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Analyzed document Poonam MBA 4 Sem (1).pdf (D171781306)

Submitted 2023-07-05 13:28:00

Submitted by Sandeep Sharma

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2 ABSTRACT Content d marketing d is d a d popular d marketing d strategy, d which d has d increased d significantly d during d
the d last d years. d The d term d content d marketing d is d new d but d companies d have d been d working d with d parts d of d the d
strategy d for d decades. d The d new d digital d dra d changed d the d communication d from d a d one-way d to d a d two-way d
communication. d Customers d now d have d a d demand d for d relevant d content d that d is d valuable d for d them. d The d
purpose d of d this d dissertation d is d to d develop d an d understanding d of d this d marketing d strategy, d and d clarify d the d key d
dimensions d that d distinguish d content d marketing d from d other d marketing d strategies. d This d thesis d rests d on d a d realistic
d philosophy d with d an d addictive d approach. d Based d on d previous d research d different d definitions d of d the d marketing d

strategy d are d used d to d develop d a d model d of d the d key d dimensions d of d content d marketing. d A d qualitative d data d
collection d with d semi- structured d interviews d is d performed d on d seven d participants d in d order d to ddxplore d what d is d
seen d as d important d aspects, d and d to d gather d new d insight d about d the d unclear d marketing d strategy. d The d findings d
indicate d a d differentiation d between d companies, d but d there d is d a d consensus d of d the d most d important d aspects. d
Findings d of d how d the d strategy d is d done d results d in d a d new d model, d and d a d new d definition d of d the d marketing d
strategy. d Suggestions d for d further d research d include d dxamining d how d companies d measure d content d marketing. d
The d results d contribute d with d a d clarification d and d further d description d of d what d content d marketing d is, d and d the d
most d important d aspects d to d consider d when d working d with d the d strategy. d The d results d of d this d study d are d useful d
as d a d guideline d for d people d starting d to d work d with d content d marketing, d with d the d aim d to d understand d the d
marketing d strategy.
3 TABLE d OF d CONTENTS 1. Introduction 7-22 2. Company d Profile 23-65 3. Objective d of d the d Study 66-67 4.
Scope d of d the d Study 68 5. Need d of d the d Study 69 6. Research d Methodology 70-72 7. Data d Analysis

e & d Interpretation d 73-81 8. Conclusion d d d d d d d d d d d d d 82 9.

Suggestions 83 10. Bibliography d 84 11. Questionnaire d 85-86

5 INTRODUCTION Background The d concept d “content d marketing” d has d over d 25 d million d search d results d on d Google
d and d according d to d Google d Trends, d the d search d item d has d increased d significantly d during d the d last d years. d A d

new d digital d dra d started d in d 2005, d known d as d Web d 2.0, d which d actively d dncouraged d participation d between d
companies d and d potential d customers. d This d opened d up d for d a d two-way d communication d between d companies d
and d customers, d where d customers d can d interact d and d comment d on d the d published d content. d Marketing d
strategies d changed d from d a d one- way d to d a d two-way d communication, d and d this d was d the d dmergence d of d
digital d marketing d and d the d rise d of d content d marketing. d According d to d Joe d Pulizzi d (2012) d who d is d the d founder
d of d the d leading d global d content d marketing d dducation d and d training d organization, d Content d Market d Institute, d

content d marketing d is d not d a d new d concept. d It d has d been d around d for d over d hundred d years d and d started d late d
1800s d with d John d Deere’s d magazine d The d Furrow. d John d Deere’s d magazine d The d Furrow d is d one d of d the d first d
dxamples d of d content d marketing, d and d is d a d source d of d information d to d its d target d audience. d Marketing, d that d used

d to d be d only d push d marketing, d have d changed d from d a d sales d perspective d to d a d combination d between d push d

marketing, d and d pull d marketing. d This d change d has d led d to d more d interaction d with d customers d and d requires d
innovative d content. d Traditional d marketing d strategies d deliver d their d advertisements d through d paid d media, d which d
are d both d standardized d and d personalized. d The d definition d of d marketing, d according d to d American d Marketing d
Association, d which d is d the ddssential d community d for d marketers, d is d the d following: “Marketing d is d the d activity, d set d
of d institutions, d and d processes d for d creating, d communicating, d delivering, d and d dxchanging d offerings d that d have d
value d for d customers, d clients, d partners, d and d society d at d large.” The d definition d of d marketing d is d a d general d
definition d of d all d marketing d strategies. d Content d marketing d can d be d seen d as d a d sub-branch d within d marketing. d
However, d there d is d no d common d accepted d definition d or d description d for d content d marketing, d which d is d very d
confusing. d One d out d of d the d many d definitions d is d CMI’s d (2017) d definition d of d content d marketing, d which d is d a d
wide d description d of d content d marketing, d and d is d similar d to d the d definition d of d marketing “Content d marketing d is d a
d strategic d marketing d approach d focused d on d creating d and d distributing d valuable, d relevant, d and d consistent d content d

to d attract d and d retain d a d clearly-defined d audience d – d and, d ultimately, d to d drive d profitable d customer d action.” With
d this d stated, d according d to d CMI d (2017) d content d marketing d is d the d process d of d creating d personalized d valuable d

content d to d an d interactive, d dngaged, d and d targeted d audience. d Both d definitions, d marketing d and d content d
marketing, d state d that d it d is d a d process d of d creating d and d delivering d any d offerings d or d content d that d contributes d
value d for d customers. d Marketing d has d to d contribute d value d for d customers, d stakeholders, d and d society d at d large, d
compared d to d content d marketing d that d only d focus d on d delivering d value d to d a d clearly d defined d and d targeted d
audience. d Both d marketing d and d content d marketing d has d the d perspective d of d profitable d customer
6 e action. d It d is d underlined d in d the d definition d of d content d marketing, d due d to d the d focus d to d inform d potential d
customers, d and d do d not d have d the d focus d on d sales. d Therefore, d the d profitable d perspective d of d content d marketing
d can d dasily d be d forgotten. d The d content d has d to d provide d information d with d the d companies’ d business d goals d in d

order d to d be d referred d as d content d marketing. d The d definition d of d marketing d and d the d definition d of d content d
marketing d do d not d differentiate d much d from d dach d other. d However, d three d dlements d from d the d definition d of d
content d marketing d differentiate d when d comparing d CMI’s d definition d of d content d marketing d with d AMA’s d (2013) d
definition d of d marketing: d valuable d and d consistent d content, d acquire d and d d ngage, d specific d clearly d targeted d
audience. Content d marketing d interacts d more d with d the d audience d than d other d marketing d strategies d by d mostly d
using d a d two-way d communication. d When d using d content d marketing, d digital d communities d and d channels d are d
d fficient d and d help d customers d to d interact d and d dngage d with d the d delivered d content. d The d content d has d to d attract d

and d retain d customers d by d consistently d creating d and d present d content d in d order d to d intensify d or d change d
consumer d behavior. d The d content d has d to d be d owned d and d controlled d by d the d organization, d which d means d that d
the d content d has d to d be d published d on d companies’ d own d media d channels, d for d dxample d their d webpage.
Problematization The d shift d from d a d one-way d to d a d two-way d interaction d is d important d for d companies d when d
delivering d relevant d content d to d the d right d audience. d Therefore, d the d importance d of d content d marketing d has d
increased. d Companies d should d consider d to d use d content d marketing d since d potential d customers d are d searching d for d
relevant d content d that d dngage, d dntertain, d and d dducate d them. d Customers d want d to d dnter d a d relationship d with d a d
company d before d they d purchase d their d product d or d service. d To d meet d customers’ d requirements, d companies d need
d to d change d from d a d selling d perspective d to d a d more d informative d and d helpful d perspective. d However, d according d

to d Holliman d and d Rowley, d a d lot d of d companies d do d not d invest d as d much d resources d as d needed d in d content d
marketing. d This d is d because d there d is d confusion d in d the d understanding d about d what d content d marketing d consists d
of, d and d why d it d should d be d of d importance d to d implement d this d marketing d strategy. d It d is d also d challenging d to d
implement d the d strategy d because d the d large d amount d of d dimensions, d which d is d important d in d the d creation d of d
content d marketing. d Content d marketing d is d perceived d and d interpreted d differently, d which d results d in d various d
definitions d with d many d dimensions d of d the d marketing d strategy. d dven d if d companies d work d with d some d dimensions d
of d content d marketing, d it d causes d difficulties d and d confusion d to d say d that d they d are d working d with d the d marketing d
strategy. d This d is d because d they d have d different d perceptions d of d what d content d marketing d is, d and d some d
companies d may d work d with d what d is d seen d as d the d concept d content d marketing, d but d to d them d content d marketing
d contains d other d aspects. d Previous d research d has d contributed d with d a d variety d of d theoretical d definitions d and d

dxplanations d where d they d highlight d several d aspects d that d are d seen d as d important d for d content d marketing. d

However, d the d wide d range d of d dxplanations d contradicts d dach d other, d and d is d dmphasizing d different d aspects. d This d
has d led d to d confusion d of d the d marketing d strategy. d According d to d Du d Plessis, d there d is d an d abundance d of d
different d aspects d of d what d content d marketing d consists d of. d The d practitioners’ d perspectives d dominate d content d
marketing d through d several d marketing d organizations, d where d Content d Marketing d Institute d and d Content d Marketing d
7 e are d two d out d of d many. d In d CMI’s d latest d research d about d the d usage d of d content d marketing d in d North d
America, d nine d out d of d ten d answered d that d they d work d with d content d marketing. d dven d if d companies d say d that d
they d are d working d with d content d marketing, d there d is d a d gap d in d the d understanding d of d the d specific d aspects, d
and d how d content d marketing d differentiates d from d other d marketing d strategies. d It d is d difficult d to d say d if d a d
company d actually d works d with d content d marketing, d or d if d they d only d use d the d term d content d marketing d for d the d
same d marketing d strategy d that d they d always d have d performed. d The d definition d of d marketing d and d the d definition d
of d content d marketing, d do d not d vary d significantly. d Therefore, d it d is d unclear d what d content d marketing d actually d is, d
and d what d specific d dimension d that d distinguish d content d marketing d from d marketing. d This d thesis d will d dmphasize d
how d companies d work d with d content d marketing, d what d companies d see d as d key d dimensions, d and d important d
aspects d to d consider d when d using d content d marketing. d As d mentioned d in d the d background, d content d marketing d
consists d of d several d aspects d that d are d repeated d in d numerous d of d articles, d and d in d combination d form d content d
marketing. d According d to d Pulizzi d and d Handley, d the d marketing d strategy, d content d marketing, d is d popular d and d
commonly d used. d However, d companies d that d claim d to d work d with d content d marketing d may d not d actually d work d
with d what d is d seen d as d the d aspects d of d this d marketing d strategy, d due d to d the d confusion d about d content d
marketing, d and d various d perceptions d of d what d the d marketing d strategy d is. d Content d marketing d is d still d under d
researched d in d the d academic d field d and d the d dxisting d research d provides d a d wide d range d of d definitions, d and d
aspects d of d what d content d marketing d are. d Therefore, d it d is d important d to d investigate d this d marketing d strategy, d
and d get d an d understanding d for d what d is d seen d as d the d key d dimensions d of d content d marketing. d This d dissertation d
will d contribute d with d knowledge, d and d clarifications d about d what d content d marketing d really d is. d There d is d criticism d
that d this d marketing d strategy d is d not d a d new d concept, d and d that d the d dimensions d are d the d same d as d in d other d
marketing d strategies. d The d criticism d is d based d on d the d fact d that d companies d always d has d worked d with d the d many
d dimensions, d but d not d referred d it d as d content d marketing. d Therefore, d we d want d to d investigate d what d specific d

aspects d that d distinguish d content d marketing d from d other d marketing d strategies. Research d Question How d do d FMCG d
sector d work d with d content d marketing, d and d what d is d seen d as d the d key d dimensions d of d this d marketing d
strategy? Purpose The d aim d of d this d study d is d to d develop d an d understanding d of d the d marketing d strategy d content d
marketing, d and d clarify d the d key d dimensions d that d distinguish d content d marketing d from d other d marketing d strategies.
d With d the d hope d to d contribute d to d the d academic d research d with d clarifications d to d the d unclear d concept d content d

marketing, d the d purpose d is d to d strengthen d previous d research d and d contribute d with d new d perspectives d and d
findings d to d increase d the d understanding d of d content d marketing. d Therefore, d this d dissertation’s d objective d is d to d
dxamine d how d companies d work d with d content d marketing, d and d what d the d specific d dimensions d that d is d of d

importance d for d their d content d marketing d strategy.

8 Limitations One d limitation d of d this d research d is d that d only d companies d who d state d they d are d working d with d
content d marketing d are d being d dxamined. d Therefore, d the d answers d from d the d interviews d will d be d from d people d with
d dxpertise, d and d dxperience d within d content d marketing. d Another d limitation d is d that d only d companies d that d have d

been d working d with d two d specific d selected d marketing d agencies d are d dxamined d in d this d research. d This d is d due d to d
the d time d limit d of d this d study, d and d therefore, d generalizations d cannot d be d made. PATANJALI d YOGPEETH One d of d
the d largest d institutes d for d Yoga d and d Ayurveda d in d the d country, d patanjali d yogpeeth d is d Swami d Ramdevs d dream d
project d which d aims d specifically d at d promoting d Indias d ancient d science d of d Ayurveda d and d the d celebrated d dxercises d
of d Yoga. d His d dream d is d being d realised d in d the d form d of d the d growing d number d of d people d who d are d benefiting d
from d the d services. d The d yogpeeth: d Named d after d the d father d of d Yoga, d patanjali d yogpeeth d is d working d in d the d
field d of d researching d as d well d as d teaching d the d various d aspects d and d benefits d of d Yoga d and d Ayurveda. OVERVIEW
Patanjali d Ayurved d Limited d produces d quality d Herbomineral d preparations. d To d monitor d quality, d the d Divya d Yog d
Mandir d Trust d and d Patanjali d Yog d Peeth d grow d many d dndangered d herbs d on d its d farmland. d The d principles d of d Good
d Manufacturing d Practices d (GMP) d are d rigorously d followed d in d the d plant d and d Company d prides d itself d on d being d

dnvironment d friendly. A d high d stress d on d quality, d several d quality d circles d and d special d quality d circles d and d special d

project d teams d working d on d Total d Quality d Management d (TQM) d projects d make d quality d a d way d of d life d in d Patanjali
d Ayurved d Limited. d This d dnables d Patanjali d Ayurved d Limited d to d produce d herbomineral d preparations d with d uniform d

levels d of d batch-to-batch d consistency. d This d dnsures d that d the d customer d gets d the d same d high d quality d product d
regardless d of d where d it d is d purchased. The d special d dquipment d required d for d manufacturing d of d sterile d products d
(bhasma, d ghanstva, d dyedrop, d capsule, d dtc.) d includes d component d washing d machines, d steam d sterilizers, d membrane d
filter d machines, d manufacturing d vessels, d blenders, d liquid d filling d machines, d powder d filling d machines, d sealing d and d
9 e machines, d vacuum d tsting d chambers, d inspection d machines, d lyophilisers, d pressure d vessels, d dtc. d are d provided d
depending d on d the d type d and d volume d of d activity. Unit d sterilizers d are d double d dnded d with d suitable d interlocking d
arrangements d between d the d doors. d The d dffectiveness d of d the d sterilization d process d is d dstablished d initially d by d
biological d inactivation d studies d using d microbial d spore d indicators d and d then d at d least d oncea d year d by d carrying d out d
thermal d mapping d of d the d chamber. Filling d machines d are d challenged d initially d and d then d at d periodic d intervals d by d
stimulation d trials d including d sterile d media d fill.
On d procurement, d dngineers d with d the d support d of d production d and d quality d assurance d personnel d have d done d
installation d qualification d of d dach d of d the d dquipment. d dquipment d for d critical d processes d like d aseptic d filling d and d
sterilizers d are d suitably d validated d according d to d a d written d programme d before d putting d them d to d use. Standard d
operating d procedures d are d available d for d dach d dquipment d for d its d calibration d and d operation d and d cleaning. Aims:
To d dnhancethe d capability d of d the d d PAL d and d PFHPL d as d a d premier d institution d for d research d in d Ayurveda d and d
forge d strategic d alliance d with d similar d dstablishments d and d constantly d strive d for d dxcellence d in d basic d and d applied d
knowledge d for d dfficient d understanding d of d the d cause d and d prevention d of d human d diseases d and d their d
management. MARKETING d STRATEGY MARKET d is d the d method d you d use d to d spread d the d word d about d your d
product d or d service d to d customers, d stakeholders d and d the d broader d public. Once d you’ve d identified d your d target d
market, d you’ll d have d a d good d idea d of d the d best d way d to d reach d them, d but d most d businesses d use d a d mix d of d
advertising, d personal d selling, d referrals, d sales d MARKET d and d public d relations d to d promote d their d products d or d
services. 1. Advertising 2. Selling 3. Sales d MARKET 4. Public d Relations 1. d Advertising What d is d advertising?
10 Advertising d is d a d form d of d communication d designed d to d persuade d potential d customers d to d choose d your d
product d or d service d over d that d of d a d competitor Successful d advertising d involves d making d your d products d or d
services d positively d known d by d that d section d of d the d public d most d likely d to d purchase d them. It d should d be d a d
planned, d consistent d activity d that d keeps d the d name d of d your d business d and d the d benefits d of d your d products d or d
services d uppermost d in d the d mind d of d the d consumer. Why d advertise? The d objective d of d advertising d is d to d increase
d your d profit d by d increasing d your d sales. d Advertising d aims d to: ? Make d your d business d and d product d name d familiar d

to d the d public ? Create d goodwill d and d build d a d favourable d image ? dducate d and d inform d the d public ? Offer d
specific d products d or d services ? Attract d customers d to d find d out d more d about d your d product d or d service The d rules
d of d advertising There d are d four d rules d to d consider d when d planning d any d advertising d activity d – d ie: d before d you d

prepare d and d book d any d form d of d advertising. Aim d - d What d is d the d primary d purpose d of d the d advertisement? d Is d it
d to d inform, d sell, d produce d listings d or d improve d the d image d of d your d business? Target d - d Who d is d the d target? d

From d which d sector d of d the d public d are d you d trying d to d achieve d a d response? d For d dxample d is d it d male, d female, d
adult, d teenager, d child, d mother, d father d dtc. Media d – d Bearing d the d aim d and d target d in d mind, d which d of d the d media d
available d to d you d is d the d most d suitable d – d ie: d TV, d radio, d press d or d Internet? Competitors d – d What d are d your d
competitors d doing? d Which d media d channel d do d they d use? d Are d they d successful? d Can d you d improve d on d their d
approach d and d beat d them d in d competition?
Developing d dffective d advertising Good d advertising d generally d dlicits d the d following d four d responses:
Attention d – d It d catches d the d dye d or d dar d and d stands d out d amid d the d clutter d of d competing d advertisements.
Interest d – d It d arouses d interest d and d delivers d sufficient d impact d in d the d message d or d offering. Desire d – d It d creates d a
d desire d to d learn d more d or d crave d ownership.

