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SMALL-SIGNAL ANALYSIS OF THE PHASE-SHIFTED ZERO-VOLTAGE SWITCHED PWM CONVERTER by Vlatko Vlatkovic Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering APPROVED: fe c (as Fred. C. Lee, Chairman 7 Dusan Borojevi Bo H. Cho September 12, 1991 Blacksburg, Virginia Ly SOE! Vass fess SMALL-SIGNAL ANALYSIS OF THE PHASE-SHIFTED ZERO-VOLTAGE SWITCHED PWM CONVERTER by Vlatko Vlatkovic Fred. C. Lee, Chairman Electrical Engineering (ABSTRACT) The specific circuit effects in the phase-shifted, zero-voltage switched, pulse width modulated (PS-ZVS-PWM) converter and their impact on the converier dynam- ics are analyzed. The small-signal model is derived incorporating the effects of phase-shift control and the utilization of transformer leakage inductance and power FETs junction capacitances to achieve zero-voltage resonant switching. The thesis explains the differences in the dynamic characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter and its PWM counterpart. Model predictions are con- firmed by experimental measurements. Acknowledgements To be a part of VPEC is a pleasure and a privilege. I am grateful to my ad- visor, Dr. Fred C. Lee for providing me with the opportunity to work with and learn from all the great people at VPEC. His valuable advice and support is greatly appreciated. My coming to VPEC and the accomplishment of this work would not have been possible without the selfless support and understanding of Dr. Dusan Borojevié. I have learned more from him, both professionally and personally, than from any other person I have known. A great deal of credit for this work goes to my friend Juan Sabaté. It is his relentless quest for total understanding of facts through our countless hours of discussions of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter that have brought me to better understanding of the subject of this thesis. Acknowledgements It has been a thrill to Work with and learn from Dr. Ray Ridley and Dr. Milan Jovanovi¢ . They always had a good answer to any question I have asked, and their help was very important to me. The completion of this thesis would have been much more difficult without the help of Richard Gean, who has been running the VPEC labs at the time this work done. He was always there when I needed him. With Richard, no task in the lab was difficult. 1 am also grateful to Dr. Bo H. Cho whose challenging teaching gave me a head start in the field of power electronics. This work has been supported by IBM, Kingston, New York, and by the VPEC Industry-University Partnership Program, for which I am grateful. Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents A. Introduction. 6... 0.6 cee cece eee e eee ee eee eee ee eee eee eee e eee ne ene en tees 1 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter... 6-2 0sseeereeeeee ee ee 3 2.1 Detailed Description of Circuit Operation ......... 00.0 0c eee eee eee e eee es 6 2.2 Conclusions 3. Analysis of Specific circuit Effects and Small-Signal Model of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 22 3.1 Specific Circuit Effects 3.1.1 Duty Cycle Modulation Due to the Change of the Filter Inductor Current ........ 23 3.3.2 Duty Cycle Modulation Due to the Change of the Input Voltage ......... 02005 25 3.2 Small-Signal Model of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter ...........- ae se B 3.3 Conclusions 29 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter ......0ses0eeeeseeees 2 4.1 Transfer Functions of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 4.1.1 Control-to-Output Transfer Function 4.1.2 Control-to-Filter Inductor Current Transfer Function ........ eladoeledal laden 38 Table of Contents v 4,13 Output Impedance 6.00... cece cece eee eee eet t tener eens 38 4.1.4 Audio Susceptibility ©... 62.00.00 Slate el etelslet el ntaln tale seceee 4 4.1.5 Input Impedance .......... Pee eeeaer eee eG el ealbas: 4.2 Experimental Results ...... Tala hatalet ale delet lated alee lesealetedel ta 43 4.3 Conclusions 46 S. Conclusions oo. ..e cee eeceec eee eeceeeeeeeesee eee eesese een eeteeeeeeee 50 Appendix - Derivation of the Analytical Expressions for the Transfer Functions of the PS-PWM Converter eee ieee eee eee reece eect e teeter een nee ener eee 52 References oe. eee e eee eee ee ects eee ne nett ee eee eee e eset eet ene ene ee enee 60 PUNE ot eecee epee nee ery eee -ale are t-efectetcojee| acter polalereateleroateterfetatareersfeateace 62 Table of Contents vi List of Illustrations Figure 2.1. Full-Bridge Buck Converter Operating Sequence. ........... 