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On-The-Job Training Programme (OJT)


 The ( 600-hour) internship program provides the students the opportunity to

apply and integrate knowledge and skills gained in the Business Administration
program through an individualized work experience. Students should be able to
gain an understanding or real-world business experience through a specific
position or a specialized project, develop skills for organizing assigned
responsibilities and managing time and multiple priorities and utilize
communication skills, interpersonal skills, team work, and problem-solving


 Provide actual workplace experience/ exposure that is aligned with

the curricula such that student’s training become responsive and
applicable to industry demand;
 Clearly establish the roles and responsibilities of involved parties
and provide for protocols regarding situations that may arise; and
 Enrich the department’s network and linkages with industry
businesses and companies and establish strategic agreements
focusing on the creation of clear objectives, clear expectations of
learning verification and effective monitoring and implementation
specific to the Internship program

1 Introduction

  1.1 Company History

1.2 Products/ Services Offered by the Company
1.3 Company Organization (present an organization chart)


1. Students look for a company where they are supposed to undertake on-
the-job training. Students are advised to look for jobs/ internships which are
related to their courses. The company and the job where the Practicum is to
be taken has to be approved by the OJT Coordinator and the Academic Dean.

On-The-Job Training/Internship
During the fourth year of the program, students are usually required to attend an On the Job Training
(OJT) in relevant workplaces such as corporations and business companies. Students are given the
opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in an actual work setting. Usually, universities require
them to submit a written report on their tasks, learning experiences, and hours rendered. Their work
performance will also be evaluated by their immediate managers and will be submitted to their
respective OJT coordinator. The number of hours required may differ in each university.

What is On The Job Training? 

First things first, what is OJT? On the job training is a hands-on method of imparting
the vital knowledge, skills, and competencies required for employees to accomplish
specific tasks within the workplace. According to Garavan et al., on the job training
represents a set of processes that happen within a specific organizational context
and involve assimilating and acquiring integrated clusters of values, skills,
knowledge, and feelings that lead to fundamental changes in behaviors of a worker
or teams (Nakahara & Matsuo, 2013).

As a training program for students, OJT is designed to immerse learners in work

environments relevant to their area of study in an attempt to learn knowledge on,
productivity in, and respect for the workplace. Beyond helping students apply the
principles, ideas, and theories learned in the classroom, it enables them to level up
their technical skills, knowledge, and attitude towards work (Career, n.d). This way,
it enables students to gain work experience and in most cases (6 out of 10), it
converts into full-time employment (Adams, 2012). This is backed by recent studies
showing that 56.1% of interns get converted into employees (NACE, 2019).

When is the Best Time to Join On The Job Training Experience?

The probability of a fresh graduate finding employment increases with the time
since graduation (Garrouste & Rodrigues, 2012). This simply means that the
transition from education to the labor market is particularly difficult immediately
after graduation. To streamline this process, employers and learning institutions
advocate for better implementation of student’s on the job training.

So, when is the best time for students to join on the job training experience?

The answer is, at the tail end of an academic journey. This is because OJT functions
as a springboard to a better career and when administered close to or immediately
after graduation, its effectiveness is optimized. In this regard, some institutions
require students to complete a specific number of hours of on the job training as a
prerequisite for graduation with bachelor’s, advanced diploma, or diploma.

This is not always the case, however, since in some countries such as Germany and
Denmark, on the job training is perfectly embedded into the curriculum (Mulder,
Messmann, & Konig, 2015). This program, known as the dual apprenticeship
system, aims to help students aged 16 to 19 years take up on-the-job training as
part of their degree course. With this system, instead of spending the entire
semester at school, students will spend 70% of their learning time in a workplace
and 30% in a classroom (Expatrio, n.d). The program takes approximately three
years and almost certainly leads to secure employment.
Who Conducts On The Job Training?
On the job training is a program that students take to gain hands-on experience in
the workplace and increase employability. It is a meticulously structured plan with
clearly outlined phases and procedures that need to be adhered to.

