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Forbidden: Part Two

Emilia Emerson
Copyright © 2023 by Emilia Emerson
Forbidden: Part One
A Luna & Sol Omegaverse
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author,
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events, locales, events,
businesses, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Introduction to Omegaverse
Author’s Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Three Months Later
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

The Journey Continues

About the Author
To my friends who have been my Cam, Ben, and Theo during some of the hardest months of
my life.

What a gift.

What a love.

What a joy to be known by you.

Introduction to Omegaverse

This is a Why Choose/Reverse Harem Omegaverse.

Why Choose means that our female main character doesn’t have to
choose between her guys for her happily ever after.
While each omegaverse is different, in general, it’s an alternative world
where society is composed of three designations: alphas, omegas, and betas.
People are born with a designation, which influences their biology,
personality, and social status.
In this omegaverse, the Designation Government came into power five
years ago. Ever since, alphas (who are almost always male) have been the
ruling class. Alphas are physically the most powerful and dominant of all
the designations. The Designation Government believes this means they are
superior leaders. Male alphas have a knot at the base of their penis that
swells during sex, allowing them to lock inside of an omega, increasing the
likelihood that she’ll get pregnant. They are highly attracted to omegas’
Omegas (almost all female) are the rarest designation. They are
physically small and weaker than alphas. They have a high need for
physical touch, and their health will deteriorate without it. Starting in young
adulthood, omegas go into heat. During this time, they are highly fertile and
emotionally vulnerable. They have a strong urge to nest, gathering soft and
cozy items into a bed for comfort. Omegas need to be knotted by alphas to
avoid extreme pain and physical harm during heat. Omegas are physically
compatible with alphas and can take their knots, although some betas can
train themselves to take an alpha knot. Omegas can tell what alphas they’re
most compatible with through scent, as each alpha smells different to each
omega. Omegas are often the center of pack life, the glue that holds the
pack together.
Alphas and omegas can bond with each other through a bite, which
forms a connection that allows them to sense the others’ emotions. Alphas
and omegas can be fated mates to each other. Fated mates feel a strong
connection to each other, have compatible scents, and are biologically
predisposed to be the perfect match for each other.
Betas are essentially what we would consider “normal” humans. They
don’t have strong scents and do not have fated mates. They form the
backbone of society and work most jobs, with the exception of government
or other leadership positions. Alphas or omegas can bite betas and form a
bond with them.
Author’s Note

This book is a continuation of Forbidden: Part One. You must read Part
One for this book to make sense!
This book is for people 18+. It includes explicit sex scenes, including
group sex and elements of BDSM, like spanking, bondage, and being
consensually chased.
If you’ve read Forbidden: Part One, you know that there are trigger
warnings for past sexual abuse, emotional neglect, abuse by parents, and
anti-fat bias. Additional triggers include mental health concerns, including
depression, low self-esteem, PTSD, and disordered eating.
This book has some additional warnings (SPOILER ALERT!) including
physical assault, sexual assault, threat of rape, kidnapping, imprisonment,
and emotional abuse. None of this abuse happens within our main pack—
they are completely obsessed with their Josie.
Chapter One

I paced back and forth in the small meeting room like a caged animal,
clutching my hand to my throat to try and force air into my lungs. My
vision was going spotty, and even the tall ceilings and wall-to-wall
windows couldn’t stop the sensation that the room was closing in on me.
My watch told me I’d only been in here for three minutes, but it felt like
an eternity. My brothers’ panic and rage radiated through the bond,
amplifying my emotions until I practically drowned in them. We needed to
keep it together long enough to avoid getting arrested, but I couldn’t find it
in myself to send them reassurance or comfort down the bond. My fear for
Josie was all-consuming, clawing at my chest. The guards posted outside
the room were the only reason I wasn’t tearing the building apart to find
I stopped pacing, bending over to rest my hands on my knees and suck
in a few stuttering breaths.
I hated being alone.
I was just a few doors down from the interview room where I’d met
Josie, and I wished more than anything that she would walk through the
door now. I’d known from the first second I laid eyes on her that I belonged
completely to her. Her absence in our bond had never felt as agonizing as it
did now. It had always been a void, but now it hurt like a wound. Like an
idiot, I tried extending the bond towards her, as if I could somehow will it
into existence telepathically. But, of course, there was nothing. Just cold,
empty silence where my beautiful omega should be.
We shouldn’t have let them take her away. We should have fought
harder, demanded they keep us together. The logical part of me knew that
resisting wouldn’t have helped—they would have separated us, anyway.
Maybe permanently. But I wasn’t sure I would ever get over the heartbreak
of her resigned expression as they took her away. As if she had expected
this would happen all along.
The click of the door opening interrupted my pacing, and I whirled to
face the two alphas who entered. They wore gray uniforms with badges that
identified them as Patrick and Tom, members of the Pack Cohesion
“Where did you take Josie?” I asked as I gripped the corner of the heavy
wood table, fighting the temptation to flip it over and crush them.
“She’s perfectly safe. This is all standard protocol,” Patrick said with a
condescending sneer as he placed his tablet on the table with a soft click. If
Josie were here, we would mock his overly large mustache. Pretty sure it
would have been visible from space.
“We’ve found it’s hard for alphas to be honest in front of an omega. You
know how manipulative they can be,” Patrick said with a chuckle as if we
were in on some joke together. When I didn’t crack a smile, his expression
faltered before he continued.
“We need to ensure that all pack alphas are fully satisfied by their
omega before we can sign off on the pack. But not to worry, we won’t keep
you long.”
The second alpha, Tom, was young and jittery as he peered at me with
his overly long flamingo neck and ridiculous mullet. He gestured at me to
take a seat. I remained unmoving, staring him down until he looked away,
fidgeting with his collar. My alpha wanted to roar with satisfaction at our
display of dominance, but I quickly crashed back to reality when Patrick
cleared his throat and shifted his hand towards the radio at his hip. I needed
to think of Josie. I couldn’t have them taking my lack of cooperation out on
I shook myself and sat down, pasting on a bland smile as I imagined
destroying these two alphas.
Tom let out a sigh of relief before he slumped down in the chair across
from me.
“Excellent,” Patrick said, sitting down and clicking through documents
on his tablet. “We have a series of questions to ensure the omega is to your
I held on to the chair to stop myself from leaping at him. They were
talking about Josie like she was some sort of object with a buy-back
“On a scale of one to ten, how satisfied would you say you are with the
omega?” Tom asked, reading the question off his screen.
“Ten,” I responded.
A look of disbelief flashed over both alphas’ faces.
“Ten is completely satisfied,” Tom clarified.
“Yes,” I said.
Tom made a skeptical sound in the back of his throat and started typing.
“Using the same scale, how well has the omega satisfied you sexually?”
Patrick asked.
What. The. Fuck.
I wondered if they were asking Josie how well we satisfied her. I
doubted it.
“Not sure how that’s any of your business,” I snapped.
“Pack cohesion is absolutely our business,” Patrick said smugly. “Just
remember, it’s just us alphas here. You can be completely honest.”
My leg shook, and I took a deep breath. “Ten.”
“No one is perfect,” Patrick said.
“She is.”
I looked out the window, trying to slow my breathing.
The interview continued with increasingly invasive questions. I stuck to
our agreed-upon plan, even though it made me sick. I told them we
followed the DC-specified meal plan and discipline, and that Josie was a
good, obedient omega.
My jaw hurt from how hard I was clenching it.
“Alright,” Patrick said, looking at his watch. “That should do it. You’ll
be brought back to the lobby, where you’ll wait for the rest of your pack.”
“Is Josie out there?” I asked, already making my way to the door.
“I’m not sure if they’re done with her interview,” Patrick said, rolling
his eyes. “What a simp,” he muttered under his breath. Tom chuckled but
cut off his laugh with a cough when he caught my glare.
I didn’t care what they thought of me. All I cared about was her.
I threw open the door and faced the two large security guards who had
escorted me to the room. They led me back to the lobby.
The empty lobby.
Fuck fuck fuck.
I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and paced.
I didn’t have to wait long before I heard footsteps echoing off the
marble floors.
Four guards led Cam into the lobby. I couldn’t see any signs of a fight,
but they obviously thought they needed more alphas around Cam in case he
got violent. I wasn’t sure if four guards would be enough to subdue him
with the white-hot fury I felt through the bond.
The moment the guards backed away, I threw my arms around him. I
didn’t care if it made us look weak; I needed my pack brother’s
Cam returned my embrace. “You okay?” he asked softly.
I forced myself to pull away and gave him a curt nod.
“Where is she?” I asked through gritted teeth.
“They wouldn’t tell me anything,” he responded, his eyes glinting with
steel as he glanced back at the guards lining the room. “Fuck. I need her,”
he muttered, clenching and unclenching his fists. “If they don’t bring her
out in the next two minutes, I’m going to tear this place apart,” he
continued. I placed my hand on his and gave it a squeeze.
I heard footsteps again, and we both turned. Theo emerged from the
hallway, flanked by just one guard. That’s a mistake. Most people
underestimated Theo, but I’d seen him best Cam in a fight.
Theo’s hair fell messily around his face, and my heart stuttered as I
imagined Josie running her fingers through it. He met my gaze, and I saw
my own despair and helplessness reflected back at me.
I pulled Theo into a hug and felt a spark of surprise as he returned it. He
had gotten so much more comfortable with touch since Josie joined us. He
leaned into me, his body trembling.
“Any news?” he asked. Cam and I shook our heads.
Just then, I scented an omega. My heart leapt in my chest even though I
knew it wasn’t Josie—it was too much like caramel instead of our omega’s
sweet vanilla. I searched the lobby, trying to find the source.
Amirah strode towards us, and relief washed through me. She would tell
us what was going on. She was smiling, but as I watched her, I noticed the
tightness of her eyes, the slight forced edge of the curve of her lips. Alarm
bells rang in my chest.
“Good afternoon, Pack Ashwood,” Amirah said, stopping in front of us.
The air conditioning wafted the acrid, burnt notes of her scent over me, and
my panic intensified. “I wanted to be the first to congratulate you. You’ve
been officially approved as a pack.”
“That’s good news,” I stuttered when it became apparent that Theo and
Cam were too far gone to respond.
“Indeed,” she said, her eyes flitting side to side. “Josie should be out in
just a few moments.”
The statement should have filled me with relief, but the feeling of
wrongness grew in my chest.
Amirah pulled out her phone as if to look at the time before clumsily
dropping it. I automatically went to pick it up, and she kneeled down at the
same time. Our heads ended up close together, and I caught her hurried
“They’re coming to imprison me. Do not react when you see Josie. Take
her and go home.”
Ice flooded my veins as I tried to process her words. My hand shook as
I handed her back her phone.
“Thanks, Ben,” Amirah said as she stood up. “I’m off to lunch. Enjoy
your time together as a pack.”
She walked towards the entrance at a measured pace. No one would
have noticed the tense set of her neck without looking for it.
“Did you hear her?” I asked my brothers out of the side of my mouth.
“No,” Cam muttered.
I repeated her message, feeling the chaotic emotions in our bond
In another circumstance, I would be worried about Amirah’s safety.
Right now, I couldn’t think of anything besides getting Josie back.
Footsteps echoed once more through the lobby, and I turned to see my
worst nightmare come to life.
Chapter Two

T he leather straps bit into my skin, the metal table cold beneath my naked
torso. Shivers wracked my body as I struggled against the straps, even
though I knew it wouldn’t do any good. I’d been here many times… in my
waking moments and nightmares. What a fool I’d been for believing I
would ever be safe.
A single tear trickled down my cheek. I despised myself for how I’d
frozen when Glen and Dr. Bishop entered the room, how my limbs hadn’t
fought back when Glen unceremoniously stripped me of my sweater and
bra and strapped me down.
A year ago, I told myself I would rather die than be in this position
again, and I meant it. But even with my sweater cast aside on the floor, the
scents of my three alphas clung to my skin, reminding me I had a reason to
stay alive. My lip trembled as I wished they were here with me, protecting
me, fighting for me.
But I was alone.
Metal tools clattered as Dr. Bishop pulled them out of his bag. His hair
was so heavily greased it looked wet, and his skin was waxy and sallow. He
had never seemed particularly healthy during all those DA visits, but part of
me took a perverse pleasure in seeing how terrible he looked now. Maybe
he was dying. Maybe he would drop dead right this moment. Even Glen,
who was always perfectly put together, had wrinkles in his suit jacket and a
manic gleam in his eyes.
“Now, the protocol does state the device must be implanted with
anesthesia,” Glen said, walking over so he was standing beside me. “But
you’ve been a bad omega, haven’t you, Josephine? Removing the first
device without permission. Tut tut.”
Glen ran his fingers down my scar. I tried to jerk my arm out of his
reach, but the straps stopped me.
“Don’t touch me,” I bit out, anger and fear flooding my body in equal
“Omegas, when will they learn?” Glen said to Dr. Bishop with
exaggerated exasperation. “Little birdy thinks she’s in control and can wrap
her alpha around her every emotional whim. But no more. Alphas will
always be in control. Always!”
I flinched as he shouted, his eyes wild and his mouth spreading into a
terrible smile.
“The good news is this device has some new features,” Glen said,
nodding at the shiny, silver piece of metal. It looked like a small button
battery, almost identical to the one Sam had dug out of my arm. The room
spun around me and I almost fainted.
Glen caressed my upper arm, a sinister smile on his face. “We will be
alerted if you try to remove it this time. And this little device will make you
susceptible to alpha barks without any time limits or memory loss. I’m quite
proud of it.” He looked at me as if expecting me to congratulate him for his
innovation. When all he got from me was a blank stare, he turned away
with disgust.
Dr. Bishop cleared his throat and my muscles seized at the glint of the
scalpel in his hand. I couldn’t take my eyes off it as it neared me. His plastic
scent wafted over me and I gagged with the realization that he was aroused.
Without warning, the scalpel dug into my arm, the pain like white-hot
fire. I must have screamed because Glen’s hand clamped over my mouth,
keeping my face in a suffocating hold. Maybe he would forget to remove it
and I could just die here. Would death wrap me up softly and peacefully,
like a nest?
Wait, no! I can’t die. My alphas are waiting for me.
But with Glen’s hand over my mouth and nose, I lost the scent of my
alphas—all I could smell was rotten fruit. Black spots danced in front of my
eyes. I released a silent scream as Dr. Bishop used a metal tool to hold my
skin open. Blood dripped down my arm before the world went black.
When I came to, Glen and Dr. Bishop were arguing. My vision was
blurry, my mind uncomprehending.
“She’s mine,” Glen said. “I can do whatever I want to her.”
“Not yet,” Dr. Bishop responded, speaking for the first time with the
voice that had haunted my dreams for years. “Jericho said…”
“Fuck Jericho,” Glen hissed, his voice low as if he was scared of
someone overhearing.
Dr. Bishop glanced at me, and I thought I saw fear in his eyes.
“We have to follow protocol,” he said, turning back to Glen.
Glen kicked the table holding the tray of instruments, his face twisted
into a hideous pout.
“Fine,” he bit out, roughly undoing the leather straps holding me to the
table. “Don’t worry, little bird,” he said, his hand brushing against my
breasts as he unhooked me. “I won’t let you fly too far.”
The rest of the straps fell away. Sharp pain radiated from my arm, a
burning reminder of what they had done. A reminder that I was dirty,
Move! Get away from them! The voice in my head screamed at me, but I
just lay there, frozen. Finally, Glen gave me a push off the table. My legs
crumpled beneath my weight and I collapsed on the floor, my knees hitting
the ground hard.
My mind was too muddled to understand what I was supposed to do—
all I could focus on were my aching knees and how upset my alphas would
be if they bruised.
My bra and sweater landed next to me. I reached for them, not
recognizing my own hands. Whose body was this? It didn’t feel like mine
anymore. Maybe it never had been.
I fumbled with my bra, my fingers shaking too hard to do up the clasp.
Finally, I gave up. The need to be covered was more important than getting
my bra on. I pulled my sweater shakily over my head, keeping my eyes
glued to the floor.
“Get up,” Glen snarled.
I heard his words but couldn’t make sense of them in my head.
“Fucking spoiled omega,” Dr. Bishop said, kicking me in the ribs. I
collapsed on the ground, automatically curling into a protective ball. His
boot caught on my sweater and snagged it, ripping a small hole in the side.
My breath caught in my throat. Theo had picked out my sweater, and
now it was ruined. I bit my lip to keep from crying.
Angry voices and bitter alpha scents swirled around me, but all I could
do was run my finger along the tear in my sweater. Maybe it could be
repaired? My alphas will know what to do. I breathed in deeply. At least the
sweater still had their scents on it.
“Omega, get up!”
Glen’s alpha bark rang through the air, and my omega whined with the
need to obey. Somehow, my clumsy limbs found their way underneath me
until I was upright.
Glen laughed, the maniacal sound bouncing off the walls. “At least we
know it works.”
I swayed on my feet.
“For fuck’s sake,” Dr. Bishop said, gripping my arm tightly. Glen
grabbed my other arm, pressing down on the fresh wound. I screamed in
Glen smirked. “Guards are standing by to arrest the alphas if they fight
Bile burned my throat. They had planned this to have an excuse to
separate our pack.
I tried to stay upright, to look as normal as possible so my alphas
wouldn’t lose their shit when they saw me. I wished I could warn them, but
the hallway walls were spinning, and I couldn’t figure out how to move my
legs normally. Glen and Dr. Bishop dragged me until we entered the lobby,
the brightness from the sunlight bouncing off the white marble floors.
I lifted my head, my unfocused eyes scanning the room until I found
The emotional numbness that fell over me the moment Glen and Dr.
Bishop walked into the room started to crack.
Ben, Cam, and Theo stood in the center of the lobby, their eyes filled
with horror.
Chapter Three

“N o,” Ben gasped, his eyes wide.

A growl tore through Cam’s chest.
I just stood in paralyzed silence.
Josie was being dragged between Glen Jacoby and some motherfucker
in a lab coat—dragged because she couldn’t stand upright. They each had a
tight grip on her arms, their expressions gleeful. Josie’s eyes were glazed
and unfocused as she tried to hold her head up.
Her fucking sweater was on backwards.
“What did you do to her?” Cam roared, moving towards our omega, his
body vibrating with rage.
Amirah’s warning ran through my head. She knew what they were
doing to Josie and told us not to react. The precariousness of our situation
gripped me. We needed to get our omega to safety. Ben and I kept pace with
Cam until we’d crossed the room to reach our mate. Ben had a restraining
hand on Cam’s arm, and I knew I should do something—take charge, get us
out of here, but I was frozen.
Then Josie whined my name and reached her arms out to me. My vision
narrowed to just her, all other sounds falling away. I caught her, lifting her
with one arm under her backside and the other banded tightly around her
“Ow,” she whimpered, and I loosened my hold.
“Where are you hurt?” I growled.
Tears built in her eyes, and her lip trembled. She didn’t meet my gaze.
I wanted to rage, to roar, to attack. But instead, I tucked her head into
my neck and breathed in deeply. A certain peace came with breathing in her
vanilla notes, even though the suffocating scent of fear covered her usual
“—bill passed this morning,” I caught Glen telling Cam. Ben was still
restraining him, both of them looking at the two alphas with pure hatred.
The guards around the perimeter of the room moved closer, weapons in
hand. Shit, we needed to get out of here.
“They’re standard issue for all omegas now. Your pack just has the
privilege of benefitting early,” the other alpha said, his name tag identifying
him as Dr. Bishop.
Fucking hell.
A red haze settled over my gaze, and only Josie’s weight in my arms
kept me from lunging at him.
Dr. Bishop. That was the doctor who had put the first device in Josie,
who had sliced her open when she was at the DA.
Ben glanced over at me, clearly feeling my spike of fury through the
bond. I forced myself to take a few slow breaths. If Cam recognized the
doctor’s name, there would be no holding him back. I could see it now—
him lunging at the doctor, ripping him limb from limb as the guards moved
in and filled him with bullets. I caught the gleam in Glen Jacoby’s eyes and
knew I was right—we’d be playing right into their hands.
“We did you a favor. We have granted you every alpha’s dream—the
power to command absolute obedience from your omega,” Glen said, his
slimy gaze on Josie. I shifted so I was behind Ben and Cam, hiding her
from his sight.
“We didn’t ask for this,” Ben hissed, still holding Cam back.
Tears welled in Josie’s eyes. “Theo, my sweater ripped,” she sniffled,
pointing to a small hole in the arm of the sweater.
“That’s okay, angel,” I said softly. “We can get you a new one.”
“But you got it for me,” she said. Tears streamed down her face now.
“I’m sorry I let it get ruined.”
I didn’t know my heart could hurt like this, like someone had torn it
from my chest and stabbed it repeatedly.
“It’s not ruined, love. Never ruined. And it’s not your fault,” I
murmured, kissing her forehead.
I glanced up, noticing Glen and Dr. Bishop’s eyes on us. Fuck. We
needed to get out of here.
“Cam, Ben,” I gritted out.
The moment Cam saw her tears, he came over to her side. He ran his
hand down her arm in what was supposed to be a comforting gesture, but
Josie flinched. A spot of blood seeped through her sleeve.
Cam let out a vicious snarl, but Ben grasped his arm before he could do
“She needs you here right now,” he said, refusing to back down.
“I want to go home,” Josie whimpered, and that did it. Cam’s eyes
focused on her, softening with love.
“Of course, baby girl,” he murmured, running his thumb across Josie’s
trembling lower lip.
I kept Josie firmly against my chest, letting out a soft purr to try and
soothe her. I met Glen and Dr. Bishop’s stares one last time before turning
away. Every cell in my body protested leaving them unharmed, but Josie
was my priority. A time would come when they would be without their
guards serving as shields, and then we would get our revenge. I would do
anything to make this right, to earn my omega’s forgiveness for failing to
protect her.
My mind was a blur as Ben ushered us out of the god-forsaken building.
I walked as carefully as I could, not wanting to jostle Josie and cause her
more pain. She just tucked her face into my neck and breathed in. She kept
saying, “I’m sorry.”
I wanted to erase that word from her lips.
We got to the car, and Cam gestured for me to hand her to him. I shook
my head. “Not fucking letting her go.”
Cam snarled and turned, punching the car. Josie let out a startled cry at
the noise, fresh tears streaming down her face. Cam looked devastated
when he realized what he’d done.
“Both of you in the back,” Ben snapped, throwing the car door open.
I started at Ben’s unexpectedly sharp tone and followed his orders
without thinking. Cam got in first and held his arms out. This time, I placed
Josie in them before sliding across the seat. He held our mate with a
tenderness that made my heart ache. Ben started the car and pulled out of
the parking lot, muttering curses under his breath.
I ran my hand through Josie’s tangled hair, caressing her soft skin and
running my thumb under her puffy red eyes.
“Can I take a look at your arm, love?” The red spot on her sweater was
growing larger, and I had to breathe through my panic to stop myself from
ripping the sleeve off to see what they’d done.
Josie whimpered, her eyes closed tight.
“Please, angel,” I whispered. “I’ll look real quick. I just need to see if
you need medical care.”
After a few long torturous moments, Josie nodded. I tried to push her
sweater sleeve up her arm but couldn’t get it high enough.
“I need to pull your arm out,” I said. When I went to remove the
sweater, I saw she was naked underneath.
“Where’s your bra, love?” I asked, my voice strangled.
Ben inhaled sharply as he swerved. Cam growled and pressed Josie
closer, holding her face to his neck. Her cries were small whimpers as she
dug her nails into her palms. I slid my hands into hers, trying to protect her
from this small pain.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. We’ve got you,” Cam murmured.
I hated having to do it, but I stripped off one sleeve of the sweater,
revealing her arm. The bastards hadn’t even bandaged the wound. Blood
was dried against the sloppy stitches along the incision, which looked red
and jagged. I brushed my finger against the wound and felt something
round and hard underneath the skin.
God fucking dammit.
My mind couldn’t comprehend what they’d done to her again.
“We just need to get it cleaned and bandaged, angel,” I said, trying to
keep my voice soothing. I lifted the sweater just enough to see her ribs.
There was a bruise blooming on her side.
“Is your side hurting?” I asked.
“Not too bad,” Josie whispered.
I tucked the sweater back around her, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.
“I think we should call Angie to check you over.”
Josie shook her head, her lip quivering. “No doctors.”
I met Cam’s eyes and I knew we were both thinking the same thing.
How could we take care of her while respecting her wishes?
Ben stopped at a red light and twisted around in the driver’s seat,
reaching back to offer Josie his hand. She took it, pulling it in towards her
“Angie’s an omega, remember? We’ll make sure she doesn’t touch you
if you don’t want her to,” Ben said, squeezing our mate’s hand.
“You won’t leave?” she asked in a small voice that broke my fucking
heart all over again.
“Never,” Ben said, his voice low and fierce.
A car honked behind us and I wanted to scream. How could people
continue living as if everything was normal when my world had fallen
Ben reluctantly pulled his hand out of Josie’s grasp and turned back
“Okay,” Josie relented, her voice wooden.
I exhaled with relief and quickly pulled out my phone to dial Angie’s
number through our encrypted app. Josie curled her body into a tight ball on
Cam’s lap. She remained there, unresponsive, for the rest of the ride home.
Chapter Four

I heard low voices and a car door shutting as cool air brushed against my
skin. I kept my eyes closed, as if my eyelids could protect me from the
outside world. After Theo examined my injuries in the car, I retreated inside
myself. I imagined building a wall in my head, stacking brick after brick to
protect myself… to hide away.
Cold spread across my limbs and numbness found a home in my chest. I
didn’t want to feel anything. The only thing I allowed to permeate my wall
was my alphas’ scents. I didn’t even care that all their scents were bitter and
burnt with distress. I was just relieved they were here.
Strong arms lowered me onto my bed, but I kept my eyes closed. I
wanted to beg them to pile around me, to press my body against theirs so
hard I disappeared into them. But a sick feeling had taken hold in my
stomach. I didn’t deserve their touch.
“Josie, beautiful, can you open your eyes for me?” Ben’s voice was soft
and hesitant. My omega begged me to respond to him, but everything felt
frozen. Did I even know how to lift my eyelids anymore? Or move my
“Angel, please say something,” Theo pleaded. A vice squeezed my
chest at the pain in his voice. I needed to make it better, but I didn’t know
And then, two hands cupped the sides of my face and the scent of burnt
cinnamon surrounded me. The heat of Cam’s hands against my skin
unthawed me enough to open my eyes.
“Baby girl,” he said, his voice a strangled whisper. His brown eyes were
anguished and lined with tears. “There you are.”
I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I didn’t know what to say.
How could I ever come back from this? Now they would see how damaged
I truly was. Now they would finally realize they deserved better than me.
Cam’s hands continued framing my face, and I couldn’t stop myself
from leaning into his touch. He held my gaze for a few long moments. I
braced myself for his rejection.
“I am so fucking sorry,” he said, a tear streaming down his cheek. “I
will regret not protecting you for the rest of time.”
“What?” I croaked, unable to process his words.
“I should have protected you,” Cam said, his voice hitching.
“We all should have protected you,” Theo said, carefully lying beside
me on the bed without touching me. “I’m sorry, angel.”
Ben squeezed his way onto the bed, not caring that he was shoving Cam
aside. He didn’t seem to have any of Theo’s hesitation about touch, pressing
in so his warm body was against mine. Cam grunted in irritation, and
something about the moment was so perfect, so ridiculously normal, it
startled me out of my icy numbness. I lifted my hand, feeling like it
weighed a thousand pounds, and ran it through Ben’s curls.
“We shouldn’t have gone,” Ben said, hiding his face in my neck. “We
should have done everything to keep you away from that place. I’m sorry
we couldn’t stop them.”
“Not your fault,” I whispered, leaning into him and stealing comfort
from his touch. I reached out to Cam, hoping he would understand I wanted
him closer. He did, moving ever so carefully until he was seated against the
headboard, pulling my head into his lap. He played with my hair, gently
untangling it while Theo and Ben lay on either side of me.
My omega felt content and settled between her alphas, but maybe that
was the problem. Maybe she was the problem.
I wasn’t sure how long we stayed like that. I floated, feeling detached
from my body and the passage of time until Theo’s phone jolted me back to
“Angie’s here,” he said. He brushed his lips against my forehead. “She
won’t touch you unless you say it’s okay. And we won’t leave you alone.”
I nodded, unable to do anything else. I didn’t want anyone else in my
room, didn’t want anyone else seeing me like this. But my alphas wanted
me to get checked out, and I wanted to make them feel better.
I floated back into my protective cocoon behind the brick wall in my
mind. I vaguely registered Angie entering. Cam shifted as if he was going
to move but froze at my whine.
“Okay, sweetheart, I’ll stay right here,” he murmured, propping me up
gently against his chest.
Theo covered me in a blanket, shielding me from Angie’s eyes, before
pulling the rest of my sweater off. Cam kept hold of my hand, murmuring
praise I didn’t deserve.
My thoughts were a confused jumble.
Theo lifted my arm to show Angie the wound. I would have yet another
scar marking me as defective. Angie gave him instructions on how to clean
and wrap it. It stung when he touched it, and I bit my lip to stop myself
from crying out in pain.
Ben’s thumb ran along my lower lip, rescuing it. “You don’t have to
keep quiet for us, precious,” he said.
But I was scared that if I let out what I was feeling, the emotions
wouldn’t stop until they drowned me.
My alphas inspected my ribs, rolling me to my other side to ensure I
didn’t have any other injuries.
“Josie?” Angie asked.
I didn’t respond. Guilt curled in my stomach—I wanted to say
something to this omega who had done so much for me, risked so much to
help me. But my brick wall soared to the sky, walling me in.
“Josie, I’m so sorry to ask this, but did they touch you anywhere else?”
All my alphas stilled and it took me a moment to piece together her
question and my alphas’ reactions.
Then it clicked.
I shook my head and Ben breathed a sigh of relief and hugged me close,
careful not to aggravate my side. I wasn’t sure why Glen and Dr. Bishop
hadn’t done a pelvic exam… or worse… but I guessed they had other
priorities today. I had the vague feeling that they had said something about
Jericho, but I couldn’t remember what it was.
I reached up to touch the bandage Theo had wrapped around my arm
and realized they had sealed the device in instead of taking it out.
“Want it out,” I whispered.
“I’m so sorry, I can’t take the device out,” Angie said, sounding pained.
“It will alert Glen if we do. But I promise we’ll find a way to…”
“No,” I shrieked. “Get it out, now!”
My chest constricted and I felt like I was suffocating. I thrashed around
on the bed, trying to free myself from the blankets piled on top of me. I
screamed, panicked that I was trapped again.
Someone pulled the blankets off and Cam pressed me close to his chest.
I fought his hold, my body unsure of whose arms were around me, until he
started purring. The vibrations soothed the ache in my heart and my limbs
softened. Cam ran his hand up and down my back in a rhythm too quick to
be soothing while Ben pulled his shirt off and slipped it over me,
enveloping me in his scent.
“How do we know it will alert him?” Theo asked. “He could just be
lying to scare us.”
I forced my eyes open. Angie stood by the foot of the bed, wringing her
hands. “It matches the intel the Alliance gathered a couple of weeks ago…”
Cam cut her off with a snarl. “The Alliance knew about this and did
Angie blanched, taking a stumbling step back.
My omega whined at seeing her scared. I lifted my hand to pat Cam on
the chest and he placed his hand over mine, caressing it. He tilted my chin
to meet his gaze, and my breath caught at the fear and pain in the depth of
his eyes.
Cam turned back to Angie.
“Sorry,” he muttered, giving my hand a small squeeze.
“I don’t think anyone knew this was going to happen today, and
certainly not to Josie,” Angie said softly. “I’m sure Amirah would have
tried to warn you. We got intel a few months ago that these new devices
were in development. I’ve been working with an Alliance team to figure out
how to combat the device technology. I didn’t realize when we first met,
Josie, that you were the one who gave the Alliance the original device. We
used your old device to develop the alpha tabs, but when we realized Glen’s
larger plan, we started trying to develop a way to disable the technology in
these new devices.”
Her words floated to me as if through a fog. I didn’t care about
disabling the device.
“Please take it out,” I said, lunging forward to grip her arm. “Please, I
can’t stand it.”
“We’re so close to having the serum ready to disable the device,” Angie
said. “And I promise, the moment we take down this government, I will
remove it for you.”
My lip trembled, and I pressed my face to Cam’s chest.
“There’s another thing,” she said hesitantly, her voice sounding like it
was traveling through water. “Our research suggests that the device will
interfere with the formation of a bond.”
“What?” Theo hissed.
“As long as the device is inside her, any bonds will be… distorted,
She kept talking, but I couldn’t hear her words anymore. I was stuck,
trapped once more in a body that had betrayed me. My vision of a future
with my alphas, bonded and happy, vanished before my eyes.
Chapter Five

B urning hot water assaulted my skin as I curled up on the shower floor,

my arms tightly wrapped around my knees. I had turned the temperature
up as high as it could go, not caring that my skin was pink and stinging. All
I cared about was feeling clean, but deep down, I knew nothing could rid
me of the sensation of the cold metal table and their hands on my skin.
I’d been disoriented and panicked when I woke this morning, a
nightmare I couldn’t quite remember clawing at the edges of my mind. Ben,
Cam, and Theo spent hours cuddled up with me in bed, murmuring sweet
words as I tried to shake the nightmare’s hold. Their touches were careful,
as if they thought I would break.
With every touch, my shame grew into an uncomfortable tightness in
my chest. When it became too much to handle, I told them I wanted to
shower alone. They resisted at first, but I insisted, extracting myself from
my nest and heading to the bathroom.
The moment the bathroom door clicked shut, it took everything in me to
stop myself from running back into the bedroom and demanding that they
hold me.
Stupid, needy omega. So weak you can’t even take a shower by
A small whimper escaped my lips, but I fisted my hands, steeled my
limbs, and forced myself to walk to the shower. I needed to create distance
to prepare for their inevitable rejection.
Their inner alphas were urging them to protect me right now, but soon
they would come to their senses. They hadn’t signed up for a fucked-up
omega they couldn’t even bond. They deserved better.
I curled tighter into myself, feeling painfully exposed in the large
shower that was made to fit an entire pack. My omega whined at me to
return to my nest and my alphas. I ignored her, imagining stuffing her into a
small box, wrapping the box in chains, and throwing it into the depths of
the ocean. She was the reason for my suffering. Being an omega was
nothing but a curse.
Steam filled my lungs, and I gasped as I endured the onslaught of the
scalding water. I scrubbed my skin raw with a washcloth, freezing when I
brushed up against the soaking-wet bandage Theo had wrapped around my
wound. I ripped it off, needing to face what they had done to me. I ran my
finger over the fresh scab. This device was larger than the first, and I could
feel its bump in my skin. I choked on a half scream, half sob, as I started
clawing at it.
“Josie! What’s going on?” Cam’s panicked voice carried through the
bathroom door.
I opened my mouth to respond, but a strangled sob was all that came
“That’s it, I’m coming in,” he growled. I braced myself for a loud crash,
expecting Cam to kick down the door, but he just turned the handle and
eased it open.
The second his eyes landed on me, I burst into tears.
“Oh, baby girl.” He sounded broken.
Cam opened the glass shower door and swore as he felt the water,
immediately turning the temperature down.
“Fuck, you’re burning yourself,” he said, his eyes flashing with fear.
He snagged the handheld shower and tenderly rinsed my skin with cool
“No, need to get clean,” I sobbed, trying to reach the water controls.
Cam gently gathered my hands in his. “You are clean, Josie,” he almost
whispered, his voice hoarse as he turned off the water and wrapped me in a
“Dirty,” I choked out, flinching away from him.
“Are you afraid of me?” he asked in a horrified voice, immediately
removing his hands from the towel and scooting back.
See, he doesn’t want to touch you.
Dirty dirty dirty.
“You should go,” I said, turning away from him and pressing my face
against the cold tile.
“Baby girl, I would never hurt you. Please believe me.” Cam’s voice
hitched, despair twisting his scent.
My omega was screaming to throw myself into his arms, to soak up all
the comfort I could and soothe him in return.
“If you’re going to reject me, please just do it now,” I said flatly as I
tamped down my desire to be held.
Every good thing I’d ever had in my life had been taken from me. I
needed to be prepared for the same to happen with my alphas. They would
leave me, and I would be back where I was before we met—leading a
lonely, fearful life cut off from almost everyone.
“What?” Cam’s voice echoed through the bathroom. “What are you
talking about?”
“You deserve better.” My throat felt swollen as if the words were
fighting me, unwilling to be spoken out loud.
There was a long silence broken only by the soft drip drip of water.
I held my breath. This was it, the moment he realized they were all
better off without me.
“Okay, baby girl, there are a lot of twisted thoughts running through
your head right now. I know you’re probably not going to believe me, but
I’ll say it, anyway. I will never reject you. I will never stop loving you. You
are stuck with me, with all of us.”
He was right—I didn’t believe him. I kept my cheek pressed into the
tiled shower wall, refusing to turn around.
“Can I hold you?” Cam asked hesitantly. Before I could gather my
thoughts and tell him to leave, I found myself nodding.
He engulfed me in his arms so quickly it was as if he knew I was on the
verge of changing my mind. My back pressed against his chest as he pulled
me onto his lap. I squeezed my eyes shut, hating how perfect it felt to be
held by him.
Cam rocked me back and forth, his face pressed against my wet hair.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. So sorry this happened. I’ll do anything I can to
make it right.”
I leaned into his chest on pure instinct and then clenched my jaw when I
realized what I’d done. I needed to fight my omega’s desires. She urged me
to get closer, to wrap my arms around him and scent mark his throat. But I
couldn’t trust her, couldn’t do what she wanted.
We sat on the shower floor until a shiver rocked through me, the cool air
hitting my damp skin. Cam dried me off and dressed me before bundling
me up in a blanket. I retreated further into myself.
It hurt too much to feel.
I hid behind the solid brick wall I’d built in my mind.
And I stayed there.
Chapter Six

D ays Ipassed.
sank deeper into the darkness, numbness covering me like a
blanket. I clung to the void, grateful not to feel. If I stayed here long
enough, would I simply disappear?
The only sign of time passing was my daily rotation around the house:
nest, couch, kitchen, and back to my nest.
At least one of my alphas was with me at all times—holding me,
touching me. But I couldn’t feel their touch.
The first leaves were changing color outside the window. The world
moved forward steadily, persistently, uncaring that I wasn’t moving with it.
I was frozen, floating outside of my body.
I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to return.
Unfortunately, the numbness didn’t follow me into my dreams. There, I
felt it all. The fear and agonizing despair consumed me until one of my
alphas shook me awake, a scream still on my lips and tears streaming down
my face. I did my best to stay awake, feigning sleep so I wasn’t a bother to
They said nothing had changed between us. I was still their precious
omega. But everything had changed.
Glen Jacoby had changed me. Ruined me.
And I could never be put right again.
Chapter Seven

I ’d spent most of my life feeling useless.

A chorus of critical voices followed me every waking moment, just as
they had since I was a child.
Pathetic excuse of an alpha.
Not strong enough to protect your pack.
But nothing could compare to watching my omega, my mate, the love
of my fucking life, fade away in front of me. In the six days since the
Designation Center, she had barely spoken, barely eaten. She wore a
haunted, vacant expression, not even crying except in her nightmares.
I tapped my pen against my desk, the steady rhythm forming the
soundtrack to my anxious thoughts. Whenever my guilt became too much
to handle, I slunk away to my office to throw myself into Alliance work.
But even that felt hopeless. Amirah’s encrypted message sat open on my
laptop, confirming she and her pack had made it to a safe house after the
threat of her arrest. Whoever tipped her off hadn’t bothered to warn us of
Glen’s plans, and resentment burned in my chest at the injustice. Our pack
had poured countless hours, energy, and money into the Alliance. Weren’t
they supposed to return the favor? Protect us?
I threw the pen across the room, holding in a scream as I had a
flashback of Josie being dragged by Glen and Dr. Bishop, agony rolling off
her in waves of burnt, acrid scent so warped it was nearly unrecognizable to
me. I could spend all day blaming others for what happened, but deep
down, the blame was all mine. I should have protected my omega, my pack.
This was my failure.
When we first got the call to bring Josie in, I had been so fucking
convinced the Designation Center would play by the rules. If we just
prepared enough, researched enough, we would come out unscathed. I
didn’t know how evil they could be. Or maybe I just wasn’t paying
But Josie had known.
I should have protected her, protected our entire pack from this pain. I
could have organized a safe house, whisked us away in the dead of night.
But what did I do instead? Played nice in a bloody interview while my
omega was being tortured.
Now she had shut down completely, and I didn’t know how to get her
The need to see her, to confirm she was still safe, burned in my chest
and urged me out of the office. Soft voices came from the kitchen, and I hid
in the shadows of the doorway.
“How about some potato soup?” Ben asked, his voice soft. “I was
feeling inspired since it’s getting a little colder out.”
Josie shook her head, her lower lip trembling.
“Please, precious, tell me what to do. How can I make it better?” Ben
pleaded, his voice low and desperate.
Josie opened her mouth as if she were going to say something, but no
words came out.
Ben tried a different approach. “Want to go sit outside? We can cozy up
under a blanket and drink some hot chocolate.”
For a split second, I thought Josie would agree. Her eyes sparked with
interest, and I caught a hint of sweetness in her scent. But then the mask
came over her face again as she clenched her fists. Why was she holding
herself back from something she wanted?
“Just want to lie down,” she whispered, reaching up as if to touch her
bandaged arm before abruptly dropping her hand again.
Her wound was healing well. I’d put another bandage on it this
morning, partly to protect the scab and the sensitive new skin growing
there. But mostly, I wanted an excuse to be close to her and trail my fingers
down her arm.
I didn’t deserve to touch her, but I couldn’t stop myself.
We were all coping—or not coping—in our unique fucked-up ways. I
was sure Cam was back in the gym, pummeling whatever he could get his
hands on since he couldn’t eviscerate the ones who really deserved it.
At least not yet. Because if I was certain of one fucking thing, it was
that we would end Glen Jacoby, Dr. Bishop, Jericho, Richard, and the entire
fucking government.
Ben tried one more time to get Josie to come outside with him, sighing
when she refused again. I turned away, unable to bear the devastation on
both their faces. I retreated into my office again, like a coward.
It fucking killed me that we couldn’t give Josie everything she needed.
That I couldn’t. As I stared at the stack of books I’d been reading to figure
out how to help my omega, I realized I had to get my head out of my ass
and accept that we needed more support. Cam, Ben, and I had isolated
ourselves after leaving our community, but our omega was braver than we’d
ever been. She’d made friends, gotten a job, and started a fucking illegal
self-defense class, all while being scared, traumatized, and alone.
I thought back to how happy she had been after I picked her up from
class. It felt like a lifetime ago. I knew she’d ignored the many calls and
messages her friends were sending. Should I just invite them over?
I tore at my hair, uncertain of what to do. And then it hit me. Sam. Why
the fuck hadn’t I thought to reach out to him? He’d been the one to help her
after she got the first device. Maybe he could help her now.
I pulled out my phone and dialed, hoping he would work a miracle.
Chapter Eight

“J osie?”
Theo’s muffled voice floated through my blanket cave in my nest.
Ben had left me to go shower. It was good that he’d left me alone, or at least
that was what I told myself. I couldn’t stand to see his disappointment when
I didn’t eat. How could I eat when I didn’t want to have a body anymore?
It was safer to be here. Alone.
“You in there, angel?”
My fingers itched to reach out and grab Theo and drag him under the
blankets with me. I wanted my skin pressed up against his, wanted to purr
until all traces of his stressed scent vanished and all that was left was
happiness. And arousal.
I slammed down a steel barrier against that train of thought. I couldn’t
do any of that. Couldn’t give in to my omega’s desires.
I slowly poked my head out from my hiding spot. Theo was perched on
the edge of the bed, his phone in his hand.
“Sam’s on the line,” he said, holding his phone out to me.
He didn’t touch my face or lean down and kiss my cheek. He just sat
there, phone outstretched. I didn’t move to take it. I didn’t want to talk to
Sam or anyone else. Because then I’d have to tell them what happened, and
if other people knew, it would make it real.
I met Theo’s gaze with wide eyes and shook my head, trying to tug the
blanket back over me. His hand stopped me and for the briefest moment, his
touch lingered, his thumb running down my cheek in a gentle caress before
he pulled away again. I held back a whine that would demand he put his
hand back.
“I know you’re there,” Sam said through the speaker.
I scowled at Theo as I begrudgingly took the phone. Traitor. This time,
when I threw the blanket back over my head, he didn’t stop me.
“Let me know if you need anything, my love,” he murmured. The bed
shifted as he got up. I curled up into a tight ball, succumbing to the darkness
of my cave once more.
The bright phone screen lit the darkness, and I sighed.
“Hi,” I croaked, my voice scratchy from disuse.
“Josie.” Sam’s voice was filled with agony.
My throat tightened. Just hearing that one word made me want to burst
into tears.
“They told you?”
Sam’s breath hitched, and then there was a long silence.
“Yeah, they told me,” he responded, his voice thick with emotion. He
paused, likely trying to gauge my reaction. But I had nothing to say. I was
“They also said you haven’t been eating or sleeping or even speaking
since it happened.”
I shrugged, even though Sam couldn’t see me.
“Josie.” This time he said my name with reproach. “They’re your
alphas. They want you to lean on them. No, they need you to lean on them.
Why are you pulling away?”
I was going to deflect, change the subject, tell him it was none of his
business. But when I opened my mouth, I blurted out, “All I do is ruin
people’s lives.”
Sam made a noise that was halfway between a grunt and a scoff. “How
do you figure that?”
“I ruined yours. You had to pay my rent. You risked getting arrested
every time you got me suppressants. You’ve spent the past year worrying
about me when you should have been enjoying your new life with Gerald.”
There. I’d finally done it—spoken the truth. Now Sam would realize he
was better off without me, too.
“I didn’t have to do any of that shit,” he snapped. He breathed heavily,
and I could imagine him pacing. “I did it out of love.”
I covered my mouth tightly to hold back a sob as the emotions I’d
locked away in the tiny box tried to escape. I breathed through my nose,
forcing my body to calm down and my heart rate to settle. Once I had all
my feelings stuffed back where they belonged, I responded in what I hoped
was a convincingly calm and logical tone.
“I appreciate everything you’ve done, but right now, it’s better for me to
keep my distance from everyone. It’s not safe to be around me. Glen isn’t
going to let go of this fixation he has on me.”
“So we should all just leave you to him, is that it?” Sam snapped.
I bit my lip as an awkward silence fell between us.
Sam sighed. “Do you remember the day you revealed as an omega?”
His tone was pointed, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment. Sam
and I had been sixteen, and our families forced us to attend a party at Glen’s
home. We’d slipped away after dinner, escaping out a secret exit we’d
discovered with a bottle of champagne and a plate of desserts. We’d lain on
Sam’s jacket on the forest floor behind the mansion, watching the stars
peeking through the trees as we passed the champagne back and forth. It
was a chilly night, but my skin felt hot and prickly. I hadn’t realized what
was happening. All I knew was that Sam’s scent was stronger than ever
before, and my body craved being closer to him. I needed his scent on me,
so I rolled on top of him and licked his throat.
Sam had quickly realized what was happening since he’d revealed as an
alpha just the week before. He’d clutched me to his chest, covered me with
his jacket, and ran around the house to get us into a car and drive me home.
I groaned. “We swore to never speak of it again.”
“I wasn’t talking about the throat licking,” Sam said, amusement in his
There had never been anything sexual between us, but in that moment,
my omega had been overwhelmed. All she knew was that there was a good-
smelling alpha near us, and she wanted to taste him.
“Do you remember how Glen reacted when he caught us in the
driveway?” Sam’s voice turned serious.
I struggled to piece together the memory. Most of what I remembered
that night was my emotions and hormones going haywire, reacting to all the
scents around me. Faintly, I remembered Sam’s desperate hands on me,
grasping my shoulders in a way that made me moan before he pushed me
into the house.
“The gross fuck scented you were an omega, and I thought he was
going to try to take you away from me right then and there,” Sam said.
“You were so out of it at that point. We hid in the library. I watched through
the crack in the door as your parents argued with Glen about something, and
it almost looked like they came to some sort of agreement. Then you
whined, and your parents found us and took you home.”
Sam’s words stirred memories I’d repressed, and I burrowed deeper into
the pillows.
“I don’t know why he’s always been so fixated on me. That’s why
everyone would be better off if I went away,” I said.
“Fuck that. Don’t pretend you’re doing this for them, or me, or any of
your friends. You’re martyring yourself and saying it’s for all our sake, but
in reality, you’re just trying to protect yourself from getting hurt again.”
“So what if I am?” I shouted, sitting up, my face flushing red. “Why
does it matter why I’m doing what I’m doing? The outcome is the same. I
have to protect everyone else.”
“It matters because your life is worth more than that,” Sam growled, his
tone vicious. “You have people who love you and need you. Those alphas
of yours are losing their absolute shit right now. You think I’ve been here
relaxing and enjoying my life after you messaged me saying you had to go
to the DC, and then I didn’t hear from you for six fucking days?”
My lip trembled and I pressed my face into the palms of my hands. “I’m
sorry,” I whispered. “So sorry.”
“No, Josie, fuck. Don’t apologize,” Sam said. “I’m not angry at you.
I’m fucking furious at what they did to you and pissed that I can’t be there.”
“I don’t think I can survive this again,” I confessed.
“You can and you will. You survived last time in much harder
“This device is different. Any alpha can make me do what they want,
and I can’t fight it. What if I leave the house and an alpha barks at me? I
can’t do this.” My voice was high-pitched, and I was close to
“You’re forgetting that the Alliance is working to neutralize the effects
of the device through a serum injection. They’re getting close, too. You
won’t have to deal with this for long.”
It was the same thing my alphas had been repeating over and over, but I
couldn’t let myself believe it. I’d been let down too many times before.
As if sensing my skepticism, Sam continued.
“I’ve spoken to one of the scientists working on it. You’re not going to
fucking believe this—she’s an omega. So she knows what’s at stake.”
That got my attention. A tendril of warmth curled in my chest that
omegas in other provinces cared about what was happening to us here. I
would never meet them, but we were connected by our designation, by this
inherent understanding of what it felt like to be an omega. The realization
cracked my protective numbness as I started to feel. I lay back down under
the blanket, needing its protection.
“It doesn’t change the fact that I’m damaged,” I whispered.
“How are you damaged?” Sam asked.
Tears dripped down my face onto my pillow below. I quickly wiped
them, not wanting to mess up the perfect blend of scents on the pillowcase.
“Everything about me is wrong. I wasn’t a good omega to begin with,
and now I’m all tainted.”
“Being good is overrated,” Sam said.
I smiled in spite of myself. We’d had this same conversation many
times growing up when I got down on myself after being berated by my
mother or pack fathers.
“Don’t give them that kind of power, Josie. No one has the power to
taint you—not Glen, that fucking doctor, or anyone else. Remember what
you told me the night you revealed? You said your designation changed
nothing. You were going to live your life how you wanted to, and no one
would stop you.”
“I was naïve,” I said. The girl I’d been back then—so confident and
alive—felt like a distant ghost, almost as if she’d never truly been real.
“You’ve been dealt a lot of shit cards, but that sixteen-year-old omega
knew what she was talking about. Maybe you need to remember.”
“Wish you were here,” I whispered, trying to dislodge the comfort
Sam’s words provided. I couldn’t allow myself to be hopeful. I wasn’t sure
I would survive the disappointment.
“Me, too. But I’m not, so you have to take care of yourself. I know it’s
so fucking unfair for me to say you have to hold on, or wait, or just be
patient, but you do. You don’t have any other choice because I will not lose
you. Those three alphas of yours certainly aren’t. Even though they should
have protected you from this.”
A surge of anger and protectiveness filled my chest. “You don’t know
what you’re talking about. This isn’t their fault at all,” I snapped, my omega
Sam snorted out a laugh. “Well, fuck. I owe Gerald ten bucks. He said
all I needed to do to get you to snap out of this was insult your alphas.”
“You suck,” I pouted, feeling my emotions lighten in the way only Sam
could do. “And Gerald’s on my shit list, too,” I muttered.
“I’ll let him know,” Sam said cheerfully. “And you better start
responding to my texts, or you’ll be on my shit list. Understand?”
“You can’t just fix this, fix me, by pissing me off.”
“Ah, Josie. That’s where you’re wrong. You don’t need fixing. You’ve
always been whole. The entire world can try to break you, but they can’t
break what was never theirs to begin with. You belong to yourself, and
you’re only as broken as you let yourself feel. Omegas are the center of
everything, the true power in our society. Don’t forget that.”
I squeezed my eyes shut against the tidal wave of emotion.
“Plus, it’s sooo easy to piss you off. Omegas. So sensitive.”
I snorted. “Fuck off.”
Sam chuckled and I could imagine his broad smile, which always felt
like sunshine. “Love you, Josie.”
“I love you.”
I hung up the phone and wrapped myself around a body pillow. I felt a
hopefulness and an aliveness I hadn’t all week, but with those emotions
came the overwhelming terror I’d been trying to keep at bay. I tried to crawl
back into my dark hole of numbness, but it was as if Sam had scraped away
my protective outer layer, leaving me exposed.
Chapter Nine

I kept my breathing even so my alphas would think I was asleep, but my

heart wouldn’t stop racing. I shifted enough so I could see the clock on
the nightstand. Three o’clock in the morning. My emotions clawed at my
chest, and I wished I could return to the numbness I’d felt before talking
with Sam. I didn’t want to feel my body right now. Didn’t want to feel
Silent tears streamed down my face as I tried to force myself to stay
still, but the need to move, to release this emotional pain, was
overwhelming. I sat up, my breathing quickening.
“Baby girl?” Cam’s voice was low and sleepy, and I cursed myself for
waking him. I didn’t want them to feel obligated to take care of me.
You’re so weak. Why are you like this? Pathetic. Useless.
I clenched my jaw, trying to come up with anything to help me argue
against the cruel voice in my head, but there was nothing. Maybe the voice
was right. I’d been fooling myself all along to think I could live a different
life. I should have known the moment Glen set his sights on me years ago
that I would never have a happy ending. And here I was, dragging three of
the most loving and caring alphas down into hell with me.
Cam sat up and pulled me into his lap before I realized what was
happening, and Ben and Theo shifted closer to us.
“No!” I whined, pushing against his chest. Cam let go immediately. I
shuffled on my hands and knees to the foot of the bed.
“I need to be alone,” I blurted out, practically tumbling out of bed and
landing on the soft rug.
Someone turned on a lamp. The glow felt like an uncomfortable
spotlight, and I averted my eyes.
“You need your rest, precious,” Ben said softly, peering over the edge of
the bed.
“Did you have a bad dream?” Theo asked, his voice tight.
“I just need some time alone,” I said, crawling towards the door. Why
were my limbs not working? I could barely keep my arms underneath me.
Weak. Weak. Weak.
“Sweetheart,” Cam pleaded.
I forced myself not to turn around, forced myself to keep going. Once I
got to the door, I used the wall to help pull myself up.
“Just go back to sleep,” I said, pulling the door open and shutting it
behind me.
I slumped against the door and took a shuddering breath, waiting to see
how my alphas would react. I expected them to open the door and demand
that I return to bed. Maybe they would pull me into their arms, cuddle me,
and force me to tell them how I was feeling.
But there was silence.
A sob burst from my chest.
I took off down the hallway in a frantic jog, trying to figure out where to
go. Maybe I should leave? It wasn’t like I had anywhere to go, but at least
my alphas would be protected if I left. I could take one of the cars in the
garage and just drive. But then… what would happen if I got caught? I’d be
arrested and who knew what would happen to them?
I squeezed my hands on the sides of my head as my panicked, racing
thoughts screamed at me. I kept moving my feet. I didn’t know where I was
going. I just knew I had to keep moving.
Finally, I stopped and looked around, realizing I had followed Cam’s
scent to the basement level. The door to the gym was straight ahead. I took
a deep breath as I flipped the light switch. Maybe this is what I needed.
I approached the black punching bag and started hitting it, the leather
stinging my hands with each hit. My punches barely shifted the bag, which
filled me with rage. I let out a frustrated growl and hit harder, reveling in
the pain shooting through my knuckles.
The low creak of the door let me know I wasn’t alone, but I refused to
look up.
“Josie,” Cam’s voice said softly from behind me.
“I’m not going back to bed,” I said, keeping my focus on the bag. If I
looked at him right now, I would fall apart.
“That’s your choice, sweetheart. But if you’re going to use the bag, I
need you to wear gloves.”
“I’m fine,” I said stubbornly.
I went to punch the bag again, but instead of hitting leather, my fist
landed in Cam’s outstretched hand.
I met his gaze with a scowl.
“Gloves are non-negotiable,” he said with an infuriating calm, gently
rubbing my tender, red knuckles.
I ripped my hand out of his and saw him flinch before covering his
reaction with a mask of calm.
“I said I wanted to be alone,” I snapped. I turned away from Cam and
froze when I saw Theo and Ben standing by the gym door.
I let out a shriek, feeling trapped under their watchful gazes.
Theo lurched towards me, arms out as if to pull me into an embrace, but
then stopped himself.
“Precious…” Ben said, his eyes wide.
“Don’t call me that!” I shouted, moving away from the three of them
until my back hit the wall.
“Why not?” Ben almost whispered.
“Because I’m not! I’m not precious. You shouldn’t be around me
anymore. I’m tainted.”
The three of them growled, and my body urged me to submit.
“Don’t say that,” Cam snapped, his jaw clenched. “You. Are. Not.
“Yes, I am! I have this… again…” I gestured to my arm, unable to look
at the bandage Theo had so tenderly placed there earlier. I didn’t think it
even needed to be bandaged anymore, but it made me feel cared for, and my
omega couldn’t fucking resist his care. I hated her for it.
“That doesn’t mean you’re tainted,” Ben said, taking a few hesitant
steps towards me. “You are precious, Josie.”
“No! You don’t get it!” My breaths were coming faster now, and I was
growing lightheaded. “Use your bark on me,” I demanded, looking at Cam.
“Do it.”
This was the only way I could prove how damaged I was. If they had to
see it to understand, so be it.
“Baby girl,” he said softly. “I don’t want to do that to you. I would
never force you.”
“But you have to do it. You have to see for yourselves,” I responded,
clawing at my upper arms without realizing what I was doing.
“Josie, angel, don’t hurt yourself,” Theo pleaded, his gaze fixed on the
deep scratches reddening my skin.
“Then do it!” I shrieked.
Cam looked like he was in pain, but finally, in the softest, gentlest voice
I’d ever heard from him, he barked, “Sit down.”
My body complied immediately. There was no chance to resist, nothing
in me that could fight the command.
Nausea churned in my stomach. This was so different from the previous
device. The old one had put me in a trance-like state where I couldn’t
remember anything that happened, but it was time-limited. Once I woke
from the trance, I knew it would be a while before they could do it again.
I’d never understood why they couldn’t use the device all the time, but it
had been something to hold on to. I didn’t know which was worse—the
agonizing fear of not knowing what they’d done to me or being fully aware
but never having a reprieve from alpha control. All my work trying to fight
alpha barks was useless now.
“Again,” I said, unable to meet Cam’s tortured gaze.
“Sweetheart…” he said, moving towards me.
I scooted away from him.
His jaw flexed and he looked away. Ben and Theo were standing on
either side of him. Ben had tears streaming down his face.
“Do it again!” I shouted, panic rushing through me.
“Stand up.” Cam infused his whisper with his bark.
Immediately, I was on my feet. I stood, frozen in place, my arms and
legs shaking. I felt like I was losing my mind, losing my connection with
my body. How could this be happening again? White-hot rage filled me as
Glen’s smug face popped into my mind. I let out a scream and ran to the
side of the room with free weights. I started throwing the lighter dumbbells.
They hit the padded floor with dissatisfying thumps.
See how pathetic you are?
I screamed at the cruel voice, my hand clawing at the bandage on my
Suddenly, Cam was in front of me, grasping my hands in his.
“Let me go!” I shrieked.
“Can’t let you hurt yourself,” he said, steel and agony in his voice.
I ripped my hands out of his and pushed him. He didn’t move an inch,
which fueled my fury. I pushed him again and started banging my fists
against his chest.
“That’s it, baby girl. Hit me. I can take it,” Cam said gently.
Tears blurred my vision and my sobs filled the room.
“It’s not fair,” I cried, hitting Cam’s chest again. “Not fair.”
My hits came slower until my arms were too heavy to lift. I collapsed
against Cam, who caught me tight against his body. My chest heaved with
sobs and my legs could no longer hold my weight. Cam’s arms stayed
locked around my back, the only thing keeping me from collapsing.
Ben and Theo moved in behind me, the heat of their bodies burning
against my back. All three of my alphas were purring, the gentle vibrations
moving through my body as my sobs slowed. I inhaled and allowed their
scents to calm my nervous system.
Theo gently grasped my hand, examining whatever damage I had done.
He placed gentle kisses on each knuckle and the palm of my hand before
moving so he could tend to the other one. Ben skimmed his lips and nose
down my cheeks, breathing in deeply.
And Cam just stood, solid, unmoving, with his arms around me, holding
me as I fell apart.
I didn’t know how much time passed before Cam shifted his hands to
my thighs and picked me up. I automatically wrapped my arms and legs
around him.
“Need to take care of your hands,” he grunted.
I pressed my face to his neck and closed my eyes as he carried me
through the house before settling down on the sectional in the den. I jumped
as something cold pressed against my hand.
“Sorry, love, it’s just an ice pack,” Theo said, kissing me on the cheek
before moving to my other side and pressing another ice pack on my
I cracked my eyes open and took in Theo’s furrowed brow.
“Don’t do that again,” he said sternly, meeting my gaze. “You’re not
allowed to hurt yourself.”
“My hands are fine,” I responded. The skin only stung a little. I’d felt
worse after self-defense class.
“Don’t even try to dissuade his fussing,” Ben said, running his hand
through my hair.
Theo just grunted and continued examining my hands. It was absurd
that he was so upset about some redness on my knuckles when I had a
fucking mind-control device implanted in my arm. But maybe Theo needed
to feel in control of something just as much as I did. I rubbed my nose along
Cam’s neck, breathing in his scent as Theo moved to tend to the scratches
on my arm.
Ben kissed my cheek before getting up from the couch. I whimpered,
reaching out to get him to come back.
“Just getting some snacks, precious.”
“Not hungry,” I said.
“Uh huh,” Ben replied, already halfway to the kitchen.
“Don’t even try to dissuade him,” Theo said, repeating Ben’s words. He
raised a brow and mouthed the word “fussing.” I felt my mouth turn up in
the smallest of smiles.
Ben returned, settling in next to me and holding out a piece of a
cinnamon roll. I opened my mouth to tell him I didn’t need anything to eat
when my stomach growled. He raised his eyebrow, and I begrudgingly ate
the pastry out of his hand. Ben rewarded me with a radiant smile. I ate a
few more bites before refusing more, my stomach still feeling unsettled.
I rested my face against Cam’s chest, and he tightened his hold.
Suddenly, I remembered what I had done in the gym. I hit Cam. My
brain had been in such a haze I hadn’t realized what I was doing.
I jolted upright with a gasp.
“Did I hurt you?” I asked Cam, my lower lip trembling.
“What?” he asked, furrowing his brow.
“Earlier when I… hit you.” My voice was a whisper, and my cheeks
burned with shame.
“No, baby girl,” Cam said, running his hand soothingly down my back.
“You didn’t hurt me. And even if you had, I wouldn’t have minded.”
I lifted his shirt, needing to see if he was telling me the truth. I ran my
hands down the planes of his abs, trying to find any marks I may have left.
There was nothing there.
“You sure?” I asked, tears falling down my face.
“I’m sure,” he responded, tugging me back so I was flush against his
chest. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Didn’t hurt me. My incredible,
gorgeous, brilliant omega.” He kept murmuring sweet words, easing my
“I’m sorry I lost it,” I whispered.
“Don’t apologize,” Theo said, cupping the back of my neck. “But no
more retreating. You have us to lean on.”
Tears blurred my vision again and all I could do was nod.
“Do you want to go back to bed?” Ben asked, glancing at the clock.
I hesitated. “Is it okay if we stay here?” I was still too anxious to sleep,
worried about who would find me in my dreams.
“Of course,” Ben said, cupping my face with his hand. “Want to watch a
movie or something?”
I nodded and leaned into Ben’s touch. Some background distraction was
exactly what I needed.
“How about the next movie in that vampire series?” Cam suggested.
Ben’s lips quirked and I pulled away so I could look at Cam.
“You want to watch Breaking Dawn?” I asked, a slow smile spreading
across my face.
To my amazement, Cam’s cheeks tinged with pink.
“No, just thought you might want to watch it,” he mumbled, averting his
Theo snorted.
“I don’t know, precious,” Ben drawled. “I think Cam is dying to see
Bella and Edward’s wedding.”
“Fuck off,” Cam told Ben.
“You must really love me if you’re willing to watch Twilight for me,” I
My tone was teasing, but after the words were out, a truth settled in my
chest. “You love me,” I said, looking at each of my alphas, my eyes welling
with tears. At this point, I wasn’t sure how I still had liquid left in my body.
“Of course we love you,” Theo said fiercely. He pulled me out of Cam’s
arms and settled me sideways across his lap. “How is that even a question?”
“Now you made him cranky,” Ben said, squeezing my leg. “But he’s
right. It’s never a question. We love you now, always, and forever.”
A little purr of happiness sprang from my chest as I pressed a kiss to
Theo’s neck.
“Now, let’s watch this terrible fucking movie that Cam loves,” Theo
I let out a shocked giggle, amazed that Theo could crack a joke right
now. I met his gaze and he winked at me, and that, more than anything,
made me feel like things might be okay again.
Chapter Ten