4 Figure 2.2. PS-ZVS-PWM Converter Operating Sequence. ............. 5 Figure 2.3. PS-ZVS-PWM Converter, Topology and Waveforms. ........ 8g Figure 2.4. Active Part of Circuit Figure 2.5. Active Part of Circuit .. Figure 2.6. Active Part of Circuit Figure 2.7. Active Part of Circuit .. Figure 2.8. Active Part of Circuit ........ 0... cece eee eee e eens 17 Figure 2.9. Active Part of Circuit .. 18 Figure 2.10. Active Part of Circuit 6.0.6... ee cee eee eee eee eee eens 19 Figure 2.11. Circuit Waveforms and Notation Definitions. - 20 Figure 3.1. Duty Cycle Modulation Due to Change of the Filter Inductor Current. 20... cc cece cece ceecerescesrsestsesereress 24 Figure 3.2. Duty Cycle Modulation Due to Change of Input Voltage. .... 27 Figure 3.3. Small-Signal Circuit Model of the Buck Converter. ......... 30 Figure 3.4. Small-Signal Circuit Model of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter. .. 31 Figure 4.1. Control-to-Output Voltage Transfer Functions ......... 2. 35 List of Illustrations vii Figure 4,2. Control-to-Output Transfer Functions for Different Values of PRE btae ts dod steed eletectctiae cit aletc total decid dohala 36 Figure 4.3. Figure 4.4. Figure 4.5. Figure 4.6. Input Impedances .. 0.0... secs e eee eeeeeeeeeeeen ees 44 Figure 4.7. Experimental Control-to Output Transfer Function .......+. 45 Figure 4.8, Experimental Control-to Filter Inductor Current Transfer Func- tI acta apt acct fp tott ttle abaltc to ol 47 Figure 4.9. Experimental Output Impedance ..........2 00.0000 005 48 Figure A.1. Small-Signal Model Used to Derive the Transfer Functions of the PS-PWM Converter, «1... 0. eee e cece eee eee 33 List of Illustrations viii 1. Introduction In recent years, the phase-shifted zero-voltage-switched pulse width modu- lated (PS-ZVS-PWM) converter has found many applications due to its distinct characteristics [1-8]. This topology permits all switching devices to operate under zero-voltage switching (ZVS) by using circuit parasitics such as leakage inductance and power FETs junction capacitance to achieve resonant switching. The ZVS allows operation with much reduced switching losses and stresses, and eliminates the need for primary snubbers. It enables high switching frequency operation for high power density and improved efficiency. The circuit topology appears similar to a conventional PWM full-bridge topology, but its small-signal properties are significantly different from those of its PWM counterpart. This is due to the phase shift operation and the presence of a large leakage inductance in the transformer. In this thesis, the small-signal model of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter is de- rived by incorporating the effects introduced by the phase-shift operation and the 1, Introduction 1 use of the transformer leakage inductance to resonate with the junction capacitances of the power FETs to achieve ZVS. A new small-signal average cir- cuit model is developed and the transfer functions of the power stage are com- pared to the corresponding transfer functions of its PWM counterpart to show the significant differences between them. Experimental results are presented to verify the accuracy of the model. 1, Introduction 2 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter The purpose of this chapter is to present the operation the PS-ZVS-PWM topology, and to emphasize the details of operation particularly important for the small-signal properties. Most of the references about this converter [1-5], pub- lished to date, failed to acknowledge certain important subtleties of the circuit operation critical for the understanding of the steady-state and small-signal properties of this circuit. In the PWM conventional full-bridge converter, the diagonal switch pair (QI and Q2 or Q3 and Q4) is turned on and off simultancously, as shown in Fig. 2.1. and the reflected input voltage is impressed across the output filter. To achieve the freewheeling portion of a cycle, all four switches are turned off, and the load current freewheels through the rectifiers. The main problem with this operating sequence is that when all four switches are turned off, the energy stored in the 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 3 ale ap @ [5 xDS a 1 ina B fa J 3) xps ef xp +t uk tL L _ Dak kbs evs ==c oR ~ Dex AD Qi @ [ = ee Q@ iad - D(Ts/2)_: AB - ee ; Figure 2.1, Full-Bridge Buck Converter Operating Sequence. 