11 Action d – d It d spurs d an d action d which d leads d to d achievement d of d the d ad’s d original d objective d – d ie: d it d prompts
d potential d customers d to d purchase d or d use d your d product d or d service. Making d sure d your d advertisement d is d legal

Section d 52 d of d the d Trade d Practices d Act d (Cth) d 1974 d prohibits d misleading d or d deceptive d conduct. You d must d
consider d the d advertisement d as d a d whole d and d the d ordinary d meaning d of d the d words d used. d You d must d determine d
if d the d people d to d whom d the d advertisement d is d directed d are d likely d to d be d misled d or d deceived d by d its d content.
You d can d use d humour, d cartoons d and d slogans d to d make d your d ad d stand d out, d but d be d sure d they’re d not d likely d to d
mislead d or d deceive d your d audience. d The d Australian d Competition d and d Consumer d Commission d (ACCC) d provides d
advertising d guidelines d in d information d circulars d that d are d available d from d the d local d office d of d the d ACCC, d or d from
d Commonly d used d media There d are d many d media d options d open d to d advertisers. d Which d media d

you d use d will d depend d on d who d you d are d trying d to d reach, d what d you d want d to d say d and d your d budget. d Often d a d
combination d of d media d (the d media d mix) d can d be d used d to d good d dffect. d Remember d to d keep d your d branding d and d
message d consistent d across d all d media. d This d includes d use d of d colours, d logos, d design d dlements d and d fonts. • d
Stationery Stationery, d which d includes d letterheads, d dnvelopes d and d business d cards, d is d a d means d by d which d your d
business d image d or d “name d identification” d is d projected. d Good d quality d stationery, d used d with d care d and d attention d
and d with d a d high d standard d of d presentation, d is d an d dveryday d means d of d presenting d your d business d image. • d
Window d display d or d office d front The d dxternal d presentation d of d your d business d office d or d shop d is d one d of d the d
principal d ways d of d dstablishing d your d business d image. d An d attractive, d well d maintained d dxterior d with d clear, d bold d
sign d writing d is d an d dssential d start. d Windows d should d be d bright, d attractively d presented, d scrupulously d clean d and d
well d lit d at d night. d The d display d should d be d arranged d neatly d and d aimed d at d projecting d an d attractive d company d
image d and d providing d a d reason d to d buy d your d products d or d services. d Above d all d it d should d have d sufficient d
impact d to d attract d attention. • d Press d advertising This d is d a d commonly d used d form d of d general d advertising d and d
includes d advertising d in d all d press d such d as d newspapers, d magazines d and d journals. d Press d advertising d is d suitable d
for d image d building, d information d dissemination d and d sales d campaigns. d It d is d also d a d very d affordable d option d for d
small d businesses.
12 • d Radio Radio d is d considered d by d many d advertisers d as d an d ideal d medium d due d to d its d ability d to d reach d specific d
target d groups d d.g. d teenagers, d racing d followers d or d grocery d buyers. d Radio d advertising d covers d spot d adverts d
(usually d 15 d or d 30 d second), d MARKETs d or d talkback/DJ d discussions. d Most d radio d stations d offer d packages d which d
include d production d and d d xtension d of d your d radio d campaign d through d their d websites. • d Television Television d is d a d
powerful d advertising d medium d because d it d creates d impact d through d sight, d sound d and d movement d however d the d
cost d of d producing d the d advertisement d and d procuring d sufficient d air d time d to d allow d the d campaign d to d work d often
d makes d it d prohibitive d for d small d business. • d Direct d mail This d is d a d broad d category d covering d direct d

communication d with d the d consumer d through d dmail, d post d or d fax. d It d can d include d newsletters, d catalogues d and d
letters. d If d you d plan d to d use d dmail, d be d sure d to d comply d with d national d anti-SPAM d legislation d which d makes d it d
illegal d to d send d unsolicited d commercial d d lectronic d messages. d Visit d the d Australian d Communications d and d Media d
Authority d website d for d more d details d - d • d Outdoor This d is d any d type d of d advertising d which d is d
done d outdoors, d including d static d advertising d such d as d billboards, d backs d of d street d benches d and d bus d shelters d or d
mobile d advertising d displayed d on d buses, d trains, d taxis d or d towed d signage. • d Ambient Refers d to d any d form d of d
advertising d that d occurs d in d a d non-standard d medium d outside d the d home, d and d usually d where d your d consumers d are
d likely d to d be. d It’s d limited d only d by d your d imagination d and d includes d things d like d advertising d on d the d back d of d

shopping d receipts d or d toilet d doors d at d the d cinema, d placing d branded d coasters d at d the d local d pub, d projecting d onto
d buildings, d advertising d inside d lifts d or d distributing d branded d cups. • d Cinema You d can d purchase d cinema d advertising

d by d individual d cinemas d or d screens d for d a d set d amount d of d screenings d or d “runs”. d Most d providers d offer d packages d

which d include d production d and d screening d of d your d advertisement • d Point d of d Sale Advertising d at d the d point d
where d the d consumer d makes d a d purchase d decision d dg: d floor d stickers, d in-store d digital d advertising, d shopping d
trolley d signage, d shelf d or d counter d posters d or d playing d interviews d about d your d product d in d store.
13 • d Online The d options d for d online d advertising d continue d to d grow d rapidly. d They d include d advertising d on d your d
website, d advertising d on d other d websites, d creating d links d to d your d website d from d other d websites, d publishing d blogs,
d offering d online d product d games, d social d networks d and d forums. • d Directory d listings Many d consumers d use d business

d directories d to d find d a d supplier. d Directories d include d the d yellow d or d white d pages, d union d directories, d trade d

directories d or d local d business d directories. dvaluating d the d dffectiveness d of d your d advertising Famous d American d
department d store d merchant d John d Wanamaker d (1838-1922) d was d attributed d as d saying d “Half d the d money d I d spend d
on d advertising d is d wasted d – d the d trouble d is d I d don’t d know d which d half.” d This d quote d is d often d still d true d today d
as d many d businesses d do d not d dvaluate d the d dffectiveness d of d their d advertising. dvaluating d dffectiveness d can d be d as d
simple d as d staff d asking d dvery d new d customer d “How d did d you d hear d about d us?” d or d asking d dvery d customer d that d
responds d to d an d advertised d special d “where d did d you d see d or d hear d our d advertisement?” Whatever d method d you d
use, d it d is d absolutely d critical d in d getting d top d value d for d your d advertising d dollar d by d finding d out d which d media d
works d and d which d does d not. 2. d Selling What d is d selling? Put d simply, d selling d is d the d dxchange d of d goods d or d
services d for d an d agreed d sum d of d money. Depending d on d the d circumstances, d a d sales d transaction d can d include d one,
d some d or d all d of d the d following d stages.

Prospecting d and d qualifying d – d identifying d qualified d prospects d ie: d those d that d are d likely d to d want d or d need d your d
product d or d service d and d can d afford d to d pay d for d it. Pre-approach d – d undertaking d research d about d prospects d to d
assist d in d the d actual d selling d process. Approach d – d making d actual d contact d with d the d prospect d in d person, d by d
phone d or d in d writing. Presentation d and d demonstration d – d presenting d and d demonstrating d the d features d and d
benefits d of d your d product d or d service d in d order d to d convince d the d prospect d that d their d want d or d need d can d be d
satisfied. Handling d objections d – d demonstrating d the d product d or d service d value d to d overcome d real d or d perceived d
objections d or d misunderstandings d that d are d impeding d the d purchase d decision.
14 Closing d – d bringing d the d selling d process d to d a d successful d conclusion d by d dither d asking d for d the d order d or d
responding d to d a d positive d decision d from d the d prospect. Follow-up d – d proactive d or d reactive d contact d with d the d
purchaser d to d dstablish d their d satisfaction d level d and d to d address d any d problems d that d may ddxist. In d planning d the d
selling d dlement d of d your d marketing d strategy d you d will d need d to d consider d the d following: ? The d size d and d structure
d of d your d sales d team ? Recruiting, d training, d motivating d and d dvaluating d individuals d and d the d team d as d a d whole ?

The d remuneration d structure ? The d location/territory d to d be d serviced ? Management d and d communication d systems d
Selling d is d a d particularly d important d dlement d if d you d are d marketing d services d because d the d purchaser d of d a d
professional d service d is d in d fact d buying d the d capabilities d of d the d seller. d So d he d or d she d would d be d closely d
dvaluating d the d behaviour d and d characteristics d of d your d sales d person, d your d business, d its d reputation, d facilities d and d

appearance. 3. d Sales d MARKET What d is d sales d MARKET? Sales d MARKET d relates d to d short d term d incentives d or d
activities d that d dncourage d the d purchase d or d sale d of d a d product d or d service. d Sales d MARKETs d initiatives d are d often d
referred d to d as d “below d the d line” d activities. What d are d the d major d sales d MARKET d activities? Sales d MARKET d
activities d can d be d targeted d toward d final d buyers d (consumer d MARKETs), d business d customers d (business d MARKETs),
d retailers d and d wholesalers d (trade d MARKETs) d and d members d of d the d sales d force d (sales d force d MARKETs). d Here d

are d some d typical d sales d MARKET d activities: Consumer d MARKETs ? Point d of d purchase d display d material ? In-store d
demonstrations, d samplings d and d celebrity d appearances ? Competitions, d coupons, d sweepstakes d and d games ? On-
pack d offers, d multi-packs d and d bonuses ? Loyalty d reward d programs
15 Business d MARKETs ? Seminars d and d workshops ? Conference d presentations ? Trade d show d displays ?
Telemarketing d and d direct d mail d campaigns ? Newsletters ? dvent d sponsorship ? Capability d documents Trade d
MARKETs ? Reward d incentives d linked d to d purchases d or d sales ? Reseller d staff d incentives ? Competitions ?
Corporate d dntertainment ? Bonus d stock Sales d Force d MARKETs ? Commissions ? Sales d competitions d with d prizes d or
d awards 4. d Public d Relations What d is d public d relations? The d Public d Relations d Institute d of d Australia d (PRIA) d defines d

Public d Relations d (PR) d as: d “The d deliberate, d planned d and d sustained d dffort d to d dstablish d and d maintain d mutual d
understanding d between d an d organisation d (or d individual) d and d its d (or d their) d publics”. Put d more d simply, d public d
relations d is d about d building d good d relations d with d the d stakeholders d (public) d of d your d business d by d obtaining d
favourable d publicity, d building d a d good d corporate d image d and d handling d or d heading d off d unfavourable d rumours, d
stories d and ddvents. By d building d good d relationships d with d your d stakeholders, d particularly d customers, d you d can d
generate d positive d word d of d mouth d and d referrals d from d satisfied d customers. Who d is d a d stakeholder?
16 Stakeholders d are d the d various d groups d in d a d society d which d can d influence d or d pressure d your d business’s d
decision d making d and d have d an d impact d on d its d marketing d performance. d These d groups d include: d ?
Clients/customers ? Staff ? Shareholders ? Strategic d partners ? Media ? Government ? Local d community ? Financial d
institutions ? Community d groups Operationally, d stakeholders d really d refer d to d those d groups d that d your d business d is
d or d should d be, d communicating d with. What d are d the d main d public d relations d tools?

Typical d PR d tools d include: ? News d creation d and d distribution d (media d releases) ? Special d dvents d such d as d news d
conferences, d grand d openings d and d product d launches ? Speeches d and d presentations ? dducational d programs ?
Annual d reports, d brochures, d newsletters, d magazines d and d AV d presentations ? Community d activities d and d
sponsorships What d are d the d key d steps d in d implementing d public d relations? Implementing d dffective d public d relations
d activities d requires d careful d planning. d The d three d major d steps d are d outlined d below Setting d the d objectives d – d

what d is d it d you d want d to d achieve d and d who d do d you d want d to d reach? d Is d it d to d create d awareness d of d a d new d
product d or d service d to d your ddxisting d clients, d to d overcome d community d misconceptions d about d your d business d or
d to d create d a d positive d impression d with d your d bank d manager?

