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Sports Med.

1997 Jan; 23 (I); 48-60

REVIEW ARTICLE 0112-1642/97/000 1-(1)48/$06.50/0

© Adis International Umited. All rights reserved.

Body Composition of Spinal Cord

Injured Adults
Paula Kacina
Center for Exercise and Applied Human Physiology, Johnson Center, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Summary .................... . 48
1. Disease Risk Factors in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) 49
1.1 Obesity.................... 49
1.2 Cardiovascular Disease . . . . . . . . . . 50
1.3 Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) 51
1.4 Osteoporosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2. Changes in Body Composition Following SCI . 52
2.1 Fat-Free Body Composition in the SCI 53
2.2 Mineral . 53
2.3 Protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.4 Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3. Body Composition Assessment Techniques . 54
3.1 Hydrostatic Weighing . . . . . . . . 54
3.2 Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry . 55
3.3 Skinfold Method. . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4 Bioelectrical Impedance Method . 56
4. Body Composition Applications for the SCI Population 57
5. Conclusions . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Summary The prevalence of diseases associated with obesity, such as cardiovascular

disease and diabetes mellitus, is higher in the spinal cord injury (SCI) population.
Specifically, the mortality rate for cardiovascular disease is 228% higher in the
SCI population. In addition, 100% of SCI individuals have osteoporosis in the
paralysed extremities. These diseases are related to physical activity level, the
level of the spinal cord lesion, and time post injury. Physically active SCI men
and women have above-average fat mass (16 to 24% and 24 to 32%, respectively,
compared with 15% for able-bodied men and 23% for able-bodied women), while
sedentary SCI individuals have 'at-risk' levels of body fat (above 25% and 32%,
The proportions and densities of the 3 main constituents comprising the fat-
free body (mineral, protein and water) are altered following SCI. Bone mineral
content decreases by 25 to 50%, and the magnitude of reduction is dependent on
the level, completeness and duration of SCI. Because of denervation resulting in
skeletal muscle atrophy, total body protein reduces by 30%, and total body water
relative to bodyweight decreases by 15% following SCI.
Body Composition of SCI Adults 49

Indirect methods based on 2-component body composition models assume

constant proportions and densities of mineral, protein, and water in the fat-free
body. As a result, prediction equations based on 2-component models yield in-
valid estimates of fat and fat-free mass in the SCI population. Therefore, future
research needs to directly quantify the proportions and densities of the constitu-
ents of the fat-free body in the SCI population relative to age, sex, physical
activity level, level of the spinal cord lesion and time post injury, and to develop
equations based on multi component body composition models.

It is widely known that physical activity posi- able-bodied populations may not be generally ap-
tively influences body composition by increasing plicable to the SCI population.
fat-free mass and decreasing levels of body fat.[l-31 The purpose of this review is to provide an over-
Conversely, decreased physical activity following view of: (i) the prevalence of diseases associated
spinal cord injury (SCI) results in substantial with physical inactivity and obesity in the SCI pop-
changes in muscle mass, bone mineral, and body ulation; (ii) alterations in body composition fol-
fat. Muscle mass decreases following SCI, primar- lowing SCI; and (iii) recommendations for assess-
ily due to disuse atrophy.[4-91 Also, bone mineral ing body composition of SCI individuals in clinical
content and bone density, especially in the para- settings.
lysed limbs, decline significantly.[5,6,lO-161 In addi-
tion, higher levels of body fat lead to obesity and 1. Disease Risk Factors in Spinal Cord
metabolic changes that influence the disease risk Injury (SCI)
profile of SCI individuals,l171 Given that both phys-
1,1 Obesity
ical inactivity and obesity are major risk factors for
developing cardiovascular disease and non-insulin- Epidemiological research indicates that obesity
dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), and physi- is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular
cal inactivity is correlated with osteoporosis, it is disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obstruc-
important to be able to assess and monitor changes tive pulmonary disease, hypercholesterolaemia,
in body composition in the SCI population. osteoarthritis, renal disease and certain can-
Although there are well established clinical cers.[3,31-331 The US National Institute of Health[3 41
methods to assess the body composition of able- defines obesity as body weight exceeding 20% of
bodied persons, these methods may not be directly the desirable level for a given age, sex and skeletal
applicable to SCI individuals. Indirect body com- frame.
position methods, such as skinfolds and bioelectri- However, this definition is limited because it
cal impedance analysis, are used in able-bodied does not take into account the relative amounts of
populations to estimate fat and fat-free mass.[18- 281 fat and fat-free mass comprising the bodyweight.
However, these prediction equations are specific to Therefore, a more useful definition of obesity is an
the age, sex, race, level of adiposity and physical excessive amount of total body fat for a given
activity level of the individual.[29, 301 Also, these bodyweight. The ideal body fat relative to body-
prediction equations were developed using refer- weight (percentage body fat) is 15% for adult men
ence body composition methods and models that and 23% for adult womenP 31 Individuals with
assume specific relative proportions and densities body fat levels exceeding 25% for men and 32%
of the components of the fat-free body (mineral, for women are classified as obese and, as such, are
water and protein). Because the fat-free body at greater risk for certain diseasesp 31
changes following SCI, equations developed for Sedentary SCI individuals tend to have a greater

