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SE Electrical
Electrical Circuit Parameters
Dr.Suhanya Jayaprakasam

Side Note: What is OBE?
Course Learning Outcome
• Apply the fundamental concepts, laws and techniques used in
DC circuit analysis.
• Understand the fundamental behavior of R, L and C circuits.
• Use computer aided simulation software to implement circuit
models and simulate the response of simple electrical circuits.
• Apply the fundamental laws of electromagnetism to
understanding the basics of transformers, motors and generators.
• Identify the energy sources used in the generation of electricity.
• Understand the storing of electrical energy via the use of
capacitors and inductors.

4036 CEM 1080SE

Coursework: Final:
Test (MCQ) – 30% Final Exam – 100%
Lab Test – 20%

Final Exam – 50%
⚫ Learning Outcomes :
Apply the fundamental concepts, laws and
techniques used in DC circuit analysis.

Systems of Units
⚫ As electrical engineers, we deal with measurable
⚫ Our measurement must be communicated in a
standard language that virtually all professionals
can understand, irrespective of the country where
the measurement is conducted.
⚫ Such an international measurement language is the
International System of Units (SI).

Fundamental and Derived units
⚫ In this system, there are seven fundamental units from
which the units of all other physical quantities can be

Fundamental and Derived units
⚫ Fundamental units are combined to form derived units. All
electrical and magnetic units are derived from the fundamental

Electrical Quantities
Fundamental and Derived units

Magnetic Quantities

Scientific Notation
⚫ In electrical and electronic fields, there are often very small
and very large quantities.
⚫ Scientific notation provides a convenient method to
express large and small numbers and to perform
calculations involving such numbers.
⚫ In scientific notation, a quantity is expressed as a product of
a number between 1 and 10 and a power of ten.
⚫ For example, the quantity 153, 450 is expressed in
scientific notation as 1.535 x 105 (3 decimal places), and
the quantity 0.0000227741 is expressed as 2.277 x 10-5.

Engineering notation and Metric Prefixes
⚫ engineering notation with metric prefix is a specialized
form of scientific notation with the power of ten
exponent must be a multiple of three.
⚫ Metric prefixes are symbols that represent each of the
most commonly used powers of ten in engineering
⚫ For example, 1.535 x 105  may also be expressed as
0.1535 x 106  or 0.1535 M, and 2.277 x 10-5 m can
be expressed as 22.77 x 10-6 m or 22.77m.

engineering notation with metric prefix
and Metric Prefixes
Factor Metric Prefix Symbol
1012 Tera T
109 Giga G
106 Mega M
103 Kilo k
10-3 Mili m
10-6 Micro 
10-9 Nano n
10-12 Pico p

Change the following values to (a) scientific and (b) engineering notation
with metric prefix.

Change the following values to engineering notation

with metric prefix.

Electrical Charge
⚫ An atom is the smallest particle of an element
that retains the characteristic of that element.
⚫ Each type of atom consist a certain number of
electrons and protons.
⚫ Electrical charge is an electrical property of matter that
exist due to an excess or deficiency of electrons.
⚫ There are 2 types of electrical charges: positive
charge and negative charge.

Electrical Charge
⚫ Electrical charge (Q) is measured in coulombs (C). One
coulomb is the total charge possessed by 6.25 x 1018
electrons. A single electron has a charge of -1.6 x 10-19 C.
⚫ Materials with charges of opposite polarity are attracted to
each other, and materials with charges of the same polarity
are repelled.

Electric Field between oppositely

Attractive and repulsion of charges charged surface

Electrical Charge
⚫ An electron and proton have exactly the same
amount of charge. The electron has a negative
charge, whereas the proton has a positive charge.
⚫ Any atom in its ‘ normal ’ state is electrically
neutral (has no net charge).
⚫ So, in this state the atom must possess as many
orbiting electrons as there are protons in its nucleus.
⚫ How about moving charges?