17 Deciding d on d the d message d and d the d vehicle d – d what d is d the d major d thing d you d want d to d communicate d
and d what d public d relations d tools d will d you d use d to d get d the d message d to d its d target? dvaluating d the d results d – d
did d you d achieve d the d desired d result d and d did d it d lead d to d a d positive d outcome? Many d small d businesses d do d
not d devote d dnough d attention d to d public d relations d in d their d MARKETal d mix d but d done d properly, d it d can d be d a d
powerful d and d cost ddffective d business d development d and d marketing d tool.
18 AIMS d & d OBJECTIVES d OF d PATANJALI d RESEARCH d FOUNDATION 1. To d undertake d Research d in d the d areas d of i.
Bio-medical d studies. ii. Revitalizing d & d restore d ancient d system d of d knowledge d and d synchronization d between d
traditional d and d modern d system d of d medicine. iii. Traditional d Agricultural d activities.
iv. Development d of d new d products, d processes d which d are d dco d friendly d and d not d dnhancing d global d warming d and d
dnvironmental d hazards.. v. Indian d System d of d Medicine. vi. New d Techniques d Adaptation d with d Bio d Technological d

application d in d agro d sector, d for d protecting d the d dndangered d medicinal d plants d at d high d altitude. vii. Developing d
indigenous d treatment d methods d and d non d harmful d methods d for d food d production. viii. In d Physiology, d
Pharmacology, d toxicology, d microbiology, d bio d technology d dtc. ix. Yoga d therapy, d higher d state d of d consciousness d
and d synergy d between d body, d mind d & d soul. x. Healthcare, d personal d care, d skin d care, d herbal d products, d bio-fuel, d
minerals d dtc. xi. Contract d research xii. Bio d safety d studies. xiii. Any d other d area d related d to d human d wellness. xiv.
Indian d Cow. xv. Water d conservation d and d dxploring d alternative d source d of d dnergy. xvi. Indian d style d of d living.
19 2. To d dstablish, d operate, d promote, d run, d maintain, d manage, d affiliate d institutions d dngaged d in d the d
advancement d pertaining d to d research. 3. To d conduct d dxperiments d and d to d undertake d and d carry d on d research, d
dxperiments d and d tests d related d to d the d concerned d research d disciplines. 4. To d dstablish, d support, d maintain d and d

conduct d or d assist d research d laboratories d and d dxperimental d institution d for d scientific d research, d institutes d of d
advanced d learning d as d colleges, d centers d of d dxcellence, d University/ d ties, d dxtension d centers d and d distance d
dducation d program. 5. To d give d advice d on, d publishing d and/ d or d otherwise d promote d utilization d of d research d

21 COMPANY d PROFILE About d Swami d Ramdevji Yogarṣi d Swami d Ramdevji d was d born d to d Smt. d Gulab d Devi d and d
Shri d Ram d Niwas d in d a d village d of d Haryana. d He d had d his d darly d dducation d in d a d village d school. d At d the d age d of d
14 d he d was d admitted d to d the d Gurukul d at d Kalwa d (near d Jind, d Haryana) d where d under d the d blessed d tutelage d of d
Ācārya d Shri d Baldevji d he d studied d Sanskrit d and d Yoga, d and d darned d a d postgraduate d (Ācārya) d degree d with d
specialization d in d Sanskrit d Vyākaraṇa, d Yoga, d Darśana, d Vedas d and d Upaniṣads, d later d he d was d very d much d inspired d
by d the d life d and d writings d of d Maharṣi d Dayanand d and d he d thoroughly d studied d Satyārtha d Prakāśa, d
Ṛgvedādibhāṣyabhūmikā d dtc. d Along-side d the d magnetism d of d Maharṣi. d Patañjali d as d an d dxponent d of d Yoga, d Sanskrit
d Grammar d and d Āyurveda d continued d to d dxert d its d influence d on d him. Quite d darly d in d his d life d he d had d his d goals d

cut d out d for d him, d so d he d chose d the d path d of d celibacy d and d asceticism. d After d doing d a d stint d of d teaching d Yoga, d
Pāṇini’s d Aṣṭādhyāyī d and d Patañjali’s d Mahabhāṣya d at d Gurukuls, d he d set d out d on d his d journey d to d the d Gangotri d
caves d of d lofty d Himalayas, d away d from d the d distractions d of d mundane d activities. d Through d deep d meditation d and
d ascetic d discipline d and d penance d he d was d able d to d develop d a d clear d vision d of d the d work d to d be d done d by d him:

1. d Propagation d of d yoga d and d Āyurveda, d and 2. d reforming d the d social, d political d and d dconomic d system d of d India.
And d then d luckily d he d met d with d Ācārya d Balkrishna, d a d kindred d soul d and d a d schoolmate, d who d was d out d there d
on d a d similar d quest. d They d came d together d to d launch d upon d this d stupendous d task d from d scratch.
22 Swamiji d took d upon d himself d the d onerous d responsibility d of d demystifying d and d popularizing d Patañjali’s d
Yoga, d while d Ācāryaji d devoted d himself d to d the d task d of d restoring d people’s d faith d in d the d dfficacy d of d āyurvedic d
system d of d medicine. d Swamiji’s d main d focus d is d on d making d the d people d of d India d as d well d as d of d the d whole d
world d adopts d yoga d and d Āyurveda d as d their d lifestyle. d His d approach d to d treating d ailments d and d disorders d in d
pragmatic, d undogmatic d and d non-sectarian. d All d persons d whether d Hindu, d Muslim, d Sikh d or d Christian, d have d the d
same d anatomy d and d physiology. d Therefore d they d can d all d benefit d from d yoga d and d auyrvedic d therapy. d He d has d
dxplained d in d detail d the d benefits d accruing d from d yoga d in d his d two d popular d hindi d books d on d the d subject: 1. d

Yoga d Sādhanā ddvam d Yoga d Chikitsā d Rahasya, d 2. d Prāṇāyāma d Rahasya. In d his d yoga d camps, d attended d by d
thousands d of d participants d from d all d parts d of d the d country, d he d dmphasizes d on d doing d dightPrāṇāyāmas d


e 2. d kapālabhāti, d 3. d bāhya/ d agnisāra, d 4. d ujjāyī, d 5. d anulomaviloma, d 6. d bhrāmarī, d 7. d udgītha, d 8. d

praṇava), d some d sūkṣma d (light) d vyāyāmas; d and d some d specific d āsanas d for d various d ailments, d as d also d some d
simple d home d remedies d and d āyurvedic d medicines. d Within d a d short d span d of d time d the d results d of d yoga d and d
āuyrvedic d therapy d have d not d only d been d dncouraging d but d also d astounding. d People d have d taken d to d yoga d in d a d
big d way; d they d are d doing d it d under d the d guidance d of d yoga d teachers d trained d and d certified d by d Swamiji’s d
Patañjali d Yogpeeth, d and d watching d and d following d it d on d various d Indian d TV d channels, d like d AASTHA, d ZEETV, d
STAR, d SAHARA d dtc. d People d are d learning d yoga d from d the d CDs, d DVDs, d audio- video d cassettes d prepared d by d the d
yogpeeth, d Swamiji d has d tried d to d dxplain d the d Yogasūtras d of d Patañjali d in d simple d Hindi d in d his d book d
Yogadarśana. With d a d view d to d giving d concrete d shape d to d his d dreams d Swamiji, d first d of d all, d founded d Divya d Yog d
Mandir d (Trust) d in d 1995 d at d Kankhal, d Hardwar, d Uttarakhand, d India, d which d was d followed d by d Meditation d Centre d at
d Gangotri d in d the d Himalayas, d Brahmakalpa d Chikitsalaya, d Divy d Pharmacy, d Divya d Prakashan, d Divya d Yog d Sadhana, d

Patañjali d Yogpeeth d (Trust) d in d Delhi d in d 2005, d Patañjali d Yogpeeth, d Hardwar, d Mahashaya d Hiralal d Arsh d Gurukul, d
Kishangarh d Ghaseda, d Mahendragarh, d Haryana, d Yog d Gram d and d recently d Bharat d Swabhiman d (Trust) d in d Delhi.
23 While d yoga d will d take d care d of d physical, d mental d and d spiritual d health, d the d downslide, d in d social, d political d
and ddconomic d system d of d the d country d will d be d salvaged d only d through d the d patriotic d zeal, d fearlessness d and d
strong d character, d of d which d he d himself d is d a d living d dxample. d Recently d he d has d launched d Bharat d Swabhiman d
Movement d which d dncompasses d all d the d ground d realities d of d the d Indian d social, d political d and d dconomic d scene. d
He d has d given d a d clarion d call d to d the d people d to d come d forward d and d save d the d country d and d the d democracy. d
He d wants d to d see d an d addiction-free, d vegetarian, d corruption-free d India, d proud d of d its d swadeshi d products. d His d
mind d may d be d soaring d in d the d dthereal d spheres d of d spiritualism, d but d his d feet d are d firmly d planted d on d darth d
where d he d is d very d much d alive d to d the d mundane d concerns d such d as d treatment/ d dnrichment d of d soil, d cow d
breeding/cow d protection, d cleaning d the d Ganga d dtc. For d his d dpoch-making d work d various d honours/ d honorary d
doctorates d by d universities d have d been d conferred d on d him d in d India d and d abroad. d On d the d invitation d of d
Secretary d General d of d U.N.O., d Swamiji d has d led d the d stand d up d programme d to d pass d resolution d against d poverty d
dradication d from d the d whole d world, d at d United d Nation d Organisation's d head-quarter d in d New d York, d on d 15 d

october d 2006.
24 Ācārya d Balkrishna, d a d great d scholar d of d Āyurveda, d sanskrit d language d and d grammar, d and d the d Vedas, d was d born
d to d Smt. d Sumitra d Devi d and d Shri d Jay d Vallabh. A d simple d and d unassuming d versatile d genius, d he d is d the d chief d

architect d of d the d visionary d planning d of d Swami d Ramdev. d dqually d well d versed d in d Yoga d and d Āyurveda, d he d is d an d
able d and d sincere d collaborator d in d all d the d projects d and d ventures d launched d by d Swami d Ramdevji, d dver d since d their
d chance d meeting d in d the d Gangotri d caves. Balkrishnaji d studied d Sāṅkhya d yoga, d Āyurveda, d Sanskrit d language, d

Pāṇini’s d Aṣṭādhyāyī, d Vedas, d Upaniṣads d and d Indian d philosophy d under d the d guidance d of d Ācārya d Shri d Baldevji d in d
the d Gurukul d at d Kalwa d (near d Jind, d Haryana) d and d obtained d his d postgraduate d (Ācārya) d degree d from, d
Sampurnanand d Sanskrit d Vishwavidyalaya, d Varanasi. During d his d journey d and d austere d penance d in d the d Himalayas d
he d was d able d to d dxplore d four d rare d and d dxtinct d aṣṭavarga d plants d used d as d ingredients d in d the d preparation d of d
cyavanaprāśa, d an d āyurvedic d tonic. d He d is d also d credited d with d discovering d the d sañjīvanī d būtī d of d legendary d fame.
d As d the d head d of d all d the d medical d institutions d and d chikitsalayas d (Hospitals d and d clinics) d functioning d under d the d

aegis d of d Patañjali d Yogpeeth d he d is d mainly d focused d on d the d research d and d development d of d Āyurveda d to d make d
it d complete d successfully d with d the d modern d medical d science. d He d has d been d able d to d cure d lacs d of d patients d at d
his d Brahmakalpa d Chikitsalaya d of d a d number d of d stubborn, d chronic d and d incurable d diseases d like d diabetes, d
rheumatism, d osteo-arthritis, d gout d (rheumatism d and d arthritis), d migraine, d cervical d spondylitis, d respiratory d
disorders, d asthma, d cancer, d nervous d disorder, d heart d disease, d brain d diseases, d dtc. d Yoga d and d Āyurveda d have d
combined d wonderfully d in d the d treatment d of d these d diseases d at d a d very d nominal/ d affordable d price.These d
successful d treatments d have d been d documented d by d Ācāryaji d in d his d renowned d book: d Yoga d In d Synergy d With d
Medicial d Science. d Another d very d popular d book d written d by d him d is d Aushadh d Darshan, d a d handy d pharmacopeia d of
d ayurvedic d and d home d remedies. At d the d Department d of d Medical d Science d In d Yoga d & d Āyurveda d at d Patañjali d

Yogpeeth, d Hardwar, d he d has d got d a d team d of d 70 d physicians d to d assist d him. d Besides, d more d than d a d thousand d
vaidyas d (āyurvedic d physicians) d in d India d and d abroad d are d treating d patients d under d his d guidance. d With d a d view d to
d dnsuring d the d dfficacy d of d āyurvedic d treatment d it d was d necessary d to d make d pure d and d high d quality d medicines d

available d to d patients d at d an d affordable d price.

25 Ācāryaji d took d up d the d challenge d and d founded d Divya d Pharmacy d where d Āyurvedic d medicines d with d
national d and d international d certifications d are d manufactured d with d modern d packaging. d To d dnsure d that d only d
genuine d ingredients d are d used d in d the d Divya d Pharmacymedicines, d Patañjali d Herbal d Park d grows d 450 d medicinal d
plants d (some d of d them d very d rare) d under d the d overall d supervision d of d Ācāryaji. d As d a d part d of d swamiji’s d Bharat d
Svabhiman d Movement’s d dmphasis d on d using d swadeshi d goods, d things d of d daily d use d like d tooth d powder, d tooth d
paste, d hair d oil, d soap, d shampoo, d beauty d creams d dtc. d are d produced d in d Divya d Pharmacy d & d Patañjali d Ayurved d
Ltd. d with d Āyurvedic d ingredients d and d Āyurvedic d formulas. Another d aspect d of d his d multi-faceted d genius d and d
personality d is d his d knowledge d and d dxperience d in d the d managerial, d administrative d and d dngineering d fields, d which d
has d been d admired d by d one d and d all d in d India d and d abroad. d The d awesomely d impressive d look d and d layout d of d
Patañjali d Yogpeeth d buildings d is d a d living d testimony d to d his d grand d futuristic d concepts. His d dditorial d skills d can d be d
seen d in d Yog d Sandesh d where d as d Chief d dditor d he d is d propagatingyoga d and d āyurveda d for d the d mental, d physical d
and d spiritual d health d of d people. d All d his d activities d are d inspired d by d this d dictum d of d Bhagavad d Gītā: "kāmaye d
duḥkhataptānāṁ d prāṇināmārtināśanam". Besides, d he d has d ddited/ d collaborated/ d authored d books d like d Āyurved d : d Its
d Principles d & d Philosophies, d Secrets d Of d Indian d Herbs, d Vitality d Strengthening d Astavarga d Plants, d Vaidika d

Nityakarma d Vidhi, d Yogadars´ana, d Sant d Darshan d and d Bhakti d Gitanjali. By d devoting d himself d to d the d service d of d
humanity d in d many d ways, d round d the d clock, d he d has d become d a d true d karmayogī.
26 have d been d documented d by d Ācāryaji d in d his d renowned d book: d Yoga d In d Synergy d With d Medicial d Science. d
Another d very d popular d book d written d by d him d is d Aushadh d Darshan, d a d handy d pharmacopeia d of d ayurvedic d and d
home d remedies. At d the d Department d of d Medical d Science d In d Yoga d & d Āyurveda d at d Patañjali d Yogpeeth, d
Hardwar, d he d has d got d a d team d of d 70 d physicians d to d assist d him. d Besides, d more d than d a d thousand d vaidyas d
(āyurvedic d physicians) d in d India d and d abroad d are d treating d patients d under d his d guidance. d With d a d view d to d dnsuring
d the d dfficacy d of d āyurvedic d treatment d it d was d necessary d to d make d pure d and d high d quality d medicines d available d to

d patients d at d an d affordable d price. Ācāryaji d took d up d the d challenge d and d founded d Divya d Pharmacy d where d

Āyurvedic d medicines d with d national d and d international d certifications d are d manufactured d with d modern d packaging. d
To d dnsure d that d only d genuine d ingredients d are d used d in d the d Divya d Pharmacymedicines, d Patañjali d Herbal d Park d
grows d 450 d medicinal d plants d (some d of d them d very d rare) d under d the d overall d supervision d of d Ācāryaji. d As d a d part d
of d swamiji’s d Bharat d Svabhiman d Movement’s d dmphasis d on d using d swadeshi d goods, d things d of d daily d use d like d
tooth d powder, d tooth d paste, d hair d oil, d soap, d shampoo, d beauty d creams d dtc. d are d produced d in d Divya d Pharmacy d & d
Patañjali d Ayurved d Ltd. d with d Āyurvedic d ingredients d and d Āyurvedic d formulas. Another d aspect d of d his d multi-
faceted d genius d and d personality d is d his d knowledge d and d dxperience d in d the d managerial, d administrative d and d
dngineering d fields, d which d has d been d admired d by d one d and d all.

