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Reconfigurable Diffractive Antenna Based on

Switchable Electrically Induced Transparency
Huan Li, Dexin Ye, Fazhong Shen, Bin Zhang, Yongzhi Sun, Weiqiang Zhu,
Changzhi Li, Senior Member, IEEE, and Lixin Ran

Abstract—Coupled electromagnetic resonances have various resonant segments [2]. A Recent example is the “mid-range”
important applications in microwave engineering. Among them, wireless power transfer (WPT) [3], [4]. It has been demon-
the newly discovered electromagnetically induced transparency strated that with coupled high quality-factor resonances, highly
(EIT) has attracted much interest. In this paper, we explore the
use of configurable electrically induced transparency to construct efficient power transmissions and optimal impedance matching
a microwave “diffractive medium” whose air-like optimally can be simultaneously obtained. This unique property has
matched transparency and metal-like optimally reflective opacity also been used in many applications such as the noncontact
can be conveniently switched by a binary dc voltage. Different measurement of complex permittivity [5] and nondestructive
from EITs based on closely coupled resonances, we use decoupled health monitoring of building materials [6].
electrically induced resonances to achieve a low-loss transparency
along with an optimal impedance matching with air. Satisfying the In fact, the optimally matched, highly efficient state of a
condition of a lossless perfectly matched layer, such transparency strongly coupled system can be considered as a state of electro-
and opacity can be obtained in a wide range of incident angles. magnetically induced transparency (EIT) [7], [8]. In physics,
We validate our approach by experimentally demonstrating two EIT refers to an effect observed in a three-level atomic medium
electrically controlled steering antennas based on diffractive in which a narrow transparency window can be observed within
grating effect, both with thin planar apertures and binary dig-
ital control circuits. The proposed approach can be extended to the originally opaque absorption resonance region due to a
higher frequencies, achieving configurable diffractive devices at laser induced coherent optical resonance [9], [10]. Recently,
millimeter-wave and terahertz frequencies. EIT-like effects have been considered to exist in many classical
Index Terms—Beam steering, diffractive antenna, electrically in-
systems such as coupled optical resonators [11], circuits [12],
duced transparency (EIT), Fresnel zone plate (FZP), metamaterial. [13] and artificial metamateirals [14]–[17].
Metamaterials are effective media constructed with
man-made sub-wavelength resonant cells [18]–[20]. Com-
I. INTRODUCTION pared with atoms and molecules that comprise natural media,
sub-wavelength resonances are able to move highly dispersive
frequency regions of natural media to microwave and optical

C OUPLED electromagnetic resonances have important bands. As a result, the effective constitutive parameters, i.e.,
applications in microwave engineering [1]–[6]. Conven- the relative permittivity and permeability, of a metamaterial,
tional examples include near-field RF identifications (RFIDs) can be freely controlled in a wide range from negative to
based on coupled resonant coils on the reader and tag sides [1], positive values [20]. From the effective medium point of view,
and microstrip filters consisting of coupled half-wavelength constructing a metamaterial with an EIT-like electromagnetic
response implies achieving a narrow frequency band close to
the resonance frequency of its unit cells with an impedance
Manuscript received August 23, 2014; revised November 13, 2014 and Jan- matched to air and a sufficiently small loss. In this paper,
uary 10, 2015; accepted January 12, 2015. This work was supported by the Na- we will point out that such a state satisfies the condition of a
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 61131002 and
lossless perfectly match layer (PML) [21], and thus similar
Grant 61401393, by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant
2014M550325, by the China CAST Foundation under Grant 201321, by the approaches we developed in [22] and [23] to achieve extremely
New Generation Ocean Monitoring Project under Grant 408010310, and by the lossy artificial PMLs can be used to implement metamate-
Program for the Top Young Innovative Talents under Grant Q1313-03.
rial-based EITs.
H. Li, D. Ye, B. Zhang, and L. Ran are with the Laboratory of Applied Re-
search on Electromagnetics (ARE), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, In this paper, based on the concept and method of meta-
China (e-mail:; material, we propose a metamaterial surface (also called the
F. Shen was with the Laboratory of Applied Research on Electromagnetics
“metasurface”) that exhibits an EIT-like response. Different
(ARE), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China. He is now with the
China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation, Xinxiang 453003, China from EITs based on closely coupled resonances [14]–[17],
(e-mail: intentionally decoupled Lorentzian resonances induced by
Y. Sun and W. Zhu are with the Nanjing Institute of Electronic
electric fields are used to achieve a low-loss transparency,
Equipment, Nanjing 210007, China (e-mail:; along with optimally matched surface impedance with air.
C. Li is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas Furthermore, we introduce tunable varactors into the unit cells
Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79424 USA (e-mail:
to construct a microwave “diffractive medium” whose air-like
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at optimally matched transparency and metal-like optimally
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2015.2393862 reflective opacity can be conveniently switched by binary dc