⚫ Current (I ) is define as the rate of movement of charge

Q Q : coulombs (C)
I  t : seconds (s)
t I : amperes (A)

where I is current in amperes, Q is charge of the

electrons in coulombs and t is the time in seconds.
⚫ Current in a conductive material is determined by the
number of electrons (amount of charge, Q) that flows
past a point in a unit of time.

⚫ Water analogy
Water tap(valve)

High current flow Low current flow

⚫ One ampere (1A) is the amount of current that exists
when a number of electrons having a total charge of
one coulomb (1C) move through a given cross-
sectional area in one second(1s).

Illustration of one ampere of current in a material (1 C/s)

⚫ Conditions for continuous current flow (electron flow):
 There must be a complete circuit around which the electron
may move.
 There must be a driving influence (electromotive force,
e.m.f.) to cause the continuous flow. This influence is
provided by the source (e.g battery), which causes the
current to leave at a high potential and to move towards low

Potential Difference(p.d.)
⚫ For a continuous current to flow between two points in
a circuit a potential difference (p.d.) or voltage, V, is
required between them.
⚫ The unit of p.d. is the volt, V.

Filament Lamp

Voltmeter is used to measured

the p.d. betweenAand B
Potential Difference(p.d.)
⚫ Potential difference is defined as energy or work per
unit charge.

W V : volts(V)
V  W : joules (J)
Q Q : coulombs (C)

⚫ 1 volt is the difference of potential between 2 points of a

conductive wire carrying a current of 1 ampere, when the
power dissipated between these points is equal to 1 watt.

Electromotive Force (e.m.f.)
⚫ To move the electron in a conductor in a particular
direction requires some work or energy transfer.
⚫ This work is performed by an external
electromotive force (e.m.f.) or voltage.
⚫ Typically, a voltage source provides electrical
energy or electromotive force (e.m.f.).
⚫ The unit of e.m.f. is the volt, V.

Electromotive Force (e.m.f.)
⚫ Source of voltage
 Battery cells – converts chemical energy into electrical
 Solar cells – converts light energy into electrical
 Generator – convert mechanical energy into electrical

Electromotive Force (e.m.f.)
⚫ Voltage sources can be either DC (direct current) or
AC (alternating current).
⚫ The symbols of voltage source :-

Vs Vs

DC voltage source AC voltage source

Relationship Between e.m.f. and p.d.
⚫ If all the energy is
transferred to the load
unit, the potential
differences (p.d.) across
the load unit is equal to
the source e.m.f.
* load is any electrical
device or circuit that
draws current from the p.d.

Relationship Between e.m.f. and p.d.
⚫ A change in electric potential between two points in an
electric circuit is called a potential difference.
⚫ The electromotive force (e.m.f.) provided by a source
of energy such as a battery or a generator.
⚫ Both quantities apply the common unit of volt.

⚫ When there is current in a conductive material, the free
electrons move through the material and occasionally
collide with atoms.
⚫ These collisions cause the electrons to lose some of
their energy, and thus their movement is restricted.
This restriction varies and is determined by the type of
⚫ The property of material that restricts the flow of
electrons is called resistance. Resistance, R, is
expressed in ohms ().

⚫ Water analogy

⚫ Resistance is the opposition to current.
Application: limit current, divide voltage and in certain
cases generate heat.
⚫ A component that is specifically designed to have
certain amount of resistance is called resistor.


carbon-composition resistor tiny chip resistor resistor symbol

"Bad Beer Rots Our Young Guts But Vodka
Goes Well." Each letter in this phrase
corresponds to a color code for a number:
•Black = 0
•Brown = 1
•Red = 2
•Orange = 3
•Yellow = 4
•Green = 5
•Blue = 6
•Violet/Purple = 7
•Gray = 8
•White = 9

Resistance value, first three bands:

First band – 1st digit
Second band – 2nd digit

*Third band – Multiplier (number of

zeros following second digit)

Fourth band - tolerance

* For resistance values less than 10 Ω,

the third band is either gold or silver.
Gold is for a multiplier of 0.1 and silver
is for a multiplier of 0.01.