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50 Kocina

fat mass compared with sedentary able-bodied fat values were higher than those average values
persons, predisposing them to increased risk for reported for nonathletic, able-bodied women (23%
cardiovascular disease and NIDDM.[17,31-39) In ad- body fat)P3) Although more than 20% of the SCI
dition, excess body fat may predispose SCI indi- population is female, there has been limited re-
viduals who are confined in wheelchairs to pres- search documenting body composition in SCI
sure ulcers and reduce their independence in women.
transfer activities as well as in other activities of Given the increased disease risk associated with
daily living.[4,7) obesity in both the sedentary[S,17,35,36] and physi-
George and colleagues(39) reported that seden- cally active[17,3S,43) SCI populations, accurate as-
tary SCI men have an average 24.5% body fat com- sessment of body fat is an important component in
pared with 17% body fat for weight-matched able- the health profile of SCI individuals. Body compo-
bodied men when measured by hydrodensitometry. sition needs to be routinely evaluated by the med-
Also, Rasmann Nuhlicek et al.fS) noted that the ical community working with this population.
average body fatness (estimated from bodyweight
and tritiated water) of men in high paraplegic (le-
1.2 Cardiovascular Disease
sions from TlO to T2), low quadriplegic (Tl to C6)
and high quadriplegic (lesions above C6) groups
The relatively high prevalence of obesity in the
was 30.1, 35.7 and 35.3% respectively. These val-
SCI population, places these individuals at risk for
ues are more than double the average body fat level
cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is
(15% body fat) of able-bodied men(23) (measured
the leading cause of death in this population.f 17 ,32)
by hydrodensitometry), and demonstrate a ten-
Compared with age- and sex-matched able-bodied
dency for body fat levels to increase progressively
individuals, the overall mortality rate from cardio-
with successive increments in the level of spinal
vascular disease is 228% greater for the sedentary
cord lesion.
SCI population.f3 S) Also, cardiovascular disease
However, physical activity may counter some of
occurs at a relatively younger age in this group,
the increase in body fat in the SCI population. Olle
with 46% of SCI individuals who are 30 years or
and colleagues(7) noted that the average percentage older dying from cardiovascular disease,f17) This
of body fat of physically active SCI men (measured appears to be due to a high prevalence of metabolic
by total body electrical conductivity) was 15.6% factors recognised to be risk factors for cardio-
compared with 23.2% for their sedentary SCI vascular disease. Impaired glucose tolerance and
counterparts. Ide et aU40) recently reported that the diabetes mellitus are associated with an increased
average body fat for 2677 wheelchair marathon risk of cardiovascular disease. A sedentary lifestyle
race competitors (measured by skinfold method) and increased adiposity, which SCI persons are
ranged from 17.6 to 18.7%, whereas Bulbulian et predisposed to, have been implicated in cardio-
aU41) observed an average body fat of 22.4% for vascular disease. High density lipoprotein (HDL)
22 paraplegic male athletes (measured by hydro- cholesterol levels are lower in paraplegics (36
densitometry). The effect of physical activity on mg/dl) compared with age-sex matched controls
body fat in women with SCI is not as well docu- (47 mg/dl), while triglyceride levels are signifi-
mented. Lussier and colleagues(42) reported that the cantly higher (156 versus 130 mg/dl).
body fat levels of 2 Olympic and national calibre Based on HDL cholesterol levels, Brenes et
female wheelchair athletes were, respectively, 28.9 al. (43) predicted a 60 to 90% increased risk of heart
and 32.1 % (measured by hydrodensitometry). Al- attack in sedentary SCI men and women compared
though these female SCI athletes participated in with sedentary able-bodied individuals matched
marathon racing, track, and basketball, their body for sex, height, weight, body mass index and age.