0018-9480 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


voltages. Satisfying a simplified PML condition, the trans-

parency and opacity can be obtained in a wide range of incident
angles. We validate our approach by experimentally demon-
strating two electrically controlled steering antennas based on
diffractive grating effect, both with thin planar apertures and
concise binary digital control circuits.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, based
on an analysis of the EIT effect of a magnetically coupled
circuit system, we propose the construction theory of meta-
material-based EITs with decoupled Lorentzian resonances.
In Section III, we introduce the design, simulation, and fabri-
cation of the controllable diffractive medium. In Section IV,
we introduce the principle of an optical grating, i.e., a Fresnel
zone plate (FZP), and the reconfigurable diffractive steering
antennas based on FZPs realized by the fabricated diffractive
medium. Finally, a conclusion is drawn in Section V.


A. EIT-Like Response in Magnetically Coupled Loops

A WPT system is essentially a magnetically coupled circuit Fig. 1. Magnetically induced transparency in a coupled system with resonant
coils. (a) Equivalent circuit. (b) EIT-like response.
system whose principle of operation has been analyzed in detail
with coupled mode theory [3]. However, the same results can
also be obtained by circuit theory [5].
is the same as those reported in [12] and [13], Fig. 1(b) indicates
Fig. 1(a) shows the typical equivalent circuit of a magneti-
that strongly coupled resonance can result in a split of the single
cally coupled system consisting of two resonant loops, where
resonance curve. Each of the split resonances has an asymmetric
represents the source, and and are the se-
resonance line similar to a Fano resonance [24] with one edge
ries resistances, capacitances, and inductances of the source and
sharper than the other. As indicated in [25], the existence of
load loops, respectively. also acts as the load resistance con-
Fano resonances can be considered as the source of an EIT.
suming the transferred energy. Obviously, the input impedance
seen by the driving source is B. Transparency With Decoupled Lorentzian Resonances
Thus far, most reported EITs are based on such strongly cou-
pled resonances shown in Fig. 1(b) [14]–[17]. Attentions are
mostly focused on the anomalous dispersion caused by the sharp
where is the mutual inductance between the edges due to Fano resonances and their applications such as
resonant coils, and is the coupling coefficient. Based on (1), slow wave [26], [27] and ultra-sensitive sensing [17], [28]. In
the power consumed by the resistance of the source loop can this paper, instead, we focus on utilizing the EIT effect to im-
be calculated as plement a theoretically low-loss and optimally matched medium
based on the concept of artificial metamaterial, and further ex-
(2) plore its applications in microwave engineering.
It should be noted that, in practice, it is not easy for con-
ventional EITs based on strongly coupled resonances to obtain
Without loss of generality, we assume nF, an ideal power transparency. In fact, a practical WPT system
nH, , and . In this does not work with split resonances due to the fact that, in a
case, both loops resonate at 1 GHz. “mid-range” distance, the coupling coefficient has become
Fig. 1(b) shows the calculated power dissipation with respect very small [3]. The EIT-like response depicted in Fig. 1(b) with
to frequency by (1) and (2). It is seen that when is zero (black a perfect power transparency only appears when the quality fac-
solid line), meaning that there is no coupling between the reso- tors of strongly coupled coils approach infinity. In this case, the
nant coils, resistance consumes all the power, and the dissi- resonance curve has ultra-steep rising and falling edges, and a
pation curve has a symmetric shape, which is the same as that slight detune of the frequency or a slightly decreased quality
of a typical single resonance. However, when is increased factor of the load loop could result in a large power dissipation
( , blue dashed line in online version), the consumed [12], [13]. According to Kramers–Kronig relations, a highly dis-
power by is decreased, and some power is transferred to the persive frequency region must correspond to a high dissipation
load loop. When the quality factor of the load loop is ultrahigh in a physical system [29].
( , red dotted line in online version), the dissipa- As indicated in [30], EIT-like responses can also be observed
tion in the source loop diminishes to near zero, and all the power at high frequencies when two resonances can be simultaneously
transmits to the load loop. With such an EIT-like response that induced by far-field incidences. Trying to theoretically decrease
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


