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Paul Romil L.

Sumobay June 17, 2023

NCMC student

Bring home exam. Answer the questions below by EXPLAINING.

1. TOPIC: Lewis antibodies in relation to:

Question no.1

What are the factors that inhibits Lewis antibodies from causing HDN. Discuss each factors

• Lewis antibodies do not cause HDFN because Lewis antigens are not present on fetal RBCs and most
antibodies to Lewis antigens are IgM and not able to cross the placenta. These antibodies seldom cause
any clinical problems, but are commonly found in pregnant women

Queation 2. Give 1 example of Lewis antibodies biological role in bacterial infection and malignancy.

•Anti-Lea that is present in the serum produces fucosyltransferase that is one of the of the components
in making the heavy chain. The role of the Heavy chain is they allow for antigen-specific binding and
subsequent activation of B lymphocytes that is very useful for our bodies immunity against infections
and malignancy.

Question 3. If Lewis antigen negative blood is not available for transfusion, what specific blood
component can be used. Explain why.

•If Lewis antigen negative blood is not available as of the moment for a blood transfusion, the specific
blood componeny that I can used as a replacement for the Lewis antigen is the ABO blood antigens
because the Lewis antigens are biochemically related to the ABO blood antigens.

2. Topic: lipid and lipoprotein measurement

Question 1. Discuss the ideal time of fasting prior to venepuncture. Explain why

•The ideal time of fasting for a blood sugar test is usually between 8–12 hours. The patient will usually
fast overnight and do the test early in the morning. Fasting helps ensure that the blood test produce an
accurate measure of fasting blood sugar levels.

Question 2. Discuss the proper storage of serum or plasma for lipid and lipoprotein analysis.

• Sample serum or plasma for lipid and lipoprotein analysis should be stored in a glass container like
tubes specifically the one with clot activator and gel for separating serum from cells but include no

Question 3. Discuss the the principle of Friedewald equation

• The principle of the Friedewald formula has two ways. First is since very low-density lipoprotein carries
most of the circulating triglycerides, VLDL-cholesterol can be estimated reasonably well as TG
concentrations divided by constant. Second is TC is distributed among the three major lipoprotein
subclasses the HDL, LDL and VLDL. There are though some limitations as to the calculation of LDL-C
according to the LDL-F formula, the two most common being that the patient needs to be fasting for at
least 12 hours and that TG levels have to be <400 mg/dL
3. Topic: lab management and QC

1. Define precision and accuracy and site examples

• Precision is the closeness of two or more measurements to each other. Example is if you weigh
something like a ball five times and get 3.2 kg each time your measurement is being precise.

• Accuracy is the correct or expected outcome of a something. Example is you know that the expected
weight of a ball you bought is 3.2 kg, you try to measure the ball using measuring tools like a scale and
the result is also 3.2 kg

2. Is it better to have higher accuracy than precision? Or the other way around. Explain your answeres
by siting examples.

• It is better to be precie than be accurate ,for example in a medical laboratory setting, you are testing a
patients blood sample for CBC, there are no accurate range or result but rather there is a precise range
that you are basing in order for you to determine if the patients lab result is lower, higher or within the
expected range.

3. As chief medical technologist, you found out that 1 of your personnel occasionally commits mistake in
performing lab examinations. What will be your intervention to resolve this issue.

• As the chief medical technologist I would like to talk to that one personnel who occasionally commits
mistake, I would like to ask if there is a problem with them emotionally, mentally and physically. I would
like to know what are the root causes for this mistakes and would try my best to resolved it in the best
of my ability but if is still wont do any changes I might have to let go that one personnel professionally.

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