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Body Composition of SCI Adults 51

Compared with able-bodied individuals, the Duckworth and colleagues[36] noted a strong
SCI population has lower HDL cholesterol lev- correlation between insulin resistance and the level
els[37,39,43] and higher low density lipoprotein (LDL) and duration of SCI. Insulin resistance is charac-
cholesterollevels.[17,44] Bauman and colleagues[17] terised by marked endogenous hyperglycaemia
reported that 48% of the healthy, active paraplegic and hyperinsulinaemia following a meal. In this
men in their study had plasma HDL cholesterol study of 52 SCI individuals, 23% had fasting glu-
levels under the desirable level of 35 mg/dl, and cose levels above 130 mg/dl. 30% exhibited hyper-
41 % had LDL cholesterol levels exceeding 130 glycaemia (blood glucose above 200 mg/dl) after
mg/dl. As a result of these blood lipid levels, SCI receiving oral glucose. In addition, more than 40%
individuals not only have a greater risk of develop- of the individuals had elevated insulin levels dur-
ing cardiovascular disease, but exhibit a higher ing an oral glucose tolerance test. The insulin-
mortality rate from cardiovascular disease. resistant SCI individuals were more obese and had
had their spinal cord lesions for longer than SCI
Decreased physical activity from SCI produces
individuals without insulin resistance.[36]
physiological changes that influence the cardio-
Since most insulin receptors are located on the
vascular risk profile of SCI individuals.[17] Disuse
sarcolemma, in addition to adipocyte membranes,
atrophy reduces muscle mass and results in a de-
the decreased muscle mass resulting from disuse
creased venous return of blood to the heart because
atrophy following SCI may reduce the number of
of impairment of the muscle pump in the limbs.[44]
insulin receptors.[35] Spinal cord lesions above T4
The decreased venous return lowers stroke volume
result in complete disruption of catecholamine re-
and cardiac output in SCI individuals, resulting in lease from the sympathetic nervous system. Since
lower resting diastolic blood pressure.l45 ,46] Al- adrenaline (epinephrine) augments glycogenolysis
though there is documentation that systolic blood and increases insulin absorption in skeletal muscle,
pressure is higher in persons with SCI,[47,48] there the lack of sympathetic response in quadriplegics
are conflicting reports on the incidence and aetiol- may influence the activity of the insulin receptors
ogy of hypertension in this population,ll7,34,37,44-47] in the atrophied muscles.[49] Therefore, both phys-
Yekutiel et al.l48 ] reported that the incidence of ical inactivity and increased adiposity influence in-
hypertension in SCI men is 24.7% compared with sulin resistance, predisposing a person with SCI to
10.4% in age-matched, able-bodied men. Imai et NIDDM.
al. [47] state that morbidity rates due to hypertension
in the SCI population are 2.5 to 3.0 greater than in 1.4 Osteoporosis
age- and sex-matched able-bodied persons.
In addition to cardiovascular disease and
1.3 Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes NIDDM, SCI individuals are at risk for developing
Mellitus (NIDDM) osteoporosis. Physical inactivity produces bone
mineral loss, especially in the paralysed extremi-
In addition to cardiovascular disease, the inci- ties, resulting in osteoporosis and a high risk for
dence of NIDDM is also higher in SCI compared fractures in this group.[ll,12,50] Claus-Walker and
with the rate for able-bodied persons.[17,36,37,43,47] Halstead[l2] reported that 100% of SCI individuals
Imai and colleagues[47] noted that 22% of paraple- have mild to severe osteoporosis in bones below
gics have NIDDM, as compared with 11 % of the the level of lesion. In addition, Biering-Sorensen
general population. Individuals with SCI have et al.[ll] reported that quadriplegic and paraplegic
higher plasma glucose concentrations along with men demonstrate bone mineral deficits in the fem-
impaired glucose tolerance and increased insulin oral neck and shaft and the proximal tibia of 25%
resistance. [35] and 50%, respectively.