the dispersion in the vicinity of the transparent frequency, we

use decoupled Lorentzian resonances to obtain low-loss EIT-
like responses at microwave frequencies by increasing the fre-
quency interval between the split resonances. As indicated in
[31], if a resonance splitting in an EIT system is able to pro-
duce a sufficiently large separation of resonance frequencies,
the split resonances will change from Fano resonances to de-
coupled Lorentzian resonances.
1) Principle: In microwave theory, an ideal transparency of
a nonmagnetic (meaning that the relative permeability equals
unity) medium requires its impedance, defined by , where
is the complex permittivity, to be perfectly matched to air at the
surface of the medium, and a lossless transmission, described by
the loss tangent of the complex permittivity, inside the medium.
The dispersion of the permittivity determines the transparency
and opacity of the nonmagnetic medium.
For metamaterials, it has been well recognized that the
effective permittivity and permeability exhibit Drude–Lorentz
dispersions. For an anisotropic metamaterial, its effec-
tive complex permittivity and permeability have forms of
and , respectively.
In our previous works [22], [23], we have experimentally
demonstrated that if the above complex permittivity and per-
meability can be precisely controlled to satisfy a modified
uniaxial PML model, such that ,
where complex-valued requires a positive
imaginary part to impart loss to propagating waves, and
is a real constant number, a PML-like absorption with a
perfect impedance matching at the metamaterial surface can
be observed. In order to obtain large dissipation, the operating
frequency is intentionally chosen in the vicinity of Lorentzian
resonances of the unit cells.
It is seen that compared with the PML-like absorption, an
ideal transparency of a metamaterial can be obtained by letting
in the modified PML model approach zero. Furthermore, for Fig. 2. Dispersion of effective permittivity with multiple Lorentzian res-
onances. (a) Single resonance. (b) Coupled resonances. (c) Decoupled
a nonmagnetic metamaterial where always equals unity, a resonances.
simplified lossless PML model can be obtained by letting
. The same as the WPT case, this can be realized
by introducing two electrically induced Lorentzian resonances 1 at infinity frequency, while on the left side, the dielectric con-
in the unit cells of a nonmagnetic metamaterial. stant is always higher than 1. Although a unity dielectric con-
The effective permittivity of a metamaterial consisting of stant can be found inside the anomalously dispersion region, it
sub-wavelength cells with a single and double electric reso- is along with a large imaginary part, which will result in un-
nances can be expressed by avoidable loss and reflection.
Fig. 2(b) shows the case when two resonances at and
(3) simultaneously exist. It is seen that with closely coupled
Lorentzian resonances, the dispersion curve of the real part of
and permittivity between the two resonance regions crosses unity at
frequency . However, although the imaginary part has
(4) been significantly decreased compared with that in Fig. 2(a), it
is still much larger (around 16) than that in the nonresonance
respectively, where , , and ( ) are the plasma, region. This is similar to the case in Fig. 1(b).
resonance, and damping frequencies, respectively. The corre- Fig. 2(c) shows the case when two resonances exist at
sponding Lorentzian dispersions are illustrated in Fig. 2. and , where the two resonances have been notably decou-
Fig. 2(a) shows the case when the unit cells have a single reso- pled. It is seen that the dispersion curve still crosses unity at
nance at frequency . It can be seen that an ideal transparency , and the imaginary part has been decreased to a very
with matched impedance cannot be found in the full range of low level of 0.17. Fig. 2(c) clearly shows that an optimal trans-
spectrum. The reason is that on the right side of the resonance parency with matched impedance can be stably obtained by in-
region, the plasma response let the dielectric constant approach troducing decoupled Lorentzian resonance. It is worth noting
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Unit cell consisting of a pair of capacitance coupled I-shaped metallic

patterns simultaneously supporting: (a) high-frequency resonance current and
(b) low-frequency resonance current.