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter Vin A B @5 x3 @|5 xv2 +, Lk + L |. + Dak Epa ilfvs_ | =c ~ De® EDb a Q [ eB | a D (1/2) Vv ‘AB — 0 ~ Figure 2.2. PS-ZVS-PWM Converter Operating Sequence. 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter leakage inductance of the power transformer causes severe ringing with FET junction capacitances. To minimize the parasitic ringing, the gate signals for Q2 and Q4 are delayed (phase shifted) with respect to those of QI and Q3, so that during the time in- terval where the secondary voltage is zero, one of the primary switches is always left on. This provides a low-impedance path for the current of the leakage inductance to circulate, thus solving the problem of the parasitic ringing associ- ated with conventional full-bridge PWM converter. Furthermore, the energy stored in the leakage inductance can be used to discharge the energy stored in the FET junction capacitances to achieve ZVS conditions for all four switches in the primary side. 2.1 Detailed Description of Circuit Operation Figure 2.3 shows the circuit topology and the primary current (/), the voltage across nodes A and B (V,,), and the voltage across the secondary of the power transformer. In the following description of circuit operation, it is assumed that all components are ideal, i.e. : © The rectifier diodes have zero forward drop and no parasitic capacitance. © The on-resistance of the switches is negligible. © The forward drop of the antiparallel diodes in the primary side is negligible. 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 6 © The power transformer has negligible parasitic capacitances. It is important to note that the leakage inductance of the transformer, and the output capacitance of the switches are not negligible. It is shown in the following section that these parasitic elements are utilized in order to provide zero-voltage switching for the devices in the bridge. The following discussion is made with reference to Fig. 2.4 to 2.10 for the particular time instances and intervals. th: Figure 2.4 shows the active part of the circuit at the instance immediately be- fore f,, and the parts of the waveforms associated with this topological stage. The switches Q3 and Q4 are on. The primary current is equal to the negative value of the reflected filter inductor current. The primary voltage, Vg, is equal to — Vig» and the secondary voltage is equal to: Lh 2 1, V, = -2V_ ——2— -~ 4% (a Pia (2.1) 7 Ly t Ly Ly + Ly Rectifiers De and Dd are conducting, and rectifiers Da and Db are blocked. Since the output voltage V, is obtained by averaging V,, V, can be eliminated from Eq. (2.1) by using: Vy = Day Vs (2.2) 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 7 Ip Dts?) Deff (Ts/2) Figure 2.3, PS-ZVS-PWM Converter, Topology and Waveforms. 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter where Diy and solving for V, gives: is the duty cycle of the secondary voltage. Substituting (2.2) into (2.1), ty +. (2.3) Ly + (l= Dy) n? Ly Vie = —nVin t, tot; : At f= 1,, Q3 turns off as shown in Fig. 2.5. The current from Q3 ( i.e. the cur- rent through the leakage inductance), commutates to the parasitic capacitance of node A (consisting of Cl in parallel with C2), charging it until diode D1 starts conducting. When this happens, the voltage across points A and B is zero. From (2.1) the voltage in the secondary is: 2 mL, = -4 tk «0 (2.4) oP Ly + Ly This means that the two rectifiers that have been conducting at time ¢; are also conducting at f,, and ¢;". Therefore, the current through the leakage inductance is still equal to the reflected current of the output filter inductor. The rate at which the voltage of node A increases from 0 to V,, is determined by the resonant frequency of the capacitance C1| |C3 and inductance Ly, + L,/n°, and the amount of energy stored in the inductances L, , and Ly. In practice, this transition time is very short compared to the switching period, and for this rea- son, the edges of the voltage waveform can be treated in the analysis as ideal (vertical). 