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52 Kocina

There is an increased calcium resorption, result- 26% bone mineral deficit in the tibial diaphysis.
ing in a negative calcium balance, primarily in the This suggests that neuronal and vascular factors are
early stages following SCI. Bone mineral is ini- responsible for the negative bone balance in the
tially lost in the entire skeleton, but later is con- SCI population. Although the absence of muscular
fined primarily to the paralysed limbs.l l2 ) Hancock activity and weight bearing influences osteo-
and colleagues (6 ) confirmed that the greatest loss in penia,II3,50) Chantraine(13 ) states that osteoporosis
bone mass occurs within the first year of paralysis. following SCI is primarily due to an imbalance be-
Also, Biering-Sorensen et aLl") found that, while tween synthesis and resorption of bone below the
osteopenia occurs rapidly in the early stages of a spinal cord lesion due to venous stasis,llO)
spinal cord lesion, bone remodelling slows and cal-
cium imbalance reaches a new, lower equilibrium 2. Changes in Body Composition
2 to 5 years post injury. As the duration of injury Following SCI
increases, the degree of bone mineral de·ficit be-
comes relatively stable, although bone resorption Current estimates of body composition in the
continues to exceed calcification rates.16, to. 13. 14,50) SCI population are limited by a lack of knowledge
The magnitude of reduction of bone mineral of the fat-free body composition of SCI adults. The
content and bone density is dependent on the level fat-free body consists of all residual lipid-free
of injury and time since injury.l6,1I,13,15,16) In a chemicals and tissues including water, muscle,
study comparing men and women with early SCI bone, connective tissue and internal organs. The 3
(6 to 9 months) to those 2 to 4 years post injury, main chemical constituents of the fat-free body are
Kaplan et aLISO) found a positive correlation be- water, protein and mineral,l23) Most research on
tween time since injury and calcium balance, sug- body composition is based on clinical methods that
gesting that as time post injury increases, the rela- require a priori assumptions of the relationship be-
tive ratio of bone synthesis to bone resorption tween the measured property and fat-free body
increases. There was a significant relationship be- compositionP3] While the proportions and densi-
tween time since injury and the degree of bone ties of tissues comprising the fat-free body in sev-
mineral density deficit (r = -0.70), reflecting a eral able-bodied adult populations are docu-
larger degree of osteopenia in the afflicted limbs mented,151,52) few direct data are available on the
with increased duration of injury. variability and extent of change in the proportions
Venous stasis, accompanied by tissue acidosis, and densities of water, mineral and protein with
could be an important factor in the pathogenesis of varying degrees of spinal cord injury. Conse-
disuse demineralisation. Sympathectomy induces quently, the use of clinical methods of measuring
vasomotor paralysis, which slows intraosseous body composition in SCI, such as hydrostatic
circulation. The opening of arteriovenous shunts weighing, anthropometry and bioelectrical imped-
increases venous pressure and, therefore, intra- ance, is limited by the assumption that fat-free
medullary pressure, which stimulates enhanced body composition is the same for all popula-
bone resorption. Trabecular bone volume and den- tions,l23)
sity are decreased while marrow diameter is in- There is now ample evidence showing that the
creased. lto,13) This theory is supported by Griffiths chemical composition of the fat-free body is not
and colleagues (15 ) who demonstrated in 59 quadri- constant in all groups, and neither is the fat-free
plegics and 41 paraplegics that metacarpal cortical body density. Recent investigations have shown
bone is preserved while trabecular bone is lost. In that sex, race, age, physical activity level and dis-
addition, Finsen et aLll4) noted a 45% bone mineral ease states are important determinants of body
deficit in the tibial metaphysis compared with a composition,129,30,53-55) requiring the development