One thing you ought to know is that, while the student is the intended beneficiary
of the entire process, he/she is not the sole partaker. The OJT coordinator, the
institution through relevant departments, partner OJT institution (workplace), and
onsite supervisor, all play a hugely significant role in seeing out this program. With
all these people taking part, it begs the question of who really conducts the on the
job training for students.

To precisely respond, the OJT is conducted by the on-site supervisor. The supervisor
is responsible for assigning roles to trainees and determining which department in
the organization they can best apply principles, ideas, and theories acquired in the
academe. In addition, he/she is tasked with supervising the student for the duration
of the OJT and evaluating performance using stipulated standards of the school
(Career, n.d).

Moreover, the supervisor regularly meets with the faculty practicum coordinator to
discuss observations and issues that arise during the training. Upon completion of
on the job training, the on-site supervisor prepares a detailed evaluation of the
student and submits it to the practicum coordinator for further action (Career, n.d).
However, it is to be noted that the faculty practicum coordinator is in charge of the
OJT program’s overall implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

Types of On The Job Training

On the job training is an active employment policy measure aimed at increasing

employability and competitiveness in the labor markets. But, since employability is
a complex concept that blends multiple aspects such as motivation, knowledge,
skills, and attitudes (CRELL, 2012), students can approach OJT in a number of ways.

The most common methods of on the job training for students include:

 Internship. An internship is a form of on the job training designed for college

students who want to gain real-world expertise to enhance knowledge acquired in
the classroom. Generally, this is a short-term or part-time work experience (paid or
unpaid) that helps students gain practical and technical skills in their industry or
positions. An internship is almost expected for any graduate seeking employment.
 Apprenticeship. An apprenticeship is a paid, on the job training opportunity for
young professionals to get a foot in the door of a skilled craft/trade or ascend the
professional qualification ladder. Unlike internships, apprenticeships are not
networking or resume-building opportunities. They are structured programs that
offer students a formal way to gain skills on the career path they wish to follow.
Apprenticeships combine on the job training with classroom learning and take an
average of 3-4 years to complete. They are mainstays in industries such as
carpentry, construction, plumbing, and electrical.

Population College Undergrad population Violent Crime Rate Pro

27,642 Curry College 2,342 0.4% 2.2

 Cooperative work experience. This is another intriguing type of on the job training
where students balance classroom theory with structured periods of practical,
hands-on work experience prior to graduation to gain valuable experience in their
field of study. Like internships, cooperative work experience is an integral part of a
program of study, particularly a certificate and associate degree.
 Credit for prior learning (CPL). Also known as Prior Learning Assessment (PLA),
this is a form of work-based learning used across states in the U.S. The program
works best for college students who want to earn credits for classes and activities
done outside the formal college settings. It decreases remediation and can reduce
the time until graduation by 2.5 to 10.1 months (Lumina Foundation for Education,
 Entrepreneurship. This is the most extreme form of on the job training, where a
student starts a business to learn key skills and competencies on the fly. As a result
of running the business, a graduate learns how to manage cash flow, employees,
inventory, and marketing, and negotiating with customers and suppliers.
 Other forms of on the job training for students include job shadowing and service-
What Can You Learn from OJT?

Put simply, students who undertake an on the job training program learn practical
skills and procedures for their position or industry. But beyond this, there is a
whole continuum of things for students to learn. They include:

 General workplace standards

 Professional norms such as workplace dress code, productivity expectations,
company hierarchy, and industry jargon.
 Networking and professional coworkers relationships.
 Gain relevant soft skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, work ethics,
adaptability, communication, and time management.

Benefits of On The Job Training

In a modern workplace, on the job training is a highly effective policy tool used to
shape the skills of the existing employees and attune them to the specific needs of
the firm (Almeida & Faria). For students, however, OJT is heralded as a rare
opportunity to find a firm grip on the industry or role they wish to pursue.

