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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No.

1, March 1999 115

Dynamic Analysis of a Grid-Connected Induction Generator Driven

by a Wave-Energy Turbine through Hunting Networks
S.S. Yegna Narayanan (Senior Member IEEE), Bhagwan K. Murthy (Nonmember), G. Sridhara Rao (Member IEEE)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Madras 600036, INDIA

Abstract The presence of forced oscillations occurring in
a Wells Turbine driven grid-connected induction generator
enables one to seek a solution by considering the analogy L.
between the dynamics of the Wells Turbine driven systems
with those associated with diesel-engine driven generators or
electric motors driving reciprocating compressors, where a
also such forced oscillations occur, although there they occur
in synchronism with shaft-position or speed. This difference '6 2oo

is taken into account and the hunting network theory, which

has hitherto been applied to the dynamic analysis of motors
driving reciprocating compressors, is here applied to analyse
the dynamics of a Wells Turbine driven grid-connected
induction generator. The method enables the generator
current, power and slip to be predicted from a knowledge of
.the shaft-torque harmonics. The result is compared with that
obtained through d-q analysis.
time(s) time(s)
Fig. 1. Run 3 1710 data obtained from site.
A typical snapshot of the power fed to the grid, axial
velocity of air in the turbine, wave height and line current There are certain fundamental differences between the
for 200 seconds from a run (RUN 31710) at the Wave dynamics of wave-energy-operated Wells-Turbine-driven
Energy System site at Vizhinjam off Trivandnim coast in grid-connected generator schemes and wind-energy
India (set up by the Ocean Engineering Centre, Indian operated turbine- driven grid-connected generator schemes
Institute of Technology, Chennai through a sponsored although, in effect, both turbines are air operated! In the
research project funded by the Department of Ocean case of the latter, the turbine represents a system with
Development, Government of India [ 1-31), is reproduced unidirectional, unducted air flow. Fluctuations of power
in Fig.1. It is clear that there is wide fluctuation of the fed to the grid occur due to wind velocity changes which
power fed to the grid which is not desirable and the are statistical in nature. In the case of the former (which
characteristics and control of the generator need to be work on the principle of oscillating water column (OWC)
studied to improve the overall system performance and [4]), in addition to the statistical variation of air speed due
efficiency so that such wave power plants can become to statistical variations of wave climate, there is a cyclical
economically viable [ 5 ] . variation of air velocity due to the bi-directional nature of
the ducted air flow, which the Wells turbine rectifies to
produce unidirectional torque and rotation. Consequently,
PE-PO2-EC-1-06-1997 A paper recommended and approved by the the axial velocity of air in effect swings from zero to a
IEEE Electric Machinery Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering peak value and back to in a period of
Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Energy
Conversiton. Manuscript submitted May 1, 19%; made available for approxinlately to seconds a periodical'y repeated
printing June 11, 1997. manner indefinitely. This represents a high frequency
component of the axial velocity variation with time
considered as a quasi-periodic wave, i.e., the high
frequency is of the order of 0.2 to 0.25 Hz. Further there
is, in addition, a bunching of a few such cycles of large
peak values followed by a different nuniber of such cycles
of low peak values, this pattern itself being repeated
indefinitely in a statistical manner depending on