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Body Composition of SCI Adults 53

of population-specific equations to estimate the temic. In their study combining quadriplegics and
body composition of different groups. paraplegics, there was a 50% reduction in the bone
mineral content of the proximal tibia, whereas the
2.1 Fat-Free Body Composition in the SCI distal radius and ulna showed only a 5 to 13% deficit.
Individuals with SCI also have higher collagen
Concomitant to the increase in body fatness,
breakdown. I13 .16] Collagen is a major component
there is a significant change in the overall fat-free
of bone matrix, as well as ligaments, tendons,
mass of the SCI population due to disuse atrophy
cartilage and skin.lll] There is a reduced hydroxy-
of skeletal muscles, loss of total body water, and
proline concentration and an increased urinary
decreases in bone mineral content, primarily in
excretion of hydroxyproline, a metabolite of col-
the paralysed extremities. Thus, the proportions
lagen, following SCI. In addition, urinary phos-
of the 3 constituents comprising the fat-free
phate, magnesium and calcium excretions are in-
body, namely mineral, water, and protein, are al-
creased, especially in the first 3 months following
tered,l8.9.14.39] The densities of mineral and protein
a spinal cord lesion,lIO.12.16]
may also be altered.
To date, there are no studies reporting changes
in total-body bone mineral of the SCI popUlation.
2.2 Mineral
Given that both the bone mineral content and fat-
Mineral comprises 6.8 to 7.0% of the fat-free free mass decrease with SCI, it is difficult to esti-
body in young, able-bodied men and women,123] mate how much and in what direction the relative
and because of the high density of mineral (3.01 mineral content of the fat-free body is changed fol-
g/cm3) relative to the other fat-free body constitu- lowing SCI. However, it is possible that the bone
ents (water 0.9934 g/cm 3, protein 1.34 g/cm 3), mineral content in the SCI population will consti-
mineral has a potentially large impact on the over- tute a higher percentage of bodyweight because
all density ofthe fat-free body. bone mineral loss occurs at a slower rate than the
Bone mineral content in the SCI population has loss of protein and water content following SCV4 •6 ]
been assessed using a variety of techniques, includ-
ing radiography/sonography,156] single and dual- 2.3 Protein
photon absorptiometry,Dl.14,42] and Moore and
Boyden'sI57] prediction equation based on total The protein content of the fat-free body is ap-
body potassium and total body water measure- proximately 19.4% in able-bodied populations. 123 ]
ments. 15 ] With the exception ofthe Cardus study,14] Given the muscular atrophy and loss of muscle
which used a radioassay for sodium and potassium mass associated with SCI, it is highly probable
tracer to estimate total body water, these studies that the relative proportion of protein comprising
demonstrated reductions in the bone mineral con- the fat-free body is decreased. At present, no satis-
tent and bone density of the SCI population. factory method exists for measuring the protein
In addition, complete SCI lesions result in content of the fat-free body, especially in the SCI
greater bone mineral resorption compared with in- population. Neutron activation analysis has been
complete lesions. Those with neurological afflic- used to estimate protein from total body nitro-
tion in the upper extremities have a greater bone gen,l58.59] However, this method requires that the
mineral density deficit compared with those with subject be exposed to radioactive tracers for nitro-
neurologically intact arms,l1l·16] Also, quadriple- gen and is limited by the fact that there is a total of
gics have greater bone mineral deficits than para- only 5 neutron activation analysers in the US,
plegics.112.52] Finsen and colleagues l14 ] reported Europe, and New Zealand.
that osteopenia in paraplegic men is largely con- Potassium counting methods can also provide
fined to the paralysed extremities and is not sys- accurate estimates of protein concentrations because