⚫ Variable Resistors provide adjustable resistance value.
⚫ Variable resistors have three terminals :
- Two are fixed to the ends of the resistive material.
-Central terminal is connected to a wiper which moves over the
resistive material when the shaft is rotated.
⚫ The resistance between the two outermost terminals will remain
constant while the resistance between the central terminal and either
terminal will change according to the position of the wiper.

⚫ All conductors (e.g wire) have resistances.
⚫ The resistance of a wire depends on 4 factors

 type of material ()

 length of conductor (l)
 cross-sectional area (A)
 temperature of the material

⚫ Resistance, R, is directly proportional to length, l, of a
conductor, i.e. R∝l. Thus, for example, if the length of
a piece of wire is doubled, then the resistance is
⚫ Resistance, R, is inversely proportional to cross
sectional area, A, of a conductor, i.e. R∝1/A. Thus, for
example, if the cross-sectional area of a piece of wire
is doubled then the resistance is halved.

⚫ Each type of conductive material has a characteristic
called its resistivity, .
⚫ For each material,  is a constant value at a given
temperature. The formula for the resistance of a curve
of length l and cross-sectional area A is

l ρ = resistivity (Ωm)
R l = meter (m)
A A = area (m2)

⚫ Good conductors, such as copper and aluminum, have
low resistivity, while insulators, such as mica and
paper, have high resistivity.

1. Given a piece of aluminum bus bar as shown below,
determine the resistance between the ends of this
bar.Given the resistivity of aluminum is 2.8×10−8 Ωm.

2. Determine the resistance of 1200 m of copper cable

having a diameter of 12mm if the resistivity of copper
is 1.7×10−8 Ωm.

Electrical Power and Energy
⚫ Power is a measure of the amount of work that is being
done at a given point in time (or is a measure of the
rate of energy conversion).
⚫ For practical purposes, we need to know how much
power an electric device can handle.
⚫ Example a 100-watt bulb gives more light than a 60-
watt bulb.
⚫ In a complete circuit, A source of energy produces or
delivers power and a load absorbs it.

Temperature Coefficient
⚫ In general, as the temperature of a material increases,
most conductors increase in resistance, insulators
decrease in resistance.
⚫ The rate at which the resistance of a material changes
with a variation in temperature is called the
temperature coefficient of the material.
⚫ The symbol used for the temperature coefficient of
resistance is α (Greek alpha).

Temperature Coefficient
⚫ If a copper wire of resistance 1Ω is heated through 1oC
and its resistance is then measured as 1.0043Ω. The unit
are expressed as α = 0.0043/oC for copper.
⚫ Some typical values of temperature coefficient of
resistance measured at 0oC are given below:

Temperature Coefficient
⚫ then they are connected by the relation

R  R0 ( 1  0 )

R0 : resistance of a material at 0oC
Rθ : resistance of a material at θoC
0 : temperature coefficient of resistance at 0oC.
θ : temperature changes

Temperature Coefficient
⚫ This relation holds true both for rise as well as fall in
temperature. If the material has a resistance R1 at 1
and resistance R2 at 2, then

R1  R0 (1  01 ) and R2  R0 (1 02 )

⚫ Thus, if the resistance at 0◦C is not known, but is

known at some other temperature θ1, then the
resistance at any temperature can be found as follows:

R1 1  01

R2 1  0 2
. A coil of copper wire has a resistance of 10Ω at 20◦C. If
the temperature coefficient of resistance of copper at
20◦C is 0.004/◦C determine the resistance of the coil
when the temperature rises to 100◦C.

R  R0 ( 1  0 )

Electrical Power and Energy

1 horsepower (hp)= 745.70 Watt

Electrical Power and Energy
⚫ Power, P in an electrical circuit is given by the product
of potential difference V and current I.
⚫ The unit of power is the watt,W.

