Reflection-5 TimJosh

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Cuasay, TimJosh T.


Reflection 5

Before I start to reflect some the topics of group 5, I will start with the first things I saw in their
presentation, and the first is intro. In their intro, John Jefferson showed the entertainment to encourage
his classmates and at least all of the part of the class enjoy their presentation. And Jeff also showed his
hidden talents that we didn’t know as a friend. Jeff showed his ability to dance and the courage face to
many people and as a friend I admire him based on what I’ve watched. So let’s go to the first topic to be
reported by Mr. Dominic E. Medrano and that is performance art by Marina Abramovic. Based for Mr.
Dominic performance art is simply define and symbolize as a sining, why? because is all about art
appreciation it’s about the viewer experiencing and interpreting the art in real time. And lastly it defines
to intimate and personal encounter with the artist’s vision to think the performance art is the energy of
all the processing parts of all performance art. We are done reflecting on the first topic that Mr. Dominic
so let’s go to the original first topic that was reported by Mr. John Jefferson and this is the part of the
outline topics and this is introduction definition of performance art. It is involve to a genre of
contemporary art and for the definition of performance art it is a type of art in the present time that
consists of several activities that are currently being performed by the artists or other participants. It’s
no like other forms of art that have an output product like a painting or sculpture. In performance art
the action artists or performers serve as works of art and these activities include the physical actions of
speech, music and other formal expressions and in showing the beauty of performers and having an
active role they play in creating art. And let’s move to the second topic that Joh Jefferson will explain
and this is part of intro like the first one topic that I reflect. Performance art by national endowment for
the arts it’s a type of live, visual art that usually includes a performance by the artist but may also
involve other participants. Like what I put earlier, performance art will not disappear from being part of
an art but they have their own meaning and in this second topic it is based on live activities or live
actions other words seen by the real or real work but it is clearly contained and have a visual aspects
that they need obviously for these topic. Usually these works are carried out by artists and there is a
possibility that other participants in performance art are also included in it, the providers of the
performance become part of the creation where the very display or expression of the works serves as
artwork can also it contains different types of performances such as dance, music, reading, etc. in
general this definition shows the main characteristics of performance art as a type of art dedicated to
live activities that have a visual aspect and other participants may be involved. Move for the third topic
and it is part of the elements of the theater, dance, and music by the art story foundation. This is the
one that uses the body with the elements and theater dance and music in performance art, not only the
end of the creation is important but also the processes or performance in a work and the example is
eating unusual foods or showing strange actions as a whole clearly show that this is the important role
played by the body in expressing creativity in the combinations of different formal arts created in
different types of performances. Based on Dominic explanation for risk-taking for me risk taking is the
part of sadness and you like to achieve your goal but some other things stop you to achieve that kind of
ambition in your life and here some definitions for risk taking. Intellectual risk-taking seemed to
influence how well creative confidence predicted creative behavior. Researchers identified a threshold
of minimal intellectual risk-taking after which creative confidence was connected to greater creative
activities and achievement. Below this threshold, even if one had creative confidence, this confidence
did not necessarily result in more creative behavior. What Dominic points out for risk taking is that you
get out of the shallow and inadequate comfort zone that you are in, it seems that we prefer to get out of
ourselves and take ourselves to the best place where it will be easier our self-esteem and our
personality will develop more that recognizes a more beautiful and comfortable comfort zone. Let’s
move to next topic and it is direct address and here some explanation based on what I learn for this kind
of topic. The direct address shows or symbolizes what is around us, and this is what we should know and
we should train for the next life of living with usable do that we will do. Just for example for the viewers,
if you or I are a part of the contest you have to interact with the viewers, why? because they need to be
encouraged in every move you make because they see your steps face-to-face in a place where there
are a lot of people so they will watch you more and love you as a performer and to idolize you learn to
love them and make them happy give them things that they haven't seen from others or experienced
from others, give them joy that they can't get from others or experience from others, this is the example
and I understood in the direct address, because in this day and age, people live purely for entertainment
more popular with people. And is immersive experiences is somewhat similar to direct address, but they
also have a difference based on my listening to Dominic Medrano's discussion of immersive experiences
and show satisfaction in every move you make and your viewers see that you should take them to You
will make a performance so that they can get over or get what you want to convey to them, because this
is what people need now in this day and age, they prefer to be taken to the exciting part where there
should be different types. of efforts through performance and that's when they will recognize you as a
performer. Lastly participatory elements based on my research and experiences here in participatory
elements, it is the pleasure of interacting with performers live acting, live participate, live audience and
etc. Participatory elements are with us in life not only at school not only at home even when you enter
work you need it, it symbolizes your being a performer even if you are not a complete performer on
stage or in any kind of competition, you can use it no matter where you are, the audience will know
what you can really do in the course of your life, what are your talents that others don't see, hidden
talents that you need to bring out to connect as a performer .

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