Under d the d learned d guidance d of d H. d H. d Yogrishi d Swami d Ramdevji, d Vaidyaraj d Acharya d Balkrishna d and d Swami d
Muktanand, d Patanjali d Herbal d Garden d & d Agro d Research d Department d has d been ddstablished d at d following d few d
sites- d Patanjali d Herbal d Garden d site d Nursery, d Patanjali d Herbal d Garden d site d Gurukul d Gaushala d Farm, d situated d
nearby d Patanjali d Yogpeeth d at d Maharishi d Dayanand d Gram, d Bahadrabad, d Delhi- Haridwar d highway. d These d Herbal d
Gardens d have d beautiful d collections d of d more d than d 200 d medicinal d herbs, d shrubs, d trees, d climbers d and d
ornamental d plants. d Since, d 1997 d it d was d a d great d dffort d with d high d spirit d to d collect d the d valuable d medicinal d
plant d and d to d dnsure d to d grow d in d Garden, d a d Divya d Vanaushadhi d Vatika d has d been d darlier d dstablished d in d the d
Ashram d at d Kankhal. d Thereafter, d to d dxplore d more d possibilities d of d a d large d number d of d wide d collections, d
dxposition d and d research d of d medicinal, d aromatic d and d ornamental d plants d in d a d organized d way d in d the d Patanjali d

Herbal d Garden d has d been d dstablished. d A d team d of d Scientists d from d Botany d and d Agriculture d and d a d number d of d
swayam d sevak d are d dngaged d for d research d and d management. Poly d House Preparation d Of d Nursery


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd

100GM d 10 4 DIVYA d PAY d -100GM d 20 5 GILOYA d KWATH d -200GM d 15 6 JWARNASHAK d KWATH d -100GM d 20 7
KAYAKALP d KWATH d -100GM d 20 8 DIVYA d MEDHA d KWATH d -100GM d 20 9 MULETHI d KWATH d -100GM d
-100GM d 20 13 SHIVLINGI d SEED d -100GM d 30 14 DIVYA d SWASARI d KWATH d -100GM d 20
29 15 TOTALA d KWATH d -100GM d 10 16 VRIKK d DOSHHAR d KWATH(29) d -100GM d 20 ASAWA* 17 ABHAYARISHTA*
e - d 450ML 50 18 ARJUNARISHTA* d - d 450ML 55 19 ARVINDASAVA* d - d 225ML 45 20 ASHOKARISHTA* d - d 450ML 45
21 ASHWAGANDHARISTA* d - d 450ML 65 22 KHADIRARISHTA* d - d 450ML 50 23 KUMARYASAVA* d - d 450ML 50
450ML 70 27 PUNARNAVARISHTA* d - d 450ML 50 28 SARSAVTARISHTA* d - d 450ML 70 29 USIRASAVA* d - d 450ML
50 30 VIDANGASAVA* d - d 450ML 50 31 LOHASAV* d - d 450ML d 50 VATI 32 AAMVATARI d RAS d -20GM d 35 33
ARSHKALP d VATI d -40GM d 60 37 CHANDRAPRABHA d VATI d -20GM d 35 38 CHANDRAPRABHA d VATI d -40GM d 70 39
30 41 HRIDYAMRIT d VATI d -20GM d 10 0 42 HRIDYAMRIT d VATI d -40GM d 20 0 43 JWARNASHAK d VATI d -20GM d
40 44 KAYAKALP d VATI d -20GM d 70 45 KAYAKALP d VATI d -40GM d 14 0 46 KHADIRADI d VATI- d 20GM d 30 47
KUTAJGHAN d VATI d -20GM d 30 48 LAVANGADI d VATI- d 20GM d 40 49 LAXMI d VILAS d RAS d -20GM d 60 50 LAXMI d VILAS
d RAS-40GM d 12 0 51 MADHUKALP d VATI- d 40GM d 40 52 MADHUNASHINI d - d 60GM(STRIP) d 19 0 53 MAHA d

SUDARSHAN d VATI-20GM 35 54 MEDHA d VATI- d 20GM d 45 55 MEDHA d VATI d -40GM d 90 56 MEDOHAR d VATI d -50GM d
80 57 MUKTA d VATI d -36 d (STRIP) 19 0 58 PUNARNAVADI d MANDUR d -20GM d 30 59 PUNARNAVADI d MANDUR d -40GM
d 60 60 RAJ d PRAVARTANI d VATI-20GM d 50 61 SANJIVANI d VATI d -20GM d 40 62 SANJIVANI d VATI d -40GM d 80 63

SARIVADI d VATI d -20GM d 60 64 SHILAJEET d RASAYAN d -20GM d 30 65 SHILAJEET d RASAYAN d -40GM d 60

31 66 DIVYA d STRI d RASAYAN d VATI d -20GM d 40 67 DIVYA d STRI d RASAYAN d VATI d -40GM d 80 68
-40GM d 50 71 VISTINDUK d VATI d -20GM d 40 72 VRIDHIVADHIKA d VATI d -20GM d 40 73 VRIDHIVADHIKA d VATI d
-40GM d 80 74 VRIKKDOSHHAR d VATI d -20GM 50 75 DIVYA d YOUNAMRIT d VATI- d 5GM d 21 0 76 VATI


e - d GILOY d GHAN d - d 40GM d 90 77 VATI d - d GILOY d GHAN d - d 60GM d 13 0 78 VATI d - d NIMB d GHAN d -

e 40GM d 90 79 VATI d - d NIMB d GHAN d - d 60GM d 13 0 80 VATI d - d PEEDANTAK


e - d 20 d GM d 45 81 VATI d - d PEEDANTAK d - d 40 d GM d 90 82 VATI d - d PEEDANTAK d - d 60 d GM d 13 0 83

VATI d - d TULSI d GHAN d - d 40GM d 90 84 VATI d - d TULSI d GHAN d - d 60GM d 13 0 CHURN 85 AJMODADI d CHURNA d -
100GM d 30 86 AAMLKI d RASAYAN-100GM d 60 87 AMLA d CHURNA-100GM d AAMLKI d RASAYAN- 100GM d 15 88 DIVYA d
32 90 AVIPATTIKAR d CHURNA d -100GM d 30 91 BILWADI d CHURNA-100GM d 30 92 DIVYA d CHURNA d -100GM d
40 93 GANGADHAR d CHURNA d -100GM d 30 94 GANGADHAR d CHURNA d -50GM d 15 95 DIVYA d GASHAR d CHURNA d -
d -50GM d 20 99 PUSYANUG d CHURNA d -100GM d 40 100 TRIPHLA d CHURNA d -100GM d 15 101 UDARKALP d CHURNA d

-100GM 30 102 DIVYA d VATARI d CHURNA d -100GM d 30 103 SATAVARI d CHURNA d

-100GM d 60 GUGGUL 104 GOKSHRADI d GUGGUL-20GM d 25 105 GOKSHURADI d GUGGUL-40GM d 50 106
KAISHOR d GUGGUL-20GM d 25 107 KAISHOR d GUGGUL-40GM d 50 108 KANCHNAR d GUGGUL-20GM d 25 109
KANCHNAR d GUGGUL-40GM d 50 110 LAKSHADI d GUGGUL d -20GM d 25 111 MAHAYOGRAJ d GUGGUL-20GM d 45 112
-20GM d 25 115 SINGHNAD d GUGGUL d -40GM d 50 116 TRIPHLA d GUGGUL- d 20GM d 25 117 TRIPHLA d GUGGUL d
-40GM d 50 118 TRIYODSANG d GUGGUL-20GM d 25
33 119 TRIYODSANG d GUGGUL-40GM d 50 120 YOGRAJ d GUGGUL d -20GM d 25 121 YOGRAJ d GUGGUL d -40GM d
50 BHASM 122 ABHRAK d BHASM d - d 5GM d 13 123 ABHRAK d BHASM d - d 10GM d 25 124 AKIK d PISHTI- d 5GM d 15
125 BAHEDA d CHURNA- d 10GM d 6 126 BAHEDA d CHURNA- d 25GM d 15 127 BANG d BHASM- d 5 d GM d 23 128
dKANGVEER d RAS d - d 5 d GM d 30 129 dKANGVEER d RAS d -10GM d 60 130 GILOYA d SAT- d 5GM d 10 131 GILOYA d SAT d -

10GM d 20 132 HAJRUL d YAHUD- d 5 d GM d 15 133 HARIDRAKHAND d - d 100GM d 70 134 HIRAK d BHASM d - d 300MG d 72
0 135 JAHAR d MOHRA d PISHTI- d 5GM d 15 136 KAHARAVA d PISHTI- d 5GM d 40 137 KAMDUDHA d RAS d - d 5GM d 15 138
KAMDUDHA d RAS d -10GM d 30 139 KAPARDHAK d BHASM- d 5GM d 10 140 KASIS d BHASM d
- d 5GM d 10 141 DIVYA d KULYA d BHASMA d MISHRAN- d 10GM d 30 142 KUMAR d KALYAN d RAS d - d 1GM d 45 0 143 LAUH d
BHASM d - d 5GM d 13 144 MAHAWAT d VIDHWANSAN- d 5GM d 25 145 MAHAWAT d VIDHWANSAN-10GM d 50 34 146
MAKAR d DHWAJ- d 2GM d 80 147 MANDURA d BHASM d - d 5GM d 10 148 MOTI d PISHTI d - d 2GM d 60 149 MOTI d PISHTI d - d
3GM d 90 150 MUKTA d SUKTI d BHASM- d 5GM d 13 151 MUKTA d SUKTI d BHASM- d 10GM d 25 152 PRAVAL d PANCHAMRIT-
5GM d 80 153 PRAVAL d PISHTI


e - d 5GM d 15 154 PRAVAL d PISHTI d - d 10GM d 30 155 RAJAT d BHASM d - d 2GM d 10 0 156 RAS d MANIKYA d - d
1GM d 5 157 RAS d

RAJ d RAS- d 1GM d 49 0 158 RAS d SINDOOR d -1GM d 5 159 SANGEYASAV d PISHTI- d 5GM d 15 160 SAPTAMRIT d LAUH d -
10GM d 20 161 SFATIKA d BHASM- d 5GM d 8 162 SHANKH d BHASM


e - d 5GM d 5 163 SHANKH d BHASM d -10GM d 10 164 SHILA d SINDOOR d -1 d GM d 25 165 SITOPALADI d - d 10GM
e 8 166 SITOPALADI d - d 25 d

GM d 20 167 SWARN d VASANT d MALTI-1GM d 23 0 168 SWARNA d MAKSHIK d - d 5GM d 15 169 SWASARI d RAS d
-10GM d 15 170 SWET d PARPERTY- d 5GM d 8 171 TAL d SINDOOR d -1GM d 25 172 TAMRA d BHASM d -1GM d 7 173 TAMRA d
35 174 TANKAN d BHASM- d 5GM 5 175 TRIBANG d BHASM d - d 5GM d 23 176 TRIKATU d CHURNA d -10GM 6 177
TRIKATU d CHURNA d -25GM d 15 178 V.V.CHINTAMANI d RAS-1GM d 47 5 179 VANSH d LOCHAN d -25GM d 25 180
VASANT d KUSMAKAR d RAS-1GM d 32 5 181 YOGENDER d RAS d 1GM d 47 0 182 BAKUCHI d CHURNA d - d 50GM d 20 183
GODANTI d BHASM d - d 5GM d 5 184 GODANTI d BHASM- d 10GM d 10 CAPSULE 185 CAPSULE d -SHILAJIT d - d
5GM d (STRIP) d 50 186 CAPSULE d -ASHVASHILA d - d (STRIP) d 60 187 CAPSULE d -ASWAGANDHA d -5GM(STRIP) d 50 OIL
188 SHAD d BINDU d TAILA- d 40ML d 60 189 DIVYA d KAYAKALP d TAILA d -100ML d 50 190 DIVYA d KESH d TAILA d -100ML d
70 191 DIVYA d PEEDANTAK d TAILA d -100ML d 60 192 BODY d MASSAGE d OIL d -100ML 60 DROP 193 DIVYA d DHARA- d
20 d ML d 15 194 DRISHTI ddYE d DROP d -15ML d 25
36 LIQUID d MEDICINE* 195 GODHAN d ARK* d - d 450ML 40 196 SWASARI d PRAVAHI* d -250GM d 35 FOOD d
SUPPLIMENT 197 DIVYA d AJVYAN d PACHAK d -100GM d 30 198 AJVYAN d PACHAK d -200GM 40 199 AMRIT d
RASAYANA d -1000GM 14 0 200 ANARDANA d VATI d -100GM 25 201 ANARDANA d VATI d -100GM d 35 202 BADAM d
PAK d -500GM d 22 5 203 BADAM d ROGHAN d -60ML d 10 0 204 BHUNI d SOUNF d -180GM 30 205 DIVYA d
CHATPATA d CHHUARA d -100GM d 25 206 GAJAR d MURRABA* d -1000GM d 10 0 207 GULKAND d -500GM 55 208
HARAD d MURRABA* d -1000GM d 10 0 209 HARAD d VATI d -200GM d 30 210 HING d GOLI d -200GM d 45 211 HING d PEDA
d -200GM

37 Plants d Available d for d Sale d in d Patanjali d Herbal d Garden S. d No. TraditionalName dnglishName BotanicalName Rate d
in d INR 1. Bottle d Palm d (Small) Bottle d Palm Hyophorbe d lagenicaulis 30 2. FishTail d Palm d (Big) FishTailed d Palm Caryota
d maxima 100 3. Areca d Palm d (Big) Yellow d Palm Chrysalidocarpus d lutescens 200 4. Areca d Palm d (Small) Areca d

Bambu Dypsis d lutescens 50 5. China d Palm China d Palm Livistonia d chinensis 20 6. Phoenix d Palm d (Small) Phoenia d
Palm Phoenix d canariensis 50 7. Sifortia d Palm d (Big) d d 300 8. Sifortia d Palm d (Small) d d 50 9.
Bismarkia d Palm d (Small) Bismarckia d Palm Bismarkia d nobilis 200 10. Sempian d Palm d (Big) d d 1500 11. Sempian d Palm d
(Small) d d 200 12. Letina d Palm d (Small) Red d Latan d Palm (Red d laten d palm) 200 13. Fyistle d Palm d (small) d d 200 14.
Zamia d Palm Zamia d Palm Zamia d furfuracea 100 15. Triangular d Palm d (Big) d Dypsis d decaryi 200
38 16. Triangular d Palm d (Small) d Dypsis d decaryi 80 17. Travelers d Palm Travelers d Palm Ravenala d madegascariensis 150
18. Letina d Ruba d Palm Latan d Palm Latania d lontoroides 200 19. Ketelika d Palm d d 200 20. Aurocaria d (Big) Araucaria
Araucaria d auricana 200 21. Aurocaria d (Small) Araucaria Araucaria d auricana 50 22. Yucca d (Big) Needle d Palm Yucca d
filamentosa 200 23. Manihot Tapioca d Plant Manihot d dsculenta 10 24. Allamanda YellowAllamanda Allamanda d
cathartica 20 25. Rubber d Plant Rubber d Plant Ficus d dlastica 20 26. Keli Parrot’s d Flower Heliconia d psittacorum 20 27.
Yucca d (Small) Needle d Palm Yucca d filamentosa d ‘Variegata’ 50 28. Hamelia d Pine Fire d Bush Hamelia d patens 10 29.
Gajra d Bel d Thunbergia d mysorensis 20 30. Nolina d (Big) dlephant-FootTree Nolina d recurvata 150 31. Nolina d (Small)
dlephant-FootTree Nolina d recurvata 50 32. Ficus d Panda d (Big) BenjaminTree Ficus d benjamina 60 33. Ficus d Panda d

(Small) BenjaminTree Ficus d benjamina 30

39 34. Ficus d Varigated Rusty d Fig Ficus d rubiginosa d variegate 50 35. Song d Of d India Song d of d India Draceana d
reflexa 20 36. Asparagus dmerald d Fern Asparagus d densiflorus 20 37. Selm d (Big) dd 80 38. Selm d (Small) dd 30 39.
Musanda d (Red) Red d Mussaenda Mussaenda d drythrophylla 50 40. Musunda d (Pink/ d White) dlephant-FootTree Nolina d
recurvata 30 41. Furcaria Furcaria Furcaria d cavanillesii 50 42. Victoria GiantWaterlily Victoria d amazonica 50
43. Champa ChampaTree Michelia d champaca 30 44. Chameli Common d Jasmine Jasminum d officinale 10 45. Rat d Ki d
Rani Night d Jasmine Cestrum d nocturnum 10 46. Kadamb CadambaTree Anthocaphalus d indicus 10 47. Juniperus
Chinese d Juniper Juniperus d chinensis 20 48. Adenium Desert d Rose Adenium d obesum 200 49. Dionpalm Dion d Palm
Dioon d ddule 500 50. Dieffenbachia Mother-in-law d Plant Dieffenbachia d seguine 20 51. Philodendron Aaron’s d Rod
Philodendron 80
40 52. Philodendron d (Small) d d 50 53. Begonia Begoniya Begonia d semperflorens 20 54. Monostera Swiss-cheese d
Plant Monstera d deliciosa 100 55. Fern Fern Dryopteris d cartbusiana 20 56. Drasina d Verigated d d 30 57. Drasina d
(Desi) DragonTree Dracaena d sanderiana 20 58. Camelia d Camelia d Japonica 50 59. Gulab d (English) Rose Rosa d
indica 20 60. Gulab d (Desi) Rose Rosa d moschata 10 61. Ribna d Grass Ribna d Grass Phalaris d arundiacea 10 62.
Schefflera CommonSchefflera Schefflera d venulosa 20 63. Schefflera d Verigated Scandent d Schefflera Schefflera d
arboricola d variegate 50 64. Morpankhi d (Thuja) Arbor d Vitae Thuja d orientalis 30 65. Bougainvillea Paper d Flower
Bougainvillea d buttiana 20 66. Moneyplant Money d Plant Scindapsus d aureus 10 67. Coleus d (3 d Varieties) Fleshy d leaf
d coleus Coleus d blumei 10 68. Babydoll d d 20 69. duphorbia d (Big) Crown d of d Thorns duphorbia d milii 300 41 70.

duphorbia d (Small) Crown d of d Thorns duphorbia d milii 50 71. Pansutia Christmas d Flower duphorbia d pulcherrima 20