0885-8969/99/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE

the wave climate at a given site. The quasi-periodicity Step 2:
introduced by the above pattern then represents the Fourier analysis of the turbine shaft torque variation
fundamental period for this dynamic variation of axial with time data is carried out to obtain the amplitudes and
velocity with time. This is found to lie approximately in phase angles of the average torque and fundamental and
the range of 60 to 65 seconds at Vizhinjam site, i.e. the harmonic torques. The fundamental period then represents
fundamental frequency is of the order of 0.0154 to 0.0167 the corresponding duration for one mechanical revolution
Hz. The ratio of the duration of the bunched high-peak of the hypothetical equivalent reciprocating compressor
velocity cycles to the fundamental period mentioned above crank-angle representation for OWC-Wells turbine
can then be effectively considered to constitute a cyclic combination for this run. This period may thus be treated
duty factor (CDF). This is dependent on the wave climate. as equal to 360° mechanical to implement the algorithm
Control of power fluctuations in an OWC wave energy for calculation by the hunting network method [S-111.
device is therefore more difficult in view of the pulsating
nature of the input power unlike in wind energy schemes., Step 3:
where the input air velocity is practically steady, with The dynamic analysis through hunting network
superimposed ripple. The forced oscillations present in approach is implemented through the corresponding
wave energy schemes can be analysed if one seeks a steady-state and hunting network equivalent circuit
solution by considering the analogy between the dynamics representations of the grid connected induction generator
of the Wells turbine driven systems with those associated as shown in Fig.2 and as per algorithm depicted in Fig.4.
with diesel engine driven generators or electric motors
driving reciprocating compressors.
The hunting network theory as applied to the dynamic
analysis of such motors driving reciprocating compressors,
for example, [8-111, depends on the fact that their EO
instantaneous torques vary with shaft position as per the
applicable crank-angle diagram, one such cycle being
completed in one revolution of the shaft, this being
repeated indefinitely in synchronism with the shaft
By comparison with the above, the Wells turbine
dynamics is similar only to the extent that forced
oscillations are present here also, which, though not
strictly periodic, can be assumed to repeat indefinitely at
certain intervals. Otherwise it is distinctly different to the B. Positive frequency hunting network , ,
extent that the torque v a r i a t i o n s are not in synchronism
with the shaft positiodspeed. The aim of this paper is to
apply the hunting network theory by taking these
differences properly into account to analyse the dynamics
of the Wells turbine driven grid-connected induction
generator. Such an analysis has not been reported earlier. C. Negative frequency hunting network.

11. METHOD OF APPROACH Fig. 2. Equivalent-circuit representation of grid-connected induction

generator for dynamic analysis through hunting-networks..
Step I :
Starting from given data of axial air velocity variations
with time and utilising the well known 2-asis, Park’s
Quantity Base Value Synbol Unit
representation for modelling the grid connected induction
generator [6,7] along with turbine modelling as shown in
Fig.3, the complete performance of the system is obtained Reactive Power Rated 3 phase VA PB VA
Voltage Rated Phase Voltage VB V
taking the effects of mechanical as well as electrical
Current PBl(3.VB) IB A
transients into account [12]. A portion of the turbine shaft Impedance VB/IB ZB n
torque variation with time obtained from this calculation is Mech aiig. velocity 4nflp (OB rads
assumed to repeat itself periodically and is utilised as input Torque PBlwB TB Niu
data for the subsequent dynamic analysis through hunting Moilleiit of Inertia (Z/p)TB/(oB)’ JB kgnL


Fig. 3. Representation of Wells Turbine driven grid-connectedinduction generatorsystem for dynamic analysisthrough d-q method. Note: All quantities
written alongside arrows are time-varying;incoming arrow indicate input data and outgoing arrows indicate output data.

Convert generator steady-state and hunting networks of Fig. 2, moment of inertia J, turbine-torque
TT(t) into per unit using base values given in Table I.

Consider a portion of the turbine torque TT(t) waveform (as shown in Fig. 5 ) to repeat itself
indefinitely. Assume 8 = 0 at its start and 2n at its end and obtain its average value TTo and a
sufficiently large number of harmonic components TTn, n=l . . W A X by Fourier analysis. Refer (1)
Fig. 5 and Table 11.

I From the steady-state equivalent circuit of Fig. 2a and TTo, find the steady-state or average slip so
and the corresponding steady-state complex stator and rotor currents IS0 and 1% and emf Eo.

11 For each value of n from 1 to M A X , carry out steps A through C indicated below:

Step A: Define per unit nth harmonic hunting frequency as nfT/f.

Step B: For this hn, using so, ISo, IRo and Eo, and the hunting networks of Fig. 2b and Fig. 2c,
calculate the nth harmonic damping- and synchronising- torque coefficients Tdn and Ts, using (3).

