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Decoding Unfamiliar Words using Context Clues

Context Clues
● Hints that are implied in sentence/s where they appear
● These clues help us define a word.

● Pairs of words with the same meaning
● Examples:
○ neat–tidy
○ arrogant-rude
○ fast-swift
○ The gifted artist made some creative kitchenware.

● Pairs of words with opposite meanings
● Examples:
○ empty-full
○ disappointed-satisfied
○ early-overdue
○ Teddy is very timid, while his twin brother is very active.

Different Elements of the Story/Plot

Elements of a Story
1. Characters
2. Setting
3. Conflict
4. Theme
5. Plot

Elements of a Plot

Compound and Collective Nouns

● Nouns -
○ are naming words.
○ It names a person,place, animal, thing, event, and idea.

● A noun that consists of more than one word that represents one idea.
○ My dad brings his briefcase to work.
○ There are lots of events this school year.
○ He has been the company’s editor-in-chief for years.
● Kinds of Compound Nouns
1. Closed - two words combined are written as one word
○ Toothpaste, blackboard, laptop, briefcase
2. Open two words combined are written as two separate words
○ Fish tank, school year, high school, ice cream
3. Hyphenated - two words combined are separated with a hyphen (-)
○ Daughter-in-law, great-grandmother, runner-up, editor-in-chief

● A noun that names a group of people,animals, or objects that are considered as one
○ A hive of bees is seen in the old house.
○ There is a stack of wood in our garage.
○ The panel of experts examined his work.
● It can be singular OR plural, depending on how you see the individuals in the group.
○ Singular - individuals acting together or as a whole
■ The jury has delivered its conclusion to the judge.
○ Plural - individuals acting individually
■ The jury have not reached a conclusion yet.

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