Fig. 3. Transparency of a thin metamaterial layer satisfying a simplified loss-

less PML model.
the transparency only when the angle of incidence is larger than
50 . When and approaches 90 , while still ap-
proaches zero, no longer equals to 0 at 90 , which will result
that although the loss has been significantly reduced after de- in a total reflection at a 90 angle of incidence.
coupling the resonances, the frequency response in the vicinity According to Fig. 3, we can conclude that a metasurface
of the transparency frequency remains the same as that of a con- constructed with decoupled Lorentzian resonances intrinsically
ventional EIT system. Therefore, we can continue to consider supports transparency with a wide angle of incidence once its
the transparency effect observed in such a Lorentzian medium effective permittivity can be precisely controlled to satisfy a
as an EIT-like response. simplified model of lossless PML.
2) Wide Angle of Incidence: Apart from impedance matching 3) Switchable Transparency and Opacity: A metasurface
and low loss, a wide angle of incidence is also desired for a with ideal transparency and a wide angle of incidence is a good
transparent medium. In order to investigate the transparency for candidate for diffractive applications. Fig. 2(c) also particularly
oblique incidences, we analyze the transmission coefficient of a indicates that the transparency frequency is located on the right
thin nonmagnetic metamaterial layer with its permittivity satis- side of the plasma frequency of the resonance at . This re-
fying the simplified PML model, i.e., . minds us that if can be tuned to a higher frequency, such that
As shown in the inset of Fig. 3, for a TM plane incidence the original transparency frequency is located on the left of the
magnetically polarized along the -direction, the transmission new plasma frequency, the transparent region can be turned into
coefficient can be derived as a completely opaque region.
In this paper, we will show that this can be accomplished by
introducing microwave varactors into the unit cells of the meta-
surface. Once such a metasurface can be electrically controlled
to switch its states between transparency and opacity, it can be
where is the angle of incidence, and used to implement reconfigurable diffractive devices such as an
. For a thickness around 1/40 wave- FZP.
length, the transmission coefficient calculated by (5) is shown
in Fig. 3.
It is seen that in an ideal case when the loss tangent
and , a perfect transparency approaching 100% can be
A. Method
observed for all angles of incidence from 0 to 90 . This corre-
sponds to the case that the metamaterial layer behaves exactly as As discussed, the key to obtain a metasurface with an ideal
the air. With the increase of from 0 to 3.0, the transparency transparency is to introduce decoupled Lorentzian resonances
gradually deteriorates due to increased absorption loss. Even into its unit cells. In this paper, we use a pair of capacitance
when equals 1, the transparency is still larger than 90%. It coupled I-shaped unit cells [32]–[34], intending to obtain elec-
is interesting that the transparency is not decreased with the in- trically induced coexisting resonance modes with a large fre-
crease of the angle of incidence. Instead, there is a slight in- quency interval, as shown in Fig. 4.
crease of the transparency with the increased angle due to the Previous research has demonstrated that electric resonances
TM incidence. Note that with the TM incidence, the magnetic can be induced in I-shaped sub-wavelength metallic patterns
field is always parallel to the metasurface, and thus unwanted [32]–[34]. Therefore, for a pair of I-shaped patterns, a similar
parasitic magnetic resonances will not be induced. Finally, when resonance current can be induced by a -polarized electric in-
approaches 90 , and simultaneously approaches 0, re- cidence in each I-shaped cell, as shown in Fig. 4(a). In the
sulting in matched impedance when equals to 90 . meantime, the capacitance due to the thin gap between the two
Fig. 3 also shows how transparency changes with respect to cells will short-circuit microwave current, letting the coupled
the value of . It is seen that except when , which cor- cells support a lower frequency resonance current with a much
responds to the case of air, the existence of notably impacts longer resonance length, as shown in Fig. 4(b). According to
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


the Maxwell–Garnett theory [29], as long as the size of the cou-

pled cells is sufficiently smaller than wavelength, a metamate-
rial consisting of such periodically arranged cells can be consid-
ered as an effective medium. Apparently, this can be obtained
by trying to minimize the scale of the low-frequency resonance.
Furthermore, according to the resonance patterns in Fig. 4, we
see that only the low-frequency resonance current flows through
the capacitive gap. Therefore, if a dc voltage controlled mi-
crowave varactor can be mounted across this gap, it will mainly
impact the low-frequency resonance, without notably changing
the high-frequency resonance. This can be used to control the
states of the transparency and opacity. Previous research has
shown the effectiveness of using varactors to control the charac-
teristics of periodic structures and dynamically manipulate elec-
tromagnetic waves [35]–[40].
It is worth noting that there is no closed loop in the unit
cell, and therefore no magnetic resonance will be induced by an
electrical incidence. This implies that the obtained metasurface
would be nonmagnetic, having an effective unity permeability
with a negligible imaginary part.