Step C: Find nth harmonic components of generator-torque TGn, slip Sn, and real and reactive
stator currents Re(ISn) and Im(ISn) from (7).(9) and (13).

Combine the average of each quantity, viz. TGo = TTo - TL, so, Re(IS0) and Im(IS0) with its
harmonics to obtain it as a hnction of 8, viz. TT(8), s(8), Re(IS(8)) and Im(IS(e)). Refer (8), (10)
and (14).

I Calculate real power P(8), reactive power Q(8), stator current magnitude IIS(8)l and power factor
pf(8) using (1 4) and (15 ) .

The quantities calculated above in terms of 8 can now be expressed in terms o f t using 8 = t.fT.
Then they can be reconverted to their physical units by multiplying them with their respective base
values in Table I.

Fig. 4. Algoritlun for analysis tluough hunting-networks.


to dq method e from dq method IIL RESULTS

E 1-
Fig. 5 represents the results obtained from Steps 1 and 2
while Fig. 6 shows the predicted performance obtained
from Step 3. For purposes of comparison, the performance
obtained from Park's representation itself is also shown in
200 300 4002 200 300 400
the same Fig.6. Correlation is good.

n time(s) N. CONCLUSION
300 I I I I

The hunting network method of dynamic analysis of

a 100 induction machines has been extended to generator mode.
The power of the hunting network approach can now be
fruitfully utilised to study design approaches to control the
"0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 fluctuations in current, power etc. This is outside the scope
harmonic order harmonic order of the present paper.
Fig. 5 . Wavefomi of input axial velocity to tlie dq analysis routine and tlie ACKNOWLEDGMENT
resulting turbine-torque output from the routine, together with tlie result of
liamionic analysis of the turbine-torque waveform
Thanks are due to the Department of Ocean
dq method hunting network method Development, Govt. of India; National Institute of Ocean
0 0
Development, IIT Madras; and Ocean Engineering Centre,
IIT Madras for fknding a sponsored research project in
-0 02
.-a a4O2
.- this area. Special thanks are also due to Prof. V.S. Raju,
; -0 04 % -0 04 Prof. M. Ravindran, Dr. P. M. Koola and Dr. V. Jagadeesh
-006 -0 06 Kumar for their excellent support and co-operation.
-0 08 -0 08
200 300 400- 0 90 180 270 360 REFERENCES
[ 11 V. S . Raju, M. Ravindran, and P. M. Koola, "Energy from sea waves-
tlie Indian Wave Energy Programme," in Proc. of the Third Symposium
on Ocean Wave Energy Utilisation. Jan 22- 23, 1991, JAMSTEC,
Tokyo, Japan..
[2] V. S. Raju, M. Ravindran, and P. M. Koola, "Experiences on a 150 KW
wave energy pilot plant," in Proc. of the 1993 European Wave Energy
Syniposiuiti, 2 1-24 July 1993, Edinburgh, UK.
[3]G. Swaniinathan, "Performance and Flow investigation of Wells type
turbine rotors." PhD Thesis, Ocean Engg Centre, IIT Madras, April
[4] P. M. Koola, "Investigations on tlie perfomiance behaviour of the
Oscillating Water Colutnn Wave Energy Device," PhD Thesis, Ocean
Engineering Centre, IIT Madras, Feb 1990.
[ 5 ] L. N. Allabaksh and G. Sridliara Rao, "A new controller for efficient
e 7 0 wave-power generation," Proc. IEEE/ IAS Int. Conf: on Industrial
a, Automation and Control, Hyderabad, IEEE Press, pp. 357-63, Jan 5-7,
3 65 1995.
660 [6] B. Adkins and R. G. Harley, The general theory of alternating current
2 55 0
machines-Application to practical problems. Chapman&Hall, UK.
OE 1975.
n [7] P. C. Krause and 0. Wasynczuk, Electromechanical motion devices.