I guessed one cathartic moment and watching Breaking Dawn together

wasn’t going to magically solve all our problems, but I was still frustrated
by how unsettled things felt this morning.
Josie and I were in the kitchen. She was gazing out the window, her
eyes unfocused. Her wavy hair surrounded her face in a tousled halo, and
she was wrapped in a thick, pink blanket that carried all our scents. She
kept burrowing her head into it when she thought I wasn’t looking.
We’d all fallen asleep during the movie in the early hours of the
morning, and Josie had slept in, to all of our relief. Theo had been the first
to get up, leaving our sleeping omega with the excuse of having to do some
work for the Alliance. Shortly after, Cam headed to the basement gym to
torture himself and his body. They were both dealing with the guilt we all
felt in their own way, but I wanted to demand they all stay and cuddle and
spoil Josie. We needed time together as a pack after what we’d experienced,
but as usual, Cam was drowning his emotions with physical pain, and Theo
was doing the same with work.
Josie had woken up disoriented. She had looked around groggily and
whined—fucking whined—when she saw Cam and Theo missing. I held in
a growl, wishing I could knock some sense into my two idiot brothers, but
instead, I wrapped her up in a blanket and curled my body around her,
purring until she settled.
As she’d woken up more, her scent had soured with embarrassment as
she apologized for her emotional reaction the night before. She had nothing
to be embarrassed about. I couldn’t imagine what it was like for her to have
her body’s agency stripped away again. She had every right to be pissed
and throw things and cry. What my heart couldn’t handle was seeing the
hopelessness that had filled her eyes last night. I would do anything to stop
her from feeling that again.
“It’s almost lunchtime,” I said, trying to get Josie’s attention on me. She
kept glancing at the doorway, as if hoping Cam and Theo would
materialize. “What are you in the mood for?”
“I’m not very hungry,” she said, chewing on her lip.
I pulled it gently away from her teeth and soothed it with a kiss.
“You haven’t eaten all day,” I said, trying to keep the censure out of my
voice. But I couldn’t stand seeing her go hungry. Feeding her was one of the
few useful things I could do.
“Sorry,” she whispered, her eyes downcast.
Nope. Wasn’t going to tolerate that.
I got up from my chair to grab food and Josie whipped her head to look
at me, fear in her eyes. My heart clenched—was she afraid of me? But then
her hand shot out to grab my wrist.
“Please don’t leave,” she said. “I’ll do better, promise.”
I growled as I wrapped my arms around her and placed her on the
counter. She whimpered, clinging to me. I took a deep breath and purred.
“I wasn’t leaving, precious. I’m going to be stuck to your side like glue
from now on.”
“Okay,” she responded in a small voice.
I held her there for several long minutes, the soft music trickling from
the speaker, my omega’s arms and legs wrapped around me.
“Are you not eating because you’re worried about your weight?” I
asked, working up the courage to voice my fear.
Josie’s breath hitched, and I pressed her face to my chest, trying to
provide any reassurance I could.
“My body’s all messed up,” she whimpered, her hand reaching up to
touch her bandaged upper arm.
I grasped her hand in mine, pulling it away. The image of her clawing at
her arms in the gym last night haunted me.
“Not true,” I growled. She wouldn’t meet my eyes.
“I just… I just want to disappear,” she choked out.
My chest seized in pain as my heart broke a bit more. I wished I could
take all this suffering from her.
“Please don’t say that, precious. Please.” Tears spilled down my cheeks,
and for a moment, I felt that familiar shame that told me to hide them, that
real alphas didn’t cry. But then Josie wiped my tears away, looking at me
with love and tenderness beyond what I deserved.
“I’m not saying I want to die,” she said, biting her lip again. “I just
don’t want to be in my body anymore. It feels ruined.”
“No one could ever ruin it, Josie,” I said, wrapping my hand in her hair
and fighting the urge to run out of the house to destroy Glen Jacoby. “This
beautiful, wonderful, soft, perfect body is yours. No one can ruin something
that belongs to you.”
Her expression told me she didn’t believe me, but she didn’t pull away
either. I wracked my brain for something, anything that could make this
better. I remembered being in the pool with her one of the first days after
she moved in with us. She had looked so calm, moved so freely.
“Want to come in the pool with me, precious? The water’s nice and
warm. We can just float for a bit.”
Josie hesitated, glancing down at her body.
“Every one of your curves is a miracle to me. Every line of your body,
the feel of your skin, like heaven.”
Josie blushed so sweetly that I couldn’t help but kiss both of her cheeks.
She giggled and the sound felt like victory.
“Okay, I’ll go in the pool with you.”
I wanted to dance around the kitchen but kept my cool. I helped her off
the counter and grabbed a few plates of food. She looked at them nervously.
“In case I get hungry,” I said with a wink, leading the way out to the
“You’re so full of it,” she responded with a smile, leaving the blanket on
the kitchen chair and following me through the French doors.
I placed the food down by the side of the pool, hoping that my scheme
of getting her to eat something would work, and stripped off my clothes.
Josie’s eyes were heated as she ran them down my naked body, and it made
me want to puff out my chest.
I could see my breath as I stood before her naked, the fall weather
finally having turned cold. She fidgeted with the bottom of her sweatshirt,
looking unsure.
“Better move quickly, beautiful. Don’t want to keep me out here in the
cold. Some of me might shrink,” I said, waggling my eyebrows
“Don’t think we have to worry about that,” she snorted, her gaze
lingering on my half-hard cock. She pulled the sweatshirt off, and I grew
harder when I saw she had nothing on underneath. The gauze around her
incision caught my eye.
“We should cover that so it doesn’t get wet,” I said, cursing myself for
forgetting. “I’ll go get some plastic wrap.”
She nodded and I jogged back into the house, hating leaving her for
even a second. When I returned, her arms were crossed firmly against her
chest, her nails pressing into her palms. I unclenched her fists without
saying anything and quickly wrapped up the gauze as her teeth started to
“Sorry, precious. Promise the pool is nice and warm.”
My alpha growled, not wanting her to be uncomfortable for even a
moment, but at least the cold had helped her forget to be so self-conscious
about her body. I stripped off her sweatpants and underwear, forcing my
hands not to linger, even though I craved parting her lush thighs and licking
her sweet core. I wanted to wake with her taste on my tongue every day.
I took a steadying breath, smiling at her as I grasped her hand and led
her into the pool. A quiet moan slipped through Josie’s lips as she eased her
way in. My cock jumped at the sound, and I couldn’t help but draw her
body against mine. We floated quietly, weightless in the hot water.
“Feel good?” I asked.
She nodded, a blissed-out expression on her face.
“Good,” I said, kissing her on the lips. I wanted to freeze this moment
and hold it forever in my mind.
We kept floating in the water, skating our hands over each other’s
bodies, seeking comfort and reassurance. Suddenly, an idea bloomed in my
mind and I couldn’t decide if it was terrible or brilliant. All my life, my
fathers had told me I was too unserious, not aggressive enough, not alpha
enough. I’d worried that an omega would think the same thing—that I
needed to stop being so playful to be a good alpha partner. Josie needed
tenderness right now, but I also thought she needed fun. I made a split-
second decision, deciding to lean into my instincts. I pulled her close to me,
placing my hands around her waist. And then, before she could react, I
tossed her into the air. She fell back down into the water with a splash.
She came up to the surface with a shriek, a scowl on her face.
“That was mean,” she said, sputtering. She tread water with a glare. My
heart clenched for a moment. Did I miscalculate?
And then a wicked smile spread across her face. “You better run,” she
said with her adorable omega growl. Not that I would ever tell her I found
her growl as non-threatening and cute as a kitten’s.
I laughed as she lunged towards me, trying to catch me in the water. I let
her get close enough to touch me before moving away, repeating our game
until she was laughing and breathing hard. I snagged her around the waist,
drawing her against my chest and kissing her.
The soft press of her breasts against my skin was almost my undoing,
my cock begging to be wrapped in her heat. I hesitated, unsure if I should
see if she wanted to take this further. Was I just being selfish? Or did she
want that, too?
Caught up in my uncertain thoughts, I didn’t register Josie’s heels on the
back of my knees. Instantly, she pressed them in, breaking my stance while
putting all her weight on my shoulders. I went under, flailing for a moment
in delighted surprise. When I broke the surface, she floated away and
laughed with maniacal glee. I had done that. I had made my omega laugh.
I swam towards her, and she retreated with a squeal.
“Truce?” I asked, beaming.
She scrunched her nose, scrutinizing me, before letting out an
exaggerated sigh. “I guess I can take pity on you. Since you’re so
“Truer words have never been spoken,” I said softly, wrapping her in
my arms before kissing her tenderly.
She melted into my embrace, our kiss growing heated. She nipped my
bottom lip before sliding her tongue into my mouth. I groaned, reveling in
her sweet taste. I pulled us to shallower waters to keep us steady as I
gripped my hands under her thighs. My cock was trapped between us and
she squirmed against me, her slick core rubbing against my hard-on.
“I want you,” she murmured, her voice seductive as her lips grazed the
shell of my ear.
“You sure, precious?” I asked, my voice strained. It would kill me to
stop right now, but I would never push or pressure her.
“I want… I want to feel something good in my body,” she responded,
her eyes shining with vulnerability.
“I want to give you everything good,” I said, tightening my hold on her
thighs and grinding her against my dick. God, her curves were so fucking
Josie narrowed her eyes. “But I swear, if you knot me in this pool, the
consequences will be severe.”
Laughter burst from my chest. “First, I can’t knot you in the kitchen,
then in the pool...” I teased. “You have my attention, beautiful. What are the
consequences?” I’d learned my lesson on appropriate knotting locations but
wanted to pull out more of her playfulness.
“No more sex for you,” she said, scrunching her nose.
“Ever?” I gasped, trying to hide my smile as my cock nudged her
“Not ever… but like, for at least a day.”
“A very serious consequence, indeed,” I responded, gripping her neck.
“Promise I won’t knot you… at least while we’re in the pool.”
She shivered, her hips thrusting against me.
“You’re in charge, precious.” I was still poised at her entrance but
refused to push in. I wanted her to control this moment.
Josie didn’t break eye contact as she sank onto my cock in a single
stroke, settling her hips against me with a quiet moan. I panted, keeping one
hand on her hip and the other around her back, steadying her.
“You feel so good,” she said with a gasp.
“You feel like heaven, wrapped so sweetly around my cock.” I licked
the column of her throat, and she threw her head back. Her pussy squeezed
my dick, and I took a steadying breath to keep from coming.
Josie placed her hands on my shoulders and flexed her hips, trying to
gain some friction but struggling to get the leverage she needed in the
“Help,” she whined, sticking her lip out in a pout.
“Help with what?” I teased.
She huffed, trying to thrust against me again. “Bennn.”
I chuckled, gripping her hips in my hands. “You want me to fuck this
pretty little pussy? To make you come on my cock before I fill you with my
“Yes, please,” she gasped, her pupils dilated with arousal.
I moved us so she was pressed against the side of the pool, giving me
leverage. Unable to hold back any longer, I lifted her off my cock before
thrusting back hard, the water rippling around us. Her little cries spurred me
Josie threaded a hand through my hair in a stinging grip, and I groaned
at the sensation, loving her taking control. She tilted my head so she could
have access to my neck and sucked a patch of my skin, scraping her teeth
against the tender spot. I shuddered and had to hold back from begging her
to mark and bite me. I hoped the spot would bruise. I wanted to carry the
evidence of this moment on my skin.
My knot was inflated and I tilted her hips so I could grind it against her
clit with every thrust.
“Don’t stop,” she whimpered. “Feels so good.”
I continued the same rhythm until she tightened on my cock with a cry.
She slumped against my chest with gentle whimpers as the aftershocks went
through her body.
“You did so good, precious. So beautiful coming on my cock,” I said. It
was my turn to wrap my hand in her hair. “Now you’re going to come again
when I do.”
Her eyes were glazed with pleasure, and she pressed her face to my
neck. “Make me,” she responded.
I growled at the challenge, no longer holding back as I thrust into her. I
spread her ass cheeks and pressed a finger into her back hole with the next
“Can’t wait to take you here,” I said. “I’ll make sure you’re nice and
ready, all stretched and relaxed for me. Then I’ll slide right in, filling you
up more than you could even imagine. Maybe one day, I’ll even knot you
back here.”
She shuddered as she came with a cry, my name on her lips. I came with
a roar as she squeezed my cock, pleasure shooting down my spine like
“Oh my god,” she said, panting. “That was…”
“Unbelievable,” I finished. I wasn’t sure how every time with her got
better. “One of these days, you’re going to kill me.”
“As long as you come back to haunt me so we can have ghost sex,” she
said, eyes bright.
I snorted, keeping her body tight to mine as I tugged her over to the side
of the pool where the food was. I crowded her against the edge, her back
pressed to my chest. My cock was already growing hard again, although it
really couldn’t be blamed with the way my mate’s ass arched back against
“Food time,” I murmured in her ear, reaching around her and bringing a
sandwich to her lips.
She hesitated for a moment and I thought she might argue. But then she
opened her mouth and took a bite. Relief flooded me and I kissed her
“Thanks for taking care of me, Ben,” she said sweetly, leaning back
against me.
I continued to feed her, delighting in the simple enjoyment of caring for
my omega. I brought another strawberry to her lips and purred with
satisfaction as she took it from me, her tongue darting out to lick the juice
from my fingers. I groaned, imagining her tongue on my cock.
Josie rotated in my arms so she was facing me. My eyes were drawn to
where her pretty pink nipples were sitting right above the waterline. I
wanted to lick and suck them.
“My eyes are up here,” she said, teasing.
I tore my gaze away from her breasts. “I love you,” I blurted out.
She giggled. “I love you, too.”
The words I wanted to speak burned on my tongue, but I hesitated,
unsure if it would upset her. But then I remembered the fear I’d felt when
she was taken from us at the DC, fear that I’d lost her, and it spurred me on.
Life was too short to not tell people how you felt.
“If it wasn’t for the device, I would already have demanded you put
your mark on me. Permanently,” I added, reaching up to the tender spot on
my neck. “The second it’s out, I hope you’re ready because I can’t wait a
minute longer to be so tangled up with you we can never be separated.”
Josie’s eyes were wide, her lips parted. My brain started generating
anxious thoughts as I waited for her to respond. But then she launched
herself at me, wrapping her arms and legs around me with a splash.
“You still want that with me?” She cupped my face with both hands and
studied my gaze as if looking for deception.
“Of course I do,” I said, bewildered at her confusion.
“I just wasn’t sure you would still…” she trailed off.
I growled at the thought that anything could make me want her less, that
I would ever find her less desirable because of what they had done.
“I will never stop wanting you,” I said fiercely, holding her gaze.
Slowly, a wide smile spread across her face. “I want you, too. I want
your mark on me.”
I spun her in the water, needing some way to express my excitement,
and I was having trouble speaking around the whole, happy feeling in my
“It’s all going to be okay,” I said, kissing her cheeks, nose, and lips.
“They won’t win. I promise.”
Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. “You’re so sure.”
“I have no doubts about my future with you. We’re going to have
forever together, beautiful. It’s written in the stars.”
“Okay,” she said, a smile tugging at her lips. “If you say so, it must be
true.” She held me tightly, her hot pussy pressing against my cock.
“Beautiful, if you keep doing that, I can’t be held responsible for my
actions,” I teased.
“Then you better take me somewhere you can knot me, alpha. Because I
want to be stuck with you,” she said, her cheeks flushing a beautiful pink.
“As you wish, sweet omega,” I responded, carrying her out of the pool
and dreaming of the day we would be tied together forever.
Chapter Eleven

I memorized Ben’s features as he dozed next to me in bed. He had fallen

asleep as soon as his knot went down enough to slip from my body, but
had kept a firm hand on my hip, pulling me to him even in sleep. I smiled at
the thought that I had tired out my alpha.
I couldn’t resist tracing my fingers down the stubble lining his jaw,
shivering at the memory of what it had felt like between my thighs. His lips
were red and soft, his dark curls falling messily on the pillow.
Ben’s eyes fluttered open and he stretched before pulling me closer. His
blue eyes met mine, his skin crinkling with his smile.
“Sorry I fell asleep,” he murmured, pressing his face into my hair and
breathing deeply. His mouth-watering apple scent was mixed with my
vanilla, and I held back the urge to lick every inch of his skin.
“S’okay,” I responded, snuggling into his chest.
“How’re you feeling?” he asked.
“Good.” I let the half-truth slip out. I knew I should feel good, but a
restlessness was growing in my chest.
Ben tilted my chin so he could meet my gaze. “Want to try that again?”
“Are Cam and Theo mad at me?” I blurted out.
“No, precious,” he said with a sigh, kissing me on the forehead.
“Then why are they hiding?”
I’d loved my time with Ben, but waking up this morning without my
other alphas had stung, especially after how embarrassed I felt after my
meltdown last night. Theo and Cam had been so tender with me, but now it
felt like they didn’t want to be around me.
“Idiots,” he muttered under his breath. “I promise their reaction has
nothing to do with you. Even as teenagers, they both had this need to
protect everyone around them… maybe because they couldn’t protect
themselves from their fathers’ abuse. They saw me as a vulnerable kid and
brought me into their pack. I’ve never wanted to be aggressive and fight. I’d
just rather get along with people, and that put a target on my back.” He
shrugged as if this was some sort of flaw. I shifted so I was straddling him,
needing to look him in the eye.
“I love that about you,” I said, cupping his face. He leaned into my
touch with a soft smile.
“I love everything about you,” he responded.
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t stop from blushing. “Cheesy.”
“You love it.”
A smile tugged at my lips. He was right.
“Those idiot alphas we love so much don’t know what to do with their
feelings. They both feel guilty about not protecting you. Fuck, I feel guilty
about that, too.” He averted his eyes.
“Not your fault,” I said softly, resisting the urge to touch my arm.
“Yeah, well…” Ben responded, trailing off. “Cam deals with his
emotions through fighting. He wants to neutralize the threat and can’t do
that right now. Theo deals by withdrawing. He gets so anxious… I can feel
him through the bond. It’s like he thinks if he does enough work, he can
make everything right.”
My heart broke for my sweet, sensitive alphas, but my insecurity still
plagued me.
“Are you sure it’s not something I did?”
“Absolutely sure. Doesn’t make it right, though. They should be here
with you. Not that I’m complaining,” he said, gripping my bare thighs.
“They’re so jealous right now.” He winked.
“I’m going to see if I can find them,” I said, biting my lip.
“Good,” he said with a grin, helping me off the bed and tugging one of
his sweatshirts over my head. “I’m going to get started on dinner.”
I popped into the bathroom to tug on my sweatpants and try to fix my
hair. It had dried in ridiculous waves and I did my best to tame it.
Ben was waiting for me outside the bathroom. I leaned in for a kiss and
whimpered as he deepened it, gripping my ass hard. When he pulled away, I
was a breathless mess. He winked before giving me a little push out the
bedroom door.
Chapter Twelve

I walked out of my office just as Josie and Ben came down the stairs.
I had meant to grab a snack from the kitchen and return to my office to
hide for the rest of the evening. It had killed me to leave Josie this morning,
but I needed to stay on top of the Alliance’s plans. Maybe if I could help
dismantle the government, it would make up for not protecting my omega.
At least, that’s what I told myself. Deep down, I knew nothing could ever
make up for it.
Josie looked like an angel, wrapped in cozy clothes, her hair a messy
halo. She caught sight of me, and a hesitant smile spread across her face. A
smile I didn’t deserve. She rounded the bottom of the stairs and was about
to say something when there was a knock on the door.
I moved without thinking, shifting her behind me. Josie inhaled sharply
as Ben joined me in blocking her from the front door. Cam ran around the
“Was that a knock?” he growled in a low voice.
I gave him a curt nod and shifted closer to Josie, feeling her soft warmth
at my back. Cam pulled a gun from his waistband and stalked towards the
door, peering out the peephole.
“It’s a delivery person,” he said. “Anyone order a fucking enormous
I glanced back at Josie, who shook her head, wide-eyed. I was sure the
three of us were giving off enough alpha pheromones to stress our omega
the fuck out. I wanted to comfort her, but right now, her safety came first.
“Get Josie away before I answer,” Cam ordered.
Ben turned and wrapped his arms around her, carrying her away as she
“Wait, Cam,” she said, reaching out to him.
“Shh, it’s okay, precious,” Ben murmured, pulling her through the
kitchen to the patio doors in case we needed to make a run for it.
“He could be in danger,” she hissed.
“He’ll be okay. I’m sure it’s fine,” I said, trying to sound soothing even
as my heart pounded.
The three of us stood in tense silence, straining to hear Cam. I ran my
hand down Josie’s back as Ben murmured reassurances in her ear. Her body
trembled against mine. After a few minutes, the front door shut. Cam
popped his head around the corner.
“All clear.”
Josie broke Ben’s hold and launched herself at Cam. He caught her
easily, swinging her up in his arms.
“Don’t do that again,” she said, an edge of fire in her voice I hadn’t
heard since before the DC.
“Do what?” Cam asked, a slightly bewildered expression on his face.
“Order me away when there could be danger,” she said, staring him
Cam opened his mouth and closed it again, clearly at a loss for words as
his need to protect our omega warred with his desire to give her whatever
she wanted.
“Just want to keep you safe,” he finally said.
“I just… don’t want to be shoved to the side,” she responded.
Cam nodded before clutching her tighter to his chest, burying his face in
her hair.
“What was delivered?” Ben asked, breaking the silence.
“Come see,” Cam responded gruffly, walking Josie into the foyer where
an enormous rectangular package—probably eight feet tall—sat, wrapped
in brown paper.
“Umm… what is it?” she asked, pushing herself out of Cam’s hold as
she scrunched her nose.
“It’s for you, from Donovan Turro,” Cam said through gritted teeth.
What the fuck?
Why was he sending something to our omega?
My alpha was furious that someone else had given Josie a gift. She was
ours, not someone else’s to win over.
“Donovan?” Ben asked, his tone calm, but a spike of anxiety shot
through the bond.
“The famous omega who hosted the cocktail party,” I said, suppressing
a growl.
“Why would he send me something?” Josie reached out to touch the
package but quickly pulled back as if burned.
I glanced at Ben and Cam—their confusion mirroring my own. Omegas
were known to be particularly drawn to gifts. Some said that made them
shallow, but it was an instinctual urge, just like alphas had the urge to
provide for their omegas. When we had given Josie gifts, she’d responded
with the excitement of someone who wasn’t used to being given anything. I
thought it was fucking adorable and a bloody crime that she’d been given so
few presents in her life.
I expected her to unwrap the package immediately, but she was now
backing away from it.
“Don’t you want to open it?” Ben asked, tucking Josie’s hair behind her
I could scent him on her skin, and jealousy surged through me. While
I’d been locked up in my office, Ben had been with our omega. He had left
the bond wide open so Cam and I could feel every fucking thing they were
doing. Of course, the only person I had to blame was myself.
If I stayed away from her, I could avoid seeing the disappointment I was
sure I’d find in her eyes because I didn’t protect her.
Josie shrugged, trying to give off an air of nonchalance. “Maybe I’ll
look at it later.” She turned towards Ben. “Dinner?”
Ben quickly wiped the confused expression from his face, taking her
hand with a smile and tugging her into the kitchen. He glanced back at Cam
and me, but we just shrugged, completely confused why our omega would
resist a gift.
Chapter Thirteen

D onovan’s gift was calling to me. I could practically hear it.

Josie, Josie, you must open me.
I rolled over in bed with a huff. Stupid gift-loving omega. My omega
had gotten a taste of being spoiled by our alphas and thought she needed all
the gifts.
Frustration surged through me and I fisted my hands, my fingernails
piercing my palms. I needed to squash my instincts. Being an omega brings
only suffering. I chanted the mantra over and over.
Theo rolled over in his sleep so he was facing me, his arm brushing
against mine. He let out a contented sigh, his face as relaxed as I’d ever
seen it. I instinctively unclenched my fists. Ben was pressed against me, the
bare skin of his chest hot against my back. I hadn’t gotten a chance to talk
with Theo or Cam after the chaos of the gift’s arrival, but I knew I needed
to. I hated this distance between us, hated that Glen had caused it.
A few tears leaked down my face, dripping onto my soft pillowcase.
Being an omega had brought me tremendous suffering, but it had also
brought me the most intense joy. Was it worth it? Could I accept this part of
myself I’d always despised?
My mind flashed to the mysterious package. It was just sitting in the
foyer. All alone. Waiting for me to open it.
My omega perked up as if she sensed my wavering resolve.
If you have to be an omega, you can at least enjoy gifts. I had to admit,
the voice in my head was quite convincing.
Fuck it. I had to open it.
I’d never been successful in sneaking out of bed without my alphas
noticing, but there was a first time for everything. I knew I should wake
them and let them know what I was doing so they didn’t freak out if they
woke up and found me missing. But I felt the need to do this alone… this
felt like an experience that was just mine.
I slipped out of Ben’s embrace and climbed over Theo, cursing myself
for my clumsiness as my foot caught on the blanket. I landed on the floor
with a soft thump and held still, wondering if I had woken them. I poked
my head up over the side of the bed to find the three of them still fast
See, the universe wants you to open the package. It’s a sign.
I padded softly out of the room, leaving the door cracked behind me.
Once in the hallway, I broke out in a sprint. Now that I’d made up my
mind, I couldn’t wait another minute.
I slid into the foyer, almost launching myself at the package. I ripped the
brown paper, which came off in large, satisfying pieces.
After a breathless frenzy, the gift was revealed.
The foyer lamp only cast a soft glow, but I didn’t need more light to
know what I was looking at.
It was the painting Donovan showed me at the cocktail party. The one
he painted when he was young and coming to terms with his designation.
The colors were just as evocative as I remembered. My breath caught at the
bright red tendrils of paint at the bottom of the canvas. They seemed to seep
aggressively up the canvas like blood from a wound until they were met
with sweeping blues and greens. The colors clashed and fought for a
moment until the cool colors almost seemed to soothe and surround the red
tendril—separate but somehow interwoven in a dance of texture and paint
so visceral I yearned to touch it. Up close, the colors stood out in a tense
dance of opposition, but if I stood back, they became one. A new beautiful
A lump formed in my throat and all the emotions I’d suppressed broke
over me. I felt like I was splitting apart with the pain, but mixed in with the
suffering was the reminder that I wasn’t alone.
A watery, shaky laugh burst from me as I wiped up my tears.
I stepped close to the painting until my nose practically touched the
surface as if I could draw closer to this feeling of being seen and
understood. Why would he give this to me? It must be worth a fortune.
I caught Donovan’s faint scent and could imagine his younger self
painting this, pouring all his anger, confusion, and acceptance into it. I
crouched down to softly trace my hands over the bright red streaks.
Donovan’s scent was stronger here... almost suspiciously strong. Feeling a
bit ridiculous, I leaned in to sniff the canvas, gripping the edge to keep my
balance. My finger caught on something protruding from the canvas’s edge
and I tugged on it, pulling out a small envelope. I knew I had found the
source of his scent.
My heart beat faster as I flipped it over and saw my name. I scooted
closer to the lamp and pulled a small card from the envelope.

They will underestimate us until we prove
them otherwise.

I read the note again, my mind whirling. Who did he mean when he said
“they?” It could just be our alphas… but it felt like something more.
I gazed at the painting until the red and orange strokes on the canvas
transformed into a raging fire.
This past week I had disappeared into myself, just like I had when I got
the first device. But nothing was the same as it was back then. I wasn’t
alone anymore. I had my alphas. I had my friends.
Glen and Dr. Bishop had done their best to destroy me. They’d
convinced me that being an omega was the same as being weak and useless.
A tool for alphas to abuse. But that wasn’t true.
I was still here.
Hope bloomed in my chest, and it was a miraculous feeling.
I thought of Poppy, Westin, and Ellie, forced into lives they didn’t
choose. I thought of Jewel, so cruelly harmed by the government, and Sam
and Gerald having to move away just to be themselves.
We deserved better. And for the first time in my life, I believed we
could get something better if we fought back together. They were
underestimating us, and maybe we could use that to our advantage.
A wide smile spread across my face, stretching my muscles as if they
didn’t quite know how to make the expression anymore.
“Josie!” Cam’s roar came from upstairs, and I froze.
“I’m down here,” I called out quickly, cringing with guilt as Cam, Ben,
and Theo thundered down the stairs.
“Fuck, fuck!” Cam exclaimed as he scooped me up off the floor.
All my guys pressed around me. Their scents were stressed, but I still
felt giddy after my epiphany.
“Precious, you can’t do that to us,” Ben said, still out of breath.
“I’m sorry,” I said, biting my lip. “I just… wanted to open the present.”
A tense silence followed.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” I added lamely.
Theo pressed his face into my neck and took a shuddering breath. “You
smell happy, love.”
“I am,” I said, turning my head so I could give Theo a kiss. I wanted to
tell them about my realization, but maybe the middle of the night wasn’t the
right time.
“You like Donovan’s gift?” Theo asked. There was something off about
his tone, but I couldn’t pinpoint what.
“Yeah,” I responded. “It’s the painting he showed me at the cocktail
Cam inhaled another deep breath as if to convince himself I was really
okay before striding back upstairs with me in his arms.
“I guess we’re going back to bed,” I said, snuggling into Cam.
“And if you get up again without letting us know, I’ll tie you to it,” he
growled, punctuating the threat with a squeeze to my backside.
“Whatever you say, alpha.” I smiled into his shoulder, feeling lighter
than I had in weeks.
Chapter Fourteen

“W ho the fuck does he think he is?”

Cam’s raised voice stopped me in my tracks. I hovered around
the corner from the den, holding my breath to see if I could hear anything
It had taken a lot to convince the guys to leave me alone after we’d
showered together, but I had eventually managed it, practically shoving
them out of the bathroom. Doing my hair and putting on some makeup
made me feel a bit more… normal. The peace and solidarity I’d felt when
reading Donovan’s note last night still blanketed me. I was finally coming
back to myself.
“I don’t think he meant anything by it. He just wanted to send Josie a
gift. You said they both talked about the painting at the party, right, Theo?”
Ben said.
“Yeah,” Theo responded, his voice grouchy.
“What, you, too?” Ben asked. I thought I could hear an edge of laughter
in his voice.
“It’s bad form to give another pack’s omega a gift,” Cam growled.
“Everybody knows that. And we haven’t gotten her nearly enough
“You two think she’s going to leave us for another pack because we
haven’t gotten her enough courting gifts?” Ben asked incredulously.
There was silence and I could hear my heart beating in my ears.
“Oh my god. You really are upset about it,” Ben said with a chuckle.
“Well, at least I’ve made her lots of food. That has to earn me points.”
“I’m ordering shit right now,” Cam grumbled. I heard angry typing and
imagined him looming over his laptop, a scowl on his face.
“Me, too,” Theo said.
“Wait, Cam,” Ben said. “She needs those bath bombs.”
“Do you think she’s okay up there?” Theo asked. “Maybe one of us
should check on her.”
“I set a timer,” Cam said. “If she’s not down in...” there was a slight
pause. “Three minutes, one of us will go up.”
“She seemed better this morning,” Theo said, his voice hesitant. “She
ate some breakfast.”
Guilt washed through me at how stressed out I must have made my
alphas the past week. I knew they wanted to fix everything... fix me.
“Maybe we should watch that movie again for pointers on how to help
her,” Theo added. “She said she always watches it when she’s sad.”
I crinkled my nose, unsure what movie he was talking about. Surely, he
couldn’t mean…
“New Moon?” Ben asked with a snort.
My heart squeezed. My analytic Theo was so desperate to help me that
he was willing to rewatch New Moon for pointers. That had to be true love.
“But the girl in that movie was sad because that sparkly dipshit left her.
We’re not fucking leaving. Ever,” Cam growled.
“Hold on a minute. I think Theo has a point about the movie. Do you
think our property is big enough for dirt bikes?” Ben asked. I could imagine
his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“No!” Cam and Theo yelled in unison.
“Could you imagine her on a fucking bike?” Cam growled.
“She’s bad enough driving a car,” Theo said.
I giggled, remembering how panicked my alphas had been when I
drove. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth when I realized I’d made
a noise.
There was silence in the den. And then the sound of footsteps.
Ben’s head popped around the corner. He beamed, his eyes running over
my body appreciatively. “You are so beautiful.”
He wrapped me in his arms and I relaxed into him, soaking up his
warmth and cozy scent.
“Come get these alphas in line,” he whispered. “They are losing it.”
I giggled, pressing my body against his. “You going to get me a
“Fuck no,” Ben said with a wink. “But they don’t have to know that.”
I snorted. “Well, at least take your shirt off and pretend to fix stuff for
Ben’s heated gaze met my own, but I tugged him into the den before we
got too sidetracked. My underwear was already damp with slick, and I
craved sexy time with all three of my alphas. But first, we had to talk some
things out.
I plopped down on the couch, squeezing between Cam and Theo. Ben
huffed as he sat down in the chair across from us.
I eyed their laptops. Theo still had his open, and my omega wanted to
see the presents he had picked out. The moment I had the thought, I steeled
myself, waiting for the self-loathing to come over me, but it was more like a
faint whisper than a tidal wave. I didn’t want to crush my omega’s instincts
anymore... maybe I could accept her as part of me.
“Are you jealous of Donovan’s gift?” I asked, leaning into Cam’s body.
“No,” Cam said, glaring toward the foyer where the unwrapped painting
“Convincing,” Ben said with a cough. Then he handed me a mini
charcuterie board.
“How do you do this?” I asked, looking around. Where had he even
been keeping it?
“I don’t know about these other alphas, but at least I’m excellent at
providing for my omega,” Ben said, lounging back in his chair. I glared at
him even as I popped a raspberry in my mouth. He was intentionally trying
to rile Cam and Theo.
“I don’t need presents,” I said, but even I could hear the false ring to my
words. Curse my omega for being a materialistic brat.
Theo’s look made it clear he saw straight through me.
“We haven’t gotten you nearly enough courting gifts,” he said, running
his hand through his hair.
“Donovan’s present isn’t a courting gift,” I said, grabbing Theo’s hand.
“Better not be,” Cam muttered.
I studied Cam’s disgruntled expression and the way he had his arms
crossed in front of him.
“Are you pouting?” I asked, my face breaking out into a huge grin.
“What?” Cam asked, outraged. “Not fucking pouting,” he continued in a
voice that sounded suspiciously like a pout.
“We’ll be stepping things up,” Theo said. “There’s been a lot going on
since you moved in, but that’s no excuse.” His expression was so serious I
couldn’t help but giggle. My omega was practically doing the cha-cha. She
was so thrilled at this show of care from our alphas.
“I can’t believe you two are jealous,” I said, trying to stifle further
laughter. “Donovan is like three times my age.”
“Says the girl who was reading one of those age gap books the other
day,” Ben said with a look that told me he was doing everything he could to
hold in a cackle.
I shot him an exasperated look. I loved his teasing but was anxious that
Theo and Cam would actually get upset.
Then something happened that I didn’t expect.
“That’s true. Age gap and daddy romances are very in right now,” Theo
said, adjusting the collar of his shirt and opening up a new tab on his
computer screen with a straight face.
I whipped my head around to look at him, my mouth open. Theo
winked. My heart beat faster. Theo being playful and teasing might have
been the hottest thing I’d ever experienced. I wanted to throw myself at him
and kiss him all the way down his body.
“What?” Cam snarled, snapping me out of my dirty fantasy. He grabbed
my hips as he slid me closer to him. I kept the charcuterie tray balanced on
my lap.
“What what?” I asked in what I hoped was a convincingly innocent
Ben snorted and Theo pressed a kiss to the back of my neck.
“Don’t be cute to get out of this. What have you been reading?” Cam
I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. “I didn’t realize you’d be
jealous,” I said, widening my eyes. “Do you want me to call you daddy?”
Cam stared at me, his face frozen in shock. “What?” he finally
“Oh, Cam, I didn’t realize that’s what you wanted,” I said, leaning in to
kiss him. “You should have told me!”
Ben couldn’t hold in his laughter anymore, and his laughter set mine
“Brat,” Cam said, lowering his lips to my ear and wrapping his arm
around my waist. “You’re in trouble, baby girl.”
I wiggled in his arms and leaned in for another kiss. A few days ago, I
couldn’t have imagined I would feel this way again—happy, peaceful,
“Wait, so where did we land on you calling Cam daddy?” Ben asked,
wiping the tears from his eyes.
Cam rolled his eyes, but I swore there was the faintest hint of a blush on
his cheeks.
“You seem to be feeling a lot better today, angel,” Theo said carefully,
almost as if he was scared to break the spell.
“I am. Opening Donovan’s present…” I started before Cam’s
disgruntled growl cut me off. I glared at him before continuing. “His gift
reminded me that being an omega isn’t all bad. It doesn’t mean that I’m
weak or useless.”
Theo squeezed my hand, and Cam tightened his grip on my thighs.
“I’ve also decided it’s time we take down the government. I’m tired of
waiting. Omegas have to be more involved if we’re ever going to defeat
them. We need to assemble the fleet!” I looked expectantly at each of my
guys, but they weren’t reacting with the enthusiasm I thought they would.
“A fleet of… warships?” Theo asked, his brow furrowed.
“What? No, a fleet of omegas. Plus Clementine. Well, and Luc and his
pack, and you three, of course… Okay, I need a better catchphrase. I’ll put
out the bat signal because we’re going to take these fuckers down.” I hit my
fist in my hand and hoped my face was as fierce and determined as I felt.
“You got all of that from a painting?” Ben asked.
“I found a hidden note,” I said, pushing myself off the couch to grab it.
It was on the foyer floor where I’d dropped it after Cam went all caveman
on me last night. I slid back into the den, my socked feet gliding along the
“Here,” I said, holding the note out. Theo took it and read it out loud.
“What does that mean?” Ben asked.
“I think it means that most people, especially Glen and the rest of the
government, underestimate omegas, which means they won’t see us
“Okaaay,” Ben said, nodding slowly as if deep in thought. Then a
massive smile spread across his face. “So we’re taking them down.
“Yes!” I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet.
Ben jumped off the couch and wrapped his arms around me, twirling me
around the room. I laughed, holding on to him for dear life.
“I’ll follow your ship into battle,” he said, letting my feet drop to the
floor but keeping my body tight against his.
“That’s the enthusiasm I was looking for,” I said.
Ben placed his lips right by my ear, making me shiver with arousal, and
murmured, “You’ve got your work cut out with those grumps. Just know
I’m with you completely. I’ll follow you into battle wherever you lead me.”
My cheeks hurt from smiling as I pulled him in for another kiss.
“Alright, I’m off to do some baking,” he said with a wink, squeezing my
ass before leaving me with my two scowling alphas.
I rounded on Cam and Theo.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, knowing their reactions had everything to do
with their need to protect me.
“Don’t want you to get hurt,” Cam said, tugging me onto his lap. Theo
grasped my hands between his.
“I know,” I said softly.
I rubbed my face against Cam’s cheek and neck, scent marking him.
The tension melted from his body and he purred. This was the best part of
being an omega—soaking up love from my alphas and comforting them in
return. I pressed Theo’s hands to my chest so he could feel my own purr.
“The best way to keep me from getting hurt is stopping this
government,” I said. “And I need to be a part of that.”
Theo took a deep breath as if trying to center himself. “What do you
want to do?”
“I’m not sure what’s happened since Amirah went underground or what
the Alliance is even doing now. We’re all too fragmented. We need to at
least get all our Alliance friends together so we can share all the
information we have and figure out the next steps together. I was thinking
we could all meet at Jewel’s shop.”
I held my breath, looking between Cam and Theo to gauge their
response. The two of them locked eyes as if they were having a silent
conversation. I tried to be patient but finally huffed out a sigh when they
still weren’t saying anything or looking at me.
They both smirked at my reaction.
“Alright,” Cam said. “Send out the… err… bat signal.”
“Really?” I gasped. Before they could change their minds, I threw my
arms around them, squeezing them into an awkward hug before bouncing
off Cam’s lap and rushing upstairs to get my phone. Time to put my plan in
Chapter Fifteen

I smiled at the flurry of text message notifications lighting up the new

burner phone Theo had gotten me. Yesterday I’d texted Poppy,
Clementine, and Westin about joining the Alliance’s efforts. They had been
all-in on the plan, which I had expected, but what surprised me was their
outpouring of love for me. When I’d been trapped in my numbed darkness,
I had forgotten there was a world outside my suffering—a world where my
friends cared about me.
I blushed as Poppy sent an incredibly explicit text about her and her
alphas’ activities the night before. Ben materialized over my shoulder to see
what I was reading, and I rushed to close the text.
“Wait, that looked very interesting,” he said, trying to take the phone
out of my hand.
“We’re just plotting to take down the government. Nothing to see here,”
I said in a high-pitched voice, holding the phone out of his reach.
“You can plan my take down anytime you want,” he murmured,
wrapping his hand in my hair and giving it a slight tug.
“That doesn’t even make sense,” I said breathlessly.
Ben just grinned as he put a plate of a dozen muffins in front of me with
a flourish.
My heart lurched happily as Theo and Cam walked into the kitchen, and
a wave of relief washed over me that I had all my alphas together. They had
all been in bed with me when I woke up this morning, but the moment had
been too fleeting. I found myself getting stressed if we were apart, even if
just for a few minutes.
Needy omega.
They’re only here for breakfast, not you.
I tried to stuff the dark voice into a little box, smiling at Cam as he came
over and kissed me. Things still felt off with the two of them, but I felt more
settled after spending most of the day yesterday together, watching movies
and cuddling.
My smile almost faltered when Theo stayed in the doorway, his head
buried in his phone. He was dressed in a suit and tie, his wild hair the only
outward sign of his anxiety. I had the urge to undo his tie and mess up his
I forced myself to take a breath when he didn’t move into the kitchen,
trying to convince myself he wasn’t rejecting me.
“Is everything okay?” I asked hesitantly.
Theo looked up from the phone, blinking as if he hadn’t realized where
he was.
“Huh? Oh yeah, everything is fine,” he said, not quite meeting my gaze.
I wasn’t sure what to say to that.
Yesterday he had been so tender, and now he couldn’t even look at me. I
curled in on myself.
“Fuck,” he said, placing his phone on the counter before coming over
and wrapping me up in his arms. “Sorry,” he whispered. “I’m just nervous
about us leaving the house today.”
I nodded into his chest because I felt the same, but we all agreed that
meeting at Jewel’s was the best option. It was centrally located, had a ton of
security measures in place, and it would be easy to explain away a group of
alphas accompanying their omegas on a shopping trip.
“Maybe we should stay here,” Cam growled, putting his cup of coffee
down beside me.
“We have to go,” I said, looking between them, trying to sound more
sure than I was.
“Maybe Amirah had the right idea,” Theo muttered.
“You think we need to go into hiding?” I asked, biting my lip.
He sighed, running his hand down my face before pulling away.
“I don’t think so,” he said. “They already got what they wanted from
I couldn’t stop myself from gripping my arm, but then Ben was by my
side, tugging my hand away.
“We’re going,” Ben said, his voice carrying an authority I wasn’t used
to hearing from him. “Everything is set. We’re going to do this together.”

“A lright, that’s it. We’re postponing this meeting. You’re too tired,” Cam
growled as I yawned. We had just finished going over the game plan
for Jewel’s for the third time.
“What? No!” I responded. “I just need another cup of coffee.”
“You already drank your cup and mine,” he said, scooping me up in his
“I just yawned,” I said, pouting as I looked over Cam’s shoulder at Ben,
who was stifling a laugh, and Theo, who had a look of… longing? Before I
could decipher his expression, Cam carried me out of the kitchen.
“Yawning means you need a nap,” he grumbled.
I didn’t want to tell him I had yawned from the sheer boredom of having
to listen to him go over all the security risks of leaving the house over and
over. I knew Cam was on edge, and I wanted to be understanding and
supportive, but frustration welled within me as he placed me down on our
“I don’t need a nap.” I cringed as my voice came out in a whine.
“Why are you yawning, then?” he asked, crossing his arms and giving
me a stern look.
“No reason,” I said, mirroring his posture and crossing my arms. “I’m
going to Jewel’s.” I tried to make my voice as fierce as possible.
“You’re not,” he responded. His voice was calm, but he held his body
rigidly. “I can’t guarantee your safety out there.”
“But we can’t have everyone over to the house,” I said. “It would look
too suspicious. Taking your omega on a shopping trip is totally normal. And
you said you wanted to get me more presents.” I was being a bit
manipulative after how jealous he had been of Donovan’s gift, but I wasn’t
about to let him keep me from attending the meeting I had planned.
“You’ve never been interested in shopping before,” he said, furrowing
his brow. “I can buy you shit online. Or go out and get it for you. Is there
something you need? Want?”
I bit my lip, knowing I had set off his alpha instincts. I softened my
voice, reaching out to grab his hand before he could start pacing around the
“I don’t need you to get me anything. But I want to be a part of the
Alliance’s plans.”
“You don’t need to be doing any of this in the first place! We can take
care of you.” Cam’s eyes were wild as he loomed over me. Sitting on the
bed made me feel small, so I stood up, balancing on the mattress. Now I
was taller than him, my added height giving me confidence.
“I know you can take care of me, but I also want to fight. I’m the one
Glen and this government has harmed, and I want to end this.” My voice
got louder and I forced myself to maintain eye contact with my alpha. I
knew I was pushing him, but we needed to have this conversation. My guys
did such a good job caring for me, but they didn’t seem to believe I was
capable. I wasn’t sure I was, either, but I needed to prove to myself that I
could do this. I could fight back. Donovan had reminded me of that.
Cam’s eyes grew heated. “Don’t push me, little omega.”
I took a few steps forward until we were mere inches apart. “Oh yeah?
What are you going to do about it?”
“I should spank you for trying to disobey your alpha,” Cam bit out.
A thrill went through me. I hadn’t realized why I was needling him, but
now I understood. I wanted Cam to take control. No, I needed it. Part of me
said it was wrong to want my alpha to dominate me after my control had
been taken away. But that was exactly why I needed it. I chose Cam’s
dominance. I needed to sink into that space where nothing else mattered
except obeying my alpha.
“Fuck,” Cam said, running his hand through his long hair. I couldn’t
help but notice how delicious his arms looked, his biceps flexing with the
movement. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“I think you should spank me,” I blurted out.
The second the words were out, it felt right. We both needed this. Cam
needed to feel in control again. I needed to let go, to sink into his safety.
“What?” Cam’s eyes widened.
I tried to wrap my arms around him, but he backed away. My omega
was indignant that he would move away from us, but I reveled in the power
of it. I was in charge of this moment, and it felt fucking good.
I hopped off the bed and moved towards him until his back was against
the wall. His eyes shifted from side to side as if to find an escape route.
“I need you, alpha,” I said, injecting a whine into my voice. “I need… I
need to not be in charge, for you to make me feel safe.”
Cam was stock-still. I cringed internally, wondering if I had made a
mistake. Just as I was about to back away, his arms flew out and caught me
by the waist. In an instant, he had flipped our positions and had me pinned
to the wall.
“You acting up to get your alpha’s attention, baby girl?” he growled.
A delicious wave of pleasure rocked through my body. His cinnamon
roll scent thickened with arousal, making me whimper.
“I would never do that, alpha. That would be naughty,” I said
Cam’s lips quirked into a smile before he schooled his features.
“I think my baby girl is being very naughty right now. Teasing your
alpha, disobeying me, acting out to get attention. You’ve earned yourself a
serious punishment.”
His teeth grazed my neck and I moaned, arching against his hard,
muscular body.
“You sure you want this, sweetheart?” he murmured.
“Yes,” I said with confidence. “Please, Cam. I need this. And I think
you do, too.”
Cam groaned and pulled me in for a tender hug. My body relaxed
against his until I was pliant in his arms.
“I love you. You’re so fucking perfect for me. Can’t believe how lucky I
I squirmed happily at his words and gripped the back of his neck,
pulling him in for a kiss. Suddenly, Cam picked me up, his hands gripping
my ass tightly.
“Ah ah, looks like someone has forgotten how this goes. I’m in charge,
little omega,” Cam said sternly.
“Whatever you say, alpha,” I responded cheekily. I wasn’t sure where
my rebelliousness was coming from, but I wanted to act out, to push Cam.
Maybe it’s because you know he would never hurt you.
“It’s a good thing I know exactly what to do with omega brats,” he said,
tossing me on the bed.
Cam quickly stripped me of my clothes, placing a tender kiss on my
arm. I tugged at his shirt, needing to feel his skin on mine. He pulled it off
and I gazed up at him, tracing my hands down the ridges of his abdomen.
His skin was beautifully golden, contrasted only by his dark tattoos.
Cam leaned down and kissed me, nipping my lip and pressing his
tongue into my mouth. I groaned as he lowered his body until his skin was
flush against mine, his hardness trapped against my core.
“Fucking gorgeous,” he gasped between deep, drugging kisses. “So
sexy. Too bad I have to punish you instead of giving you orgasms.”
I pulled away from his kiss with a gasp, and my lip jutted out in a pout.
“You’re not going to let me come?”
“Naughty omegas don’t get rewards. So you better take your
punishment like a good girl if you want the chance to come. Now, present
for your alpha.”
He moved off me so I could get into position, but I stayed on my back,
leisurely running my hand along the soft bedspread.
“Hmm, I don’t know if I feel like it,” I said teasingly.
Cam growled. Before I knew what was happening, he flipped me over
and peppered my butt with stinging swats. I moaned at the sensation, and
the scent of my arousal filled the room.
“Fuck, you smell so good,” he said, pressing his face to my hair and
breathing deeply. He sucked a tender spot on my neck, grazing his teeth
against my skin. I wished I could beg him to bite me, mark me, make me
his. I had never felt as sure as I did at this moment that I wanted to belong
to him forever.
“I’m not going to bind you,” Cam said, softly trailing his hand down my
spine. “But that just means you have to be extra good and stay where I put
I felt a mixture of relief and sadness that he wouldn’t use restraints. I
didn’t think I could be tied up right now, but I didn’t want Glen to steal that
away from me forever.
I turned around and grasped Cam by the wrist. “Not today, but
sometime in the future?” I asked, my eyes pleading.
His expression softened, and he gathered me up in his arms. “When
you’re ready, sweetheart. I want to tie you up with rope. I’ll wrap it around
here,” he said, circling my breasts. “Then I’ll wrap it around your waist and
even put a rope here.” He ran his hand down my slit, gathering my slick
with his finger before popping it into his mouth. “I’ll tie a knot in the rope
so it rubs right against your cute little clit, but you won’t get to come until I
give you permission.”
I whimpered as more slick gushed from me. My skin was on fire, my
cheeks flushed. I wanted all of that.
“But not today. Today you’re going to be my good girl and submit to
your punishment, aren’t you?”
I nodded and he placed me back on the bed. The second he released me,
I leapt off the bed with a giggle. I wasn’t done being bratty and wanted my
alpha to chase me. Cam’s eyes gleamed with delight as I backed away from
“Baby girl, you’re just adding to your punishment.”
“Only if you catch me,” I said, breaking into a run.
I managed three steps before I felt Cam’s iron grip around my hips. He
pressed me against the wall face first before gathering both wrists behind
my back.
“Gotcha,” he growled, pressing his cock against my backside. He lifted
me easily as he made his way back to the bed, depositing me on top of the
“Unless you don’t want to come for the rest of the week, I suggest you
present for your alpha.”
My eyes widened. A week? We locked eyes and he raised a brow as if
daring me to test him. Knowing I was beaten, I made my way to my knees
and lowered my face and shoulders to the bed, extending my hands out in
front of me.
“Good girl,” he said, making me shudder. “Now, I was just going to
give you a spanking, but you’ve shown you need more punishment.”
I whimpered, a thrill working its way through my body. I heard a
rustling noise as Cam unzipped something. I turned to see what he was
doing. My pleasure morphed into fear when I didn’t see him.
“Cam?” I called out with a whimper.
Instantly he was by my side, crouched down so I could see his face, his
hand on my back.
I sighed, relief washing through me at his touch.
“What color?” he asked.
“Yellow,” I said.
His eyes filled with concern.
“I’m okay. I just need you to stay close,” I whispered. “Didn’t know
where you were.”
He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, cupping the back of my neck
with his hand. The weight of it was grounding, and I melted back into the
“Of course, baby girl. I was just getting something from the closet.
Proud of you for telling me what you need.”
My cheeks flushed at his praise, and my body softened further.
“You want to stop?” he asked, stroking down my spine.
I shook my head.
He looked me over carefully and then nodded. “My brave girl. You
ready for the first part of your punishment?”
“I don’t need punishment, alpha,” I whined, hiding my smile in the
“That’s what all the naughty omegas say. But it’s my job to ensure my
girl listens to her alphas. And you definitely need some reminding.”
I heard the click of a cap and realized Cam must have gotten a butt plug.
My suspicion was confirmed when his finger probed my asshole, the cold
lube making me squeak.
“Relax for me, sweetheart,” he said, pressing two thick fingers inside
me. I moaned, his touch alighting every nerve ending. “That feel okay?”
“Yes, alpha,” I breathed, pressing myself back onto his fingers. After a
few moments, he withdrew them and smacked my ass.
I whimpered at the empty feeling, but it didn’t last long. I felt the tip of
the plug against my hole and groaned as he pushed it in. It felt different
from the one Ben had used.
“Now, this is a very special butt plug,” Cam said, amusement in his
I heard a whoosh of air and squealed as the plug inflated.
Slick gushed down my thighs as he gave it another pump. I trembled
from the fullness. It was pressing against every nerve ending and I thought I
might come just from this. Cam pushed on the plug’s base and I cried out,
arching my back.
“No coming until I give permission.”
“That’s a stupid rule,” I whined, my breaths coming faster.
Cam smacked me on the butt for my sass before leaning over my body
and trailing soft kisses down my back. “How’re you doing, baby girl?”
“Good. Green,” I said, trying to gain some friction by rubbing against
Cam’s body.
He chuckled as he moved away, denying me the pleasure I so
desperately needed.
“Time for your next punishment,” he said. “Use your safe word if you
need to.”
He waited until I nodded and then he started to spank me, his hand hot
and stinging against my backside. I breathed through the discomfort,
surrendering to the sensation. Cam kept one hand on my low back,
steadying me, reminding me of his presence.
My ass felt hot all over as the swats morphed into something more
pleasurable. He paused for a moment and gave the plug another pump. I
squealed, trying to get used to the new fullness.
He started spanking me again, but this time the smacks were harder.
“You’re not to put yourself in danger,” he said, hitting my tender sit
spot. “You will let me protect you.”
A lump formed in my throat at the desperation in his voice. He was
spanking my upper thighs now and I groaned. Tears started gathering in my
eyes, but I knew it was more about emotional release than the physical pain.
I didn’t know how many minutes passed. My body felt like it was floating
and my mind was quiet, giving me a blissful break from the anxious storm
of my thoughts.
Cam’s hand moved back to my butt, but the swats were gentle now,
barely leaving a sting.
“I love you.” He punctuated each word with a swat. “I can’t lose you,”
he choked out with a sob. With that, I couldn’t hold back the floodgates. I
felt something break off inside me as all the anguish from the past few days
released, and I burst into tears.
Cam immediately stopped and lay on the bed, pulling me on top of his
chest. We both shook with our cries, clinging to each other. I pressed my
face into his neck, his scent grounding me.
“Every time I close my eyes, I see them leading you away from us. I see
them dragging you back to us after hurting you, and we stood by and did
nothing.” Cam’s voice was heavy with grief.
I tried to respond, but my throat was too tight and all that came out was
a strangled whimper.
“Shh, it’s okay, baby girl, just breathe,” he urged, soothing his hand up
and down my spine.
“I made it back to you,” I finally choked out. “When I was in that room,
I knew I couldn’t give up, knew you were waiting for me.”
“Fuck, sweetheart. Fuck. It never should have happened. Never.”
Cam gripped me tighter as if he could somehow pull my body into his.
“Not your fault,” I murmured, wanting to remove the weight of this
guilt from him. He made a sound in the back of his throat as if he disagreed
with me. I popped my head off his chest. “I don’t need you to take on the
guilt from something you couldn’t control. I need you to be here with me
and help me figure out how to end this once and for all.”
“You shouldn’t have to risk yourself. Our job as alphas is to protect
you,” he said.
Indignation rose within me, and I had to gather my thoughts for a
moment before responding. I knew Cam was being ridden hard by his alpha
instincts and past trauma.
“I’m grateful that you want to protect me. That you do protect me,” I
Cam sighed, running his hand down the side of my face. “But?” he
I could have sworn I saw the faintest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. I
raised my eyebrows at him questioningly.
“This is when you tell me off for being an overbearing alpha, right?”
There was a lightness in his tone that eased the tense knot in my chest.
“Pretty much,” I responded, snuggling into him.
“Alright, let me have it.”
I snorted, nipping at his neck. “Nothing about being an omega has ever
been risk-free. I had to accept that a long time ago.”
Cam said nothing for so long that I wasn’t sure he would respond.
“Intellectually, I know that. But I don’t want to accept it. I feel like if
I’m strong enough, good enough, I can protect you.”
I tapped my fingers on his chest. “Even if you could protect me from
this, even if the Alliance could take them down without my help, I’d still
want to be in this fight. I know I’m pretty pathetic, but I want…”
My words were cut off by Cam’s growl. “What the fuck?”
My lips parted in surprise at the rage burning behind Cam’s eyes.
“Never want to hear you say that about yourself again, understand? You
are not pathetic. You are so fucking strong, such a fighter. I have no doubts
you could take these fuckers down single-handedly.”
I bit my lip, unsure of how to respond.
“Baby girl,” Cam said, a hint of reproach in his voice. “I don’t want to
protect you because I think you’re not capable. Fuck, is that what you
think?” When I didn’t respond, he practically vibrated with agitation. He
pulled me up his body so he could look me in my eyes.
“I want to make sure you hear what I’m saying. I don’t want to protect
you because I think you’re weak. It’s not even some biological instinct,
although that’s a bit of it. It’s because you deserve protection. You deserve
to have people in your corner, standing between you and anyone who tries
to hurt you.”
His reaction eased an insecurity I hadn’t known I was carrying. Warmth
bloomed in my chest as it sank in—Cam believed in me.
“You know you’re the best alpha I could ever dream of having? Well,
one of three,” I said, kissing him on the chest.
“Love you,” he said, his voice gruff.
A calm settled in my chest. I knew we hadn’t fully solved everything
with just one conversation, but I thought we understood each other better
“Need to get some lotion for you,” Cam said, running his hand down
my still-hot ass. “Did I hurt you? Was it too hard?” he asked, a vulnerability
in his voice.
“No, alpha. It was perfect,” I said, kissing his neck.
His hand trailed down to the cleft in my cheeks. “Fuck, forgot I left this
in. You should have said something,” he said sternly as his fingers grazed
the base of the plug. He deflated it and gently pulled it out.
“Didn’t want to ruin the moment,” I said, rubbing my face against his
chest. I couldn’t get enough of his scent.
Cam moved as if to get up, but I pressed him back down to the bed and
straddled him, unable to resist rubbing my core along the hard line of his
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to…”
“Shh,” I responded, taking him firmly in my hand and positioning him
at my entrance. I groaned as I lowered myself, his cock filling and
stretching me.
Cam’s eyes were as heated as I’d ever seen. This was the first time I’d
been on top with him. I knew this wasn’t normal for him to let me take
control, and it filled me with a tingling sense of my own power.
I leaned forward, grinding my clit against his skin but not giving him
the friction I could tell he was desperate for. His knot was already inflating
and his hands gripped my hips so hard I knew I would have little bruises.
“Baby girl, please move,” he groaned, thrusting into me from below.
But I didn’t give him what he wanted. Not yet.
“I want to make sure I have your attention,” I said, trying to sound
fierce but knowing the smile tugging at my lips betrayed me.
“Nothing could take my attention away from you,” he said, a bead of
sweat trailing down his chest with the effort it took him to stay still. I
ground against his knot for good measure and he groaned.
I leaned forward, cupping his face with my hands.
“You are my protector. I trust you, Ben, and Theo, more than anything. I
have never felt as safe as I do with you, never felt so loved and cherished.”
Cam’s gaze softened and he squeezed my hips reassuringly.
“But the reality is that the world isn’t safe for me or any other omega.
I’ve spent so long feeling like I have nothing to offer, that there’s nothing I
can do to change things. So I just hid away. Sam was right about that.” I
squirmed, a tendril of shame working its way into my chest.
Now it was Cam’s turn to grip my chin and force me to look at him.
“You did what you needed to survive, and I’m so fucking proud of you.
Never be ashamed of that.” His voice was a fierce growl that caused more
slick to gush out. God, his dominance really did it for me.
“But I don’t want to just survive anymore,” I said, pressing a kiss to his
chest. “I have you three and know I’m going to be okay, even with this
horrible thing inside me. But most omegas don’t have that. We have to end
Cam held me tightly and took a few deep breaths.
“I hear you, I promise, and I’m going to do better to support you. I love
you so much, sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” I murmured, sitting up so I could run my hands through
his hair, loving how he leaned into my touch.
Cam groaned as my change in position shifted his cock inside me. A
spark of pleasure shot through my core and I rolled my hips. I’d teased him
long enough. Now I wanted to see him fall apart.
I balanced my hands on his chest, moving my hips until I found a
rhythm. He reached up and lightly pinched my nipples and I groaned as the
pain sent a shock of electric pleasure through my body.
“You’re so fucking stunning,” Cam murmured. He gifted me with the
world’s most radiant smile as he thrust into me from below, each movement
a reminder of his love.
My lips parted as he hit a new spot inside me, my legs trembling with
the force of my pleasure. Cam looked deep into my eyes as he brushed my
hair out of my face. We stayed like that, eyes locked, until we both fell
Chapter Sixteen

