63 certificate thus proving that their available for thermal analysis.
Fax (0031) 344-63 83 90 quality assurance system satisfies
PL Mettler-Toledo SP, z o.o.
Al. W. Witosa 31,
the highest level of requirements.
PL-00-710 Warszawa
Phone (48) 2 640 1540
Fax (48) 2 640 1253
Conformité Européenne.
SE Mettler-Toledo AB
Virkesvägen 10, Box 92161, As a customer of METTLER TOLEDO
S-12008 Stockholm you have constant profit from the
Phone (08) 702 50 00
Fax (08) 642 45 62 latest safety developments. The CE
SG Mettler-Toledo (S.A.E.) Pte Ltd. mark provides you with the assur-
26, Ayer Raja Crescent 02-04 ance that our products comply with
Singapore 0513
Phone (65) 778 6779 the applicable EU directives (e.g.
Fax (65) 778 6639 immunity to radiated noise, noise
TH Mettler-Toledo (Thailand)
emission, etc.)
272 Block A3, Rama 9 Road,
Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310
Phone (66 2) 719 64 80-87
Fax (66 2) 719 64 79
US Mettler-Toledo Inc.
P.O. Box 71, Hightstown, Our worldwide service package in-
NJ 08520-0071, USA cludes: Installation and instruction,
Phone (609) 448-3000
Fax (609) 586 54 51
SERVICE application guidance, maintenance
and repair. Increasing importance is
Other Mettler-Toledo companies being placed on the periodic check
AT Mettler-Toledo Ges.m.b.H., Wien
and calibration, particularly follow-
CH Mettler-Toledo (Schweiz) AG, Greifensee
ing ISO 9000. With a METTLER
DE Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Giessen
TOLEDO preventive maintenance
ES Mettler-Toledo S.A.E., Barcelona
FR Mettler-Toledo s.a., Viroflay agreement, the value of your pur-
IT Mettler-Toledo S.p.A., Novate Milanese chase will be maintained for many
years to come.

Subject to technical changes

© 1/96 Mettler-Toledo AG
Printed in Switzerland ME-51724833
MCG MarCom Greifensee

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