3 McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1989.
[8] C. Concordia, "Induction niotor damping and synchronising torques,"
L AlEE Trans.. vol. 70, part 11, pp. 304-6, Jan. 1952.
3 50 [9] P. N. Bapat, "Frequency response of induction motors under forced
0 oscillations," Proc. IEE, vol. 117, no. 3, pp. 561-6, March 1970.
a [lo] J. J. Middletniss, "Current pulsations of induction motor driving a
a 0
reciprocating compressor," Proc. IEE, vol. 121, no. 1 1 , pp. 1399-1403,
400.% 0 90 180 270 360 Nov. 1974.
[ 1 11 P. G. Cutruiiings, "Power and torque pulsations of an induction motor
time(s) angle(deg) driving a reciprocating compressor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appns., vol. 14,
no.2, pp. 213-9, May-June 1978.
Fig. 6. Comparison between predicted dynamic perfomiance through dq [12]S. S . Yegna Narayanan, B. K. Murthy, S. Bose and G. S . Rao,
method and through Iiunting-network method "Dynamic analysis of a grid connected induction generator driven by a
wave energy turbine," a companion paper accepted for presentation at
the IEEE sponsored Int. Con$ on Power Electronics, Drives and
Energy Systems for Industrial Growth (PWES 1996) 8-11 Jan 1996,
xs Stator leakage reactance per phase, pu.
RR Rotor resistance per phase, pu.
New Delhi, India.
XR Rotor leakage reactance per phase, pu.
NOMENCLATURE RM Core loss resistance, pu.
XM Magnetising reactance, pu.
For Fig. 2: 0 Subscript indicating average value.
f Supply frequency, Hz. n Harmonic order.
V Supply line voltage, V. 1 Suffix indicating value referring to positive-
I Line current, A. frequency hunting network.
P Power fed to grid, W. 2 Suffix indicating value referring to negative-
Q Machine reactive power, W. frequency hunting network.
Power factor.
Generator torque, Nm.
II Amplitude, pu.
L Phase angle, measured from start of torque-
TT Turbine torque, Nm. waveform period, rad.
TL Loss torque of system, Nm.
TI Inertia torque, Nm.
rl Generator efficiency. APPENDIX A
J total moment of inertia of system, kgm2. Model Equation :
VA Axial velocity of air through turbine, d s .
VP Peripheral velocity of turbine-blades, d s . TT-TG-TL= J- d"
RTIP Tip-radius of turbine-blades, m. dt
k Turbine torque-coefficient constant. Induction generator parameters :
C, Turbine torque-coefficient. V = 380 V. f = 48.96Hz.
a Angle of incidence of air on turbine blade, deg. p =6 RS =0.0123R.
Angular speed of shaft, mech. rads. XS = 0.0747129 R. RR = 0.07436 R.
XR =0.07471290. RM =63.787R.
For the rest of the paper: Xh4 = 2.531232 R. TL =10Nm
f Supply frequency, Hz. Turbine Parameters :
fT Assumed frequency of torque, Hz. k =0.57784. TT = K. cT(v~2+vp2).
S Slip, pu. Average slip corresponds to average J =330kgm2. fT = (11200) Hz.
Synchronous speed = 2.7c.f, rad./s. 1
P Number of poles. ab: stalting zone
NMAX Number of harmonics considered. tc:operatingzone
Ts Synchronising-torque coefficient, pdrad. 0.75 -

Td Damping-torque coefficient, pd(rad/s).

TT Turbine-torque, pu.
TG Generator-torque, pu. B 0.5-
TL Total loss torque, pu.
TI Inertia torque, pu.
t Time from start of turbine-torque period, s. 0.25-
UT Angular frequency of turbine- torque waveform,
- 2.7c.fT, rad.1s.
0 Angular reference from start of shaft-torque 30 45 60 75 90
period = a+t, rad.1s. alpha (deg.)
6 Angular dispIacement of generator rotor from Fig. 7. Wells-Turbine characteristics.
average position, elec. rad.
Base Values :
hl nth harmonic hunting frequency = n.f,/f, pu.
fl3 = 48.96 Hz COB = 102.5416 rads.
P Power fed to grid, pu.
IB = 151.93426 A. ZB = 1.444 0.
Q Lagging reactive power drawn from grid, pu.
TB = 975.21411 Nm PB = 100000 w.
Pf Power factor.
IS Complex stator current, pu. JE3 = 0.0309156 kgm2 VB = 219.393 V
IR Complex rotor current, pu. Input Datn:
Sn = -0.00725 NMAX = 6 0
RS Stator resistance per phase, pu. "