W eme.parked in front of Jewel’s shop and Ben held the car door open for
He wrapped his arm around my waist and squeezed me to his side.
I gave him a tight smile. The ride over had been tense, with Theo checking
multiple times if I was okay. I knew he didn’t mean it, but he was making
me question the confidence I’d felt just hours before.
The shop was dark with the shades drawn, but Jewel had given us the
code to get in. My breath caught as I crossed the threshold. The last time I’d
been here, I’d been anxious about finding a dress that would fit me for the
cocktail party. That felt like a lifetime ago.
Jewel, Luc, and Maximo, one of Poppy’s alphas, were in the front room
of the shop looking at some paperwork laid out on the counter.
“Josie!” Luc exclaimed, a big smile spreading across his face as he
walked over and pulled me into the world’s most awkward side hug.
He let go and we stared at each other. Luc had always been reserved and
grumpy. This exuberance was hilariously out of character.
“That was weird,” Luc said.
“Yeah, let’s not do that again,” I responded with a grin. “It’s good to see
“Good to see you,” Luc said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Theo wrapped his arms around me from behind, pulling me flush to his
body as he scowled at Luc. I rolled my eyes, elbowing him in the stomach.
“Tone down the alpha nonsense,” I hissed. I was frustrated with him. He
kept flipping from being super sweet to being stressed and overbearing, and
I wasn’t sure how to handle it.
Theo huffed but loosened his grip on me.
“Did Charlie come with you?” I asked Luc.
“No, she wanted to, but she’s had some health issues, and it just seemed
too risky. But she’s been working with Amirah and I’m sure she and Ben
will coordinate security and hacking stuff. I don’t really understand any of
it,” he said with a shrug.
“Wait, Charlie is your omega?” Ben asked Luc, coming to stand next to
us. “How did I not put this together?”
“Wait, the Charlie you’ve been working with is Luc’s Charlie?” I looked
between Luc and Ben.
Luc grinned. “I didn’t realize you hadn’t put it together.”
“Wait, that’s so cool! A hacker omega,” I said, looking up at Ben. He
squeezed my hand.
“Josie, your friends are in the back,” Jewel said, barely glancing up
from whatever she was looking at.
My lips twitched at her abruptness.
“Emir is back there, too,” Maximo said. “Trying to excavate a path so
we have room to meet.”
Jewel snorted. “The back room is fine the way it is.”
Maximo just shot me a look that told me not to believe her.
“I’ll meet you back there?” I asked my alphas. Ben and Cam nodded,
but Theo took my hand and pulled me aside.
He opened his mouth to speak and then hesitated. “I just… shit. I’m
sorry. I’m messing everything up.”
I furrowed my brow in confusion. He cupped the side of my face,
running his thumb across my lower lip.
“I know I’m not handling things well, but I want you to know that I
trust you,” he murmured. “And I’m so proud of you.”
I melted a bit, my body flooding with warmth at his words.
“Thanks,” I whispered. “I love you.” I didn’t like this awkward distance
between us and knew we needed to have a longer conversation about what
was going on with him.
“Love you, too,” he said, placing a soft kiss on my lips. “Meet you in
I felt lighter as I walked into the back room. I squinted as my eyes
adjusted to the dim light, and then I did a double take. The room was filled
with floor-to-ceiling boxes, piles of clothes, and every other item you could
imagine. It was absolute chaos.
Clementine’s head popped up from behind one of the boxes.
“Josie!” she shouted, scrambling over the piles to get to me. She threw
herself at me and promptly burst into tears.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I’m sorry,” she
I hugged her tightly. “I know, it’s okay,” I murmured, squeezing her
I didn’t blame Clementine—she’d been in the dark like the rest of us.
“But Dave,” she said, her voice hushed.
I nodded, biting my lip. “I don’t know what happened.”
My heart hurt as I thought of her and Dave’s budding romance and then
his weird behavior leading up to his betrayal.
Poppy and Westin joined our group hug, and we were all blubbering
messes when we pulled apart.
Emir, one of Poppy’s alphas, gave me a little wave from across the
room, where he was clearing boxes off a faded pink velvet couch that
looked like it’d seen better days.
“Come on, we can claim the couch,” Poppy said, pulling me over.
“Where are your other alphas?” I asked her.
“Whining that they couldn’t come,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Honestly, we’re supposed to be keeping this on the down low. It didn’t
make sense for all five of them to come. Maximo has been working most
closely with Amirah, so he has all the updates, and Emir is the most chill of
all of them, so he got to come.”
Emir chuckled as he hoisted another box onto a teetering pile. “I
thought you said it was because I was the prettiest to look at.”
“That, too,” Poppy responded with a grin.
Emir was very pretty—he had the massive size of a typical alpha, but he
had long, sooty lashes and golden-brown skin. He laughed again as he
sauntered towards the door to round up the rest of the group.
Clementine squeezed my hand and Poppy leaned into my other side.
Even though everything was going to shit, I couldn’t help but feel a
lightness at being with my friends again. The time we’d spent together in
Luc’s gym felt sacred now, as if a part of us had known we would need to
be prepared for this exact fight.
Ben whistled when he walked into the room. “Can’t believe you’ve
been hiding this gorgeous space from us, Jewel.”
“Fuck off,” she grumbled.
My alphas stood behind the couch, and I tilted my head back to look at
Ben ran his fingers down my cheek. “You good?” he mouthed, and I
nodded back.
Maximo started by updating us on the government’s position since
Amirah went underground. It wasn’t good news. The opposition party had
held out against Glen for years, but they’d been capitulating more in the
past few months. Now, Alliance operatives in Sol had evidence that the
Designation Government was working to influence Sol’s upcoming
I glanced back at Theo. His face was impassive as Maximo spoke as if
none of this was new information. I faced forward again, pursing my lips. It
was clear my alphas had been keeping a lot from me. Although I guess I
couldn’t completely blame them… I’d been catatonic there for a while.
Cam’s hands rested on my shoulders and every once in a while, he
would play with my hair in a move so natural I wasn’t sure he even knew he
was doing it.
“Of course, their latest focus is omega subjugation with the True Nature
Omega Pilot Program, which allows the government to force omegas to get
a device like Josie’s,” Maximo said, eyes darting to me with a brief look of
pity. “We’ve heard omegas are starting to get letters telling them they’ve
been selected for the program.”
Dizziness and nausea made it hard for me to stay upright. I hadn’t
realized there was a whole official program. The urge to claw at my arm
was overwhelming. Ben reached down to grasp my hand as he leaned over,
brushing a soft kiss on my cheek as if to tell me I was safe. I breathed in his
scent, allowing it to cut through the multitude of scents swirling around the
“I got a letter,” Westin said, her voice so soft I could barely hear her.
“What?” Poppy said, her eyes wide.
I leaned forward to look at Westin, who was curled up in a blanket with
a sad, defeated expression.
“It was addressed to my aunt’s alphas because they’re my guardians.”
Her lip trembled, and tears gathered in my eyes. Westin always seemed so
strong and stoic. Seeing her so vulnerable made me want to fight everyone
who put that look on her face.
“My appointment is scheduled for two weeks from now,” she said,
quickly wiping away a tear from her cheek.
“How can they do that?” Poppy asked, her eyes blazing.
“The law they passed said the pilot program was just for certain flagged
omegas, right?” Clementine asked, looking around for confirmation.
Theo frowned. “The pilot program is for omegas who have been
documented to have behavioral issues and those who are ineligible to bond
with a pack.”
Westin looked down at her clenched hands. “Yeah.”
Westin had always been private. I’d never asked her why she didn’t
have a pack, and she hadn’t volunteered the information. I reached across
Poppy to take Westin’s hand. Her skin was ice cold against mine.
“You don’t have to tell us anything if you don’t want to. No matter
what, we won’t let this happen to you,” I said.
Westin gave me a tremulous smile. “Not much to tell. Within the first
couple of months at the DA, they judged me to be ineligible for pack life. I
have some… medical issues they said would keep a pack from wanting to
bond with me. They barred me from ever joining a pack and said I needed
alpha guardians who could keep me in line. My aunt took me in and her
alphas are my guardians. I guess I should be grateful. It got me out of
having to stay at the DA any longer.”
She shrugged as if it was no big deal, but I knew what it was like to
carry the burden of being told there was something wrong with you.
“Are your aunt and your pack with the Alliance? Are they helping
you?” I asked.
“I think they’re just tired of having me around. They said I should go to
the appointment.”
Cam growled, making the four of us on the couch jump.
“We’ll make sure you’re protected,” he said fiercely, threading his
fingers through my hair as if he needed to anchor himself.
Emir frowned as he sent a text. “I’m setting up a safe house for you,” he
said, glancing up at Westin. “Can you leave tomorrow? I don’t trust the
government to wait until whatever appointment time they’ve given you.”
Westin nodded, chewing her lip. “Thank you,” she said, sniffling away a
few more tears.
“Us girls have to stick together,” Poppy said, her voice wavering. Her
alphas leaned in her direction as if fighting the urge to comfort her, but they
stayed in their seats as she wrapped her arms around Westin and pulled her
in close.
A restlessness filled my chest.
“I don’t understand how people don’t get it,” I said. “Are alphas just
evil? The DA has been torturing omegas for years and no one cares.”
My friends all exchanged a look I didn’t know how to decipher.
“What?” I asked.
“I totally get where you’re coming from,” Clementine said slowly. “But
the DA has made some changes and doesn’t treat all their students badly
“You’re defending them?” I asked, turning to face her.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” She looked around as if trying to find
To my shock, Poppy spoke up. “Even I didn’t have the same DA
experience you did. Don’t get me wrong, it fucking sucked. I didn’t want to
be there and we still had to comply with all their rules and attend stupid
classes. It definitely affected my self-esteem and how I thought of myself as
an omega.”
“That’s because you left before things got bad,” I said.
“I was at the DA after you,” Westin said. “And I had the same
experience as Poppy. All the classes are geared towards omegas obeying
their alphas and all that crap, but I wasn’t treated like you were. They got
rid of the crueler punishments really quickly once some alphas
My heart pounded as my reality shifted around me.
“If most omegas had the same experience you had at the DA, people
would know about it,” Poppy said. “Most alphas are protective, and I think
it’d be upsetting for them if they found out their omega had been treated
like that. At least... I hope so.”
“I think you’re giving alphas too much credit,” I snapped. I wrapped my
arms around my middle, feeling alone and isolated in my experience at the
hands of Glen and the rest of the DA.
“Maybe,” Poppy responded simply. “But people would at least know
about it. I think they’ve kept the program small and secret. Glen has been
working behind the scenes to expand it—obviously, these new bills are
working towards that goal. I think they’ll do it all at once so that people
can’t fight back.”
I opened my mouth, but no words came out.
Poppy continued. “One of the main things that happens at the DA is the
pack interviews. When I was there, omegas were required to do six
interviews a month, which is how I found my guys. I don’t know anyone
besides you who was there for the full two years because the goal is to get
them matched with alphas. There aren’t enough omegas as it is—people
would start complaining if all the eligible omegas were kept apart from
society for two years.”
I felt like I was breathing through a straw, and the room spun around
me. How was I just piecing all of this together now? I’d spent almost the
entirety of my two years in isolation. I had just assumed others had
experienced the same as me.
“But why me? Why did they choose me? What did I do wrong?”
Cam’s arms encircled me from behind and he rested his chin on my
head. “It’s not your fault. Wasn’t anything you did.”
Jewel met my gaze with something like tenderness, but I looked away,
fighting the urge to run and hide.
“We think they targeted vulnerable omegas, those without families or
people who would ask questions about them, along with some omegas, like
you, whose parents were part of Glen’s inner circle. Your fathers worked
with Glen since before the Designation Government took over,” Jewel said.
My skin felt tight and I was fighting against my tears. I didn’t want to
break down in front of everyone, didn’t want to be seen as weak.
Cam kept his arms around me, supporting me. “I’ve got you,” he
murmured in my ear. He knew I was on the verge of falling apart, could
sense it, and he was still here, still with me, not letting me go.
“Was I the only one, then?” I asked.
“No,” Clementine said quickly. “We know at least three other omegas
who went through the same... program you did, for lack of better words.”
“Torture,” Theo spit out. Clementine looked taken aback by the
vehemence in his tone. “That’s the word you’re looking for,” he said.
I reached back to touch him. He captured my hand and held it firmly in
Westin shifted on the couch. “Obviously, what Josie went through at the
DA was horrific, and this new program is pure evil. But isn’t it enough that
we’ve had these oppressive, anti-omega laws for five years? No driving, no
jobs, our only value to society is breeding. Isn’t that bad enough for people
to get it?”
“The government has done a great job convincing alphas that those laws
are what’s best for omegas,” Maximo said gently. “Alphas are built to
protect omegas, and it’s not hard to convince them that keeping omegas
separated from society is safer for them.”
Poppy scowled at her alpha.
“I know that’s not true, darling,” Maximo said, holding up his hands.
“But it’s an easier sell, especially to alphas who really just want an excuse
to be controlling bastards. This device is part of a government-sanctioned
pilot program, and I have no fucking clue how they’ll convince the
legislature to expand it to be mandatory. It doesn’t make sense.”
“Glen and Jericho must have something on the other senators to
leverage over them,” Theo said.
“Amirah told me that one of the legislators who had always supported
omega rights, Senator Cole, suddenly changed sides and voted for the pilot
program. When asked why he changed his mind, he gave some vague,
bullshit answer. Amirah is convinced Glen blackmailed him somehow and
that he’s probably done the same to a ton of the senators. We just don’t
know what he’s holding over them,” Clementine said.
“What could be extreme enough to make them change sides?” Poppy
“Threatening their families,” Jewel said bitterly. Her scent grew
stronger with anger, the unnatural metallic edge filling my nose until I felt
like I was going to sneeze. All the omegas in the room stiffened
automatically at her scent. Jewel grimaced.
“Sorry,” she said, standing as if to leave the room.
“Don’t go,” I said quickly. “It’s fine.”
She met my gaze and hesitated before giving me a terse nod.
“I wonder…” Theo’s brow scrunched. “There was that senator that
accused Jericho of kidnapping his omega.” His thumb made soothing
circles on the palm of my hand before he added, “What if they’re stealing
Silence hung in the room like a tangible thing.
If they were taking omegas, they were more powerful than I thought.
The device itched under my skin, and nausea rolled in my stomach at
the thought of how extreme that would be. And yet… it made sense.
“Well, that’s what we need to do,” Poppy said, eyes blazing. “Figure out
if omegas are being taken and how to get them back so we can get the
senators to stand up to Glen.”
Her words hung in the air.
“Alright, I like it,” Emir said, rubbing his hands together. “What’s our
first step?”
“If they are taking omegas, there has to be some sort of paper trail—
who they are, where they’re being kept,” Ben said. “Charlie and I can try to
obtain communications—emails, electronic files, text—that might give us
an answer.”
“Do we think the omegas would be kept at the Academy?” Maximo
“That doesn’t seem likely,” Clementine said. “There are too many
people in and out, and I feel like that’s where the senators would look first.”
“Maybe there are real estate records that could give us an idea of where
they might be,” Theo suggested. “We also need a way to find out who is
“I can work with Amirah on that,” Clementine said. “She has a lot of
connections inside the senate.”
The conversation turned logistical as everyone offered their ideas on the
next steps to uncover Glen’s and Jericho’s actions. But my mind still reeled
with the news of how much Glen had targeted me… and me alone. It made
sense now that I thought about it—of course, not everyone had experienced
the same thing I had. I’d never met another person with a device. But it
made me feel even more isolated.
“Hey.” Cam’s lips met the shell of my ear. “Come here, sweetheart,” he
I looked up and realized he was kneeling in front of me. He gently
pulled me into his arms. I felt hot with embarrassment—this meeting had
been my idea and now I had nothing to contribute—but his arms were
strong and steady around me, and I couldn’t find it in myself to disentangle
I rested my head against his chest, his cinnamon scent swirling around
me. Each beat of his heart in my ear reminded me I wasn’t alone, really.
The others didn’t have my same experience, but they were all here with me
now. My friends had responded to my text, and my alphas had followed
along with my plan, even though it scared them.
Jewel met my gaze over Cam’s shoulder and gave me a nod. I didn’t
know what she’d gone through as a female alpha, but she certainly knew
what it was like to be singled out. I smiled at her. We might not know the
path forward, but we would face it together.

I walked out of the boutique’s bathroom, still disoriented after the meeting.
Jewel appeared in front of me in the hallway, startling me out of my
mental spiral. She pulled me aside, her eyes flicking to where my alphas
were talking with Maximo, Emir, and Luc.
“Angie and Amirah wanted me to pass along a message to you,” she
said, her voice low.
I raised my brows. She was acting shifty.
“Angie said you know about the serum the team in Sol is developing to
nullify the effects of the device without removing it.”
I nodded.
“Good. The first batch is ready, and they need an omega to test it on.”
She arched her eyebrow and something like hope cut through my fog.
“They really think this will work?” I asked.
“Yes, and even after the device is removed, it should protect you from
ever fully having to submit to an alpha’s bark.”
My stomach filled with butterflies as I imagined the possibility. I would
never be completely helpless just because of my designation.
“I’ll do it, if that’s what you’re asking,” I blurted out.
A slow smile spread across Jewel’s face.
“I told them you’d say that. You’ll need to get your alphas on board.”
“Why wouldn’t they be?” I asked, scrunching my nose. “They don’t
want me to be subservient to them. They’re not like that.”
“Oh, I know that. But the injection is apparently excruciatingly painful,
and the serum hasn’t been tested on anyone except one of the omegas who
created it.”
I blinked at her, my resolve wavering for a split second. My omega was
a complete baby when it came to pain, and what if the serum had some
dangerous side effects? Even with my hesitation, I knew there was no way I
would turn down this opportunity. I would do anything to not feel helpless.
“Alphas can be so overprotective,” Jewel continued, rolling her eyes.
I bit my lip to keep from smiling. I was positive that when Jewel found
her pack, she would eat her words.
“I’ll convince them,” I said, glancing over at my alphas. As if he could
sense my eyes on him, Ben looked over at me. I couldn’t stop myself from
blushing under his intense gaze.
Fuck, he was hot.
Ben made his way over to us, and Jewel cleared her throat. “I’ll be in
touch,” she said before turning on her heels and walking away.
“What was that about?” Ben asked.
“Nothing,” I said, leaning into him and letting his scent settle me.
I wanted to tell him what Jewel said, but maybe it was better to wait
until it was a sure thing. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much that it
would work out. Life had taught me it was better to prepare for
“I’m going to place an order at Seb’s restaurant for dinner,” he said,
nuzzling my neck and scent-marking me.
“Take out?” I asked. I’d hit my limit of being around others.
“Yeah,” he said, lightly massaging my neck.
“You need to order multiple cotton candy martinis this time because I
am not sharing with Cam.”
Ben laughed, pulling me close to his side as we walked towards the
front of the shop.
Chapter Seventeen

“J osie,I groaned.
wake up,” Theo said, shaking me gently.
“What time is it?”
“Morning,” Theo responded.
“It’s not morning. It’s still dark out,” I whined, trying to scoot away
from him. I rolled into Ben, who automatically pulled me into his arms.
“We’re going to the gun range. You need to learn to shoot,” Theo said,
trying to tug me out of Ben’s hold.
“Excellent idea,” I mumbled. “That way, I can shoot you for waking me
up too fucking early in the morning.”
“I love when you say fuck,” Ben mumbled. “S’hot. Do it more.”
“I’m serious,” Theo said. His voice was firm, but I also thought I
detected an undercurrent of anxiety in his tone. My sleep-addled brain
didn’t have the energy to decipher what was going on, so I pressed my face
into Ben’s chest and started drifting off.
Theo’s voice startled me awake again. “Come on, angel,” he begged.
The urgency in his voice forced me to pry my eyes open, and I blearily
took him in as he stood at the edge of the bed. Theo was dressed in workout
gear, but his hair was tousled and his eyes were a bit… wild. Seeing I was
finally awake, he nervously raked his hand through his hair. The slightly
bitter edge to his scent told me more about his mood than he seemed willing
to offer.
“What’s wrong?” I croaked.
Theo’s eyes shifted away momentarily, then found mine again as if he
couldn’t help himself. “Nothing, this is just important.”
Ben’s grip tightened around my waist, encouraging me to stay as he
hummed and kissed my cheek.
“We’re really going to a gun range? And why do we have to do this so
early?” I asked, intentionally injecting an omega whine into my voice.
Theo’s hands flexed as if he wanted to reach out and comfort me, but
instead, he set his jaw and took a deep breath. “One of our friends owns the
gun range and is opening it up to us before regular hours, so you don’t have
to deal with being around other alphas.”
I whined again, flailing my arms and legs against the bed.
“Are you… throwing a tantrum?” Ben asked, sounding amused and
much more awake. “Because it’s really cute. Do it again.”
I flipped him off before pushing myself to a seated position.
“Sorry, love. I know you don’t like mornings,” Theo said, his lips
quirking as if trying to keep from laughing. Then his voice deepened. “I
promise I’ll make it up to you.”
A tingling shot through my core at his words, and my underwear
dampened with slick. Ben slid along the bed so his face was against my hip
and breathed in deeply.
I shoved his head aside and got out of bed with a huff. “You two are
both on my shit list,” I said, stomping to the dresser.
“What?” Ben sputtered. “I had nothing to do with this!”
“What about Cam? He set this up!” Theo exclaimed, stalking over to
me, his hands on my hips as he breathed down my neck.
“Cam didn’t wake me up,” I grumbled, moving out of his hold as I
headed to the bathroom.
“So not fair,” Theo muttered.
I smiled as Ben and Theo argued indignantly, sounding just as whiny as
I had a few minutes ago. I pulled on leggings and a sweatshirt and put my
hair up in a couple of messy space buns. Hopefully, this was acceptable
shooting attire.
“Aren’t you coming?” I asked Ben as I exited the bathroom. He was
curled up under the blankets again, his arms wrapped around my pillow.
“Definitely not,” he said.
I growled at the injustice, hating how much I sounded like a kitten. Why
couldn’t I have a fierce alpha growl that shot fear into the heart of my
enemies, or in this instance, my overbearing alphas?
Theo put his arm around my shoulders and walked me downstairs,
where Cam sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.
“Gimme,” I said, holding my hands out for his cup.
“We’re out of creamer,” he said, holding out the cup of black coffee.
“Are you two trying to kill me?” I whined, putting my head down on the
kitchen counter in despair.
Cam came up behind me and massaged my shoulders before planting
soft kisses on the back of my neck. “We’re going to stop by a coffee shop
and get you a fancy latte with a shit-ton of sugar, okay, baby girl?”
I grunted, unwilling to forgive the early morning wake-up quite so
As promised, we went through the drive-through of the cutest little cafe
that was, for some reason, open at this ungodly hour. If Ben and I opened a
bakery, it would have to be the mid-day variety because neither of us would
be waking up early.
I sipped on my pumpkin spice latte, finally starting to wake up. Theo’s
hand was firmly planted on my thigh as he drove us through town. I wasn’t
sure if it was my imagination, but his hand seemed to be creeping almost
imperceptibly higher and higher the longer we drove. His earlier promise to
make up for waking me flitted through my head.
“You still mad at me?” Theo asked, glancing over right as I stuffed the
last of my almond croissant in my face. Attractive.
I forced myself to chew and swallow before answering. “This makes up
for it a tiny bit,” I said, waving the latte. “Now that I’m sort of awake, why
are we going to the gun range?”
“We want you to be able to defend yourself,” Cam said, leaning over the
center console from his spot in the back. “Hopefully, you’ll never have to
use a gun for that reason, but just humor us, okay?”
I nodded. Guns kind of freaked me out, but I also didn’t hate the idea of
learning to use one. Maybe it would make me feel powerful, and I
appreciated that my alphas wanted me to be able to protect myself.
“I’ll probably be a total badass at it,” I said confidently.
T urns out, I was not, in fact, a badass at shooting. My alphas assured me
it was completely normal that I somehow missed the paper target every
single shot, but I caught them cringing when they thought I wasn’t looking.
The gun felt all wrong in my hands. It was heavy and cold, and the shooting
range smelled like antiseptic and rubber, a combination that put me on
We had pulled up to a massive warehouse on the edge of town. It was
empty except for the owner, a bulky beta male of few words. He’d gone
over a brief set of rules before setting us loose. Cam had started by
explaining all the parts of the gun, how to enable and disable the safety, and
several other instructions that were lost on me.
Theo helped me with my stance, his hands softly grazing my hips
maybe a bit more than strictly necessary. That was my favorite part of the
outing so far. Cam tenderly placed ear protection on my head, kissing my
cheek before urging me to take my first shot. I waited for some instinctual
badassery to come over me, but instead, I just felt shaky. My palms were
sweaty, and I couldn’t hold the gun steady or figure out how to visualize my
When Cam pressed the button to retrieve the target paper, I expected to
see the paper riddled with holes and that some of them would have landed
within the human outline. But there were no holes on the paper at all.
“Are you sure this is loaded?” I asked, gesturing at the gun.
“It’s okay, love. No one’s good at this on their first try.” Theo said,
taking the handgun from me. “Maybe we need to start with the paper a bit
I crinkled my nose. The paper was already nowhere near the end of the
“We probably just need to buy you a lower-caliber gun. This is one of
mine and it’s too big for your hands,” Cam said, his brow furrowed.
The idea of getting my own gun caused anxiety to creep up my chest. I
didn’t want to think about having the power to hurt… or kill… someone,
but then, was I just being weak? I shifted back and forth, trying to calm
down, but I knew the guys could tell how on edge I was by my scent.
Cam pulled me into his chest and lowered his lips to my ear. “You
should have seen Theo on the first day of basic training. Absolutely
pathetic,” he said in a conspiratorial tone.
I perked up. I hadn’t heard much about Cam and Theo’s time in the
military, but I was curious. I was especially interested in hearing an
embarrassing story I wasn’t the subject of.
“I wasn’t that bad,” Theo said, his cheeks reddening.
“You shot the officer in the leg with a rubber pellet and were put on
trash duty for three months,” Cam snorted.
“I don’t know if you want to start trading embarrassing basic training
stories,” Theo said, a rare glint of mischief in his eyes. I whipped my face
around to his and mouthed, “do it.” I wanted all the dirt on my alphas.
Theo’s face broke out in a wide smile. “Turns out Cam here has a bit of
a delicate stomach,” he started, but before he could continue, Cam released
me with a growl and shoved Theo to the ground. For a moment, I was
scared that they were actually fighting, but Theo bounced onto the rubber
mats on the floor with a laugh.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Cam said, standing over him.
“Whatever you say, Cadet Shit Pants,” Theo said.
I giggled and Cam rounded on me. “You laughing at me?”
I quickly schooled my features. “I would never do that,” I said, eyes
Cam grunted as if he found my performance unconvincing before
turning around and offering Theo a hand up. Theo elbowed him in the ribs
good-naturedly before wrapping his arms around me.
“You’ll get better at this, angel. Don’t be too hard on yourself,” he said.
I squeezed him back, reveling in the feel of him against me.
“Let’s get you home,” Cam said. I sighed, relieved they’d sensed I had
reached my limit. “I bet Ben is still in bed,” he continued with a roll of his
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Seven,” Theo responded.
I groaned. “I should still be in bed. It’s too early.” I sounded like a
cranky toddler, but I didn’t care. If my alphas wanted me, they had to accept
that I was not a morning omega.
“Come on. Let’s go home and get you back in bed,” Cam said, slinging
his arm around my shoulder and kissing me on the forehead.
I leaned into him as we walked out of the building. The sun had risen
while we were inside, and the sky still had a few streaks of pink in it. There
were a few guys in tactical gear getting out of their cars. My anxiety spiked
as I realized most of them were alphas and that if they used their bark on
me, I would have to comply. Sweat rolled down my back.
“It’s okay, baby girl,” Cam said softly. He and Theo sandwiched me
between them and ushered me to the car, glaring at anyone who looked in
our direction. This time, I got in the back with Cam, and he kept his arms
firmly around me as Theo peeled out of the parking lot.
“You okay?” Cam asked, running his hands down my body as if
checking for non-existent injuries.
I relaxed into him, realizing that I was okay. Even if one of those alphas
had used their bark on me, Theo and Cam would have protected me. The
device made me vulnerable, but I wasn’t on my own anymore.
“Yeah, but I’m not sure I want to go back there.” My voice was small
and I squirmed in my seat, still so unsure about voicing my wants and
“Okay, sweetheart,” Cam responded, tipping my head so I met his gaze.
“Thanks for giving it a try. We can work on self-defense at home and get
you a taser instead.”
I looked at Theo, taking in his tight hold on the steering wheel and
clenched jaw. The tension from this morning when he woke me up was
back with a vengeance. He glanced in the rearview mirror and saw me
watching him.
“That’s fine, of course,” he said with a tight smile that didn’t meet his
A sick feeling formed in my chest at his disappointment. I shouldn’t
have been so whiney. Mostly, I’d just been taken off guard. Maybe if they
had warned me about shooting practice, I would have been more mentally
Theo turned on the radio, effectively ending the conversation.
I sighed, leaning into Cam.
“These are cute,” he said, patting my space buns.
“I can give you some later,” I said, eyeing his hair.
Cam kept a straight face, but I could practically hear him trying to
figure out how to turn me down without hurting my feelings. I hid my smile
in his chest and let myself doze off, only waking up once we pulled into our
familiar driveway.
Chapter Eighteen

I was excited for pack cuddles when we got home, but when we walked in
the door, Theo mumbled an excuse about having work to do and slipped
off. My skin felt tight as he left Cam and me in the foyer, leaving only his
bitter coffee scent in his wake.
Cam tugged me into a hug. “Don’t mind him,” he said with a tight
Very reassuring.
Before I could say anything else, Cam kissed me on the forehead and let
me know he was going to work out, sending me upstairs with a sharp spank
on my ass. I scowled at him in mock outrage, but really I wished he would
follow me and finish what he had started.
Was I being too needy? My alphas had given me so much of their time
and care it felt selfish to want more.
I slipped quietly into bed, feeling a bit pitiful. Ben mumbled something,
tucked me into his side, and promptly fell back asleep. I lay awake, feeling
like a complete idiot as I blinked back tears and told myself that it didn’t
mean anything that Cam and Theo didn’t come to bed with me.
I took some deep breaths as I tried to sort out my feelings. After our talk
yesterday, things felt like they had returned to normal with Cam. I rolled my
eyes. Yeah, it was the talking that did it. But Cam always worked out in the
morning, and I knew that if I had asked, he would have come to bed with
me. That wasn’t really what was bothering me… but Theo? Things were
definitely off between us. He kept hiding in his office, acting as if I
wouldn’t notice his absence.
I mulled over Ben’s words from the other day—how Theo saw himself
as responsible for the pack. It wasn’t hard to see that he blamed himself for
what happened, but didn’t he realize I needed him? He kept using the
excuse that he was doing work for the Alliance, but he wasn’t including me
in any of it. Hiding out in his office felt an awful lot like hiding from me.
I’d caught him several times the past few days staring into the distance
when he didn’t think I was looking, a lost, sad expression on his face. The
two of us had both learned growing up that it was safer to hide our
emotions, and right now, it felt like Theo was drowning in his.
I drummed my fingers against my leg. How could Theo push me to
share my feelings when he wouldn’t do the same? Maybe I needed to be the
one to encourage him to share. My omega agreed. Mostly because she
wanted us to make up and then have hot sex on top of his desk.
Although, if I was honest with myself, the lack of sex was part of what
was bothering me. Theo had been sweet and attentive as always, but we
hadn’t had sex since the Designation Center. A flash of insecurity seized my
chest—what if he didn’t want me anymore? But the thought didn’t take
root. For once, I knew this had much less to do with me and much more to
do with how Theo saw himself and his role in the world.
I sat up in bed.
He had said he would do something to make up for the early morning
wake-up. That had to mean sex. Theo should know better than to tease an
omega—we were not known for our patience. Delayed gratification was not
in our nature.
Enough was enough. It was time for Operation: Get Theo’s Head Out of
His Ass.
I pushed myself out of bed, kissing a fast-asleep Ben on the cheek
before heading downstairs to knock some sense into my anxious, freaked-
out alpha.
My heart pounded as I faced Theo’s office.
Get yourself together. Theo needs your help right now. March in there,
force him to talk about what’s bothering him, and then sit on his dick.
I rolled my eyes before steeling myself and knocking on the door.
Chapter Nineteen

I stared blankly at my office wall, cursing myself for hiding in here like a
fucking coward instead of following my omega to bed and telling her all
the filthy things I planned to do to her.
I had woken up this morning, determined to have a good day. I was
going to give Josie all the care she deserved and that I was desperate to
give. I’d grinned as I prepared to wake her up, fully expecting her adorably
grumpy reaction. But instead of spending hours between her legs to make
up for the early wake-up time, I’d disappointed her by closing myself away
in this fucking room.
I put my head down on my desk with a groan. I needed to pull myself
together. The emotions I usually kept so carefully buttoned up were spilling
from me. Josie deserved better than a complete bloody mess for a mate.
Why couldn’t I shake this fear gripping my body? I’d always prided myself
on being steady… or at least having the appearance of calmness, but now I
was falling apart.
I thought teaching Josie how to shoot would help ease some of my
constant terror about her safety, but it had just made it worse. Seeing her
hold the gun only confirmed that I never wanted her to have to defend
herself. I should be the one to do that, and so far, I had been a miserable
failure. She had been so uncomfortable while shooting, but she’d kept at it,
doing her best to make me happy. That fucking crushed me, too—I didn’t
want her to ever pretend around me. I just… I wasn’t sure how to function
loving someone so much and knowing they could be taken from me any
The dark voice in my head that I spent so much energy trying to
suppress whispered: No one’s even noticed you’re missing. She doesn’t
really need you.
As if summoned by some cosmic entity with a wicked sense of humor,
there was a knock on my office door. The sound was soft and hesitant, and I
knew immediately who it was. My palms started to sweat.
“Come in,” I finally choked out.
Nothing happened. Did she already give up on me?
The door slowly creaked open.
“Did you say come in?” Josie asked, peeking into my office nervously,
biting her lip. “I couldn’t hear.”
Fuck, she was gorgeous. Her tousled hair framed her face and her green
eyes practically glowed. Her sweet scent found its way to me and I breathed
it in. It felt like the first real breath I’d taken all day.
“Yeah, of course. You don’t have to ask, love,” I said, my voice hoarse.
I hated how hesitant Josie looked as she shut the door behind her and
leaned back against it. It felt like a chasm was separating us instead of ten
feet. I should get up, go to her, sweep her into my arms like some scene in a
romance book. But I sat frozen.
“What are you doing in here?” Her voice was even, but her scent was
“I had some Alliance things to check on,” I responded. My excuse felt
hollow the moment I spoke it, especially as I stared down at the blank
document open on my laptop in front of me. I couldn’t make myself look at
her. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from falling to my knees and
asking her forgiveness.
“Oh,” she said, biting her lip. “Have there been any breakthroughs with
finding the omegas?”
“No, not yet.” I cringed, fighting the urge to bang my head against my
“Oh,” she repeated.
I stole a glance, unable to keep my eyes from her for long. She looked
around the room with a bit of a lost expression. Then she took a deep
breath, fisted her hands, and looked right at me.
“I know you’re disappointed by how things went this morning. If you
want me to go to the gun range again, I will.” Then her voice softened, and
she bit her lip. “I just want to please you.”
I inhaled sharply. “Angel, you please me all the time.”
“Clearly not,” she said. “You’re hiding away here. Did you think that
wouldn’t upset me?”
My chest was so tight I thought it would explode. I picked up the pen on
my desk, clicking it furiously without realizing it.
“I...” Bloody hell. I couldn’t even form a complete sentence. The click
of the pen echoed my too-fast heartbeats, every click chanting fix this fix
“You’ve been so distant ever since the DC. Which makes me think you
no longer want me after what happened.”
I met Josie’s blazing gaze, my mouth open. “What?” I gasped. “You
think I don’t want you anymore?”
“You’re not acting like you do,” she said. Her voice was still fierce, but
I could see the vulnerability behind her eyes.
“I think you’d be happier if I wasn’t around,” I blurted out.
“Why would you think that?” she asked, bewildered.
“I thought it was obvious,” I bit out, all the anger I felt towards myself
seeping into my tone. “I didn’t protect you. I thought studying the omega
manual would be enough to keep you safe and keep our pack together. I was
the idiot who thought they would follow their own fucking procedure. I
should have listened more to your concerns. I should have stopped it from
happening.” My voice grew louder, but when I finally looked at Josie, her
expression was calm.
“How would you have stopped it?” she asked, tilting her head.
Frustration welled up inside me. How did she not see this was all my
“I don’t know, but I should have done more.”
“How? What would you have done?”
“I don’t know!”
She flinched at my raised voice and that fucking broke my heart. I
didn’t deserve her. I wrapped my fingers in my hair, pulling at the messy
“If I can’t protect you, can’t protect this pack, what’s the use of me
being here?” I said, forcing myself to continue, to get it all out. “Cam can
protect you physically. Ben is the fun one and can make you laugh. I’m the
one who’s not necessary.”
“What are you talking about? Have I made you feel that way?” Josie
asked, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
“No, it’s just the truth. My whole fucking life, I’ve been non-essential.
My job is to protect everyone and keep this pack together, and I can’t even
do that.” I whirled toward the opposite wall as shame crawled into my
chest. I couldn’t face my mate. Couldn’t bear her tear-filled gaze.
Silence hung heavy between us, and I let my thoughts spin backward to
all the moments, days before, when I could have done more… something…
anything to keep Josie out of the DC’s hands.
“I thought the moments we shared were important to you,” she said
Nothing could have prepared me for that. I whirled around, facing my
“Of course, they fucking were. Every memory with you is the highlight
of my life,” I said, my voice hoarse with emotion.
“Apparently not, because you think you can just hide away here and I
won’t notice or care. You think I don’t want you around. That means either
I’ve done a bad job of communicating with you and telling you how I feel,
or our time together really hasn’t meant that much to you.” Josie’s voice
was getting louder now, a fierceness blazing in her eyes.
“It’s meant everything, everything! I thought my life was nothing. Our
pack was falling apart before you. You’re the center of our fucking
universe. You bring out the best in all of us. But that doesn’t change the fact
that I’m not a good enough alpha for you!”
Josie pushed herself off the door and walked towards me. She was
practically vibrating with emotion and I knew it was coming—her rejection.
She would finally realize what I was saying was true.
Then she brought her hands to my chest and pushed me back into my
office chair. My legs gave way under me.
“What will it take for you to hear me?” she asked, her voice tinged
with… anger?
I looked down, pressing the heels of my hands into my eyes. “You
deserve someone better. This pack deserves someone better.”
Josie let out a huff of frustration. “You are necessary here, Theo. All of
us look to you for guidance. When I woke up in the hospital after
collapsing, I felt safe for the first time in years because your scent was on
my hoodie. I wouldn’t let them take it away from me. I spent days curled up
in your scent because it was the only thing that calmed me. I’ve trusted you
with my secrets, my love, my body, everything. You’re the one who’s
holding back!”
My mouth opened in confusion, my mind blank. She was breathing
heavily, nails digging into her hands. I automatically reached for them,
unfurling her fists and rubbing her palms.
“It hurts me when you hold back,” she said softly. “I love you, Theo. I
want to bond you, and you said you want to bond me, but it doesn’t feel like
you want me. Did it even cross your mind that hiding away in here feels
like punishment for me?”
“Oh, love.” I hung my head, keeping hold of her hands, but she tugged
them out of my grip and retreated a few steps.
No, I couldn’t let her pull away now. Couldn’t let her think that any of
this was her fault.
I stood and took a few steps towards her. Josie backed up, but I kept
going until she was against the wall and I was right in front of her, our
bodies separated by a hair’s breadth.
“I could never, ever stop wanting you,” I said fiercely. “I didn’t realize
you felt like I was punishing you.” My voice wavered. “I’m sorry, so sorry.”
My voice broke and a sob escaped my chest. Immediately, Josie’s arms
were around me, squeezing her soft body against mine. Another sob
shuddered through me as I wrapped my arms around her, pressing my face
into her hair.
“It’s okay,” she said softly, running her hands up and down my back.
“You can feel. Let it out. I’m right here.”
God, I should be the one comforting her, but her comfort felt so good.
When was the last time I’d allowed myself to be taken care of?
I wasn’t sure how much time passed, but my tears slowly stopped. I was
a red-faced mess, but Josie just held me.
I silently tugged her over to the desk and she followed. I mopped up my
face with tissues before pulling her onto my lap. She didn’t pressure me to
talk, just curled up in my lap as I gathered my thoughts.
“I was afraid you would reject me, so I pulled away to protect myself. I
acted out of my insecurity and thought I was punishing myself, but it was
unfair to you.” My throat tightened.
Josie squeezed my hands. “You should have told me what you were
I nodded. “I didn’t want to put more on you. You’ve gone through
enough.” I couldn’t stop more tears from spilling over. Josie’s hand
caressed my face, and I leaned into her touch.
“You know how much I love you? More than my life,” I said, gripping
her hips tightly.
“I want you to talk to me. I can handle it,” she murmured. “I know I was
really out of it after what happened. But I’m not in that dark place anymore,
and so much of that has to do with you. I don’t want this relationship to be
One-sided? How could she say that? I cupped her face with both hands.
“You have given me so much. This has never been one-sided. I just wish I
didn’t have so much baggage to bring into this relationship.”
A smile tugged at her lips. “Theo, we need the world’s biggest moving
truck to haul the baggage all four of us bring into this relationship.”
I snorted. “I guess you have a point.”
“I usually do,” she said with a smile.
I leaned in for a kiss, the softness of her lips against mine feeling like a
Josie pulled back, a question in her eyes. “You said you’ve felt non-
essential?” she asked, her voice unsure.
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “I guess mostly from my parents,” I
When I didn’t say anything else, she gave me a tight smile. “You don’t
have to talk about it.”
I realized I was doing it again—trying to conceal my feelings. I focused
on Josie’s sweet scent as I tried to find the right words. I took a deep breath.
“No, I do. I want you to know. It’s just hard to talk about.” I kept going
before I lost my nerve.
“My parents started out… I don’t know, normal? I had a normal life in
London growing up until they started getting more wrapped up in
Designation Traditionalist values. There was a radio show they listened to,
and then they started hanging out with more people who shared those
values. By the time we moved to North Woods, they were all in. My older
sisters had already bonded their packs and stayed in England, but they
moved me and my younger brothers here. Having alpha sons advances your
status for some bullshit reason, and they were always pushing me to fit their
image of a proper alpha—to win fights, fuck often, and be an aggressive
asshole like my fathers.
“They treated me like I had to earn their love, and I was never enough.
Once my brothers revealed as alphas, they dropped me. It was like I was a
ghost in my own home. I never lived up to their expectations, making me
useless to them.”
“Oh, Theo.” My mate’s hold tightened on me. “You don’t have to earn
anything with me. Just be here.”
I nodded, trying to let her words sink deep inside me, surrounding and
healing the wound I’d carried since childhood. I cupped the back of her
neck and pulled her close until our foreheads touched.
“I guess talking about our feelings makes things better,” she said dryly.
“Imagine that,” I responded. “Fucking horrible.”
“Total trash,” she agreed. But she had a broad smile on her face and her
scent was bright. The terrified knot in my chest eased, soothed by her
presence and words.
“So, have you actually been doing any work in here the past few days or
just staring at the wall?” she asked with scary accuracy. Before I could
answer, her eyes caught on the stack of books I had hidden behind my desk.
“Or reading,” she said.
Shit. No one was meant to see those.
I tensed, bracing for her reaction.
She was quiet for a few long moments.
“You’ve expanded your collection,” she said.
She tilted her head to see the titles better. “The Nightmare Inside:
Healing from Interpersonal Violence. When Trauma Strikes: An Alpha’s
Guide to Emotional Healing.” Then she paused, and when she spoke again,
it sounded like she was holding back laughter. “And the best of them all…
Seven Secrets to Sexually Satisfying your Omega.”
She turned to me with a raised eyebrow. I choked, lunging to try and
hide the book I hadn’t realized was in the stack with the others, but she just
laughed and clung to my body.
“That’s not mine,” I blurted out. My cheeks felt like they were on fire.
“Oh? Did a rogue librarian sneak it into your pile?”
I just groaned, pressing my face into the crook of her neck. “I thought
I’d hidden that far, far away.”
“Why?” she asked with a giggle, pressing small kisses to the side of my
“Because it’s fucking embarrassing,” I mumbled.
“Embarrassing to want to please your omega? Because I think the way
you make me scream with pleasure is the opposite of embarrassing,” she
said, her voice sultry as her lips brushed my ear.
I groaned. Now I was rock hard underneath her. She wiggled, brushing
her ass against my erection in a move that had me tightening my grip on her
waist with a growl.
“I think I need to see what’s in this book,” she said, leaning over to snag
it from the floor before I could stop her. I tried to get it first, but she was
already cracking it open and I didn’t have the heart to tear it out of her
The book fell straight to a dog-eared chapter titled “The Power of the
Tongue.” A chapter with a shit-ton of my own highlights and notes on it.
“This looks promising,” she said with a grin as she started reading. “We
surveyed over one hundred omegas in the writing of this book, and one
thing became clear: while the powers of the cock and knot are regularly
extolled, we should not forget the mighty power of the tongue.”
“Now would be a really convenient time for an anvil to fall from the sky
and crush me,” I muttered. Josie ignored me, continuing to read out loud.
“When mastered to the fullest, the art of cunnilingus can be a
transcendent experience for all involved. As my grandfather used to tell me,
‘When in doubt, lick don’t dick.’” She snorted. “His grandfather used to
say? Gross.”
“Came in handy,” I muttered, grabbing the book and throwing it across
the room.
Josie giggled and turned her gaze back to mine. She was smiling, and
her eyes were glazed with arousal. She licked her lips, pressing her ass
more firmly against my cock.
I ran my thumb along her bottom lip, which was begging to be kissed.
“I’m not sure how accurate this book is,” she said breathily. “I might
need a demonstration to be sure.”
Chapter Twenty

I gripped Josie around the thighs and lifted her so she straddled me.
If talking about my feelings led to this, maybe it wasn’t so bad.
“You’re not sure about my skills?” I teased, reaching underneath her
sweatshirt to tweak her nipples.
She shrugged, trying to look unaffected even as she perfumed for me. “I
don’t know. It’s been so long.”
“Have I been neglecting you, angel?”
“Yes,” she said, jutting her lip out in a pout. “Sooo neglected.” She
pressed her pussy against my crotch, and I groaned as my cock jumped to
“Well then, sounds like I need to prove myself.”
I gripped her hair firmly and licked a long line up her neck. Fuck, she
tasted so good. Her scent flooded my senses and I wanted to be drenched in
“I have to taste you,” I said, trailing kisses down the side of her face.
Josie whimpered, pulling me in for a kiss. I deepened it, thrusting my
tongue in her mouth as I gripped her ass and stood. I walked over to the
desk and was fucking trembling as I prepared to live out one of my greatest
fantasies. I set her down on the edge of the desk and pulled off her
sweatshirt. She was bare underneath, her pink nipples hard and tempting.
“You want that, love? You want my face between your thighs, eating
you out on my desk?”
“Please,” she gasped.
I shoved my office things aside, for once not giving a fuck about
organization, and laid her down on the wood surface, rolling up the
sweatshirt underneath her head so she’d be more comfortable. I placed hot,
open-mouthed kisses down her stomach and up her thighs, breathing her
fragrance but refusing to place my mouth where she really wanted it. I
wanted her to be a begging, writhing mess.
Josie moaned and threaded her fingers in my hair. I moved my hands
down her waist, pleased when she didn’t shrink away or try to hide herself.
“Can’t believe how beautiful you are, how fucking lucky I am to touch
you. Your soft skin, your pretty little nipples. Are you wet for me?”
“Yes,” she whimpered, her hips moving as if trying to find friction.
“Don’t worry, love, I’m going to take care of you. I’m going to make
you come on my tongue until you think you can’t anymore.”
I quickly pulled her sweatpants and underwear off, placing her soaked
panties in the pocket of my dress pants.
“Please, Theo. Please,” she cried, her voice bordering on a sob. “Stop
being so mean.”
I chuckled at her dramatics. “My omega, so impatient,” I said, breathing
on her mound. My mouth was fucking watering and my resolve almost
broke, but I wanted to tease her a bit longer, wanted her to be desperate for
“Theo,” she whined, thrusting her hips to get my mouth on her
sweetness. “If you don’t do something soon, no blow jobs for you,” she bit
“Let’s not get too hasty,” I said, giving her a playful nip on the thighs.
“Look at that pretty pink pussy, so wet and ready for me. You want my
tongue on your clit? Want me to taste you?”
“Yes, yes,” she cried.
I gripped her thighs, placing each foot flat on the desk on either side of
“Don’t move, angel. Let your alpha devour your sweetness.” I licked a
long line from her entrance to her clit, savoring the burst of flavor on my
Absolute heaven.
“You taste so good, angel. So sweet,” I moaned before fucking
consuming her.
I tongued her entrance and circled her clit and was rewarded with fresh
bursts of slick as she shouted my name. I thrust a finger into her tight
passage and she shrieked, her hips lifting off the table. When she begged for
more, I was more than happy to oblige, adding another finger and curving it
so I hit her pleasure spot.
She came with a moan, her core pulsing around my fingers. My cock
pressed against my pants and I was desperate to be inside her. But I resisted,
wanting the focus today to be on her pleasure. I was in awe that she would
trust me to touch her, that she would beg for my touch after everything
she’d been through.
I paused, overcome by emotion as the reality hit me: her love and trust
were a gift. I didn’t have to earn it. All I had to do was love her in return,
and that was the easiest fucking thing I could ever be asked to do.
I licked her through another orgasm, stopping only when she pushed my
head away. She lay back on the desk, her arm thrown across her face and
her skin a rosy, glowing pink. I couldn’t stop myself from pressing one last
kiss on top of her cute little clit.
“I need to write a book review,” she whispered, holding her hands out to
me. I helped her up into a seated position and she slumped against me, her
arms circling my torso.
I chuckled. “A good review, I hope?”
“The best,” she said.
“There’s nothing better than seeing you come,” I murmured, playing
with her hair.
After a few quiet moments, she let out a distressed cry. I jolted, looking
around the room for a threat. When I couldn’t find anything, I followed her
gaze and saw the puddle of slick that had pooled underneath her on my
“Sorry,” she said, her shining eyes meeting mine.
I snorted. “I’m fucking not. I want your scent on every surface in here.”
Her face flamed red and she huffed out an exasperated sigh, but I saw
the flash of pleasure in her eyes.
“What do you want now, omega?” I asked. “I’m at your disposal.”
Her mouth twisted into a wicked smile. “Now it’s my turn,” she said.
She slid off the desk and the bounce of her breasts momentarily distracted
me. She pushed me down into my office chair and slid onto her knees in
front of me. My heart was racing so fast I was mildly concerned I was
having a heart attack. But if this was how I died, with my omega on her
knees in front of me, it would be bloody worth it.
“You don’t have to...” I choked out, even though everything inside me
was screaming at me to shut the fuck up.
“I want to,” Josie responded, reaching up to unzip my pants, which
already had a damp spot from my pre-cum and her slick. “I can’t believe
you’re wearing dress pants at home,” she said with a smile, shaking her
head. “And a button-down shirt.”
“What should I be wearing?” I asked, trying to distract myself from
blowing my load as her fingers grazed my cock through my boxers.
“Preferably nothing,” she said teasingly. “But if clothing is a must, gray
sweatpants are always a hit.”
My cheeks flushed and I bit my lip, holding back a groan as she freed
my cock. I made a mental note to buy some gray sweatpants immediately to
please my mate. I lifted my hips so she could pull off my clothes. Josie ran
her hands up my thighs before running her tongue up my length.
Fucking hell. My brain couldn’t compute that this was happening.
She drew the tip into her mouth, her tongue toying with my piercing.
Warmth suffused my entire body.
“This is one of my top fantasies,” I groaned.
“Which part?” she asked, licking and kissing down my length. “Me on
my knees in front of you? Or being in your office?”
I gasped, unable to give her a coherent response as she took me deeper.
I couldn’t stop myself from threading my hand through her thick, wavy hair.
My hips jerked as I thrust into her mouth. I froze, waiting to see if she
would tell me to stop, but she just moaned in pleasure. The vibration went
straight through me and I almost came right then, but I gritted my teeth and
held off, refusing to let this fantasy end quickly.
“All of it,” I said, panting.
She moved her mouth off my cock, gripping the base as she started
working me with her hand.
“Have you imagined me like this, under your desk while you have a
meeting?” she asked, her eyes locked with mine.
I inhaled sharply, consumed by the image she painted. I imagined
pinning her between my legs as she sucked me off in secret. Even after I
came in her mouth, I would keep her on my softening cock, sucking me
until I grew hard again.
“Fuck. I’m never going to be able to sit at my desk without thinking of
you, your pouty lips around my cock, the taste of your slick. Is that what
you want? Me to sit in meetings with a fucking hard-on?”
She smiled, her lips stretched around me. I took a chance and thrust
harder into her mouth. I hit the back of her throat and she gagged, but when
I went to move away, she gripped my legs harder and took me deep again.
That fucking did it.
I erupted, my mouth open in silent ecstasy as Josie swallowed every
drop of my cum and then gave my cock a final lick.
She looked up at me, eyes wide and bright, as if seeking my approval.
I leaned down, gripping her face with my hands and pulling her into a
hard kiss, uncaring that she still had my taste in her mouth. When we finally
broke apart for air, Josie had the sweetest smile on her face.
“Did it live up to your fantasy?”
“Fuck no,” I said, running my hand through my wreck of a hair.
“Exceeded it in every way.”
She grinned up at me, and I pulled her onto my lap, cuddling her to my
“Love you, angel. I think I have since the moment I stalked you through
the store.”
“You sweet-talker,” she said, rubbing her face along my throat, scent
marking me.
All the tension drained from my body as I held her and took a deep
inhale of her bright scent. Her mood was infectious and I couldn’t wait to
have a straight line to her emotions once we were bonded.
Josie’s chest rose and fell with her breaths. She was absolute perfection.
And she was mine.
She wasn’t leaving. Would not abandon me.
I wasn’t sure why the realization was hitting me so hard all of a sudden,
but it was as if the last protective barrier I had erected to protect myself
from rejection crumbled under the weight of her sweet smile.
Everything felt perfect except… her statement from earlier floated back
to me. Had I not made it clear that I wanted to bond her?
“I can’t decide where I want you to mark me,” I said, trying to keep my
voice calm but freaking the fuck out inside.
She pulled back, meeting my eyes. “Oh, yeah?” she asked, a smile
slowly spreading across her face.
“Definitely somewhere visible,” I said, breathing deeply as she emitted
a strong vanilla scent. “But I already know where I want my mark on you.”
“Where?” she asked breathlessly.
“Right here,” I said, running my fingers along the palm of her hand.
Her breath hitched and I panicked, not wanting her to cry again.
“Unless you don’t want that,” I said quickly.
“No, I love it,” she sniffled, throwing her arms around my neck.
“You’re not crying, are you?” I asked, running my hand up and down
her back.
“No,” she said as tears trickled down her face.
I raised a single eyebrow and she snorted out a laugh.
“Okay, fine. I am, but it’s your fault for being so sweet.”
“I have a lot of sweetness to give you to make up for the past week.”
A hard tug through the bond startled me.
“What’s wrong?” Josie asked.
I rolled my eyes. “Just Ben being fucking impatient and trying to get my
attention.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. If I had to share her with
the others, at least she was fucking drenched in my scent.
“I guess he’s awake then?” she asked with a smile.
“Seems like it,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Well then, we better join him before he gets too cranky.”
We both got dressed and I couldn’t help but scowl as she pulled her
clothes back on. I didn’t see why she needed to cover her perfect, soft
She giggled when she saw my expression and pulled me in for a kiss
before grabbing my hand and tugging me out of the office. She looked back
at me over her shoulder and squeezed my hand. After a lifetime of having to
earn my worthiness, she accepted me the way I was. I couldn’t help but pull
her in for one more kiss, savoring the taste of her and knowing I would
never get enough.
Chapter Twenty-One

That item we discussed is ready. Come to the shop to pick it

M ymyheart rate quickened. I had pushed my conversation with Jewel out of

mind so I didn’t get my hopes up, but now I couldn’t stop the
tiniest bit of hope from sparking in my chest. I wanted the device out, hated
feeling the bump in my arm. But if I couldn’t get it out, this was the next
best thing. Maybe even better in some ways because it would mean
protection from alpha barks going forward… if it worked.
1 pm

I put down my latest romance book—a Theo recommendation—and sat

up on the couch. I was in the library with Ben. There was a crackling fire
going and soft music on the record player. It was a scene straight out of a
movie, except that Ben was sitting across from me, wearing an intense
expression of focus as he hunched over his laptop. He and Charlie were
hacking into government records and had a competition to see who could
do it the fastest.
I bit my lip as I looked at the time. Eleven o’clock. I had less than two
hours to tell my alphas about the serum, convince them it was a good idea,
and get to Jewel’s. Maybe I should start with Ben since he was usually the
most chill.
I glanced over at him. His dark curls fell in his face and his lips looked
soft and kissable. I had the urge to shove his laptop to the side, straddle him,
and run my fingers through his hair.
I held in a groan. Being a horny omega was exhausting sometimes. I
took a breath and opened my mouth before promptly closing it again. I
should wait. I didn’t want to interrupt his work.
“Yes,” Ben shouted, startling me out of my thoughts.
He threw his arms up in victory, looking at me with excitement. His
spicy sweet scent filled the room, and I couldn’t help but mirror his smile.
“You did it?”
“Hell yeah, I did,” he said, grabbing his phone. “Maybe Charlie needs
help since she’s being so slo—”
His words trailed off. “What? No. How could she possibly have beat
He typed furiously and I hid my grin behind my hand. Competitive Ben
was equal parts adorable and sexy.
With a huff, he fell back into his chair, mumbling something about “just
wait until next time.”
Ben met my gaze and held his arms out to me. “You’re too far away,” he
Before I could respond, Theo and Cam entered the library. Shit. My
window for getting Ben on board first had closed.
Theo set the takeout bags on the coffee table and leaned over to kiss me.
He tasted so good that my greedy hands reached out to grab him, pulling
him down beside me. He was dressed uncharacteristically in a t-shirt and
sweatpants, and I wondered if it was because I mentioned liking sweatpants
yesterday. The outline of his cock was visible, especially as I ran my hand
down his chest. Theo grunted, shifting in his seat but not doing anything to
stop me.
Cam leaned over Ben’s chair, looking at the laptop screen. He must
have felt my eyes on him because he glanced up with a panty-melting
smile. His hair was tied back in a half-up top knot like I’d shown him after
his shower yesterday. He winked, eyes smoldering, before turning back
towards Ben.
“You got it?” Cam asked, clasping his hand on Ben’s shoulder.
“I think we got everything we were looking for,” Ben said. “I’ll talk
with Charlie later to confirm, but I grabbed close to ten thousand emails.”
“Shit,” Cam said. “Great job. Hopefully, something in there will give us
information about the kidnapped omegas.”
Ben’s cheeks pinkened as he tried to hide how happy Cam’s approval
made him.
Cam started pulling the food containers out of the bag, and my mouth
watered at the stacks of waffles, pancakes, and hash browns.
“I thought we could get in the hot tub after we ate,” he said, his eyes
dark and heated.
Yes, please.
Wait, no.
“I need to go to Jewel’s today at 1 pm,” I blurted out.
Cam raised his eyebrows, the waffle he was plating hovering in midair.
“Why’s that?” Theo asked, tugging me closer to his side.
I took a deep breath. Just rip off the band-aid.
“Umm, okay. So, when we were there for the meeting, Jewel told me
that the serum to disable the device is ready. They think it can also have a
long-term effect of making omegas not susceptible to alpha barks, even
once the device is removed. The Alliance got the serum, and Angie will be
at Jewel’s to give it to me today.”
A silence fell in the room as my alphas processed my explanation.
“What?” Theo furrowed his brow. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I didn’t want to get my hopes up,” I said. “They’re not sure if it will
work. Not many people have taken it yet.”
“How many is not many?” Cam asked, his jaw set in a way that told me
his alpha was pushing through.
“I’m not sure of the exact number,” I hedged.
I looked at Ben for help, but his arms were crossed and brow furrowed.
“Okay, I think I might be like the second person. But the first person
was the omega who made the serum, and she’s fine.” I bit my lip, realizing
Jewel hadn’t specifically said that the omega was fine after the serum.
Maybe I should have asked more questions.
“What’s in the serum? What are the side effects?” Theo asked as he
played with my hair.
“I’m sure they’ll tell us when we get there,” I said. My face heated with
embarrassment at how little I knew. Was I being an idiot? How had I agreed
to this without getting more information?
“Hey,” Theo said, pulling me close. “What’s wrong?”
I didn’t understand why I felt so ashamed right now, why I had the urge
to push myself out of Theo’s arms and run and hide in the nest.
Stupid little omega.
You’ll never amount to anything.
I flinched at the cruel voice that sounded suspiciously like my pack
“I didn’t get the chance to ask a lot of questions,” I said.
“That’s okay, love,” Theo said, his expression adorably bewildered as
he tried to soothe me.
“Maybe it’s a stupid idea. It probably won’t even work,” I said, looking
down at my hands.
“You don’t have to figure this out alone,” Ben murmured sweetly,
moving to sit next to me. “Theo can talk with Angie when we get there.”
“You’re not going to tell me not to do it?” I asked, glancing up to meet
Cam’s gaze.
I had expected them to freak out and tell me it wasn’t safe. Now they
were being so reasonable and I wasn’t sure what to do with that.
Cam sat down on the coffee table across from me and his hand encircled
my thigh. “If this is safe and it works, that’s good news.”
“Do you think…” I started before hesitating, scared to even voice my
“Hmm?” Theo prompted.
“If the serum works, does that mean we can bond?”
My three guys froze before their heated gazes met mine.
“Fuck,” Cam said. “I hadn’t thought about that.” He looked at Theo.
“If it neutralizes the effect of the device, I don’t see why not,” Theo
said, a slow smile spreading across his face.
Ben stood. “In that case, we should go right away.”
I giggled. “I’m sure Angie’s not there yet.”
Ben huffed, sitting back down next to me.
“You need waffles,” Cam said, holding out a plate of food to me, eyeing
me to make sure I wouldn’t get upset again.
I took the plate, nurturing that tiny tendril of hope in my heart as we ate.
I stumbled straight into Theo’s chest as I walked out of my room, letting
out a squeak. His arms wrapped around me to keep me from losing my
“Sorry, love. Didn’t mean to startle you,” he said with a chuckle. His
body enveloped me, settling some of the anxiety tightening my chest. I’d
just finished getting ready to leave after our brief time in the hot tub.
Theo grasped my chin and ran his thumb across my lips. “You’re so
I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes.
“Before we go, I have something to give you.”
My eyes flew open at that and he chuckled.
Theo fished a small package wrapped in brown paper out of his pocket.
My fingers itched to rip off the paper, but I played it cool, unwrapping it
carefully. I opened the box and pulled out a silicon bracelet with beads
attached to it. As far as jewelry went, it was pretty ugly.
“Um, thanks?”
Theo grinned. “Each one of these beads contains an alpha tab. This way,
you’ll always have them on you. And the entire bracelet is waterproof.”
My eyes widened. “Seriously? That’s amazing.” I threw my arms
around him, tugging his head down to kiss him. He had given me this gift of
security, of knowing I could defend myself against other alphas. It was the
best present I’d ever been given.
“Just want you to be safe, angel,” he murmured between kisses.
I pressed myself flush with his body, pushing him until his back was
against the wall. He groaned, cupping my ass and pulling my core flush
with his growing hard-on.
“What’s taking so long?” Ben asked, coming up the stairs. “Aha, what
do we have here?” he said, inhaling sharply. Before I could process what
was happening, he was pressed against my back.
I moaned, arching against Ben as I continued kissing Theo. Ben’s hand
tightly gripped my hip, and the other cupped my breast. I whimpered when
he pinched my nipple, and slick soaked my underwear.
“Look how sexy you are between us, precious. So sweet for us,” Ben
murmured, his hand snaking down to cup my mound. All thoughts escaped
me as I rocked against his hand. Theo gripped my hair, tilting my head back
as he nipped the sensitive skin on my neck. Ben put pressure against my clit
and it was everything I needed as my orgasm built. I surrendered to the
sensation, coming with a cry as pleasure overwhelmed me.
“Good girl,” Ben said, pressing his hard cock against my ass.
“For fuck’s sake. I was waiting in the car. It’s almost one.” Cam’s voice
reached me as he stomped up the stairs, his growl sending another shiver
through my body.
I was jostled around until I ended up in Cam’s arms, my legs wrapped
around him.
“She was stressed,” Theo said, winking at me over Cam’s shoulder. “I
had to help her relax.”
I pressed my grin into Cam’s neck. Theo’s plan had worked. My body
felt boneless, the anxiety I’d felt moments earlier a distant memory.
“You were?” Cam asked sweetly, holding me tighter to his chest. “We
don’t have to do this.”
“I want to go,” I said, running my nose down Cam’s neck. My mouth
watered at his sweet scent, making me want to sink my teeth into his skin.
“Let’s change your underwear then, baby girl. You made a mess of
My cheeks flushed, but I couldn’t find it in myself to be embarrassed,
even as Cam brought me back into the room, changed my underwear and
leggings for me, and smacked my ass as we headed down the stairs.
Chapter Twenty-Two

“N ice weather we’ve been having. Unseasonably warm.”