B. Design and Optimization

Fig. 5(a) shows the designed unit cell embedded with a

microwave varactor, Philips Semiconductors' BB143, whose
junction capacitance changes between 6.5–1.5 pF when the dc
bias changes from 0 to 10 V. Interdigital structures are used
to increase the coupling capacitance between two I-shaped
resonators, and accordingly decrease the low-frequency reso-
nance scale. The 18- m-thick copper patterns are printed on Fig. 5. (a) Designed unit cell. (b) Retrieved parameters with the effective ca-
a 2-mm-thick F4B substrate with a dielectric constant of 2.3 pacitance of the varactor being 6.5 and 2.1 pF, respectively.
and a loss tangent of 0.003. It should be noted that although
the multiple-layer metamaterial in [34] used similar unit cells,
it was optimized to have an effective refractive index tuning over the entire spectrum, except in the vicinity of the two elec-
range as large as possible, other than being optimized to satisfy trical resonance frequencies due to inevitable weak magnetic
a PML model. anti-resonances [33]. Note that at the transparency frequency,
Full-wave optimization of the unit cell is performed using a the imaginary part of the effective permeability is around 0.1.
commercial Maxwell equations solver, CST Microwave Studio, The retrieved results show that at the transparency frequency,
in which the varactor is firstly modeled as a discrete capaci- the effective parameters are close to satisfy the simplified loss-
tance of 6.5 pF. In the optimization, we intentionally let the low- less PML model for the -polarized incidence.
frequency resonance be close to the transparency frequency, In Fig. 5(b), we can also see the effective permittivity when
to facilitate the control between the states of transparency and the varactor capacitance is decreased to 2.1 pF. It is seen that at
opacity. The optimized dimensions are mm, 3.985 GHz, the real part of the permittivity is 120, implying
mm, mm, mm, mm, a nearly complete total reflection and an evanescent transmis-
mm, mm, and mm. The simulated sion for any incident wave. This result indicates that if the dc
transparency appears around 3.985 GHz, where the periodicity bias of the varactor is controlled such that the junction capac-
of the unit cell is around 1/6 of the free-space wavelength, well itance switches between 6.5–2.1 pF, the states of transparency
satisfying the requirement of the effective medium theory. and opacity would be switched as well.
Fig. 5(b) shows the retrieved effective permittivity and per- In Fig. 6, the full-wave simulation results of the transmission
meability from simulated S-parameters using the retrieval algo- coefficient ( ) are given to demonstrate the transparency
rithm proposed in [41]. It is seen that two electric Lorentzian res- under wide angle of incidence [see Fig. 6(a)] and the switching
onance regions can be clearly observed around 3.5 and 6.0 GHz, between the transparency and opacity [see Fig. 6(b)]. In
respectively. The 2.5-GHz frequency interval ensures a suffi- Fig. 6(a), we see that with the 6.5-pF capacitance, when the
cient decoupling between the resonances, helping to achieve a angle of incidence changes from 0 to 40 , the transparency
near zero imaginary part (around 0.3) of the relative permit- at 4 GHz remains close to 0 dB. In Fig. 6(b), we see that
tivity at the transparency frequency at 3.985 GHz, where its for normal incidence, when the varactor capacitance changes
real part is unity. The permeability, however, remains near unity from 6.5 to 2.1 pF, the transparency changes from nearly 0
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 7. Fabricated metasurface with soldered varactors and dc-bias sockets.

In Fig. 8(a), the maximum transmission appears around

4.0 GHz, with two stopbands on the sides around 3.5 and
6.0 GHz, respectively, which are in accordance with simu-
lations. Due to the ohmic dissipation of the additional series
resistance of varactors, a 1 1.4-dB transmission loss is ob-
served at normal and oblique incidences (see the inset), and the
Fig. 6. Simulated transmission of the designed metasurface. (a) Normal and transparency is inversely proportional to the angle of incidence.
oblique incidence with a fixed varactor capacitance of 6.5 pF. (b) Normal inci-
dence with different varactor capacitances. This also complies with the previous analysis in Fig. 3, i.e., a
small loss would not notably impact the transparency; and for
the same loss, oblique incidences would slightly increase the
to 40 dB, demonstrating the nearly ideal transparency and transparency in a wide range of angle of incidence.
opacity of the designed metasurface in simulation. Fig. 8(b) shows the measured transmission at normal inci-
dence when the dc bias is tuned from 0 to 9 V, corresponding to
C. Fabrication and Measurement the junction capacitance changing from 6.5 to 1.5 pF. It is seen
the low-frequency opaque band along with the transparency
Fig. 7 shows a photograph of the 480 mm 300 mm fabri- windows shifts to the higher frequency with the increase of
cated metasurface, which consists of 720 unit cells embedded dc bias. Particularly, when biased at 9 V, an opaque band with
with the same amount of surface mount varactors. All unit cells 17-dB transmission coefficient appears around 4.0 GHz.
are arranged with 20 rows along the -direction and 36 columns Fig. 8(b) implies that if the dc bias changes between 0–9 V, the
along the -direction. Each column shares the same dc bias, such transparent and opaque states of the sample can be switched. It
that the surface can be divided into 36 vertical sub-wavelength is worth noting that the transmission coefficients of the opaque
zones, each can be independently switched between the trans- bands under lower dc bias reach 30 dB, implying that the
parency and opacity states. reduced opacity with the 9-V bias is due to the deteriorated
Fig. 8(a) shows the measured results of the transmission performance of the varactor at high-end bias voltages. Even so,
coefficient of the fabricated metasurface for normal and oblique the metasurface still exhibits an opacity, letting only 2% of the
incidences without bias voltages. As shown in the inset of incident power transmit through the metasurface.
Fig. 8(a), the measurement was performed with an Agilent's Finally, Fig. 8(c) shows the measured results for the opaque
8722ES vector network analyzer (VNA) and two horn antennas band with an increased angle of incidence. The opaque bands
acting as transmitting and receiving antennas, respectively. do not notably change with the angle of incidence, although the
The fabricated sample was placed between the transmitting and opacity changes in a small range around 2 dB.
receiving antennas, with absorber around its edges to eliminate
the diffractive waves due to the limited sample size [42], as
shown in the inset of Fig. 8(b). The setup was calibrated be-
fore the measurement by measuring the transmission between Based on the above measurements, we see that similar to
two horn antennas without the sample [42]. In this way, both optical diffractive media like liquid crystals, the fabricated
normal and oblique incidences to the sample can be measured metasurface can be well considered as a microwave diffraction
by symmetrically rotating two horn antennas, letting the angle medium, whose EIT-like transparent and plasma-like opaque
formed by the normal of the sample surface and the axis of the states can be switched by binary digital controls. Furthermore,
antennas be the desired angle of incidence. both the transparency and the opacity are not sensitive to the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 9. Principle of FZP-based beam steering. (a) Transmission FZP. (b) Folded