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 9 Panee t to t, t As shown in Fig. 2.6, at f= ¢;" the body diode of QI conducts. During the in- terval f,° to t) diode D1 and switch Q4 conduct in the primary side, and diodes Dc and Dd conduct in the secondary side. The primary current decays with the slope determined by: Vo 5, = -2 = (2.5) Ly + Ly The secondary voltage is given by Eq. (2.4). In order for the secondary voltage . +0 et, 7 Pct 2 to be equal to zero during this time interval, the condition n’L,,t; , the operating sequence and the circuit waveforms are repeated for the next half-cycle. ; . ; ane + - It is important to emphasize that during the time interval from f, to ¢, , the primary voltage, V4g, is equal to V, ‘,» While the secondary voltage is equal to zero. Since at t, both primary and secondary voltage fall to zero, the duty cycle of the primary voltage, D, is always greater than the duty cycle of the secondary volt- age, Duy The difference between these two duty cycles is referred to as the loss of duty cycle, and is denoted by AD: AD = D ~ Dey (2.11) 2, Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 2 Be 8 8 . | | vs Figure 2.4, Active Part of Circuit: Instant t,. 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 13 Vin a |r, x p2 ue ob L 4 Dak KD |[fys R ~ be =De Ip . 7 R | 7 a_els/ ia fa 6 DI 1 2 ps as 3 1g oy & BB Bt 0 + Figure 2.5. Active Part of Circuit: Between Instants t, and t . 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 14 xDa aff, xo: 4 Dak Dd it ~ Dex Db & Figure 2.6. Active Part of Circuit: Between Instants t, and t,. 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 1s of Vin *xDI 04 |e a =a ~~ Uwe + L 7 bak Dd |E vs R ~ De® Ds 2 ° u_eje/ 4 iS 6 Van \ 1 PL ‘pr ign a1 BS Bg Qs |b O2 o DS {D4 :4 o Vs \ . a + Figure 2.7, Active Part of Circuit: Between Instants t, and t, . 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZV'S-PWM Converter 16 + Figure 2.8, Active Part of Circuit: Between Instants t, and t,. 2, Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter "7 & 9. Active Part of Circuit: Between Instants t, and t,. Figure 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 18 Figure 2.10, Active Part of Circuit: Between Instants t, and t,. 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter aly 0 a 12] 3 4 15, Vap DTs/2 \ Co We I | ADTS/2:__DeffTs/2 ee Figure 2.11. Circuit Waveforms and Notation Definitions. 2. Description of Operation of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 20 Figure 2.11 shows the essential circuit waveforms. Examining Fig 2.11, and keeping Eq. (2.7) in mind, it is seen that the amount of loss of duty cycle depends on the values of V;, Ly, , Ty and /,. Realizing this effect is essential for the de- velopment of an accurate small-signal model of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter. As mentioned before, the condition v Lin converter is a special case of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter model. This can be concluded by making Ly, = 0, which gives 4 =d,=0. Transfer functions of the PS-ZVS-PWM power stage can now be derived using the new model and Eqs. (3.3) and (3.7). Fos simplicity, the following derivations use Eq. (3.9) for d,, 3.3 Conclusions The specific circuit effects caused by the presence of leakage inductance in the primary have been analyzed. It has been shown that these effects result in mod- ulation of the effective duty cycle by introducing feedback terms from filter inductor current and input voltage. These modifications are incorporated into a small-signal circuit model of the conventional buck converter resulting in a new small-signal cirewit model for the PS-ZVS-PWM converter. 3. Analysis of Specific circuit Effects and Small-Signal Model of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 29 €? 3 als &, {| a nw Vin, 1: Deeg Figure 3.3. Small-Signal Circuit Model of the Buck Converter. 3. Analysis of Specific circuit Effects and Small-Signal Model of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 30 avid av, ,(d;+d, ) = CR i O©r¥in nV. a a R! RB Gitw) 1: Deer Figure 3.4, Small-Signal Circuit Model of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter. 3. Analysis of Specific circuit Effects and Small-Signal Model of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 31 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter In this section analytical expressions for various transfer functions of the power stage are given. These transfer functions are analyzed and compared to the corresponding transfer functions of the conventional PWM buck converter. Experimental results are also presented that verify the