Critical Briefing Note Assignment 1

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Individual Assignment Brief & Instructions

Module: Marketing

Module Code: QB 2007

Date of Issue: 25th October, 2020

Submission Deadline: 12pm, Sunday 22nd November 2020

General Instructions:

Word Count: 1, 000 words. This excludes, Cover Sheet, Table of Contents, References and
Appendices. Word count should not be exceeded (an allowance of +/ - 10% of the stated value is

Referencing: The Harvard Reference Standard should be used for all submission. For guidance on
use please see this guide: Harvard Referencing Standard Guide

Figures & Tables: All figures and tables should have a number, clear description and note any source
reference(s) used in their creation.

Presentation and Submission of Assignment:

1. Assignments should be typed using 11-point font size (Arial), with 1½ line spacing and a 4 cm
margin on the right-hand side of the page. All pages must be numbered.

2. Your briefing note must be submitted via MyAberdeen by 12pm on Sunday Thursday 22nd
November, 2020.


Individual Assignment Task: Critically evaluate a marketing model/concept of

your choice.
Critical Briefing Note
The critical briefing note should be an individual piece of work consisting of approximately 1, 000
words (plus or minus 10%, not including references). You may base your note on any marketing
model/concept that you have been introduced to on the course. However, it would be beneficial if
you were to conduct further background research and make comprehensive recommendations to
support your central line of discussion.

You should, where appropriate, make reference to academic journal articles or examples derived
from contemporary marketing practice where insight may support your analysis. If you include
statistical data this must also be correctly referenced and these sources, together with any academic
or reported material, must be included in a reference section attached to your report.

Submission date:

Critical briefing notes must be submitted via MyAberdeen by 12pm on Sunday 22nd November,

Please ensure you use the Harvard Referencing Standard.

For guidance on the Harvard Referencing Standard, please see this guidebook:

Essay to be submitted in either MS Word.

Specifications and Requirements:

The critical briefing note must have a completed Submission Cover Sheet accompanying it.

Note: Late submissions will receive a penalty as per the University‘s Regulations and Guidelines.

Your answers to the question will be assessed on the basis of: Structure, Content and Presentation.

In terms of the Structure, students are reminded that critical briefing notes should be written in a
business like, professional style with an executive summary, and points and ideas clearly
enumerated and explained. Think about the structure of the note with particular focus on the
sections that you think are important. Don’t forget to include a conclusions and recommendations
section. You may also want to include an appendix section for additional and supporting material
that may be of use to the reader.

In terms of the Content, students must demonstrate: [i] knowledge of the marketing model/concept
in question; [ii] the ability to search out additional (relevant) material to that given in the lecture; [iii]
the ability to collate material into logical and coherent lines of reasoning in a critical and analytical
fashion; and [iv] the ability to inform the reader whilst answering the question.

In terms of Presentation, your critical briefing note should be typed. All Figures, Charts and Diagrams
must be labelled and referred to in your text.

Finally, please ensure that your work is written in your own words. A written piece of work cannot be
a simple ‘cut and paste’ of material found on the web or in journals or books. Moreover, you must
accurately acknowledge the contributions of others (i.e. your work must properly reference quotes,
ideas etc.). A full list of the references you use (listed alphabetically and by surname) must be
included at the end of your work – use the Harvard Referencing System.

Stephen Fettes (October, 2020)

QB 2007 Marketing – Individual Assessment

Critical Briefing Document - Grading Rubric

Students will be able to explain concepts/models in the context of marketing.

Trait Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations CGS

expectations Grade
Explanation of marketing Limited explanation of Ability to explain Demonstrable ability to
concepts/models marketing marketing understand and critically
concepts/models. concepts/models. reflect upon marketing
Depth of knowledge of Limited depth of Ability to understand Demonstrable ability to
marketing knowledge of marketing marketing understand marketing
concepts/models. concepts/models. concepts/models. concepts/models in detail.
Ability to use Limited ability to use Ability to use Demonstrable ability to
concepts/models to concepts/models to concepts/model to clearly use
transform marketing transform marketing transform marketing concepts/models to
practice. practice. practice. transform marketing

Students will be able to engage with academic and practical insight in the context of marketing.

Trait Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations CGS

expectations Grade
Ability to search out Limited ability to identify Ability to identify relevant Demonstrable ability to identify a
additional relevant additional relevant additional material from range of relevant additional
material to that given material. academic journal articles material from academic journal
in the lecture and/or industry insight. articles and/or industry insight.
Ability to collate Limited ability to use Ability to use material to Demonstrable ability to use
material into logical material to construct a construct a logical and material to construct a logical and
and coherent lines of logical and coherent line of coherent line of reasoning. coherent line of reasoning.
reasoning in a critical reasoning.
and analytical fashion
Ability to inform the Limited ability to answer Ability to answer aspects Demonstrable ability to answer the
reader whilst the question. of the question. question
answering the question

Students will gather information and use it to modify concepts/models.

Trait Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations CGS

expectations Grade
Know the difference Limited knowledge of the Some knowledge of the Detailed knowledge of the
between an appropriate difference between an difference between an difference between an
and inappropriate source. appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and inappropriate
inappropriate source. inappropriate source. source.
Use appropriate Limited use of appropriate Some use of appropriate Detailed use of
information to evaluate information to evaluate information to evaluate appropriate information to
the applicability of the applicability of the applicability of evaluate the applicability
concepts/models. concepts/model. concepts/models. of concepts/models.
Use appropriate Limited use of appropriate Some use of appropriate Detailed use appropriate
information to modify information to modify information to modify information to modify
business management business management business management business management
concepts/models. concepts/models. concepts/models. concepts/models.

Students will choose project topics to reflect their personal strengths.

Trait Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations CGS

expectations Grade
Identification of topic of Limited ability to identify Some ability to identify a Detailed ability to identify a
interest. a topic of interest. topic of interest. topic of interest.
Demonstration of depth Limited demonstration of Some demonstration of Detailed demonstration of
of understanding. depth of understanding. depth of understanding. depth of understanding.
Realisation of scholastic Limited realisation of Some realization of Detailed realisation of
ability. scholastic ability. scholastic ability. scholastic ability.

KEY: Does not meet expectations - 8 or less: Meets expectations = 9 – 17: Exceeds expectations = 18
or more.

Further Comments

Marker: Overall Grade:


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