P = VI P = watt s(W)

⚫ From Ohm’s law, V =IR. Substituting for V in gives:

P = VI=I2R = V2/R (Watt’s Law)

⚫ One watt is the amount of power when one joule of
energy is used in one second.

Electrical Power and Energy
⚫ Work has to be done in transferring a charge through
an element.
⚫ Energy, W is the ability to do work, and power is the
rate at which energy is used. The unit of energy is
watt-seconds or joules.
P = watt s(W)
W  Pt W=joules(J)
t = seconds (s)

Energy and Power
⚫ The electric power utility companies measure energy in
watt-hours (Wh),
⚫ where

⚫ Efficiency is the measurement of the energy delivered by a

device to the energy supplied for its operation.
⚫ Efficiency is calculated by the ratio of output power to the
input power

Efficiency(  )  OUT  100%

⚫ A motor drives a pump through a gearbox. Power input
to the motor is 1200 W. How much power are
delivered to the pump


1.Convert 3.2 x 10^5 meters to engineering notation with metric prefix.
2.Convert 5.6 x 10^-7 grams to engineering notation with metric prefix.
3.Convert 1.8 x 10^4 cubic meters to engineering notation with metric prefix.
4.Convert 4.2 x 10^6 centimeters to engineering notation with metric prefix.
5.Convert 8.9 x 10^9 liters to engineering notation with metric prefix.
6.Convert 2.7 x 10^-3 kilograms to engineering notation with metric prefix.
7.Convert 7.5 x 10^3 millimeters to engineering notation with metric prefix.
8.Convert 6.4 x 10^7 seconds to engineering notation with metric prefix.
9.Convert 9.2 x 10^-6 joules to engineering notation with metric prefix.
10.Convert 2.1 x 10^8 nanometers to engineering notation with metric prefix.
11.Convert 9.0 x 10^6 cubic inches to scientific notation.
12.Convert 2.5 x 10^-5 watts to scientific notation.
13.Convert 6.8 x 10^3 square feet to scientific notation.
14.Convert 7.3 x 10^-8 meters to scientific notation.
15.Convert 1.2 x 10^7 gallons to scientific notation.
16.Convert 4.5 x 10^-4 degrees Celsius to scientific notation.
17.Convert 8.1 x 10^4 feet to scientific notation.
18.Convert 1.6 x 10^-9 seconds to scientific notation.
19.Convert 5.7 x 10^2 centimeters to scientific notation.
20.Convert 3.9 x 10^-6 kilograms to scientific notation.
1.A 4-band resistor has color bands of brown, black, red, and gold. What is the
resistance value?
2.A 4-band resistor has color bands of yellow, violet, brown, and silver. What is the
resistance value?
3.A 4-band resistor has color bands of blue, gray, red, and gold. What is the
resistance value?
4.A 5-band resistor has color bands of brown, black, black, red, and gold. What is
the resistance value?
5.A 5-band resistor has color bands of green, blue, black, brown, and gold. What is
the resistance value?
6.A 5-band resistor has color bands of orange, orange, black, red, and silver. What
is the resistance value?
7.A 6-band resistor has color bands of brown, black, black, orange, brown, and
gold. What is the resistance value?
8.A 6-band resistor has color bands of green, blue, black, black, brown, and gold.
What is the resistance value?
9.A 6-band resistor has color bands of yellow, violet, orange, black, black, and
silver. What is the resistance value?
10.A 6-band resistor has color bands of blue, gray, black, black, red, and gold.
What is the resistance value?
A coil of aluminum wire has a resistance of 15Ω at
20◦C. Determine the resistance of the coil when the
temperature rises to 100◦C

- Charge
- Current
-potential difference
-electromotive force
-relationship between ed and pd
-resistance and factors affecting resistance
-resistance vs resistivity
-electrical power and energy

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