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ECON1193 – Business Statistics 1, Semester 1, 2023

Assessment #2: Individual Case Study (40%)

Due: Week 9, 04 May, Thursday, 5:00 PM

Assessment Details
In Canvas, there are Excel files with data sets for three topics. Your lecturer will assign the
topic and a data set to you.
• You are required to work with the only ONE assigned topic and the relevant ONE assigned
data set from the Excel file. There is a penalty of 15% of the final mark received if you
have worked with the wrong topic which is not assigned by your lecturer.
• Your report should not exceed 3000 words (Including the specific word limits in various
assessment parts and words in tables and figures, excluding references). It is compulsory
to specify the word count on the cover page.
• There is a penalty of 4 out of 40 marks for each 100 words exceeded. If you exceed the
word limit by less than 100 words, the penalty will be applied proportionally, e.g. a penalty
of 2.8 marks will be imposed for 70 words exceeded the report word limit.
• There is a penalty of 4 out of 40 marks for each day of late submission.
• There is a penalty of 10% of the grade received for every picture/screenshot of the
graphs or tables provided in the report. The only exception is the online graphing tool
for the Box-and-Whisker plot where its screenshot is accepted.
• Provide all your answers to a maximum of 3 decimal places. The font used should be Times
New Roman 12pt. Include page numbers in either the footer or the header.
• The report should be written and submitted in Microsoft Word only.
• Avoid plagiarizing – RMIT considers this a serious offence.

Submission Details
Submit the following TWO items to Canvas:
1. Word file (via Turnitin)
2. Excel file (via Turnitin). You need to copy all relevant figures/tables into the Word file.
There is a penalty of 1 out of 20 marks for no submission of the Excel file, and a penalty
of 1 out of 20 marks for not showing proof of own works calculation and graphing in
the Excel file.

ECON1193 – Assessment #2 (Individual Case Study), Semester 1, 2023 Page 1 of 3

Case Study Questions:

The utilization of natural resources contributes to the economic activities and social development
of the nations. However, the stock of energy resources is a major sustainability issue to be
concerned about as humanity is highly dependent on energy resources to fulfil almost all daily

The data for this assignment is downloaded from the World Bank. Your data set is the 2020 data
of several countries, which include the following variables:
• Energy depletion (% of GNI)
• GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)

There are 6 parts to this case study. Each part is described in detail below:

Part 1: Introduction

Provide an introduction of the research topic about what experts say about energy depletion,
based on reliable references.
• Use reliable references (i.e. the World Health Organization, the United Nations,
International Monetary Fund, UNICEF or any other reliable institution). Be sure to cite
your work.
• Include what your references elaborate about energy depletion.
• Start with a global view of energy depletion.
o Explain why it is important to monitor energy depletion as part of achieving
sustainable socio-economic development.
o Review the relationship between energy depletion and GNI per capita.

Part 2: Descriptive Statistics and Probability

This case defines “High energy depletion” as having energy depletion of more than 5% of GNI.

Divide your countries into the following three categories:

o Low-income countries (LG): countries with GNI per capita less than US$3,500.
o Middle-income countries (MG): countries with GNI per capita between US$3,500 and
o High-income countries (HG): countries with a GNI per capita of more than US$14,000.

Based on the information,

• Check whether energy depletion and GNI per capita are statistically independent events,
and which country categories are more likely to have higher energy depletion.
• Analyze the descriptive measures (central tendency and variation) for energy depletion by
using the best descriptive measures and compare the different country GNI per capita
categories mentioned above (LG/MG/HG).
• Indicate the reason behind choosing the particular measure in your discussion. Explain all
your findings.

ECON1193 – Assessment #2 (Individual Case Study), Semester 1, 2023 Page 2 of 3

Part 3: Confidence Intervals

a. Calculate confidence intervals for the world average energy depletion.

b. Discuss whether and why any assumptions are required or not to calculate these confidence

Part 4: Hypothesis Testing

a. A report from World Bank shows that the world average energy depletion in 2019 is 0.90% of
GNI. Based on your confidence interval as calculated in Part 3a, test the hypothesis based on
what you think about the mean of energy depletion will increase, decrease, or remain
unchanged in the future. You should also discuss the possible errors committed, its
consequence and how these errors can be minimized.

b. Suppose the number of countries in your dataset is reduced by half. Discuss the possible impact
on the hypothesis testing results (Note: The answer should not be supported by calculation,
but should display conceptual understanding)
• Discuss whether the statistical decision will change or remain unchanged.
• Explain why it will change or remain unchanged.
• Discuss whether the results will be more accurate, less accurate or the same.
• Discuss any changes on the possible errors committed.

Part 5: Overall Conclusion

Discuss an overall conclusion with at least 4 main findings of your case study’s topic, supported
by your findings from Part 1 to Part 4. As you write the conclusion, keep in mind that the audience
is not an expert in Statistics and hence write the conclusion in non-technical language.
(Recommended word limit: 500 words)

Part 6: Data Collection in Vietnam

As your data set only include Vietnam as a country, and to extend further, you decided to collect
data in different cities in Vietnam on the petrol consumption of vehicles in households. For this
purpose, a survey of a representative sample of Vietnamese cities is needed. Briefly describe how
you would ask the question, conduct the survey, what type of sampling method you would use and
why, the possible errors you may face while conducting the survey, and how you could
reduce/eliminate such errors. (Note: You do not need to prepare the actual survey questions)

End of Assessment

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