Josie, Jewel, and I stared at Logan, one of Angie’s alphas. He
cleared his throat awkwardly, swinging his arms back and forth.
“This shop is… really nice,” he continued, looking around as if
admiring the precariously stacked boxes in the back room.
“What’s wrong with him?” Jewel asked, brow furrowed.
Josie elbowed her in the side before turning back to Logan. “It is a nice
shop, isn’t it? And the owner is such a charmer.”
Logan gave Josie a tentative smile.
I pulled her closer so her back was against my chest and looked over to
where Theo and Ben were talking with Angie. As long as I was touching
Josie, I could keep my anxiety at bay.
She wrapped her arms around mine and looked up at me. “You doing
I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding and kissed her cheek. I
wanted her to get the serum. It terrified me that she was so vulnerable
around other alphas right now. Even Logan, who seemed to be the most
awkward, shy alpha I’d ever met, was registering as a threat. I just didn’t
understand why she needed to be the second person to try the serum. Surely
there were others who could try it before she did to make sure it was safe.
Ben waved at me, signaling for us to come over.
“I’m going out front to run my nice shop,” Jewel said with a smirk.
“Kick some ass, Josie.”
My mate smiled and gave Jewel a little wave.
“Theo has deemed it safe,” Ben said with an eye roll, pulling Josie in
for a kiss.
Theo looked up from the research team’s paper.
“The research was well done,” he said, almost begrudgingly.
“If it’s so safe, why aren’t you taking it?” I asked Angie, trying to keep
the accusing tone out of my voice.
Angie blushed and glanced at her two alphas leaning against the back
wall. “I would, except I’m pregnant.”
Josie squealed with excitement, throwing her arms around Angie.
“Congrats,” I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck. Feeling protective
of Josie didn’t mean I got to be an asshole, especially not to another omega
who was risking so much to help us.
I eyed Josie’s big smile as she and Angie discussed the pregnancy and
wondered if she wanted to have children. She was on birth control, so it
hadn’t come up yet. The three of us had never wanted kids, but what if Josie
did? Theo watched Josie carefully as well, and I wondered if he was
thinking the same thing.
Now was not the time to think about it.
“Alright,” Angie said, sitting down at a table with a metal tray of
medical supplies. “You ready for this?”
“Yep,” Josie responded, sitting down across from her. Only the acidic
edge of her scent gave away her anxiety, and I couldn’t help but pull up a
chair next to her.
“This serum uses a similar formulation to the alpha tabs. As you know,
we can’t remove your device without it alerting the government. The hope
is that the serum will disable the device. If this works for you, you won’t be
as susceptible to alpha barks even after the device is removed. It lessens the
omega impulse to obey, hopefully evening the playing field when it comes
to omegas being able to function in society, work, and make our own
“How long until I know if it’s worked?” Josie asked.
“The other omega noticed a difference after forty-eight hours, but
obviously, that’s just a sample size of one,” Angie said. “During the
injection, you might feel a burning sensation, which could last several
minutes.” She took special care to look at Ben, Theo, and me. Probably
checking to make sure we wouldn’t lose our shit at our omega being in
“Any other side effects?” Josie asked.
“The other omega reported some euphoric effects for a couple of hours
after,” Angie said.
“What does that mean?” Josie asked.
Angie cleared her throat. “She was a bit loopy, almost like she was
“That doesn’t sound bad,” Josie said, biting her lip.
“Good,” Angie said with a nod. “We’ll get started then.”
She turned towards the medical tray. Theo stood behind her so he could
watch as she drew up the liquid.
“You don’t have to do this if you’re unsure,” I murmured, leaning closer
to my mate.
“I want to,” Josie whispered back.
Ben stood behind Josie’s chair, lightly touching her shoulders. She
glanced back at him with a smile.
“It’s going to burn, but you need to hold still for the full ten seconds,”
Angie warned as she cleaned the spot on Josie’s arm with an alcohol wipe.
Josie nodded, her expression stoic. She was so brave while I felt like my
heart would explode from stress.
“Want me to hold your hand?” I murmured, scooting my chair closer. I
hoped she would say yes, mainly because it would make me feel less
useless and because I selfishly needed her touch to stay calm.
She nodded, and I grasped her hand, noticing the marks her fingernails
had left on her palm.
“Alright. One, two, three,” Angie said.
Josie’s eyes were screwed shut as she squeezed my hand in an iron-tight
grip. Every muscle in her body tensed, and she held her breath.
“All set,” Angie said after what felt like an eternity as she pulled out the
needle and quickly placed a band-aid on my omega’s arm.
Josie released the breath she’d been holding, but her eyes were still
“Sweetheart? Are you okay?” I asked. I ran my hand up her arm and
realized she was trembling.
“Josie,” Theo said, his voice sharp.
A whine slipped through her lips, and I lurched, gathering her up in my
arms. Little tremors wracked her body. Ben wrapped his arms around both
of us, pressing his face to Josie’s.
A soft whimper slipped through her clenched jaw as if she was trying to
keep her pain from us but couldn’t quite hold it in. The sound was almost
enough for me to go feral.
Theo let out a low growl, pressing himself to my side so he could touch
“The burning should pass in the next few minutes,” Angie said, her
voice infuriatingly calm. “The best thing you can do for her is stay relaxed.”
It took everything in me to not snap at her. My alpha said it was her
fault that my mate was suffering, but I managed to hang on to reason and
focus on my omega.
Ben stroked Josie’s face and purred. Immediately, I felt some of the
tension leave her body. Theo and I started purring as well, touching her as
much as we could. Her breaths were coming easier and after what seemed
like an eternity, she opened her eyes.
“You still hurting, baby girl?” I asked.
“Just a little,” she said, leaning her face into my chest.
“I need to take her vitals,” Angie said.
I tensed, not wanting to let anyone outside our pack touch Josie.
“You can keep holding her. Just sit down in this chair for me,” Angie
said patiently.
Josie patted my chest as if trying to reassure me. I took a deep breath
and sat down, biting my lip to keep myself from growling as Angie put a
blood pressure cuff and heart rate monitor on Josie.
“Everything looks good,” Angie sighed with relief, moving to take the
blood pressure cuff off Josie’s arm.
“That’s mine,” Josie said, tugging her arm away from Angie.
“What?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Don’t take my present,” Josie said, her nose scrunched with
“What present, sweetheart?” I asked.
“This,” my omega said, her tone exasperated as she pointed to the cuff.
“That’s not yours?” I said, trying to cover my confusion.
“My present.” Josie crossed her arms and shifted closer to me.
“Oh my god. She’s totally high,” Ben said with a chuckle, leaning down
to kiss Josie on the cheek.
“Hi!” she said brightly, pressing her hands on either side of Ben’s face
until she squished his cheeks.
“What are the odds I’m getting that blood pressure cuff back?” Angie
asked with a smile.
Josie scowled at Angie, placing a protective hand on the cuff.
“We’ll get it back to you later,” Theo said with a chuckle, brushing his
hand down Josie’s hair.
Relief was the overwhelming sensation through the bond. We certainly
weren’t about to take something she wanted away from her right now.
Josie tilted her head back so she could look at Theo.
“No more grumpies,” she said, pointing sternly at him. His lips
twitched, but he managed to control his expression.
“Grumpies?” Ben asked, laughter in his voice.
“Theo had the grumpies this past week,” she said.
“Alright, angel. I promise, no more grumpies.”
Josie nodded imperiously before turning on me. She frowned,
scrunching her nose up in that adorable way she did.
“Am I mad at you for something?” she asked.
Do. Not. Laugh.
“No, not at all,” I said as earnestly as I could.
Her eyes narrowed before she turned to Ben. He immediately held his
hands up. “I haven’t done anything. No grumpies here.”
“Where’s my cake?” she asked, looking around.
“Umm,” I said.
Angie covered her mouth to keep from laughing as her alphas helped
her pack her supplies.
Josie’s lower lip trembled. “You didn’t bring my cake?”
“Cam forgot it. Can you believe that?” Ben said, smirking at me. “Good
thing I have some at home for you.”
Josie pushed herself off my lap and I reluctantly let her go, seething at
“Have to remember cake next time,” Josie muttered, her voice low and
cranky as she made her way to the front of the shop.
“Ben!” Josie cried out, spinning around in the shop.
“What precious?” he asked, pulling her in for a hug.
“We have to find Jewel a pack. I think she’s lonely.”
I tensed, glancing over at Jewel. The alpha could be unpredictable
sometimes, and I wouldn’t let her do anything to upset Josie. But Jewel just
smiled softly.
“She acts tough, but she’s a marshmallow,” Josie told Ben in the loudest
whisper I’d ever heard.
Jewel chuckled. “Thanks, sweetie.”
We stayed in the shop for a few minutes as Josie ran around with
excitement, pointing at all the things she wanted. I knew she would be
embarrassed once the effects of the injection wore off, but the three of us
loved seeing her so uninhibited.
We finally left the shop, my arms laden with bags of blankets, books,
and cute house shit. Ben and Theo held Josie’s hands to keep her from
running off as we got back in the car and headed home.
Chapter Twenty-Three

“W illmyyou teach me how to knit?” Josie asked. Her fingers traced along
hands, her touch making blood rush to my cock.
She had been complete, adorable chaos when we got home—giggling as
she ate cake and ran around the house and tried to push us into the pool.
She’d finally settled down and was now in a very snuggly mood. Not that I
was fucking complaining. Seeing her so happy eased some of the panic I’d
felt seeing her in pain from the injection, but I kept touching her to reassure
me she was okay.
I knew my brothers felt the same. We were all in the den, pressed as
close to her as possible. Ben dozed off on her other side, and Theo sat on
the floor, Josie’s legs draped across his shoulders as he massaged her feet.
“Of course,” I said gruffly, shifting to hide my erection.
I got her a set of needles and a ball of soft pink yarn, showing her how
to cast on. She bit her lip in determination and it was so fucking cute I
couldn’t help but pull her in for a kiss. She beamed at me, leaning into my
side. After a while, I looked over to see how she was doing and saw several
inches of perfectly formed rows.
“What?” I sputtered, grasping her knitting. “How did you do this?”
Josie looked up at me, surprised. “I just followed your instructions.”
Theo turned around, peering at Josie’s work. “Damn, angel. That’s
prettier than anything Cam has ever made.” He glanced at me with a shit-
eating grin and I had to resist the urge to smack him on the head.
“Cam’s knitting is great,” Josie said, a smile playing on her lips.
Ben snorted, apparently awakened from his nap. He stretched with a
“I’m starving,” he said, patting his stomach. “I could make us some
“Mmm, yes, please,” Josie said, kissing him on the cheek.
Ben went to prepare dinner and Josie focused on her knitting while I
flipped through the TV channels, careful to avoid the news. The
government was being suspiciously quiet, and I was bracing myself to see
what shit they were going to pull next. I held Josie tighter, desperately
hoping the serum would work and provide her some protection.
And allow us to bond.
I’d been so focused on making sure Josie was alright when she got the
serum that I hadn’t let myself think of after. But if this worked, we could
bond her. I held in my groan as I thought of how she would look with my
bite on her. Would I want it on her neck or somewhere else?
“Oh, that one,” Josie said, nudging me. I stopped scrolling at what
looked like some British TV show and turned up the volume.
“This is a good show,” Theo mused. “I think it’s even better than the
“What? How can you say that?” Josie asked, peering down at him.
“That’s such a bad take.”
“The book is so slow,” Theo responded, shifting so he was kneeling on
the floor facing Josie. “The show has stronger pacing and dialogue.”
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” Josie exclaimed. She looked at me
with an outraged expression.
“Shocking,” I said, playing with her hair.
She turned back to Theo with a huff. “Don’t know if I can trust you
when you have such terrible opinions.”
Theo ran his hands up Josie’s thighs, squeezing hard. I groaned as she
“Is this some sort of nerdy foreplay?” Ben asked, eyes twinkling from
where he leaned against the door frame. “Because if it is, I’m here for it.”
“Terrible book opinions are not foreplay,” Josie said, half-heartedly
pushing Theo away from her.
Instead of moving away, he shifted closer, caging her in on the couch
with his arms.
“Then why are you so turned on, love?” he asked, nipping at her lower
My cock was rock hard as I watched the two of them. It had been too
long since we’d taken her together, and now I couldn’t think about anything
“As much as I’m into this, dinner is ready,” Ben said.
“To be continued,” Theo said, not taking his eyes off Josie as he stood
and pulled her off the couch, giving her ass cheek a tight squeeze. She let
out a little gasp that made my cock twitch.
Josie glanced over her shoulder at me as we walked into the kitchen and
winked, and I knew we were all in agreement on where this evening was
Chapter Twenty-Four

I straddled Theo, drinking in his muscular chest and how his arms flexed
as they gripped my hips. I reveled in teasing him a bit, rubbing my slit
against the length of his cock until we were both panting. He threw his head
back, lips open with a silent gasp when I finally sank down onto him. For a
minute, I had the urge to suck in and hide my stomach rolls. This position
wasn’t the most flattering. But then he opened his eyes and all I saw there
was heat and desire.
“So bloody sexy,” he gasped, his accent thickening as he thrust into me
from below.
I ran my hands up his chest, enjoying his shudder as I tweaked his
nipples before balancing my hands on either side of his head.
The click of the lube bottle made me tense, and I tried to turn around.
“Just focus on me, love,” Theo said, lightly gripping my chin. “We’re
going to take care of you.”
He pulled me down for a kiss, his tongue hot against mine as his mouth
captured my whimpers. I rocked on top of him, grinding my clit against his
knot until I was close to coming. Cam shifted onto the bed, kneeling beside
me. He gathered my hair in his fist, forcing me to tilt my head up towards
him. His hard cock bobbed inches from my face and my mouth watered. I
licked my lips, wanting to taste my alpha.
“No coming yet,” Cam growled, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
I mewled at the unfairness, trying to create more friction against my clit,
but Cam’s hold on me was too secure.
“Naughty omega,” he said, reaching down to give my nipple a hard
pinch. I cried out as arousal shot through me, gasping as he did the same to
my other nipple. Tears leaked from my eyes, but I didn’t want him to stop.
“You’re going to hold off until Ben is seated fully in your tight ass and
my cock is crammed down your throat. You’re going to be a good girl for
us, aren’t you?”
I cried out as Theo thrust into me hard, and Ben slipped two fingers into
my ass.
“I expect an answer when I ask you a question,” Cam said, tugging on
my hair again.
“Yes, yes, I’ll be good for you. Promise.”
Cam’s face softened and he leaned down to kiss me. “I know, baby girl.
You’re always so good to us.”
I glowed with his praise, the warmth of it working through my body.
“You ready, precious?” Ben asked, pressing the tip of his cock to my
tight back hole. I flinched automatically and then forced myself to take a
deep breath.
I knew from Poppy that omegas were extra flexible back there, but I
still felt nervous butterflies in my stomach.
Ben’s hands stroked up my spine. “If it hurts or you want to stop for any
reason, you just tell me, gorgeous. But I think you’ll like it.”
If I was honest with myself, the biggest risk was that I would like it too
much. I nodded for him to continue. Cam loosened his hold on my hair,
keeping a comforting grip on the back of my neck as Ben eased into me.
I inhaled sharply at the stinging stretch, and every muscle in my body
tensed automatically. It felt like I was being split open. Why were alpha
dicks so freaking huge? But then Theo’s fingers circled my clit and Cam
stroked my hair, murmuring encouragement. I let out a shuddering breath,
and my body softened into Ben’s touch as he eased in until his knot brushed
against my ass cheeks.
“Oh my god,” I whimpered.
The pain morphed to pleasure as Ben and Theo’s cocks set alight every
pleasure spot. The sensation overwhelmed me and my skin felt sensitized,
but my omega was greedy and still wanted more.
“Is it too much? Do you need to stop?” Ben’s anxiety was clear in his
voice and he shifted as if to pull out. I pushed my hips back towards him.
“Don’t stop,” I cried.
“God, precious. So good, so fucking tight.” Ben leaned over my back,
his chest hair rubbing against my skin. His arm banded under my breasts as
he pressed hot kisses down my spine. “You are a goddess. Never forget
that,” he whispered.
Theo teased my nipple with his thumb. “You ready for us to move,
“Yes, yes,” I panted. Coherent thoughts were beyond me.
And then Ben thrust into me. I cried out as he fucked me onto Theo’s
I was entirely at their mercy, letting my alphas bring me to new heights.
“Look at you drenching me with your sweet slick,” Theo said. “Lean
down so I can suck on your pretty little tits.”
Cam helped me lean forward, supporting me as my arms shook. The
movement caused my clit to rub against Theo’s knot again, and it was
enough to unleash the orgasm I’d been trying to hold off. I came with a cry
as the orgasm ripped through me. It felt endless, the waves of pleasure
taking my breath away. Theo tugged at my nipple, sucking hard as I came
“Naughty little omega,” Cam growled, his hold the only thing keeping
me from collapsing onto Theo’s chest. “Coming without permission.”
I whimpered, his growl shooting straight to my clit. Cam gripped my
face and pulled me in for a hot kiss. The angle wasn’t quite right, but I
didn’t care. I needed all my alphas to touch me, to take whatever they
wanted because I could trust them to keep me safe.
Ben wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back against his
chest, which was vibrating with a purr. The change in position sent
electricity through me, and my head thrashed back and forth.
“Shh,” he said, cupping the front of my throat. “You were naughty,
coming without Cam’s cock in that sweet little mouth. You’re going to take
all your alphas, be filled with us. Because you’re made for us. Ours,
forever.” His words were hot against my ear and another gush of slick burst
from me.
“Open up, baby girl,” Cam commanded. His hands cupped my jaw, his
touch a tender contrast to his gruff command.
I leaned down and his cock slipped into my mouth. I moaned with
pleasure as I swirled my tongue around his tip, sucking off the precum. He
tasted so good and I wanted more. He swore as his hips flexed, pushing him
Ben groaned, pressing his face against my hair. “I’m not going to last
much longer.”
“Me either,” Theo gasped.
Their scents swirled around me, thick and heavy with arousal. I felt high
—not the giggly, altered state I’d been in earlier, but like I’d shifted to
another plane of existence that belonged just to us.
“Come one more time for me, gorgeous,” Ben said, playing with my
clit. It didn’t take much before my pussy clenched with pleasure. Theo
roared, releasing his hot cum inside me, followed quickly by Ben, who
slipped out of my ass right as Theo pulled me down on his knot. I felt the
hot spray of Ben’s cum on my ass cheeks and seconds later, Cam released in
my mouth, his cum spilling down my chest. I collapsed onto Theo’s chest,
unable to move or speak even as his knot brought me to orgasm again.
“That was the best experience of my life,” Ben said, his voice filled
with what could only be described as wonder. His hands cupped my ass,
and I realized he was rubbing his cum into my skin. I would have
complained if I’d had the energy, but I let him be ridiculously possessive for
Heat surrounded me as Cam and Ben lay down on either side of us.
“That was…” I attempted to form words but none came.
My chest was full of love and my brain was blissfully free of thoughts. I
let loose a small, happy laugh instead, hoping it conveyed enough. I stroked
Theo’s chest, then Cam’s, then threaded Ben’s leg between mine so I could
snuggle closer into his chest.
Their warm bodies formed a wall around me, protecting me, keeping me
safe, and for a moment I believed I was untouchable.
Chapter Twenty-Five

I hummed as I pulled the cardamom buns out of the oven for tomorrow’s
breakfast, still buzzing off last night’s high. It was just after eight in the
evening and I wondered if there was any chance of an encore tonight. I
hadn’t been exaggerating when I said it had been the hottest experience of
my life. To be fair, my top ten hottest experiences were all ones I’d had with
I groaned, bracing my hands on the counter. I was getting hard just
remembering how it felt to slide inside her, the way she’d clenched around
me, the soft little moans she made. She hadn’t even complained when I’d
gone full territorial alpha and rubbed my cum into her skin—something I’d
never had the urge to do before, but it felt so right in the moment. I’d gotten
twitchy when Cam and Theo insisted on washing her off last night. I wanted
to cover her with my scent again.
Warm arms wrapped around my waist and I leaned back, breathing in
Josie’s cupcake scent. There was nothing better on earth. She nuzzled into
my back, squeezing me tighter. I tugged at her hands so I could spin around
and face her. Josie’s cheeks were beautifully flushed and my hands went to
the bare skin on her back. She was wearing a sports bra and leggings, and a
thrill of happiness went through me at how much more comfortable she was
showing her body around us.
The conversation we’d had weeks ago stuck with me. I’d decided to cut
back on workouts, using that time to create new recipes in the kitchen. My
body had already lost a hint of the definition it had before—probably not
enough for anyone else to notice yet, but still. When I started to feel self-
conscious about it, I’d focus on Josie—her love, her trust, her everything. If
she didn’t mind me being softer, maybe it would be okay. Maybe just being
me was enough.
“How was self-defense with Cam?” I asked, peppering her face with
kisses until she giggled.
“He acts like I’m going to break,” she said, rolling her eyes with a huff.
“And he kept letting me win.”
I grinned, remembering what a hard-ass Cam had been as an army
officer. Now look at him—completely wrapped around our omega’s finger.
“Theo was just as bad. He kept reading aloud from some articles he
found online on disabling a larger opponent, but it was just stressing us
out.” She opened her mouth as if to say something more but then hesitated.
I ran my hand down her face, raising my brows in question.
“I miss self-defense class. Mostly, I miss spending time with my
friends,” she confessed, not quite meeting my eyes.
My heart clenched. Cam wanted to practice self-defense with her, and
we all thought it was a good idea. But it couldn’t replace what she’d had
with her friends. I hated that we couldn’t give her everything she needed
right now.
“I’m sorry, precious. Things will be safer soon.” I internally rolled my
eyes at my half-baked platitudes.
She hummed, obviously sensing the hollowness in my words. None of
us could guarantee that, and I hated it. I squeezed her tighter and cleared my
throat, wanting to change the subject to something that would make her
“I’ve been trying to think of bakery names,” I said, holding my breath
as I waited for her to say something.
“Bakery names? For our bakery?” she asked, a slow smile spreading
across her face.
“Yeah.” I cupped her ass, pulling her tight against my body. I felt
vulnerable—still unconvinced I could run a business—and needed to feel
her against me.
Her hips twitched, and the scent of her arousal bloomed in the air.
“What did you come up with?”
“I thought something with the letters of all our names would be cool.
Like JBCT.”
“Rolls off the tongue,” she responded dryly.
“Yeah, why the fuck doesn’t one of our names start with a vowel? But
then I had the perfect idea. We could combine just our initials and call it
BJ.” I winked, thrusting my hard-on against her softness.
Josie snorted. “Absolutely not.”
“I think it’s perfect,” I teased. My lips trailed down her jaw, and she
shuddered. “But if you’re going to be picky, how about Josie’s?”
“If it’s going to be named after someone, it should be you,” she
responded, her voice a little breathy. “Ben’s Bakery. It has alliteration and
I shrugged, placing hot kisses down her jaw and neck, scraping my teeth
against her tender skin, and resisting the urge to bite. The bakery would be
just as much hers as it would be mine. After years of being denied even the
basics, she deserved something that belonged to her.
“You really think it’s going to happen? This bakery?” she asked, biting
her lip.
“I know it is,” I responded, tipping her head up to meet my gaze.
“You’re a badass who can do anything you set your mind to, and the world
won’t always be this cruel. We’ll make a better one together.”
She closed the space between our lips, drawing me in for a tender kiss
that quickly deepened to something more. I kept one hand firmly on her ass,
squeezing her to me, and the other on her neck. She tasted so sweet, so
perfect, as she fisted my shirt to pull me closer. It was as if we both wanted
to melt into each other.
Josie pulled away from our kiss with a small moan that went straight to
my cock.
“I know it hasn’t been forty-eight hours yet,” she said, running her
fingers down my stubble. “But would you try barking at me?”
Her nervousness was clear and I felt a tightness in my chest. I’d spent
most of the day combing through the emails Charlie and I obtained, trying
to find anything that would prove that omegas were being held as
blackmail. Neither of us had found anything. What if we never found the
evidence? What if the serum didn’t work?
I breathed through my own anxiety, cupping Josie’s face and kissing her
cheeks. Of course, I wouldn’t deny her request. I hated the idea of using my
bark on her, of taking away her choices. But she wanted me to do this.
I started to say we could give it a try when I felt it—a sharp burst of
agonizing panic through the bond so intense it felt like I’d been punched in
the stomach.
Cam let out a primal roar that reached us even from the gym basement.
I grabbed Josie’s hand and ran.
Chapter Twenty-Six

T he world spun as my panic threatened to overwhelm me. Ben’s burnt

scent was so thick it seemed to coat the back of my throat. I needed to
get to my alphas, needed to destroy whatever, whoever had made Cam yell
like that. It was a sound I never wanted to hear again—all terrifying
outrage, anger, and pain.
I thought we were running towards the gym, but then Ben took a sharp
turn towards the garage. I whimpered, tugging on his arm.
“Have to get you out,” he whispered, his grip on my arm so tight I knew
it would bruise.
Tears streamed down my face. “No,” I gasped, pulling against him. I
couldn’t leave Theo and Cam. We were a pack; we had to stay together.
Ben wrapped his arms around my waist and dragged me to the door
leading to the garage. He leaned forward, peering through the small window
in the door before throwing himself back with a curse. A gunshot pierced
the air and a bullet hit the door dead center.
I covered my mouth, biting back my scream. Rage and fear coursed
through me. Someone was trying to harm my pack. I wanted to fight, crush
the intruders, and make them suffer. But it was all I could do to keep up
with Ben as he sprinted to the French doors leading to the courtyard.
The security alarm blared to life, the shrill sound adding to my
disorientation. In the back of my mind, I wondered why it hadn’t sounded
Ben dragged me out into the cold night. We skirted around the pool, our
steps haunted by dark shadows stretching across the courtyard. And then I
was ripped out of Ben’s grasp. I screamed, kicking at my assailant, and tried
to throw myself towards Ben, but he was already being dragged away.
A wall of soldiers stepped out of the shadows, surrounding me with
rifles. A brutal hand covered my mouth, cutting off my screams.
There was a loud crash, and I twisted around to see the French doors
lying shattered on the ground. In the dim light, I saw the soldiers wrestle
Cam and Theo outside, dragging them over the broken glass. We were
separated by the length of the pool, but it could have been thousands of
miles. Cam’s wild eyes found mine, and he let out another roar before
fighting against the five guards trying to pin him. He sounded like a wild
animal as he wrenched his body out of their grasp. The curses and cries of
pain from the soldiers told me he’d broken some bones.
“Secure the alphas!” The shout came from one of the largest alphas I’d
ever seen. His face was in shadow, but his every movement seemed
calculated as he walked towards me.
“Take the omega bitch around the front while we handle these three,” he
told the guards holding me.
I bit the fingers covering my mouth, fighting with renewed rigor. Hands
dug into my arms and hips as the soldiers restrained me. My skin crawled
with their touches, their scents. Their large bodies blocked my view of my
alphas as they dragged me around the pool to the front of the house.
Theo shouted my name, followed by Ben.
And then gunshots pierced the air.
I heard a loud splash, then nothing. I whipped my head around, wildly
searching for my alphas, but they were no longer standing by the pool. All I
could make out in the darkness were shadowy forms in the water.
My heart was splitting, breaking. It was pain unlike anything I’d felt
before, so agonizing it felt like there should be blood spurting from my
chest. A scream pierced the night, a sound drenched in pain and suffering.
It took me a second to realize the scream was coming from me.
One of the guards slapped me so hard my ears rang and the metallic
taste of blood filled my mouth. I twisted in their hold, desperately trying to
catch another glimpse of the men I loved more than life itself, but I couldn’t
see anything through the blurry veil of my tears. They dragged me away,
each additional step between my alphas and me like another knife twist in
my chest where my heart had been.
They came to an abrupt stop and threw me on the ground. I barely got
my hands in front of me in time to stop my face from hitting the driveway.
The gravel gouged my hands and knees, but I couldn’t feel it.
I looked up, and there stood Glen, laughing.
Fucking laughing as my world fell apart.
He leaned down, gripping my chin in his hand.
“Hello, my little birdy.” His rotten fruit stench rolled off him in waves
and I gagged on the putrid sweetness. I raised my hands to break his grip
when he barked at me.
“Present, omega.”
There was no room to think, no space to resist. I moved automatically to
the position—my head on the ground and ass up in the air.
Tears leaked down my face, dripping down my nose and chin as I lay
there frozen, unable to even wipe them away.
The serum hadn’t worked. I was defenseless.
“What a good little birdy, so good for your alpha,” he said, patting my
hair like I was a dog. Then he snarled and gripped my hair so hard I cried
out in pain. He crouched down, tilting my head back at a painful angle so I
was forced to look at him.
“All these years we spent apart have ruined my little birdy. Other men
touched her, tainted her. She belongs to me!” He was screaming now, his
face distorted with rage. His eyes glazed over, and I wasn’t sure he was
even seeing me anymore. Was he going to kill me, too?
Suddenly, he released my hair.
“I meant to take them alive,” he said, his voice returning to its normal
tone as he nodded towards the courtyard. “But this is better. Now there’s no
doubt you belong to me. My little birdy with clipped wings.” He trailed his
fingers down my back, lingering on my bare skin.
Ice filled my veins.
My alphas were dead.
The guards opened the back of an SUV and shoved me into a small
metal cage, slamming the trunk closed and leaving me in darkness.
I was completely and utterly alone.
Chapter Twenty-Seven

T he exposed wire bottom of the cage dug into my knees, each bump and
turn in the road jostling me painfully against the sharp metal. The
windows were covered, leaving the back of the car in darkness. The
rhythmic pounding of my heart mocked me—a reminder that I was alive
and my alphas...
I gripped the sides of the cage and waited for something to wake me
from this nightmare.
The car took a hairpin turn, and I was thrown against the side of the
cage, my bracelet catching on the bars.
The bracelet.
I cursed myself, a pit forming in my stomach as I tried to keep myself
from vomiting. In the chaos, I had forgotten all about the bracelet and
enclosed alpha tabs. The weight of it on my wrist taunted me. If I had acted
faster, been smarter, been better, I could have used it to incapacitate the
soldiers so we could get away. It was my fault my alphas were dead.
I squeezed my eyes shut, refusing to let a single tear fall. I didn’t
deserve to cry.
I felt myself falling into that dark, numb place where I’d spent so many
of my days. I could almost hear my alphas yelling at me to use the tabs now
to get away, but their voices were distant. I would never hear them speak to
me again.
My fault.
My fault.
My fault.
Was my life worth saving? Glen had won, and the only thing I could see
in my future was darkness, where I was a prisoner forced to bond him or
someone else against my will.
I ran my finger along the silicon bumps in the bracelet, recalling the
tenderness in Theo’s eyes as he attached it around my wrist. Earlier, I’d
been training with Cam, planning a future with Ben and… and...
I choked back the emotion that threatened to spear through my haze of
numbness, but hard truths began needling their way into my mind all the
same. I might not believe I was worth saving, but that didn’t mean I had the
right to give up. I thought of Donovan’s paintings, Angie’s bravery in
providing medical care, Jewel’s determination to survive what the
government had done to her, and Luc putting his safety on the line for a
group of omegas who wanted to train in his gym. They were all fighting,
risking everything to fight Glen and his government. Could I really just give
up hope now? What would my alphas think of me if I did?
I could remove a tab from the bracelet and have it ready to use the
second the door opened, but wherever they were taking me was sure to be
well-guarded. I wasn’t sure how many alphas each tab could incapacitate,
but I only had five.
The car turned and this time, the cage vibrated, digging deep grooves
into my skin. It sounded like we were on gravel.
Shit. Was this a driveway? Had we arrived already? If I was going to do
anything, I needed to decide on my plan.
Bile filled my throat as my mind flashed back to all those times I’d laid
helpless and naked on the metal slab, and I realized that anything I wore
would likely be removed. Where to hide it?
My hands traced down my body, frantically thinking and coming up
with nothing until I had an idea. Glen might have them take things off my
body, but what if…?
Before I could second guess myself, I removed the bracelet, shoved my
hand down the front of my leggings, and stuffed it into my vagina. I
clamped my legs together to make sure it was secure. Knowing Glen, he’d
be prepared for me to try and escape now. Maybe it was better to bide my
time. I hoped beyond all hope I wasn’t making a colossal mistake. And if
someone did find the bracelet…
I shut down the thought. I could only deal with one nightmare at a time.
The car stopped and voices sounded before the trunk was opened.
Rough hands pulled me out of the cage. In the split second before they
blindfolded me, I caught the familiar facade of Glen’s mansion.
Oh god.
Ice flooded my veins and I regretted my decision to wait to use the tabs.
I’d been forced to spend so many evenings here growing up, but I knew
something much more sinister than a dinner party awaited me inside. The
only comfort was that I knew this house—I had run through the halls with
Sam as we escaped the tedious parties and explored its secret rooms and
My heart raced. The secret exit by the kitchen.
Before I could act or even consider a way to get to the hidden door we’d
found all those years ago, multiple hands grabbed me. I tried to keep my
panic from drowning me, but the disorientation of the blindfold, combined
with the alpha scents and their hands all over me, left me gasping for air.
They dragged me for what felt like ages. When they removed the blindfold,
I was in a small, dark, windowless cell that looked like something out of a
medieval film.
The cell door clanged shut, and I was trapped with a monster.
Glen’s scent surrounded me, thick and putrid with arousal. I locked my
knees to keep from collapsing.
“Welcome to your new home, little bird,” he said with the air of a bed-
and-breakfast owner. “I prepared this room just for you.”
“Why?” I asked, hating the pathetic whimper in my voice.
“Because you’re mine,” Glen said simply, as if that explained the years
of torment he had put me through.
“I’m not,” I said, fisting my hands. “I never will be.”
Glen’s arm shot out, gripping my throat tightly and cutting off my air.
“Don’t lie to me, little bird. You have always been mine,” he growled, a
crazed gleam in his eyes. “Ever since you perfumed at my house those
years ago. I know it was all for me. That scent, all for me.” He pulled me
close and pressed his nose to my neck.
My vision turned spotty and I tried to pry his fingers from my throat.
My movements became more erratic as my lungs screamed.
“I told your fathers back then that you belonged to me, but when it came
time for me to claim you, they denied me. Who do they think they are!?”
His shout echoed around the cell and he threw me to the floor. My body
screamed in pain as I hit the hard concrete, but relief flooded my lungs as I
sucked in gasping breaths of air, my bruised throat burning with each
“I had a plan. I would punish them by forcing them to watch as I made
you suffer. But it didn’t work!”
Glen paced around the cell, and I slowly inched away from him until
my back hit the wall.
“Turns out, they wanted to see you suffer just as much as I did. You
should have seen how hard they got when I sliced into your skin to place
the first device.” He let out a maniacal laugh.
He stopped, his demeanor changing in a flash as he hunched into
himself. “No, no,” he muttered. “Have to wait, have to play nice.” He
cupped his crotch with a growl. “Make them think they won.”
He whipped his head back to me. “Your fathers were the ones who sold
you to Pack Madden. Don’t they know they can’t sell what doesn’t belong
to them? Mine! The little birdy is mine!” Spittle flew from his mouth and
he tore at his hair. “They don’t deserve my little bird.”
He crouched down, running his hand over my cheek. Inside, I was
screaming, but I refused to react. I sat stone still, separating my mind from
my body. He moved his face close to mine and for a horrifying moment, I
thought he would kiss me. But then the cell door opened, interrupting him.
Glen stood up, his body blocking the entrance. When he stepped aside, I
saw a person I never thought I’d see again.
I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the omega who had been my best
friend turned traitor. I had fantasized about killing her so many times during
my days in isolation at the DA. But there would be nothing satisfying about
killing this person in front of me. She was frail, bruised, and there was a
distinct nothingness behind her eyes.
“Ahh, my little petal,” Glen said, reaching his hand out to her.
She walked towards him with steady steps, her face betraying nothing
as she took his hand. But she couldn’t mask her scent. She had always
smelled like wildflowers, but now her scent was twisted with decay.
Glen turned back to me, a sadistic smile stretching across his face.
“What a happy reunion this is! My birdy and petal together again.”
I averted my eyes, breathing through my mouth to keep from choking
on the toxic mix of scents.
“Help our guest get dressed, my petal,” he said, squeezing her arm
Genevieve flinched and when Glen moved his hand, I saw numerous
scars littering her skin. Scars like mine.
“Strip,” Glen barked at me, his eyes gleaming. “It’s been too long since
I inspected my birdy.”
My body betrayed me, moving to obey his order without hesitation. His
bark couldn’t stop my hands from shaking as I fumbled with my clothing. I
stood before him naked, clenching my vagina to keep the bracelet from
falling to the floor.
Glen circled me, a predator surveying his prey.
I imagined I was anywhere but here.
Time slowed and blurred, but then Genevieve was in front of me,
slipping a short, threadbare nightgown over my head.
Glen said something, but I was too far in my head to hear it.
The cell door slammed, leaving me once again alone in the darkness. I
crumpled to the ground, curling my arms around my legs, and sobbed.
Chapter Twenty-Eight

I ’d lost my grip on reality.

I lay in the dark corner of the cell and traced colorful flashes of light,
giggling at how they danced in front of my eyes. If time passed, I didn’t
know it. Every moment felt the same, and I couldn’t find it in myself to
care. Sometimes I had flashes of a panicked whisper in the back of my mind
that screamed that I needed to care, needed to escape, needed to do
something. But the voice faded away as quickly as it came.
My alphas visited in my dreams. They shouted at me, told me what a
defective omega I was, and how they never really loved me. I woke with
tears in my eyes, but I couldn’t find it in myself to hate those dreams
because, for a few moments, I could imagine that my alphas were alive. It
didn’t matter if they hated me. I just wanted them back.
Then they started coming to me in my hazy waking hours. Their ghost
selves were just as I remembered them. Theo sat beside me and stroked my
hair, whispering how sorry he was. Ben made sarcastic comments about my
choice of lodging. Cam said nothing. He just held me with solid arms,
lending me his heat in the freezing cell. I never knew ghosts could feel this
The cell was kept in total darkness except when I finally fell asleep.
Then the lights would flash on, waking me in a panic, my heart pounding.
My alphas were there, soothing me with quiet words and soft touches.
Genevieve flitted in and out of my cell, dropping off water and food at
sporadic intervals so I couldn’t track the days, not that it mattered.
Thirst clawed at my throat. The first few times she brought me water, I
chugged it down in seconds. Now I knew to savor it, even though it tasted
funny. I never knew when I’d get more.
“It’s probably drugged,” ghost Ben said, sniffing the cup I was holding.
It carried a heavy metallic scent that was familiar, but I couldn’t quite place
“I don’t care,” I said, resting my head on his shoulder. “It doesn’t matter
as long as I get to be with you.”
Minutes, hours, or days later, Genevieve returned. I squinted against the
light streaming into the cell, my eyes stinging. I didn’t move from my spot
in the corner. Cam’s chest rumbled behind me in a growl and I patted his
leg. My alphas didn’t like her because of what she’d done to me.
Genevieve fumbled my water cup and it spilled across the floor.
“Kind of looks like blood,” I mused, watching the spreading pool of
“That’s a bit morbid, love,” ghost Theo said.
I shrugged.
I was numb as I watched a guard come in and hit Genevieve hard in the
face. Her head snapped to the side, but she didn’t cry out. I wondered if she
was actually here or if she was in my imagination.
“Are you real?” I asked her. Maybe she was a ghost, here to haunt me in
death, just as she did in life.
She didn’t acknowledge me, just scurried out of the cell, returning
moments later with a new glass of water.
I sighed. “I wonder why my brain is hallucinating you instead of
someone I like.”
The cell door closed, locking me in darkness again.
“You should eat, precious,” Ben said. Cam stroked my hair.
“Don’t want to,” I pouted.
But eventually, hunger and boredom forced me to crawl across the dirty
floor. I felt around in the blinding darkness until my hand bumped against
the water glass. I took a sniff, surprised when I couldn’t scent the usual
metallic edge. I drank it greedily before dragging my plate back to the
“Your cooking is so much better,” I told Ben, taking a small bite of the
bread they’d left me.
“What a compliment,” ghost Ben said dryly.
I laughed and took another bite of food.
Chapter Twenty-Nine

T he scrape of metal startled me out of my sleep. My head pounded and

nausea rolled through my empty stomach. It was clear I’d been drugged
for however long I’d been here, and the drugs were now leaving my system.
I had shivered all night from the withdrawals, and after a few hours, Ben,
Theo, and Cam disappeared. I had wailed in agony, feeling like I’d lost
them all over again.
My heart felt like it’d been ripped apart.
After the worst withdrawals subsided, I remembered the alpha tabs. I’d
reached down, relieved to find they were still somehow tucked inside me. I
needed to use them to make an escape attempt. I could incapacitate the
guards and run to the hidden exit, but I had no idea where in the mansion I
was or how many guards awaited me if I fled. I was frustrated by my still-
clouded brain and fumbling indecision. I needed Theo to help me formulate
a plan, but he had left me.
A sliver of light reached its long fingers into the cell as the door slowly
drew open, scraping against the concrete floor. I used the wall to force
myself into a standing position, not trusting my legs to hold me up. I
trembled from stress and lack of food, and every part of my body screamed
in pain from having to sleep on the hard, damp floor. I pressed myself into
the corner of the room, cringing at what an easy target I was. Everything
about me screamed prey. This had been so much easier when I’d been out
of it. Now I had to face the reality of my situation.
Two guards entered the room. One had a mustache so massive I was
momentarily distracted from the terror flooding my body. I heard Ben’s
laughter in my head, and his voice saying, “Does that idiot think he’s
attractive? How much gel does he put in that thing?” I almost cried out in
relief. He wasn’t the ghost version of himself anymore, but I could still hear
“Put this on,” the second guard, a stocky alpha with a mullet, said,
tossing me what looked to be a silk nightgown. It fluttered to the floor and I
realized I would have to step towards them to pick it off the disgusting
“Hurry up, omega,” Mustache guard said, his voice harsh as he toyed
with the trigger on his gun. It looked like the same model I had used at the
shooting range. I hoped he accidentally shot himself.
I bent down to grab the dress while desperately trying to keep the dirty
nightgown I had on from riding up. I scurried back to the corner and looked
at the material in my hands with apprehension. There was no way this
would cover me.
“Why do I have to put this on? Where are you taking me?” I asked,
desperately trying to postpone the inevitable.
“Do I fucking look like someone who’s going to explain this to you,
omega whore? Put it on, now!” Mullet guard barked.
I flinched, waiting for the bark to take control, but it didn’t. I felt the
compulsion to do what Mullet said, but I could choose not to do it.
Holy shit.
My heart sped up as I realized the serum had worked.
A thread of hope cut through the horrifying daze of the past few days.
My body was no longer fighting me. The device had been disabled. Before I
could allow the revelation to sink in, it hit me that I couldn’t let them know.
This was one of my few advantages against them, and I had to be smart
about it. I lurched, allowing myself to succumb to the guard’s bark. If my
delay in obeying had been suspicious, neither of the guards said anything. I
turned around, trying to find some semblance of privacy as I stripped off
my rough nightgown.
“Face us,” Mustache barked. I whimpered, my limbs leaden as I turned
to face the guards’ lust-filled gazes. I tried to get the dress on as quickly as
possible, but my hands trembled so much I kept fumbling it. Mullet cupped
his growing erection. I wanted to vomit.
I finally managed to get the dress over my head. As I suspected, it
barely covered my boobs and butt. It was more of a silk slip than a dress. I
tugged at it as if that would make more material appear.
“Time to go,” Mullet said, yanking me towards him and gripping my
arm painfully. I couldn’t stop a whine from slipping out.
The guards flanked me as they led me out of the room, half dragging me
through the twisting maze of halls until we came to an elevator. When Sam
and I ran around the mansion at those dinner parties when we were younger,
we had no idea this secret labyrinth from hell was beneath our feet. I tried
to memorize each turn, but I’d always been terrible with directions, and
now it felt even more hopeless with how disoriented I was. The guards’
scents filled the elevator, making me cringe. They kept brushing against me,
and my skin burned with every touch.
They dragged me off the elevator into a brightly lit hallway with plush
carpet on the floors and golden picture frames on the walls. This was the
part of the mansion I was familiar with. We rounded the corner to the large
dining hall. In the center of a room sat a long table covered with ornate
candlesticks, floral arrangements, and glasses of wine. And sitting around
that table were Glen and Pack Madden.
The air left my lungs as I laid eyes on Hale, Duke, Pierce, and
Henderson. Their vile scents assaulted me as they stood to face me, all
wearing smug, satisfied expressions.
A lump formed in my throat, and I squeezed my hands into tight fists to
keep from crying. This time, I didn’t have my alphas waiting for me in the
next interview room. They couldn’t save me.
Glen Jacoby clapped his hands, a grin spreading across his face. “Isn’t
this exciting? A pack separated from their omega, back together again.
What a love story.”
I stared at Glen, unsure if he was trying to make a joke. He had a wild
energy to him, as if he were a ringmaster, controlling the ceremony of a
circus from hell. Pack Madden’s unimpressed expressions told me Glen
wasn’t fooling anyone. All of us knew this was the furthest thing from a
love story. Pack Madden needed me for status because even in a world
ruled by alphas, they still needed to bond an omega to be viewed as
complete in the eyes of society.
My eyes flicked between Glen and Pack Madden as I tried to
understand the dynamics. If Glen thought I belonged to him, why had he
brought Pack Madden here? I wished I were smarter, more strategic. Then I
could pit them against each other instead of standing here frozen like a
complete idiot.
Hale and Duke stalked towards me, and it took everything in me to hold
my ground.
“We got you a courting gift,” Hale said, his lips curling with disdain.
“Aren’t you going to say thank you, slut?” Duke snarled, gripping my
I whimpered, shying away from him. Don’t anger them.
“Of course, thank you so much,” I said, biting my lip to stop it from
Pierce stalked over, tugging me out of Duke’s grasp so he could drag me
to the corner of the room where a sheet was draped over a large
rectangular… something.
“Do the honors, omega,” he sneered.
I lifted a shaking hand and tugged at the sheet, revealing a black metal
cage. It looked to be the right size for a large dog, coming up to about my
waist. There wouldn’t be enough room for a person to stand up or lie down.
Nausea rolled through me, and it was everything I could do to keep from
vomiting. I knew what was coming.
Pierce leaned down so his face was next to mine. “We thought it was the
perfect present for our new toy, don’t you think?”
I wanted to scream, wanted to tell him to fuck off and kick him in the
nuts for good measure. But I just nodded and hated myself for it.
“Don’t forget the best part,” Hale said, pulling something out of his
pocket. It was a thick leather collar with a metal tag dangling from it.
“Please, don’t,” I pleaded, looking for any opening, any way to escape
this nightmare.
Hale gripped my chin so hard tears streamed down my face. “Don’t
make me get rough with you. Or do. I think I’d like that.” I shuddered at the
sadistic glint in his eye. He moved his tight hold to my throat, cutting off
my breathing, and I automatically reached up to claw at his hands.
“Hands down,” Hale barked. Everything inside me protested, but I
forced myself to obey and dropped my arms to the side.
I swayed where I stood, my vision growing black around the edges from
lack of oxygen and panic. Was he going to kill me now? I was such a
fucking idiot. I should have tried to make my escape when I had the chance.
There was no way I could use the tabs now, especially not with a guard
posted in front of every doorway.
The tiniest whine escaped me and I was moments from losing
consciousness when Pierce cleared his throat. With a roll of his eyes, Hale
gave my throat one last harsh squeeze before placing the collar around my
neck and buckling it tightly.
I gasped, tears streaming down my face as I tried to take deep breaths.
My throat was raw and it felt like I was breathing through a straw.
Henderson opened the cage door. “Get in,” he barked.
I fought every instinct to resist his bark and dropped to my knees,
wincing as they made hard contact with the marble floor. I almost wished
the device was still working because it was a million times harder to crawl
into the cage of my own volition. It felt like I was betraying myself by not
fighting back. My dress rode up, and I was sure I was flashing them since I
hadn’t been allowed underwear. I clenched my vagina, hoping the tab
bracelet didn’t fall out.
“Fuck. Guess it doesn’t matter that she’s so fat and ugly when she’s got
a sweet cunt like that,” Pierce said behind me.
My face burned with humiliation as I curled up in the furthest corner of
the cage, wrapping my arms around my legs to keep myself as covered as
possible. I knew it was coming. They were going to rape me, and not just
once. This was what my life would become—being used as a toy by these
alphas who hated me.
Pack Madden and Glen took their seats around the table, which looked
too grand for such a small party. Glen snapped his fingers and Genevieve
entered the room carrying a tray of food.
She served the alphas, floating around the room like a ghost. This was
the first time I’d been able to observe her without being drugged. She’d
always had the typical petite omega build, but now she was painfully thin.
Her collarbones protruded in her low-cut dress. Every time she set down a
dish, one of the alphas at the table groped her. Her facial expression didn’t
change. It was as if she had been broken, and there was nothing left of her.
I’d spent the past few years hating her and blaming her for my suffering.
I had closed myself off from others to protect myself from similar betrayal.
My anger towards her had been a constant companion during my time at the
DA, but I could no longer find it within me. All I felt was sadness. Sadness
for what had become of this omega who used to be my friend. Sadness at
what had become of me.
I traced a finger down one of the cage bars, biting my lip to keep from
screaming. I wanted my alphas. I needed them here with me, but it was
finally sinking in: they were really, truly gone. Because if they were still
alive, they would have found a way to come for me. They would never
leave me here alone, never forget about me. They had loved me more than
anyone ever had, and their love had brought me back to life. Now all that
awaited me was death.
Glen let out a high-pitched laugh at something, and pure hatred filled
me. Maybe I could take Glen down before I died. That would at least be a
poetic ending to my meaningless life.
Genevieve cleared away the last of the plates as the alphas finished their
meal. I clutched at my stomach, the hunger pains growing sharper with the
rich smells of food.
“Well, I think it’s time for dessert,” Hale said, leaning back in his seat
and leering at me. “We have some omega sweetness to sample.”
My blood ran cold.
“Oh, tut tut. Someone didn’t learn their lessons about eating their
vegetables before dessert,” Glen said in a sing-song voice, although there
was a dark glint in his eyes. He snapped his fingers for Genevieve to pour
more wine.
Pack Madden exchanged confused glances.
“No sampling little birdy until the delivery is complete,” Glen said,
taking a long drink. I wished it were poisoned.
“It’s practically done,” Duke spit out. “The last of the... cargo will be
delivered in two days.” He glanced over at me.
My mind whirred as I tried to make sense of what they were saying.
“You understand I haven’t gotten where I am by relying on almost
completed tasks. Once the delivery has gone through, we’ll finalize the
paperwork, giving you ownership of little birdy before she flies, flies, flies
away,” Glen said, wearing an unsettling, wide grin. The Glen I knew had
always been evil, but this new version of him had a volatility I hadn’t seen
Pack Madden bristled, their rage-filled scents filtering over to me. I
fantasized about them getting up and ripping Glen’s head from his
shoulders. My omega clawed inside my chest as if she were trying to break
free and unleash her viciousness on the room. But then, Glen was
apparently the only one standing between me and being raped in this dining
Hale’s eyes flitted to the armed guards lining the walls. He cleared his
throat and locked eyes with Duke. For a moment, I thought Duke might
fight Glen, but then the tension seeped from his body and a smile spread
across his face.
“Of course,” Duke said to Glen, leaning back in his chair. “We
understand needing to have concrete assurances. The transport is scheduled
and all will go smoothly.”
“When is the new legislation coming through?” Henderson asked.
“Jericho is ready to push through six new bills once we secure the
shipments,” Pierce answered.
Glen’s wide smile transformed into a horrifying grimace, but I didn’t
understand why. It seemed like Pack Madden didn’t, either.
“One of them is the Alpha Choice bill we discussed,” Pierce said
“Omegas should never have more power than alphas when it comes to
pack selection,” Hale said, his eyes flitting over me.
Glen’s expression morphed back into a smile. “Right you are,” he said,
waving his hands in the air as if he were directing a silent symphony.
“Have you found that omega bitch, Amirah?” Pierce asked, his hand
clenching around his whiskey glass.
Glen didn’t respond and instead took another long drink of wine.
Judging by his pinched expression, Amirah was still in hiding, and I
guessed she was doing plenty to wreak havoc from wherever she was.
“It’s unbelievable she was allowed to stay in her position for so long,”
Hale muttered, eyeing Glen.
They clearly felt brave enough to critique Glen to his face. Was he
losing control over his own party?
The alphas continued talking, but my mind kept tugging at the edges of
my memory, trying to piece together what they were talking about. What
shipments were they waiting on?
Oh my god.
The realization struck me like lightning. They had to be talking about
the kidnapped omegas. If they were waiting for the “shipments” to go
through to pass new legislation, it meant senators were being blackmailed.
Something animal and feral gripped me. I clenched my jaw and averted
my eyes from the table, needing to get myself under control.
“The Sol expansion is going well,” Duke said, spreading his legs wide.
“The candidate we’re backing for governor has a strong chance of
winning,” Pierce added smoothly.
I couldn’t imagine a world in which the Designation Government took
over other provinces. Sol had always seemed so untouchable.
The desire to fight warred with my grief. My window for escaping was
rapidly closing. And if Pack Madden bonded with me…
I pressed my nails into my palms, trying to stave off my panic attack.
While I wasn’t familiar with the layout of Glen’s dungeon, I knew my way
around the main floor. I needed to act tonight when the guards took me back
to my cell.
I lay curled up in the cage as the evening dragged on, going over my
plan in my head. If Mustache and Mullet took me back to the elevator
alone, I could use one of the tabs on them, shove them in the elevator, and
then make a run for it. My plan—a generous term for it—was idiotic and
foolish, and I desperately wished there was a way for me to get more
information about these omega facilities to take with me, but I had to
prioritize just getting out.
The dinner finally wrapped up and all the alphas stood. Pierce sauntered
over to me, leaning over to rattle my cage.
“I hope you enjoy your new bed tonight,” he said, putting a padlock to
the front of the cage and slipping the key into his pocket. “We thought it’d
be good for you to get used to it. See you tomorrow evening, omega. We
just can’t wait for our mating ceremony.”
Ice ran through my veins as the guards approached me and picked up
the cage. I cried out as it swung precariously.
“Fucking fat omega,” Mustache grunted.
They hauled me back to the dungeon, taking no care to prevent me from
being tossed around and jolting whenever they hit the cage against a
They set me down in my cell. Their hands slipped so I was slammed
against the floor, the metal wire of the cage cutting into my knees and
making them bleed. I screamed after them as they retreated from the cell,
begging them to let me out, but they ignored my pleas as they slammed the
door shut.
Leaving me alone with my hopeless despair.
Chapter Thirty

T he door to the cell opened and my heart stopped when I saw my mother
walk in, Genevieve trailing behind her. I stood up in the corner of the
cell—the furthest away I could be from the cage on the opposite wall. The
guards unlocked it this morning when they dropped off a single piece of
bread for my breakfast.
My mother looked around the room, a frown on her face. For the
briefest whisper of a heartbeat, I thought she was here to rescue me. But
then she turned to the guard.
“How are we supposed to get her ready here?” she asked in a polite tone
that belied the viciousness she unleashed when she didn’t get her way.
Mustache and Mullet just shrugged.
“Well, find out where else we can go,” she snipped. Her eyes seemed to
snag on the cage in the corner where I’d spent the night. “We need seating,
a mirror, and good lighting.”
When the guards realized she wouldn’t budge, Mustache mumbled
something about making a call before he left the room.
An awkward silence fell. I crossed my arms, hating how vulnerable I
was in this tiny nightgown. My mother primped her perfectly styled hair,
and a faint whiff of burnt chocolate wafted over to me. It was her scent. It
had been so long since I’d scented her that it had all but faded from my
memory. It was as if the mother who loved me had faded away with her
scent. I couldn’t catch the slight chemical edge of de-scenter, and I
wondered not for the first time if she was wearing it or if there was another
explanation for the loss of her perfume.
“Why are you letting them do this?” I asked, the desperation and agony
clear in my voice.
“You brought this on yourself with your petulant behavior. I taught you
better than this.” Her voice was cold, but I thought I saw a flash of distress
in her eyes. I probably imagined it.
My eyes watered. I didn’t want to cry in front of her, didn’t want to
show weakness, but as tears spilled over, I realized it didn’t matter
anymore. I was locked away, controlled, the way she had always wanted
me. So what if she saw how much her words affected me?
“They made me sleep in that last night. They said that’s my new bed,” I
said, pointing to the cage.
My mother’s face was blank as she fiddled with the edges of the dress
she was holding. I assumed it was what I was supposed to wear for this
farce of a mating ceremony.
“Pack Madden hates me. They’re just using me to further their position.
They’re going to rape me, hurt me, keep me locked away. How can you
stand by and let this happen? Don’t you love me at all?” Tears streamed
steadily down my cheeks and I didn’t bother wiping them away.
Mullet guard shifted his weight, as if uncomfortable. I fixed him with a
glare. If he was going to participate in the imprisonment and torture of
omegas, he could face the reality of what he was doing head-on.
“It’s always hard to join a pack,” my mother said, her voice robotic.
“You have to learn how to please your alphas. Once you do, things will be
better for you.”
It was the same thing she’d told me my whole life, but I knew now it
wasn’t true. Loving my alphas had been easy. They’d never made me feel
like I had to change myself to please them. They had always prioritized my
safety, my desires, my pleasure over their own. And now they were gone.
“I had a pack,” I choked out. “I had three alphas who loved me more
than anyone ever has. It wasn’t suffering with them. But they were taken
from me.” I was on the verge of hyperventilating. “I’m sorry for what’s
happened to you to make you this way, sorry that you have alphas who treat
you like garbage. Why would you want that for me? Please, mama, please
help me.” I hadn’t called her that since I was a small child, but something in
me desperately hoped that she would show up for me and be my mom
“Love is suffering and pain. Nothing else,” she bit out. “You’re not a
child anymore. Let go of these romantic fantasies and accept what life gives
you. It’s the only way to survive.”
For the briefest moment, I saw the depth of her suffering in her eyes,
and it took my breath away. This might have been the most honest thing
she’d ever said to me. She’d always said no pack would want me the way I
was. I’d heard it as an insult, a condemnation of being a defective omega.
But maybe part of it had been a warning. She was living every omega’s
worst nightmare—being bonded to alphas who didn’t want her—and
maybe, in her own twisted way, she had been desperately trying to tell me
to change myself so I could avoid the same fate.
Mustache guard returned and grunted for us to follow him. He led us to
the elevator, and my heart pounded faster. If they were taking us to a room
on one of the main floors, I could try to escape.
We exited the elevator and I stumbled, my legs stiff from being confined
in the cage all night. Genevieve caught my arm and gripped me tightly,
supporting me as we followed the guard’s brisk steps. Part of me wanted to
shove her aside—her betrayal had put me on this path—but her touch was
gentle and comforting and I couldn’t find it in myself to reject it. As we
turned the corner of the hallway, she darted her hand down to grab my own,
giving it three quick squeezes.
I kept my expression blank, but I was sure my heart would explode.
It was a signal we had used back in the early DA days. We had joked
that three squeezes usually meant, “I love you,” but for us, it meant, “Fuck
them all.” I quickly glanced at her, not wanting to draw the guard’s
attention. Genevieve’s jaw was set, her face expressionless. But I returned
the gesture—squeezing her hand three times—and she gave me an almost
imperceptible nod.
Genevieve was still in there.
Glen didn’t have full control over her like he thought.
My mind whirred as I tried to figure out what to do with this
Mustache guard led us to a small, plain room on the second floor. My
heart sank when I realized this room didn’t have a window. It was clean,
with a plush carpet on the floor and a small vanity in the corner.
“You’ve got one hour,” Mullet said. He briefly met my gaze before
breaking eye contact with seeming embarrassment. Maybe he had been
upset by what I’d said earlier.
“We’ll be right outside,” he added dully, stepping out of the room with
Mustache and closing the door behind them.
I quickly took in my surroundings, seeing if I could find anything that
would work as a weapon but came up short. Should I try to knock my
mother unconscious and make my escape?
“Sit down so I can try to fix your face,” my mother said, pushing me
towards the chair in the corner.
I did what she asked without thinking, my brain working so sluggishly
between the lack of sleep, food, and my overwhelming fear. My red,
splotchy face stared back at me through the mirror.
My mother and Genevieve started working on my makeup. I imagined
what my alphas would do if they were here. Cam would barge in, guns
blazing, ignoring all of Theo’s careful planning and research. Ben would
probably pull out some sort of charcuterie as we were escaping and try to
feed me. Theo would hold my hand through it all.
The image was so ridiculous I almost laughed out loud.
I was losing my mind, but I didn’t care if it meant I could hold on to the
fantasy of my alphas being alive and coming for me.
My mother brushed my tangled hair, her touch surprisingly gentle as she
teased out the knots.
“You always did have pretty hair,” she murmured. “I used to brush it for
you when you were young.”
Our eyes met briefly in the mirror before she averted her gaze with a
frown. I could have sworn her expression was one of guilt, but I knew
better—I’d long stopped looking for redeeming qualities in my mother.
When they were done with my hair and makeup, she held out the dress I
was supposed to wear. I looked around, realizing I would have to undress in
front of her. I gritted my teeth and took off the tiny sack I’d been given to
sleep in and put on a shiny, white satin dress. I waited for my mother to
comment on my body—probably something about how I was still too fat.
Maybe she’d tsk at the bruises and cuts on my knees, hands, and arms,
telling me it was my fault for being so clumsy.
But she said nothing, seemingly lost in thought. I risked looking at
Genevieve, who gave me a little shrug as she glanced at my mom.
With a sharp inhale of breath and a small nod to herself, my mother
locked eyes with me. “Omegas are resourceful, Josie. We have to take the
opportunities we’re given.”
She gave me a final once-over, tucking a curl behind my ear before
opening the door and slipping out.
I waited for the sound of the lock clicking into place, but it never came.
“We’re done,” my mother said, her voice imperious as she addressed the
guards in the hall. “I already locked the door. I need you to show me how to
get back to my pack. This dreadful house always confuses me.”
I looked at the unlocked door and back at Genevieve, who mirrored my
disbelief. What would she do? Would she betray me again?
Feeling like I was about to throw up, I squared my shoulders. “Is it still
you in there?” My voice was quiet to keep the guards from overhearing, but
I was proud of how strong I sounded.
“Some version of me,” Genevieve said, her fierce expression a stark
contrast to the meek, defeated one I’d seen on her face this past week.
“Think she did it on purpose?” she asked, nodding towards the unlocked
“I don’t know. Might be a trap.”
“Could be.”
I looked my former friend in the eyes. “I’m going to escape. Are you
going to stop me?”
If I acted quickly, I could probably use my self-defense skills to
incapacitate her, lock her in this room, and use the alpha tabs to make my
escape. I was pretty sure I could find the hidden exit on my own.
“I’m coming with you,” she said, her eyes blazing. Then she bit her lip,
the first sign of uncertainty I’d seen from her. “Please.” The last word came
out as a vulnerable whisper.
As I looked at the shadow of the Genevieve I once knew, I realized I
couldn’t leave her here to endure more of Glen’s torture. No one deserved
that. Goddamn, my soft heart.
“I swapped out your water,” she blurted out. “So you wouldn’t be
drugged anymore.”
Shit. That must have been why she spilled the water. The bruise the
guard gave her still shadowed the side of her face. There was no way I
could leave her now.
I felt like my mind was moving at turtle speed as I tried to figure out
what to do next, knowing that every second that passed increased our
chances of being trapped here forever.
“They’ve been stealing omegas?” I asked, cutting straight to the point.
“I think it was Jericho’s idea, but Glen’s hoping it can help him regain
control over his party. He’s gone a bit…”
“Crazy? No kidding. I can’t leave without getting intel about those
My alphas growled at me in my mind, telling me to just get out. I
smiled, loving how protective their ghost-selves were. But then I sobered.
They were dead.
I squeezed my eyes shut, breathing through the pain. Without them, I
wasn’t sure I wanted to live anymore, but I could at least try to do
something useful with my life if I was going to die anyway. The chance to
get this intel wouldn’t come again. Who knew how many omegas Glen had
in captivity, being used as political pawns?
“The paperwork is in his office. There’s no way we can make it there
without getting caught,” Genevieve said.
I shrugged. “I have to try. You don’t have to come.”
“And how are you planning to get there without running into any
I hesitated, wondering how much I should reveal. Well, if she was going
to escape with me, she would have to know.
“You better not betray me,” I said, reaching under my dress and sticking
my fingers up my vagina to pull out the bracelet of alpha tabs.
“Umm…” Genevieve said, staring at the soaked piece of silicon in my
hand. Bless Theo for making it waterproof.
I used my discarded sleep shirt to wipe them off.
“Well, that was something,” I said. All five tabs were intact, safely
ensconced in their beads.
“These are alpha tabs,” I said. “If you bite down on one, it will
incapacitate any nearby alphas and make them susceptible to your
commands. It’s like a reverse device.”
Genevieve’s eyes widened. “You’ve had those the whole time?”
“Needed the right opportunity to use them,” I said. Then I looked at
Genevieve’s arm. She had jagged scars up and down her whole upper arm
that suggested they’d implanted way more than one device.
“Are you susceptible to barks?” I asked.
“Yeah. The newest one makes me constantly susceptible,” she said, her
voice almost a whisper.
“I had that one, too. Mine’s been neutralized.”
Genevieve’s eyes widened. “You’ve been acting this whole time?”
“Maybe acting is my next career,” I responded as I headed towards the
door, breaking one of the tabs out of the silicon bead.
“No kidding,” she responded.
“You know where Glen’s office is?” I asked.
She nodded.
“Okay. We need to get there, grab whatever evidence we can, and then
head to the exit. There’s a secret one near the kitchen.”
“Shit, how do you know that?” Genevieve asked, eyes wide.
“Used to come here as a kid,” I said. I bit my lip before handing her two
of the tabs. “I’ll use the first one to get whatever guards are outside, and
then we’ll go from there.”
I took a deep breath, stealing myself. For a moment, it was as if I could
hear Theo’s voice telling me to focus and be careful. I drew on his strength,
his steadiness, as I opened the door and bit down on the tab.
Chapter Thirty-One