accuracy of the new model. For simplified notation, the following definitions, referring to Fig. 3.4 are used: Transfer function of the output filter is: 1 1 = — (4.1) 4 tices ba R Input impedance of the output filter is: RA, y 1+sRC (42) 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 32 Output impedance of the output filter is: (4.3) The circuit parameter values used to plot the transfer functions are: Input voltage V,, = 600 V, Output voltage V,,, = 360V, Transformer turns ratio n = 1, Transformer leakage inductance Ly, = 52 nH, Switching frequency f = 100 kHz, Output filter inductor L = 315 uH, Output filter capacitor C = 5 uF, Load resistor R = 70.Q. The detailed derivation of the analytical expressions for the transfer functions is given in the Appendix. 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 33 4.1 Transfer Functions of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 4.1.1 Control-to-Output Transfer Function The control-to-output transfer function is: Gq = Hon Vin Be Ry (4.4) Figure 4.1 shows the control-to-output transfer functions of the PWM buck converter (dashed lines) and of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter (solid lines). The differences between the transfer functions in de gain and resonant peaking are apparent. To gain insight on how the transformer leakage influences the power stage transfer function, the expressions for Z,and H, can be substituted into Eq. (4.4). After doing so and performing some elementary calculus, aVin Gag (4.5) 2 L Ka Pic+s(£4 Rc) + aa It can be observed from this equation that the “built-in” current feedback de- creases the low frequency value of G,. This is caused by the presence of the term R,[R. In practice, the value of this term ranges from 0 to around 0.5 with typical 4, Smalt-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 34 80 ‘ Buck 60 aan ZNS-PWM ae eee 7 , 4 é n 3 40 z . 2 = 20 : Qi 1 10 100 Frequency (kHz) 0 -30 ~-60 2 3 5-90 Erp -150 , ta} ee BQ 700 1 10 Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.1. Control-to-Output Voltage Transfer Functions: — Buck (dashed line), and PS-ZVS-PWM Converters (solid line). 4, Small-Signat Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 35 80 3 Magnitude (4B) ba 1 10 100 Frequency (kHz) Phase (deg.) Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.2. Control-to-Output Transfer Functions for Different Values of Rd] R. 4. Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 36 "value of 0.25. The upper boundary of this interval is determined by the loss of steady-state duty cycle, which, in practice, must be kept below reasonable value [7]. For the purpose of further qualitative analysis, we assume that (RJR) +1=1. After the numerator and denominator are multiplied by 1/LC = ©», we obtain: (4.6) V, 2 ee (47) So +5208 + We where ¢ is the damping of the second order denominator: at /£2,% [ce S=aRVC tO VE G8) The first term of is the damping in the regular buck converter. The use of leakage inductance introduces additional damping, and the second term of € can become dominant. Figure 4.2 shows the family of control-to-output transfer functions of the PS-ZVS-PWM power stage, as the ratio R,/R varies from 0 to 0.5. OPRYR In the examples provided in this chapter this ratio is R,/R = 0.3.) 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 37 4.1.2 Control-to-Filter Inductor Current Transfer Function The control-to-filter inductor current transfer function is: Gg= tn 49) a2 + Ra (49) Figure 4.3 shows the control-to-filter inductor current transfer functions of the PWM buck converter (dashed lines) and of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter (solid lines). The control-to-filter inductor current transfer function is altered in_ \ the same way as the control-to output transfer function. 4.1.3 Output Impedance The output impedance of the PS-ZVS-PWM power stage is: (4.10) Figure 4.4 shows the output impedances of the PWM buck converter (dashed lines) and of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter (solid lines). ‘It can be observed that “frequencies; Such behavior is expected knowing that the loss of duty cycle isa) 4. Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 38 8 Buck ZVS-PWM Z 8 & Magnitude (4B) 8 y 8 H 3 oe 90 30 Phase (deg.) ° 1 10 100 Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.3. Control-to-Filter Inductor Current Transfer Functions: (dashed lines), and PS-ZVS-PWM Converter (solid lines). 