Speaking Questions

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Speaking Questions

1.- What is your name? / How old are you? /What is your (full) name?/ Can I have your
name please? / Can you spell your first and last name for me?
2.- What do you do? / Do you study or work? (give details) Do you work or are you a
student? / What are you studying now?What do you like about your job? / What do
you like about studying? /Do you enjoy your work? Why? Why not?

3.-Where are you from? Where do you live? / Who do you live with? / Describe members who
live with you.

4.- When is your birthday?/ What do you usually do in your birthday?

5.- Have you got any brother or sisters?/ How old are they? / What are their names?

6.- What is your occupation? /what do you study? / What do your parents do? / How old are
your parents?

7.- How do you go to college?/ How long does it take to come our college from your house?

8.- What time is it now? ( Telling the time)

9.- How often do you cook? / What do you usually have for breakfast? / What time do you go
to school? / What time do you have dinner?

10.- What kind of music or films do you like?/ How often do you go to the cinema?/ How often
do you go shopping? / What do you buy?

11.- Do you have any hobbies?/ What are some of your hobbies?/ What do you
enjoy doing in your free time?

12.- What type of music do you like? /Do you play a musical instrument?/ When and where do
you listen to music? / Who is your favourite Singer/ band?.

13.- What is your favourite dish? / Do you prefer sweet or salty foo?/ What foods do you

14.- Talk about daily activities and arrange meetings with friends and colleagues.

15.- Describe a person

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