Derivation of equations for calculation of generator

torque, power, current, and slip variations
0 117.813000 0. The turbine torque can be represented by a Fourier series
1 44. 193630 4.495914 as
2 176. 876800 4.012560 NMAX
3 15.206960 -0.705986 TT(& TTo + (TTnIcos(n8+ L V n ) (1)
4 84.240910 1 . 118598 n=l
5 61 ,995390 3.858109
6 105 .434900 -0.989236
The oscillation of the generator rotor produced by the nth
7 60.429880 3.467516 harmonic turbine torque gives rise to inertia and electrical
8 138.933700 2.826133 torques which may be equated to the turbine torque to give
9 28. 182040 1 ,030254
10 69.564170 0.611413
11 25.785070 1 ,456263
12 38.533100 4.348282
13 19.272770 -0.472652 The first term on the left hand side is the inertia torque
14 76.277180 2.463277 and the remaining two terms add up to the generator
I5 6 0 . 889590 0.533158 torque which opposes the turbine torque. The
16 17.783650 0.661909
17 65.011700 - 1 . 517496 synchronising and damping torque coefficients may be
18 29.702650 -0.276023 calculated using the following formulae derived from [8]:
19 17.753460 2.450730
20 29.230950 3.817932 Tsn =Re(IRo(Eln +E2,)* +(IRln +IR2,)E;)
21 82.562410 -0, 106187
22 12.205920 4.009280 Tdn = Im(IRo ( E 2,g - E 1, ) * + (IR1n - IR2 n ) E ; ) / hn
23 89.303090 3.952968
24 69.668740 1.982193 (3)
25 48.227490 1 . 132125 The steady-state solution of equation (2) is
-1. 119075
pn 1
6, (9= cos(llB+ ~ 6 ~ ~ )
28 36.748670 2 . 870191 where (4)
29 27.719880 3.232156
30 65.993250 1 . 838687
31 37.4661 10 -0. 169879
32 34.891080 -0. 193980
33 21 ,954780 1 . 173080
34 53. 884270 1 ,936426
35 21.302280 -1.253179
36 8 0 . 503350 -0.048130
37 48.372850 0.381036 The total rotor displacement is obtained by adding all the
38 155.468400 4 . 573989 harmonics with an average displacement (of zero) to give
39 53.610000 4.333860 N A U
7 8 . 509960
2 ,648639
48)=0+ c
61,(8) (6)
42 34.479520 -0.064152 The electrical torque developed by the generator for each
43 62.579930 1 ,254609
44 103.409300 3.849667 value of n is given by
45 44.726330 2.383764 TGil = Td, d61f =lTGi1(cos(n8+LTGil)
46 114. 506100 1.082067 dt
47 39.796760 0.013483
48 64.481270 4.506036
26. 183830
0 . 174292
0 . 551349 ITGn 1 = T s Jl
~ +y: 1611 1 and LTGn =LSn + tan-l Yll
51 37.684550 4.274216
52 28.570650 0.741842 (7)
53 23. 590610 0.061833 The total generator torque is
54 28.950030 -0.943916 ArkMY
55 1 1 . 143110 4.275716 TG(B)=TTo-TL+ 1 TGn(6) (8)
56 32.955200 3.741573 n=l
57 27.366210 3.305592 The nth harmonic slip can be related to the nth harmonic
58 38.768820 1 ,794578
59 1 1 . 147980 0 ,069024
rotor displacement by
60 20.462390 -1 ,299893