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54 Kocina

potassium is primarily an intracellular ion and is an was approximately 8 to 10L less than that of an
indicator of body cell mass. [9.60.6 I] Individuals with able-bodied control group. Paraplegics had signif-
SCI have reduced potassium levels and the degree icantly greater total body water than quadriplegics.
of reduction is directly proportional to the level of Also, the volume of interstitial fluid, relative to
lesion and duration since injury.l60.61] total body fluid, was larger in quadriplegic com-
Cardus and McTaggart[4] indirectly estimated pared with able-bodied individuals.[5.63] Therefore,
the total body protein in SCI individuals by sub- they attributed the change in total body water to
tracting total body fat and total body water from intracellular water loss, rather than loss of extra-
the weight of the bone mineral-free body. Using cellular water.
this crude measure of protein, they reported a 24 to The observation of a reduction in intracellular
30% reduction in the absolute amount of total body water following SCI is consistent with the reduc-
protein of paraplegic and quadriplegic men com- tion in the potassium content of the fat-free body
pared with able-bodied men. observed in this population.[5.9.61] Because most of
Depending on the completeness of the spinal the body potassium is found inside the cells, meas-
cord lesion, many individuals regain 15 to 70% urements of potassium are used as estimates of the
functional muscle strength relative to the degree of body cell mass. Cardus and McTaggart[5] reported
paralysis within the first 3 months post injury. This that paraplegics had 15% less potassium relative to
improvement may continue for up to 6 months, and bodyweight and quadriplegics had 33% less potas-
then at a slower pace for up to 2 years after the sium relative to bodyweight compared with age-
injury.l62] Therefore, the protein content of the fat- sex matched controls. Spungen et aU9] noted that
free body of SCI individuals may not reach a stable both the total body potassium and fat-free mass
value until 2 years post injury. were 34% less for 12 SCI men compared with able-
bodied men of similar height and age. Thus, loss of
2.4 Water intracellular water following SCI appears to coin-
cide with the loss of potassium, which is primarily
Body water is the largest single constituent of an intracellular ion.
the human body, comprising 55 to 60% of the body- In contrast, extracellular water content in-
weight and 73% of the fat-free body in the able- creases following SCI, indicating an expansion of
bodied population. [23] Since the greatest proportion the extracellular space consistent with oedema. [5.60.61]
of body water is associated with the fat-free mass, While the ratio of extracellular water to total body
chronic loss of muscle mass in the SCI popUlation water is increased, the ratio of intracellular water
may alter the relationship between total body water to total body water is decreased. When total body
and fat-free mass. water, measured by tritiated water, is expressed
Presently, there are limited data describing the relative to fat-free body, the hydration of the fat-
total body water of the SCI population. Using iso- free body is similar to able-bodied controls (74.6%),
tope dilution techniques, Rasmann Nuhlicek et ranging from 72.7% for the low paraplegic groups to
al.l8] assessed the total body water of 37 men with 76.0% of fat-free body for the low quadriplegic
SCI having varying levels of disability. They noted groups.l8]
that total body water ranged from 48.8% of body-
weight (low quadriplegia) to 58.3% of body weight 3. Body CompOSition
(low paraplegia), demonstrating a tendency for to- Assessment Techniques
tal body water (as a percentage of body weight) to
3.1 Hydrostatic Weighing
progressively decrease with a higher level of spinal
cord lesion. Likewise, Cardus and McTaggart[60] The traditional 'gold standard' method for body
noted that the total body water of SCI individuals composition assessment is hydrostatic weighing.

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Body Composition of SCI Adults 55

The principle of hydrostatic weighing is that DXA cannot clearly distinguish between soft tissue
weight loss under water is directly proportional to and bone in the thorax because the arrangement of
the body's volume. After correcting body volume the ribs and spine prevents the x-ray from detecting
for the volume of air in the lungs, total body den- much bone-free soft tissue mass. The accuracy of
sity is calculated by dividing body weight by body soft tissue measurement is based on the ability of
volume.[ 23 1 DXA to predict total weight of individuals of var-
In addition, using hydrostatic weighing to de- ious ages from the sum of their bone, lean tissue
termine total body density for estimating body fat of and fat tissue weights. Additionally, anteroposter-
SCI individuals is problematic and potentially un- ior thickness greater than 30cm increases the
safe. Transfers into and out of the hydrostatic measurement error of DXA. Therefore, DXA is
weighing tank are difficult. Also, many SCI indi- less accurate when estimating the body composi-
viduals can not maintain a seated position in the tion of severely obese individuals as compared
hydrostatic weighing chair during submersion un- with their leaner counterparts.l64 ,65 1
derwater. l39 ,411 Thus, alternative 'gold standard' Kohrt[ 691 states that, although DXA is less de-
methods need to be explored for this population. pendent on assumptions regarding biological con-
sistency than hydrodensitometry, there are uncer-
3.2 Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry tainties regarding its validity. Also variability
among manufacturers of DXA instruments intro-
Research studies suggest that dual-energy x-ray duces errors in estimating body composition. Still,
absorptiometry (DXA) may be a suitable alterna- DXA may be a suitable alternative to hydrostatic
tive to hydrostatic weighing for determining meas- weighing for obtaining reference measures of body
ures of body composition.[64,65 1Unlike hydrostatic composition in the SCI population.
weighing, DXA is rapid, requires minimal cooper-
ation from the study participant, and provides pre- 3.3 Skinfold Method
cise measures of fat mass, lean tissue mass, and
total body, as well as regional, bone mineral con- The impracticality of hydrostatic weighing for
tent and bone mineral density.l661 Also, there is measuring body density has led to the development
minimal radiation exposure during a DXA evalua- of numerous anthropometric approaches for pre-
tion.l 64 ,65 1 diction of body fat. The skinfold method is one
The percentage body fat estimates from DXA such approach having considerable merit and po-
compare favourably with those obtained by hydro- tential applicability to the SCI population. How-
static weighing, especially when body density is ever, the skinfold-body fat relationship has been
adjusted for total body water and total body min- shown to vary with age, sex, race, physical activity
eraI.l54,66- 68 1Going and colleagues[67 1reported that level and disease states.[29,30,70,71] To date, no one
estimates of bone mass and fat by DXA are unaf- has investigated this relationship or developed
fected by changes in hydration. On average, DXA skinfold prediction equations applicable to the SCI
correctly attributed 98% of the change in body- population.
weight due to dehydration to changes in fat-free Skinfold measurements are an indirect measure
mass. The estimates of total body bone mineral by of the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue.
DXA were also unaffected by changes in hydration Therefore, certain assumptions are made when us-
level. ing the skinfold method to estimate total body den-
Roubenoff et aI.l 65 1 state that, because DXA sity to derive percentage body fat. These assump-
measures bone, bone-free lean, and fat, it is not free tions are:
of the assumption of uniform hydration. Also, re- • skinfolds are a good measure of subcutaneous
gional soft tissue estimates may be imprecise since fat