G enevieve and I stumbled into Glen’s pitch-black office. The door

clicked shut behind us, and I let out a sigh of relief. We didn’t have long
before the effects of the tabs wore off and the guards came looking for us.
We’d used four tabs between us, making any guards we encountered
lock themselves in closets or random rooms in the mansion. Genevieve had
suggested we force them to punch each other out, but the thought of forcing
them to do harm made my stomach churn. Just using the tabs made me
uncomfortable, each a reminder of what had been done to me without my
consent. I was being ridiculous and soft-hearted and maybe I would regret
it, but I couldn’t force myself to stoop to their level.
I gripped the credit card and bobby pin I’d taken off one of the guards in
my hand, thankful for my childhood lock-picking skills.
Genevieve felt along the wall for a light switch. I had expected her to be
scared and feeble as we snuck towards Glen’s office, but a fierceness had
come over her, propelling her down the halls with a confidence that
reminded me of when we had first met. But this Genevieve was different…
more desperate, more dangerous.
“Here it is,” she muttered as she flicked the light switch, illuminating
the room.
The sound of slow clapping yanked my eyes to the corner.
“My, my,” Glen said. “Two omegas in need of punishment.”
He stood there like the devil incarnate, a maniacal smile on his face,
before slowly turning the computer monitor towards us, revealing the video
surveillance feed of the mansion. He’d been watching us.
I held in my scream. Why me? Why was life so cruel?
We could make a run for it, but we wouldn’t get far with him chasing
us. I ran my finger over the final tab. If I used it now, it would leave us
without an escape route. Theo’s voice floated into my head. Lie to him,
angel. Use his weakness against him.
“I’m not trying to escape,” I said quickly. “I wanted… I needed to find
you, alpha.” I injected as much of an omega whine into my voice as I
Glen cocked his head. I took it as a sign that I should continue.
“You were right, alpha,” I said, dying a slow death inside having to call
him that. “It’s always been you. Every time I’ve perfumed, all for you. The
real act has been who I’ve had to be around other alphas. When I realized
that Pack Madden would take me away from you forever, I had to do
something.” I forced myself to take another step towards him, jutting my lip
out in a sad pout. “I know it was naughty to escape,” I said, trying to make
my words as seductive as possible. “But I had to see you so I could beg you
to take me as your omega. Because I’m yours.”
Glen’s jaw twitched and I almost vomited when I saw a hard bulge in
his crotch.
“They said I had to give you to Pack Madden,” he muttered, as if trying
to convince himself.
“But you’re the most powerful alpha in the entire province. They can’t
make you do anything… right?” I let the last word hang in the air like a
juicy piece of bait before a shark.
“That’s right, that’s right,” Glen muttered, pacing. “I’m the strongest,
the most powerful. Who do they think they are?” His voice grew louder.
Genevieve shot me a look—we needed to keep him quiet before anyone
barged in here to see what was happening.
“That’s right, alpha. They can’t take what’s yours,” I said, slowly
licking my lips. His eyes traced the movement hungrily. I knew my scent
was bitter with distress, but he didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe he did and
liked it.
His eyes ran down my body slowly and I locked my knees, forcing my
shaking legs to keep me upright.
A twisted smile spread across his face. “That’s right, all mine, my
He prowled towards me, backing me up until I hit the wall. He pressed
his body against mine and I whimpered in fear, but with the way he thrust
his cock against me, he probably mistook it for arousal.
“All those years I waited. They thought I didn’t fuck you because I was
a good boy following their orders, but really it was because I was waiting
for this moment. For you to know fully that you are mine.”
He grabbed my hand, guiding it down so it cupped his dick. Darkness
encroached on my vision as my breaths became faster and more desperate.
Then Glen collapsed on the ground with a sickening crunch. Genevieve
stood over him with a poker firmly grasped in her hand.
The two of us stood frozen, staring at the body. Blood seeped out of the
gash on the back of his head, the slow rise and fall of his chest the only
indication he wasn’t dead.
“Guess I didn’t hit him hard enough. He’s still breathing,” she said,
pursing her lips as she nudged Glen’s face with her shoe.
The room still spun around me as I leaned over and vomited all over his
“That’s a nice touch,” she said. “Now, do you want to kill him, or
should I?”
I jolted at the callousness of her tone. I’d wanted Glen dead all these
years and now I had the opportunity to do it, but the thought of killing
someone, especially in cold blood, turned my stomach.
Genevieve noticed my distress. “You don’t want to kill him?” she asked,
raising a single eyebrow.
“I don’t think I can,” I confessed, feeling strangely embarrassed by my
weakness and equally unsettled by her casualness. “Don’t know if we
should,” I added quietly.
For a moment, I thought she was going to do it. Her grip tightened on
the poker, and I didn’t know whether to fight her or cheer her on. But then
she closed her eyes and took a breath. When she opened them, the
impenetrable mask was once again firmly on her face.
She shrugged. “You’re the boss. I am going to find something to tie him
up, though, while you look for evidence.”
Right. Evidence. The reason I had stupidly insisted we come in here.
In my panicked haze, I had barely taken in the room. I looked around
now and saw it was a generic office with seventies-style wood paneling on
the wall and orange shag carpet. I wrinkled my nose and tried to keep
myself from gagging on Glen’s overwhelming rotten fruit stench baked into
every surface. I guess improving the interior design of the evil lair wasn’t
high on the priority list.
I dug my nails into my palms, not to punish myself but to help me
focus. A desk was in front of me and a filing cabinet to my right. I rushed
over, using my supplies to pick the cabinet lock and trying to make sense of
the endless rows of files. For a deranged madman, Glen really had his
organization system down, and it only took a few minutes to find the rows
and rows of files labeled “Top Secret Omega Facilities.” I scrunched my
face in disbelief, turning towards Genevieve who had finished with Glen
and was peering over my shoulder.
“Is he in middle school?” she snorted. “Guess those are them. Let’s put
them in this briefcase.”
She popped it open and we stuffed all the files in there before snapping
the briefcase shut and heading to the door, kicking Glen’s tied-up form on
the way.
“Alright, this is it,” Genevieve said, her hand resting on the doorknob.
“Death or escape.”
“I have one more tab,” I said.
“We better make it count.”
I nodded, steeling myself for what was to come.
Chapter Thirty-Two

W estairwell
ran down the hallway as fast as we could until we reached the
that would take us down to the kitchen. I clutched the heavy
briefcase and Genevieve held the poker from Glen’s office like a sword.
She slowly opened the door to the stairwell and I knew we were both
holding our breath, waiting for someone to jump out at us. But no one did.
It was strangely quiet.
We paused again at the bottom of the stairs. Before we could open the
door to leave, it slammed open. Genevieve jumped back with a cry, barely
moving fast enough to keep the metal door from hitting her in the face.
“Found them!” Mustache guard shouted, his face red with exertion and
his chest heaving.
Without thinking, I put the last tab in my mouth and bit down hard.
Immediately, his eyes glazed over. Mullet and another guard I didn’t know
sprinted in and immediately fell under the effect of the tab.
“Go lock yourselves in the utility closet,” Genevieve said, her voice like
The guards all obeyed her, filing out of the stairwell single file until
they reached the utility closet and marched in, locking the door behind
“That was the last tab,” I muttered.
“Guess it’s the old-fashioned way now,” she responded, tightening her
grip on the poker. My hands felt slippery and my arm ached from holding
the briefcase.
We jogged down the hall and rounded the corner to the kitchen when a
guard jumped out from the opposite end of the hallway. Before we could do
anything, he pulled the trigger on his gun. Fire seared through my thigh and
I screamed, dropping to the ground. All sound ceased as the pain consumed
me and my vision went spotty. I heard another gunshot and I curled in on
myself, positive that he had shot Genevieve.
I whimpered when I felt hands on me, pulling my arms away from my
“Josie,” Genevieve said, slapping my face. “Get up. We have to move.”
My eyes flew open. Genevieve was kneeling next to me, hair wild, gun
slung around her back. She looked like a fucking assassin.
“The bullet just grazed your leg. It didn’t go in,” she said, hoisting me
to my feet with surprising strength. I was moving in a daze and in the back
of my mind, I knew I was in shock.
“Where is the exit?” she asked, keeping her arm around me. I pointed
down the hall, past the kitchen, studiously trying to avoid looking at the
dead guard lying in a pool of his blood on the floor. I tested putting weight
on my injured leg. It fucking hurt, but my leg didn’t collapse, so that was
Just then, a guard appeared from the kitchen, tripping over the other
guard’s body. His gun skidded across the floor and I lunged for it without
thinking. The wound in my leg screamed in protest as I landed by the
weapon. My vision was spotty and my head swam as I lay there, my shaky
hands wrapped around the gun handle. Cam’s words flooded back to me as
I fumbled with it, but my thoughts were foggy with pain and panic. Then
Genevieve’s hands were on me as she urged me to get up.
A whine bled from my lips as the guard regained his footing and threw
himself towards us.
“Freeze!” he barked, and Genevieve froze, her finger a hairsbreadth
from the trigger of the gun in her hand. “Drop the gun.”
There was a loud thud as Genevieve’s gun hit the floor.
The guard closed in, sneering, but his expression dropped when he
realized I was still moving. I grabbed Genevieve, trying to drag her frozen
body, but it was unyielding. I lifted the gun with shaking hands and shouted
for the guard to stand down. He tried barking at me again, but I ignored the
command. Then he lunged at me and we fell to the ground. In the chaotic
fumble, I discharged the gun, hitting him square in the side. He slumped to
the floor next to me, blood blooming from the wound.
I whimpered in horror. I had done that. I had harmed someone.
“Come on, Josie,” Genevieve hissed, now unfrozen. I realized she was
pulling me down the hall. “You did good,” she continued. “Don’t worry
about him.”
I realized I was still whining. “Did I kill him?” I asked in a whisper,
dreading the answer.
“No,” Genevieve responded. “You just got him in the side. He should be
fine, but we need to go.”
My inner omega latched onto the authority in her voice, even if her
words felt like a lie. I used her for support, my injured leg dragging
uselessly behind me.
We rounded the corner where I knew the hidden door was. The dark
concrete hallway looked so much more menacing than when Sam and I
used to run down it, treats and champagne in hand. Single fluorescent bulbs
hung from the ceiling, casting a flickering glow in the darkness.
“If this were a horror movie, the audience would scream at us right
now,” I mumbled. I couldn’t feel my leg anymore and my thoughts were a
confused tangle. My head lolled on my shoulders and Genevieve tightened
her grip around my waist.
“This is a horror movie,” Genevieve responded. “But we are not those
stupid side character girls who get killed in the first five minutes.”
“We’d at least stay alive for ten,” I said deliriously. I fought to keep my
eyes open, to support myself on my good leg so I wasn’t dragging
Genevieve down.
“Where is the door?”
“Just a bit further,” I responded, trying to focus my eyes and find the
divot in the wall that signaled the secret exit.
“There it is!” I gasped, gesturing with my hand. Genevieve picked up
her pace, dragging me towards the spot in the wall.
And then my heart stopped.
Standing at the opposite end of the hallway was Dave.
Nausea rolled over me as my body remembered the last time I had seen
him walking me down a similar hallway to hell.
His eyes widened in shock as we stared at each other.
I looked for the gun I’d been holding, but my hands were empty. I must
have dropped it.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he hissed, glancing over his shoulder.
Rage filled me, clearing the haze of the pain and shock my body was
experiencing. I had trusted him. Clementine had trusted him. And he
betrayed me.
“What are you doing here?” I shot back.
Genevieve squeezed my arm so tight I knew it would bruise.
“I should have known you’d be working for Glen now. You are scum,” I
said, cringing when I realized how loud my voice was.
“I had no choice,” he said, taking a few steps towards us.
Panic flooded me. We couldn’t retreat down the hall—the only way we
would escape was through this door. Every pounding heartbeat was a
reminder that time was running out.
“There’s always a choice,” I said, tugging Genevieve’s shirt to signal
her to move us closer to the exit. She obliged, shuffling us carefully towards
the door. “You chose to betray us, to betray me.”
“Glen has my sisters,” Dave said. “You have no idea what that’s like!”
A red haze of pure, feral rage fell over my eyes.
“I don’t know what it’s like? I’ve been tortured and abused. My alphas
are dead!” My voice broke and I clenched my hand over my chest to keep
myself together. “You are pathetic and weak. I know the shit you told
Clementine. What did you think would happen when you started working
for Glen—he and his cronies would get you closer to the power you deserve
as a big, strong alpha? Your sisters would be fucking ashamed of you.”
Dave gripped his gun, his acidic scent assaulting me, but mixed in with
his rage was a deep, sour shame.
“If you care about your sisters, you’ll let us go,” I continued, not giving
him a chance to respond. “You owe me. You could have warned us what
they were going to do at the DC, and you didn’t. You just fucking led me
down that hallway.”
“They promised me they wouldn’t hurt you, just that they needed you
away from your alphas for a private interview,” Dave said, unable to meet
my gaze.
“Then you’re a fucking idiot,” I snarled.
Genevieve inhaled sharply. I knew I was being careless, but I couldn’t
stop. I expected Dave to lift his gun or at least run at us. But instead, he
seemed to curl in on himself, defeated.
“You’re right. I am. If I could go back and change it, I would.”
“Then make it better now,” Genevieve snapped. “And let us go.”
“He’ll catch you,” Dave said.
“Give us a head start,” I said.
Dave shifted his weight, looking uncomfortable.
“Either you’re sorry for what you did and are going to make it right, or
you’re exactly the piece of shit I thought you were,” I said.
“If I let you go, Glen will kill my sisters,” he snarled.
“Not if we rescue them first,” I said.
Genevieve threw me a panicked glance. Now Dave could tell Glen what
we planned to do, but I clung to the hope that Dave’s love for his sisters was
strong enough for him to keep his mouth shut. Either Dave would let us go,
or I would taunt him enough to kill me. Living as the omega slave of a
vicious pack while my alphas lay dead was a worse fate than death.
“What are your sisters’ names?” I asked, desperate to keep him talking.
He glanced over his shoulder again before turning back to me. “Why
should I trust that you’ll help them?”
“Because unlike you, I’m not a spineless sack of...”
Genevieve elbowed me in the side, forcing me to shift my weight to
stay balanced. I whimpered at the pain, blood dripping down my leg.
“Shit, sorry,” she said.
Dave looked upset by my injury, and I remembered how kind he’d been
when Pack Madden had bruised my wrist on the interview day.
“I know what it’s like to be trapped as an omega. Your sisters deserve
better. We all deserve better. Do this and be worthy of them.”
Genevieve’s hand caught on the small, hidden latch. She propped me up
against the wall as she pulled hard. The wall moved with a loud clunk,
revealing an opening perfectly cut from the concrete. I wanted to help, but I
could barely keep myself upright. I could feel the steady stream of blood
trickling down my leg.
“You won’t get far,” Dave said. “You’re injured, and Glen won’t stop
hunting you.”
“Let him try,” Genevieve spit out, startling Dave and me.
“Margaret and Jennifer,” Dave called out as Genevieve dragged us out
the door, a shock of cold air hitting my skin.
I turned and met his gaze, giving him a curt nod before shutting the door
solidly behind me.
Genevieve tightened her hold on me, dragging me away from the house.
She didn’t stop as we headed into the woods. “Once we get further away,
I’ll bind your leg.”
The scent of the outdoors was like a drug, and I kept huffing it in deep
breaths. The greens of the leaves spun around me and I almost had the urge
to giggle.
“The world is blurry.”
“Keep it together,” Genevieve hissed.
Finally, she came to a stop, and we both tumbled to the forest floor. I lay
back on the ground, the damp pine needles acting as my bed.
My mind wandered. Hints of the dark sky peeked through the tree
branches. A flash of lightning illuminated our surroundings for a split
moment. A drop of rain landed on my face. I raised my hand as if I could
touch the sky.
“The rain should cover our scents,” Genevieve said. I realized she was
ripping her skirt into strips. “Josie, talk to me.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but all that came out was a
“You were amazing in there,” she said. “And I wish you could rest, but
we have to keep going. Do you know anywhere we can go? I have no idea
what part of town we’re in.”
Her words came to me as if through a fog. I heard a chattering of teeth
and realized the sound was coming from me.
“I think you’re in shock,” Genevieve said, tying a strip of cloth around
my thigh tightly. “And I’m very sympathetic, but it’s also very inconvenient
right now.”
I snorted out a laugh. “Sorry for being an inconvenience with my
gunshot wound.”
Her head appeared in my field of vision. “You always were a bit
“Fuck off.”
Genevieve grinned. “Since when do you swear?”
“Since I left the DA. Also, my alphas think it’s hot.”
Her smile fell. “Were you happy with them?” she whispered.
“So happy,” I whispered, the lump in my throat stopping me from
saying anything else.
“I’m so sorry,” Genevieve responded.
There were no more words to say. The loves of my life, my soulmates,
were gone. And with them, my hopes for ever getting a happily ever after.
She finished binding up my leg and helped me get into a seated
position. She framed my face with her hands, forcing me to look at her.
“You want revenge for their deaths, yeah?” she asked, a dark glint in her
“Good. The first step is to get us the fuck out of here. Now, do you
know where we are?” Her words were sharp, forcing me to focus.
I remembered Genevieve had grown up about an hour outside of the
city. Navigating to a safe location was all on me. We were fucked.
“We’re in Forestside,” I said, looking around at the woods.
Dizziness assaulted me as I turned my head. I glanced down at my leg,
averting my gaze when I saw blood already seeping through the binding.
My skin felt blistered and burned.
“Aptly named,” Genevieve responded dryly.
“My parents don’t live too far from here,” I said, fighting the urge to lie
back down.
“Well, that’s not helpful,” she said.
The rain fell harder now, the smell of the pine trees and damp forest
floor permeating the air.
“Josie, focus!” Genevieve whisper-yelled, gripping my face between her
two hands. “If we don’t move now, they’re going to take us back.”
Her words cut through the haze and offered me a moment of clarity. A
flash of memory of a car ride that felt like a lifetime away. A dress and the
smell of my alphas surrounding me, and the stupid anxiety I’d felt about
what I looked like. I’d give anything to be that girl again.
“Pack Turro. They live in this area.” My mind wandered to Donovan’s
painting, to that feeling of solidarity I had felt when reading his note. “He’ll
help us,” I said with more confidence.
“Don’t know who the fuck that is, but sounds good to me. Let’s go.”
Genevieve forced me to my feet, throwing her arm under my shoulder
to support my weight.
“The briefcase?” I asked, looking around when I realized I had dropped
it at some point.
“I’ve got it,” she said, holding it up. Relief and gratitude washed
through me.
“I’m glad you’re here,” I said, tightening my hold on her.
“Which direction?” she asked, a soft smile on her lips.
“I’m not sure,” I said, trying to wrack my brain for any details I could
remember about their location. “We passed Glen’s on the way to their
house,” I said, desperately trying to remember details from the cocktail
party. Most of what I remembered from the drive there was Cam’s hands on
me, his protectiveness as he made me go over the plan. “It was on the
righthand side of the road.”
“So we need to go in this direction?” Genevieve asked, pointing to our
“Maybe?” I responded, my lip trembling.
“Better than nothing,” she said.
We made our way through the woods with painful slowness, the mud
cold against my bare skin.
“I’m sorry,” I gritted out as I stumbled for the millionth time. The rain
was coming down hard, making it almost impossible to keep my footing.
Genevieve’s arms shook from exertion.
“I’m going to bind our legs together,” she said. “Like we’re doing a
three-legged race.”
She propped me up against a tree and tore more fabric strips from her
dress. Her skin was turning blue from the cold. She tied my bad leg to hers
and put her arm around my shoulder. “We’ll step at the same time. That
way, I can support your leg better.”
We shuffled along for what felt like hours, growing colder and wetter,
before I finally collapsed.
“Sorry, sorry,” I sobbed to Genevieve, who tried to pull us back to
standing before she dropped to the ground with a muttered curse.
I drifted in and out of consciousness, trembling and vaguely aware of
Genevieve dragging me. Through the thick haze of pain and cold, I heard
shouts and felt hands on me before succumbing to the darkness.
Chapter Thirty-Three

I woke in an unfamiliar room. My head was pounding, my mouth was dry,

and my leg screamed in pain. For a moment, I thought I was back in
Glen’s dungeon, but then I realized I was on a soft bed.
I stayed still and kept my eyes closed, unsure if anyone was in the room
with me. I couldn’t hear or scent anyone but didn’t dare make a move until I
was sure. I lay there for a few moments, counting out my heartbeats. When
I still didn’t hear anything, I slowly blinked my eyes open.
The room was dark and I couldn’t see any clocks. There was a window
to my right, but the heavy curtains were pulled. It could be any time of day.
I pushed myself to a seated position, biting my lip to hold in my cry of
pain. I leaned against the headboard as nausea rolled through me, forcing
myself to take deep, steadying breaths. Who knew how long I would be left
alone? I needed to figure out what had happened.
I thought back and had flashes of memory of Genevieve dragging me
through the woods. I’d been in and out of consciousness. At one point, I’d
come to when we were wedged behind trash cans, the smell strong enough
to rouse me. I struggled to reach back into my memory… there had been
No, no, no.
Glen must have found us.
I threw the blankets off and was relieved to find I was still clothed. I
peeled back the skirt of my filthy, smelly dress and saw the wound on my
thigh had been cleaned and bound.
Was this all one of Glen’s mind games? Why had he put me in this
room? My breathing quickened with panic and my thoughts were clumsy,
as if I were trying to reach them through a thick fog.
Get out. You have to escape.
Now that my eyes had adjusted, I could see it was at least a king-sized
bed with big, fluffy pillows and a bedspread that I had dirtied with my mud-
covered clothes. I was sure Glen would blame me for it, and that was
enough motivation to get me out of bed.
I almost crumpled to the ground when I put weight on my bad leg,
managing to just catch the edge of the bed to keep myself upright. Despair
gripped me, and I wanted to cry. How was I supposed to escape when I
could barely stand?
I made my way to the door with painfully slow steps. My hand hovered
over the handle, but I caught myself before opening it. It had to be locked,
but on the off chance that it wasn’t, there were sure to be guards on the
other side. If I opened the door, I would lose any element of surprise.
I stumbled back, paralyzed with indecision. My thoughts were coming
too fast and slow at the same time. Why couldn’t I figure out what to do?
I wished I knew exactly what had happened when Genevieve and I were
caught. But I owed it to her to find her and get us out of here.
I had to blink away tears again. Now was not the time to fall apart. I
needed to stay strong and get us out of here. If I couldn’t leave through the
door, I’d have to climb out the window. Once I was out of the house, I could
figure out where Genevieve was.
I limped over to the large window and pulled the curtains back. It
looked to be morning, but the sky was dark and it was drizzling. The
courtyard lights illuminated the edge of the forest Genevieve and I had
escaped through. I must be at the back of the mansion, my heart sinking
with the realization that I was on the second, or possibly even third, floor.
I inhaled sharply as I remembered the documents I’d taken from Glen’s
office. The briefcase was nowhere to be found. All of that work for nothing,
and now Glen would have even more reason to punish me.
Oh god… my lip trembled as I realized why I was in this room. This
was where I was going to be given to Pack Madden. Was someone going to
come and get me ready or would the next people through that door be Pack
Madden, here to rape and bond me? My body rocked with violent tremors
and I felt hot and cold at the same time.
Get out. Get out. Get out.
I fiddled with the lock on the window, which shocked me by popping
open. Glen must have assumed I wouldn’t be foolish enough to escape this
way. He clearly didn’t realize I would choose death over living the rest of
my life as a captive.
My hands were sweaty as I pushed the window open, the cool air hitting
my face. The subtle scent of pine trees hit me, and for a moment I thought I
even got a whiff of apple spice. This time, I couldn’t stop my tears. I would
never see my alphas again, never be held by them, never feel their love and
My chest shook with my silent sobs. Would it be better to just end it
now? I leaned out the window and I could make out a brick patio below.
Would I die if I jumped? I could practically hear my alphas snarling at me,
telling me I had to survive. But bone-deep exhaustion settled in me. Was
this just what my life was going to be, going from one torture to the next?
Before I could make up my mind about what to do, the door handle
turned. I cried out, dizzy with fear as I swung my bad leg out the window.
“Oh good, you’re awake!” the intruder said, his voice strangely
I locked eyes with his dark brown ones and quickly took him in. He was
older, with some silver interspersed in his dark brown hair, and he was
dressed casually, not like a guard. That didn’t mean anything, though. I’d
gotten used to Glen’s games throughout the years. One time at the DA, he
told me I was getting discharged and going home. He’d set up an elaborate
ruse with paperwork for me to sign and clothing to wear. A nurse had
helped me pack. They’d gone so far as to let me take a single step out the
front door. But instead of my parents being there to pick me up, Glen had
been there with a gleeful smile. He’d used his bark on me, the old device
putting me in an unconscious state. When I’d come to again, I’d been
strapped on the metal table, Glen and Dr. Bishop looming over me.
“Wait, what are you doing?” the intruder asked, his eyes widening. His
faint lavender scent wafted over me as he took a step towards me, his hands
held out beseechingly. I froze as I processed his scent—he was a beta. Glen
never used betas.
“Don’t come any closer!” I shouted. My knuckles screamed with how
tightly I gripped the windowsill.
“Okay, Josie. I’m going to stay right here. I’m Jackson Turro, one of
Donovan’s bond mates. You’re safe here.”
I couldn’t process what he was saying. Was this another mindfuck
game? Or had Genevieve actually gotten us to Pack Turro’s home?
“I’m not going to be a prisoner.” I tried to sound fierce, but my words
were drenched in sadness.
“I know, honey,” Jackson said softly. “You’ve been through so much.
You’re not a prisoner, I promise. I should have waited for Donovan before I
came in.” He ruffled his hair in a Theo-like gesture as he glanced at the
open door behind him. “He should be here any minute. You remember
Donovan, right? I was out of town for the cocktail party, but you met him
I stared blankly at him, refusing to let my guard down.
“Can you come back inside, honey?”
I glanced out the window, and dizziness washed through me. Had the
ground moved farther away? My leg was still dangling out of the window.
It wouldn’t take much for me to tip out. A cold breeze raised goosebumps
on my skin and I shivered.
Just then, Donovan entered the room. His eyes widened as he took in
the scene.
“Okay, so I did tell you to wait for me,” he said to Jackson, his voice
“Yep. I fucked up,” Jackson responded.
“Hi, Josie,” Donovan said, taking a few careful steps towards me.
“Stop right there,” I cried out.
“Okay, I won’t come any closer. I just don’t want you to fall. If you
want to leave, I’ll show you where the front door is. Promise,” he said,
continuing to talk in that calm, measured way. “You remember me, right?
You came to my house for the cocktail party with your alphas. I sent you
the painting?”
I gave him a slight nod, and he exhaled with relief.
“Genevieve said you thought we would help you, and you were right.
We’re part of the Alliance. Everyone’s been scared shitless since you were
taken. We thought you might be at Jacoby’s house, but we didn’t have a
way in.”
My brain didn’t know how to compute this… good news? Had
something actually gone right?
“Why don’t you come down from the window? I’m worried you’ll lose
your balance,” Donovan said.
I nodded, but when I tried to move my limbs, they felt frozen.
“Do you need help, darling?”
My lip trembled. I couldn’t respond. I felt my grip on the window
I cried out when two hands gripped my arms and pulled me into the
room. I crumpled to the floor and crawled away from Donovan and
“You’re okay. I won’t touch you again,” Donovan said, crouching down
so he was on my level but staying several feet away.
“Where’s Genevieve?” I asked. My back hit the bedroom wall and I
curled up tightly, ignoring the strain the position put on my wound.
“She’s sleeping,” Jackson said. “She was... really run down.”
By the way he clenched his jaw, I guessed his words were an
understatement. I sent silent thanks to Genevieve for getting us here, even
with how frail she’d been. I owed my life to her.
“Will she be okay?”
“We’ll make sure she is,” Donovan said with a soft smile. “Omegas
have to stick together, right?”
I hesitated before giving him a tiny nod.
“We cleaned and wrapped your wound, but you need to have a doctor
look at it,” Jackson said.
“No doctors,” I whispered.
“You know Angie, right?” Donovan asked. “Would it be okay if she
looked over you?”
“How does she know I’m here?” I asked, heart racing.
“This house is serving as a sort of headquarters for the Alliance. We’re
closing in on dismantling this god-forsaken government. Angie and her
pack are staying here, and Amirah will join us soon. And don’t worry, we’ll
get your alphas out of prison. This trial is a sham.”
The world around me stopped. Everything stopped.
“What?” I choked out.
“Did you not know about the trial?” Donovan asked, glancing over at
Jackson. “I thought Glen would have told you. Your alphas were charged
with several bullshit charges, and the government is putting them through a
public trial. It’s going to be televised. It’s all a fucking sham. But don’t
worry, we’re working to get them out.”
“They’re alive?” I whimpered. Tremors overtook my body.
“Oh, honey, did you think they weren’t?” Donovan said, reaching out a
hesitant hand to touch mine. This time I didn’t shy away from the touch. I
needed something concrete to tell me I wasn’t dreaming.
“They’re alive, I promise. And we’re going to get them back to you.”
Chapter Thirty-Four

A skinds
part of my military training, I’d studied how to stay strong against all
of torture, but none of those books had taken into consideration
the soul-wrenching pain of being separated from my mate.
Time had ceased to hold any meaning. My cell was dark and
windowless, the lights flickering on and off at random intervals. The smell
of mold and piss were my only companions. Mostly, there was silence,
broken only by the clang of distant doors, the echo of footsteps, and the
occasional screams.
I fought sleep, unwilling to leave myself vulnerable to anyone entering
my cell. As I rested my head back on the filthy wall, barely remaining
upright, I knew there wasn’t anything I could do to fight off the guards
When they had thrown me into this godforsaken cell, I’d been
overwhelmed with panic at being separated from my mate and pack
brothers. I had shouted for a lawyer, a phone call, something. I was ignored.
When I demanded bedding, food, and a fucking real toilet instead of this
shit-infested hole in the floor, the guards laughed in my face. I had never
experienced this kind of powerlessness—even as a teen in North Woods, I’d
held a level of authority as an alpha. Now they were treating me like… like
an omega.
The realization crushed my chest, making it hard to breathe. I had been
in this cell for a handful of days. Josie had been imprisoned at the DA for
two fucking years. And I, having never once fucking lived through being
stripped of my rights, had thought I knew what the government was like,
had thought if I did everything right, I could control the situation and
protect my pack.
My tears finally escaped, running slow tracks down my cheeks against
my will. All I wanted was to be far away from here with Josie in my arms.
In the hazy moments where sleep took hold of me, she begged me to save
her, her voice drenched in terror. I would jolt awake, feeling like I was
suffocating. If I ever got out of here, I would spend my whole life trying to
make this right again.
The guards who brought my meals were my only form of human
contact. If I was lucky, they would throw down the tray of rotten food
before leaving. If I was unlucky, they would use me as their punching bag.
The last time two guards entered, they had taunted me by telling me what
they would do to my omega while I was helpless to do anything but watch.
Rage and fear had overtaken me as I lunged towards the guards. Did they
have Josie? Was she stuck in this hellhole?
Even in my weakened state, I had beaten them half to death before
additional guards stormed into the room, pulling me off them and knocking
me unconscious. When I’d woken, my wrists were in tight manacles
attached to chains on the wall. That was days ago, and every part of my
body still screamed with pain—my skin was covered in bruises and a deep
ache settled in my muscles and bones.
I shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position, but any movement
sent sharp bursts of agony through me. I gritted my teeth. How could this
have happened? I’d fought my whole life to stay in control, mastering my
emotions and my environment so nothing could catch me off guard. But
Josie had crashed through my shields and burrowed deep inside my soul.
The only thing that had kept me from floating into madness was feeling
my brothers through the bond. Even though their emotions were a steady
stream of pain and agony, they were my anchors, a reminder that I wasn’t
alone. I wished I could reach Josie through the bond, hating that she was
alone. Although… if they ended up killing us, it would be better for her not
to feel it through the bond.
The clang of my cell door unlocking pulled me out of my spiral of self-
contempt. Light streamed in through the door, forcing me to squint against
the brightness. Four armed alphas in full tactical gear stood in the opening.
Spikes of alarm echoed through the bond, and I wondered if my brothers
were experiencing the same thing right now. Was this the end?
I stayed on the floor, unsure of my ability to stand, even though it
pricked my pride to imagine dying slumped over in the corner of this cell.
My eyes swept over the guards, taking in their sneers and the tight way they
held onto their guns. A small sense of satisfaction washed through me that
even in my weakened state, they feared me.
One of the guards threw down the tray he was holding, and the
disgusting sandwich on it flew across the cell, hitting the cinderblocks with
a splat.
I stared at the guards blankly, refusing to give them a reaction.
“Look at this ugly, pansy-ass motherfucker. Too weak to stand,” one of
the guards sneered.
“Easy to be brave with your big gun there. Compensating for
something?” I asked without thinking. I could picture Ben and Josie’s
horrified expressions at my taunts. Cam, I’m sure, would have said
something even worse.
One of the guards growled and lunged at me, but another held him
“We can’t touch him anymore,” the guard growled. “He has to look all
pretty for court.”
My heart beat faster. Court meant they wouldn’t kill me in secret and
dump my body. That was something.
“If I’m going to court, I have the right to speak to a lawyer.”
One of the guards repeated my words in a mocking, baby voice. Even in
my rage-induced haze, I scrunched my eyebrows. Did he think that was a
good comeback?
“You’ll get exactly the justice you deserve,” the guard closest to the
door said. “Let’s go,” he said to the others and they filed out of the cell. The
guard I’d insulted hesitated before following the others.
They left me alone again, wondering exactly whose justice we would
Chapter Thirty-Five

I stared down at the front page of last week’s newspaper; the headline
glared back at me: Ashwood Alphas Arrested.
Cam, Ben, and Theo’s mugshots were blown up on the page and I traced
my fingers down their faces, my chest aching with the weight of my
emotions. Their rage was clear even through the blurry black-and-white
They were alive.
I rested my head back on the headboard, closing my eyes and taking a
shuddering breath. My relief was so intense it left me light-headed.
I hadn’t let myself believe Donovan’s words until this moment. I bit my
lip to keep from crying, needing to keep my shit together long enough to
read the article.
My hands shook as I tried to hold the paper steady.

Cameron, Theodore, and Benjamin Ashwood were arrested at their Old City home
yesterday evening and charged with treason, conspiring against the government, and
omega endangerment. Pack Ashwood had been without an omega for fifteen years before
matching with Josephine Porter six weeks ago. Ms. Porter is the pack daughter of Jericho
Porter, senate leader of the Designation Government. At this morning’s press conference,
District Attorney Graham Leslie asserted that Pack Ashwood matched with Ms. Porter for
the express purpose of using her as leverage against Senator Porter, and a leaked
Designation Center report reveals abuse allegations made by Ms. Porter against Pack
Ashwood. District Attorney Leslie called for an expedited trial, saying, “Omegas are the
weakest amongst us, and it is the government’s job to ensure their safety and protection. We
have long been concerned that these anti-designation radicals would use and abuse
omegas to overthrow our government, and now it’s happened.”
My tears fell so thickly that the rest of the article blurred beyond
The door opened and Donovan entered, holding a tray with a plate of
pancakes, sausage, and eggs. He set the tray down before sitting in a chair
beside the bed. He had been fussing over me since I passed out.
“Why don’t I take that?” he said, gesturing at the paper. “It’s all
garbage, anyway.”
I let him tug the newspaper out of my still-shaking hands.
“None of that’s true,” I said through a sob.
“I know, honey,” he said. “Anyone who knows your alphas knows none
of this is true. They’re making up lies to get what they want.”
“I need to tell them it’s not true.”
“You can’t, Josie.”
“I have to! I don’t care if that means Glen gets me again. I can’t let them
go to prison based on lies.”
Donovan cleared his throat. “Last week, Jericho proposed a ton of new
laws. One of them was a bill that prevents omegas from testifying in court.
They passed it yesterday.”
I stared at Donovan, at a loss for words.
“I know,” he said, eyes tight. “Apparently, we’re too fragile and
emotional to testify. Some doctor wrote a paper about how the stress of
testifying could cause an omega to become infertile.”
My brain sluggishly tried to compute what Donovan was telling me.
“How will they know the allegations aren’t true, then?” I whispered
hoarsely, even though I already knew the answer.
They wouldn’t.
They would use words I never said against my alphas in a sham trial.
The relief of my alphas being alive had quickly been replaced by the
agony of being separated from them and the uncertainty of what would
happen next.
Donovan scooted his chair closer and put his arm around my shoulder. I
leaned into him, sobbing into his shirt. His scent was pleasant, but the only
scents I wanted were my alphas’.
“I have to get them back,” I said, wiping my tears.
“We’re not going to abandon you or your pack. The intel you got
changes everything. We’re going to finally be able to take down this
government, once and for all.”
“Wait, what?”
“The papers you stole,” Donovan said with a gentle smile.
“You got them?” I said with a gasp.
“Yes, we’re going through them all now and have already alerted
Amirah. But this is exactly what we’ve been waiting for—concrete
evidence that the Designation Government has been kidnapping omegas
and using them as blackmail against their opponents. Your alphas have done
a lot for the Alliance over the years, and you’ve accomplished even more.”
I wanted to ask more questions, but we were interrupted by a knock on
the door. Angie walked in, wearing her usual matching tracksuit, carrying a
bag of medical supplies.
The following minutes passed in a blur. Angie disinfected the wound
and gave me an antibiotic injection before stitching it up. The bullet had
burned my skin which was part of the reason it was hurting so much. I
squeezed Donovan’s hand through it all and wished omegas had a higher
pain tolerance.
Donovan’s phone beeped and he glanced down at it. “I’ve got to go
check on something for Terrance. Will you be okay up here?”
“I’ll be fine,” I said, biting back my whimper as Angie finished binding
my leg. She had numbed it for the stitches, but it still stung.
Donovan looked at me with skepticism. I clearly wasn’t as good of an
actor as I thought.
“I’ll stay—” he said as his phone beeped again. “Fuck, I do have to go.
When you’re ready to come downstairs, just text me.” He gestured at the
burner phone he’d placed on the nightstand. “Then we can start creating a
plan to get your alphas.”
“Thank you,” I said, my voice soft.
Donovan gave my shoulder a squeeze, moving slowly as if worried he
would scare me. To be fair, I’d been halfway out the window when he
found me. I felt surprisingly comfortable around him, though.
“How’re you feeling?” Angie asked as she started cleaning up her
“Frustrated that we keep meeting like this,” I said with a small smile.
“But I appreciate you coming,” I added, not wanting to sound ungrateful.
“You make those alphas of yours take you on a nice long vacation once
this is over.”
“What happens if I can’t get them back?” I whispered, trusting Angie
enough to put my greatest fear into words.
She sat down on the bed and took my hand in hers. “I know it’s not
helpful for me to say, but I’m confident that’s not going to happen.”
Somehow, it was actually reassuring to hear her say it.
She bit her lip, now looking a bit unsure. “I did want to talk to you
about something. Donovan said you thought your alphas had been killed?”
I nodded and averted my gaze, my throat tight. She squeezed my hand.
“Have you heard of Omega Ferality?”
I tilted my head. The term felt somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t place
it. “Maybe?”
“I don’t love the name, but it’s a phenomenon that can occur when
omegas have been separated from their alphas or if their alphas have
been… harmed. It’s stronger amongst bonded packs, but since you’re
mates, it could affect you even though you’re not yet bonded.”
“I still haven’t felt the mate bond,” I confessed.
“Totally normal,” she reassured me. “You probably won’t for a few
more months. That is, if you choose not to take any more suppressants.
Either way, Omega Ferality is when the inner omega starts taking over. It
can cause difficulty eating and sleeping, and you might respond more
instinctually than usual. It’s a response to the omega’s need to protect their
alphas. I wanted to mention it in case you find yourself acting differently
than normal.”
I felt the truth of Angie’s words. My omega had already been closer to
the surface than usual, but instead of wanting to get rid of her, of resenting
her mere presence, I felt more united with her than ever before.
Angie patted my hand before getting up.
“I plan to be around quite a bit these next few days, so I’ll be able to
check your wound. Let me know if it starts hurting or if you notice redness
or swelling.”
“Thanks,” I said, my eyelids suddenly feeling heavy.
She pulled a soft blanket over me and brushed my hair from my face
tenderly as I dozed off.
Chapter Thirty-Six

T he knock at my door startled me, my heart racing even though I knew it

was probably just Donovan bringing me lunch. I’d gotten out of the
shower a few minutes ago, relieved to finally wash Glen off my skin. If
only my memories washed away that easily.
“Come in,” I called out from my spot at the window. I kept looking out,
needing reassurance that I wasn’t trapped anymore.
I bit my lip as Genevieve slipped into the room. She was bundled up in
black sweatpants and an olive-green sweatshirt, her damp hair pulled back
in a braid. She’d always had a good poker face, but her scent gave away her
“Can I come in?” she asked.
I nodded, making my way to the bed and sitting down, patting the spot
next to me.
We sat side by side in silence, our shared history heavy between us.
“How’s your leg?”
“Hurts a bit,” I said with a shrug. “Angie said I should make a full
recovery, except for the scar. But what’s one more at this point, right?”
Genevieve’s hand went automatically to her upper arm.
“Everything went to shit after that night,” she said, her voice low.
I glanced at her, knowing exactly what night she was referring to—the
night that had changed my life when we planned to escape the DA. For
years I had fantasized about confronting her for betraying me. I had
imagined screaming and raging at her, inflicting even a fraction of the pain
she’d caused me. But now that she was next to me, I found I was just tired.
“I was so close to our meeting point,” she said, her words coming
quickly now as if she had stored them up all these years. “Everything was
going to plan, and then they caught me. Glen and Dr. Bishop were there,
along with a shit-ton of guards. Dr. Bishop held up a scalpel and the device.
Glen explained what the device was and told me they would put it in me if I
didn’t tell them who I was meeting. So I told them.”
Her voice hitched and my chest was so tight I could barely breathe. I
could imagine the scene perfectly.
“I knew I was betraying you, and it made me sick to do it. I chose to
protect myself.” Genevieve gasped for air, her distress radiating off her so
severely that I almost reached out to grab her hand. “I chose wrong. After I
gave them your name, Glen thanked me and called me his obedient omega.
Then they held me down and put the device in anyway. I’ve had to live with
that guilt all these years.”
I turned and looked out the window, trying to make sense of my
jumbled thoughts and feelings. It was a sunny day and the leaves had fully
changed color while I was in captivity. The trees were radiant with their
bright orange and red foliage.
I wondered what I would have done if our positions had been reversed
—if I had been the one Glen had caught instead. I wanted to believe I
wouldn’t have betrayed her, but I would never know for sure. What she had
done had cost me so much, but ultimately, I had gotten out. She had been
the one trapped with a monster all this time.
“I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I just wanted you to know
that I’ve regretted what I did all these years,” Genevieve said softly.
I picked the fringe on the edge of the blanket wrapped around me.
“It seems so unfair that the world has just kept going these past years—
the sun shining, leaves changing, and we’ve been in darkness,” I said, my
eyes fixed on a red leaf as it broke away from the tree branch and fluttered
through the air, guided on the wind in a curling, dancing pattern. “I held my
anger towards you like a shield. It protected me, taught me not to trust
anyone. Or, at least, I thought that’s what I needed to stay safe. I hated
myself for missing you, for wondering where you were and if you were
The leaf I’d been following finally fell to the grassy lawn below. I
closed my eyes and took a deep breath before continuing.
“Deep down, I think I always knew you wouldn’t have betrayed me for
nothing. You had a choice that night, and I wish you had chosen differently.
But you also had a choice yesterday, and I never would have escaped
without you.”
I looked over at Genevieve. Her jaw was set, her shoulders tight. I
thought I saw a hint of silver lining her eyes, though I knew better than to
expect her to cry. Genevieve had always been unusually stoic for an omega.
“I think I’m ready to let go of that anger. I forgive you,” I said, a tear
streaming down my cheek. “You were in an impossible situation, and I’m
sure they would have found an excuse to give me the device sooner or
As I spoke the words out loud, I knew they were true. Glen had given
me the device in the most emotionally painful way possible—by using the
betrayal of a friend as an excuse. But he didn’t need an excuse to torture or
control me. It was always going to happen.
Genevieve nodded in a jerky movement. I took a risk and reached over,
grasping her hand in mine. She squeezed my hand hard and it was like all
the words we couldn’t say were poured into that touch.
I looked away and released her hand.
“I don’t think I can be friends again,” I said, a lump in my throat. I
meant it, that I forgave her, but being around her reminded me of my
deepest trauma. It was too much, too painful.
Genevieve released a steady breath, her posture relaxing, and I
wondered if I was the same reminder for her as well.
“There’s no going back,” she said, her voice resigned. “I’ve been
waiting for death all these years. I guess I’ll have to figure out how to live
again. We did have great escape mission banter, though,” she said, a
lightness in her voice.
A smile tugged at my lips. “So true. I don’t remember most of it
because, you know, I had a bullet wound like the absolute badass I am,” I
said with a sniff. “But I’m sure I was super witty.”
“You were just okay. I definitely carried it.”
We grinned at each other. For the briefest moment, it felt like we had
been transported back to a time before the devices, the abuse, before Glen
Jacoby and his schemes. Just as quickly as it came, the moment passed.
“Tomorrow, they’re transferring me to a safe house,” Genevieve said,
standing up from the bed. “I’m going to give them as much intel as I can.
I’ve seen a lot of shit the past few years. Hopefully, some of it will help
take these fuckers down.”
She walked towards the door, pausing with her hand on the door handle.
“I hope those alphas are good to you,” she said, glancing at me over her
shoulder. “You deserve every good thing.”
“You do, too, Genevieve. I hope you find it,” I said, meaning every
word. Tears fell freely down my face and she nodded curtly before slipping
out of the room.
The door clicked shut with finality, and I knew we had just said our last
goodbye. It wasn’t a fairytale reunion, but it was closure, and it had stitched
up one of the gashes I had carried in my heart. I wiped my tears and pulled
the blanket tighter around me.
Determination filled me. We had the intel we needed on Glen. The
Alliance was prepared to take him down, and I was going to get my alphas
Chapter Thirty-Seven

I walked through Pack Turro’s house. It looked so different from the last
time I was here when staff and partygoers filled the rooms. Today, the
quiet was broken only by the chirping of the birds outside. The afternoon
sun shone through the many windows, bouncing off the dark wood
wainscotting and blue celestial-themed wallpaper in the hall. It felt like the
house was giving me a hug.
I gripped the wooden banister as I made my way downstairs, trying to
keep my weight off my injured leg. Angie said it was fine for me to walk on
it, just to be careful of the stitches. Every step I took pulled on the wound,
burning my skin.
I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and leaned against the wall. The
lack of food from the past week and our harrowing escape left me weak.
How had Genevieve survived Glen all this time?
I’d heard a car pulling out of the gravel driveway about an hour ago and
knew she was on her way to a safe house. I searched myself for any
lingering anger towards her, but it seemed to have finally dislodged from its
dark spot in my heart. I really did hope she found happiness. I hoped we all
would. We deserved it.
I pushed off the wall and kept walking, following the murmur of voices
in the dining room.
I hovered in the doorway. Donovan was leaning over the large wooden
table in the center of the room, sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-
ceiling windows and creating a halo behind his head. One of his alphas
stood beside him with a light grip on the back of his neck. I remembered
this alpha from the party—Terrance. He was just as huge as I remembered,
his short, cropped hair dusted with silver. Jackson sat at the end of the table,
looking at something on his laptop. He glanced up and smiled when he saw
me, giving me a little wave.
“Josie! You should have asked for help to get downstairs. Please, take a
seat,” he said, jumping up and holding a chair for me.
I eyed the chair, ready to insist I could stand when another wave of
exhaustion rolled through me. I limped to the chair and sat down heavily. I
needed to trust them and lean on them if I was going to free my alphas.
“Thanks,” I said, my voice coming out almost in a whisper. I cleared my
“Let me get you something to drink and eat. Would you like coffee?
Tea?” Jackson asked.
“Tea would be great,” I responded, and he rushed off. He reminded me
of Ben, and my chest squeezed.
“Is there any news on my alphas?” I asked.
Terrance had moved partially behind Donovan, as if to hide his bulk to
make me more comfortable. The more time I spent with alphas outside my
family and the DA, the more I realized how wired they were to make
omegas happy and comfortable.
“Actually, yes,” Donovan said gently. “Graham Leslie, the District
Attorney, just announced that their trial is starting the day after tomorrow.”
My throat closed and I gasped for air, feeling like I was suffocating.
Terrance lurched towards me and I realized I had whined. Donovan shot
him a warning look, but Terrance made his way around the table towards
me, walking slowly and keeping his hands loosely at his side. He kneeled in
front of me, keeping enough space between us so I didn’t feel trapped. It
reminded me of Cam being in the same position during our first meeting,
and a few tears trickled down my face.
“Just breathe for me, sweet omega. This is good news. The public’s eyes
will be on your alphas, meaning they’re safe enough for now. We’re going
to make a plan to get them back to you.”
His energy wasn’t as calming or potent as my alphas, but it still soothed
my omega.
“How?” I choked out. We were just a few miles from the courthouse
and the idea of my guys being there but unable to get to them killed me. I
wished we had already bonded so we could at least feel each other. The
second they got back to me, I was biting them. No hesitations, no
“We’re going to take down the entire fucking Designation
Government,” Donovan said, rubbing his hands together and wearing a
wide smile. “And we’re going to do it with the intel gathered from the
Alliance’s most badass superspy.”
Terrance’s lips twitched as I looked between them.
“That’s you,” Donovan said. “Or at least, it’s what you called yourself
when we found you. You were a bit delirious.”
My cheeks burned.
“It’s a great name,” Terrance said, his voice gentle. “Because it’s true.”
I looked into his dark brown eyes and found only sincerity. The words
from Donovan’s note floated back into my mind. Pack Turro certainly
didn’t underestimate me. I allowed myself to feel the warmth of their
kindness seep into me, bolstering me.
“We’ve suspected the government was stealing omegas, but we haven’t
been able to get any intel about the facilities until now,” Terrance said,
gesturing at the papers spread across the table and giving me an approving
nod. My lips twitched when I imagined the headache Glen must be sporting
today. My omega was feeling particularly bloodthirsty.
“These show the location of all the facilities, along with paper files on
every omega they’ve taken,” Terrance continued. “We can use this to free
the omegas and expose the horrors of these facilities. All the senators and
other government officials who’ve been going along with Glen and the rest
of them because their omegas were in danger will come to our side, and the
rest of them will be forced to follow once the media gets ahold of what
they’ve done.”
“And once the Designation Government is out, we’ll get your alphas out
of jail,” Donovan added.
I took a closer look at the sea of papers, noticing that many of them had
small, grainy black-and-white photographs of women. Omegas. The
enormity of what I found stunned me.
Jackson swept back into the room, joined by another alpha. This one
was the tallest of all of them and looked like he could be Italian with his
dark waves and strong jawline.
“This is Nico,” Jackson said, nodding at the alpha while placing a large
mug of tea and several plates of food in front of me. “I wasn’t sure what
you liked, so there’s some homemade pizza, salad, and fruit. But if you
want something different, just let me know.”
“This is perfect, thank you,” I said. “How many are in your pack?”
“This is all of us,” Donovan said, smiling as Nico pulled him to his side.
It was fascinating to see this older pack together. All the packs I’d seen
growing up were so cold with each other. Jericho or Richard would never
touch my mother in such a casual way.
I bit my lip, thinking about what my mom had done. Did she
intentionally leave the door unlocked? Was she glad I got away? I wanted to
believe she cared enough for me to do it on purpose. Maybe it was wishful
“Nice to meet you, Josie,” Nico said from across the table.
“Her name is Badass Superspy,” Jackson whispered out of the side of
his mouth as he leaned towards Nico.
“No teasing,” Terrance said, winking at me.
I covered my heated cheeks with my hands in disbelief that I had called
myself that. I could only imagine how my guys would tease me if they
found out. I felt on the verge of tears again as I picked up a piece of pizza,
half-heartedly taking a bite. I would happily accept teasing for the rest of
my life if it meant being back with them.
“Why would they keep all this on paper?” I asked, wanting something
to distract myself. It seemed a stupid choice for Glen to have these
documents in his office.
“About a year and a half ago, one of our Alliance hackers, Charlie,
broke into Glen’s home server,” Donovan said, accepting a cup of tea from
“Charlie Jang?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Terrance said. “You know her?”
“She works with Ben and I know Luc,” I said with a smile,
remembering the reverence in Luc’s voice whenever he spoke of his omega.
“We suspected Glen was keeping documents on his personal computer
that he wanted to keep hidden from the government,” Donovan continued.
“We got a shit ton of intel, but Glen realized what happened, and it made
him paranoid. He must have switched to all paper files around that time
because we couldn’t get anything else useful off his computer. He would
come on the news and go on and on about how people were after him,
presenting all these wild conspiracies. His interviews and media
appearances slowed down considerably after that, but anytime he was
spotted, he seemed to be less and less connected with reality.”
I nodded. Towards the end of my time at the DA, Glen seemed more on
edge, but this past week at his house had been something completely
different. I’d never seen him like that before.
“We think it’s around that time that your fathers decided he needed to be
removed from his position as governor,” Terrance said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah. We were never sure why they chose him to be the front-alpha
anyway,” Jackson said, his face scrunched in confusion. “Probably because
he’s a bit of an idiot, and Jericho thought he’d be easier to control. And he
was until he wasn’t.”
“True,” Donovan said. “That’s how it always was at school.”
“School?” I asked.
“We were all at university with them,” he continued. “Those three have
history. We could never figure out what made them break up, but by the end
of university, Jericho and Richard were a pack, and Glen was on his own.
Even back then, it was clear Jericho ran the show and Richard and Glen just
followed whatever he said.”
“Wait… when you say break up?”
“Oh, they were definitely fu—I mean, umm, romantically involved,”
Jackson said.
I stared at him wide-eyed. I knew my pack fathers were close with Glen,
but I had never imagined they had a history like this. I thought of all the
meetings they had together while I was growing up. Oh my god. Was there
more to those meetings than I imagined?
“But growing up, they went on and on about how disgusting it is for
men to be together…” I said, trailing off as I took in Jackson’s smirk.
“You know, it’s amazing how society has just agreed to pretend that we
have all these alphas together in packs, having sex with omegas during their
heats, with no swords crossing,” Jackson said with a snort.
Anger rose in me as I thought about Sam having to leave the province to
be with Gerald, all because his fathers found out he was gay. It wasn’t fair.
“We’re not sure what Glen’s fixation is on you, though,” Donovan said
gently, as if afraid I would freak out.
“Glen thinks I belong to him. The night I revealed as an omega, we
were at a dinner party at Glen’s house. My friend Sam—”
“Sam Larsson?” Terrance interrupted.
“Yeah. Why?” My chest tightened. Had something happened to him?
“He’s been contacting us in a panic. He heard from Amirah that you had
made it here, but we haven’t responded to his messages. We weren’t sure if
you wanted him to know where you were?” Terrance said.
“Yes, please tell him I’m okay,” I said, biting my lip. I should have
thought to let Sam know the minute I made it here.
Terrance nodded and pulled out his phone.
“What did Sam say?” Donovan asked, prompting me to continue my
“He overheard Glen talking to my parents and making some sort of
deal. Glen told me he knew from that moment that I belonged to him.”
All of Donovan’s alphas stiffened, and Nico let out a growl. I flinched
and his face softened. “Sorry,” he said, looking abashed. “Omegas can’t be
given to anyone,” he muttered.
“You think there was some agreement that you would be Glen’s
omega?” Donovan asked, looking sick.
“Sounded like it. But then, I’m not sure why they went back on it.”
There was silence in the room.
“Well,” Terrance said slowly. “Maybe they decided that Glen was out,
and so it didn’t make sense for you to be... given to him anymore.”
“The timing of that makes sense,” I responded slowly. “It probably all
happened when I left the DA just over a year ago.”
Understanding alighted across Jackson’s face. “It was about a year ago
that Glen started to… unravel. It makes sense that it would have all gotten
worse once Jericho went back on his agreement to—” Jackson growled,
biting out the next words, “—give you to Glen. Pack Madden would have
been a better choice, then. They’re the hottest up-and-coming pack in the
government, and your fathers have groomed them for years. They don’t
want an omega, but if Pierce is going to run for governor, his pack would
have to be bonded. People aren’t going to accept another bondless alpha in
a position of power like that. It’d be too unconventional.”
My mind was making connections faster than I could process them.
This must be why there was so much tension between Glen and Pack
Madden and why Glen had been trying to delay Pack Madden claiming me.
Maybe he hoped he could still change things and claim me for himself.
“You okay, Josie?” Donovan asked softly. I realized I was shaking. The
reality of how close I had been to being bonded with Pack Madden was
finally hitting me.
Nico materialized in front of me, holding a plush, pale green blanket.
“Why don’t you wrap this around you, omega?” he suggested gently. “None
of them can get you here.”
I took the blanket from him and got it around me after a few tries. It
mostly smelled like laundry detergent, which I appreciated. I liked these
alphas but didn’t want their scents on me.
“How do you know we’re safe here? Won’t Glen suspect I’m here?” I
asked, looking up at Nico.
“He probably does,” Donovan said. “But he won’t dare come here. Let’s
just say we’ve made a game of collecting incriminating material on Glen,
starting back at university. How do you think Amirah was able to keep her
position at the DC? Before I was a painter, I was a pretty good
photographer. Documentary photography was a particular talent.” He
smirked and I could only imagine what those photos contained.
“Even in college, they were on this traditionalist designation crap,”
Jackson said, rolling his eyes. “They started a club. They had t-shirts and
I raised my eyebrows, trying to picture younger versions of the alphas
who had abused me wearing coordinating t-shirts for their club. It seemed
ridiculous, and it made them a little less scary.
“Plus,” Terrance added, “Donovan is famous not just here but in Sol and
other provinces. The government couldn’t raid the house of Designation
Magazine’s Omega of the Year.”
The pride in his voice was obvious, and it made my heart ache. He
spoke of his omega with such love and admiration even after decades
together. I thought I saw a hint of a blush on Donovan’s cheeks, and I
scented his perfume. Is that what my alphas sounded like when they talked
about me?
Donovan muttered, “Pretty sure that doesn’t matter much.”
Nico pulled in his omega and kissed him on the forehead. “Don’t sell
yourself short.” He turned to me. “You omegas have done more to take
down this government than all the rest of us combined. We would be
nowhere without Amirah, Donovan, Lilah, Angie, Charlie, you, and so
many others.”
“Not sure I’ve really done anything,” I said, curling up more in my
blanket. But more and more, the words rang false even to my ears.
Nico scowled and something about it reminded me so much of Cam.
“Don’t sell yourself short. We wouldn’t have the alpha tabs if not for your
device. We wouldn’t have this intel without you. When we take down the
government, it will be because of you, Josie.”
“That’s right,” Terrance said, giving me a warm smile. “In the next
couple of days, we’re going to have a lot of people joining us here so we
can strategize how to take down these facilities. Amirah and her pack are
coming. Lilah messaged that they’re on their way.”
“Who’s Lilah?”
Donovan’s face lit up. “You don’t know? Honestly, we just made the
connection ourselves. Lilah is Ben’s sister and the scientist behind the tabs
and serum.”
“What?” I gasped. “Ben didn’t tell me?”
“Her identity has been kept top secret until now, but she insisted on
being here since we’re assuming most of these omegas,” Donovan said,
gesturing at the papers, “have devices implanted in them.”
“But how can you be sure it’s safe for everyone to come here?” I asked,
anxiety rushing through me at the thought of anything happening to Ben’s
“There are back roads into the province that aren’t heavily monitored,
and we have a lot of the border patrol agents on our side. But ultimately, it
comes down to the fact that the Designation Government is falling apart
right before our fucking eyes. Glen, Jericho, Richard, and all the other
shitheads are losing control. Too many people are fighting back now and
they’re making mistakes. That’s what will make it possible for us to get rid
of them once and for all,” Donovan said.
“We’re in the endgame now,” Jackson said, rubbing his hands together.
Nico and Terrance groaned.
“We’re still not doing a Marvel marathon,” Nico said, shaking his finger
at Jackson, who just chuckled.
I laughed along with them, ignoring the pain in my leg and my
exhaustion as I reached for another slice of pizza. I snuggled back into the
plush blanket and watched as Pack Turro bantered, fought, kissed, and
hugged, feeling a happy kind of longing that this could be what awaited my
pack if only we had the chance.
The province was nearing a tipping point, and I would be part of it,
playing an essential role in taking down the government.
My scent turned bright as I sat forward. Pack Turro all shot me smiles
as they continued planning the next moves, and I noted familiar names from
each designation from across territories. A fierceness filled me. We were
doing this. We would get my guys and take down Glen and the whole damn
Designation Government. My alphas had rescued me from my bleak life.
They had healed me, loved me, protected me. Now it was my turn. I would
rescue them.
My omega purred with satisfaction. This was a plan we could get
behind, a single-minded motivation to live and fight for our alphas.
Chapter Thirty-Eight

I was crouched by the side of my bed in the pitch black, my heart racing
before I realized something must have startled me awake. Fear flooded
me as I curled up on the floor, the darkness pressing in on all sides. I held
my breath, keeping completely still as my body braced for a threat. A soft
knock on the door had me jolting. I looked around, cursing that I hadn’t
asked Donovan to get me a weapon.
“Josie, it’s me,” a voice whispered through the door. A shuddering
breath left me, and I almost collapsed on the bed as tears sprang to my eyes.
I stumbled to the door, hitting my knee on the nightstand before
throwing it open. Sam immediately pulled me into his chest and wrapped
me in his arms. I sobbed as I breathed in his familiar scent.
“You’re okay, shhh,” he murmured, rocking me back and forth as my
tears soaked his sweatshirt.
A gentle hand touched my shoulder. “Hi, Josie,” Gerald whispered.
“How are you here?” I asked, pulling away to look at them both, the
soft hall light illuminating their faces.
“Would have been here sooner if Pack Turro had responded to me
quicker,” Sam said, scowling down the hallway.
Gerald cleared his throat in disapproval. “They didn’t know who we
were,” he said, squeezing Sam’s shoulder. “They were just trying to protect
“How did you even get in?” I asked, wiping the tears off my face as I
tried to suppress a yawn.
“Nico,” Sam responded.
“I suggested we wait until a more reasonable hour to wake you,” Gerald
said with a grin. “But these ridiculous alphas do what they want.”
“Gerald, you’re an alpha,” I said with a giggle.
“Yeah, but I like to think I have at least a little common sense.”
“Alright, enough of this,” Sam growled. “Josie, tell us everything. The
last I heard, Glen had fucking kidnapped you. Then I find out you’ve
escaped and rescued your own damned self before we could get to you. So
what the fuck happened?”
I bit my lip, overwhelmed by the idea of rehashing everything from the
past week. But Sam and Gerald had come all this way and deserved to
“Come in,” I said, tugging Sam into my room. Gerald followed,
carefully closing the door behind him.
I hopped up on the bed, leaning back against the headboard. Sam sat
down next to me with Gerald on his other side. I leaned into Sam’s
shoulder, taking a moment to ground myself before launching into the cliff-
notes version of the past week, skipping over the worst and most debasing
parts of Glen and Pack Madden’s treatment. I didn’t want to relive it, and
Sam didn’t need to hear it.
“Can’t believe you risked yourself to get those files,” Sam growled.
“My lock-picking skills had to come in handy at some point.” I couldn’t
help smiling at his reaction, imagining my alphas responding the same way
when we were finally reunited. Anxiety seized my chest at the thought.
“What if something happens to my alphas before I can get to them?” I
Sam pulled me closer to his side, and Gerald reached over to squeeze
my hand.
“I think Pack Turro is right,” Gerald said. “The public trial means they
can’t do anything too serious to them. It would make the government look
“But after the trial?” I whispered.
“We’ll just have to make sure to get them out before then,” Sam said.
His voice was filled with a confidence I didn’t feel, but it soothed me.
“First things first—we need to get some rest. Tomorrow—well, I guess
it’s already tomorrow—but we’ll start making plans later this morning,”
Gerald said.
“Nico said the room next door is empty,” Sam said. “We won’t be far if
you need us.”
“Wait, don’t leave.” I gripped his arm. I couldn’t stand the idea of being
alone again with nothing but my anxious thoughts to keep me company.
Sam’s eyes were soft as he met my gaze.
“Sorry,” I said, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. “I just… don’t
want to be alone.”
“I’ll stay,” he said, squeezing my hand.
“Do you want me to go?” Gerald asked.
“No, stay.” I peered over at Gerald with a smile. I might not know him
as well as Sam, but he had a soothing, comforting energy that felt much
more like an omega’s than an alpha’s. He was the perfect balance to Sam’s
intensity and my anxiety.
They both popped into the bathroom to get changed and ready for bed.
For a moment, I wondered if this was too weird—cuddling with my best
friend while his boyfriend was in bed with us. But I couldn’t find it in me to
care. I needed something to make me feel like I wasn’t totally alone in the
Sam settled back in bed, lying down next to me, and Gerald lay on his
other side.
“Come here,” Sam murmured, holding his arms out.
I moved until I was resting against his chest. We’d spent so many nights
like this after I had revealed as an omega. Both of us had needed comfort,
and my omega especially had craved touch. Sam’s arms had always been a
safe place for me.
“I’m so fucking glad you’re here,” he said. “I don’t know what I would
do without you.”
I clenched his shirt in my fist. “Thanks for coming.” The words weren’t
enough, but I knew he understood.
Chapter Thirty-Nine