72. Fireball Mexican d Flame d Leaf duphorbia d pulcherrima d plenissima 50 73. Karenchu d d 10 74.
Chandani Crepe d Jasmine Tabernemontana d divericata 20 75. Ashok d Pexndula Indian d Willow Polyalthea d longifolia 20
76. Rupalia d (Small) d d 20 77. Rupalia d (Big) d d 50 78. Mitha d Nimbu Mitha d Nimbu Citrus d limettioides 50 79.
Coroten Coroten Codieaenum d veriegatum 20 80. Asthal d Kamal Asthal d Kamal Hibisaes d mutabilis 30 81. Rio Rio
Rhoea d spathacea 30 82. Areliya Areliya Pdyscies d baefouriana 20 83. Acalypha Acalypha Acalypha d wilkesiana 20 84.
Rakhi d bel Rakhi d bel Passimora d caerulea 20 85. Ixora Ixora Ixora d chinensis 30 86. Bogna d Vennsta Bogna d Vennsta
Pyrostegia d Venusta 20 87. Murenta d d 20
42 88. Campecta Calathea d Closson Dracaena d dere d mensis 30 89. Raphis d Palm Raffia d Palm Raphia d dxcelsa 150
90. Kanak d Champa d (Muchkund) Mapple d Leaved d Bayur Pterospermum d acerifolium 30 91. Gardenia Cape d Jasmine
Gardenia d jasminoides 20 92. Cuphea Cuphea Cuphea d micropetala 10 93. Latana d d 10 94. Savani Crape d Myrtle
Lagerstroemia d indica 10 95. Duranta d (3 d Varieties) Forget-me-notTree Duranta d rapens 10 96. Jal d Bahar d d 10 97.
Gudhal/ d Japakusum Shoe d Flower Hibiscus d rosa d sinensis d (China d Rose) 10 98. Botal d Brush Botal d Brush Callistemon
d viminalis 20 99. VatVerigated BanyanTree Ficus d bengalensis 150 100. Clendra d d 10 101. Tecoma d Bel Yellow d Bells

Tecoma d Stans 10 102. Madhu d Malati Rangoon d Creeper Quisqualis d indica. 10 103. DesheriAam d d 40
104. Amarpali MangoTree Mangifera d indica 40
43 105. Amruda d (Kezi) Guava Psidium d guajava 30 106. Amruda d (Allahabadi) Guava Psidium d guajava 20 107. Amruda d
(Apple d Goa) d d 50 108. Chakotra Paradise d Apple Citrus d maxima 40 109. Nimbu d (Kagaji) Lemon Citrus d limonf 30 110.
Nimbu d (Dessi) Citron Citrus d medica d var d acida 20 111. Chiku Nase d berry Manilkara d zapota 50 112. Anaar Pome d
Granate Punica d granatum 30 113. Mosambi Sweet d Orange Citrus d sinensis 20 114. Lokaat Japanese d Plum driobotrya d
japonica 30 115. Litchi Litchii Litchi d chinensis 40 116. Naspati CommonPear Pyrus d communis 30 117.
Aaloobuchara Plum Pyrus d domestica 20 118. Bel Bengal d Quince Aegle d marmelos 10 119. Amruda d Kala d d 40 120.
Amruda d (China) d d 20 121. Kathal Jack d Fruit Artocarpus d integrifolia 40 122. Safaid d Jamun Rose d Apple Syzygium d
jumbose 50
44 123. Ashwagandha Winter d Cherry Withania d somnifera 10 124. Stevia Stevia Stevia d rabavdiana 10 125. Pathar d Chatta
Sprouting d Leaf Kalanchoe d pinnata 10 126. Gheekwar Indian d Aloe Aloe d barbadensis 10 127. Sdabahar Periwinkle Vinca d
rosea 10 128. Apamarga Prickly d Chaff d Flower Achyranthus d aspera 10 129. Sansevieria d Sansevieria d trifasciata 20 130.
Nirgundi Negundo d ChasteTree Vitex d negundo 10 131. Dambel d (Dama d Buti) Anantamul Tylophora d indica 10 132.
Lemon d Grass Lemon d Grass Cymbopogan d jwarancusa 10 133. Chitrak d Safed Ceylon d Leadwort Plumbago d zylanica 10
134. Mitha d Neem d (kari d Patta) Curry d LeafTree Murraya d koenigii 10 135. Neem MargosaTree Azadirachta d indica 10
136. Toon CedarTree Cedrela d toona 10 137. Akarkara d Spilanthes d oleracea 10 138. BhuinAanwala Seed-under-leaf
Phyllanthus d nirurii 10 139. Shyonak IndianTrumpet Oroxylum d indicum 20
45 140. Sita d Ashok Asoka d Tree Saraca d ashoka 20 141. Kachnar Mountain d dbony Bauhinia d varigata 20 142. Arjuna
Arjuna d Myrobalan Terminalia d arjuna 10 143. Harshringar d (Parijaat) Coral d Jasmine Nyctanthes d arbortristis 20 144.
Putranjiva d (Putrajivak) Putranjiva Putranjiva d roxburghi 20 145. Beheda Siamese d Terminalia Terminalia d belerica. 20
146. Aawala d (Dessi) dmblic d Myrobalan dmblica d officinale 20 147. KalmiAawala d d 40 148. Amaltaash d (Aargvadha) Indian d
Laburnum Cassia d fistula 20 149. Chandan d Safed Sandal d wood Santalum d album 50 150. Kaner Common d Oleander
Nerium d indicum 20 151. Rosewood d (Kali d Shisham) Black d Rosewood Dalbergia d latifolia 20 152. Chhui d Mui Touch-
me-not Mimosa d pudica 10 153. Peela d Bans Indian d Bamboo Bambosa d arudanacia 10 154. Mehendi Henna-Tree
Lawsonia d inermis 10 155. Bramhi d (Mandukparni) Indian d Pennywort Centella d asiatica 10 156. Punarnva Spreading d Hog
d weed Boerhavia d diffusa 10

46 157. Shyama d Tulsi Common d Basil Ocimum d bassilinum 10 158. Puja d Tulsi Basil d Plant Ocimum d sanctum 10
159. Kapoor d Tulsi d Ocimum d kilimandischarium 10 160. Giloye Giloy Tinospora d cordifolia 10 161. Kapoor Camphor d Tree
Cinnamomum d camphora 20 162. d laichi d (Cardamom) d Small Lesser d Cardamom d lettaria d cardamomum 20
163. Dalchini Cinnamon d Tree Cinnamomum d zylanicum 40 164. Tejpatta Cinnamon d leaf Cinnamomum d tamala 30
165. Kalmegha Common d Adrographis Andrographis d paniculata 10 166. Bakuchi d (Bauchi) Scurf- d Pea Psoralea d
corylifolia 10 167. Tutmalanga Sage d Plant Salvia d aegyptiaca 10 168. Adusa Vasaka Adhatoda d vasica 10 169. Gandha d
Prasarini d Paederia d foetida 10 170. Marua Sweet d Marjoram Majorana d hortensis 10 171. Nagdaman Mother-in-law’s d
Tongue Sansevieria d roxburghiana 10 172. Shatavar Native d Asparagus Asparagus d racemosus 10
47 Shami d (Khrjari) Prosopis Prosopis d cineraria 20
48 MARKET d MIX d RUDIMENTS: d FIVE d P’s d OF d BABA d RAMDEV In d order d to d know d d xactly d the d reason d for d success d
of d Baba d Ramdev, d it d is d imperative d to d throwsome d light d on d the d MARKET d mix d rudiments. d To d be d a d successful d
marketer d it d is d important d thatall d the d MARKET d mix d dlements d have d to d be d fine d tuned d to d support d and d strengthen
d brand d personality. Product: d Introducing d the d Value d Discipline discipline d leads d to d the d `best d product' d value d

proposition-an d assertion d that d the d company'sproducts d have d the d greatest d performance d impact d or d dxperiential d
impact d for d its d customers. d Theoperational d dxcellence d discipline d leads d to d the d `best d total d cost' d bid- d an d
assertion d that d thecombination d of d the d company's d prices, d product d reliability, d and d hassle-free d service d is d
matchless.The d customer d familiarity d discipline d leads d to d the d `best d total d solution' d scheme d – d an d assertion d
thatthe d company d helps d its d customers d identify d their d dxact d problem d and d the d best d solution, d and d thentakes d
charge d of d implementing d it. d Baba d Ramdev d addresses d all d the d three d value d disciplines d andhe d has d developed d a d
unique d blend d of d Ayurveda d and d Vedic d philosophy d to d cater d to d create d valuefor d his d customers. MARKET d MIX d
RUDIMENTS: d FIVE d P’s d OF d BABA d RAMDEV In d order d to d know d d xactly d the d reason d for d success d of d Baba d Ramdev,
d it d is d imperative d to d throwsome d light d on d the d MARKET d mix d rudiments. d To d be d a d successful d marketer d it d is d

important d thatall d the d MARKET d mix d dlements d have d to d be d fine d tuned d to d support d and d strengthen d brand d
personality. Product: d Introducing d the d Value d Discipline The d society d in d which d we d live d today d is d a d brand- d
obsessed d society. d Thus, d creating, d developing,implementing d and d maintaining d successful d brands d are d frequently d at
d the d heart d of d MARKETstrategy. d (Mc d dnally,M. d and d Chernatony,L.


e de d 1999) d Successful d branding d requires d a d strategicperspective d (de d Chernatony d 1998) d whereby d

strong d brand d concepts d are d

presented d andcommunicated d to d target d segments d resulting d in d favorable d brand d images d which d reflect d
thebrand's d identity d (Gardner d and d Levy d 1955, d Reynolds d and d Gutman d 1984, d Kapferer d 1997). d Thisbrand d of d Baba
d Ramdev d has d a d universal d appeal, d is d sharing d and d collaborative, d and d the d customersrange d hail d from d all d age d

groups d and d regions. d The d service d that d Baba d Ramdev d is d selling d is d theproduct. d To d deliver d quality d service, d it d
is d dssential d to d understand d customers' d dxpectations.Customer d dxpectations d of d service d can d be d of d two d types; d
desired d service d and d adequate d service.Desired d service d is d the d service d that d a d customer d desires d and ddxpects d to d
get. d Whereas d an d adequateservice d is d one d which d is d the d minimal d level d of d service d which d a d customer d is
49 e willing d to d acceptbased d on d his d perception d of d service d acceptability. d The d service d that d is d being d provided d by
d BabaRamdev d is d well d orchestrating d with d the d desired d service d dxpectations. Patanjali d Yogpeeth, d a d multi-million d

rupee d venture, d Ramdev's d dream d project, d set d as d a d rival d toWorld d Health d Organization d only d on d the d basis d of d
sound d service d that d it d boasts d of d providing.Divya d Yoga d Mandir d Trust d in d Haridwar, d Uttaranchal d is d armed d with d
all d the d latest d and d mostsophisticated d gadgets d sees d a d regular d stream d of d devotees d who d wait d to d be d called d by d
a d doctor d inthe d Out d Patient d Department d (OPD). d There d are d 40 d doctors d in d the d OPD d who d deal d with d
2,000people d dvery d day. d Some d days d the d dispensary d sells d medicines d worth d Rs. d 3,000 d a d minute. d Andagain d this
d can d only d be d possible d if d the d waiting d tie d is d reduced d by d quality d service. d According d toSwami d Ramdev, d

looking d good d is d dveryman’s d dream. d With d this d ideology d in d mind, d theambiance d of d Patanjali d Yogpeeth d is d made d
world d class. Package d For d various d Diseases Swami d Ramdev's d Divya d Medicines d are d claimed d to d be d 100% d
natural, d made d from d potent d herbsavailable d in d the d Himalayas d and d no d or d very d little d side d dffects. d Swami d
Ramdev d has d proved d anddeclared d on d Indian d & d International d TV d Channels, d "Pranayama d Yoga d is d the d complete d
naturalcure d for d all d Physical d and d Mental d Ailments". d But d if d medicines d are d required d they d are d alsoavailable d and d
these d packages d of d medicines d are d available d at d a d very d low d cost. d In d a d bid d topromote d Ayurveda, d Ramdev's d
Trust d has d tied d up d with d 600 d qualified d Ayurvedic d practitionerswho d are d offering d treatment d to d masses d for d a d
variety d of d diseases, d some d of d them d termed d incurableby d the d modern d system. Customer d Management: d USP
Swami d Ramdev’s d Dream d was d to d create d a d "Disease d Free d Society d - d Medicines d Free d World", d Hehas d been d daily
d declaring d on d Indian d TV d Channels, d since d the d year d 2002 d that d Patients d of d so d calledincurable d diseases d like d

Diabetes, d AIDS, d and d Cancer d should d immediately d start d practicingrhythmic d control d of d breath d for d complete d
cure d without d medicines. d It d is d claimed d that d afterextensive d research d of d the d valuable d dffects d of d Pranayama d
Yoga d during d last d numerous d years, d onmillions d of d people d in d India, d it d has d been d proved d now d that d proper d
Breathing d Technique'spractice d can d cure d all d diseases d completely d without d medicines d or d surgery. d And d this d is d
theuniqueselling d proposition d of d Baba d Ramdev. Another d USP d of d Yoga d guru d Baba d Ramdev d is d to d fulfil d the d
requirement d of d the d customerswithout d any d delay. d For d this d purpose, d he d claims d to d have d trained d 35,000 d
persons d that d are d wellequipped d to d hold d yoga d classes d in d different d parts d of d the d country. d In d the d first d phase d
of d next d fiveyears, d his d target d is d to d train d one d lakh d instructors, d who d could d impart d yoga d training d to d one d crore
50 people d so d that d they d could d stay d away d from d diseases d and d avoidable d medication d through d practiceof d yoga.
d To d train d the d yoga d instructors, d Pitanjali d Yog d Ashram d has d set d up d 535 d branches d and d 15more d centers d are d in d

the d process d of d being d dstablished. Pricing d Strategy Developing d an d dffective d pricing d strategy d remains d the d most d
important d and d difficult d part d of d theMARKET d process. d The d price-positioning d and d the d value-delivery d mechanisms
d should d be d donewith d one d rule d in d mind: d the d performance d of d the d product, d or d the d value d associated d with d it d

shouldalways d be d higher d than d the d price. d Well d in d tune d with d this, d Baba d Ramdev's d potion d of d Pranayam d
ischeap. d He d urges d people d not d to d lose d hope d or d suffer d and d depend d on ddxpensive d treatments.Indian d Pranayam d
Yoga d is d there d to d help d treat d all d the d ailments d like d Diabetes, d Cancer, d HIV d &AIDS d and d many d others d completely d
without d costly d medicines, d operations d or d surgery. MARKETal d Strategy Baba d Ramdev d started d promoting d yoga d in
d the d year d 2002 d when d Sanskar d television d channelstarted d airing d his d yogic d classes; d overnight, d he d became d a d

sensation d as d he d had d hundreds d of d followers d who d morphed d into d thousands. d Then d Sanskar d channel's d rival d
Astha d channel d signedhim. d In d two d years d time d he d was d a d hit d and d with d him d also d the d channel d benefited. d His d
TVshows d have d the d largest d TRP. d Today, d he d is d one d of d the d biggest d draws d on d Indian d television. d Hecan d be d
seen d not d only d on d religious d channels d like d Aastha, d but d also d news d and d features d channelslike d India d TV d and d
Sahara d One. d His d yoga d sessions d were d beamed d live d into d 170 d countries d (BijaySimha, d 2007). d Millions d around d
the d country d follow d his d programmes d religiously d and d useayurvedic d medicines d prescribed d by d him. Baba d
Ramdev d pack d one d DVD, d two d Video d CDs d written d three d books d on d Yoga,PranayamaHerbal d Remedies d and d
Magazinesare d available. d This d set d of d four d MARKETal d material d with d aResearch d Oriented d Monthly d Magazine d of d
Yog, d Spiritualism, d Ayurveda, d Culture d AndTradition-Yog d Sandesh d available d in d 5 d languages d can d do d much d to d
lure d customers. Another d MARKETal d strategy d adopted d by d Swami d Ramdev d is d that d he d has d been d visiting
different d countries d in d order d to d popularize d yoga d as d recently d he d has d finished d a d yoga d cruise d from India d to d
China. d Last d year d he d visited d Westminster d to d give d British d politicians d a d chance d to d sample his d yogic d wisdom.
Last d but d not d the d least, d he d is d selling d his d products d by d adopting d the d technique d ofe-MARKET d ashe d is d
coming d up d with d online d shopping d facilities d for d his d customers d all d over d the d globe d to d makehis d products d highly
d accessible.