© Adis International Lirnited. All rights reserved. Sports Med. 1997 Jan: 23 (1)
56 Kocina

• the distribution of fat subcutaneously and inter- resistance and reactance to current flow. Resistance
nally is similar for all individuals within each is the opposition of a biological conductor to the
sex flow of an alternating electric current, whereas re-
• the sum of several skinfolds is a good estimate actance is the resistive effect due to capacitance
of total body fat produced by tissue interfaces and cell mem-
• there is a linear relationship between the sum of branesPI,24,27,81] The volume (V) of a cylindrical
skinfolds and body density.l7 2-77 ] conductor, like the human body, is directly related
However, in young, able-bodied adults sub- to the square of the body's length (Ht2) and in-
jected to bed rest or immobilisation, the body den- versely related to the body's total impedance: V =
sity and total body fat corresponding to a given Ht 2/Z.l 27 ,81] The high impedance of adipose tissue
skinfold thickness are affected by changes in the and bone causes these tissues to act as open cir-
water, mineral and protein content of the fat-free cuits; thus the body's total impedance is primarily
body resulting from physical inactivity.[70.71,78,79] due to the impedance of the muscle tissue.[26,27,81]
Thus, it is highly probable that the skinfold-body Using this method, the total body water or fat-free
fat relationship will also be altered with SCI be- mass can be accurately estimated from bioimped-
cause of the dramatic loss of muscle mass and bone ance measures. [22,24,28,80]
mineral content due to disuse atrophy. Although there are valid prediction equations
In fact, population-specific and generalised for able-bodied populations which vary in age,
skinfold prediction equations that were developed race, sex and physical activity levels,[20,23,25,82-84]
to derive body fat estimates for able-bodied popu-
the validity of this method for predicting fat-free
lations are not applicable to the SCI population.
mass in SCI populations has not been tested. Olle
Bulbulian and colleagues[41] cross-validated 12
and colleagues[7] assessed body composition of 17
commonly used skinfold prediction equations
SCI men using measures of total body electrical
against the criterion method of hydrodensitometry
and noted that all of these equations significantly conductivity. In this study, body fat estimated from
overestimated body density and underestimated bioimpedance measures was moderately related
percentage body fat of SCI individuals by 7 to 12%. (r =0.73) to skinfold estimates of body fat. How-
Similarly, Lussier et aU42] determined that skinfold ever, presently no bioelectrical impedance predic-
prediction equations developed for able-bodied tion equations have been developed specifically for
popUlations underestimated body fat of persons the SCI popUlation.
with SCI by 8 to 10%. These results point to the One important assumption of the bioimpedance
need for developing skinfold prediction equations method is that tissue- specific resistivity is constant
that are specific to the SCI population. for all body segments and all population sub-
groups. Specific resistivity is the reciprocal of con-
ductivity to current flow through the body and is
3.4 Bioelectrical Impedance Method
directly proportional to the body's volume and in-
The bioelectrical impedance technique is a sim- versely proportional to the electrolyte concentra-
ple, noninvasive procedure which has been widely tion in the body.[81] Tissue specific resistivity is not
used in clinical settings to estimate total body water constant and has been shown to vary among body
and fat-free mass of able-bodied populations. This segments because of differences in tissue compo-
method uses a bioimpedance analyser to measure sition, hydration levels, and electrolyte concentra-
the impedance to the flow of a low level electrical tions)18,81,85]
current through the bodyP2,28,80] Baumgartner and colleagues[85] measured the
Bioelectrical impedance (Z), measured in ohms, bioelectrical impedance of various body segments
is the square root of the sum of the squares of the and noted that the resistances for the arm and leg