It gives students the first real taste of work without throwing them into the deep
end straight away. And, when utilized properly, it delivers a host of benefits. Among
them are the following:

It develops and fine-tunes skills

On the job training comes at a time when students are at the bottom of the career
ladder. Even though they have amassed valuable theoretical knowledge at this
point, they are still rough gems that need polishing to fit into the fast-paced work

During the on the job training,  trainees learn by observing, asking questions, and
taking measured risks to make the most of the opportunity. Additionally, they
receive constructive criticism from the supervisor and coworkers. The feedback
helps them learn more about their strengths and weaknesses, embrace their
mistakes, and gain relevant skills from distinguished professionals in the industry.
Moreover, on the job training helps trainees master professional skills such as
teamwork, time management, communication, and adaptability. These are some of
the most sought after soft skills, and acquiring them gives the trainee an edge in
the job market. Actually, 57% of industry leaders say soft skills are more
important than hard skills (Petrone, 2018).

It builds industry knowledge

Building industry knowledge epitomizes the ultimate goal of taking internships. The
hands-on work experience interns garner during the OJT is simply invaluable and
cannot be earned in a classroom setting.

Generally, trainees get the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in school
in a real work environment. They witness, firsthand, the day-to-day duties they will
encounter in a real-world setting. Even more, taking part in team meetings,
completing minor tasks, and collaborating with coworkers exposes students to how
things work in a chosen fieldwork.

This helps build relevant industry knowledge and enables students to learn the
roles and responsibilities of a specific position or career. Ultimately, this closes the
experience gap and smoothens the transition into the workforce.
It expands one’s professional network
In the highly competitive job market, connecting with individuals who are already
established in a specific field can supercharge your career growth. Unfortunately,
many graduates emerge from school with little to show in terms of the professional
network. As such, on the job training is usually the first real opportunity to meet
others in the career field you want to pursue.

The professionals you meet during the OJT may be the most valuable stepping
stone to a future job. They may recommend you for open roles, and as you already
know, recommendations make the most successful job searching strategies. In
addition, the people in your field may be a great source of advice and can help
make informed decisions about your career.

It provides financial compensation

In some cases, a student may be lucky enough to land an internship that offers
some form of compensation. Meaning, you will gain valuable work experience and,
at the same time, make money. Financial compensation is usually a timely boost for
cash strapped students and it helps cover college tuition and expenses. In the case
where the training takes place after graduation, it helps students start employment
life on the right footing.

It improves job outlook

Even better, students who successfully complete on the job training and make a
favorable impression are viewed as attractive talents to employers. This is primarily
because such students possess excellent soft skills, have exemplary work habits,
and demonstrate higher industry and technical skills. Moreover, they are well-
versed with general workplace standards and professional norms in their
respective fields.

For this reason, many employers in the world prefer to hire junior employees who
have completed on the job training. To suffice, in 2019 alone, 56% of interns and
40% of co-op students were hired on a full-time, entry-level basis (NACE,
2020). Even if an offer is not put on the table right away, down the line, it will not
take long for an opportunity to come up.
On the Job Training Tips

As you have seen, on the job training can deliver tremendous benefits, key amongst
which, is that it lays a solid foundation for a successful career. To reap the benefits,
however, the student must endeavor to do things right. The following tips can help
a trainee to get the most of the on-the-job experience:

 Make the most of the transition time. The truth is, as a trainee, you are not
expected to know the dos and don’ts of the new workplace right away. But, the
faster you can grasp the ins and outs of the workflow and daily life on the job, the
better it will be for you. In this regard, acquaint yourself with the daily operations of
your job, such as work-related events, meetings, work standards, and procedures
right from the off.
 Abide by the code of conduct. Generally, every on the job training program comes
with a strict code of conduct set by the school or the partner institution. Make sure
to set no foot wrong as regards drug use, dress code, and other rules as outlined in
the workplace.
 Be professional. Moreover, the first impression matters, as is maintaining a high
level of professionalism throughout the training period. Always present yourself in a
manner that demonstrates the utmost professionalism and respect for authority.
This includes doing things such as abiding by all confidential agreements at work,
properly scheduling vacation days, and promptly notifying the supervisor about
absence from work. Professionalism is considered one of the key career readiness
competencies by a whopping 95.1% of employers (NACE, 2020).