4, Small-Signal Characteri jes of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter Buck ED s & 8 Rx 8 Magnitude (4B) oe Ss 30 J Phase (deg, 30 a 1 10 Frequency (kHz) 100 Figure 4.4. Output impedances: — Buck (dashed lines), and PS-ZVS-PWM Converter (solid lines). 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 40 4.1.4 Audio Susceptibility The audio susceptibility of the PS-ZVS-PWM power stage is: Gig = H Day + (F (4.11) Zt RR where Ryy is defined as: Ra = 4 fb Figure 4.5 shows the audio susceptibilities of the PWM buck converter (dashed lines) and the PS-ZVS-PWM converter (solid lines). By examining Eq. (3.9) one could expect the audio susceptibility of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter "power stage to be higher than the audio susceptibility of the buck converter. Figure 4.5, however, shows that this is the case only at higher frequencies. The explanation can be found by examining Eq. (4,11). The second term inside the brackets does not exist in the PWM buck converter, and it is introduced by the use of L,,. At low frequencies, Z,= R, and the term inside the inner brackets be- “comes very small, This leads to the conclusion that the effect of d, js neutralized 4. Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 4 20 Buck ° 2NS-PWM Magnitude (dB) 8 & 3 1 0 Frequency (kHz) 1 10 100 Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.5. Audio — Susceptibilities: Buck (dashed lines), PS-ZVS-PWM Converter (solid lines). 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter and a2 4.1.5 Input Impedance The input impedance of the PS-ZVS-PWM power stage is: Z + R, Lg = —$— (4.12) R, PL, D2, (1-4-0 a ) Figure 4.6 shows the input impedances of the PWM buck converter (dashed lines) and the PS-ZVS-PWM converter (solid lines). For the reasons discussed in Section 4.4, the modulation of duty cycle due to the variation of input voltage affects the input impedance only at high frequencies. 4.2 Experimental Results To verify the results of the analysis, a converter was built with the same component values as shown at the beginning of the Chapter. The only difference is that the input voltage, the output voltage and the load resistance have been reduced to 50 V, 20 V and, 50 Q, respectively. This was done in order to obtain circuit waveforms as close to ideal as possible. This particularly related to the secondary voltage, which in practical circuits has severe ringing caused by reso- mance between the leakage inductance and the parasitic capacitance of the 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-Z'VS-PWM Converter 43 1 w $s é ‘Magnitude (4B) 8 s 8 y 3 Gsp 215 2 Phase (deg.) 8 1 10 Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.6. Input Impedances: — Buck (dashed lines), and PS-ZVS-PWM Converter (solid lines). 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter & —Measurement : trees Prediction x 8 Ss ° Magnitude (dB) Ss -20 1 10 Frequency (kHz) 2 2-120 7 — a -180 VY 100 1 10) Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.7, Experimental Control-to Output Transfer Function: Prediction (dashed lines), Measurement (solid lines). 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter rectifiers [3,7]. This ringing can not be effectively suppressed at high power levels without altering the small-signal properties of the converter. Therefore, a low- power converter with an RC snubber in the secondary has been used to verify the accuracy of the small-signal model. The control-to-output transfer function is shown in Fig. 4.7. Both the gain and phase measurements agree very well with predictions. Figure 4.8 shows the control-to-filter inductor current transfer function. The agreement between prediction and measurement is again very good. Figure 4.9 shows the output impedance of the converter. The measurement clearly shows the first order response, and loss of resonant peaking, predicted by analysis. 4.3 Conclusions It has been shown in this chapter that the main effect of the ‘built-in’ feed- back from the output filter inductor current is the reduction of Q factor of the output filter. The Q factor is affected even with very weak feedback (small L,). Also, the nature of the output impedance is changed from inductive to resistive at low frequencies. These effects are identical to the ones observed in current- mode control. 