© Adis Interna~onal Umited. All rights reserved. Sports Med. 1997 Jan; 23 (1)
Body Composition of SCI Adults 57

were positively related to whole body resistance To date there is a lack of information document-
(r = 0.70). Similarly, Chumlea et al.[l8] demon- ing the effects of nutritional and exercise interven-
strated that estimates of fat-free mass, obtained by tions on body composition in the SCI popUlation.
addition of the conductive muscle volumes of each Also, the relationship of body composition
body segment, measures of bioelectrical imped- changes due to SCI with health risk, and the impact
ance, and mean muscle-specific resistivity, were of body composition assessment on SCI treatment
not significantly different from the fat-free mass have not been studied. Although the cardio-
estimated from hydrostatic weighing. vascular benefits of physical activity and training
However, variation in hydration of the fat-free have been clearly demonstrated for individuals
mass may affect specific resistivity. An increase in with SCI,[46,86,87] presently there are no studies
extracellular fluid could cause increased shunting documenting the effects of aerobic exercise or
of the current, producing a decrease in total body muscular strength training on reducing body fat
resistance,l85] In addition, since conductivity is di- and preserving fat-free mass (muscle size and bone
rectly proportional to the number of free ions, a mineral) for the SCI population. This line of re-
reduction in total body water may result in rela- search is hampered by the fact that practical, clin-
tively lower resistance values,D9,21] ical body composition methods have not yet been
SCI-related changes in fat-free body composi- developed and validated for the SCI population.
tion may alter tissue resistivity, as well as the rela- If accurate clinical methods for body compo-
tionship of fat-free mass to whole-body bio- sition assessment in the SCI popUlation were
impedance measures. These changes are due to developed, body composition assessment may
reductions in the protein and mineral content of the potentially impact spinal cord injury care in the
paralysed extremities, along with the reduction in following ways:
total body water and expansion of extracellular wa- • Body composition data could become part of
ter volume.[63] Therefore, segmental bioelectrical the total clinical evaluation and patient profile
impedance measures may provide a more accurate of SCI individuals.
estimate of fat-free mass in SCI individuals com- • Changes in body composition associated with
pared with total body bioimpedance. Because of SCI could be quantified and monitored over
changes in the composition of the fat-free body time.
following SCI, the mineral, protein, and water • Individuals with a high relative risk of diseases
components of the fat-free body should be directly associated with obesity, malnutrition, and phys-
assessed and used when developing bioelectrical ical inactivity could be identified.
impedance prediction equations for the SCI popu- • The effectiveness of nutritional and exercise
lation. interventions in altering body composition and
counteracting complications resulting from SCI
could be assessed.
4. Body Composition Applications for • Epidemiological surveys of the SCI population
the SCI Population could include body composition measures to es-
tablish the relationship between disease inci-
If accurate prediction equations for the SCI pop-
dence, fat patterning, and total body composition.
ulation were developed for use with field methods
such as skinfold or bioimpedance, medical and
5. Conclusions
health professionals could then monitor changes in
fat and fat-free mass resulting from SCI. This could There are a limited number of studies dealing
lead to the development of more effective nutrition with body composition assessment for the SCI
and exercise intervention strategies to counteract popUlation and the development of practical, clin-
the loss of fat-free mass associated with SCI. ical methods to validly assess body fatness of this

© Adls International Limited, All rights reserved. Sports Med, 1997 Jan; 23 (1)

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