can be considered as the superposition of the secondary ra-

diation from transparent strips located on the plane. The
shortest ray that arrives in the direction is assigned as the
reference ray and its phase is assigned as the reference phase.
The phase difference between ray and can be calcu-
lated by


where the constant and denote the free-space wave vector

Fig. 8. Measured transparency and opacity of the fabricated metasurface. and the distance between the source and the FZP surface, respec-
(a) Transparency versus angle of incidence. (b) Opacity versus biased dc
voltage. (c) Opacity versus angle of incidence. tively. Those rays provide constructive interference relative to
the reference ray having

angle of incidence, making it suitable for diffractive devices,
such as gratings and FZPs. In this section, we implement two while other rays contribute destructive interference. By making
FZP-based steering antennas, to demonstrate the potential of the FZP transparent to the rays that enable constructive inter-
the achieved metasurface. ference while opaque to the rays that possess destructive inter-
ference, the diffraction maximum can be produced in the prede-
A. FZP Based Beam Steering fined deflection angle [43], [45].
Alternatively, FZPs can also work in reflective modes with
In a 1-D case, a transmission FZP consists of a series of alter- inverted transparent and opaque strips with a reflective PEC
nating transparent and opaque strips [43], as shown in Fig. 9(a). ground located 1/4 wavelength away, called the “folded FZP”
At microwave frequencies, opaque regions can be implemented [45], as shown in Fig. 9(b). With an additional round-trip
with perfect electric conductors (PECs), and transparent regions -phase delay and a constructive interference with the reflected
can simply be the air. Assume that a linear source is placed field, the amplitude of the electric field at the FZP plane can be
on the – -plane, and the radiated cylindrical wave illuminates doubled. Consequently, the folded FZP is able to obtain higher
the FZP. According to the Huygens–Fresnel theorem [44], the diffraction efficiency, resulting in higher radiation gain and
far-field radiation along the direction with an azimuth angle of lower sidelobes [45].
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 10. Diffractive patterns on the FZP (a) Beam steering at 0 . (b) Beam
steering at 10 .