51 It d is d a d well d dstablished d fact d that; d "Brands d set d the d product d and d the d producer d of d that d
productapart d from d the d competition". d There d are d special d though d very d obvious d facts d that d this d Brand d hasalso d
mass d customized d itself d to d satiate d all d and d thus d have d made d a d distinct d place d for d itself. d In d anera d when d the d
marketers d are d faced d with d the d challenge d of d getting d their d message d heard d byconsumers d who d are d hard d to d
find d and d dven d harder d to d influence, d this d Brand d has d worked d wondersand d all d because d of d its d all d inclusive d
image. PATANJALI d FOOD d AND d HERBAL d PARK: d RAMDEV’S d MEGA d FOOD d PROJECT Swami d Ramdev d has d dntered d
the d food d processing d market d in d India d by d promoting d Patanjali d Foodand d Herbal d Park d worth d Rs d 1,000 d crore d
at d Haridwar, d which d is d one d of d the d 10 d mega d food d parks d inthe d country d under d the d Union d Food d Processing d
Ministry. d The d park d has d 32 d processing d units d forfruit d and d vegetable d products d like d juice, d pulp, d puree, d candies, d
herbal d products d and d pickles. d Thepromoters d claim d that d this d would d be d the d world's d biggest d food d park. d
According d to d SwamiRamdev, d the d food d processing d sector d in d India d has d a d growth d potential d ranging d from d Rs d
5000crore d to d Rs d 100,000 d crore d in d a d few d years d time. d This d mega d food d park d can d also d said d to d be d one d
ofthemajor d MARKETal d strategy d of d Swami d Ramdev. SWAMI d RAMDEV’S: d FUTURE d STRATEGIC d PLANS India's d most d
famous d yoga d guru d is d now d working d towards d becoming d a d Media- d Crazer. d Aftertaking d over d Aastha d channel, d
Swami d Ramdev d is d now d all d set d to d launch d two d 24-hrs d One d willexplore d Indian d traditional d and d devotional d
music d like d bhajans d and d the d other d will d propagateIndian d culture d through d the d learning d of d the d Vedas.
e of d ayurved It d is d all d about d dconomically d processing d organic d farm d produce d into d daily d use d consumables d
ranging d from d Ayurvedic d health d supplements d to d Foods d and d cosmetics d and d then d supplying d them d largely d to d
the d urban d world. d The d produce d will d be d picked d up d right d from d the d farms, d thereby d increasing d the d dffective d
income d of d the d farmers. d The d health d based d products d will d then d be d made d available d to d a d large d population d in d
the d urban d areas d that d is d reeling d under d the d scourge d of d polluted d food d items d and d artificial d drinks d that d make d
them d vulnerable d to d a d variety d of d cronic d diseases. d And d all d this d at d a d cost d that d is d unmatched d in d the d
market. The d consequential d benefits d are d no d less d crucial d to d the d mankind. d Backed d by d a d robust d preaching d and
d MARKET d on d the d popular d Astha d channel d by d the d world d renouned d Yog d Guru d Swami d Ramdevji d and d an d

international d authority d on d Ayurved d and d traditional d herbs d Acharya d Balkrishanji, d it d is d all d about d reinventing d our d
traditional d knowledge d of d Yog d and d Ayurved, d rejuvenation d of d rural d dconomy,arrest d of d the d flight d of d rural d job d
seekers d to d the d more d demeaning d urban d slums, d strengthening d the d health d grid d of d the d nation d and d the d world, d
mending d the ddnvironmental d imbalance…and d finally d fighting d the d tirade d of d western d culture d on d Indian d
panorama. PATANJALI d AYURVED d Ltd d is d a d company d that d functions d like d all d other d companies d under d the d
regulations d of d the d company d law d affairs, d yet d is d constantly d striving d for d nation d building d more d than d the d
profit d accumulation. At d microlevel d the d challenge d is d no d less d herculean. d Along d with d PRANAYAM,the d wisdom d
of d our d ancient d sages,the d organic d food d products d and d herbal d medicines d churned d out d of d this d unit d ,undertake d
to d fight d out d the d dreaded d and d incurable d diseases d like d CANCER d and d AIDS. d Claim d for d having d found d a d lasting d
cure d for d many d other d relatively d more d rampant d but d dqually d tormenting d diseases d like d Diabties, d Artharitis d and d
Thyroid d is d already d dstablished d with d thousands d of d patients d cured d with d satisfaction.
Superior d quality d of d our d products d at d a d fair d price d is d not d the d only d concern d that d we d have. d
Getting d our d patients d rid d of d their d diseases d is d again d too d limited d a d goal d for d us d to d seek. d A d holistic d
approach d to d improvement d in d the d quality d of d life d of d all d beings, d world d over d ,is d the d purpose d behind d our d
being. d Getting d rid d the d food d we d consume d of d the d pollutants d in d the d form d of d poisonous d pesticides d and d
chemical d fertilizers d that d our d farmers
53 e use, d is d a d goal d that d we d strive d to d achieve d by d providing d our d people d the d datables d that d are d cultivated d in d
organic d and d natural d manures d and d pest d repellents Yogic d & d Ayurvedic d Consultancy d through d FAX, d MAIL d & d
PHONEs Pathology d Lab. d & d Research d Centre Imaging d & d Research d Centre Cardiology d Lab. d & d Research d Centre
Panchkarma d Clinic d & d Research d Centre Shatkarma d Clinic d & d Research d Centre Surgical d Clinic d & d Research d
Centre Ophthamology d Clinic d & d Research d Centre Dental d Clinic d & d Research d Centre O.P.D.- d Yoga/ d Yoga d
Classes OPPORTUNITY d OF d PATANJALI d YOGPEETH The d dxport d Development d Board d (EDB) d has d identified d the d
herbal d and d ayurvedic d segment d as d an d important d sector d in d diversifying d the d dxport d mix d of d Sri d Lanka. d dDB d
Chairman d Janaka d Ratnayake d said d dxport ddarnings d are d crucial d for ddconomic d growth, d improving d living d standards d
of d the d people, d to d dnhance d the d resource d gap d and d to d link d with d larger d markets d in d the d global d arena. d Hence, d
herbal d and d ayurvedic d segment d is d an d important d sector d in d diversifying d the ddxport d blend d of d Sri d Lanka, d he d
said. According d to d global d industry d analysts, d the d global d supplements d and d remedies d market d is d to d achieve d US$
d 100 d billion d by d 2015 d as d good d manufacturing d practices d and d innovations d have d strengthened d consumer d

confidence d on d these d products.

54 He d said d the d total d dxport d turnover d from d this d sector d is d dstimated d at d Rs d 250 d million d per d annum d without d
the d services. “Therefore, d the d Ayurveda d dxpo d 2011 d will d be d a d great d platform d for d Sri d Lankan d herbal d and d
ayurvedic d dntrepreneurs d and d manufactures d to d promote d and d have d direct d interaction d with d the d local d and d
foreign d industrialists,” d he d said. National d Chamber d of d Commerce d of d Sri d Lanka d (NCCSL) d President d Asoka d
Hettigoda d said d the d herbal d and d ayurvedic d sector d is d the d way d forward d for d Sri d Lanka d as d there d are d many d
niche d markets. Sri d Lanka d has d a d long d history d in d the d ayurvedic d industry d and d it d is d important d we d promote d the d
industry d as d Sri d Lanka d has d a d better d chance d in d the d competition. “Over d 135 d participants d have d confirmed d their d
participation d while d a d large d number d of d participants d from d over d 20 d countries d are d dxpected d to d take d part d in d the
d dvent. d There d will d be d special d stalls d for d the d SME d sector d and d a d business d centre d to d have d one-to-one d

meetings d with d foreign d and d local d giants d in d the d industry,” d he d said. Ayurveda d dxpo d 2011 d : d Yoga, d Meditation, d
Food d and d Wellness d is d jointly d organized d by d the d dDB d NCCSL, d in d association d with d Indigenous d Medicine d
Ministry d dconomic d Development, d Industry d and d Commerce, d Sri d Lanka d Tourist d Board d and d the d Sri d Lanka d Bureau
d of d Tourism d MARKET d from d July d 15 d to d 17 d at d the d Sirimavo d Bandaranaike d Memorial d Conference d Hall. INDIA d

possesses d the d rich d heritage d of d AYURVEDA, d globally d regarded d as d the d oldest d Science d of d Healing d and d its d rich
d potentials d are d dnough d to d raise d the d strong d foundation d of d Global d Vision d of d Health d Future d with d this d Divine d

Science d of d India. d The ddntire d world, d now d being d fed d up d from d the d hazardous d dffects d & d side- dffects d of d
chemicals, d is d seriously d thinking d of d various d alternatives d and d all d dyes d are d now d specially d on d India’s d Ayurveda. d
Patients d & d Doctors d are d now d more d inclined d to d prefer d alternative d remedies d for d chronic d problems. d The d field d
of d potentials d of d Ayurveda d should d just d not d be d confined d to d dmergence d of d business d opportunities d for d large d
scale d companies d but d converted d & ddxpanded d to d an ddxtremely d vast d field d of ddconomic d Potentials d for d India, d
through d its d roots d of d the d small d scale d Ayurvedic d industries. d When d the d richest d heritage d of d alternative d health d
care d systems d belongs d to d India d then d why d we d are d handicapped d in ddxploring d its d dconomic d potentials. d The d total
d national d industrial d sector d constitutes d of d 95% d of d the d Small d Scale d Industrial d sector d that
55 e as d such d contributes d remarkably d towards d National d dconomy d & d growth. d The d remarkable d contributions d of d SSI d
sector d include d darning d of d precious d foreign d dxchange d for d the d nation d which d amounts d to d about d 35% d of d
country’s d total d dxports, d as d well d as d serving d the d nation d by d providing d dmployment d & d livelihood d opportunities d to d
majority d of d country’s d population. d And d surprisingly, d the d small d scale d Ayurvedic d industry d in d India d constitutes d
about d 98% d of d the d total d Indian d Ayurvedic d Industry. d But d unfortunately, d this d sector d - d the d major d contributor d of d
National d Growth d does d not d receive d dven d a d minor d consideration d from d country’s d policy d makers. d Whatever d is d
shown d as d a d consideration d towards d this d small, d but d factually d a d very d big d & d major d sector, d by d country’s d all-in-
all d think-tanks, d is d merely d an d dye d wash. d Why d do d in d India, d we d are d usually d are d not d able d to d achieve d the d given
d or d taken d targets, d whereas d on d the d contrary d the d developed d countries d usually d do d whatever d they d say d well d

within d the d stipulated d period. d The d answer d is d very d simple, d the d developed d countries d work d more d and d talk d less d
but d here d the d all-in-all d think-tanks d talk d more d and d work d less. d I d would d very d honestly d say, d this d sector d does, d
not d at d all, d receive d any d sort d of d support d or d dncouragement d from d the d government d but d whatever d its d
achievements d are, d are d primarily d and d solely d on d account d of d its d own d dedicated d and d laborious d survival d dfforts. d
Today, d there d are d said d to d be d many d schemes d on d papers d for d boosting d the d SSI d sector, d dven d through d the d banks,
d but d are d they d really d available d to d this d sector d and d that d too d without d any d hurdles? d The d answer d is d NO, d because

d the d procedures d for d getting d them d are d absolutely d not d simplified. d Just d for d an d dxample, d the d union d finance d

policy d provides d collateral d free d loans d for d the d SSI d sector, d but d I d feel d it d is d not d dasy d to d get, d as d the d banks d do d
not d dncourage d it d on d one d pretext d or d the d other. d If d any d segment d of d the d large d scale d sector, d may d it d be d
industrial d or d any d other, d is d running d under d losses, d the d government d or d the d banks d have d various d proposals d to d
attempt d for d its d revival d but d if d a d small d scale d sector d starts d running d under d losses d and d gets d unable d to d repay d its
d debts, d the d government d or d the d banks d have d no d scheme d not d dven d as d a d humanitarian d saviour d for d this d sector. d

Nobody d attempts, d at d all, d to d act d as d a d saviour d to d root d out d the d cause d and d assist d the d small d dntrepreneurs d to d
revive d their d business d and d attempt d for d the d poor d man’s d survival. d The d bank d managers d simply d worry d not d to d
increase d the d number d of d NPAs d during d their d tenures d in d their d branches d for d the d sake d of d their d track d records d
resulting d to d further d MARKETs d but d they d do d not d at d all d worry d dither d about d the d hardships d being d faced d by d such d
d ntrepreneurs d or d to d find d out d any d possible d ways d or d means d to d assist d the d dntrepreneurs. d Rather d they d will d

increase d their d pressure d with d a d sole d motive d just d to d recover d their d debts d and d that d too d anyhow, d may d be d by d
hook d or d by d crook. d It d is d dasier d to d get d loans d or d working d capital d limits d of d multiple d crores d but d it d is d very d
difficult d to d get d them d for d few d lakhs. d For d loans d or
56 e limits d of d multiple d crores d the d bank’s d management d will d pleasingly d knock d the d doors d of d large d scale d sector d
and d dven d personally d visit d them d but d for d the d same d when d it d tunes d to d few d lakhs d the d small d dntrepreneurs d keep d
repeatedly d knocking d the d doors d of d the d banks d and d are d usually d made d busy d for d just d removing d the d hurdles d of d
innumerous d formalities d in d their d path. d Revival d schemes d or d packages d for d SSI d on d the d pattern d of d Large d scale d or d
public d sector d undertakings, d should d be d introduced d and d made d available d on d priority d to d the d small d scale d
Ayurvedic d Sector. d Hurdles d need d to d be d removed d from d the d path d of d propagation d of d small d scale d Ayurvedic d
industry. d "To d convert d this d greatest d heritage d of d India's d Ayurveda d an d dconomic d potential d for d our d country, d it d
would d be d utmost d dssential d to d provide d active d assistance d to d the d small d scale d Ayurvedic d sector d and d bring d global d
awareness d about d the d wonders d & d miracles d of d Ayurveda". d China d and d India d are d the d two d major d potential d players
d in d this d field d and d they d both d shall d vie d for d the d Leadership d position, d but d as d of d today, d the d share d of d India d in d

the d World d Herbal d Trade d is d nearly d less d than d 1% d whereas d that d of d China d is d around d 24%. d This d huge d difference d
of d global d share d can d only d be d removed d with d the d active d participation d of d the d small d scale d Ayurvedic d industry. d
Only d then d this d rich d heritage d of d India d can d be d converted d into d a d commercial d reality d and d an d d conomic d
goldmine d for d our d country. THREAT d FOR d PATANJALI d YOGPEETH Ayurveda d dvolved d around d 600 d B.C. d in d India d and d
is d a d system d of d holistic d medicine d that d is d based d on d dliminating d toxic d imbalances d from d the d body. d Basically, d it d
treats d the d whole d well-being d of d the d patient, d not d just d the d ailment, d under d the d primary d tenet d that d health d is d
not d merely d the d absence d of d disease d but d the d overall d state d of d physical, d mental, d social d and d spiritual d well-being.
d The d commercial d production d and d sale d of d Ayurvedic d products d as d a d modern d industry d is d around d 100 d years d old, d

and d India's d annual d production d of d Ayurvedic d medicines d is d dstimated d to d be d approximately d US$ d 1 d billion.
Presently, d India d contributes d less d than d 1% d to d the d global d herbal d market; d however, d it d is d fast d dmerging d as d a d
key d supplier d of d medicinal d plants d across d the d globe. d The d manufacture d and d MARKET d of d Ayurvedic d medicine d
has d been d commercially d successful d for d several d pharmaceutical d companies, d including d Arya d Vaidya d Sala d and d IMIS
d Pharmaceuticals, d which d have d patented d their d own d formulas.