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 46 10 leasurement ‘Prediction Magnitude (dB) 1 10 Frequency (kHz) 1 10 Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.8. Experimentat Control-to Filter Inductor Current Transfer Func- tion: Prediction (dashed lines), Measurement (solid lines). 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter a 30 Ln _] Niesoremar x 8 Magnitude (4B) S ° 1 10 Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.9. Experimental Output Impedance: Prediction (dashed lines), Measurement (solid lines). 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter The reduction of the system Q factor is generally beneficial. The design of control loops is somewhat easier than in a high-Q system. The reduced peaking of the output impedance contributes to better step-load response, while the re- duced peaking of the input impedance helps to avoid input filter interaction or interaction with other converters. It has also been shown that the feedforward from the input voltage affects the audio susceptibility and input impedance of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter only at high frequencies. This is because the influences of the built-in current feedback and voltage feedforward cancel at low frequencies. The transfer functions predicted by the new model have shown excellent agreement with the experimental results. 4, Small-Signal Characteristics of the PS-ZVS-PWM Converter 49 5. Conclusions The phase-shift operation and the use of large leakage inductance to achieve ZVS introduces a loss of duty cycle that depends on input voltage and load cur- rent. Therefore, the conversion ratio of the converter depends not only on duty cycle of the primary voltage determined by the control, but also on the load cur- rent and input voltage. Due to these effects, the small-signal model of the con- ventional PWM buck converter is no longer accurate for the PS-ZVS-PWM converter. A new small-signal model of the PS-ZVS-PWM converter has been described. The effects caused by phase-shift operation and use of large leakage inductance to achieve ZVS have been modelled by introducing additional feedforward and feedback terms for duty cycle modulation. A small-signal circuit model has been developed by adding two controlled sources into the small-signal model of the PWM buck converter. The feedback from output-filter inductor current intro- duces effects that are similar to those observed in current-mode controlled PWM 5. Conclusions 50 converters. The Q factor of the system is reduced even for very small values of Ly: The output impedance of the converter becomes resistive rather than induc- tive at low frequencies. These effects are generally beneficial because they con- tribute to better load and line responses and easier design of control loops. The feedforward from the input voltage has been shown to have some effect only at high frequencies. The model accurately predicts the loss of resonant peaking at the resonant ‘frequency of the output filter, the reduction of the low-frequency magnitudes of “the control-to-output and control-to-filter inductor current transfer functions, and the transformation of the output impedance nature from inductive to GED The closed-form expressions for the transfer functions of the PS-ZVS-PWM power stage have been derived. The new model can easily be incorporated into any circuit simulation program such as SPICE, or into mathematical application program such as CC. The predictions of the new model have been verified by measurements. 5. Conclusions SI Appendix - Derivation of the Analytical Expressions for the Transfer Functions of the PS-PWM Converter In this section the expressions for the transfer functions of the power stage are derived. For simplified notation, the following definitions referred to figure A.1 will be used: Transfer function of the output filter: —— (4.1) FLC+sE +1 Input impedance of the output filter: RA, st T+5RC (4.2) ‘Transfer Functions Derivation 52 Vin, ==CR {_~AA_—_t¢> o ZW - nV a a d Qoditd) Figure A.J. Small-Signal Model Used to Derive the Transfer Functions of the PS-PWM Converter. ‘Transfer Functions Derivation 83 Output impedance of the output filter: (43) A The current source /, is added to derive the output impedance. A.1 Control-to-Output Transfer Function A To derive the control-to-output transfer function, set #,, = 0 and !, = 0. Then: ‘ nA $= Hon Vq(d +d) (44) 4 aA ip = nVin(d +d) (4.5) From the Eq. (3.3): s a Vin iLpa-dn Ry (4.6) (A.5) and (A.6) give: (4.7) (A8) ‘Transfer Functions Derivation 54 can be eliminated from (A.A) using (A.8) to obtain: SeHyn Fa ( -—) (49) 2 14 Ra This finally gives the expression for the control-to-output transfer function as: (4.10) A.2 Control-to-! ilter Inductor Current Transfer Function . ; : ‘ To derive the control-to-filter inductor current transfer function, set ¥,, and f, = 0. Then: anVgd +a (4.11) Z Using the Eq. (3.3): 4 rar ijn v5(4 = Ae )z (4.12) This gives: i, Vv, Ua nvin Gyo = (4.13) aN TR, ‘Transfer Functions Derivation $5 A.3 Output Impedance To derive the output impedance of the PS-PWM power stage, set f,, = 0 and A d =0. Then: af A §,=1,Z,+ Vind Hy (4.14) a Vind ‘ Lt Hel, (4.15) a Using the Eq. (3.3): (4.16) This gives: H, 2Vpg=——2— f (4.17) tT, Substituting into (A.14): ah A H, $, = 22, + §Hp ——2—— (4.18) This finally gives: ‘Transfer Functions Derivation 56 (4.19) A.4 Audio Susceptibility To derive the audio susceptibility of the PS-PWM power stage, set d = 0 and , 1, =0. Then: a a an Y= Hon (Depp Vin + Vinld; + 4) (4.20) A AA 7 fan Vil +) + Deyn) (421) Using the Eqs. (3.3), (3.8), and (A.21): Vel +4) + n Deyn B n Vil 2 Depp Vin ed - Z aie (422) This gives: Va L-p—- aoa Ri\_ fe (= Ry 7) d+) (1+ )= hy —_-+ - $F (A.23 ( 4( Z, ) Vn aV_ Z (4.23) Knowing that: ‘Transfer Functions Derivation 87 (4.24) It is found: naa Ra &% ; 44d=t, du ras (F -1-D z) (4.25) Substituting this into (A.20) gives: A.5 Input Impedance A To derive the input impedance of the ZVS-FB-PWM power stage, set d =0 and f, = 0. Then: re Tara ald + 4) + Dah (427) Using the Eqs. (3.3), and (3.8): ; 4) Re (p(t 4). 4) a+4=-—+(4, -D! coe. In (4.28 OOTY, ( (i -° ae) ~ abe ) Substituting this into (A.27) gives: ‘Transfer Functions Derivation 38 (4.29) s bin ( 1+ n Day = (4.30) ‘Transfer Functions Derivation 59 References References Z.D. Fang, D.Y. Chen, and F.C. Lee, “Designing a High Frequency Snubberless FET Power Inverter,” Proc. of POWERCON 11, D1-4 pp. 1-10, 1984. R.A. Fisher, K.D.T. Ngo, and M.H. Kuo, “500 KHz 250 W DC-DC Converter with Multiple Output Controlled by Phase-Shift PWM and Magnetic Amplifiers,” High Frequency Power Conversion Conf. ’88 Rec. + pp. 100-110, 1988. L.H. Mweene, C.A. Wright and M.F. Schlecht, “A 1 kW, 500 kHz Front-End Converter for a Distributed Power Supply System,” EEE APEC '89 Proc., pp. 423-432, 1989, M.M. Walters and W.M. Polivka, “A High-Density Modular Power Processor for Distributed Military Power Systems,” JEEE APEC ‘89 Proc., pp. 403-412, 1989. D.B. Dalal, “A 500-kHz Multi-Output Converter With Zero Voltage Switching,” IEEE APEC '90 Proc., pp. 265-274, 1990. 60 References R. Redl, N.O. Sokal, L. Balogh, “A Novel Soft-Switching Full-Bridge DC/DC Converter: Analysis, Design Considerations, and Experimental Results at 1.5 kW, 100 kHz,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists’ Conf. Rec., pp. 162-172, 1990. J.A, Sabaté, V. Vlatkovic, R.B. Ridley, F.C. Lee and B.H.Cho, “Design Considerations for High-Voltage High-Power Full-Bridge Zero- Voltage-Switched PWM Converter,” [EEE APEC '90 Proc., pp. 275-284, 1990. JA. Sabaté, V. Viatkovic, R.B. Ridley, and F.C. Lee, “A High-Voltage High-Power Zero-Voltage Switched PWM Converter Employing an Active Snubber,” IEEE APEC '91 Proc. pp. 158-163, 1991. V. Vorpérian, R. Tymerski, F.C.Y. Lee, “Equivalent Circuit for Reso- nant and PWM Switches,” JEEE Trans. on Power Electron., vol.4, No.2., pp. 205-214, April 1985. V. Vlatkovie, J.A. Sabaté, R.B. Ridley, F.C. Lee, B.H.Cho, “Small- Signal Analysis of Zero-Voltage Switched Full-Bridge PWM Converter,” High Frequency Power Conversion Conf. '90 Rec. pp. 262-272, 1990. 6 Vita Viatko Viatkovie was born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in 1963. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in 1987. From 1987 to 1989 he was employed as a Research and Teaching Associate in the Institute of Power and Electronics at the Univer- sity of Novi Sad, where he worked on projects involving control of industrial machines and Radio Data System (RDS), and assisted in teaching physics of semiconductors, and architecture of microprocessors. In 1989 he has joined the Virginia Power Electronics Center. He is ac- tively involved in research in areas of modelling and control of power elec- tronic circuits, and design of high-frequency power converters, and high-power dc-dc, ac-dc, and ac-ac converters. Jesu, Vastes; Vita 2

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