I sat in Pack Turro’s living room, nervous energy working its way through
my limbs. I wished I could pace around, but my leg was hurting this
Everyone would arrive today—Amirah, Lilah, and all their alphas—so
we could plan our moves to take down the government. I felt desperately
out of place. I’d spent the past year of my life hiding in my apartment,
avoiding the news… avoiding everything. I was especially nervous to meet
Lilah. What if she didn’t like me? She was a scientist and had done
incredible work for the Alliance with the tabs and the serum, and here I
was, barely having finished high school and currently alone without my
I was fighting the urge to hide in my room when I heard people talking
in the foyer. I stood up to see who it was, but before I could move, an
omega entered the room. Five men surrounded her, but I couldn’t take my
eyes off her. Her dark, messy curls and bright blue eyes were so similar to
Ben’s it made my heart hurt. She let out a distressed whimper when she saw
me. I braced myself as she threw her arms around me.
“It’s so good to meet you, and I’m sorry for what happened to you and
your alphas, and I’m so excited to have a sister.” She spoke with the same
rapid exuberance as her brother. I returned her hug, allowing my body to
relax against hers.
“Careful, baby,” one of Lilah’s alphas said. I stiffened as he came closer,
still feeling skittish around alphas. But then I inhaled and caught his faint
forest scent. He was a beta. I took a deep breath, trying to get my heart to
“I’m Noah,” he said, stopping a few feet away. Now it was clear he was
shorter than alphas typically were. His brown hair was on the longer side,
curling behind his ears, and his face had an open, boyish quality.
“Oh, sorry! Let me introduce you to my pack,” Lilah said, pulling away.
“You need to sit down,” one of the alphas growled abruptly, his eyes on
my leg. He was massive with short, cropped hair and a scowl on his face,
making me take an automatic step back.
“You’re hurt?” Lilah asked, eyes widening with concern.
“I’m fine,” I said. Now I could really feel my leg hurting. The angry-
looking alpha gave me a disapproving look, and I grew more anxious. Lilah
looked over her shoulder. “Grayson, honey cakes, you’ve got to tone it
down. You’re making her anxious.”
The alpha—Grayson—blinked and took a couple of steps back.
Lilah helped me lower back down on the couch.
“He’s a total softy,” she said. “Just feels very protective when omegas
are injured. You know the type,” she said with a wink. “Grumpy alpha is
Grayson, and then Noah, of course,” she said, pointing at the beta. “Then
there’s Raph and Matteo,” she gestured at two alphas standing in the
doorway. “And… where did Orion go?” she asked.
“He needed snacks, apparently,” Matteo said, rolling his eyes. “It’s nice
to meet you, Josie,” he said warmly.
I gave him a little nod. They hadn’t given me any reason to feel so
anxious, but I’d only just gotten used to being around Pack Turro. Adding
another dozen alphas to the house put me on edge.
Lilah seemed to sense how I was feeling and turned to her pack. “Why
don’t you all check in with Amirah while Josie and l get to know each
I almost expected them to argue, but they nodded and filed out of the
She turned back to me. “How’re you feeling?”
I shrugged, unsure how to answer.
She gave me a kind smile. “It’s a stupid question, isn’t it? Your alphas
are in jail. Nothing is going to feel okay until they’re back.”
I blinked quickly to keep myself from crying.
“I miss Ben so much,” she said. “I found out he was part of the Alliance
a year ago, and I’ve been begging to be allowed to talk to him, but I was
developing the alpha tabs and serum, and Amirah said it was too risky. My
pack backed her up, and I was so angry I didn’t speak to them for a solid
week. I’ve never seen them so upset. But I guess I understand why the
Alliance needed secrecy,” she said with an eye roll.
“Thank you for making the tabs and the serum. You saved my life,” I
said, a lump forming in my throat.
Tears sprang to Lilah’s eyes, and soon we were both sniffling.
“All those long days and nights in my lab, I kept thinking about the
omegas who hadn’t been able to get out. It drove me to keep going even
when it all felt hopeless,” Lilah said, wiping tears from her cheeks.
I reached out and grabbed her hand, the warmth of her skin steadying
me. I wished I could say more, express my gratitude in a more eloquent
way, but she seemed to understand.
“No one would tell Ben where you were,” I said, breaking the silence.
“He looked for you.”
Lilah smiled. “Ben was always the best brother. Cam and Theo were
like my brothers, too. Super bossy, serious brothers. It drove me and Ellie
I bit my lip, a pang of longing seizing my chest.
“Sorry, we don’t have to talk about them if it’s too painful,” she said,
softening her voice and squeezing my hand.
“No, I want to. It’s just… I thought they were dead, and now I still can’t
get to them.” I cut myself off, my throat burning with the effort of keeping
in my tears.
Lilah scooted closer to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.
“God, I can’t imagine. I don’t know that I’d even be able to get out of bed if
I were in your position. You’re so strong.”
I didn’t feel strong, but it was nice that she didn’t think I was
completely pathetic.
“I was so angry at my parents for allowing Ben to be exiled,” she said,
her arms still around me. “I could tell they didn’t want to—they never
bought into the traditionalist designation shit as much as the other parents,
but they were too weak to take a stand against the other families.” Her voice
was bitter. “I met my pack shortly after he left, and we all decided to leave
the province. I hated moving so far away from Ben, but I needed to escape
the bad memories,” she said, her voice trailing off.
“How did you meet your pack?” I asked.
A mischievous smile crossed her face. “I may have hit a rebellious
streak once Ben was exiled. I started sneaking out and going to clubs in the
city. The Designation Government wasn’t in power yet, of course, and
omegas were allowed inside clubs even though it might not have been the
safest place.”
That was the understatement of the century. I couldn’t imagine going to
a club filled with alphas.
“Grayson was a bouncer at one of the clubs and when he saw I was
there alone, he pulled me to the side and lectured me about ‘common sense
and safety.’” She pitched her voice low in a spot-on impersonation of her
alpha. “I just stood there perfuming like crazy because he was sooo hot.
Finally, he took a breath and totally lost his train of thought.”
“What happened?” I asked, fascinated by this window into what things
had been like before the Designation Government.
“We fucked in the bathroom,” she said dreamily.
“That’s not exactly how it happened,” Grayson grumbled as he and
Matteo entered the living room again. This time, they both kept their
“Oh, you want me to give more details like how I lifted my skirt and
“No, no,” Grayson said hurriedly, his cheeks growing pink. Lilah
winked at me.
I giggled. “You would get along so well with my friend Poppy.”
Although the two of them together might give their alphas heart attacks.
“The rest was history. He was already packmates with Matteo, Raph,
and Orion. I found Noah shortly after and added him to the collection.”
“Noah’s a beta?” I asked, curious. Pack Turro was the only pack I’d
ever met with a beta.
“Yes, Orion, too, thank god. Can you imagine five alphas? Those two
help keep us all calm.”
I scrunched my nose, glancing over at the tense way Grayson and
Matteo kept a close watch over their omega.
“Umm…” I said, not wanting to point out the obvious.
“Well, calm for alphas,” she said with a giggle, turning to look at
Grayson. “Honey cakes, you’ve got to calm your tits,” she shouted across
the room. Grayson’s scowl deepened, sending an anxious shiver up my
spine. But Lilah just turned back to me with a smile.
“I’m sure you’re used to it with Cam and Theo as your alphas. Have
they mellowed out at all?”
I snorted.
“Ha, thought so,” she said.
“The meeting is going to start soon, kitten,” Grayson said, walking over
to us. When he got close, he crouched down so he wouldn’t loom over me.
“Do you need help getting to the library?” he asked softly.
“I think I can do it,” I said, not ready to have another alpha touch me.
“You can lean on me,” Lilah said easily, helping me to my feet.
Chapter Forty

W eparty.
filed into the hidden library Donovan had shown me at the cocktail
Today, there was a massive wooden table in the middle with
maps and documents scattered on it.
I sat down next to Lilah, and Gerald took the seat next to mine. For a
moment, I was overwhelmed by the scents in the room—there were so
many omegas and alphas together, and no one was using de-scenter. I
pressed my face into my sweatshirt, trying to ground myself.
Sam came and stood behind my chair, and being surrounded by his and
Gerald’s familiar scents helped.
Amirah’s alphas stood in a line around her at the head of the table. They
introduced themselves—Gabriel, Adam, Jacob, and Elias—and I guessed
they were all in their fifties, like Amirah. I tried to get a read on their pack
dynamics, but they were all so serious it was hard to get a sense of how they
acted together. The news constantly mocked them and called them weak for
allowing Amirah to be the Assistant Director at the DC all these years, but
the alphas in front of me exuded power.
“Welcome, everyone,” Amirah said, and a hush fell across the room.
“The purpose of this meeting is to continue building our plan to end this
tyrannical Designation Government once and for all. Thanks to Josie and
Genevieve, we have the intel we’ve been waiting for. As we suspected, the
government has been blackmailing dissenting senators and other officials
by kidnapping their omegas. We believe Jericho Porter is heading this
I shifted in my seat, suddenly worried I would be judged for Jericho’s
actions. But no one looked at me with judgment. Sam rested a firm hand on
my shoulder, and Gerald took my hand in his with a comforting squeeze.
“This map shows four omega facilities, all at least an hour outside town
in remote areas. Based on the conversation Josie overheard, this fourth
facility is new,” she said, pointing at a spot on the map to the south of
Amirah’s alpha, Elias, stepped forward. “We’ve been able to discreetly
talk to most of those senators and have their written agreement that if we
can get their omegas to safety, they’ll move swiftly to indict the governor,
along with Jericho, Richard, Marshall, and a whole host of other party
leaders who have supported Glen and Jericho these past years.”
“I can’t fucking believe those senators,” Lilah muttered. I raised my
eyebrow and Grayson tugged her close to his side, clearly sensing her
She continued, her voice louder now and indignant. “They didn’t fight
back. They just went along with what Jericho and Glen said so they could
protect their own omegas while all the omegas in the province suffered in
the meantime.”
I felt the same way. Those alphas were cowards. They could have found
a way to fight back a long time ago and prevented so much suffering.
All the alphas in the room shifted uncomfortably.
“Alphas will do pretty much anything to protect their bonded,” Grayson
said, cupping the back of Lilah’s neck.
“You better never sacrifice the lives of hundreds of omegas just for
mine,” she said fiercely. Grayson nodded, but I could tell if it ever came
down to it, he wouldn’t be able to keep that promise.
Amirah cleared her throat, getting us back on track. “We need to keep
the element of surprise by freeing all the omegas at once. This poses a
logistical challenge because we need enough teams in place at the four
facilities simultaneously, and we can only use teams we can trust
completely. If any part of this plan gets out, it will be over.”
Gabriel stepped forward. “Our current teams are Grayson, Matteo, and
Raph from Pack Wild, who will be joined by three other alphas at the
eastern facility,” he said, gesturing at Lilah’s pack. “Two members of Pack
Jang will join us at the northern facility, and Pack Roan will handle the
southern facility.”
“Is that Poppy’s pack?” I asked. The surname sounded familiar.
“It is,” Amirah confirmed.
Donovan blushed, and Jackson smirked at him.
“What?” I asked, my curiosity piqued as I looked between them.
“Nothing,” Donovan blurted out. Nico chuckled, pulling his omega
“We had the pleasure of meeting Poppy a couple of weeks ago,”
Jackson said, his voice shaking with laughter. “I believe her exact words to
Donovan were, ‘Wow, you’re such a daddy. I wonder what it would be like
to have sex with another omega.’”
I snorted, imagining Poppy’s alphas’ exasperated and loving
“Oh my god,” Lilah said, turning towards me. “Is this that friend of
yours? Because I have to meet her.”
Grayson grunted, tightening his hold on her shoulder.
“Yeah, she is. She’s the best.”
“She’s a character,” Terrance said, grinning. “Reminds me of Donovan
when he was that age.”
“I was never that bad,” Donovan protested.
“Oh? So you didn’t drunkenly proposition a female alpha in that college
dive bar?” Jackson said.
“What was the pickup line? Something about comparing knots with a
female alpha’s lock?” Terrance asked.
“I think I found the key to your lock,” Jackson burst out, tears rolling
down his face. “But the kicker was, he pulled out his house key as a prop.”
Lilah and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.
Donovan covered his face. “I was nineteen, okay?”
Jackson walked over to Donovan, who shoved him away. “Don’t be like
that, baby,” Jackson said quietly. “It was fucking adorable.”
“Alright,” Amirah said, her tone all business. “Let’s get back to it, shall
we?” But I thought I saw the briefest flash of a smile on her face.
“We have three alphas assigned to the western facility, but the
documents suggest it might be the largest facility, so we’re looking for more
to round out the team.”
The conversation turned to cyber security and how to hack into each
facility’s systems. Amirah got Charlie on the phone to talk through the
details. Most of what they were saying was over my head, so I grabbed a
large stack of omega charts, looking for two specific names as I flipped
through them.
I wasn’t sure what to feel about Dave. He could have warned me about
what Glen had planned with the device, could have given my alphas and me
time to escape. I wouldn’t have this device in me, might never have been
captured by Glen and separated from my alphas. I flipped through the files
with a bit more aggression as I grew angry all over again. Letting
Genevieve and me escape didn’t make up for what he did, but his sisters
didn’t deserve to suffer.
I kept going until I found a Margaret Davis. I inhaled sharply as I saw
that she was only sixteen years old. The next chart was for Jennifer Davis,
age twenty. Their files showed they were both being held at the Eastern
Facility. At seeing how young they were, a pang went through my heart. I
wasn’t ready to let go of the anger I felt at Dave’s betrayal, even though I
understood it more now. He’d fallen prey to the Designation Government’s
messaging—that was on him. But what lengths wouldn’t I go to in order to
save the people I loved?
I turned towards Lilah as something dawned on me. “Are there only
alphas on these teams?” I asked quietly.
“Sounds like it,” she said, looking disgruntled. “Which is a stupid plan,
if you ask me. I already told Grayson I wanted to be on the team.” Grayson
looked deeply displeased, as did Matteo and Raph, who were leaning
against the wall behind us.
Sending a group of alphas into the facility to evacuate the omegas
seemed like a recipe for disaster. I remembered how panicked I had been
when Jackson had entered my bedroom a few days ago, and he was a beta.
“What were you saying?” Sam asked, leaning forward. I looked up,
realizing the room had gone silent, and everyone was looking at Lilah and
“Oh…” My cheeks burned and I felt like I had just gotten in trouble in
Lilah jumped in, saving me. “Josie and I were wondering why there are
only alphas on these teams.”
“They’re the most equipped to handle a mission like this,” Elias said.
Noah coughed to cover his laugh and Matteo groaned, already knowing
how his omega would feel about that response.
“Of course,” Lilah said, eyes flashing. “Us poor, weak omegas and betas
need big, strong alphas to save us.”
Elias frowned, but I jumped in before he could say anything.
“The omegas at the facilities aren’t going to trust alphas, especially
when they come in, guns blazing. There should be omegas on the teams to
help gain their trust.”
“I wouldn’t trust a group of alphas I didn’t know, especially if I’d been
held in a facility like that,” Lilah said.
Matteo moved to stand behind his omega, leaning over the back of the
chair to put his arms around her, as if shielding her from the threat of the
“You don’t think they’ll believe the alphas are there to save them?”
Terrance asked, brow furrowed.
“You can’t think straight when you’ve experienced trauma like that,” I
said, glancing at Jackson apologetically. He just winked at me. “The
evacuation has to happen quickly, right? And each facility has dozens of
omegas. Even a delay of a few minutes could be detrimental. Glen likes to
play games with his prey, so who knows what they’ve already gone
through.” My voice had dropped to a whisper, and Lilah snuggled close to
my side.
“Fuckers,” Donovan snarled.
Amirah’s alphas looked like they would argue, but she put her hand on
Elias’s arm. “You have a point, Josie. Let me discuss this with the teams
and see what we come up with.”
Lilah turned towards Grayson. “See, told you I should come with you.”
Grayson’s jaw tightened and I got nervous about how he would react.
Noah clasped Grayson’s shoulder. “Let’s talk about this in private,
“But—” Lilah started.
“Lilah, baby, have mercy on your alphas. They’re very delicate,” Noah
said, his eyes twinkling.
“Fuck off,” Grayson growled before tugging Lilah onto his lap, holding
her close.
Amirah sighed, looking as exhausted as I felt. Her alpha, Adam, who
had been quiet through the meeting, ran his hand down her arm in one of
the few displays of affection I’d seen from the pack. I wondered if Amirah
preferred less touch or if she’d learned to go without public displays of
affection because of her position at the Designation Center. I wondered how
much of her omega she’d had to suppress to stay alive in such a hostile
“Let’s get some food and regroup later this evening,” Nico suggested
Jackson clapped. “Excellent idea. Donovan is going to make his famous
pumpkin chili, so come hungry.”
I slumped in my seat as everyone started getting up. The emotional and
physical toll of the past week was hitting me hard.
“Why don’t you take a nap?” Gerald suggested gently. “We’ll make sure
to wake you for dinner.”
I nodded, using the table to pull myself up. As I headed upstairs, I knew
I wouldn’t sleep. In the quiet, all I could think about was my alphas, sitting
alone in jail, waiting for their trial to start. For the millionth time, I wish I
had bonded them before we went to the DC. At least then, I could send
them all my love and care through the bond. Now all I felt inside myself
was cold silence.
I curled up in a tiny ball in my bed, hating how large it was. I needed
my alphas to fill it. I closed my eyes and imagined them here. They would
curl their bodies around me, pressing their bare skin against mine so I could
drown in their scents. I could almost feel Theo trailing his fingers across the
palm of my hand, Ben grabbing my butt, and Cam pressing a kiss to my
forehead. A tear trickled down my cheek as I burrowed deeper under the
Chapter Forty-One

I spun around, disoriented. I was standing at the mouth of an alleyway, the

damp evening air carrying the scent of mold and mildew. Something
about this place felt familiar, as if I’d been here before. Darkness was
falling, and long shadows stretched their fingers over me, sending chills up
my spine with their dark caress.
I squinted into the dimness, somehow knowing that I had to walk deeper
into the alley and that nothing good would greet me there. I gritted my
teeth, pushing back my fear even as a sick feeling grew in my stomach.
Whatever it was, I would face it head-on.
As if sensing my movement, the air thickened, pushing back against me
as I pressed further into the alley. My legs grew heavier, my muscles
straining with each small step like I was walking through concrete. I forced
myself to breathe steadily, counting in and out for eight counts—a trick I’d
learned to stay centered on military missions.
A shrill scream pierced the night, breaking my calm facade. My body
seized and my heart pounded so fast I was sure my chest would explode.
I knew that voice.
I tried to run towards her, but now I could barely lift my feet off the
And then Ellie was in front of me. Her face was littered with bruises, her
arm hung limply at her side, and her clothes were torn and disheveled. I
cried her name, reaching out to her.
“Why didn’t you protect me?” she sobbed. Blood seeped through a
wound on her stomach and I tried to get to her. But as I lurched towards
her, I found my legs were frozen. I roared with rage, desperately trying to
rip my feet off the ground, but it was hopeless.
My sister’s eyes grew unfocused and she collapsed on the ground. Blood
pooled in a sinister circle around her, edging closer to my feet, which
refused to budge. It grew large enough that it eventually touched the tips of
my boots.
Agony ripped through my very soul. If only I could get to her, I could
stop the bleeding. I was so close, just a few steps away. The more I
struggled, the more trapped I felt. I couldn’t get to her. I would lose her
“Ellie, please, stay with me,” I begged.
“Why weren’t you there?” she whispered as her eyes fluttered shut.
My vision blurred with tears. My legs gave out underneath me, the
weight on my chest too heavy to bear. Ellie whimpered and the sound
spurred me on. I gritted my teeth and crawled to her, bloodying my
fingernails as I gripped the ground with every painstaking move.
Finally, I reached out and turned her face towards mine. I jolted, falling
The face was Josie’s.
My mate stared back at me with empty eyes.
She was dead. And I had done nothing to save her.
I was ripped from my nightmare by a metallic clang—the only warning
someone was about to enter my cell. My heart raced and my prison uniform
was drenched with sweat. I struggled to get my feet underneath me, unable
to shake the stark terror of the nightmare.
The door opened and I looked up from my crouched position to see
Glen fucking Jacoby walk into my cell. Without thinking, I lunged at him.
The manacles on my wrist tightened as I strained against the chains holding
me to the wall.
Glen tilted his head, giving me a coy look before cackling, his laugh so
maniacal and so sudden it shook me out of my blind rage.
Why was he here? To torture me? To beat me like the others? Had he
already visited my brothers? My muscles tensed at the thought as fear and
protectiveness rushed through me, but then I realized I would have felt it
through the bond, even in my nightmare.
My nostrils flared as I worked air in and out, over and over, until a
forced kind of calm overtook me. If the military had taught me anything, it
was that mistakes happened when you let emotions drive you to act
impulsively. Control. Control was what mattered.
I gave Glen a flat look, revealing none of the turmoil I felt as I sized up
my enemy. He was wearing a perfectly tailored dark purple suit, but his tie
was crooked and there was a stain on his white collared shirt. His hair was
stringy with grease, his eyes were red-rimmed, and his skin was sallow. He
reached up and slicked his hair over to the side, patting it to ensure it stayed
in place before his eyes left mine to dart around the room in a frantic series
of glances.
And that’s when shit got weird.
“The little birdies think they can fly the coop? Fly, little birds, fly,” he
muttered, pacing back and forth. “Little birdy won’t stay hidden for long.
Back to her cage she goes.”
A deep unease settled in my chest as I silently watched him unravel,
muttering about cages and collars.
Glen whipped his head towards me, as if suddenly remembering I was
there. Shakily, he raked his hair out of his eyes again before smiling,
showing both rows of teeth.
“You think she belongs to you?”
He kept his smile pasted on as he stepped slightly closer. Even in this
deranged state, I saw him glance at my shackles, making sure they were still
firmly in place. I resisted the urge to pull against them. I couldn’t show how
much I itched to wrap the chain around his neck and pull it tight.
“She’s mine, you know,” he said casually. “Has been from the
beginning. Why else would she perfume so sweetly for me? It was like her
omega knew we were meant to be.”
A low growl began in the depth of my chest as my training slipped
away to expose the alpha I had refused to become: possessive, aggressive,
dangerous. The kind Josie feared. The chains shook, metal pushing against
my wrists as I struggled to break free. No one touched Josie. No one but me
and my pack.
“What. Have. You. Done?” I roared.
But he stood still, just out of reach, taunting me with that stupid smile.
“So fiery, so sweet, good enough to eat,” Glen said in a sing-song voice
as he reached down to his groin, cupping himself.
“My Josephine. Sweet, sweet, sweet. Can’t wait to sink into her—cock,
fingers, and teeth,” he chanted as if reciting some sick nursery rhyme. A
fiery haze overtook my eyes as rage, stronger than I’d ever felt, consumed
Then Glen’s gaze sharpened, as if momentarily coming back to reality.
“I waited until it was my turn. Watched and waited. And studied. No one
knows that little birdy’s cunt as well as me.” He held up his fingers,
admiring them for a moment as he mimed an unmistakable motion.
“You. Asshole.” I could barely form words. I strained against the
manacles. My skin broke where the metal bit into my wrists, but I didn’t
care. I was nothing without my Josie. Nothing if I couldn’t protect her.
“Where is she?” I shouted, even though I knew it was useless. Glen
Jacoby was looking up at the ceiling, flapping his arms like a bird. This
man before me was a shell of his former self, and through my rage, I
wondered what had happened to break him.
“My little bird tried to jump out of the nest. Silly little bird. She fell and
fell and I had to rescue her. She belongs in her cage where she won’t hurt
herself anymore.” Glen tutted, wagging his finger like he was scolding a
child. “Little birdy thinks she can fly free, but she’ll have the biggest fall of
all. Little bird will have to be punished. She’ll find out what happens to bad
little birds, and so will you.”
With those parting words, he sketched a bow and knocked twice on the
cell door.
I barely felt the strain of the chains anymore or the blood that dripped
onto the floor. Something popped—maybe my shoulder—but still, I roared
and strained. I felt a shift in the chain connected to my right arm, and with a
loud screech, it ripped free from the wall.
I swung the chain at Glen, but the guards had already opened the door.
He turned around at the noise, his eyes widening with fear before the guards
pulled him out of the cell unscathed. The chain hit the metal door with a
loud clang, but I was alone.
Alone with my sadness.
My guilt.
Today was the first day of our trial, and just like Ellie, I knew I would
never see my Josie again.
Chapter Forty-Two

I perched on the edge of the couch in Pack Turro’s living room, every
muscle in my body screaming with tension. My eyelids were heavy after
a series of haunting nightmares forced me awake—visions of my alphas
bleeding out in front of me while I was helpless to do anything.
I jumped as Terrance entered the room with a casserole dish. He shot me
a gentle smile, but his eyes were lined with concern. Everyone was up early
this morning, and the sideboard was loaded with a breakfast buffet as if we
were preparing for the worst movie marathon in the world. At least the
weather understood my dark mood—it was a dreary, rainy morning.
Today was day one of the trial.
My alphas were just a few miles away and I couldn’t get to them. An
agonized scream built in my chest, but I held it in, not making a sound. The
fact that they were alive was my life raft. I held on to it tightly, the only
thing tethering me to life in the midst of the storm.
Breathe in.
They’re alive.
Breathe out.
They’re coming back to me.
Breathe in.
I’ll take down everyone who harmed us.
I was starting to understand why Angie had talked to me about omegas
becoming feral. A single-minded viciousness was building in me. It felt
unfamiliar and yet so right at the same time.
“Can I sit next to you?” Lilah’s soft voice startled me out of my
thoughts. She looked pale and was wrapped in a massive sweatshirt that
smelled like her alphas. I brought my hand up to my chest to try to soothe
the ache of jealousy there. I wished I had something that smelled like my
alphas, but it wasn’t safe to return to our house.
“Of course,” I responded, scooting over to make more room.
She sat down, leaning her head on my shoulder.
“This is going to be the fucking worst,” she said.
I snorted at her blunt honesty, so similar to Ben’s. She leaned into me,
taking my hand in hers and giving it a squeeze. Her touch loosened
something in my chest and I could breathe a little easier.
Noah walked over to us, carrying a plate of food that he set down on the
coffee table in front of Lilah.
“You sure you want to watch this?” he asked his omega softly.
“I have to,” Lilah responded. Noah nodded, as if expecting that answer
before squeezing in next to her.
“I really believe this isn’t the end of the story,” she said, turning towards
me. “They’re coming back to you, to us.”
I took a shuddering breath, willing her words to be true.
Gerald sat down on my other side, handing me a plate of food that I
took without interest. “Sam’s working with Amirah’s pack on the omega
rescue mission, but he’ll be in soon.”
“We need to come up with a good name for the mission,” Lilah said.
“We can’t just keep calling it the omega facility rescue extravaganza.”
“Don’t think anyone’s called it that, darling,” Orion said with a smile as
he sat beside us. The rest of Lilah’s pack was trickling in and getting food
from the buffet.
“But still,” she insisted. “Operation something.”
“Operation Omega Rescue,” Grayson said gruffly, sitting in a chair that
didn’t look nearly large enough to hold his massive frame.
Lilah rolled her eyes. “That’s so obvious,” she huffed.
Grayson’s lips twitched. “Let’s hear your ideas then, kitten.”
“How about Operation FTA: Fuck These Assholes,” she said, a gleam in
her eyes.
Noah snorted, pulling his omega in close and nuzzling the side of her
“It has a ring to it,” Gerald said dryly.
The tiniest smile tugged at my lips as I recalled mine and Genevieve’s
code. I relaxed into the couch cushions, balancing my plate in my lap.
“Yo, Matteo,” Orion called to his packmate, who had just entered the
room. “If I told you this mission was called Operation FTA, what would
you think that means?”
Matteo’s damp hair fell into his face and Lilah reached up to brush it
back as he kissed her on the cheek.
“Let’s see…” he said, thrumming his fingers on the back of the couch.
“Free the Alliance?”
“Oh my god, brilliant,” Lilah said, beaming up at him. Matteo smiled,
practically glowing from the praise. “Those of us in the know will know it
stands for Fuck These Assholes…” Matteo choked, covering his mouth so
he didn’t spit out the sip of coffee he’d just taken. “But everyone else will
think it stands for Free the Alliance.”
I grinned. “You’re so much like Ben. We’ve talked about opening a
bakery together, and he suggested we combine our initials and call it BJ.”
Lilah laughed, relaxing against Noah. “Classic,” she said. “But that’s
amazing! Do you bake?”
“A bit, but not like Ben does. He thinks I could help with marketing and
stuff,” I said, mumbling that last part and feeling more than a little
“That’s incredible! You know, now that you mention it, I remember Ben
being interested in baking and cooking growing up, but of course, our
fathers would have thrown a fit if he had ever done something so domestic
and demeaning.” Lilah rolled her eyes, but I caught the tense set of her
shoulders as she talked about her upbringing. Matteo must have sensed it,
too, because he leaned over the back of the couch to whisper something in
her ear, causing her to relax and melt into him.
“Anyway, we’ll have to come back to visit when you open the bakery,”
she said.
“If you need any help with marketing or a business plan, I’m sure Raph
would be happy to help,” Noah said, leaning forward to meet my gaze.
I had half expected everyone to ridicule my idea and tell me I had no
place helping open a business, but none of them seemed phased. A warmth
settled in my chest. What if we could free the province and be like Sol?
Would people eventually start believing omegas were capable?
“That’s a great idea. He owns like a dozen businesses,” Lilah said. Then
she frowned as she looked around. “Where is Raph?”
“Meeting with Amirah,” Grayson said. “I just came out here for food,
but I should get back to them. You going to be okay, kitten?” he asked,
nodding at the TV. It was almost 9 o’clock and I felt myself shrinking into
the couch.
“Only if you come give me a kiss,” she said.
Grayson obliged his omega’s request with a smile before leaving.
“Should I turn the sound on?” Gerald asked, picking up the remote. A
reporter on the screen stood in front of the downtown courthouse.
I nodded and set the food on the table in front of me. My stomach was
too twisted up to eat.
“Hundreds are packed outside the courthouse today for the much-
anticipated trial of Pack Ashwood. Cameron, Theodore, and Benjamin
Ashwood have been a pack for fifteen years. They are charged with three
felony counts, including treason, conspiring against the government, and
violating alpha standards set out by the Designation Laws. Their actions
resulted in the removal of their omega, Josephine Porter, just last week. Ms.
Porter is the daughter of Senate majority leader Jericho Porter and business
owner Richard Porter.”
The camera panned over to show a group of protestors with signs that
said “Free Pack Ashwood” and “Omega Rights Now.”
“As you can see,” the reporter continued, “Protestors have gathered
outside the courthouse here. Governor Jacoby called in the national guard
last night to maintain law and order. These radicals support Pack Ashwood
and believe society would be better off without our natural designations.
They want to dismantle our entire system and let chaos reign.”
“Good fucking grief,” Orion said with disgust, leaning forward with his
elbows resting on his knees.
“Well, he’s not totally wrong,” Matteo muttered, squeezing Lilah’s
shoulder from his spot behind the couch. “Wouldn’t mind some chaos
The camera switched to a view inside the courtroom. Every seat was
filled with spectators, and a crush of reporters lined the back. I felt a wave
of nausea at the idea of these people viewing the court case as a source of
The rest of the room details blurred in my vision as I repeatedly scanned
the screen for any sign of Cam, Ben, and Theo.
The camera zoomed in on the side door. My breath stopped as it opened
and my alphas entered the courtroom. I whined at the wall of guards
surrounding them, blocking them from view. The guards led them to three
separate tables towards the front of the courtroom, probably so they
couldn’t talk to each other. My heart hurt at the thought of them being
separated. This whole time I had imagined them imprisoned together, but of
course, they kept them apart.
The guards finally stepped back, revealing my three alphas. I choked on
a sob, pressing my lips together to stop any noise from coming out. Cam’s
face was the worst—bruised and beaten. His wrists were wrapped in gauze
under his handcuffs. Theo leaned awkwardly against his table, making me
suspect they had injured his ribs. Ben seemed physically unharmed, but his
expression scared the shit out of me—there was no lightness, no happiness
there. Instead, he wore a flat, dead expression.
“No,” I whimpered. Lilah’s grip on my hand was so tight it hurt.
“It’s okay,” Gerald murmured, pressing my face to his shoulder.
“They’re strong.”
But his words fell flat. There was a ringing in my ears and I couldn’t
hear anything being said. The judge’s lips moved, but I only cared about my
alphas. It was torture to see them like this, but I couldn’t, wouldn’t, look
away. After days believing they were dead, any glimpse of them was worth
whatever emotional agony it might cause me.
A thread of guilt wormed its way through me. I was here, safe and
surrounded by friends while they were in prison because of me. Because of
Glen’s obsession and my fathers’ need to control me. My fault. I would
trade spots with them in an instant if I could. Even now, I could imagine
their furious reactions to the idea.
Sam sat on the floor between Gerald’s legs, jolting me back to reality.
He reached up to take my hand, the warmth of his touch grounding me.
“Wait, I missed it,” I said, my panic rising. “What’s happening now?” I
berated myself for checking out. I owed it to my alphas to be focused right
“That’s their defense attorney,” Gerald said quietly. “He’s about to make
the opening statement.”
A lean alpha in a light gray suit and perfectly coiffed hair made his way
up to the podium. I held my breath, ready to hear a defense of my alphas.
“Pack Ashwood are law-abiding citizens. This trial will show that the
accusations against them have no merit. Pack Ashwood are respectable
business owners who went through proper channels to interview an omega
through the Designation Center.” His voice was monotone and droning, as
if he were reading from an appliance manual and not making a defense of
the three most important people in the world.
He sat back down.
Rage propelled me to my feet. “What the fuck? What kind of statement
is that?”
Sam reached up and unfurled my hand to give it a squeeze, but Terrance
was the one who spoke up.
“We tried to arrange a defense attorney for them, but the government
would only allow a court-appointed attorney. I’m sure this defense attorney
is in the government’s pockets, so don’t be surprised when he continues to
be useless,” he said apologetically.
“But that’s so unfair,” I whined, looking around the room, indignant at
how calm everyone was. “Why aren’t you all more upset about this?”
“We are, Josie,” Sam said, standing up and pulling me into his embrace.
“We’ve had over a week to mentally prepare for this—you’ve only had a
couple days. Nothing about this trial is going to be fair. You need to be
ready for the almost certain reality that your alphas will be convicted and
sentenced. But we will get them out and back to you, promise. Alright?”
No, nothing about this was alright, but I wasn’t about to throw a tantrum
in front of everyone. I forced myself to sit down, suppressing the growl
trying to rumble through my chest.
Lilah moved in closer and put her arm around me. The bitter scent of
her anger was so strong it coated the back of my throat and that, more than
anything, helped get me through the rest of the trial. With every false
accusation and fake testimony, I stoked my rage. The government would
soon find out what happened when they pissed off an omega.
Chapter Forty-Three

T he trial had been three fucking days of torture.

My nerves were stretched so thin I jumped at every slight noise and
movement. I spent the nights wandering around the house with a big
blanket wrapped around me, looking like a ghostly woman from the 1800s.
I couldn’t spend another night in bed, waiting for my nightmares to find me.
Everyone was walking on eggshells around me. They kept throwing me
furtive glances when they thought I wasn’t looking and speaking in hushed
voices, as if I were mere seconds away from losing it.
Maybe I was.
Yesterday, Angie had quietly pulled me away from the trial with an
offer to sedate me. Fear gripped me at her suggestion as I was reminded of
all those hours I spent unconscious with Glen and Dr. Bishop, never
knowing exactly what they had done. My omega acted on instinct and
growled, causing one of her alphas to leap between us. I’d been mortified,
my face on fire as I apologized profusely. Angie had taken it all in stride,
rolling her eyes at her alpha before affectionately shoving him aside.
I knew she was trying to help, but I didn’t need to be sedated. I just
needed my alphas. It felt like no one understood the depth of what I was
going through. I had started resenting the other omegas in the Alliance who
were all with their packs. Why was I the one who had to be separated from
my alphas? Why did Glen have to set his sights on me all those years ago?
I sat at the kitchen counter and gripped my coffee cup hard, the heat
stinging my palms as the first few pink rays of morning light streaked
across the sky. I needed to get my shit together and pull myself out of this
pity spiral. I wasn’t the only person they had harmed; at least I had been
lucky enough to find my pack. My alphas needed me, and I needed to stay
strong for them.
Watching the trial had been torture. The worst moment had been when
Richard—fucking Richard, my useless pack father who had terrorized me
with his temper growing up—had gotten on the stand to testify in my place.
He had been moved to tears when talking about how my pack’s poor
treatment of me had made me even frailer than I’d already been. Sam had
half-heartedly restrained me to keep me from throwing a vase and
shattering the TV.
The lawyers had delivered closing remarks yesterday afternoon, and
now we waited for the all-alpha jury to finish deliberating. We expected
them to have quick deliberations with how rigged the trial had been.
I stared out the window, my eyes unfocused as the sky grew brighter. I
only returned to reality when the chair next to mine scraped against the
floor and Lilah sat down, putting her head down on the counter with a
groan. Grayson rubbed her back tenderly.
“Did you not sleep again?” he asked me, a hint of reproach in his voice.
I just shrugged.
He looked like he was about to say something when Lilah grasped his
“Just leave it. I wouldn’t sleep if we were separated,” she said.
I looked away as he leaned in to kiss her cheek softly.
“I’ll make some breakfast,” he said, heading to the pantry.
Grayson’s massive frame and gruff exterior had scared me at first, but
he had surprised me with how nurturing he was. Turns out, he was a big
teddy bear, just like Cam. For the briefest second, a vision of our two packs
hanging out together, relaxed and laughing, flitted through my mind. My
longing for that future was so intense I had to close my eyes and take a
“I don’t know if I want them to return quickly with a verdict or drag it
out. Waiting fucking sucks, but I also don’t want it to be real, you know?”
Lilah’s voice was muffled from where her face still rested on her arms.
“I know,” I said, putting my head on the counter so we were staring at
each other.
“I’m so glad you’re my sister,” she whispered. “Maybe your pack can
move to Sol after this is all over. I need a friend.”
“Are you lonely, kitten?” Grayson asked, turning from the stove to look
at his omega. Now it was Lilah’s turn to shrug.
“There aren’t any other omegas in my lab and… I don’t know. It’s been
hard to make friends who understand how I grew up.”
I reached out my hand and she took it in a tight grip.
“I know what it’s like to be lonely,” I whispered.
A lump formed in my throat. Maybe it would be better to leave. I had so
many bad memories here, and moving would mean I would be closer to
Lilah and Sam. But there was a part of me that wanted to stay and see Luna
province become a better place.
Grayson set down a large plate of pancakes.
“Both of you need to eat,” he said gruffly, running his hand through
Lilah’s hair as though he couldn’t stop himself.
Lilah and I exchanged a smile. Protective alphas.
The smell of food lured more people into the kitchen. Everyone looked
a little worse for the wear after days of stress from both the trial and from
putting everything in place to deal the final blow to the government. I
berated myself for being so checked out I hadn’t been paying attention to
the plan. I needed to ask questions and be more involved.
I stared listlessly at the pancakes in front of me. It was almost nine
o’clock. How long would we have to wait for the jury?
“We need some music,” Sam said with a clap. “Feels like a fucking
funeral in here.”
I scowled, not in the mood for him to make light of our situation.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said with a smirk. “I bet I have
something you want to listen to. What about… the new Lil O album?”
“What?” Lilah and I yelled at the same time.
“Who’s that?” Nico asked, sitting beside me with a plate piled high with
“Only the coolest omega musician ever,” Lilah said, her eyes wide.
“She does concerts in Sol,” I added. “Like, live concerts! And she’s an
Matteo groaned, pressing his face into Lilah’s hair. “Is this the really
vulgar one?”
Lilah elbowed him in the ribs. “She is an artist. You just can’t appreciate
her genius.”
Noah snorted. “Genius is one word for it.” He came behind Lilah’s chair
and wrapped his arms around her, which she promptly shoved off.
“No insulting Lil O,” she sniffed. Noah grinned, putting his arms back
around her. She didn’t shove him off this time.
The sound of a thumping bass echoed through the kitchen as Sam
connected to a Bluetooth speaker. I gasped with excitement at the opening
lines of the song.
“She just makes me feel like I can do anything,” Lilah said, bouncing in
her chair.
Sam stood behind me and leaned his chin on my shoulder. “Did I do
“Yes, fine,” I said teasingly. “Good job.”
The mood in the kitchen shifted with the music, even if many of the
alphas were grumbling about it. I tapped my fingers along to the beat and
even ate some bites of pancake. I caught Grayson breathing a sigh of relief
as I ate, quickly averting his eyes when he saw me watching him.
I grinned as I looked around the kitchen at this group of people who
were all starting to feel like family.
Then my good mood vanished as Donovan came running into the
“The jury’s in. It’s time.”
My breath caught as ice flooded my veins.
Sam shut off the music and tugged my arm. “Come on,” he said gently.
We all crowded into the living room. I leaned forward from my perch on
the couch as if getting closer to the TV screen would bring me closer to my
Time seemed to move in slow motion. One of the alphas on the jury
handed a card to the bailiff. He gave it to the judge.
We all knew what the verdict would be, had known it from the very start
of this trial, but I couldn’t help but hold my breath as the judge placed the
card down in front of him.
Then he read out the verdict for each felony count.
There was a rushing in my ears as if all the sounds around me had been
muted, and I dug my fingernails into my palms.
Sam’s hands folded over mine, urging me to unclench my fists.
“Shh, it’s going to be okay,” he murmured.
I realized I was making a high-pitched whining noise and cut off the
“We knew this would happen,” Sam said, staying infuriatingly calm as
he kneeled before me.
Knowing it wasn’t the same as experiencing it, and right now, it felt like
someone had punched their fist into my chest and ripped out my heart.
“Now they can hurt them,” I whispered, closing my eyes.
The only thing keeping my alphas safe was the public nature of this
trial, but now the government could do anything they wanted.
“Glen’s going to punish them because I escaped,” I whimpered, my
breaths coming faster again.
Sam drew me into his arms without saying anything, which told me I
was right.
Raph, the member of Lilah’s pack I knew the least since he’d been
locked away working on Alliance plans, ran into the room and scooped up
his omega. Lilah had tears streaming down her face, and I guessed he had
felt her distress through their bond.
Gerald squeezed in next to me, lending me his steady presence.
Amirah cleared her throat and I pulled away from Sam, curling up in a
ball on the couch.
“Their sentencing is scheduled for tomorrow morning, but we’re
confident they’ll be sentenced to the Facility,” she said calmly.
“What’s the Facility?” I croaked, even though part of me didn’t want to
“Jericho’s new pet project,” Amirah responded with a grimace.
“They passed the legislation last night,” Donovan said, his tone bitter.
Jackson cupped the back of his neck and pulled him in close in a move so
tender it made my heart hurt.
“Tell me,” I demanded, unable to stand the suspense.
Donovan hesitated. “It’s a breeding facility,” he choked out. “Alphas
and omegas who break the law can be sentenced to serve time in the facility
where they’ll be forced to… breed. They’re likely to have alpha or omega
children, and those children will go into government care, where they can
be monitored, tagged, and then eventually matched with an appropriate
The room spun as the horror of it all overwhelmed me. My stomach
lurched and I sprinted for the bathroom, making it just in time to vomit into
the toilet.
Sam was there immediately, holding my hair and stroking my back.
“You’re okay,” he murmured. “It’s going to be okay.”
“No, it’s not,” I bit out, slumping against the wall. “None of this is okay.
Everyone needs to stop saying that.”
Sam quietly filled a glass with water and handed it to me. I took a small
sip, not meeting his gaze. I knew he was trying to comfort me, but it felt
like no one understood the gravity and urgency of the situation. These were
my alphas. Mine.
“It’s going to be okay because your alphas won’t be there for long.
We’re taking these fuckers down in a matter of days,” Sam responded.
“That’s not good enough,” I snapped, and Sam flinched. My omega
instinct clawed at my chest, urging me to go to my alphas with an intensity
that was impossible to ignore. If our positions were reversed, my alphas
would never let me stay in a facility like that for even a second.
I stood and rinsed off my face, catching my reflection in the bathroom
mirror. My eyes were wild, and thoughts hammered through my mind in a
vicious beat so primal it felt like they weren’t my own but from a place
deep inside where my basest desires lurked: Find them. Save them. Bite
“One day is too long,” I said, meeting Sam’s gaze in the mirror.
I couldn’t let them go to that facility.
I had to do something.
Insecurity tightened my chest. What could you possibly do? You’re
weak. Pathetic. Useless.
I gripped the edges of the vanity and closed my eyes.
No. That wasn’t me. That had never been me. The realization flooded
me with warmth, loosening my chest and allowing me to breathe again. For
so long, I’d believed the worst about myself, but when I looked back, I
realized my life had been marked by my resilience. I’d survived horror after
horror. I had been brave and strong before ever meeting my alphas—they
had just helped me see those parts of myself.
“I’m going to rescue them,” I said, opening my eyes.
Sam took a deep breath, his face unreadable until his lips quirked into a
“There she is,” he said. “The fierce omega who doesn’t take any shit,
drives like a maniac, and is the bravest person I know.”
Yes, here she was.
My omega and I were fully united. We would not let our alphas suffer
for a single moment longer.
I swept my messy hair away from my face and strode back out to the
living room.
Amirah turned to face me, her expression soft and sympathetic. “I know
this is a lot to handle, Josie. The moment we take Glen and the government
down, we will get your alphas out.”
“No,” I said, my voice loud to my ears. “We are going to get them out
Amirah raised her brows, clearly not expecting this from meek, broken
little Josie who cried all day long.
“We can’t jeopardize our mission just so you can be reunited with your
alphas,” she said, her voice losing some of its softness. “If you were caught,
it would ruin everything. We have to stick to the plan.”
“If the plan is to let them stay in prison where they’re going to be beaten
until they’re transferred to some rape facility, that is not going to happen.
My pack deserves more. They’ve been working with the Alliance for years.
You wouldn’t have this intel to take down the government if it weren’t for
me.” I was shaking, but Sam and Gerald stood beside me, lending me their
support and strength.
“Besides,” I continued, “You need another team so we can break into
the omega facilities at the same time. My alphas are security experts with
military experience. If we get them out now, they can lead one of the rescue
With that, I knew I had her. Amirah turned towards Gabriel, who raised
an eyebrow. They seemed to have a silent conversation before she turned
back to me. Her mouth twisted and I was sure she was going to frown.
Instead, she gave me a small smirk.
“Nice to see this side of you,” she said. “Fine, if you can figure out a
way to safely and discreetly break them out, we can provide a safe house
near the western omega facility and you’ll be part of the team to infiltrate
the facility three days from now. But I can’t emphasize enough–this has to
be flawless. There’s too much at risk as it is. But as one omega to another,
I–” she paused, her facade of cool confidence cracking for just a moment as
she looked to her alphas with devotion, “—I feel I owe you for not doing
more before you were captured. The knowledge that you were taken on my
watch will haunt me for quite some time, and for that, I’m sorry, Josie.” She
turned on her heels and left the room, her alphas following behind her.
The adrenaline pumping through my veins crashed, leaving me
trembling. I blushed as I looked around the room, now realizing what a
scene I’d made. But there were no stares of judgment. Donovan beamed at
me and his alphas were smiling as well. Lilah gave a little whoop and leapt
to her feet.
“Operation FTA is in action!” she shouted, throwing her arms around
me. “This time, it stands for Free the Alphas, by the way.”
I grinned, wiping tears from my eyes, and then I squeaked as Grayson
swept Lilah and me into a big hug.
“Alright, little sister,” he said. “Let’s figure out how you’re going to
rescue your alphas.”
“Fighting for young love,” Jackson said, arm around Donovan. “This is
so exciting.”
“Let’s fucking do this!” Sam exclaimed, pulling Gerald into our group
The press of alphas around me should have been overwhelming, but it
was a comfort. My friends, my brothers, my sister, my family. Now we just
had to get my alphas and make it all complete.
Chapter Forty-Four

T he guards laughed as they pushed Theo and me down the hall leading
away from the sentencing hearing. I looked back, trying to catch a
glimpse of Cam, who they had knocked unconscious, but a guard butted his
gun against my back and yelled for me to keep walking. The walls spun and
closed around me, the panic so intense I was sure my legs would give out.
They were taking us to some facility where we were sure to be
separated and live out the rest of our torturous lives alone. I couldn’t keep
going like this. I’d always had people I loved around me—first my sister,
then Cam and Theo, and then Josie. I hadn’t realized what a privilege that
was until I lost it.
Theo knocked me to the side as he tripped, his body brushing heavily
against mine. The guard pulled him away immediately, but just that touch
of his skin focused me and kept me from spiraling. I briefly locked eyes
with my brother, and my breath caught at the fierceness of his expression.
He wasn’t giving up, so I couldn’t either.
The guards pulled open a heavy metal door, revealing a parking lot and
a sunny morning. I breathed in deeply—the first breath of clean air since we
were arrested. I could have sworn I caught Josie’s scent on the breeze, but I
knew it was wishful thinking. The entire time I’d been in my cell, the
guards had pumped a vanilla scent through the vents. The first few days, it
had driven me out of my mind. I’d been convinced my mate was being held
in the cell next to mine. But I finally realized that the scent couldn’t be hers.
It had an artificial, chemical edge, nothing like her natural, mouth-watering
“Watch it!” Theo snarled as the guards almost dropped Cam. They just
laughed before shoving us into the back of an empty van.
I fell to my knees, somewhat able to stop my fall with my bound hands,
but Cam hit the metal floor with a sickening thud. Images of the courtroom
guards beating him flashed before my eyes, and I almost choked on my
despair. How would we get out of this?
The guards sneered at us before slamming the doors closed, trapping us
in darkness. The slight gaps in the door let in just enough light for me to see
Cam and Theo’s shadowy forms.
“Is Cam okay?” I whispered, unable to keep the panic out of my voice. I
shuffled on my knees until I bumped into Theo. Panic surged through my
body as I groaned, fighting against the metal cuffs cutting against my
wrists. I needed to touch my brothers, to convince myself they were okay.
“Careful,” Theo said, gripping my hand tenderly. “Don’t hurt yourself.”
His hand was warm against my clammy skin, and a sob burst from my
chest. I hadn’t been sure I’d ever feel his touch again. Separating us in the
courtroom had been uniquely cruel. I leaned my head against his shoulder
for just a moment, soaking up the comforting touch.
Theo squeezed my hand before letting go and crawling over to Cam. He
leaned over, placing his head on Cam’s chest.
“He’s breathing and his heartbeat sounds normal. I don’t think he hit his
head. Whatever they gave him just knocked him out… at least, I hope so,”
he said, uncertainty seeping into his voice. “Bloody idiot. Can’t believe he
tried to fight them off.” But there was no conviction in his voice. Cam
would always defend those he loved, would never stop fighting.
I reached out, fumbling blindly until I found Cam’s bound hands. There
was nothing hopeful about our situation, but I felt the smallest bit of relief
that we were together. At least until we got to our destination.
I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself to shut down that train of
thought. If I thought about where we were going, I would fully lose my shit.
Every minute that passed moved us further away from our omega. The
gaping Josie-size wound in my chest burned with despair, and my throat
tightened until I wasn’t sure I could breathe, wasn’t sure I could go on. We
would never see her again. We had no way of knowing if she was safe.
What if they had taken her to the breeding facility? Hot tears fell down my
cheeks, landing where my hands were joined with Cam’s.
“Josie,” I choked out.
“I know,” Theo said, devastation clear in his voice.
We lapsed into silence. There was no more to be said.
I wasn’t sure how long we stayed like that before the van’s engine
roared to life. My stomach clenched. I wished I could stop time and delay
the inevitable, hopeless future that awaited us.
The van lurched forward so suddenly Theo and I were knocked to the
“Shit,” I said as my elbow hit the metal side of the van, the pain
vibrating up my arm. The tires squealed as we picked up speed.
“Are they trying to kill us before we even get there?” Theo groaned,
rolling into me as we took another hairpin turn.
We were tossed right and left before the van abruptly stopped, shooting
the three of us forward. We were inches away from smashing our heads on
the front grate of the van before we accelerated with a squeal, sending us
“They drive like Josie,” I said with a groan, a reluctant smile tugging at
my lips even as my chest tightened painfully with longing. Was that blood
in my mouth? Shit… Maybe it would be better for us to die in a car crash
instead of facing what came next.
I jumped as a pop song blared through the van. My heart pounded,
adrenaline pumping through my veins.
“What’s going on?” I shouted.
Theo couldn’t hear me over the noise. His brow was furrowed as he
tried to figure out what the fuck was going on, his eyes darting around the
van’s interior. Cam still lay motionless, and I found I was a little jealous he
was knocked out for this part of our torture. As the music continued to
inexplicably increase in volume, I realized there must be speakers in the
back of the van. Who the fuck plays music so loudly? Maybe it’s their way
of preventing us from communicating with each other?
My nails scraped against the van floor, trying to find some way to
anchor myself as we took another sharp turn. I realized the same song had
started over while Theo and I held on for dear life. I caught his mouth
moving in a few curse words as he barely braced himself in time to keep
from being thrust backward and slamming into the back door of the van…
And then it repeated again.
I raised my eyebrows in confusion. This must be some sort of torture
technique. The song was fucking terrible. I hadn’t heard it before, but it was
a female singer. I caught the line, “That alpha useless ‘till he make me cum/
But he cries when I leave him with the sun.”
“What the fuck?” I heard Theo mutter in the brief silence before the
song started playing for the fifth time.
I army-crawled over to Cam, trying to use my body to anchor him in
place. I wished we had more light so I could see him. Theo crawled to
Cam’s other side, and together we buffered him from being thrown around.
I lost all sense of time, but a couple of hours must have gone by. Every
once in a while, I caught a hint of vanilla through the air vents. I didn’t
know if I should rage and scream at this cruel illusion that made me believe
my mate was nearby or shove my face into the vents so I could breathe it in
deeper. I must be closer to losing my mind than I thought. Josie’s scent
haunted me in my dreams. Every time I woke up, I had to face reality: we
had lost our omega and would never get her back.
The light shining through the cracks in the doors grew dimmer, and all
the while, the same song repeated through the speakers until I was softly
singing along, “Alphas useless ‘cept their dicks/Ride it like a pogo stick.”
The van lurched with a sickening noise, the metal floor vibrating and
shaking beneath us.
“Are we fucking off-roading?” Theo roared.
My teeth clacked together as I braced myself and Cam the best I could.
And then, finally, we came to a stop.
The van turned off, and the song with it, the silence ringing loudly in
my ears.
I groaned as my muscles protested my movements, but I forced myself
into a crouched standing position. My head swam. I’d had time to think
during the drive and had decided I would try to distract the guards when
they opened the door. Maybe it would allow my brothers to get away. The
chance was minuscule, but they had defended me my entire life. Now it was
my turn to fight for them. For the first time, I was glad I hadn’t bonded
Josie, thankful she wouldn’t have to feel our bond snap if I died.
“I’m going to distract them. If you can get away, you have to run,
Theo,” I whispered, my jaw set, my stance wide.
“Ben, no,” Theo hissed back.
Before he could do or say anything else, the van doors flew open and I
lunged at the guard.
The scent hit me mid-air.
Not an illusion or dream or trap.
Vanilla cupcakes.
My omega.
Josie Josie Josie.
Our bodies collided and I managed to get my cuffed hands over her
head, pulling her into my body as I shifted to take the brunt of the fall. Air
whooshed out of my lungs, but a surprisingly springy surface softened my
I wouldn’t have cared if I landed on a bed of nails. Because my mate
was in my arms. Her bright green eyes met my gaze, and her startled
expression transformed into the most radiant smile I’d ever seen.
“Not quite the greeting I expected,” she said as we lay in a heap on a
springy forest floor. “But I’ll take it.” And then she burst into tears.
Chapter Forty-Five

T he two-hour drive out of the city had been torture. Adrenaline coursed
through my veins, leaving my arms and legs trembling. I kept looking in
the side mirrors, convinced someone was following us. But there was no
one. Our plan had worked.
Lilah, Sam, Gerald, Donovan, Terrance, and I stayed up until the early
morning hours to finalize the plan. It all hinged on the alpha tabs. Luckily,
Lilah brought a large supply of them with her.
Charlie had hacked into the courthouse security system. The
government had already assigned a transport van to take my alphas to the
Facility, even though they hadn’t been sentenced yet. Justice, my ass.
Charlie found where the van was parked on the security cameras—right
next to the courthouse backdoor and a long line of dumpsters.
Before the sun was up, I doused myself with de-scenter and dressed in
all-black workout clothes, tucking a dozen alpha tabs into my pockets,
shoes, and bra. Terrance drove Sam and me to the courthouse, and the three
of us snuck across the dark parking lot to the transport van as the first rays
of morning light chased us. Charlie had looped the security camera footage
so no one could see us.
That was how, once again, I found myself crouched behind a trash can,
hiding from alphas.
We sat silently in the dark. The stench of the trash burned my nose, but
focusing on it kept me grounded. I was balancing right on the edge of panic.
Sam encouraged me to sleep, but terror kept my eyes open. There were so
many things that could go wrong. The tiniest misstep could be enough to
keep me from my alphas and jeopardize all our safety.
Once it hit nine o’clock, Sam turned on the live stream of the sentencing
on his phone. My breath caught as I saw my alphas in the courtroom,
separated from each other as they had been throughout the trial. I tried to
focus on the judge’s words, but I felt dissociated. Nothing felt real. Those
were my alphas. Mine. And I should be with them.
Sam squeezed my hand. “Take a breath,” he murmured. “This gets them
a step closer to you.”
The judge’s voice came through the phone’s tinny speaker. “I have
reviewed the facts of this case and am deeply disturbed by Pack Ashwood’s
treasonous behavior, made worse by their blatant manipulation and abuse of
a vulnerable omega who will now spend the rest of her life trying to recover
from their actions.”
I seethed, rolling my eyes.
“Therefore, I am assigning the maximum sentence to reflect the grave
nature of this crime and to prevent any alphas from acting the same way.
Cameron, Theodore, and Benjamin Ashwood are hereby sentenced to serve
three consecutive life sentences in the Designation Facility—one life
sentence for each crime. In the Facility, these alphas will no longer pose a
threat to society.”
Even though I knew it was coming, my breath still caught in my throat.
What happened next was something I didn’t expect. As the guards grabbed
Cam, he let out an agonized roar, swinging his cuffed hands towards the
first guard and breaking his nose with a sickening crunch. I held my breath
as chaos ensued, resulting in six or seven guards lunging at Cam, throwing
him to the ground, and injecting him with something. I bit down on my fist
to keep from making noise but couldn’t stop a piercing omega whine from
slipping through my lips.
“Turn that off,” Terrance growled, and Sam moved his phone so I
couldn’t see.
“No, let me see,” I hissed, digging my fingernails into my palms.
Sam shook his head. I growled, needing to see what was happening to
my alphas, but I also understood his reasons for not letting me. I needed to
be focused enough to drive the van, and what I had seen already had me
shaking with rage and fear.
“Okay, they have Theo and Ben now, and they’re carrying Cam out.
Looks like they injected him with something to knock him out. We need to
be ready,” Sam said.
I forced myself to take deep breaths, flinching as the courthouse door
slammed open.
Out walked my alphas. Real. Alive. And very fucking angry.
“Watch it!” Theo snarled.
Sam immediately clapped his hand over my mouth, preventing any
noise from escaping. My heart beat so fast I thought it would explode.
Theo. I blinked tears from my eyes. I never thought I would hear his voice
The van’s back door slammed open, and the guards yelled at Ben and
Theo to get in. I heard another loud thump and I cringed, wondering if they
had thrown Cam in.
I had thought sleeping in the cage in Glen’s dungeon was torture, but I
had been wrong. Being feet away from my alphas and unable to speak to
them, touch them, was the deepest form of torture imaginable.
The van doors slammed shut.
“Have fun driving these assholes,” one of the guards growled. “Fuck,
my nose is fucking broken.”
“Stop being such a pussy,” another guard said with a snort.
The courthouse door opened and closed again. I met Sam’s gaze and
nodded, and he removed his hand. This next part was all on me.
“I need a smoke before we go,” one of the drivers said.
I pulled a tab out from my pocket, fisting a second one just in case.
Terrance and Sam pulled masks over their faces. They might still be slightly
affected by the tabs, but they had both reassured me it would be alright and
they trusted me.
I placed it in my mouth, biting down right as I stepped out from the
Two guards were standing by the van. Their eyes widened when they
saw me and then went blank a moment later as the tab started taking effect.
“Give me the keys,” I demanded, proud of myself for keeping my voice
steady. One of the alphas pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. I ran my
fingers over them. One was clearly the van key, and the other looked like a
handcuff key.
“Get in the dumpster,” I said, turning back to the dazed guards.
The two of them walked towards the dumpster in a trance. I clenched
my jaw, hating this. No one deserved to have their decisions taken away, but
as Lilah had reminded me last night, sometimes war required us to fight
dirty. Plus, we had all agreed we wouldn’t harm the guards. The two of
them opened the dumpster and obediently climbed in.
Terrance and Sam had slightly glazed looks on their faces, and neither
was moving.
“Lock the dumpster,” I told them, biting my lip. Terrance pulled out the
padlock and did what I said.
“Thanks for your help,” I whispered. “Now go drive home and stay
Sam shook his head, trying to shake the effects of the tab. He pulled me
into a quick hug, wishing me luck, before walking in an even, measured
pace towards the car with Terrance.
I slipped into the van. The whole exchange probably took three minutes,
but I was terrified someone had seen us. I turned the van on and pulled out
of the lot, my hands clenching the steering wheel during the drive. The only
thing that grounded me was Lil O’s newest pop song. I almost pulled over
multiple times to reunite with my alphas, but Sam’s instructions had rung in
my head: get to the safe house first. Once I got to the wooded trail, I relaxed
a tiny bit. The van bounced underneath me, almost lifting me from the seat,
and I hoped my alphas weren’t being knocked around too badly.
I hadn’t let myself imagine our reunion during the drive, still half
convinced something would go wrong. But as I pulled up to the end of the
path and saw the purple marker on the tree that Amirah told me marked the
trail to hike to the safe house, I finally let myself feel the excitement I’d
been keeping at bay.
I threw the van in park and rounded to the back, unlocking the door with
shaking hands.
Chapter Forty-Six