99%99%98%98%95.1%95.1%93.2%93.2%56.3%56.3%53.4%53.4%Problem solving/critical

Top Career Readiness Competencies Employers Want in 2020

Designed by

Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

 Stay organized. In addition, keep to-do lists of all deadlines and tasks. Remove
clutter from your desk to keep it neat and organized. Keep in mind, if the
organization has any rules or processes as regards data storage, follow them to a
 Watch and learn. In the first place, you are in on the job training to learn and gain
work experience. So, use every opportunity to achieve the core aim by being
observant and asking questions. Never shy away from seeking guidance and
clarification from your colleagues and peers. Also, ask to sit in on team meetings
and when the opportunity is given, take notes, writing down all important details.
 Manage time wisely. It is critically important to show up to work on time. So, try, by
all means possible, to be punctual and if you are going to be late, inform the
supervisor at the earliest. Besides, when you are assigned tasks or projects, strive to
complete them on time. Plus, if work feels too overwhelming, be the first to inform
your supervisor and ask for guidance on how to prioritize tasks.
 Cultivate healthy relationships with your coworkers. Remember, on the job
training gives you the opportunity to expand your professional network. As such be
polite, friendly, sensitive, and helpful to your colleagues and peers. Talk with your
coworkers and get to know them, but avoid talks that spread negative energy such
as gossiping and complaining. If anything is not fit for workplace chats but warrants
a discussion, be the first to ask your colleagues if they have time for a private chat or
a coffee.

Give Your Career a Flying Start with On the Job Training

Hopefully, by now, you have gained full comprehension of the various aspects of on
the job training. You understand OJT meaning, the various types OJT, and the
benefits it can deliver when successfully completed. Better still, you have learned
some of the tips to make the most of the OJT opportunity.

With all these details at your fingertips, chances are, you will breeze through the
training and reap the benefits with minimal fuss. But, the seemingly low hanging
fruit of on the job training can at times be unreachable. The trick to picking them
ripe is maintaining professionalism and approaching every situation with
confidence. Remember, to seem more competent, you should be more competent.

Lastly, enjoy your time at the company, experience as many new things as you can,
and above all, have a wonderful OJT. But, the highest priority throughout the
training is learning and gaining work experience to unlock the next phase of your
career. So, in everything you do, align the purpose and intent to this core goal to
give your career a flying start.

1. Almeida, R. K., & Faria, M. L. (2014). The wage returns to on-the-job training:
evidence from matched employer-employee data. IZA Journal of Labor and
Development, Discussion Paper No. 8314. IZA
2. Career (n.d). Ensuring Effective On The Job Training. Manila, Philippines: Department
of Labor and Employment.
3. CRELL (2012, May 15). Benchmarking employability of young graduates. EU Science
4. Expatrio (n.d). German dual apprenticeship system.
5. Garrouste, C., & Rodrigues, M. (2012). The Employability of Young Graduates in Europe.
Brussels, Belgium: European Commission.
6. Lumina Foundation for Education (2010, March). Fueling the Race to Postsecondary
Success. Indianapolis, IN: The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning.
7. McKinsey (2009). The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America’s Schools.
New York, NY: McKinsey & Company.
8. Mulder, R. H., Messmann, G., Konig, C. (2015). Vocational education and training:
researching the relationship between school and work. European Journal of
Education, 50 (4), 497-512.
9. NACE (2019). NACE 2019 Internship & Co-op Survey Report. Bethlehem,
PA: National Association of Colleges and Employers.
10. NACE (2020). Job Outlook for the Class of 2020. Bethlehem, PA: National
Association of Colleges and Employers.
11. Pastore, F., & Pompili, M. (2020). Assessing the impact of off- and on-the-job training
on employment outcomes. A counterfactual evaluation of the PIPOL
program. Evaluation Review, Online ahead of
12. Petrone, P. (2018, January 2). The skills companies need most in 2018 – and the
courses to get them. LinkedIn.

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