B. Transmission FZP Antenna

It is very convenient to implement either a transmission
or a folded FZP using the fabricated metasurface, and fur-
ther obtain the FZP-based steering antenna. As examples,
Fig. 11. Measurement of the transmission FZP antenna. (a) Experimental
Fig. 10(a) and (b) shows the required FZP patterns determined setup. (b) Measured beam steering.
by the calculated phase difference (red lines in online version)
by (6) and (7) for beam steering with 0 and 10 , respectively,
where black regions represent the opaque strips. To obtain such by the enlarged radiation aperture. However, the measured gain
an FZP, we just need to bias the corresponding columns with 9- at 0 is 10.4 dB, only 1.3 dB larger than the gain of the feeding
and 0-V voltages for the black and white regions, respectively, antenna. As shown in Fig. 10(a), the pattern of the transmis-
and place a feeding antenna at the calculated focal location. sion FZP only has two opaque regions, which results in high
The focal distance is chosen as 300 mm, slightly longer than sidelobes with 3-dB suppression. This is the reason why the
the far-field range of the feeding antenna. measured gain is not satisfactory. However, these issues can be
Fig. 11(a) shows a photograph of the transmission FZP-based easily solved by increasing the aperture of the metasurface.
diffractive antenna, where a simple array antenna comprised It is seen that by applying diffraction effect, radiation beams
of two standard microstrip patches acts as the feeding source. can be scanned simply by switching different patterns of the
The patches are printed on a 2-mm-thick F4B substrate, with FZP antenna.
an operating frequency centered around 4 GHz, a radiation
gain around 9.1 dB, and a beamwidth of 80 in the – -plane.
C. Folded FZP Antenna
The measurement of the steered beams was performed in the
anechoic chamber. The fabricated metasurface supported by To implement a folded FZP, the metasurface is backed by a
a 10-mm-thick layer of low-loss microwave foam was placed substrate with a copper foil, spaced with the same 10-mm-thick
on a rotator, with 300-mm distance in front of the patch array. microwave foam. Owing to the dispersion of the metasurface,
A standard horn antenna, Ainfoinc microwave's LB-229, was the spacing does not necessarily need to be 1/4 wavelength.
used as the reference antenna, and the same VNA of 8722ES To understand the operating principle, Fig. 12 shows the mea-
was used to measure the radiation patterns. sured reflection coefficient of the metasurface backed with the
Fig. 11(b) shows measured results of the steered beams of copper ground. It is seen that at 4.1 GHz, when the bias switches
the transmission FZP metasurface. Compared with the defined between 0–3.5 V, the phase of the reflection coefficient changes
steering angles of 0 , 10 , 20 and 30 , the measured angles are around 180 . In order to obtain a folded FZP, two such dc biases
0 , 11 , 22 , and 31 , respectively, very close to the predefined can be used to produce the diffractive patterns calculated by (6)
ones. The small error comes from limited resolution of the FZP and (7) for the folded FZP antenna.
pattern based on the 1/6-wavelength unit cells. Compared with It is seen that when the metasurface acts as a folded FZP, its
the 80 beam width of the feeding antenna, the measured beam phase tunability plays a key role. Fig. 12(b) shows the measured
width of the main beam is around 12.5 , significantly decreased amplitude of the reflection coefficient with the same dc biases.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 12. Measured reflection coefficient of the metasurface backed with copper
ground. (a) Phase. (b) Amplitude.

With the backed copper ground, the reflection loss of the meta-
surface is around 5.5 dB at 4.1 GHz, larger than the transmis- Fig. 13. Measurement of the folded FZP antenna. (a) Experimental setup.
sion loss around 1.4 dB in Fig. 7(b). Note that in the folded (b) Measured beam steering.
FZP case, the incident wave transmits through the metasurface
twice, resulting in a doubled transmission loss. Furthermore, ac-
cording to [40] and [46], when the metasurface is backed with a D. Discussions
ground plane, the zero phase of the reflection coefficient would Diffraction is a fundamental phenomenon in optics and
correspond to the existence of a magnetic surface, where mag- electromagnetics. Due to the existence of plenty of configurable
netic resonance will be inevitably induced between the metas- diffractive media such as liquid crystals [47] and optically con-
furface and the ground plane at a frequency satisfying the res- trolled semiconductors [48], diffraction has been widely used
onance condition. In this case, an increased loss in the vicinity in optical applications. Lacking electrically controlled diffrac-
of 4.1 GHz is inevitable. In order to obtain a low-loss folded tive media in the microwave and millimeter-wave regime,
FZP, apart from employing low-loss varactors, the unit cell can diffractive antennas and other diffractive microwave devices
be further optimized to expand the frequency interval between are seldom reported. In this ab initio work, we artificially
the dips at 4.06 and 4.23 GHz in Fig. 12(b), and thus the loss at implemented such a medium and demonstrated its applications
4.1 GHz can be effectively decreased. with FZP antennas. In theory, our method can be used to
The experimental setup of the folded FZP antenna is shown obtain an ideal configurable diffractive medium with optimal
in Fig. 13(a). The setup is similar to that in Fig. 11(a). The dif- transparency, opacity, and matched surface impedance, better
ference is that the ground-backed metasurface acts as a planar than liquid crystals. Note that optical diffractive media, such as
reflector with diffraction patterns with -phase difference. With liquid crystals and optically controlled semiconductors, are not
the same feeding antenna placed 300 mm in front of the meta- ideal diffractive media because both of their transparency and
surface, predefined radiation beams pointing to 0 , 10 , 20 , opacity are not impedance matched.
and 30 , respectively, are measured, and the results are shown It is interesting to see that the demonstrated FZP antennas
in Fig. 13(b). It is seen that the measured beam deflections are are able to have some unique features. For the folded FZP an-
0 , 9 , 20 , and 32 , respectively. The measured gain at 0 de- tenna shown in Fig. 13(a), while its configuration looks like a
flection angle is 8.6 dB, with an beam width around 12 . As reflector antenna, it has a flat aperture, and it can steer the beams
expected, the sidelobe suppression of the folded FZP is notably like a phased-array antenna without moving the feeding antenna
improved compared with the transmission FZP. However, the [49]. In fact, the transparency and opacity of the metasurface
measured gain is lower than that due to the increased loss of the can also be controlled by continuous dc biases, making it pos-
reflection coefficient discussed above. sible to dynamically control the beam width and sidelobes, ob-
We see that it is also very convenient to steer the beam in a taining more reconfigurable properties of the proposed diffrac-
wide angle with the folded FZP metasurface. tive FZP antennas. In the folded FZP case, since each unit cell
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