“T heo! It’s Josie!” Ben called out as he held me tight, as if trying to

make sure I was real. I was doing the same, gripping his shoulders and
burying my face in his neck.
“How are you here?” he asked, choking on a sob.
I clung to him, unable to speak. His spiced apple pie scent swirled
around me, richer and more mouthwatering than I remembered, and his
body was firm against mine.
Not a ghost. Real.
“Josie?” Theo ran his hands down my back.
I tried to press myself up to a seated position to get to Theo but was
stopped by Ben’s arms.
“Here,” Ben grunted, awkwardly maneuvering his arms until I could sit
up. They were both handcuffed, and it filled me with rage. How dare
anyone treat my alphas like this?
Theo’s face was white with shock as I threw myself at him.
“Fuck, angel. Fuck. How are you here? Are you okay?” Theo rested his
forehead against mine as he clung to me, and I could feel his tears mixing
with my own.
“I’m fine,” I choked out.
I cataloged the dark circles under their eyes, their unshaven faces, and
tattered prison uniforms. The bruises I’d seen the first day of the trial had
faded, but I was terrified they had more injuries I couldn’t see.
I looked around, my heart thundering when I didn’t see Cam. He would
never keep me waiting, never hold himself back. “Where is he?”
“Unconscious,” Theo said with a grimace. “They drugged him, but he
should be okay.”
Ben grasped my hands the best he could with his bound ones. “Shh,
precious. We’ve got you. He’ll be alright.”
I realized I was whining. I cut off the noise and took a shuddering
breath. My vision spun with the intensity of it all, and I was still terrified
that this was somehow not real or that they would be taken from me again.
“I have the handcuff keys,” I said with a sniffle, pulling them out of my
jacket pocket. I fumbled with them but finally managed to unlock Ben’s
handcuffs, whimpering when I saw the deep red marks they’d left on his
wrists. He sat up, keeping me on his lap, and cupped my cheek.
“Just breathe, angel,” Theo murmured, pressing little kisses to the side
of my face.
My hands shook as I unlocked Theo’s handcuffs. He immediately
wrapped his arms around me, a purr rising in his chest. I pressed my face
into his neck, ignoring the layers of offensive smells on his skin and clothes
and focusing instead on his warm coffee scent. It reminded me of quiet
mornings spent in the kitchen, of days spent browsing in a bookstore.
It reminded me that there was goodness in the world and more to life
than just trying to survive.
“God, Josie, I’m so sorry I let them take you,” Ben choked out, resting
his face on my shoulder.
“They dismantled the alarm somehow,” Theo said, looking stricken.
“We should have gone into hiding. I’m so fucking sorry.”
I wrapped my arms around both of them the best I could and held them
“Please don’t apologize,” I whispered. “It’s not your fault.”
Both of them started to speak, so I cut them off. “I didn’t think I’d ever
get to see you again,” I said, closing my eyes and swallowing past the lump
in my throat. “I don’t want our time to be shadowed by the what-ifs. I love
you more than anything. All I wanted was to get back to you, and I did it. I
rescued you.”
Ben’s hands tightened on my hips. “You did so good, precious. So, so
My tears came faster as I lapped up his praise.
“I’ll never stop being sorry for being separated from you. Never again,”
Theo said.
I nodded into his chest.
“I should tell you off for risking yourself like this,” he added with a
watery chuckle. “But I’ll let Cam scold you when he wakes up.”
I wiped my tears. God, being scolded by Cam would be a dream come
“Where are we?” Ben asked, looking around.
“West of town. There’s a safe house down that path,” I said, gesturing at
the marked tree. “Amirah said it was about a two-mile walk.”
“Amirah? What happened after they arrested us?” Theo asked, his voice
I bit my lip, hesitating. I didn’t want to get into everything that
happened while we were in the middle of the woods. My omega urged me
to get my guys to safety so we could bond them. And fuck them. At least
she was consistent with what she wanted.
“I’ll tell you when we get to the safe house,” I hedged.
“No, you’ll tell us now,” Ben said, startling me with his commanding
“Umm… I just…” I looked around, feeling exposed in this clearing. I
knew Charlie was currently wreaking havoc on all the courthouse systems,
preventing them from tracking us, but our position still didn’t feel secure
“I promise I’ll tell you everything once we’re safe.”
They looked like they were going to argue with me.
“I need to see Cam,” I added with a whine.
“This is not over,” Theo said, gripping my chin.
I nodded, leaning in to steal a quick kiss from each of them before
standing up. Ben reluctantly released his hold on me. I watched him
carefully as he stood, making sure he wasn’t injured.
“Come on, beautiful,” he said, leading me over to the van and giving me
a boost into the back. His hands might have lingered a bit longer than they
needed to on my ass, and I might have wiggled back into his hold. That part
of me that wanted, that desired, felt like it had woken up again.
It took a moment to adjust to the dim light in the van, but my eyes were
immediately drawn to Cam’s prone form. I crawled on top of him with a
sob, unlocking his handcuffs before wrapping myself around him and
burying my face in his neck. I breathed in deep lungfuls of his scent. The
only thing that kept me from panicking was feeling his chest rise and fall
steadily beneath me.
He shifted slightly and groaned.
“Cam?” I cupped his face with my hands.
“Baby girl?” he croaked.
Relief rushed through me at the sound of his voice, the feeling so sharp
it took my breath away. Cam’s eyes blinked open and his expression was
one of pure shock. His hands gripped my hips tightly and he pressed his
face to my skin, scenting me as I had him.
“Am I dreaming?” he whispered.
“No,” I said, wiping away the tears on his face.
“It’s you?”
All I could do was hold him closer and nod into his neck.
“You alright, Cam?” Theo asked from the van entrance.
“Is this real?” Cam asked again.
Theo hopped into the back of the van, clasping Cam on the shoulder.
“It’s real,” he said, the first hint of a smile I’d seen on his lips. “But we
should get going. Josie, love, are we supposed to do anything with the
“Amirah said to just leave it here.”
Cam groaned as he sat up. I tried to move off of him to make it easier,
but he wouldn’t let go of me. “Where the fuck are we?” he asked.
“Near an Alliance safe house,” I said, examining his face. He was pale
and his jaw was shadowed by a bruise that was already fading. I finger-
combed his hair and used the hair tie on my wrist to pull it up in a bun. His
eyes never left my face, his expression filled with awed reverence. He
leaned into my touch with a slow breath.
“How did we get here?” he asked, pulling my hair out of its bun and
running his hand through my long waves. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
He looked so bewildered, and I couldn’t imagine how disorienting this
was for him. I pressed the gentlest kiss to his lips. “I rescued you and drove
the courthouse transport van here.” My voice was a whisper. Seeing Cam so
weak was unsettling. I felt my omega taking over, insisting I get my alphas
to safety. How was Cam going to make the walk? Were Ben and Theo more
injured than they let on?
“You what?” Cam growled, sounding more alert and startling me out of
my thoughts.
“You commandeered this van and drove it here by yourself? Who let
you risk yourself like that?” Cam asked with a scowl.
Theo snorted behind me, and I wrapped my arms around Cam’s neck,
hiding my smile in his chest.
“You can keep scolding on the way,” Ben said, “But let’s get going.”
I pulled myself off of Cam, who reluctantly released me.
“Can you walk?” I asked him.
“Of course I can,” he said. He made his way to the edge of the van and
jumped down, but his legs collapsed from under him when he hit the
“Fuck,” Theo said, throwing his arm around Cam and helping him up.
“Lean on us.”
Ben came to Cam’s other side and slung his arm around him.
“This is fucking stupid. I don’t need help,” Cam growled.
“That’s fine, but let us help anyway,” Theo said.
I met Cam’s gaze, blinking quickly to keep my tears from falling. I
needed to fix this.
“Please let them help you, alpha,” I said, standing on my tiptoes and
kissing him on the lips.
Cam huffed out a sigh but didn’t argue.
“You sure we’re just supposed to leave the van?” Ben asked, eyeing it
“Yeah. We’ll need it tomorrow night,” I responded.
“What’s tomorrow night?” Ben asked as we started down the narrow
path to the safe house. I led the way, trying to pick the easiest path for the
guys and keeping my eye on any tree markers.
Shit. I didn’t want to get into this out in the open.
“I’ll tell you once we get to the house,” I said.
“Josie,” Cam growled.
I turned around, taking in all of their disgruntled expressions.
“What happened since we were arrested? How did you get to Amirah?”
Theo asked.
I bit my lip, realizing they had no way of knowing Glen had pulled a
supervillain move and locked me in his dungeon, and now was not the time
to tell them.
“I’ll tell you everything when we get there.”
I resumed walking, but Theo’s snarl made me jump and whirl around. I
looked around, eyes wide. Had someone found us?
“Are you limping?” he bit out, his eyes wild as they honed in on my leg.
I pressed my hand to my chest, willing my heart to slow. The burnt edge
of my alphas’ fury swirled around me, and I couldn’t stop my whimper.
This isn’t how I imagined our reunion. Everything felt wrong and unsafe
and I wasn’t sure how to fix it.
“Shit,” Theo said, running his free hand through his hair. His eyes
softened and he held his hand out. “Come here, love.”
I took a few hesitant steps towards him. He grasped my hand and pulled
me into his chest. Ben and Cam pressed around us until I was completely
“My alpha is freaking out,” Theo murmured. “I’m not upset with you.
I’m so relieved to be back with you, angel.”
I let out a shuddering sigh. “I just... I need us to get somewhere safe
before I tell you everything.”
“Let me carry you,” Cam said. “You shouldn’t walk on your leg.”
I scrunched my nose at him. Ben met my gaze over Cam’s shoulder and
rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Umm,” I said in a high-pitched voice, not wanting to insult Cam. “I
can walk. Angie looked at my leg and said it was fine to walk on.”
“Let’s just keep going,” Ben said. “The faster we move, the faster we’ll
get there.”
I threw him a grateful smile and resumed walking down the path before
Cam or Theo could argue.
The rest of the walk was quiet, the chirping birds our only soundtrack.
Every few minutes, I looked back over my shoulder. Ben and Theo were
still supporting Cam, but he was looking more alert.
The air was crisp and I shivered in my jacket. At least the midday sun
helped a bit. I worried about my guys who were dressed in thin prison-
issued jumpsuits. Why didn’t I bring clothes for them? I had been so
focused on rescuing them that I hadn’t thought through what we needed
afterwards. I couldn’t even remember what supplies the safe house was
supposed to have. Did it have food? Clothing? Medicine? I berated myself
—I wasn’t doing a very good job of caring for my alphas.
Sweat trickled down my back as I kept going. I didn’t want to admit it,
but my leg was hurting more and more. I thought I heard Cam muttering
under his breath, and I knew my alphas were watching my movements
carefully. I was doing okay until I stumbled over a branch and fell to the
Ben was next to me in a flash, pulling me up and keeping a firm arm
around my waist.
“I’m okay,” I said, but I couldn’t help leaning my weight on him. Ben’s
clenched jaw was his only response.
“Ben, help Josie. I’ve got Cam,” Theo commanded.
Before I could protest, Ben swept me up in his arms.
“No, I can walk,” I said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. I desperately
wanted to relax in his arms, wanted to demand all my alphas touch me and
never let go, but my inner omega was driving me right now. I needed to be
the one to care for them, not the other way around.
“Shh,” Ben said, tightening his hold on me. “Just let me carry you for a
few minutes to give your leg a rest, and then I’ll let you walk. But I bet
we’re almost there anyway.”
A few minutes later, he was proved right as we came to a small clearing
in the woods where a cabin sat in the middle of the trees.
Chapter Forty-Seven

T he cabin looked quaint and unassuming, but Amirah had assured me it

had an advanced security system that would alert us if anyone got close.
I signaled for Ben to let me down. He hesitated for a moment, pressing
his face to my hair before reluctantly lowering me to the mossy forest floor.
His hands stayed on my hips to ensure I was steady, and I bit my lip to stop
myself from moaning. I wanted to press myself back against him, for him to
tighten his grip on me and take me right here. But my omega was insistent
—I had to make sure my alphas were safe above anything else. She was
pushing to the forefront, trying to take control, and I knew she wouldn’t
settle until we were all bonded.
Ben moved my hair so he could kiss the back of my neck, his lips soft
against my skin. I almost allowed myself to sink into his touch, but forced
myself away from him and up the steps to the front porch. Ben let out a
grunt of displeasure and followed after me, but Theo got to me first. He
tugged on my arm before I could touch the door handle.
“Wait here, love,” Theo said, caressing my face. I looked up into his
warm eyes, automatically leaning in to get a hit of his scent. “Let me check
the inside first.”
My omega wanted me to be the one to check the cabin so I could make
sure it was a good, safe space for my alphas. I met Theo’s gaze in a silent
standoff. His eyes were dark and his expression serious, his alpha pushing
through to meet my omega. He raised an eyebrow, a rumbling growl
starting in his chest. I let out a small huff before breaking eye contact,
reluctantly pulled up my jacket sleeve to reveal the six-digit alarm code
Amirah’s alpha had written on my skin this morning.
Theo wrapped his hand around my wrist, his skin hot against mine, and
repeated the code to himself.
“Good girl,” he murmured, tipping my head up and gently kissing me
before disappearing through the door.
The moment he was out of sight, panic seized my chest. I whimpered,
taking a step to follow him, but Cam’s arms encircled my waist.
“He’s coming back, baby girl,” he said, pressing his face against my
hair and breathing deeply.
I struggled against his hold for a moment. All I wanted was to hold
them all close, but I was balancing on the knife’s edge of a complete
meltdown. I had to stay strong a while longer to ensure my alphas were
taken care of.
“Fuck. I missed you,” Cam murmured, squeezing me tighter.
Ben pressed himself to my front, wrapping his arms around both of us. I
focused on their breaths, each one reassuring me they were here.
“It’s all clear,” Theo said, joining us on the porch. He clasped Cam and
Ben on the shoulder as we all breathed a sigh of relief.
“Come on, angel,” he said, taking my hand.
The floorboards creaked as we walked inside the cabin. It was one large
room with dark wood paneling on the walls. A small kitchen sat at one end
and a large bed at the other.
“There’s wood here so we can build a fire,” Theo said, gesturing at the
stove sitting in the middle of the cabin. Ben walked over and started
fiddling with it.
There were two doors off the main room. I peeked into the first one and
saw the bathroom with a comically small bathtub.
“This is locked,” Theo said, gesturing to the second door off of the
“Oh, that must be the supply room,” I said, pulling up my other jacket
sleeve. “That’s the code.”
“Shit,” Theo said once he got the door open. “There’s clothes and other
supplies, but also a fucking armory.”
I peered around him to take in a small room with shelves filled with
guns and other weapons. It was good that they were there, especially since
we would need them tomorrow, but I turned away. I didn’t want to see it,
didn’t want a reminder of the danger that still faced us.
Ben got the fire going and was now rifling through the kitchen
cupboards. He pulled out several cans of soup and packages of crackers.
“Wait,” I said, tugging him away from the food and towards the table.
“You three need to sit down.”
Cam scowled. “You need to sit down, sweetheart. We need to look at
your leg.”
He reached for me, but I slipped out of his grasp. I couldn’t explain
what I was feeling, but my omega wouldn’t let me rest until I was fully
convinced my alphas were alright.
“No, you need to sit down,” I said, my voice shaking. “Please.”
My alphas must have seen something in my expression because they all
reluctantly sat at the kitchen table.
I turned towards the soup cans and started opening them with a dusty
can opener I found in one of the drawers. Ben’s chair scraped as he stood
“Let me do that, precious,” he said.
I shook my head and pointed at his chair.
He looked at Cam and Theo with concern but ended up sitting back
down. I breathed a sigh of relief. Good. They were where they needed to
I finished pouring the soup into a saucepan, leaving it to heat while I
went in search of a first aid kit. I found one under the sink and set it on the
table. I started with Cam. His hands caressed my hips as I stood between his
legs and looked over his injuries. I tugged at his shirt until he caught on,
pulling it off.
My omega hated how their clothes smelled—like mildew and blood. I
whined and gestured for them all to strip off.
“Okay, baby girl,” Cam murmured as he removed his clothes. Ben and
Theo followed suit, piling all the clothes by the door. Now the three of them
were sitting naked at the table. It was a testament to how focused my omega
was on their care that she wasn’t more distracted by their dicks.
I looked over Cam’s body carefully. He had a few bruises on his ribs,
but they were already faded. I knew alphas had accelerated healing, but it
was amazing to see it in action. I, on the other hand, was still limping from
my days-old injury.
Theo also had a series of faded bruises around his ribs and back and a
small cut on his upper arm. I put a band-aid on it, even though it probably
didn’t need one just so I could feel like I had done something.
When I came to Ben, he pulled me in for a long hug.
“You do what you need to do, precious. But when you’re done, I’m
going to cuddle you and not let go, okay?”
I nodded, my throat tight. Ben had a scrape on his knee that I put some
antibiotic cream on before bandaging it.
I returned to the soup, which was boiling on the stove, and dished it out.
I wished I had something more substantial to feed them. They must be
I placed the bowls in front of each of my alphas, giving them three
packets of crackers each. I put my bowl in front of the fourth chair but
didn’t sit.
“You need to eat, sweetheart,” Cam said sternly.
I shook my head. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t do anything before they did.
My omega was insistent.
The guys looked at each other as if trying to figure out what to do with
me. I wasn’t sure what to do with me. It was weird to just stand here and
stare at them when they ate, right? And yet, that’s the only thing that felt
Realization dawned on Theo’s face.
“Your omega is in control right now, isn’t she, love?”
Tears sprang to my eyes. Of course, Theo would understand what was
He turned to Cam and Ben. “I read about this in a book. Sometimes the
omega will take over and insist on caring for their alphas, especially after a
trauma or separation. We need to do what she says until she calms down.”
“Doesn’t feel right to eat without her,” Ben grumbled. He turned to me.
“Is this what you need, precious? You need to feed your alphas?”
“Yes,” I whispered. It was all I could manage with how tight my throat
felt. Ben’s eyes softened and he took a bite of soup.
“This is perfect,” he said, crumbling his crackers and mixing them with
the soup.
I knew he was humoring me—it was canned soup. But his words still
made me want to preen. I perfumed for the first time since we were
separated. Cam shifted in his seat before attacking his soup, taking large,
quick bites. His spoon clattered to the bottom of the bowl, and I almost
smiled at his enthusiasm.
“Come here, little omega,” Cam said, pushing his empty bowl away
from him. I hesitated. Had I done enough to take care of them?
Cam held his hand out to me and I couldn’t resist taking it. He tugged
me onto his lap and caressed my face.
“You’ve done such a good job caring for us, omega. You did perfectly.”
My lip trembled. This was what I needed to hear.
“I can’t believe how lucky we are to have the perfect omega,” Theo
added, scooting his chair closer and placing a firm hand on my thigh.
Ben moved my hair to the side so he could kiss my neck and scent mark
me. He reached out to grab my hand. “I love you so much,” he whispered.
Each of my alphas had their hands on me, softening the sharp edges of my
omega’s compulsion.
Safe. They were safe and here and whole.
That did it. I could no longer keep my tears from falling. I curled into
Cam’s chest and sobbed.
“I thought you were dead,” I choked out between sobs. “I heard
gunshots and Glen said you were dead.”
Cam tightened his hold on me until it was almost painful, but I didn’t
want him to let go.
“They shot into the air and then pushed us into the pool,” Cam
murmured, rocking me back and forth. “By the time we surfaced, we
couldn’t see where they’d taken you.”
Relief washed through me that they hadn’t been shot, but that night
would still haunt me forever. I did my best to push the memories aside and
focused on breathing in my alphas’ scents.
They’re here.
They’re safe.
I wasn’t sure how long we sat there, but eventually, Theo broke the
“You need to eat, and we need to shower.”
My breathing accelerated at the thought of them being out of sight.
“I’ll shower first,” Theo said, cupping my face and placing a gentle kiss
on my lips. “We’re not leaving you,” he whispered, his lips caressing my
I forced myself to relax in Cam’s hold instead of whining at Theo to
come back. But when Ben got up, I reached out to grab his arm.
“I’m going to reheat this soup.” He bent down so his face was level with
mine. “Let us take care of you now. We need it, too.”
I reluctantly let go of his arm and he quickly swept my soup bowl off
the table.
“That’s a good girl,” Cam murmured. “Good, perfect omega. You’re
going to let your alphas take care of you, and then you’re going to tell us
everything that’s happened since we were separated.”
When Ben put the soup back down in front of me, Cam went to grab the
spoon as if he was going to feed me. I raised my eyebrow and he handed me
the spoon with an aggrieved sigh. I bit my lip to hide my smile and settled
back on his lap, trying and failing to ignore his hardening cock pressing
against my back. Cam buried his face in my neck, kissing and scent-
marking me as I ate.
Theo returned from the shower, his hair damp. I shifted onto his lap as
Cam went to shower. My omega wasn’t thrilled that Theo smelled like
generic soap, but it was better than before. I ran my hands over his skin,
trying to cover him with my scent. He inhaled sharply as I trailed my hands
down his chest.
Once Ben was back from showering, he opened his arms to me. I
straddled him, wrapping my arms and legs around him.
“What happened since we were arrested?” Cam asked, gripping the
back of my neck in a firm, comforting hold.
“How long ago was that, even?” Theo asked.
“Twelve days,” I said, feeling the urge to cry again at the reminder of
how long we’d been apart. I wasn’t sure how I had any tears left after this
past week.
“Never again,” Cam said, tightening his hold on me.
“Can… can we get in the bed?” I asked. “I need…” I didn’t know how
to put words to what I needed. I just needed them.
But, of course, my alphas didn’t argue. Ben kept a firm hold on my
backside as he stood and carried me to the bed. Theo pulled back the
covers, and all of us piled in.
Ben tugged on my top and I lifted my arms, allowing him to strip me.
The moment my leggings were off, Theo’s hands were on me, examining
my leg.
“Can I take this off?” he asked, tracing his fingers over the bandage tied
around my thigh. At my hesitation, he added, “I’ll put another one on, but I
have to see it, love.”
I nodded, understanding how driven my alphas were by their instincts
right now, just as my omega had driven mine.
Theo peeled off the bandage, revealing the neat line of stitches Angie
had given me. She had said they needed to be in for up to two weeks, and
they were angry and red after all my exertion today.
Cam growled, tightening his hold on me, and Ben squeezed my hand. I
could scent their distress and anger—it swirled around me like a tangible
thing—but I couldn’t help but feel calm. Being surrounded by my alphas,
feeling their skin on mine, was like coming home.
“How did this happen?” Theo asked, his voice tight as he re-wrapped
the wound.
I took a deep breath. “After they arrested you, Glen took me to his
The three of them snarled, and Theo stood up and looked around as if
expecting some sort of enemy to barge in.
“If you want to hear what happened, I’m going to need you all to not
freak out,” I said in a small voice, an involuntary tremble working its way
through my body at the strength of their reaction. Although my omega was
smugly pleased with how protective they were being.
When none of them responded, I added, “Just remember that I’m okay
now. I’m safe, and we’re together.” My voice cracked.
Theo muttered something under his breath and ran his hand through his
hair. “Okay, okay. We can stay calm.” He said it as if he were trying to
convince himself.
“I need cuddles if I’m going to get through this,” Ben said, sounding on
the verge of tears.
I gestured for Cam to lie down and he reached out and pulled me on top
of him. Ben laid down next to us, throwing his leg over mine. Theo
hesitated before lying down on Cam’s other side and winding his fingers
through my hair.
We lay there in silence, reveling in each other’s touch. I trailed my
fingers down Ben’s chest. I could see now that all of my alphas had lost
weight, and I had to fight the urge to get up and make them more food.
“We’re listening, baby girl,” Cam said, gently prompting me to
“I was at Glen’s for… five days, I think. He took me there so Pack
Madden could bond me.”
None of my alphas said a word, but a steady growl started in Cam’s
I told them the basics of what had happened, skipping as much of my
time there as I thought I could get away with. I completely omitted the Pack
Madden dinner party from hell, focusing instead on Pack Turro’s theory of
Glen’s deterioration. I told them about what my mom had done, how
Genevieve had been there and we escaped together, and how a bullet had
grazed my leg in the process. Tears streamed down Ben’s face, and once I
started talking about watching their trial on TV, I was crying as well.
“There’s an omega facility about twenty minutes away from here, and
the four of us will be part of the team that will free those omegas tomorrow
night. There are three other teams in place to break into the other facilities
at the same time. A large group of senators has already agreed to bring
charges against Glen and my fathers and the rest of them once we get the
omegas out, and the media will be standing by to expose them all.” Silence
fell as I finished.
I held my breath, waiting for them to argue that I shouldn’t be part of
the team tomorrow, that it would be too dangerous.
Cam was the first one to speak.
“Fuck,” he said. I braced myself. “Can’t believe our omega is
responsible for taking down the whole fucking government.”
My mouth opened in shock and I popped my head off Cam’s chest to
take in his expression.
“Proud of you, baby girl. So fucking proud,” he said.
A slow smile spread across my face. “Really? You’re not mad?”
Cam’s brows raised. “Mad? At you? Never. But I don’t want you risking
yourself like that again. Nothing is worth more than your safety. I fucking
can’t believe you broke into Glen’s office. What were you thinking? And
taking the van? So many things could have…”
I quickly silenced him with my lips on his, hoping it stopped his train of
When I pulled away, his expression had softened.
“Let’s get back to the part where you’re proud of me,” I said, pressing
another soft kiss to his lips.
“Of course we’re proud,” Theo said, running his hand down my back.
Ben squeezed my thigh. I looked over at him, surprised at how quiet he
“Love you,” he mouthed, moving his hand up to cup my ass under the
“Tell us more about this mission tomorrow,” Theo said. His brow was
furrowed, and I knew he was already analyzing everything I had told him.
“I will, but first, I want you all to bond me.”
Chapter Forty-Eight

“N ow?I Here?” I asked, my heart racing.

still wasn’t convinced this was real. I could smell Josie’s vanilla
scent, kept huffing it like I needed it to stay alive, but what if this was some
sort of elaborate dream? Would I wake up in a cell? Or the back of the van?
“Yes,” she said, staring me down with a fierce confidence that took me
by surprise.
“But your nest,” I argued feebly. Why the fuck am I arguing?
All I wanted was to bond my omega. This was the greatest gift I could
ever imagine. But she had just gone through yet another trauma because we
couldn’t protect her again. The self-loathing that had been simmering my
entire time in prison was close to boiling over. The only thing keeping me
from losing my shit was feeling my mate’s bare skin on mine and seeing the
love in her eyes as she looked at me.
Josie sat up, keeping the blanket wrapped around her as she straddled
me. My cock twitched at the feel of her pussy against my stomach. Her
scent made my mouth water, and my fingers itched to pull the blanket off
her. She leaned forward and pressed her hands on either side of my face.
My beard was longer than she’d ever seen, and she was momentarily
distracted as she ran her fingers gently down my cheeks and jaw. I
shuddered in pleasure, tightening my hold on her hips. She shook her head
as if to clear it, and an expression of renewed determination crossed her
“I know what you’re thinking. All three of you,” she said with a scowl.
Her expression was so fucking adorable. I wanted to kiss her pouty lips.
“Cam, you’re going to say you don’t deserve this because you didn’t
protect me.” Well, she’s got that right.
“You,” she said, staring Theo down, “Are probably going to say
something similar and that I deserve something special and romantic.” Theo
ran his hand through his hair with a grimace.
“And you,” she said, turning to Ben. “Well...” her scowl turned into a
smile. “You’re probably going to say it’s about time and bite me the second
I ask.”
Ben burst out in laughter, pulling her in for a kiss. “You got it,
precious.” Then his face turned serious. “For the record, I hate that I didn’t
protect you. I keep replaying that night over and over. Just because you’re
incredible and escaped and rescued us doesn’t mean I don’t wish I could
have done that for you. I never want you to be in that position again.” He
hesitated, his voice growing tight. “I keep having nightmares about you
being ripped from my arms. I can’t handle that again.”
Josie cupped his face, pressing her forehead to his. “Me, too. It’s going
to take a lot for us to recover from the past couple of weeks. During the
trial, all I wanted to do was run down to the courthouse and prove to myself
that you were still alive. I don’t want to wait a single moment longer to be
bonded with you. I love you all so, so much. More than anything. I want to
be connected with you forever. If you want that.” She spoke those last
words in an almost whisper.
Fuck. I hated that she could doubt that for even a second. My fingers
massaged small circles on her hips.
“I want that, baby girl. I’ve wanted to bond you from the moment you
walked into that interview room. I just...” Think you deserve better.
Her eyes were soft as she ran her hand down my face, as if she knew the
words I’d left unspoken. She leaned down, her hair falling in a curtain as
she ran her nose across my collarbone.
“I want forever with you.”
“Forever.” My throat was hoarse as a tear fell down my face. Josie
wiped it away, kissing the spot where it had been.
“Theo?” she asked hesitantly, turning towards my brother.
Theo took hold of Josie’s hand, threading his fingers through hers.
“You’re the love of my life,” he said. “I can’t believe how lucky I am. Of
course, I want to bond you.” He kissed the inside of Josie’s wrist, and her
shoulders relaxed.
Then he looked around the barren room with a disgruntled expression.
“You deserve a better room, though. You should have a nest with all your
favorite things and candles, and better food than canned soup.”
Josie’s lip twitched and I couldn’t help but grin. She knew us so fucking
“You can get me all of that later,” she said. “But I don’t want to wait. I
would bond you in the back of that van if that were my only option.”
“Our mate knows what she wants,” Ben said, giving her ass a hard
squeeze that caused her to arch back with a moan. “And I think we should
give it to her.”
My cock twitched, growing harder. At this rate, I wasn’t going to last
long. Unable to resist any longer, I tugged on the blanket she had wrapped
around her, revealing her soft, round breasts with their pretty pink nipples.
She met my gaze as I pinched her nipples lightly.
“You ready to bond me, alpha?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with
I nodded, my throat suddenly too tight with emotion to speak.
“Good,” she said. “You first.”
I blinked in shock. She wanted me to go first? I waited for my brother’s
jealousy or anger through the bond, but it didn’t come. I felt their
contentment and excitement mixed with disbelief that we could be so
Josie shifted down my body and rubbed her sweet cunt along the length
of my cock, drenching me in her slick. I needed to taste her, needed to
drown in her. I gripped her hips and flipped her over until I was on top. The
movement made her squeal in surprise and caused Ben to fly off the too-
small bed.
“I see how it is,” Ben groaned, pulling himself back onto the bed.
Josie and Theo burst into laughter.
“Okay, that was worth bonding in this terrible bed,” Theo snorted.
“This is such a shitshow,” Josie said between giggles. I froze,
wondering if she wanted me to stop.
“Keep going, alpha,” she said, mirth in her eyes as Ben leaned in and
kissed her shoulder.
I cupped her face and pulled her into a deep kiss. “You taste so sweet,” I
groaned, sliding my tongue into her mouth. She ran her fingers down my
back, lightly scratching me with her fingernails and grinding her heat
against my rock-hard cock. I cupped her ass and ran my hands up her
luscious thighs. When my hand brushed against the bandage, I realized I’d
forgotten all about her injury.
“Shit, did I hurt you?” I asked, looking up at her in panic.
She ran her fingers through my hair.
“No, alpha.” She was smiling, and her body was soft and relaxed
underneath me, and my chest loosened.
“Tell me if I do, baby girl,” I said, placing a few gentle kisses around
her wound. If I thought too long about how she’d been injured, I’d work
myself into a rage again. Instead, I kissed all the way up one thigh, my
breath skating across her pussy before I made my way up her other leg.
“Cam, please,” she gasped, arching up to get friction on her cute little
She lay before me like a queen, baring her naked body without shame. I
thought back to the day she moved in with us, how she’d had her first
orgasm with me. She’d been so vulnerable, so unsure. There was none of
that hesitancy now.
“Look at you, sweetheart. So fucking gorgeous spread out for me,” I
said, overwhelmed with awe as I leaned over her. I firmly cupped her
mound with one hand, grinning at how she writhed. The feel of her heat and
slick against my palm was enough to have pre-cum dripping from my cock
as I groaned.
“Whose pussy is this?” I asked, running my thumb over her clit.
“Umm… mine?” she said with adorable uncertainty.
“Damn right it is,” I said with a grin, leaning down to look into her
eyes. “All yours. It’s your choice who touches you, licks you, fucks you.”
She tangled her fingers in my hair and pulled me in for a hard kiss.
“Good thing I’m choosing you,” she said.
“It means the world to me, my sweet omega. I’ll never take that for
granted—your trust, your love.”
Her eyes filled with tears, and I placed tender kisses on her cheeks
before squeezing her mound again. I moved down her body, following her
vanilla scent to where it was strongest. My cock strained beneath me as I
ran my nose down her mound, breathing in deeply.
“Fuck, you smell so good.”
I licked a long line from her sweet opening to her clit. Her slick
gathered on my tongue like the sweetest dessert I could imagine. I teased
her with gentle licks until she was writhing underneath me.
“Please,” she begged.
I pressed my smile against her skin and increased my rhythm, licking
and sucking while I thrust two fingers in and out of her pussy until she
clenched around me, coming with a soft cry.
Her slick dripped down her thighs, soaking the bed, and I’d had enough
“Present for me, little omega,” I said.
She hesitated slightly before moving into position, bringing her chest
down to the bed and lifting her ass in the air. I leaned in to kiss each ass
cheek before cupping them in my hands.
“Your body is perfect,” I said with reverence. Part of me was tempted to
spank her, to redden her skin and hear her moans of pain and pleasure, but
my chest tightened at the thought of inflicting any harm on her. It felt
wrong. Even her position, presenting for me, didn’t feel right.
I wanted to see her face, to look at her as I took her. I needed tenderness
right now, reassurance that my omega was safe.
I ran my hand down her back and felt a slight tremor go through her
“Actually, baby girl, turn around for me.”
She did what I asked, her eyes wide and unsure. “Did I do something
“Never,” I said fiercely, gathering her up in my arms so she was
straddling my lap. “I just… want to see you while we bond. Want you
She shuddered and I thought I saw a flash of relief cross her face as she
wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine.
“Don’t leave me again,” she whispered.
“Never,” I responded fiercely, wrapping my hand in her hair. Ben and
Theo moved closer to us, running their hands over Josie’s body. The three
of us murmured reassurances, holding onto our omega as tightly as we
I didn’t know how much time had passed when Josie pulled away, a
smile on her face. She leaned in to kiss Theo and Ben and then turned her
heated gaze on me.
“I need you,” she said, running her hands down my chest until she
gripped my cock. I groaned, thrusting into her hand before lying down on
the bed with her underneath me.
“You play dirty,” I said, nipping her ear.
Josie giggled and the sound was a miracle.
I spread her legs wide and settled between them, supporting my weight
on my forearms as I slowly pushed my cock into her silken heat.
Her eyes widened and the sweetest whimper escaped her lips. I captured
them with mine, dipping my tongue into her mouth and nipping her lower
lip. Fuck, I would never get enough of this.
“I want you like this, beautiful and flushed and happy every single
fucking day,” I growled. “In my arms, on my knot.” I grasped her wrists,
pinning them above her head in one hand while my other wrapped around
her uninjured thigh, hitching it up.
“Yes,” she moaned, arching her back until her nipples rubbed against
my chest with every movement. Josie let out a sharp cry as I thrust into her
again, sinking my knot fully into her slick heat. She threw her head back,
her eyes closed as she came, gripping my knot like a glove. I came with her,
roaring my pleasure.
We lay there, gazing into each other’s eyes, and I was unexpectedly
overwhelmed with emotion. If I had to live every painful moment of my life
over again just to get here, I would do it in a heartbeat.
I pressed my face into her neck, sucking on her skin, my mouth
watering at the thought of marking her in such a visible spot. I wanted
everyone to know she was mine, always.
I pulled back and stared into her eyes. All I found there was happiness.
“Make me yours,” she whispered, running her hand through my hair.
I trembled as I lowered my lips to her neck and bit. Josie entered my
soul in a wave of sugary vanilla, tenderly wrapping me up in a blanket of
her love.
I gasped as tears streamed down my face at the overwhelming feeling of
my mate, my omega, so woven into my being I wasn’t sure where I stopped
and she began. Her joy pulsed through the bond like stars breaking up the
darkness. It was as if her very being surrounded my insecurities—my
feelings of not being good enough, of failing those I loved most—and
obliterated them.
She shifted so we were facing each other on our sides, lowering her lips
to my chest before hesitating.
“Mark me, baby girl. I’m already yours completely.”
She bit down on the spot right above my heart. There was a flash of
pain and then pleasure as the bond was completed. I tried to loosen my hold
on her hips, not wanting to bruise her, but I was incapable of letting her go.
The pain she’d felt since we were taken from her was sharp in the bond
and a purr built in my chest. I wanted to make sure she never felt that again.
I wrapped my arm around her neck, pressing my face into her hair.
“My sweetheart, my omega,” I murmured over and over.
“My alpha,” she responded as she wiped away my tears, her own
soaking into her beautiful hair.
I pushed as much of my love as I could down the bond so she could
never again doubt how deeply I loved her. My thumb caressed the bite on
her neck, my purr intensifying at the satisfaction of seeing it there. It would
fade into a silvery scar, forever marking that we belonged together.
Chapter Forty-Nine

J osie fell asleep with Cam’s knot still inside her. He held her to his chest
with reverence as he swiped his finger across her new bond mark.
Ben and I had made space for them to have their moment—at least, as
much space as we could give them in this too-small bed—but now we both
squished back around them.
“Are you sure this isn’t a dream?” Cam asked quietly, looking at us with
bewilderment in his eyes.
“If you had been awake during the drive, you wouldn’t be so confused.
No one else drives like that,” Ben whispered with silent laughter. “I thought
we were going to die in that van.”
“Don’t tell her that. You’ll make her upset,” I said quickly, but I
couldn’t stop my wide grin.
“How does the bond feel?” Ben asked, pressing a soft kiss on Josie’s
arm. She sighed in her sleep.
“Incredible. Fuck, she loves so hard. I can feel how much she loves all
three of us.”
Cam sounded as emotional as I’d ever heard him. He cupped the back
of Josie’s neck with one hand, the other firmly planted on her ass. A piece
of hair had fallen in his face and he twitched, trying to move it without
letting go of Josie. I smiled and brushed it off his face. Cam leaned into my
touch and the tenderness of it broke my heart open.
“I missed you both so much,” I said, a lump in my throat. Part of me felt
the old urge to conceal my feelings, but life was too short and I knew they
would never reject me for being vulnerable.
“Me too,” Cam said gruffly.
Ben sniffed and we both looked at him. He looked like he was on the
verge of tears again. Cam shifted slowly, moving one of his arms from Josie
and putting it around Ben’s shoulders, bringing him close. I reached my arm
across the three of them, wishing it was long enough to gather them all up
close to me.
We lay together like that in silence. I started to doze off when Cam
“Are we really going to let her come on this mission with us?”
Ben and I looked at each other and burst into stifled laughter.
“I was wondering when you would break,” Ben said.
“Lasted longer than I expected,” I added, wiping tears of laughter from
my eyes.
Cam scowled. “So you’re okay with it?”
“Are you going to tell her no? Leave her here while we go?” Ben asked
with a raised eyebrow.
“Never leaving her again,” Cam said fiercely as he tightened his grip
across Josie’s back.
Josie’s face was turned towards me and I saw the twitch of a smile on
her lips, telling me she was awake. I brushed a gentle kiss on her cheek.
“She’s more than capable of coming with us,” I said, even though it
made me anxious to think about her in danger. But I had learned my lesson
about trusting my mate—if she wanted to come, I wasn’t going to
underestimate her. “Fuck, she could probably take down the government
single-handedly. And we’ll all be together and protect each other.”
Cam grumbled, but I could feel how fucking happy he was through the
bond, and I know Josie could, too. He shifted and she let out a little
whimper as his knot loosened and slipped from her. I was mesmerized as
their combined fluids poured onto the sheets. It was so fucking hot.
“How’re you doing, baby girl?” Cam murmured, pressing a soft kiss to
her temple.
“So good,” she said, shifting so she could lick Cam’s bond mark. His
sharp intake of breath told me how good it felt, and I felt a small tendril of
jealousy. I wanted to be that connected with her.
Josie’s stomach rumbled and she blushed, curling in on herself. I tilted
her chin towards me and gave her a gentle kiss. I hated that she felt
embarrassed by her body’s needs. I fucking loved her curves and couldn’t
stand thinking of her being denied food or feeling too stressed to eat.
“I think I saw pancake mix in the pantry,” Ben said. “Let me make us
some.” He leaned over Josie and planted kisses all down her spine and then
one on each butt cheek before getting up. She wriggled her ass and I cupped
it with my hand, squeezing it hard.
“You don’t have to make me anything,” she said as Ben headed into the
“I’m hungry, too,” I said. It was the truth, and I knew it would make
Josie more comfortable.
“There’s clothes in the storage room. What do you all want? There are
gray and black sweatpants here and t-shirts,” Ben called out.
“Gray sweatpants,” I shouted back, making Josie giggle.
“That’s the correct choice, right?” I asked, tightening my grip on her
“Only if you want to entice me,” she responded cheekily.
“I want gray sweatpants, too,” Cam blurted out.
“I guess we should get up,” Josie said, sitting up with a pout. “And
clean up?” she said, but it sounded like a question.
Cam reached up to cup her breasts, rolling his thumb over her nipples.
Josie whimpered as she leaned into his touch.
“Don’t clean up,” he growled.
I smirked, knowing Cam wanted his scent on her and, based on Josie’s
smile, she didn’t want to get rid of it, either.
Ben walked back with an armful of clothes. He had on sweatpants but
no shirt, and Josie eyed his chest hungrily. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants
but skipped the t-shirt for now. I wanted my mate to look at me like that,
Josie snagged the t-shirt, though, and put it on. It came down to her
upper thigh, and I knew we were all torn between her staying warm and
wanting to stare at her bare skin.
We stayed in bed until the smell of pancakes reached us. Cam carried
Josie to the kitchen table, and another surge of jealousy went through me.
Then she reached out to brush the hair out of my face and the jealous beast
was soothed.
She jumped a little as Ben set a large plate of pancakes down on the
table with a huff, his irritation finding me in the bond.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, reaching out to grab Ben’s hand. He
immediately softened.
“Nothing,” he responded, placing a couple of pancakes on her plate.
Josie raised her eyebrow at me and I shrugged. She took a bite of the
pancake and her eyes widened. “Woah, these taste just like…”
“Don’t say it,” Ben bit out, angrily putting a stack of pancakes on his
“Don’t talk to her like that,” Cam growled, lifting Josie and putting her
on his lap. She rolled her eyes.
“Sorry,” Ben said, his cheeks reddening. “It’s just… how the actual fuck
do these taste identical to the pancakes at Wildflower Cafe?”
Josie bit her lip to keep from laughing, and I realized what the problem
was. Ben had been trying to recreate these pancakes for close to a year.
“You cracked the recipe?” I asked, grabbing some for myself.
“I used a mix!” Ben fumed as he took a bite of food. “The box says
Value Bargain Discount Company’s Pancake Mix. What kind of brand
name is that, anyway? Those words all mean the same thing. Here I was,
whipping egg whites and using vanilla bean paste and organic buttermilk
when they were using a freaking box mix all along?”
Josie covered her mouth to stop her laughter, and Cam buried his face in
her hair for the same reason.
“We’ll offer even better pancakes at our bakery, yeah?” Josie said with a
grin after she’d gotten her laughter under control. She leaned across the
table to grab Ben’s hand.
“You want to move forward with the bakery plans, then?” Cam asked as
he played with Josie’s hair.
“Yeah,” Josie responded happily. But Ben looked between Cam and me
with hesitation in his eyes.
“I think it’s a great idea,” I said, smiling at him.
“Of course, it is,” Cam said. “You two will be great. I’ll miss working
with you, though,” he said to Ben.
Ben relaxed back in his chair, his relief palpable through the bond. “I’ll
miss it, too.”
“I thought I could try to take some college classes if that’s, you know,
an option after all of this,” Josie said softly, looking down at the table.
Cam gripped her chin, shifting her in his lap so she was looking at him.
“We’ll make it happen. And you’ll be great at it.”
Josie smiled, and she and Ben started talking more about their plans. I
would miss working with him, but I wasn’t sure what our company would
even look like after all of this.
I glanced over at the fire that had now died down. It was warm in the
cabin right now, but I wanted to make sure we had enough wood for
tonight. I slipped outside while the others were clearing the dishes and tried
to not feel jealous that Josie would probably go ahead and bond Ben.
I found stacks of firewood covered by a tarp at the back of the cabin.
Before I could grab any, I heard footsteps and turned, immediately on the
defensive. I sighed in relief when I saw Josie bounding towards me. She
didn’t slow as she got closer, jumping into my arms. I caught her, one arm
around her waist and the other under her ass.
“Hey, love,” I said, tightening my hold on her. I cupped her ass and
groaned when I realized her t-shirt had ridden up. “You okay? You should
be inside where it’s warm.”
“You were taking too long. I missed you,” she said, pulling me in for a
kiss. I dipped my tongue in her mouth, tasting her sweetness as she ran her
fingers down the thick stubble covering my jaw.
“I’ve been gone thirty seconds,” I said dryly, although I was secretly
pleased by her words… by her missing me.
“Never seen you with a beard,” she said between kisses.
“I need to shave. Unless you like it this way?” I’d always preferred
being clean-shaven, but I would keep it if she wanted me to.
“I like you all the ways,” she said, her voice sultry as she rubbed her
core against my hard-on.
“How’s your thigh?” I choked out. I loved having her legs wrapped
around me, but I was worried it was hurting her.
“Weirdly, it feels much better,” she responded.
“Huh,” I mused, my mind spinning.
“Well, I read a research paper that proposed that alpha semen can have
healing properties for omegas.”
Josie’s mouth fell open. “You’re shitting me.”
I grinned. “I never joke about peer-reviewed journal articles.”
She snorted. “That sounds like total alphahole propaganda, except that
my leg isn’t even hurting now and it’s been painful for days.”
I squeezed her tighter, hating that she’d been in pain, that she’d been
shot. Fuck, what if the bullet had hit an artery or organ? She could have
been taken from us so easily.
“You have that stressed, grumpy alpha look,” Josie said, poking my
cheek. “I’m fine, and I’m going to be even better once you give me that
magical semen of yours.”
“Have I said how much I missed you?” I asked with a laugh. “Should
we go inside?”
She shook her head. “I want you to bond me right now.”
“Here?” I asked, looking at the dingy cabin exterior, woodpile, and
rusty tools littering the ground.
“Yes, right here. I don’t want to wait. Besides, I read in a book that
bonding outside leads to a stronger bond. It connects to our primal urges as
alphas and omegas.”
I stared at my mate, brow furrowed. “That’s not true.”
She shrugged, grinning. “Won’t know until we try.”
“Why out here, angel?” It felt like this was important to her, but I didn’t
understand why.
“Because I need you to understand that I love you just for you. I know
you wanted our bonding to be fancy and romantic, and I love that you want
to give me that. But I don’t need that. I just need you.” She brushed her
hand through my hair and I purred. Her touch, her words, just… her. She
was everything.
Maybe my desire to have things meet some elusive romance standard
was tied to my belief that I wasn’t good enough, just as I was.
“How do you know me better than I know myself?” I asked, looking
deep into her green eyes.
“Because I see you, Theo,” she murmured. “My sweet, tender, steady
alpha. Make me yours.”
She gripped me as though she were afraid I would disappear. I wanted
to rip off her t-shirt to see her fully, but I refused to let go of her for even a
second. Instead, I tightened my hold and shifted so her back was pressed
against the cabin.
“I’ve been yours before the universe ever dreamed of us,” I murmured.
“I love you,” she breathed, pulling me in for a kiss and letting out a
small whine.
The sound went straight through me—I could feel how fast my heart
was beating as I thrust my hardness against her soft stomach. Her slick
drenched the front of my sweatpants and I fucking loved it. My body’s
reaction to her was instinctual, but our connection was so much more than
that. She held my whole being. Everything I was belonged to her.
“You’re so goddamn perfect,” I groaned. “You’re going to give me
exactly what I want, aren’t you, love?”
“Yes, yes,” she gasped, reaching down to free my cock from the
I shuddered at the touch of her fingers down my length. I pressed my
face into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. I was overcome with
emotion at the feel of her skin against mine. I never thought I’d get to
experience this again.
“I thought of you every single waking moment. I thought I would lose
my mind being locked away like that, and it just confirmed what a fighter
you are for surviving that for so long. The bravest, most courageous,
strongest person I know,” I murmured into her ear.
“Even though Glen told me you were dead, I think part of me knew you
had to be alive. I heard your voice in my head. It was like I could still feel
your love, even though we were separated.”
My heart was filled to bursting as she notched my cock at her entrance
and I slowly pushed in. Our eyes were locked together, and I watched her
pupils dilate as her breath skated across my skin. She gripped the back of
my head, holding me to her.
The feel of her was better than anything in my memory. She was here,
vibrant and looking at me like I was the most important thing in the world
to her right now.
She pushed her hips against mine, signaling that I should move. I
shifted her up in my arms to get better leverage as I thrust into her.
“Fuck, fuck. That piercing. Ohmygod.”
I grinned. “Does that feel good, love? You’re so fucking beautiful. Look
at you taking my cock so well. I could watch you stretched around me all
fucking day.”
“Need your knot,” she gasped.
I ground my knot against her clit until her slick dripped down her
thighs. She was practically sobbing now, flexing her legs to pull me deeper.
I finally obliged, pulling out almost all the way before thrusting in, pushing
my swollen knot firmly inside. She screamed as she came, her pussy
pulsing around me. I looked down at where we were joined, seeing how
obscenely she was spread.
“I want us to bond at the same time,” I gritted out, leaving out that I’d
read multiple papers that suggested simultaneous bonding led to euphoric
She met my gaze and nodded, running her hand down my jaw before
nuzzling at my neck. She pressed her lips down on my collarbone, her
tongue licking at my skin. I lifted her hand to my mouth, and we both bit
There was a flash of pain, but then my orgasm swept over me, so
intense my legs almost buckled and I had to press my hand to the side of the
cabin to keep my balance. Her pussy squeezed my cock harder than I could
have imagined. It was fucking bliss.
And then I felt her in my very soul.
She was brightness and life as she wrapped around my anxieties and
insecurities. I’d read so many first-hand accounts of what it was like to be
bonded, but no words would ever be enough to capture this experience.
“I love you,” she whispered, tears streaming down her face. I leaned in
and kissed them away.
“More than anything,” I said, hugging her to me.
I thrust my knot into her again, rocking with a gentle rhythm until we
both came again. We were both panting, our skin hot and flushed in the cool
“Oh god, your arms must be getting tired,” Josie said, and I could feel
her embarrassment and concern through the bond. I pushed as much love
and affection back at her as I could, and I knew she could feel it when her
eyes widened and she giggled.
“They’re not tired at all,” I said, bouncing her up and down.
She squealed, clinging to me.
“Must be your magical slick giving me energy,” I mused, half joking but
also wondering if there was some truth to it. I shouldn’t feel this strong and
energized after weeks in a jail cell. “But we should get inside, anyway.” I
didn’t want to risk her getting cold, and I was giddy to show off my bond
mark to my brothers.
I carried her back to the front of the cabin, but every step I took pressed
her against my knot, building our pleasure. Her eyes were shut tight as she
clung to me, her soft whimpers filling my ear. I pushed the door open and
then had to grip the doorframe as we both came again.
“That’s one way to make an entrance,” Ben said, eyes filled with mirth
as he clasped me on the shoulder. “Also, how come Theo gets to knot you
outside?” he added with feigned indignation. Josie grinned as I gently
maneuvered us into the bed.
“The no knotting in the pool rule stands,” she said with a snort. “But I
guess some outside locations are acceptable.”
“Noted,” Ben said with a grin, lying down on her other side.
I glanced at him, wondering if he was feeling left out or impatient. But
he met my gaze with a soft, blissed-out smile as he ran a gentle hand down
our mate’s back. I caught his hand in mine and squeezed it.
Cam came over with two glasses of water, which Josie and I awkwardly
drank in our attached position. Cam lay down on my other side and leaned
in to kiss Josie on the cheek. She held out her hand proudly, showing it off
to the two of them. I quickly captured it and pressed the bond mark to my
mouth, licking and sucking it. I wanted to make sure it healed well.
Josie licked the bite on my collarbone as she fully relaxed on top of me.
“Let me know if I get too heavy,” she murmured sleepily.
I just grabbed her ass and squeezed tightly in response. Everything
about our bonding had been perfect, and it finally clicked for me that our
relationship wasn’t about me being able to craft the perfect plan with the
perfect items. It just mattered that we were together. Once Ben and Josie
bonded, we would complete as a pack.
Chapter Fifty

I woke up from my nap to my naked mate straddling me. I grinned

sleepily, and my hands went to her hips, digging my fingers into her soft
“This is the best way to wake up,” I said. I glanced over, seeing Cam
and Theo sound asleep next to us.
Josie gifted me the sweetest smile as she leaned over, resting her
forearms on the bed, her breasts pillowed against my chest.
“I can let you go back to sleep if you want to…” she said, raising her
“What’s my other option?” I asked, hitching her leg to open her up to
me even more. She tugged my sweatpants down and rocked slightly back
and forth, her slick coating my cock.
“The other option is you fuck me and bond me,” she whispered, her lips
trailing down the side of my face.
I growled, twisting her hair in my hand to bare the side of her throat. I
grazed my teeth down her soft skin and she shivered.
“Door number two, sweetness,” I said, gripping her ass tightly.
Watching her with my brothers had been ridiculously hot. I was proud
of myself for being patient and waiting my turn. But now, insecurity
wormed its way into my chest. Was she just bonding me because she felt
obligated after bonding the others?
As if she could sense my thoughts, she cupped my face and looked deep
into my eyes.
“I waited to bond you because these other two needed more reassurance
that I was ready. You’ve always been so sure about us. I’ve never
questioned that you wanted me. You’ve been so steady. I knew you could
handle waiting,” she said, torturing me with another shift of her hips against
my cock.
I blinked at her words, amazed at how she saw me. I’d always thought
of myself as flaky and… inadequate. But I wasn’t those things with Josie.
She brought out the best in me.
“I love you,” I murmured. “My omega, my mate, my forever.”
Josie snuggled into me, scent marking my throat.
“Now,” I said, smacking her ass. “Ride my face.”
Josie shot up. “What?” she sputtered.
I chuckled at her stunned expression, as if I hadn’t been fantasizing
about her riding my face for ages.
“Come on, precious, up you get.” I tugged on her thighs, but she
stubbornly stayed where she was.
“I can’t do that,” she hissed, looking at Theo and Cam’s sleeping forms.
“They’re not going to save you. Come on, you’ll love it.”
“I’ll suffocate you!” she said. “I fought so hard to get you back, and
now I’m going to murder you.”
“Precious,” I said, my voice filled with reproach. “You are not going to
kill me, but I might die if I don’t get a taste of your sweet pussy
immediately. I’ve been wasting away without it.” I jutted my lip out,
mimicking the adorable pout she often gave us.
She scowled and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I knew I was
asking a lot from her, but I needed her to know she never had to hold back
from me or be unsure of her body. I wanted it all.
I ran my hands up her sides until I cupped her heavy breasts.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, beautiful. But I would be
thrilled if you wanted to give it a try.” I gave her my best puppy dog eyes
and she rolled her eyes, but I saw her lips twitch.
“How do I do this?” she asked, a slight whine in her voice.
“Not complicated,” I said with a wink. “Come here.”
I gripped her thighs and pulled her until she hovered over my face. She
squeaked, grabbing onto the headboard for balance.
“I’m too heavy,” she protested.
I nipped the inside of her thigh and gripped her ass cheeks in a bruising
hold before pulling her down fully on top of my face.
Immediately, the mouthwatering scent of her filled my nose as I gave a
long lick down her drenched pussy lips. She moaned and her body relaxed
onto me.
This was heaven.
I kept at it, alternating between sucking her clit and thrusting my tongue
into her tight passage. I greedily wanted every drop of her slick, didn’t want
a single bit of it to be wasted. She drenched my beard, and I never wanted
to shower again.
I felt her start to clench around me.
“So good,” she whined. “More.”
I grinned, absolutely thrilled by how much my girl was getting into this.
She could demand anything she wanted from me. I shifted so I could suck
her clit, using my tongue to create little circles around her sensitive nub
while I thrust two fingers into her tight pussy.
I kept the rhythm going as she rocked against me, taking her pleasure
until she came with a scream.
She tried to move off me, but I kept her where she was, cleaning up
every drop of slick. I finally loosened my grip and she collapsed on top of
my chest.
“Fuck,” Cam muttered.
Cam and Theo had woken up and were looking at us with wide eyes.
“Next time, we’re doing that,” Theo said, meeting Josie’s gaze. She
giggled, hiding her face in my chest.
“Don’t be shy, precious,” I murmured. “Look at how turned on they are.
But they can’t have you right now. You’re all mine. This sweet pussy is all
mine to taste, to pleasure.”
“That felt so good,” she said, awe in her voice. She popped her head off
my chest. “You sure it was okay for you?”
I growled. “Okay? No, it wasn’t fucking okay.”
Josie’s eyes widened. “You swore.”
“Yeah,” I said, grinning. “Because that was one of the best experiences
of my life and my girl just called it okay.”
She blushed.
“I’m not done with you yet,” I said. “You going to ride me, beautiful?”
Josie sat up, tweaking my nipples as she ran her hands down my chest.
“Yes, alpha,” she said, sliding her soaked pussy down the length of my cock
with agonizing slowness.
She was practically glowing with confidence, her messy curls framing
her face. She wasn’t covering her stomach or hiding her body, and I loved
it. I never wanted to see her hide away again. She gripped my cock tightly,
rising up so she could fit me at her entrance before sliding me inside her
with a single, hard thrust.
I shouted, gritting my teeth to keep myself from coming instantly.
“You’re so pretty when you ride me,” I moaned as Josie shifted forward,
one hand resting on the mattress by my head and the other pressed to my
chest. Her breasts swung with each thrust, her nipples tempting me with
each movement.
“I love seeing you like this, so confident, taking what you need from
your alpha, your pretty little cunt squeezing me so tight,” I said, reaching
back to grip her ass. Her pussy fluttered around me, and she quickened her
pace. I knew she was close to orgasm, and I wanted her to come the
moment I bonded her.
Josie breathed out a laugh. “I forgot what a dirty talker you are.”
I grinned. “Only for you, beautiful.”
I shifted so I was sitting up, chuckling at her gasp as my knot rubbed
against her clit. She was pressed against my chest now. I took one of her
nipples in my mouth and sucked hard as I dipped my fingers in her slick. I
was tempted to bring my fingers to my mouth, wanting more of her sweet
taste, but instead, I pressed my drenched fingers against her puckered hole.
“Yes,” she moaned, closing her eyes.
I pushed my finger in fully, groaning as she clenched around me. She
chanted my name, tugging my hair with each thrust. She came with a
scream, her pussy tightening around me like a vise.
Josie slumped against me, the aftershocks of her orgasm rocking
through her body.
“What a good girl, drenching me in your sweet slick,” I said, my lips
teasing the shell of her ear. “Now you’re going to come again for me.”
“Can’t,” she whimpered. I knew she must be exhausted, but I wasn’t
going to let her get away with having just two orgasms with me.
I snorted. “Challenge accepted, precious.”
Her shoulders shook with laughter. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Mmm, I am. And I’m going to make my omega come again as I tie her
to me forever.”
She shuddered in pleasure and I took it as a sign to continue. I gripped
her hips hard and thrust deep inside her, making sure my knot ground
against her clit with every movement. My knot was bigger than I’d ever
seen it, as if it knew what was about to happen.
Her breath was warm against my skin as she pressed her face into my
neck. She whimpered softly as her hips moved in time with mine.
“God, you’re gorgeous. You ready?” I asked, holding her tight to me.
“Yes,” she moaned, her breaths coming in short pants.
I gave her nipple one last, slow lick before thrusting into her, pulling her
down on my knot at the exact same time that I bit the top of her breast.
I let out a shout of pleasure, and then I could feel her in my very being.
The bond crashed into me like a flash of the brightest light.
A moment later, her lips were high on my neck and she bit down. The
sharp pain barely registered as I came with a cry, the orgasm stronger than
anything I’d ever experienced.
Josie shuddered as she wrapped her arms around my neck and licked
my bond mark.
“There you are,” I murmured. “The brightest sunshine. My precious
mate, my omega, my Josie.”
Chapter Fifty-One

I lay between my three alphas in a tangle of limbs. Cum dripped out of me,
my skin was covered in little fingertip-shaped bruises, and there was a
deep ache between my legs.
I’d never felt so happy.
My alphas caressed me through the bond, flooding me with their love
and affection. I knew they loved me, but feeling it like this was beyond
anything I could have imagined. It was as if their love was imprinted on my
very soul.
I would never be alone again.
Tears trickled down my cheeks and Theo kissed them away.
“We’ve got you,” he murmured, tracing his fingers over his bond mark
on my hand. A shiver of pleasure rushed through me. His eyelids were
heavy, and I knew he was moments away from falling asleep. I leaned in for
a kiss, his soft lips like silk against mine.
I held in a moan as Ben leaned over and started sucking and licking his
bond mark, moving his fingers to tease my nipples at the same time.
“You’re my dream come true,” Ben murmured. I ran my fingers down
his bond mark, high on his neck so everyone would see he belonged to me.
Cam shifted underneath me and caressed my backside. I rubbed my face
on his warm skin, drinking in his cinnamon roll scent. “Maybe I should
have bitten you here,” he said, squeezing my butt cheek. “Then I’d have an
excuse to spank your ass whenever I wanted.”
Ben released my nipple with a pop. “Did Cam just make a joke?” he
asked, mirth dancing in his eyes.
“Not a joke,” Cam grumbled, giving my ass a gentle slap. I wiggled on
top of him, his hard cock brushing the inside of my thigh.
“You better stop that unless you want me to start something,” he
mumbled, even as his eyes shut.
“As if you need an excuse to spank my ass,” I said, nipping his ear and
snuggling in close. He grunted in response as he drifted to sleep.
Ben and I were the only ones left awake. We gazed at each other in
comfortable silence.
“You make me dream about the future,” I whispered, running my hand
through his curls. And then I smiled, remembering what I had wanted to tell
him since this morning.
“I met Lilah,” I murmured.
Ben’s eyes widened. “What?”
The bond burst with Ben’s delight and confusion, and I wiggled happily
at being able to feel him so deep inside me.
“Yeah,” I said with a soft smile, cupping his face. “She’s part of the
Alliance. She’s the one who developed the alpha tabs and the serum and
everything. She traveled in from Sol with her pack and helped me plan how
to get you all out.”
Ben’s eyes were still wide with shock. “She was always a total nerd. Is
she happy? What’s her pack like? How did she make the tabs?”
I pressed myself closer to him and told him everything I knew about
“I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. I didn’t think I’d ever see
her again. All this time, I’ve been thinking about how much you two would
love each other and how I wished you could meet.”
“Hopefully, we’ll be able to see each other a lot more after tomorrow.”
“You nervous, precious?” Ben asked, running his fingers down my
creased forehead.
“I’m scared of anything happening to you three. I just got you back,” I
“I know,” Ben said, brushing my hair from my face. “But whatever
happens, we’ll face it together. Unless we can convince you not to come?”
I scowled at him.
“Yeah, thought so,” he said with a grin.
“Life’s going to be so different after tomorrow,” I said.
“Speaking of which,” Ben said. “I thought of the perfect name for our
I smiled and wiggled closer to him, licking his bond mark. He groaned
and tightened his hold on my waist.
“Yeah. Vanilla Bean Bakery.” He dragged his nose down my neck,
breathing in my scent.
“Hmm… what about Vanilla Pie Bakery?” I suggested with a grin.
Ben furrowed his brow. “Pie?”
“In honor of one of our signature dishes—apple pie.” I held my breath,
waiting to see if he’d catch on.
Ben blinked, and then his eyes grew wide and a rush of giddiness that
wasn’t my own filled my chest.
“Apple pie, really? That’s my scent?”
“It’s like all the best fall spices baked into a pie. Your scent has so much
depth, just like you.” I ran my thumb over his jaw, my skin prickling with
his rough stubble.
Ben blushed and tried to look away, but I gripped his chin and pulled
him in for a kiss. We stayed like that, kissing and murmuring sweet words
to one another, until we both drifted off.
Chapter Fifty-Two

T ension surged through the bond as we made our way to the van the
following afternoon. Cam led the way, grasping one of the guns he got
from the cabin. Ben walked beside me, a steadying hand on my arm, while
Theo pulled up the rear.
The past day had been a dream. We’d stayed in bed pretty much the
whole time, tending to our new bonds, sleeping, and, well, other things. My
cheeks flamed as I remembered the downright filthy things my alphas had
done to me. Ben’s grip on my arm tightened as my arousal shot down the
“Did you not get enough, precious?” he tugged me closer to his side so
my body was flush against his.
I hummed noncommittally because, if I was honest, the answer was no.
“Or is your leg hurting? Do you need more magic cum?” he asked, his
tone almost hopeful.
Theo had shared his theory, and Ben had been especially delighted by
the idea.
“You two, focus,” Cam growled, quickly glancing back at us.
I shot Ben a dirty look, but he just cupped my ass as we kept walking.
My omega had settled down significantly since bonding, but my alphas
were growing more… feral, for lack of better words, as we prepared to head
into a dangerous situation.
When we got to the van, Ben pulled me flush to his body behind a tree
while Cam and Theo crept forward to ensure the coast was clear.
“All set,” Theo said, jogging back to us, grabbing my hand to kiss my
bond mark.
“I can drive,” I said as we approached the van.
“No!” all three of my alphas exclaimed at once.
I snorted, rolling my eyes. My driving wasn’t that bad.
“It will look suspicious if someone sees you in the driver’s seat. It’s
safer for you to ride in the back,” Cam said, pulling me into his arms.
I pursed my lips, skeptical that their concern was just about the risk of
getting caught, but I nodded, letting Cam boost me into the back of the van
before he followed me in.
I whimpered and sweat trickled down my back as the van doors closed
shut, trapping us in darkness. My hands automatically went to the doors,
trying to claw them open. Cam quickly pulled me close to his chest,
surrounding me with his solid heat. My heart pounded as my mind went to
the days I’d been kept in the dark cell.
“Don’t like the dark,” I said, clenching my jaw.
“Shit,” he muttered. “I should have thought of that. We can figure out a
way for you to hide in the front without being seen, but I’ve got you,
sweetheart. It’s just the two of us here. Safe, cozy…”
The van pulled away and hit a pothole, and the metal floor beneath us
shook so hard Cam had to brace himself to keep us from tumbling over.
“Cozy?” I asked incredulously.
Cam snorted. “Yeah, that was a little too far. I can signal them to stop so
we can switch spots.”
I clenched my fists, holding his shirt and forcing myself to take long,
slow breaths.
“I can do it,” I whispered.
“That’s a good girl,” he said. “Nothing bad’s going to happen in this
I nodded, relaxing into his tight hold.
“Your alpha is going to hold you tight and stroke that sweet pussy, so
you relax. And before you know it, we’ll be there.”
Ohhh… maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
I didn’t protest as Cam lowered us to the floor, positioning me between
his legs with my back flush to his chest. His fingers hovered at the edge of
my leggings, pausing there as if asking my permission. I gripped his wrist
and pushed him towards my core. The scent of my perfume hung heavy in
the air and Cam groaned, gripping my hair as he tilted my head back with a
sting and licked at his bond mark.
“So fucking responsive and perfect for me,” he murmured, and a
delicious shiver went through me.

