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Narrator 1: Our Year 4 classes really enjoyed reading “Cliffhanger” by Jacqueline Wilson for our

Big Read. It tells the story of Tim who finds himself sent on an adventure holiday by his Mum
and Dad.
Narrator 2: Tim hates all sports so an adventure holiday isn't exactly his idea of fun. When he's
there, though, he meets some new friends, Biscuits, Giles, Jake, Sally and Kelly. By the end of
the book Tim's experiences have transformed his view of adventure holidays and himself.
Tim, a 10-year-old boy
Dad, Tim's father
Giles, a sporty boy
Biscuits, a friendly boy
Jake, an adventure holiday leader
Sally, an adventure holiday leader
Kelly, a girl from Tim's team

Act 1:
Mona’s sofa, remote control, cardboard. Moustache (shopee)
Narrator 1: Tim is watching TV when his dad enters the room.
(Scene opens with Tim sitting on the couch watching TV while Dad enters the room)
Dad: Tim, I have a great idea! How about going on an adventure holiday for children?
Tim: (looking uninterested) No, thanks. I don't want to go.
Dad: But when I was your age, I was very good at sports, and I want you to be too.
Tim: (sighing) Alright, I'll go.

Act 2:
Show slides background, bowls with some snacks
Narrator 2: Tim arrives at the adventure holiday camp.
(Scene opens with Tim arriving at the adventure holiday camp)
Tim: (mumbling) I don't want to be here.
Giles: (approaching Tim) Hey, you're in my team. Let's show these other losers how it's done.
Tim: (rolling his eyes) Great.
Biscuits: (approaching Tim and Giles) Hi! My name is Biscuits, and I love to eat. What about
you guys?
Giles: (teasing Biscuits) Looks like you love to eat a bit too much.
Tim: (defending Biscuits) Leave him alone. He's cool.
Act 3:
Show slides of cliff, borrow from PE (rope), a wall from MR DIY
Narrator 1: Tim and his team is preparing for the cliffhanging (abseiling) challenge and Tim is
(Scene opens with Tim and his team preparing for the abseiling challenge)
Jake: (explaining the rules) Remember, don't let go of the rope.
Tim: (nervously) Okay, got it.
(As Tim is abseiling down, he accidentally lets go of the rope)
Tim: (screaming) Aaaaaah, I’m going to fall off the cliff. Help!
Jake: (guiding Tim on what to do) Grab onto the wall with your feet and slowly lower yourself
(Tim successfully makes it down)
Tim: (breathing heavily) That was scary.
Act 4:
Show canoeing background, doll (from counselor room)
Narrator 2: Next, they go canoeing, and Tim's team is almost winning. But Kelly drops her troll
doll, and they have to stop.
(Scene opens with Tim and his team canoeing)
Kelly: (dropping her troll doll into the water, feeling upset) Oh no, my troll!
Tim: (Tim jumps into the water to retrieve the troll doll) Don’t worry, Kelly, I’ll get it.
Kelly: Be careful!

Tim: (soaking wet) (add one line to show that he is wet) Got it!
Kelly: Thank you!!
Act 5:
Colourful buckets from the cleaner, ask year 5& 6for the long ruler
Narrator 1: It’s the final task and the teams have to collect water and put it into the buckets
(Scene opens with Tim and his team preparing for the final task)
Sally: (explaining the rules) You must collect water and put it into your team's bucket. The team
with the most water wins.
(Everyone starts running around collecting water)
Jake: (announcing the final task) Now, you must carry the bucket to the finish line without
spilling any water.
(Tim comes up with a solution and successfully carries the bucket to the finish line without
spilling any water)
Team: (cheering) Yay, Tim! You did it!
Tim: (proudly) Thanks, guys.
Narrator 2: From this story, we’ve learnt that we want to show resilience and try to be brave
when we face with new challenges.
Narrator 1&2: Let us present to you a song called “Brave”.

Say what you wanna say

And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
See you be brave
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you

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