can be individually biased from the back of the metallic ground, and opacity can be obtained in a wide range of angle of in-
a 2-D beam steering similar to the optically controlled steering cidence. We validate our approach by experimentally demon-
antenna reported in [48] can also be obtained. Finally, compared strating two electrically controlled steering antennas based on
with the traditional phased-array antennas, phase is simply con- diffractive grating effect, both have thin planar apertures and
trolled by reconfiguring the diffractive pattern on the surface. concise control circuits. The proposed approach can be extended
Without discrete radiation elements, T/R modules, and phase to high-frequency bands, achieving configurable diffractive de-
shifters, an FZP antenna can have a very simple structure. vices at millimeter-wave, terahertz, and even optical frequen-
As a reconfigurable antenna, the operating frequency of an cies.
FZP antenna is determined by the diffractive pattern, which can
be reconfigured in a wide frequency range, whose upper bound REFERENCES
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1–7, May 2014.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Bin Zhang received the B.S. degree in electrical en- Changzhi Li (S'06–M'09–SM'13) received the B.S.
gineering from the Vocational and Technological Ed- degree in electrical engineering from Zhejiang Uni-
ucation Center, Huzhou, China, in 2004. versity, Hangzhou, China, in 2004, and the Ph.D. de-
He is currently an Experimental Assistant with gree in electrical engineering from the University of
the Department of Information and Electronic Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, in 2009.
Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. In the summers of 2007–2009, he was with
Alereon Inc., Austin, TX, USA, and Coherent Logix
Inc., Austin, TX, USA, where he was involved
with ultra-wideband (UWB) transceivers and soft-
ware-defined radio. In 2009, he joined Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, TX, USA, as an Assistant
Professor in 2009, and became an Associate Professor in 2014. His research
interests include biomedical applications of microwave/RF, wireless sensor,
and RF/analog circuits.
Yongzhi Sun received the Ph.D. degree from the Dr. Li is an associate editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND
State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Wave, Southeast SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS. He was the recipient of the ASEE Frederick
University, Nanjing, China. Emmons Terman Award (2014), the IEEE-HKN Outstanding Young Profes-
He is currently the Team Leader of the Antenna sional Award (2014), and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early
Division, Nanjing Institute of Electronic Equipment, CAREER Award (2013). He was also the recipient of nine Best Conference/Stu-
Nanjing, China. His research interests include new dent Paper Awards as author/advisor of IEEE-sponsored conferences.
concept antenna systems, RF and microwave devices,
and microwave absorbing materials.
Dr. Sun was the recipient of multiple government
awards under the Program for the Top Young Inno-
vative Talents, the 333 Project of Jiangsu Province, Lixin Ran received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees
and the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation. from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1991,
1994 and 1997, respectively.
In 1997, he became an Assistant Professor, in
1999, an Associate Professor, and in 2004, a Full
Professor with the Department of Information and
Weiqiang Zhu received the B.S. and M.S. degrees Electronics Engineering, Zhejiang University. He
in electronic and opto-electronic engineering from is also currently the Director of the Laboratory of
the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Applied Research on Electromagnetics (ARE). In
Nanjing, China, and the Ph.D. degree in electronic 2005, 2009 and 2012, he visited the Massachusetts
engineering from the Second Institute of China Institute of Technology, as a Visiting Scientist. He
Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, has coauthored over 130 research papers published in peer-reviewed journals.
Beijing, China. He holds over 30 patents. His research interests include new concept antennas,
He is currently a Senior Researcher and the Vice radio-aware sensing and imaging, RF, microwave and terahertz systems, and
Director of the Nanjing Institute of Electronic Equip- artificial active media.
ment, Nanjing, China. His recent research interests
include passive radio orientation and localization,
electromagnetic fields and microwave technology, and signal and information

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