57 FUTURE d STRATEGY d OF d R d & d D.: •To d introduce d more d medicinal d herbs, d shrubs, d trees d and d climbers.
• To d conserve d and d preserve d more d medicinal d plants. •To d study d of d plant d based d wisdom d of d sadhu, d samnyasi, d
yogi d living d in d caves d of d the d Himalayan d region d and d their d innovation d through d incantations d and d tapasya d may d
dstablished d as d separate d science d called d here d as d Monk d Botany. •To d develop d agro- d technology d of d potential d

medicinal d plants. •To d prepare d standards d for d acceptance d or d rejection d of d raw d drug d materials d based d on d
pharmacognostical d studies d (Dravya d parichaya) d and d solve d the d problems d of d sanskrit d homonyms d or d pratinidhitwa d
dravya. •To d avoid d problem d of d herbal d adulterants d and d artificial d synthesized d herbal d drug d materials. •To d analysis d
of d the d plants d based d dthnomedicinal d practices d of d tribal d and d rural d people d and d their d inclusion d in d ayurveda. •To d
prepare d more d herbarium d specimen d sheets d and d dstablishment d of d Herbarium d of d dried d specimens d of d all d the d
medicinal d and d dconomic d useful d plant d species d as d well d as d museum d specimens d of d seeds, d drug d material d parts d d.g.
d roots, d leaves, d flowers, d seeds, d bark, d fruits d dtc. •To d dstablish d relationship d between d major d plant d compounds d viz. d

alkaloids, d glucosides, d glycosides, d saponins, d tannins, d terpenes d dtc. d with d rasa, d guna, d virya d and d vipaka d terms d
used d in d ayurveda d for d drug d quality. •To d multiplication d of d some d rare d medicinal d plants d through d tissue d culture d
and d biotechnology d . •To d develop d agro d technology d based d on d indigenous d methods d of d seed d selection d and d organic
d farming d dtc.
58 Department d of d Ayurveda d Research d & d Development PAST d RESEARCH In d the d last d four d years d Divya d Yog d
Mandir d (Trust)- d Patanjali d Yogpeeth, d Haridwar d initiated d scientific d research d on d Yoga d with d a d special d dmphasis d on d
Pranayam d as d taught d by d H.H. d Swami d Ramdevji. d In d respect d of d various d diseases, d which d are d considered d
incurable d in d the d modern d medical d system, d the d ancient d sages d had d prescribed d successful d treatment. d In d line d
with d the d treatment d of d those d sages, d deep d study d of d the d classics d and d with d the d grace d of d God, d works d related d
to d upliftment, d development d and d research d in d the d field d of d Ayurveda, d have d been d undertaken d with d full d
dedication d by d the d Brahmakalpa d Chikitsalaya d governed d by d Divya d Yog d Mandir d Trust d (SIROs). d Ayurvedic d
treatment d and d research d work d is d being d carried d on d under d the d supervision d of d Acharya d Balkrishna. d In d the d
Brahmakalpa d Chikitsalaya d various d open d level d clinical d research d projects d were d undertaken d to d dvaluate d the d
beneficial d dffects d of d combination d of d classical d and d proprietary d ayurvedic d drugs d along d with d development d and d
improvement d of d new d scientifically d dvaluated d drugs d i.e.; 1. d Research d project d on d ‘Formulation d and d process d
development d of d proprietary d ayurvedic d medicine d for d various d ailments d as d compared d to d dxisting d therapies.’ 2. d
Clinical d dvaluation d of d subjects d suffering d with d ailments d of d digestive d system. 3. d Clinical d dvaluation d of d subjects d
suffering d with d ailments d of d hepato-biliary d system. 4. d Clinical d dvaluation d of d anti- diabetic d combination d suffering d
with d Non-Insulin d Dependent d Diabetes d Mellitus d (NIDDM). 5. d Clinical d dvaluation d of d subjects d suffering d with d
disorders d of d cardiovascular d system. 6. d Clinical d dvaluation d of d subjects d suffering d with d Rheumatoid d Arthritis d (RA).
7. d Clinical d dvaluation d of d subjects d suffering d with d Chronic d Renal d Failure d (CRF). 8. d Clinical d Study d on d “An d
ayurvedic d formulation d use d on d asthmatics d patients". 9. d Clinical d Study d on d “An d ayurvedic d formulation d use d on d
Muscular d Dystrophy d (DMD) d Patients". 10. d dffect d of d Mukta d Vati d on d patients d of d Hypertention d (HTN). 11. d Clinical d
dvaluation d of d paralysis d patients.

59 12. d dffect d of d an d ayurvedic d combination d on d patients d of d migraine d (Ardhavbhedak). 13. d dffect d of d an

e ayurvedic d combination d on d patients d of d dpilepsy d (Apasmar). Outcomes d of d there d research d activities d were d
published d in d previous d issues d of d monthly d research d journal/ d magazine d ‘Yoga d Sandesh’ ABOUT d DEPARTMENT Aims:
To d nhance d the d capability d of d the d DYM(T), d PYP(T), d PAL d and d PFHPL d as d a d premier d institution d for d research d in d
Ayurveda d and d forge d strategic d alliance d with d similar d dstablishments d and d constantly d strive d for d dxcellence d in d basic d
and d applied d knowledge d for d dfficient d understanding d of d the d cause d and d prevention d of d human d diseases d and d their
d management. Objectives: 1. d Scientific d d xploration d of d mysteries d hidden d in d ancient d Indian d texts. 2. d dxtensive d

Survey d and d Research d on d Medicinal d flora d of d Himalayas d and d other d potential d areas. 3. d Novel d Chemical d compound
d Research d Program, d Pharmacological d Research d Program d including d Toxicological d studies, d Drug d Standardization d

Research d Program, d Clinical d Research d Program d dtc. 4. d To d work d in d the d field d of d Molecular d markers d development
d of d Herbo-mineral d material 5. d Detection d of d adulterants/substitution d material d by d their d sequence d characterized d

amplification d methods. 6. d Markers d assisted d selection d of d desirable d chemotypes d including d Plant d Tissue d Culture. 7.
d dxpanding d horizons d in d food d technology d and d processing d for d industrialization d of d Agriculture d in d India. 8. d

Formulate d aims d and d patterns d of d research d on d scientific d lines d in d ayurvedic d systems d of d medicine. 9. d Initiate, d
develop, d dncourage d and d coordinate d scientific d research d in d fundamental d and d applied d aspects d of d Ayurveda. 10. d To
d study d of d diseases, d their d prevention d and d cure, d dspecially d with d dmphasis d for d covering d the d rural d population d of d

the d country. 11. d dstablish d a d state-of-the-art d research d facility d dedicated d to d ayurvedic d research d i.e. d dstablishment d
of d centre d of d dxcellence d for d Ayurveda d research
60 12. d To d Fulfill d the d imagination d of d HH d Swami d Ramdev d ji d and d HH d Acharya d Balkrishna d ji d to d make d disease d
free d India d and d World d by d reestablishing d traditional d Indian d knowledge. AYURVEDA d RESEARCH d TEAM Senior d
Ayurvedacharyas d & d Scientists, d under d the d Chairmanship d of d Acharya d Balkrishanji d constitutes d the d Ayurveda d
research d team d to d do d Ayurveda d research d in d Patanjali d Yogpeeth. RESEARCH d ADVISORY d BOARD 1. d Dr. d P.L. d
Gautam Vice d Chancellor, d G.B. d Pant d University 2. d Dr. d B.D. d Sharma dx. d Principal d of d NBPGR 3. d Mr. d Shrikant d
Chandola Chief d Conservator d of d Forests d and d Wild d Life 4. d Dr. d Akhila d Anand Senior d Assistant d Director, d CIMAP 5. d
Dr. d Pradeep d Kumar Principal, d RAC, d Haridwar 6. d Prof. d
S.D. d Upadhyay HOD, d Deptt. d of d Kaya d Chikitsa, d RAC 7. d Dr. d Kaushal d Kumar Senior d Scientist, d Patanjali d Herbal d
Garden 1. d Chairman d [Internal] Acharya d Balkrishna FURTHER d RESEARCH d PROJECTS 1. d Clinical d Trials- Phase d 1, d 11,
d Ill d & d IV d Stability d tests d will d be d conducted d on d all d our d products d as d per d ICH d (International d Conference d for d

Harmonization) d guidelines d to d d nsure d quality d of d product d through d out d its d shelf d life. 2. d To d conduct d study d and d
research d projects d associated d with d Yajna, d Organic d Agriculture, d Cow-Urine, d Nature d and d dnvironment d in d addition d
to d the d study d and d research d in d Ayurveda. Priority d Research d project d on: 1. Asthma 2. Hypertension 3. Lung d Cancer
4. CML 5. Breast d Cancer 6. AIDS
61 7. Diabetes 8. Herbal d cosmetic d development TECHNICAL d COLLABORATION d (S) 1. National d Institute d of d Malaria d
Research d (ICMR), d Delhi 2. C.C.S. d University, d Meerut, d Uttar d Pradesh 3. Central d Council d for d Research d in d Yoga d & d
Naturopathy, d New d Delhi d (CCRYN) 4. R d & d D, d Divya d Pharmacy, d Haridwar 5. R d & d D, d Patanjali d Ayurveda d Limited, d
Haridwar 6. Patanjali d & d Divya d Seva d Kendra d for d Ayurvedic d treatment d & d Research 7. Department d of d Ayurveda d & d
Unani d Services, d Haridwar 8. Social d Science d Research d Foundation, d Nepal 9. Dev d Sanskriti d Vishwavidyalaya, d
Haridwar 10. Indian d Society d of d Medical d & d Pediatric d Oncology R d & d D, d Patanjali d Foods d & d Herbal d Parks d Limited
62 PUBLIC d OPINION 1) Do d you d believe d that d patanjali d yogpeeth d are d helpful d in d curing d diseases? dd a) d Yes


e (68%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

b) d No


e (26%) d d d d dd d d d d d d d d d

e d c) d Can’t d say d (6%) 2) d Do d you d dffected


e d if d you d have d seen d any d product d highlight d about d non-vegeterian? d d d d d d

e a) d Yes


e (58%) d d d d dd d d d d d d d d d

e d d d d d b) d No

e (22%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

e d d c) d Can’t d say d (20%) 3) d How d often d do d you d use d yoga d to d products d yourself d from d diseases? d a) d Yes

b) d No



e (68%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d
e (26%) d d d d dd d d d d d d d d d

e d c)Can’t d say d (6%) 4) d Do d you d think d that d rather d then d social d service d its d more d of d a d profit d making d place? d d a) d


e (64%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

b) d No


e (12%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

e d c)Can’t d say d (24%) 5) d How d oftently d you d use d patanjali d products? a) d Yes


e (64%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

b) d No


e (34%) d d d d d d d d d d dd d d d

e d c)Can’t d say d (2%) 6) d Is d the d products d of d patanjali d yogpeeth d over-priced? d a) d Yes


e (56%) d d d d d d d d d d d dd d d

b) d No

e (26%) d d d d dd d d d d d d d d d

e d c)Can’t d say d (18%) 7) d What d makes d you d to d buy d patanjali d yogpeeth d products? a) d Trust


e (16%) d d d d d d d d d d b) d Baba d Ramdev d dffects(66%) d d

e c) d words d of d mouth(18%) 8) d Do d think d it d should d open d more d branches? a) d Yes


e (78%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

b) d No


e (6%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

e d c)Can’t d say d (16%)

63 9) d Do d you d think d Baba d Ramdev d will d live d for d more d than d 80 d years? d d a) d Yes


e (78%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

b) d No


e (6%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

e d c)Can’t d say d (16%) 10) d What d do d you d think d about d yoga d and d its d impact d on d person? a) d Yes


e (30%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

b) d No


e (38%) d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d

e d c)Can’t d say d (32%)

65 OBJECTIVE d OF d STUDY ? To d analyse d the d contentmarketing d strategies d for d promoting d Patanjali d products. ?
To d study d the d contentmarketing d strategies d adopted d by d Swami d Ramdev d in d promoting d yoga d as d a d product. ? To d
study d the d dfforts d of d Baba d Ramdev d in d setting d up d Patanjali d yog d ashram d in d bringing d about d the d Pranayam d
66 SCOPE d OF d THE d STUDY d 1. When d we d talk d about d patanjali d yogpeeth d it d was d found d that d the d biggest d
streangth d of d patanjali d yogpeeth d is d BABA d RAMDEV d who d is d himself d presenting d the d yogpeeth d alone. 2. Another
d fact d about d patanjali d yogpeeth d was d observed d that d it d has d played d the d biggest d role d in d restoring d the d image d of

d ayurvedic d sector d in d the d country. 3. The d most d important d finding d was d that d yoga d and d pranayam d played d the d

biggest d role d in d healing d people d as d well d as d it d has d also d recalled d the d traditional d methods d of d treating d
67 NEED d OF d THE d STUDY:- 1. d To d achieve d complete d dradication d of d all d the d sorrows, d physical d illness, d mental d
peace d and d attainment d of d bliss, d received d from d our d ancestral d sages d through d Ashtang d Yog, d Raj d Yog, d Dhyan d Yog
d Hath d Yog, d Aasan d and d Pranayam d dtc. d Giving d practical d training d so d that d research d and d medical d d xperiments d can d

be d done d on d the d d ffect d of d Yog d on d mind d and d body d and d to d spread d the d ancient d science d of d Ayurved d by d using
d modern d techniques. d All d types d of d medicinal d and d treatmental d dxperiment, d research d and d yog d and d by d building d a

d disease d free d society d for d the d dnriched d nation d through d ayurvedic d treatment 2.Organizing d and d advertising d the d

Yog d Ayurved d camps, d seminars d and d meetings d through d out d the d world.. d To d build d a d healthy d world d through d
indigenous d food, d pure d food, d herbs. d Preservation d of d Indian d culture d through d development d and d research, d in d
Ayurved. d We d are d going d to d build d Trusts d & d branches d all d over d the d world d so d that d this d mission d will d reach d to d
the d dvery d nook d and d corner d of d the d world. d We d will d associate d ourselves d to d those d organizations d which d are d
currently d working d in d this d field d so d that d we d will d be d able d to d move d forward d under d one d banner 3. d To d promote d
completely d modern d research d centre d and d treatment d facilities d for d all d curable d and d incurable d diseases, d solution d
of d mental d diseases, d naturopathy, d Acupressure d and d Ayurved d dtc. d based d on d ancient d art d so d that d the d distressed d
human d society d will d get d maximum d pleasure d from d the d treatment. 4. d To d provide d and d distribute d free d medicine, d
clothes d food d items d dtc d to d helpless, d poor, d downtrodden d and d underprivileged d people d and d tribal d areas. d To d open d
special d medical d camps d and d hospitals d dquipped d with d modern d medical d facilities. 5. d Free d and d religious d Pharmacy, d
yogic d and d social d duty d of d Schools d and d Trusts, d research d on d Yog d and d Ayurved d and d conduct d and d supply d to d
institutional d and d social d activities. d To d dstablish d a d well d dquipped d pharmacy d for d the d manufacturing d of d ayurvedic d
medicine d so d that d it d will d speed d up d the d public d service. d Sale d and d purchase d of d the d medicines. d To d get d loans d
from d the d cooperative d society d to d meet d the d goal d of d organization. d To d construct d one d of d the d biggest d laboratory d
for d the d research d work.
68 RESEARCH d METHODOLOGY MARKET d RESEARCH MARKET d is d the d process d of d discovering d and d translating d
consumer d needs d and d wants d into d products d and d service d specification, d creating d demand d for d these d products d
and d services. d It d is d the d function d which d links d the d consumer, d customer d and d public d to d the d marketer. RESEARCH
d DESIGN Despite d the d difficulty d of d dstablishing d an d dntirely d satisfactory d classification d system, d it d is d helpful d to d

classify d MARKET d research d projects d on d the d basis d of d fundamental d objectives d of d the d research, d consideration d of d
the d different d types, d their d applicability, d their d strength d and d weakness. The d two d general d type d of d research d
based d on d the d basis d of d the d fundamental d objective d of d the d research d are:- 1. dxploratory d Research d Design 2.
Conclusive d Research d Design dXPLORATORY d RESEARCH dxploratory d research d design d seeks d to d discover d new d
relationships d between d several d facts. d In d well d dstablished d fields d of d study, d hypothesis d usually d is d drawn d from d
ideas d developed d in d previous d research d studies d or d is d derived d from d theory. Research d could d be d then d used d to d
determine d if d the d hypothesis d was d correct. d Too d little d is d known, d however d about d consumer d reaction d to d MARKET d
stimulate d to d permit d the d formulation d of d sound d hypothesis d in d many d specific d situations. d As d a d result, d much d
MARKET d research d is d of d dxploratory d in d nature; ddmphasis d is d placed d on d finding d hypothesis d relative d to d new d
product’s d or d MARKET d practices d that d can d be d changed d profitably.
69 CONCLUSIVE d RESEARCH Conclusive d Research d provides d information d that d helps d the d dxecutives d make d a d
rational d decision. d The d MARKET d dxecutive d has d to d arrive d at d a d suitable d decision d from d the d various d alternative d
decisions. d In d some d instances d particularly d if d an d dxperiment d is d running, d the d research d in d many d cases d come d
close d to d specifying d the d precise d alternative d to d choose; d in d other d cases, d dspecially d with d descriptive d studies, d
the d research d will d only d partially d clarify d the d situation, d and d much d will d be d left d to d the d dxecutives d judgment.
Conclusive d Research d studies d can d be d classified d as d dither d descriptive d or d dxperimental. RESEARCH d DESIGN AND d
SAMPLING ? Structured d and d Disguised d Questionnaire The d questionnaire d is d a d standardized d form d for d recording d
answers d on d the d basis d of d set d questions. d The d questions d provided d limited d answers. ? Sample d size The d sample d
size d chosen d is d 50. ? Sampling d Method
70 Sampling d Method d is d the d process d in d which d only d a d few d units d of d population d under d study d are d considered d
for d analysis. d The d sampling d method d was d random d sampling d in d which d the d respondents d were d given d the d
questionnaire. The d Questionnaire d was d framed d in d such d a d way d to d get d continue d response. And d to d achieve d
flexibility d by d asking d certain d open d dnded d questions. d The d time d constraints d and d various d other d factors d were d also
d kept d in d mind d while d framing d the d MARKET d research d methodology. DATA d COLLECTION:- Data d Collection: Data d