where Dr. S.S. Yegna Narayanan (IEEE M64,

(9) SM83) was born in Madras on September 24,
1935.He received the B.E. degree from the
Andhra University in 1956, the M.Tech.
degree *om the Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay, in 1963, and the Ph.D.
degree from the Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras in 1976,all in Electrical
is the nth harmonic hunting frequency. Hence total slip is Engineering.
NUAX After gathering industrial experience in a
S(@=So + C Sn(@ (10) transformer and switchgear factory during
n=l 1956-57 and teaching experience at the
The nth harmonic stator current is found as follows: Coimbatore Institute of Technology during
1957-63,he joined the Electrical Engineering
I S , = 6 , (IS1, + j I S 2 . )
-- *..
Department of Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in Sept. 1963 where
he is a Professor since 1987.
He had been a DAAD (W.Germany) Fellow and studied at the Technical
II 1\ University, Stuttgart, from 1958-60, a DAAD short term invitation
fellowship holder visiting T.U.Braunschweig in 1976 and corresponding
reinvitation fellowship holder in 1986 when he visited T.U.Braunschweig
again and also the Plasma Physics Laboratory of the Max Planck
= Re(ISn ) + j Ini(ISn ) Gesellschaft at Garching near Munich. He visited the University of
where SRn = Re(IS1n )+Re(IS2n ) Peredeniya in Sri Lanka on invitation for a short term teaching assignment.
DRn = Re(ZS1n)- Re(IS2,,) His research activities are in the area of electric machines and drives;
(12) special purpose electrical machines such as linear induction pumps,
Sin - Im(ZSln)+ Im(IS2 n ) permanent magnet machines, wave energy operated Wells turbine driven
DIn = Im(ISln)-Im(IS2n) generator schemes etc.; studies of switching overvoltages in HT motors;
electromagneticfield calculations in electrical power apparatus and systems.
Here the currents obtained from the hunting networks have After retirement from IIT Madras, he is working as Professor in Electrical
been multiplied by rotor displacement since those currents Engineering Department of Crescent Engineering College, Vandalur,
are for rotor displacement of one radian. The nth harmonic Chennai, since September 1996.
real and reactive stator currents are given by Bliagwan K. Murtliy was bom in Mysore,
Re(ZSn( 4)- 1Re(ZSn)lcos(n 8+ L Re(1Sn)) where India on March 1, 1962.He received the B.E.
degree in Electrical Engineering from M.S.
JRe(ZSn)(= ,/-16r, 1, LRe(1Sn) = L6, + t a n - SR
lg University, Baroda, India in 1983 and the
M.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
Im(ZSn(9)-Ih(ZSn)lcos(n8+ Lhn(1Sn)) where same University in 1987 with specialisation
in Industrial electronics.
At present he is a research scholar working
towards his Ph.D degree in the Electrical
(13) Engineering department at I.I.T., Madras,
The real power fed to the grid and the lagging reactive India. His research interests include modelling
power drawn from the grid are given by ' ~
and siniulation of machines and their control
related to wave energy application. He is also
N W holding the post of Senior Project Officer in a
P(9=Re(IS(@)=Re(ZSo)+ C -Re(ZSn(63) project sponsored by Department of Ocean Development, Govt. of India
NMAX C.Sridhals Rao received the B.E.
Q(9= Im(IS(B))= Im(ZSo)+ Im(ISn(4) (Hons.), M.Tech. and P1i.D. degrees from
n=l Madras University, IIT Bombay and IIT
The total stator current magnitude and the power factor Madras in 1962, 1965 and 1972
are given by respectively. He specialised in electrical
drives in the Master's programme and
(IS(e)(= J [ R ~ ( z s ( ~ ) )+J [Im(IS(6))l2
~ worked for speed-changing shaded-pole
motors for the Ph.D. degree. He became a
faculty member of IIT Madras in 1966
where at present he is working as a
professor and head of electrical
engineering. He has published several
research papers in leading international
journals and has been active in sponsored
research, too. His areas of interesl are
electrical nincliincs, electrical drives and power electronics.

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