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There are 2,700 kinds of worms. They may be slimy, but they help the earth.Worms have
lived for 120 million years.

They eat leaves, stems, and dead roots.Then, their

bodies get rid of this matter. This makes rich soil.

One kind of worm from South America is eight

feet long. Other worms are only a few inches long.
They all dig tunnels and look for food.

If there were no worms, we would be in trouble.

Dead animals and plants would pile up. Our dirt
would not be good. So, if you see a worm, tell it,
“Thank you!”

Story Questions

1. Worms help the earth by . . .

£ a. being slimy. £ c. eating dead plants and animals.

£ b. eating dirt. £ d. piling up dead plants and animals.

2. Worms have lived for . . .

£ a. 20 million years. £ c. 20 years.

£ b. 120 million years. £ d. 120 years.

3. Eight-foot-long worms live in . . .

£ a. America. £ c. South America.

£ b. North America. £ d. South Africa.

4. What would happen if we didn’t have worms?

£ a. Dead plants and animals would pile up.

£ b. We would live in tunnels.

£ c. We would say, “Thank you!”

£ d. We would eat dirt.

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