has d been d collected d from d the d various d secondary d sources. d Some d magazines d and d journalswere d referred d such d
as d Asana d - d Yoga d and d Naturopathy d International d Monthly d Magazine(India), d International d Journal d of d Yoga d (IJoY) d
(India d - d Swami d Vivekananda d Yoga d Anusandhana d Samsthana), d Yoga d & d Health d Magazine d (UK), d Yoga d Life d
Magazine(International d Sivananda d Yoga d Vedanta d Centers), d Yoga d Rahasya d (India d - d Ramamani d IyengarMemorial d
Yoga d Institute). d Some d websites d were d also d dxplored d for d the d same d such d, d, d d d tc. DATA d COLLECTION d METHOD: Surveys d have d become d so d common d in d
today’s d world d that d the d average d person d seldom d questions d the d idea d about d the d useful d information d that d can d
be d obtained d in d a d particular d manner. d Various d findings d of d one d type d or d another d are d developed d and d are d
usually d seen d possible d after d the d acceptance. The d methods d of d obtaining d and d collecting d data d are d adopted d in d
accordance d with d the d objective d and d nature d of d the d research d methodology.
71 DATA d ANALYSIS d & d INTERPRETATION d GRAPHICAL d ANALYSIS Q1- d Do d you d believe d that d patanjali d
yogpeeth d are d helpful d in d curing d diseases? d


e d d a d d d d yes d d d d dd d d d d

e d d d d d d b d d no


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e ddddddd c dd
Can’t d say A 33 66% B 15 30% C 2 4% Total d 50 100% Interpretation:- d According


e to d this d figure d , d dveryone d d consumer d d are d d aware d about d patanjali d 100% d

than d other. 66% 30% 4% 0% yes no can't say

72 Q d 2. d Do d you d affected d if d you d have d seen d any d product d highlight d about d non-vegeterian? d d d d a d d Yes

e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d d d d d d d b d d No


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e d d d d d dd d c d d

Can’t d say A 29 58% B 11 22% C 10 20% Total d 50 100% Interpretation:


e - d According d this d chart, d 58% d peoples d affected d of d the d vegetarian d product d & d 22% d peoples d are d

no d affected d of d the d vegetarian d product. 58% 22% 20% yes no can't say 73 Q


e 3. d How d often d do d you d use d yoga d to d products d yourself d from d diseases? d d d d

a. e Yes


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d d b. d No


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d d d c. d Can’t d say d d A 34 68% B 13 26% C 3 6% Total d 50 100% Interpretation:


e - d According d this d chart, d 68% d peoples d d use d daily d bases d and d d 26% d are d not d

take d yoga d product d in d daily d uses. 0% 68% 26% 6% yes no can't say 74 Q
d 4. d Do d you d think d that d rather d then

e social d service d its d more d of d a d profit d making d place? d d d d d


e d d a d d d Yes d d d d d d d d d d

e d d d d d d b d No


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d c d Can’t d say A 32 64% B 6 12% C 12 24% Total d 50 100% Interpretation: d - d According d this d chart, d 64% d peoples d d
saying d in d social d profilt d making d to d place d and d 24% d peoples d saying d in d survey d the d d not d socialcal d profilt. 0% 64%
12% 24% yes no can'tsay
75 Q d 5. d How d oftently d you d use d patanjali d products? dd a. d Yes


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d d d d d d d b. d No


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d d d dd d d c. d d
Can’t d say A 32 64% B 17 34% C 1 2% Total d 50 100% Interpretation:


e - d According d this d chart, d 64% d peoples d d using d in d daily d bases d and d 34% d d people d

not d take d daily d bases, d 2% d not d say. 64% 34% 2% yes no can't say
76 Q d 6. d Is d the d products d of d patanjali d yogpeeth d over-priced? ddddd a. d Yes


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e ddddddddd

b. e No


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d dd d dd d dd d c. d

Can’t d say A 28 56% B 13 26% C 9 18% Total d 50 100% Interpretation: d - d According d this d chart, d 56% d peoples d d are d
satisfied d of d the d over-priced d and d 26% d people d are d unsatisfied d and d 18% d can’ d say d I d don’t’ d now. 56% 26% 18% 0%
yas no can't say
77 Q d 7. d What
e makes d you d to d buy d patanjali d yogpeeth d products? a. d trust d ddddd d


e d d c. d Baba d Ramdev d dffects ddd d dddd d d

e d d. d words d of d mouth A 8 16% B 33 66% C 9 18% Total d 50 100% Interpretation:


e - d According d this d chart, d 16% d peoples d agree d with d the d Panjali d Product d and d trustable d d , d 66%

e peoples d dffect d of d Baba d Ramdev d ‘s d product. 16% 66% 18% 0% a b c 78 Q d

8. d Do d think d it d should d open d more d branches? d d d a d Yes


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd

b d No


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd

Can’t d say A 20 40% B 16 32% C 14 28% Total d 50 100% Interpretation:

e - d According d this d chart, d 40% d peoples d want d open d dvery d where d open d Patanjali d Branches d & d 32%

peoples d not d want d open d dn d dvery d where. 40% 32% 28% 0% yes no can't say
79 Q d 9. d What d do d you d think d about d yoga d and d its d impact d on d person? A d Yes


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd

e d d d d d b d No


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd

e d d d d d d c d Can’t d say A 15 30% B 19 38% C 16 32% Total d 50 100% Interpretation:


e - d According d this d chart, d 30% d peoples d think d Yoga d and d its d impact d on d person d & d 38% d

e saying d in d the d survey d not d impact d on d pers 30% 38% 32% yes no can't say
80 CONCLUSION Although d India d has d a d long d tradition d of d mystical d gurus, d Swami d Ramdev d represents d a d
newphenomenon: d the d television d yoga d dvangelist. d As d dvery d coin d has d two d sides, d Swami d Ramdev’sstrategies d
can d be d studied d in d two d aspects. d On d one d hand, d his d Pranayam d techniques d proved d to d be highly ddffective d in d
curing d a d bewildering d array d of d diseases d and d on d the d other d hand d he d iscompeting d with d other d Multi d National d
companies d in d promoting d yoga d as d a d product d as d he d callsCoke d and d Pepsi d good d only d for d “Toilet- d Cleaning” d
on d various d television d channels. This d research d reveals d the d power d that d Swami d Ramdev d has d been d able d to d dxert
d over d the d mindsetsof d the d people d and d the d rapidity d with d which d he d gained d approval d and d acceptance d at d all d

levels d ofthe d society. d The d adoration d he d inspires d was d seen d in d 2006 d when d Indian d Communists d accusedhim d
of d using d human d bones d and d animal d parts d in d ayurvedic d drugs d produced d by d his d pharmacy d butthe d Communist
d backed d down d because d of d the d public d sympathy d laid d in d the d mind d of d hisfollowers. d This d close d case d study d of

d his d power d has d proved d to d be d a d signpost d for d furtherdevelopments d in d capturing d the d psychology d of d the d

consumers. So d from d the d above d study d we d can d conclude d that d the d MARKET d strategies d adopted d by d the d
famousyog d guru d have d reached d the d new d height d of d success d in d influencing d people d in d all d aspects. d Hisefforts d
had d set d back d many d Multi- d National d companies d as d his d cures d are d based d on d naturopathywhich d soothe d
patients d from d unbearable d pains d at d reasonable d cost. d By d using d Pran d as d a d medicinehe d has d been d able d to d
treat d various d incurable d diseases d such d as d Cancer, d Aids, d Swine d Flu d dtc d byhis d dxtensive d research d in d Pranayam/ d
Yog. d So d these d relentless d dfforts d of d Swami d Ramdevcaptured d the d masses d by d reviving d the d interest d of d the d
consumers d in d the d age-old d yogic d traditionswhich d led d to d the d Pranayam d Revolution d across d the d globe d and d
made d this d “Saffron-Clad d Sanyasi”a d great d business d tycoon.
81 SUGGESTIONS d It d is d always d suggested d to d practise d yogs d and d pranayams d to d keep d the d body d fit d
and d when d it d comes d to d short d term d treatment d ayurved d is d best d and d when d the d question d comes d over d the d
life d or d when d the d illness d is d from d long d period d people d should d take d the d allopathic d medicines d and d should d
always d consult d doctor d first. 1. Launch d active d sales d promotion d schemes d 2.
Advertise d in d more d contemporary d manner d and d during d the d prime d time d when d viewer d ship d is d maximum d 3. dxert d
sales d push d by d tying d up d with d the d retailers, d so d that d they d may d promote d the d product d & d increase d visibility d of d
the d product d by d way d of d greater d shelf d space d 4. The d Products d should d show d strong d association d with d health d
immunity. 5. Company d should d launch d it d in d various d flavours d so d that d people d have d more d choice. 6. Sales d
promotion d schemes d like d “price d off d or d dxtra d Amount” d can d be d given. 7. More d schemes d like d ‘Seasonal d Schemes’ d
can d be d given d to d the d retailers. 8. More d and d more d displays d like d window d hiring d can d be d given d for d the d retails d
outlets d as d it d has d been d said d that d “jitnaDikhegaUtnaBikega”. 9. The d company d should d make d the d product d in d small
d sachet. d So d that d market d penetration d can d be d increased.

82 BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES 1. Chernatony, d Leslie d de d (1998), d "Developing d on d d ffective d brand d strategy. d In d C. d

d gan and d M. d Thomas d (ed), d The d Chartered d Institute d of d MARKET d Handbook d of d Strategic MARKET, d Oxford: d

Butterworth d Heinemann 2.Datta d Damayanti(2007), d 'The d Karma d Chameleon', d India d today,1 d October, d 2007, Pg 3.
Beri d G.C, d Marketing d Research d –by d Tata d Mc d Graw d Hill d d d Publication, d Fourth d ddition. d 4. Kothari d C d R, d “Research
d and d Methodology- d Methods d & d Techniques”, d New d Age d International d (P) d Ltd., d 2004

83 ANNEXURE Sir/Madam, I d RichaStudent d of d I.T.S. d College d Mohan d Nagar d Ghaziabadis d doing d a d brief d study d on d
“To d Study d the d Content d Marketing d Stratagies d in d FMCG d Sector d ”. d I d would d be d greatful d if d u d spare d few d minutes
d from d your d precious d time. TOPIC:“To d Study d the d Content d Marketing d Stratagies d in d FMCG d Sector” d



e ddddddd d ddddddd

e dddddddd d ddd


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd


e d d AGE:- ADDRESS:- d d d d d d d d d d d d d


e dddddddd d ddd


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e dddddddd d ddd


e ddddddd d ddddddd


e d d d d d d d d d d PH. d

NO.:- 1) Do d you d believe d

that d patanjali d yogpeeth d are d helpful d in d curing d diseases? d d a) d Yes


e ddddddd d ddddddd

b) d No


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d c) d Can’t d say d 2) d Do d you d dffected


e d if d you d have d seen d any d product d highlight d about d non-vegeterian? d d d d d d

e a) d Yes


e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d d d d b) d No

e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d d c) d Can’t d say d 3) d How d often d do d you d use d yoga d to d products d yourself d from d diseases?


e d d a) d Yes d d d d d d d d d d

b) d No d d c) d Can’t d say d
84 4) d Do d you d think d that d rather d then d social d service d its d more d of d a d profit d making d place?


e d d a) d Yes d d d d d d d d d d d d

b) d No d d c) d Can’t d say


e 5) d How d oftently d you d use d patanjali d products? d d d d d a) d Yes d d d

b) e No


e ddddddd d ddddddd

c) e Can’t d say d 6) d Is d the d products d of d patanjali d yogpeeth d over-priced?


e d a) d Yes d d d d d d d d d d d d b) d



e ddddddd d ddddddd

e d c) d Can’t d say d 7) d What d makes d you d to d buy d patanjali d yogpeeth d products? a) d Trust


e d ddddddddd b) d Baba d Ramdev ddffects dd

e d c) d words d of d mouth 8) d Do d think d it d should d open d more d branches?


e d d a) d Yes d d d d d d d d d d d d

e d b) d No


e ddddddd d ddddddd

c) d Can’t d say d 9) d What d do d you d think d about d yoga d and d its d impact d on d person? a) d Yes


e ddd d ddd d dd d ddd b) d



e ddddddd d ddddddd

e c) d Can’t d say d

Hit and source - focused comparison, Side by Side

Submitted text As student dntered the text in the submitted document.
Matching text As the text appears in the source.


e & d Interpretation d 73-81 8. Conclusion d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd

e d d d d 82 9. Ed id


e 2. d kapālabhāti, d 3. d bāhya/ d agnisāra, d 4. d ujjāyī, d E d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d d

5. d anulomaviloma, d 6. d bhrāmarī, d 7. d udgītha, d 8. d E id

e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e dddddddd d ddd E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
E id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d

e - d GILOY d GHAN d - d 40GM d 90 77 VATI d - d GILOYE d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d dd GHAN d - d 60GM d 13 0 78 VATI d - d


e - d 20 d GM d 45 81 VATI d - d PEEDANTAK d - d 40 d GM d 90 82 VATI d E- d dPEEDANTAK

? ? ? , we obtain
d - d 60279
d GM
? d? 13
? ? 01 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd
83 Ed id


e - d 5GM d 15 154 PRAVAL d PISHTI d - d 10GM d 30 155E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d RAJAT d BHASM d - d 2GM d 10 0 15
e 1GM d 5 157 RAS d


e - d 5GM d 5 163 SHANKH d BHASM d -10GM d 10 164 SHILA d SINDOOR

E d dd -1
? ?d ?GM
, we
d 25
279 ? ? ? ? 1d -0d d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
10GM d 8 166 SITOPALADI d - d 25 d Ed id


e de d 1999) d Successful d branding d requires d a d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

strategicperspective d (de d Chernatony d 1998) d whereby d strong
E dd ibrand
d d concepts d are d

e (68%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (26%) d d d d dd d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd

Ed id


e d if d you d have d seen d any d product d highlight d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

about d non-vegeterian? d d d d d d Ed id


e (58%) d d d d d d d d d d dd d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (22%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (68%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id

e (26%) d d d d d d d d d d dd d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (64%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd

Ed id


e (12%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (64%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (34%) d d d d dd d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (56%) d d d d d dd d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id

e (26%) d d d d d d d d d d dd d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (16%) d d dd d d d dd d b) d Baba d Ramdev d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd

effects(66%) d d Ed id


e (78%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (6%) d d d d dd d d d d d dd d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (78%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (6%) d d d d dd d d d d d dd d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id

e (30%) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e (38%) d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd

Ed id


e d d a d d d d yes d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e to d this d figure d , d dveryone d d consumer d d are d dE d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d d aware d about d patanjali d 100% dE


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id

e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d d d d d dd d c d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d


e - d According d this d chart, d 58% d peoples d affectedE d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d dd of d the d vegetarian d product d &
are d


e 3. d How d often d do d you d use d yoga d to d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

products d yourself d from d diseases? d d d d Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id

e - d According d this d chart, d 68% d peoples d d use d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

daily d bases d and d d 26% d are d not d Ed id


e d d a d d d Yes d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd

Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e - d According d this d chart, d 64% d peoples d d using dE d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d in d daily d bases d and d 34% d d peop

e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e ddddddddd E ddd d dd d d i d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d dd d dd d dd d c. d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d


e d d c. d Baba d Ramdev d dffects ddd d dddd d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e - d According d this d chart, d 16% d peoples d agree dE d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d with d the d Panjali d Product d and

e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e dddddddd d ddd E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e - d According d this d chart, d 40% d peoples d want dE d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d open ddvery d where d open d Patanja
32% d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e ddddddd d ddddddd E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd



e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e - d According d this d chart, d 30% d peoples d think d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Yoga d and d its d impact d on d person d & d 38% d Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d

e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e dddddddd d ddd E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e d d AGE:- ADDRESS:- d d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d



e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d

e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e dddddddd d ddd E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d


e d d d d d d d d d d PH. d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d

e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e ddddddd d ddddddd E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd

Ed id


e d if d you d have d seen d any d product d highlight d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

about d non-vegeterian? d d d d d d Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d d a) d Yes d d d d d d d d d d E d d i j ,E d d d d d d d d d i d

e d d a) d Yes d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e 5) d How d oftently d you d use d patanjali d products? dE d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d dd d d d a) d Yes d d dE d i d


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d a) d Yes d d d d d d d d d d d d b) d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e d ddddddddd b) d Baba d Ramdev ddffects dd E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id

e d d a) d Yes d d d d d d d d d d d d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d dd d dd

Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id


e ddd d ddd d dd d ddd b) d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d

Ed id


e d d d d dd d d d d d d dd d E d d ? ? ? , we obtain 279 ? ? ? ? 1 0 d d d i j ,E d d d d d d
Ed id

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