“A llo’clock.
four missions will take place simultaneously, starting tonight at ten
We need to time everything perfectly so that none of the
guards have a chance to warn the other facilities,” Cam said as he instructed
the three Alliance alphas assigned to our team.
They had introduced themselves as Grant, River, and Oliver. They
looked to be in their early twenties, all still having a slight boyishness to
their faces, and were taking in Cam’s every word with gazes filled with
I also couldn’t keep my eyes from Cam, but for a different reason. He
had pulled on tactical gear that highlighted his every muscle, especially
when he crossed his arms like he was now.
We were in a small warehouse that could only be described as creepy.
Single bare bulbs hung from the ceiling, casting irregular shadows across
the main room as the sun set outside, and the scent of mildew seemed to
have baked its way into the cinderblock walls.
“Ben will take point on communication. He is in charge of surveillance
for our mission at the Western Facility and Pack Roan’s mission at the
Southern Facility. Another operative will monitor the missions at the
Eastern and Northern Facilities. If everyone can get the gear they need,
we’ll meet back here to look over the schematics Ben obtained.”
We all nodded, but before I could join the others in the supply room,
Theo grabbed my arm.
“Stop perfuming,” he said, his voice a low growl as he crowded my
body with his. “Or I’ll be forced to do something about it.”
I inhaled sharply, momentarily forgetting my fear about the mission and
why we were here. Fuck. We needed to get it together if this was going to
be successful.
“I need to put on de-scenter,” I said, slowly moving away from Theo.
He scowled. “Hate the smell of that shit on you.”
Theo was riding the edge of turning feral—there was a cold command
in his eyes I hadn’t seen before. I wondered if I should be concerned, but
my omega found it incredibly hot.
“I know,” I said in what I hoped was a soothing tone. “But I can’t be a
“You’re always a distraction,” Theo huffed, running his hand through
his hair and breaking eye contact. He breathed through his mouth as he got
a bottle of de-scenter from his supply bag and handed it to me.
I sprayed it on, wrinkling my nose at the familiar metallic scent until I
couldn’t scent my own perfume anymore.
“How’s that?” I asked.
“Bloody awful,” Theo said, stepping closer. “But better.”
His pupils weren’t nearly as dilated as before, and I gave him a soft
“I’m not sure they think I belong here,” I said softly, nodding at the
other alphas. They kept throwing me furtive glances that set me on edge.
“Did they say anything?” Theo asked in a growl, turning to face the
three alphas.
“No, they didn’t,” I said quickly, grabbing Theo’s hand before he barged
over there.
“You do belong here, angel,” he said, turning back to me.
I could feel he was being genuine, but there was also trepidation in the
I narrowed my eyes. “Are you okay with me being part of this
He opened his mouth and then hesitated.
“Theo,” I whined.
“My alpha thinks I should lock you in that room until everything’s over
so you’ll be safe,” he said, nodding at the weapons room. “But I know that
if I did, you would just break the lock and come out guns blazing.” A smile
tugged at his lips. “Just because I want to protect you doesn’t mean I don’t
think you’re capable, and you’ve proven you’re more capable than all of us
I blushed. “Not sure about that,” I said, pressing my face into his chest.
“I also don’t want to be separated from you,” he said, squeezing my ass.
“We need to get you some protective gear, though.”
He tilted his finger under my chin, placing a feather-soft kiss on my lips
before bringing me over to the clothing racks.
“There aren’t any uniforms your size,” Grant said from the other side of
the clothing rack. His arm brushed mine as he fished out the tactical gear.
He walked around the rack and held up a uniform in front of my body,
invading my space. Pink stained his cheeks, and I realized that perhaps my
perfume had been more than a distraction to just my mates.
I stiffened, immediately assuming he was critiquing me for being too
big for an omega. But then I looked at the gear and realized it was all
massive alpha-size. Huh. First time in my life, I was too small for
“We’ll figure something out,” Theo growled, pulling me back behind
his body. A slight growl in his tone had Grant ducking his head, and
warmth pooled in my stomach at his overprotectiveness.
Grant gave Theo a curt nod before heading to the corner of the main
room with Oliver and River, where a table was set up with the facility
schematics Ben had gotten from Charlie.
“Here, beautiful. Try on this vest,” Ben said, slipping the smallest
bulletproof vest over me and tightening the straps as much as they could go.
It didn’t fit perfectly, but my boobs held it in place well enough.
“Why don’t you get Cam to give you a weapon?” Theo suggested.
“Okay,” I said, tugging his skin-tight shirt back from his neck enough to
press a kiss to his bond mark. I grinned as he groaned quietly, arousal
shooting through the bond. Theo turned to make sure none of the other
alphas were looking before he smacked my ass and sent me on my way to
I entered the weapons room with a pep in my step. It didn’t matter if the
other alphas didn’t think an omega had any business on this mission. None
of this would be happening if it weren’t for my intel. I had earned my place
on this team and would be there to help the other omegas.
Cam smiled widely as he glanced over his shoulder, the bond alerting
him to my presence. I took a moment to admire his ass before he turned
around and pulled me to his side.
“Theo says I need a weapon,” I said, fighting the urge to undress him
Cam looked down at the guns laid out on the table and then back at me.
“Maybe… a taser?” he suggested.
“Why not a gun?” I asked, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from
“Oh, well…” Cam hedged, clearly remembering my disastrous time at
the shooting range but not wanting to hurt my feelings. He glanced around
the room as if looking for someone to rescue him from this situation.
“I’ll have you know—I shot a guard when Genevieve and I escaped,” I
said, pressing my finger to his chest. “So basically, I’m an expert gun
shooter person now.”
I’d meant for my statement to land as funny or teasing, but I should
have known better. I felt a pang of Cam’s agony through the bond, mixed
with regret and pride. He pulled me flush with his chest, arms holding me
“You did that?”
I nodded, an unexpected wave of emotion flooding me.
“Fuck. So proud of you, baby girl.” He held me close and a lump rose in
my throat. “Did you feel okay after? You didn’t feel guilty, right? Because
you did the right thing.”
I tightened my hold on Cam. How did he know that moment had
haunted my dreams?
“I got him in the side. Genevieve said he would probably be fine,” I
responded, my voice hitching.
“You did exactly what you needed to get yourself to safety. And then
you saved us.” His voice was hoarse with emotion. “But don’t think I didn’t
notice how much you left out when you told us what happened when we
were apart.”
I met his gaze, biting my lip guiltily.
“When this is over, you’ll tell us everything.”
It wasn’t a question, but I nodded anyway.
We stood there for a while longer and I reveled in his scent, in the feel
of his warm chest against mine, only pulling away slightly when Ben
walked into the room.
“Everything alright?” Ben asked, coming up behind me and placing a
kiss on my cheek. “We’re waiting on both of you before we start.”
“Our omega is a badass,” Cam said proudly. My insides melted at the
smile on his face.
“Already knew that,” Ben said, wrapping his arms around me from
Cam framed my face with his hands and kissed me. I licked into his
mouth, craving his sweet taste. With a groan, Cam forced himself to pull
away, but not before he placed a hot kiss on his bond mark high on my
“You can have a gun if you want to, sweetheart.”
Ben choked on a laugh. “She can?”
I elbowed him disapprovingly. He grunted even though I knew I’d
probably hurt my elbow more than his side.
“Thanks, alpha,” I said to Cam. “I’ll just do a taser if we have one.” The
thought of picking up a gun again gave me a sick feeling in my stomach.
He nodded and picked out a taser and a stun gun from the shelf,
showing me how to use each of them before strapping the taser to my waist
and the stun gun to a holster on my thigh. His hands lingered much longer
than they needed to as he adjusted the thigh holster, his fingers brushing
against my mound. A gush of slick soaked my thick, scent-canceling
underwear and my hips jerked towards his hand.
Ben buried his face in my neck and let out a frustrated huff when the
bulletproof vest prevented him from grabbing my tits.
Cam stood, running his hand over his face.
“You’re too fucking hot for your own good,” he growled at me. “Get
anything else you need quickly, and then join us.”
He stomped out of the room and if I hadn’t been able to feel his sexual
frustration through the bond, I would have been concerned I had made him
angry. But now, I just smirked. It was a heady feeling to torment my alphas
just with my presence.
Ben spun me around to face him. “What did you do to convince him to
give you a gun? Blow job?”
I snorted. “I told him I shot one of Glen’s guards.”
Ben’s teasing smile dropped from his face, but I had reached my limit
for emotional moments, so I decided to confess. “I might not have quite
done it on purpose.”
Ben’s mouth twitched, his eyes dancing with laughter.
“Don’t tell Cam, though,” I said sternly. “I still want him to think I’m a
“Well, that’s easily done, because you are, precious.”
He pulled me in for a kiss, his hand moving automatically to cup the
bond mark on my breast before scowling at the vest again.
“I think your bond mark was all a ploy for you to have an excuse to cop
a feel anytime you want,” I muttered in between kisses.
“Never needed an excuse,” Ben responded cheekily, planting one more
kiss on my lips before taking a handgun off the table and holstering it at his
side. “You ready to kick some ass, Ms. Badass?”
“Yes,” I said, bouncing up on the balls of my feet, bolstered by his
confidence in me.
Chapter Fifty-Three

I shifted my hard-on in my tight tactical pants as I left Josie with Ben in

the weapons room. It was making more sense to me why the military had
a no bonded alpha policy. The usual thrill I felt before a high-risk mission
was absent. All I wanted was to get Josie into a nest—a real fucking nest,
not that shitty bed in the safe house—and do anything and everything to
make her happy.
I gritted my teeth as I leaned over the table, gripping the metal edge. I
needed to focus. Everyone I loved in the world was about to be in danger.
This time, though, we were one step ahead of the enemy. It wasn’t going to
be like Ellie, wouldn’t be like when Josie was taken from us. I would ensure
this ended differently.
The weight of my weapons and the press of the vest against my chest
brought back memories of my time in the military. The feeling was as
familiar as it was unsettling. Fuck, I’d hated it there. Hated being screamed
at, treated like shit, and forced to follow the commands of alphas I despised.
But it had also given me a purpose, something I was good at: protecting,
fighting, killing. I cringed at that last one, hating myself for being good at
something so fucking awful. I hadn’t told Josie details about my time in the
military because I was terrified it would change how she saw me. I had
never wanted to be that kind of alpha who needed control through violence.
Theo joined me at the table, clasping me on the shoulder. The three
young alphas joined us, looking to me for guidance. My alpha bristled at
having them so close to my bonded, but I had to admit they seemed fine.
Eager and inexperienced, but willing to take orders and do what needed to
be done. But if they so much as looked at Josie wrong…
I felt a jolt in the bond and looked up, meeting my omega’s gaze from
across the room. She was frowning, her little nose scrunched up, and it
fucking turned me on. I gripped the edge of the table tighter. Was this
feeling ever going to die down? This intense need for her? She made her
way towards me and my mouth practically fucking watered at the outline of
her ass in her leggings. Yeah, I hoped this never stopped.
“What’s the matter?” she asked, curling herself into my arms.
When I was younger, I would have seen any sign of tenderness as a
threat to my authority. But now, I didn’t give a fuck what the other alphas
thought. I knew that Josie only made me stronger.
I wrapped my arms around her, resisting the urge to purr for her. It
would make her perfume and I didn’t want to douse her in de-scenter again.
She relaxed against me and I took a deep breath.
“Being here brings back memories from my time in the military,” I
finally said, skating my lips against the shell of her ear to make sure my
words were just for her.
“Bad memories?” she asked, eyes sad as she ran her fingers down my
beard. I shivered at her touch.
I nodded, my throat tight with emotion.
“You’ll tell me someday?” she asked.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I will.”
I nuzzled my face into her hair, my fingers itching to pull it down from
its bun. I could practically hear the sweet whimpers she had gifted me with
in the back of the van—her trust in me to keep her safe from the dark was
almost as heady as the scent of her arousal and the feel of her slick on my
fingers. Maybe we had time for a quick fuck before we had to go…
Josie slapped her hand against my chest, clearing my haze of arousal.
“Focus,” she hissed, her face beautifully flushed. “How am I supposed
to be a badass when you’re sending all of that through the bond?” Her tone
was scolding, but I didn’t miss the way her eyes were slightly glazed over
and the arousal she was sending back to me through our connection.
I took a deep breath and released her, taking a step back so we were no
longer touching. I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing at her
outraged expression.
“You’re too distracting in my arms,” I murmured, taking a risk by
dipping my lips to her ear and pressing a hot kiss to the side of her face.
“But after this is done? You better be ready for me, little omega.”
“I’m always ready,” she said cheekily. “Okay, let’s get Operation FTA
going,” she said with a clap.
“FTA?” Ben asked, throwing his arm around her shoulders.
“Operation Fuck those Alphas. Or Free the Alliance, whichever you
Oliver chuckled before his eyes widened, and he glanced at me
anxiously as if I was going to attack him for daring to laugh at something
my omega said. I rolled my eyes but was secretly pleased. Wouldn’t hurt the
others to be a little scared of me.
I checked my watch. We had an hour before we needed to leave. Time
to review the plan again.
“There are three entrances to the warehouse—the front, back, and this
side one,” I said, pointing to each one on the building blueprint loaded on
the tablet we’d gotten at the safe house. “Ben will work from the van to
disable the security and communication systems.” My lips twitched,
thinking about how perturbed Ben had been earlier today when he’d had to
leave the bed to coordinate security with Charlie.
I cleared my throat. “After security is down, we’ll enter the facility in
three teams and disable the guards. Our directives are to get them to
surrender with as little bloodshed as possible, but we will shoot to kill if
A brief burst of anxiety from Josie flared in the bond before she
shielded her feelings from me. I clenched my fist and told myself again that
leaving her behind wasn’t an option. We needed her. But she wouldn’t even
have the protection of the alpha tabs, since using them would also
incapacitate our team. I just wanted this to be over.
“Theo, you’ll go with Grant to the front entrance. Oliver and River will
take the back. I’ll go in through the side.”
Josie emitted a growl and all of us turned to stare at her. She blushed but
didn’t cower under our gazes. Instead, she looked at me, her expression
“You’re not going in alone,” she said. “I’ll go with you. That entrance is
closest to where the omegas are being kept, anyway.”
I suppressed the growl threatening to rip through my chest, breathing
hard through my nose. Theo’s jaw was set and Ben was frowning.
“It’s too dangerous for you to go in before we’ve taken out the guards,”
I said, my voice as calm as I could make it. I reached my hand out to Josie
and was relieved when she took it.
“So I’ll just be standing by the side entrance alone?” she asked, brows
I opened my mouth and then closed it again. Fuck.
Any delays in getting the omegas out could lead to more casualties. If
Josie waited in the van with Ben, she wouldn’t be able to get into the
facility fast enough once the guards were down. Maybe the omegas would
just come with us and Josie wouldn’t need to take part at all…
Yeah, somehow, I thought that wouldn’t go over well. I also
remembered how skittish Josie was around us when she’d first moved in.
These omegas might be in worse shape and wouldn’t have the biological
reassurance of us being mates. Evacuation would be chaos if they panicked.
I gripped her chin. “You’ll stay behind me and if I tell you to run, you
will fucking run.”
She nodded as a broad smile brightened her face and I caught her
flashes of happiness and relief through the bond. I looked over her head at
Theo and Ben. They both gave me a nod, understanding that we didn’t have
a choice. None of us wanted our omega near danger, but if we were going to
succeed as a pack, we had to trust her. No more making decisions for her,
trying to shield her from everything.
“Alright,” I said, turning back to the table. The other three alphas were
looking at us with shocked curiosity. I doubted they’d ever seen an omega
challenge her alpha. “Josie will take point in the omega evacuation. Once
they’re all out, we’ll load them all into our vans. We can commandeer a
facility van if needed.”
I dug deep to stay focused as I answered the other alphas’ questions
about the finer details of the plan. But the entire time, I was aware of Josie’s
hand tightly holding mine. I glanced down at her, and she leaned into my
arm. My heart broke a little, seeing how excited she was to just be included.
While a wild fear clawed at my chest at allowing her to enter a dangerous
situation, there were few people in the world I would trust more than her to
be by my side.
Chapter Fifty-Four

M ydashboard.
leg bounced as I monitored the laptops I’d set up on the van’s
I fiddled with my earpiece and desperately wished I was
with my pack. I’d never served in the military like my brothers, and while I
was a decent shot, I knew I was most needed on surveillance. Still, it was
killing me to sit in this van while my pack prepared to enter the facility
without me. I’d felt sick when I realized Lilah and her pack were leading
the mission at the Eastern Facility. I had argued with Amirah that I should
be allowed to monitor their mission as well, but she had paired me with
Poppy’s pack instead. She felt I would be too “emotionally involved” if I
monitored my omega and my sister. Knowing that Charlie would be
watching over them was the only thing that made me back down in the end.
A thrill went through me as I easily dismantled the communications at
the Western and Southern Facilities while Charlie tackled the other two. My
computer pinged, signaling that I’d been successful. Now the guards
wouldn’t be able to check the video feed from the many security cameras
and would find the signals from their phones blocked.
I sat back, waiting for Charlie to finish and feeling a competitive
satisfaction that I’d been faster than her.
I heard a yawn through my earpiece.
“Damn, Ben, I could have practically taken a nap with how long that
took you,” Charlie said.
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, right. I’m always super quick.”
“Josie’s a lucky girl,” Charlie cackled.
I rolled my eyes with a huff and then heard a male voice in the
background—one of her alphas, I was guessing.
“I am taking this seriously,” she whined, her voice muffled. “I can’t help
it if he doesn’t have stamina in bed.”
“What the hell,” I spluttered.
Amirah cleared her throat before her commanding voice came through
the line. “Is everything set?”
I sat up straighter. “All clear on my end.”
“Same,” Charlie confirmed, her voice serious now.
Each team sounded off, confirming their positions.
I squinted at the grainy video surveillance. Cam was crouched next to
Josie in the tree line near the side entrance. It felt like my heart was outside
of my body. I just wanted them all back in my arms.
“All teams are a go,” Amirah said, her voice ringing out clearly.
The guards only had a few minutes to be confused about
communications being down before they were further disoriented by the gas
canisters landing inside the front and back entrances. The gas was harmless
but would knock out anyone in the near vicinity. We had considered
knocking out the omegas, but Josie had been adamantly against it, saying
we wouldn’t traumatize them further by moving them without their consent.
Luckily, all the other teams had agreed. It meant the teams had to use the
gas sparingly to knock out the guards closest to the entrances before
moving in with gas masks to take down the rest.
I shifted my gaze to the interior cameras as the mission unfolded,
calling out instructions and warnings as needed. I gritted my teeth and
forced myself to shift my gaze between all the monitors when all I wanted
was to make sure Josie was safe. She looked even more vulnerable than
usual, swamped by the bulletproof vest and following Cam closely through
the hallways to get to the cells where the omegas were being kept.
Josie and Cam met up with Theo and Grant outside the hallway leading
to the cells. Theo signaled that it was safe to remove the gas masks and
handed Josie the keys he’d lifted off the guards. I watched as Josie went
through the entrance to the omega cells alone. This was the part of the
mission we all hated. We’d argued with her, trying to find any other
solution. But in the end, we needed the omegas to cooperate quickly, and it
would only slow things down if a group of armed alphas burst into the room
and caused a panic.
I checked in with the team at the southern facility. Poppy and two of her
alphas, Stone and Maximo, were nearing the omega holding cells while the
rest of the team easily took down the guards. Everything was going well
until a facility guard who’d been lying on the ground, supposedly
unconscious, grabbed Poppy’s leg and pulled her to the ground. I flinched
as she slammed against the cement floor. Her alphas jumped into action.
Stone picked her off the ground, cradling her in his arms, while Maximo
lunged at the guard and started beating him.
“Fuck, Maximo, stop!” Poppy’s voice rang out.
A few tense moments passed as Poppy struggled out of Stone’s hold and
launched herself at Maximo. At her touch, he stopped, pulling back from
the bruised and bloody guard.
“I’m totally fine. I’m just going to have a bruise,” Poppy said, pressing
herself against Maximo, who finally seemed to return to his senses.
Stone leaned in and said something to Poppy that I didn’t catch.
“No, we’re not leaving. We’re almost there. And they say omegas are
too emotional,” Poppy said, irritated. But I watched her lean in to kiss each
of them, cupping their faces with such tenderness I had to turn back to my
Josie was unlocking the final cells. The omegas slowly gathered around
her as she explained everything. I drummed my fingers on the keyboard,
willing them to hurry. It was clear, even through the grainy surveillance
footage, that they were all terrified. They all wore tiny nightgowns and
didn’t have shoes. They must be freezing. I wondered if Josie had been kept
like this, and I quickly had to squeeze my eyes shut to stop that train of
Josie gestured for them all to hold hands and they did, forming a long
line and following her out of the room. The first omega to emerge cowered
at the sight of Theo and Cam, but Josie kept her hand in a firm grip and
kept walking.
I switched to the exterior camera and watched the back door swing
open, Cam emerging on high alert, pointing his gun into the night before
giving Josie the go-ahead. She walked out, the long line of omegas
following her. There must be close to thirty—so many more than we
Inside, Grant and River were hauling the incapacitated guards into the
cells and locking them in until the Alliance could take care of them.
I continued to monitor the surveillance footage at both facilities, but I
finally allowed myself a sigh of relief. I had parked around the side of the
facility in a small clearing and was itching to drive around back where the
garage was. I told myself it would only be a few more minutes. Poppy’s
pack had pulled themselves together and their omega evacuation was
underway. There seemed to only be a handful of omegas at their facility.
I sensed my pack’s stress through the bond, and it made my heart rate
go up. The omegas were starting to panic at the idea of going in the backs
of the vans. Josie was talking sweetly to each of them, keeping a watchful
eye over the whole group. She might criticize alphas for being
overprotective, but she was just as protective of the people she loved. My
chest clenched when I remembered one of those people was me and how
lucky I was.
“All clear at the Southern Facility,” Wilder, one of Poppy’s alphas,
reported. “We had six omegas here. Doing a final sweep of the facility to
ensure no one was left inside.”
“We’re almost done at the Eastern Facil—” I responded.
Something on the monitor caught my eye.
“No, no, no,” I gasped, zooming in on the surveillance footage. A car
was approaching, driving down the dirt road towards the front of the
“Cam, we’ve got company,” I said into the earpiece, trying to regulate
my breathing and block my frenzied emotions from the bond. I wouldn’t be
any use to the team if I panicked.
“Cam?” I growled when I didn’t get an instant response.
“Fuck, who’s here?” he asked as he emerged from the back of one of the
“Don’t know yet, but they’re coming to the front. The building should
block the view of the garage, but you have to be silent.”
I held my breath as the car came to a stop by the front door and five
alphas stepped out, postures relaxed.
“It’s Jericho and four other alphas,” I hissed. “One of them looks
familiar…” I tried to place the smarmy blond alpha in a suit. “It’s that
shithead, Pierce. It’s Pack Madden.”
Theo and Cam’s growls came through my earpiece.
“Doesn’t seem like they know we’re here. Get the omegas into the
garage as quietly as possible and then take down these fuckers.”
Cam and Theo gestured at everyone and they followed my instructions.
I scanned the monitor, trying to catch a glimpse of Josie, but couldn’t see
“Where is Josie?” I asked, a surge of my panic leaking through the
There was no response.
“Cam, Theo. Where. Is. Josie?”
“I can’t see her,” Theo hissed.
“Charlie—” I said.
“She’s in the facility, camera nine,” she responded immediately. My
mind whirred as I flipped through the various video feeds, finally spotting
my omega walking through the hallway.
“I’ve got surveillance covered,” Charlie said. “Go get her.”
I surged out of the van, tearing my gun out of the holster as I made my
way around the building to the side entrance. Jagged edges of fear came
from all sides of the bond as we hunted down our mate.
Chapter Fifty-Five

T he panicked scents of the omegas flooded me, even now that we were
outside. The night was cold and dark as we ushered them all to the large
garage behind the warehouse.
The dark made it hard to keep everyone organized as we tried to get
them warmer clothes and blankets before entering the backs of the vans.
Many of the omegas balked at the idea of having to go into the vans, and I
didn’t blame them. They had probably been shoved in one to get here, and
now strangers were trying to take them away to an unknown location. Cam,
Theo, and Oliver tried to keep the omegas calm while Ben helped the other
teams with their missions from his makeshift command center. I hoped all
the other missions were going as smoothly as ours.
The omegas had been hesitant when I entered the large room where they
were imprisoned. Small cells lined each wall and the smell of urine and
despair seemed to soak every surface. Theo had grabbed the keys off one of
the guards and I held them in my trembling hand as I explained to the
omegas why I was there. I unlocked the cells and led them out, walking
steadily until we hit the cold night air and I could finally breathe.
I handed out another blanket and was distracted when I saw Oliver
crouched in front of a crying omega, talking low and sweet to her. My
hands clenched and I was unsure if I should step in. But the omega’s sobs
were slowing as she blinked up at him.
Oliver, Grant, and River had proven themselves in the warehouse,
working together seamlessly to take down the guards. I couldn’t say I
trusted them entirely, but I didn’t see any reason to stop Oliver from talking
to the omega.
Then a shout broke through the air.
“Jen!” one of the omegas screamed. I whipped my head around, trying
to find the source of the noise. An omega stood at the edge of the crowd,
pulling her hair as she continued screaming. I ran to her without hesitation,
afraid she would alert someone to our presence.
“Shh, what’s going on?” I asked, reaching a hesitant hand towards her
but unsure if my touch would be comforting or alarming.
She decided for me, grasping my wrist in a tight hold. “My sister,” she
said, eyes wild. “She’s not here. The guards took her somewhere this
I breathed through my mouth to limit how much of her acidic, terrified
scent I took in. There was something familiar about her dark hair and eyes
and I tried to place her. Finally, it clicked.
“Are you Margaret?” I asked, placing my hand on top of hers.
“Why?” she asked, her voice harsh and eyes wide as she took a step
back from me.
“I know Dave,” I responded quickly before she could bolt. “He told me
his sisters had been taken—Margaret and Jennifer. Is that you?”
She still wore a guarded expression, but her body relaxed a fraction as
she nodded.
“Can you help me find Jen?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said, looking around to find my alphas. My heart pounded
faster when I couldn’t spot them, but they weren’t sending any distress
down the bond. They were probably in the vans getting the omegas
I looked down at my watch—we were supposed to be leaving in less
than five minutes, and I couldn’t leave knowing that an omega might still be
stuck inside.
“Let me check inside the facility and see if she’s there, okay? Just wait
Margaret looked unsure, but it was also obvious she didn’t want to go
back inside. I didn’t blame her. I hadn’t been trapped in there for god knows
how long, and my instincts were still screaming at me to not go back
Finally, she nodded. I looked around one more time for my alphas, but
when I didn’t see them, I took off jogging to the front door. I steeled myself
before heading in again, hating the stench of fear that permeated the walls. I
tried to stay calm as I crept through the passageways, wondering if this was
futile—maybe the guards had taken Jen away somewhere else.
I walked until I hit a long, windowless hallway. I wasn’t sure how I
knew, but something told me there was an omega here.
I went to the first door and peered in the small, barred window. Empty.
I looked in each room, each time bracing myself for what I would see
outside and then finding them empty until I got to the seventh door.
My breath caught and sweat trickled down my back. There she was,
strapped down to a metal bed in the middle of the room. I swallowed back
my bile and braced my legs to keep from collapsing to the ground.
No one else is here.
No one is going to hurt you.
I repeated it as a mantra, my hand shaking as I opened the door. I was
safe and was going to get Jen to safety.
Jen’s eyes flew to the door as I entered, confusion and panic lining her
young face.
“Hey,” I said as gently as I could. “My name’s Josie. I’m part of a team
that just broke into the facility. Your sister and all the other omegas are
waiting outside. We’re going to drive you to a safe house.” I kept talking,
keeping my tone gentle as I inspected the straps, breathing a sigh of relief
that the buckles were accessible under the table and I didn’t need a key.
Jen said nothing.
“I know this is a lot to take in, but I’m going to release these straps. I
know you don’t have a reason to trust me, but please don’t attack me,
Here goes nothing.
I released the straps, taking a few steps away from the table as a dazed
Jen sat up, running her hands down her bare arms.
“What did you say your name was?” she whispered, her voice painfully
“Josie,” I responded, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall. I
wanted to pull her into my arms and hug her but was terrified of scaring her.
Is this how my alphas had felt when they first met me?
“Let’s get out of here, okay? Can you stand?”
She stiffly moved off the table, holding onto the edge until she was
“Good job,” I said, offering her a soft smile. She returned it hesitantly,
as if she had forgotten how to make the expression.
I held out my hand and she stumbled forward to grasp it. Her hands
were freezing. I pulled open the door and led her down the hallway.
“We have warm clothes and food waiting for you outside. And your
sister is going to be so relieved to see you.”
Again, she said nothing, but the tiniest notes of sweetness in her scent
gave me some hope.
We rounded the corner leading to the front entrance when I stopped.
Standing down the hallway to the left was Jericho.
Chapter Fifty-Six

“C am,ATheo. Where. Is. Josie?”

dangerous, icy calm came over me.
My vision narrowed, and the world grew quiet for a terrifying moment.
It lasted just a second, then adrenaline coursed through my body—a bolt of
electricity shooting my legs into motion. Cam was a blur of motion beside
A wordless agreement rose between us with each pounding step:
nothing mattered but finding Josie and destroying anyone who dared harm
“She’s walking through the back of the warehouse,” Ben called
breathlessly through the earpiece, disbelief and desperation coloring his
tone. His heavy breaths followed, telling me he was sprinting towards us.
I cursed myself. Why the fuck had she gone off alone, and why hadn’t
we given her an earpiece? We only had four available and assumed she’d be
with one of us at all times, so we gave the fourth to Grant. In the rush to get
the terrified omegas into the vans, I had lost sight of her.
The wind whipped around me, and a multitude of scents laced the air as
we neared the warehouse. I was about to round the corner to the side
entrance when Cam grabbed my vest and pulled me back.
I turned on him, on the verge of snarling, when I heard familiar voices.
He raised his eyebrows and held his gun low as we pressed our bodies to
the side of the building to listen in on Pack Madden.
“We should just take one of the omegas here to bond with and be done
with this,” one of the alphas said.
“We’re not bonding anyone here. Take whoever you want as a toy, but
that Porter cunt is ours. And I, for one, am looking forward to teaching her
a lesson for running away.”
A red haze fell over my eyes at their threat to my mate, and I rounded
the corner without thinking. Reason and strategy left my mind as I
embraced the bloodthirsty feral alpha I’d avoided at all costs, ruled by the
need to crush, destroy, maim, and kill the ones who sought to harm what
was mine.
My Josie.
I lunged at the first person I saw. We crashed to the ground, his head
hitting the pavement with a satisfying crunch. I recognized the alpha as
Pierce, Jericho’s fucking protégé. He tried to push me off him, but my rage
fueled the punches I rained down on his face. No time for precision, no
analysis of my enemy’s shortcomings for an efficient, strategic fight. No.
This was raw, dirty aggression, and I reveled in the sickening snap of
Pierce’s nose as it started gushing blood.
Cam barked at the alphas to get down on the ground, but murderous
rage still hummed through my blood. I couldn’t stop. Couldn’t back down.
Pierce swung his arm up and punched me in the ribs, but I barely felt it.
My gun was heavy on my waistband, but I didn’t reach for it. I didn’t need
it to take down this pathetic excuse of an alpha, and I wanted to feel every
pound of flesh. I needed his blood coating my knuckles so that when I saw
Josie again, I could proudly display how I utterly fucking ruined this piece
of shit. She deserved nothing less.
This pack thought my omega belonged to them.
They had touched her.
Tormented her.
They deserved to die.
I knew Josie had held back the details of what happened with Pack
Madden at Glen’s, but I didn’t have to hear the details to know they had
hurt my mate. She had trembled when she talked about it. I had held her as
her body shook and her scent burned with fear.
They deserved every ounce of pain and suffering I could give them, and
it would still never be enough to make up for what they had done.
Josie was mine. Ours.
To protect. To love.
Every hit of my fist against flesh was an atonement for the pain she’d
gone through. Every ache of my muscles, the price I paid for not keeping
her safe. In the back of my mind, I knew I was punishing myself as well.
“Theo, stop! We’ve got them all tied up. Jericho is still in the
warehouse. We need to get Josie.”
Ben’s voice reached me through my red haze, and I stared down at the
bloody, beaten face before me and took a shuddering breath.
My mate was alone.
She should never have to be alone again.
My heart kicked up again, startled out of its icy prison, each heartbeat
urging me to run, to save my mate. I tugged on the string tying our souls
together, desperately telling her to hold on.
Just then, the side door opened and I whirled around, heart pounding
with the hope that it was Josie.
Cam raised his gun at the figure who emerged, quickly lowering it when
he saw it was a frail omega.
“Don’t shoot,” she cried, collapsing to the ground.
“Shit,” Ben said, rushing over to her. “What’s your name? Is there an
omega still in there?” he asked. The omega shook with fear, then answered
on a whimper, “She… she rescued me from an alpha—”
I didn’t let her finish as I whirled towards the door, Cam hot on my
Our mate was alone and in danger. We weren’t going to fail her again.
Chapter Fifty-Seven

F orfeel.a split second, terror seized me so severely I couldn’t think, couldn’t

And then my alphas reached me through the bond, responding to
my fear, and it propelled me into action.
“Run,” I said to Jennifer, pushing her towards the hallway to the right.
She wouldn’t be able to outrun Jericho, but I could be her shield.
My pack father sneered, the viciousness in his eyes a stark contrast to
his usual icy calm. I had no idea why he was here, but I could tell he hadn’t
expected to see me.
“What perfect timing,” he said, adjusting his cuff links as if bored.
“Pack Madden and I were coming to check in on this new facility. What a
happy reunion this will be. I couldn’t think of a better location for them to
bond a worthless slut like you,” he spit out.
My blood ran cold. What if Pack Madden found me before my alphas
did? There was no way I could fight them all off. Cam sent a rush of rage
and love through the bond, and my chest eased. They were coming.
“We were displeased to hear of your escape from Glen,” he said with a
sneer. “Of course, the excitement for alphas is in the chase. Your mother
thought she could get away from us, run off with that weak, useless excuse
of an alpha. She learned the error of her ways in the end.”
A sick feeling settled in my stomach. I had always suspected it, but this
felt like confirmation: this man had taken my chance at having a loving
father and a mother who wasn’t so wrapped up in her suffering that she took
it out on her daughter.
“But I’ve tired of her, just as I’ve tired of you.”
He took a few steps towards me, and I had to fight the urge to run.
“Kneel,” Jericho barked.
The bark barely did anything. There was a slight tightness at the back of
my knees, but it was more the whisper of a command.
The door down the hall slammed shut, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
Jen had gotten out. I felt my alphas getting closer, but I needed to be smart
about this.
I forced myself to my knees in front of Jericho.
“You’ve always been such a worthless piece of shit,” he snarled. “I
don’t know what your mother ever saw in you. I wanted to send you away,
you know. Richard and I had it all planned out. A tragic accident would
have ended you while in boarding school.”
I bristled at his words but forced myself to stay kneeling, slowly inching
my hand down the side of my thigh.
“Your mother fought for you, convinced us you would be useful in the
future,” he continued, his mouth twisting into a grimace. “When you
revealed as an omega, I thought we might finally have some use for you
yet. At least omegas are good for one thing—their cunts.”
Jericho took another step forward, and I struck without hesitation. My
fingers curled around the stun gun at my thigh and I thrust it forward,
pressing it straight into his crotch. His shrill scream echoed off the halls, but
I didn’t move my hand.
“Stop!” he barked, trying to shove me away. His voice was strangled
and high-pitched, drenched in agony, and completely ineffective. He fell to
the floor and I straddled him, keeping the stun gun pressed to him as he
“You have no more power!” I shouted, tears filling my eyes. “You’re
“Josie!” Cam shouted.
I glanced up and saw him and Theo sprinting down the hall towards me,
their eyes wild.
My alphas.
The adrenaline coursing through my body dropped, leaving me cold and
dizzy. The room swam around me.
Cam and Theo stopped a few feet away, moving as if afraid they would
scare me.
“Good girl, you got him. He’s passed out. You did so well,” Cam said,
his eyes wide as he took in Jericho’s writhing body.
I didn’t move. Couldn’t. I was frozen where I sat. I didn’t want to be
touching Jericho, but I couldn’t make my limbs obey me.
“Baby girl?” Cam asked, trepidation in his voice as he moved in slowly.
“Josie, love? Can you hear us?” Theo said, stepping over Jericho to get
closer to me, quickly wiping his hands on his pants.
I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I couldn’t speak, couldn’t
do anything but clench my hand around the stun gun.
“Why don’t you drop that?” Cam suggested, glancing at the weapon. It
wasn’t on anymore, but was still pressed firmly to Jericho’s crotch.
Cam crouched down so we were at eye level. I tried to release the
weapon, but my fingers wouldn’t work. Ice trickled through my veins.
And then the bond burst to life with love. Cam and Theo broke through
my defenses, pushing as much affection to me as they could. It filled me up,
overwhelming me, and the stun gun clattered to the ground.
Immediately, Cam had me in his arms, pressing me tightly to his chest
while Theo wrapped around my back.
“Did he hurt you?” Cam asked, his voice a deep growl as he kicked
Jericho’s prone form with his boot.
I shook my head, still not finding my words.
“You did so good,” Theo murmured. His body trembled against mine as
he clutched at me with desperation.
“What a good omega. Fuck, you deserve a big reward for this,” Cam
My omega perked up at that, and I realized she was in control once
“That’s right, you did so good. You’re so powerful, so strong,” Theo
said. He ran his hands up and down my back in a steady rhythm until my
muscles slowly unclenched.
My limbs shook as I slowly came back to my body.
“Is he...?” I whispered, not wanting to look at Jericho while Theo tied
him up.
“He’s alive,” Theo responded. “Although I don’t know if that pathetic
excuse for a dick will be salvageable.”
I waited for the guilt to wash over me, but it never came. My omega
was fucking satisfied with what we’d done, and I didn’t fight her.
“Ben?” I whimpered. I could feel him in the bond, his feelings so wild
and chaotic I couldn’t untangle them.
“On his way. We had to deal with the other alphas that came with
Jericho,” Theo said softly.
I pressed my face to Cam’s throat and closed my eyes as he carried me
out of the warehouse. I wanted to burn it, bomb it, destroy it so completely
nothing could ever be built in this place again.
The cool air washed over us as we left the warehouse behind. I heard a
shout, and then Ben’s body collided with Cam and me. I threw myself into
his arms and he caught me easily.
“Why did you go in there on your own?” he growled, his fear so
visceral it almost choked me. “Never do that again.”
His stern tone was enough to shake me out of my semi-catatonic state. I
met his bright blue eyes and realized his glasses were crooked. My hands
shook as I adjusted them for him.
“I don’t think I want to be a badass anymore,” I confessed. My bottom
lip trembled, and I pressed my face to his neck.
“Too bad because you already are and always will be. But you don’t
have to do it alone. In fact, I insist you don’t.”
I ran my tongue across the bond mark on his neck. Ben huffed, his
reluctant arousal reaching me in the bond as he tightened his hold on me.
“Love you,” I said, placing another wet kiss on the bond mark.
“Love you, too.” His tone was so grumpy it made my lips twitch.
“The alphas?” Cam asked quietly.
“Got them tied up,” Ben responded. “The other pack will stay behind to
take care of the pieces of shit. All the omegas are in the vans. Let’s go
Chapter Fifty-Eight

I ’dsetheld it together as we drove the omegas to the warehouse the Alliance

up for them until they could safely reunite with their families.
I pushed my feelings aside as I helped get them settled with their
clothes, food, and blankets.
I ignored my alphas when they suggested I sit down and rest. The
second I stopped, everything would catch up to me, and I would fall apart. I
needed to keep going.
In the early morning hours, the warehouse fell quiet as the omegas
settled into bed, and my alphas finally convinced me it was time to go.
Cam gently deposited me in the back of a borrowed car before climbing
in behind me. This car was much smaller than Theo’s, and Cam’s large
form took up most of the backseat. He pulled me to his chest and I realized
I was shaking. I blinked away tears as I looked out the window at the
shadowy building in the middle of the woods. Guilt surged through me that
I had my alphas and a home to go to.
“They’ll be looked after,” Cam said, kissing my forehead. “Now, let us
look after you.”
Ben reached back from the front seat and I held his hand tightly in
“Why don’t you try to sleep?” he suggested. “It’s about an hour and a
half drive back to the house.”
I nodded because I knew it would make them happy, but deep down, I
was terrified to close my eyes. I’d been so close to being taken by Jericho. I
tried to focus on the fact that I’d fought him and won, but the leftover terror
still ran through me like an overwhelming tidal wave.
I did my best to shield my emotions from the bond. My alphas were
exhausted and I didn’t want to add to their stress. I rested my head against
Cam’s shoulder and pretended to sleep as Theo drove back to the city.
The car bumped as we pulled onto a paved road, the streetlights
illuminating the way back to the house—the house I hadn’t stepped foot in
since I was torn away from my alphas. Memories of that night bombarded
me—the pain as I was ripped from Ben’s arms, Glen’s maniacal laugh, the
sound of gunshots and my alphas hitting the water. Anxiety burst through
the bond like jolts of electricity. I wasn’t sure if it was coming from me or
my alphas, but it overwhelmed me enough to force a whine.
“Theo!” Ben shouted as the car swerved. Cam’s arms banded around
me, holding me tighter than my seatbelt.
“Shit,” Theo said, his hands shaking as he guided the car to the side of
the road.
“Sorry, sorry,” he repeated, placing his head in his hands.
His eyes were bloodshot, and I realized the fear I’d felt through the
bond was coming from him. I unbuckled before shifting forward, fitting as
much of my body as possible over the front console and giving him the
world’s most awkward hug. He shuddered as he leaned into my touch.
“I don’t think I can go back to the house,” he confessed.
The tight ball in my chest eased with his words.
“I don’t think I can, either,” I said, my voice a hoarse whisper.
Angry tears streaked down my face. The house was another thing Glen
had stolen from me.
Cam’s hand cupped the back of my neck and he ran his fingers down
the bond mark, sending warmth through my body and forcing me to take a
Glen hadn’t taken everything. My alphas were here. I was here.
“Same,” Ben said, intertwining his fingers with mine. “We could get a
hotel room for the night and then figure out next steps?”
I stiffened, hating the idea. Hotel rooms always carried a mix of
lingering scents and something about the rooms themselves felt… exposed.
Cam grunted, tightening his hold on my neck. “We could return to the
safe house or… what about our cabin?” he asked, carefully judging my
reaction. I had completely forgotten the guys owned a cabin in the
mountains. I might not be familiar with it, but it was their space, which
automatically made it feel like the best option.
“Fuck, why didn’t I think of that?” Theo asked, tugging at his hair.
Now it was my turn to capture Theo’s hand before running my own
through his hair, gently arranging his longer-than-usual strands.
“Why don’t I drive?” Ben suggested. Theo looked like he was going to
protest, but then he nodded sharply.
I sank back in my seat as they got out of the car and swapped spots.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Cam asked.
I was about to tell him I was when I paused. Apparently, we’d all had
bad feelings about returning to the house, but none of us had said anything.
We needed to be more honest with each other.
“Not really,” I said, slumping into his side.
“What do you need?” Ben asked, turning in his seat.
“Just to be together. Does your cabin have a big bed?”
“Sure does,” Ben said, making a U-turn as he got back on the road.
“It’s not far from here,” Theo said. “I should be able to turn the heat on
from my phone.”
“Fancy,” I mused. “What’s it like?”
“It’s pretty small and rustic, but we renovated the main bathroom and
kitchen last year, so it’s comfortable,” Ben said.
The rest of the drive passed in a blur. My alphas kept up a steady stream
of conversation about the cabin. I knew they were doing it to distract me,
and I couldn’t be more grateful.
When we finally pulled up to the cabin, I couldn’t see much except the
gas lantern by the front door, flickering warmly as if welcoming us home.
My omega settled, already feeling safer here than we had in ages. She was
itching to nest, and I hoped there were plenty of cozy blankets.
I got out of the car and stretched, arching my back. Ben came up behind
me and grabbed my ass.
I snorted as I whirled around. “You feeling better, or are you still mad at
He grinned as he backed me up against the car and kissed me, pressing
his body tight against mine as his hand cupped my face. The kiss was all
heat and tenderness.
“I was never mad at you, precious, even though you took years off my
life. You make me feel better. Having you here, our pack together. It’s all
I’ve ever wanted.”
I melted into him, returning the kiss. The cold night air whipped against
my skin, a contrast to Ben’s heated body pressing against my front.
Cam cleared his throat. “It’s too cold to be out here,” he huffed.
“Jealous?” Ben asked, giving me another kiss before throwing his arm
around my shoulders and walking me up to the cabin door.
“Yes,” Cam growled. I looked up at him and he winked.
Theo held the front door open for us, but instead of going in, I threw my
arms around him. I didn’t ask him if he was okay, and he didn’t ask the
same of me. But as we made our way into the cabin, I felt more sure than I
ever had that we all would be someday.
Chapter Fifty-Nine

M y heart pounded so loudly I was convinced my alphas could hear it.

“Why haven’t we heard anything?” I asked, not for the first time.
It was midday and no news had broken about the government.
Theo sat next to me in the cabin’s kitchen, one hand firmly planted on
my thigh and the other one refreshing his news app every few seconds.
“Something’s gone wrong,” I said, my chest seizing. I moved to get up
and start pacing again, but Cam’s arms encircled me from behind.
“You’re okay, little omega. We’ll hear something soon,” he said.
“You don’t know that,” I responded, struggling against his hold.
Ben put the apple pie he was making into the oven and came over,
lifting me onto the counter.
Earlier this morning, Ben had convinced me to help him bake, but a few
minutes into prep, he’d pulled the knife out of my hand with a shout.
Apparently, I had been about to slice my fingers without realizing it. He’d
wrapped a warm blanket around me and relegated me to the role of pie-
making supervisor.
Ben widened my legs so he could stand between them, hugging me
tightly to his chest. Cam stood beside him and cupped the back of my neck,
his thumb running up and down my skin in a soothing rhythm.
“We’re all together no matter what happens,” Ben said, settling his hand
on my breast and pressing against my bond mark.
“You cannot do this in public,” I said sternly, but I couldn’t help smiling
into his neck as I nipped his bond mark.
“Shit,” Theo said, standing up so abruptly that the kitchen stool
clattered to the floor behind him. I whined, terrified of what he was about to
“They did it,” he continued, eyes wide as he held out his phone for us to
look at.
Breaking News: The Overthrowers Overthrown: Governor Jacoby,
Senator Leader Jericho Porter, and other Designation Government
Officials Arrested by Alliance Coup.
“The Alliance presented evidence of the facilities to the legislature,
which convened in an emergency session at three in the morning,” Theo
said, his fingers furiously clicking through various articles. “They moved to
arrest Glen and the rest of the fuckers.”
“What took them so long?” Cam asked, voicing my exact question. My
throat felt too tight to speak.
“Glen barricaded himself in his house and ordered his guards to fight to
the death,” Theo said with a grimace.
My mind briefly flickered to Dave and I wondered if he’d made it out.
“But the Alliance got him in the end. He was booked into Tansy Prison
about thirty minutes ago along with Jericho, Richard, Dr. Bishop, Marshall
Whiteburn, and all the guards from the facilities,” Theo said, reaching out
to grab my hand and rubbing my bond mark with his thumb.
He held up another article, which had all of their mug shots. I forced
myself to look at the faces of the men who haunted my dreams.
They can’t hurt you anymore.
It’s over.
My vision blurred and I looked away. I thought I would feel this huge
relief, but telling myself it was over and really feeling it were two different
things. What if they haunted me forever? What if I could never heal from
what they’d done to me?
“Why do I still feel like this?” I asked, shifting uncomfortably on the
counter. My skin felt too sensitive, too exposed.
Cam gripped my face in both hands, forcing me to meet his gaze. His
eyes were dark, and I knew he understood what I was asking.
“Just because they’re gone doesn’t mean it all goes away instantly. But
it will get easier.”
“Promise?” I asked, lip trembling.
“Promise, sweetheart.”
I tried to believe him, but my chest still felt tight and the device itched.
Glen’s sadistic smile flashed in front of me and I whimpered, reaching up to
scratch at the device. Theo caught my hand and refused to let it go, even
when I tried to break free of his grip. All of my guys pressed against me and
The vibrations in their chest loosened something in mine. I was here
with them.
“We can get that removed now, angel,” Theo whispered as he kissed my
“Right now?” I asked.
Cam stiffened. “Let’s wait until Angie can do it. With anesthesia this
I opened my mouth to argue, driven by the need to get the device out, to
feel less tainted. But then I took a deep breath and closed my mouth. There
was no way I would convince them to cut it out of me. And maybe, just
maybe, my body didn’t deserve any more trauma.
I closed my eyes, allowing myself to feel their hands on my body, the
way they crowded against me and pressed sweet kisses to any skin they
could get to.
“Can we stay here for a while?” I asked, breaking the silence. The cabin
was small and cozy, and it smelled like my alphas.
“I already contacted our realtor to put the house on the market,” Theo
said, causing all of us to turn and look at him.
He ran his hand through his hair. “I mean, it’s not on the market yet,” he
said sheepishly. “Just wanted to be prepared if we wanted to sell and buy
something new.”
The words he wasn’t saying hung in the air.
None of us wanted to return to the house.
Cam clapped Theo on the shoulder. “Sounds good to me. We’ll find a
new house that works for all of us, yeah?”
Ben nodded, squeezing my hand.
I bit my lip. “What about the nest?”
“We’ll pack up anything you want to keep, love,” Theo said.
I gave him a small smile. I didn’t want to leave the things in my nest for
anyone else to touch, but the idea of starting somewhere new felt right.
“You know what I think we should do?” Theo asked, the slightest hint
of mischief reaching me through the bond.
I raised my eyebrows.
“Go for a drive,” he said with a grin.
I held my breath. Was he suggesting what I thought he was?
Theo pulled the car keys from his back pocket with a flourish and
presented them to me.
I squealed, plucking them from his hand before he changed his mind
and held them close to my chest. Ben threw his fist in the air with a whoop,
and Cam just groaned, pressing his face into my hair. I giggled, tugging
down Cam’s shirt so I could place a kiss on his bond mark before hopping
off the counter and running to the door to put my shoes on.
“Let’s go!” I shouted, looking back at my alphas. They stood close to
each other, watching me with tenderness. A surge of love met me in the
bond so strong it almost buckled my knees.
We held each other’s gazes for a moment that seemed to stretch to
eternity, the silence holding everything we couldn’t put into words. But in
all of it, there was love. So much love, I wasn’t sure my heart could handle
And then the spell was broken. Ben bounded over to me, twirling me
around in the air. Cam wrapped me up in a jacket, muttering about it being
too cold out, and Theo held the driver’s side door open for me.
The air was cold and crisp, and the gravel road stretching from the cabin
felt like possibility as I turned the key.
Three Months Later
Chapter Sixty

“J osie,”I buried
Theo said, shaking me gently.
myself deeper in the nest, dread seizing my chest. Today
was the first day of Glen’s trial. I had been subpoenaed to testify against
him, and the idea of recounting years of trauma and suffering in front of an
audience had haunted my nightmares for weeks.
“Sweetheart, wake up,” Cam said, tugging me into his arms.
It took me a few moments to wake fully, but as I did, my guys’ glee
reached me through the bond. I peeled my eyes open, scrunching my nose.
“Why are you all so happy?”
Ben’s hand snaked under the blankets and squeezed my thigh. “Watch
this,” he said, kissing my cheek.
Theo held up his phone and pressed play on a news clip.
“We have received confirmation that earlier this morning, an ambulance
was called to Tansy Prison for former Governor Glen Jacoby, whose trial
was supposed to start later today. Medics reported that Mr. Jacoby was dead
upon arrival.”
I shot up in bed, taking the phone out of Theo’s hands and gripping it
tightly. My heart felt like it was about to explode.
“An autopsy will be performed, but one prison guard reported that they
suspected Mr. Jacoby had been poisoned. While no guards reported any
suspicious activity, police found a single flower petal in the cell, and prison
surveillance cameras caught this image of a cloaked individual leaving
through a service entrance at around two o’clock in the morning.”
“Oh my god,” I gasped, pausing the video on the grainy black-and-
white picture. It was too dark to make anything out, but I was certain who it
“It’s Genevieve,” I said, looking up from the phone.
Theo’s wide eyes reached mine. “How do you know?”
Before I could respond, my phone vibrated on the nightstand, and I
lunged for it. Cam’s arms tightened around my waist, keeping me from
tumbling off the bed.
My hands shook as I opened the text from an unknown number.

Be free of him and live.

A couple of stray tears trickled down my cheeks as gratitude towards

my former friend filled me. She had done this for me, for herself, for all of
us who Glen had harmed. And now it was over.
I pressed my face against Cam’s chest as Theo and Ben curled around
me, their touches soothing as I rode the waves of emotions crashing over

L ater in the evening, we were all outside in the backyard. Our new home
had a brick courtyard with an outdoor kitchen that Ben was excited to
use when it got warmer, along with a fire pit, rose garden, and large lawn.
Ben had placed a big blanket on the grass because I wanted to see the stars.
I lay back on the quilt as Cam piled another blanket on top of me. It was a
clear, cold winter night and the moon and stars twinkled brightly above.
There would be more trials—Dr. Bishop, Jericho, Richard, and many
others—but this had been the one I’d dreaded the most. Glen had kept his
tight hold on me all these years, and now he was gone. I wasn’t sure how
long it would take to sink in that he wasn’t haunting my every step. That
was partially why I had dragged my guys out here—something in me said
seeing the stars would help me realize I was free.
Theo entwined his fingers with mine, the slight pressure on my bond
mark sending warmth through my body as we lay shoulder to shoulder. I
lifted my other hand into the air, tracing different constellations and shapes
in the sky. I felt the pulsing energy of love through the bond and sent my
love back to my alphas, in disbelief that this was my life.
“Aren’t you cold?” Cam asked for what was probably the third time.
My breath puffed in the air as I suppressed a chuckle, turning to face
him. It was a cold night, but between my guys’ body heat and the bonfire, I
was toasty warm.
“Now I’m thinking you’re the one who’s cold,” I responded.
“Alphas don’t get cold,” he muttered, crossing his arms. The puffy
jacket he was wearing made the pose much less intimidating.
My lips twitched as I scooted along the quilt until I was half on top of
him. I pressed my nose against his face and then pulled back.
“Oh my god, your skin is freezing! You should have said something.” I
grabbed one of my extra blankets and arranged it on top of him instead.
“Aww, Cam, you should have told us you were cold,” Ben teased, eyes
Cam scowled as he tugged the blanket up to his chin.
“Absolutely. How else would I have known I needed to snuggle closer
to you for body heat?” I asked, moving on top of Cam like a personal
omega blanket.
Ben huffed. “Hey, actually, I’m freezing.”
I snorted as I snuggled closer to Cam.
“You getting warmer?” I murmured. “We can also go inside.”
He tightened his hold on me. “This is perfect.”
“We can travel now, right?” I asked, reaching out to trace my hand
down Ben’s cheek. The government had lifted most of the omega travel
restrictions, though it was still hard for unbonded omegas to leave Luna. We
had been stuck waiting here for the trial. “Lilah and Sam said they’d take
me car shopping when we visit.”
Theo cleared his throat. “The driving laws haven’t been lifted yet,” he
I snorted. “As if you’re not secretly lobbying for them to stick around.”
“We would never,” he said unconvincingly, grinning as he traced his
hand down my side and cupped my ass.
“Uh huh,” I said.
“We should go out and celebrate tomorrow,” Ben said. “I’m sure Seb
would give us a last-minute reservation.”
“That sounds great,” I responded.
I’d mostly been staying at the new house, our countless home
renovation projects keeping me busy. But it had also been an excuse for me
to hide away. I wanted to get out more and really start living.
“You have therapy tomorrow, right, love?” Theo asked.
We’d all been going to therapy since Theo had called Angie in a panic a
few weeks after the mission. I’d been having horrible nightmares, and it had
gotten to where I was too afraid to sleep. Angie recommended it to all of us
after what we’d been through. I’d been resistant to the idea at first, unsure
I’d be able to trust a stranger with my darkest memories. But then my
alphas agreed to get their own therapy if I gave it a try, which finally
convinced me. I knew they were all suffering and wanted them to get the
help they needed.
My first few appointments with the beta therapist had been rough. She
kept talking about using coping and grounding skills to help me feel safe
again, but it all felt stupid and useless. Then I’d had a nightmare I couldn’t
be pulled out of—the same one I’d had almost every night where tall,
shadowy figures ripped my alphas out of the nest and slit their throats in
front of me. My alphas tried to wake me, and in my panic, I elbowed Ben in
the face. When I finally came back to my body, blood was spurting from his
nose, covering the sheets. The scent of his blood was enough to send me
into another panic. I had curled up in the back of the closet, punishing
myself for what I’d done. It had taken an hour for my alphas to coax me
out. By then, Ben’s nose was practically healed, but I still felt awful. So for
the past few months, I’d been taking therapy seriously. I had to admit that it
was helping. As painful as it was, I felt like that wounded darkness inside
me was starting to heal, at least around the edges.
“Yeah, but I don’t even know if I need to go now since there’s no trial,”
I said.
A couple of long beats of silence stretched into the night.
“Whatever you want, baby girl,” Cam said, holding me closer.
I huffed a sigh. We all knew I would go to my session tomorrow, but
tonight I didn’t want to think about it. Tonight, I just wanted to be with my
alphas, see the stars, and remember that we were here.
Chapter Sixty-One

“I ’m never coming back,” Josie announced as she walked into the lobby
of her therapist’s office.
I leapt to my feet, meeting her halfway across the room and pulling her
into my arms. She was trembling and I squeezed tighter, wishing my arms
were enough to protect her from every bad thing that had ever happened.
“I mean it this time,” she said, her voice muffled against my chest.
“Okay, love. You don’t have to come back.”
After every therapy session, she said she would never return. And yet,
every Tuesday, she asked me to drive her to her appointment.
I knew how she felt. We were all in therapy now and it was bloody
horrible. At first, I’d just gone to support Josie, but I’d been forced to admit
that it was actually helpful. I had a love/hate relationship with my therapist,
who was helping me learn to express my feelings and ask my pack for help.
Through it all, I was slowly realizing that my worth wasn’t based solely on
what I could offer my pack—it was something intrinsic inside me.
It was still fucking hard work.
Josie and Cam were both doing some weird-ass trauma therapy called
EMDR, and it was intense for all of us. I knew Josie tried to block her
emotions from the bond during sessions, but inevitably, they seeped out.
Cam had been banned from bringing her to therapy after he barged into her
session, convinced that something terrible was happening because of the
intensity of her emotions.
Josie’s hand automatically went to touch her most recent scar where
Angie had removed the device. It was much cleaner than her other scar, a
barely visible line in her skin, but when she got stressed, she would scratch
it, sometimes drawing blood without realizing it. I gently pushed her hand
away, running my fingers over the scar before leaning down to kiss it.
Josie’s therapist had said it would take time for her body to realize the
device wasn’t there anymore.
My mate entangled her hand in my hair instead. I purred softly,
knowing we should head out to the car but unwilling to let her go yet. Being
separated from her for the fifty-minute session put me on edge. None of us
wanted to let her out of our sight. That was another thing my therapist said I
needed to work on. Bloody unlikely.
“Want to get ice cream, angel?” I asked, wanting to do something to fix
how she was feeling. My therapist’s voice floated in my head: feelings
don’t need to be fixed.
Fuck that.
Josie was my omega, and I was always going to do everything I could to
care for and protect her.
“Umm, I don’t know,” she said in a small voice.
She had gotten better about eating regularly, but food was still
challenging for her.
“Or we could go home and see what Ben’s baking?”
Ben and Josie had been talking more seriously about opening their
bakery. Josie was taking online graphic design and business marketing
classes. Colleges in our province hadn’t opened up classes for omegas yet,
but Lilah had managed to get Josie enrolled at a university in Sol. Ben and
Josie were both anxious and doubted their ability to run a business, but I
knew they could do it.
A smile tugged at Josie’s lips, and the knot in my chest loosened a
“That sounds good,” she said.
I tucked her into my side, and we headed towards the car.

“B en just texted,” Josie said, fiddling with her phone. “He’s wondering
if we can pick up some things at the grocery store.”
I glanced over, trying to sense her emotions through the bond. What was
Ben thinking, asking her to get groceries? We weren’t far from Trader Joe’s,
but Josie was still nervous about being around people. I didn’t want to push
her into anything, especially after therapy.
“I can drop you off at home and then come back out,” I offered.
She bit her lip. “That seems silly.”
I squeezed her thigh. “It’s not a big deal.”
She took a deep breath, placing her hand on mine. “No, we should go.
It’s just a few things.”
My chest tightened, but I couldn’t sense any panic through the bond, so
I took the next right turn into the Trader Joe’s parking lot. My hands felt
clammy as I pulled into a spot towards the front. Shit, maybe I was the one
who was nervous about this. It was hard to know when I was being too
protective after everything we’d been through.
Josie was quiet, and I was about to call off the trip and head home when
she broke the silence.
“Should we role play?” She was looking out the window, staring at the
store entrance.
I raised my eyebrows in confusion.
“You know, I’ll walk in ahead of you. You can stare at me from the car
and follow me into the store.” She turned towards me, a smile tugging on
the corner of her lips. “I’ll even pretend to faint so you can be all heroic and
carry me out.”
I choked on a surprised laugh. “More likely I’d be arrested.”
I shifted in my seat to discretely hide my hard-on. Fuck, now I kind of
wanted to consensually stalk her.
Josie’s eyes filled with delight as she glanced down at my crotch.
“Wow, I was joking, but now I’m into this idea.”
“Not here,” I said with a scowl, knowing I couldn’t let her out of my
sight in public. “But maybe we can do something like it another time,” I
muttered, her laughter following me as I exited the car.
Josie waited for me to open her door, which my alpha fucking loved.
She was so fiercely independent and capable, and we were learning how to
better support her without stifling her. But she was also getting better at
leaning on us and letting us do things for her.
I reached out my hand, but she hesitated.
“Should I use de-scenter?” she whispered. “I know you don’t like it—”
“No, no, what I want doesn’t matter,” I said, cutting her off. “You
should do whatever makes you most comfortable.”
I lifted her chin so she met my gaze. She gave a little nod and bit her lip
as she processed what she wanted to do.
It put me on edge when she wore de-scenter, but even more than that, I
hated that it still wasn’t safe for omegas to move around alone in public
without it. Even though laws were changing, society would take a long time
to catch up.
I caressed her face, forcing myself to be patient.
“Does it look crowded?” she asked.
I glanced up at the store. The parking lot was only half-full and there
usually weren’t a lot of alphas shopping here, anyway.
“Doesn’t look it,” I said.
“Okay, let’s go.”
She hopped out of the car, leaving the bottle of de-scenter in the seat. I
pulled her in for a tight hug, sending the surge of pride and love I felt
through the bond.
Josie hung onto my hand tightly as we walked to the entrance, but there
was a bit of a bounce in each of her steps. Maybe Ben had been onto
something. We all wanted Josie to feel more confident.
“Oh!” Josie exclaimed, waving.
I followed Josie’s gaze and saw Westin walking out of the store,
pushing a cart with a few paper grocery bags. She smiled when she saw
Josie but looked pale, with dark circles under her eyes. I felt oddly
protective of her. She was Josie’s friend, and I knew she didn’t have much
support. At least she wasn’t being threatened by the device anymore.
“I’m so glad we ran into you. Are you coming tomorrow? We hadn’t
heard anything,” Josie said, pulling Westin into a hug.
“Sorry about that,” Westin said, “I haven’t felt up to doing much, but
I’m planning on coming.”
I held back my groan. Josie and her friends were doing a self-defense
class graduation where they would do a fight simulation. I’d been dreading
it all week.
“Do you need a ride home?” Josie asked.
“I called an Omega Taxi. I think that’s them,” she said, gesturing at the
red Honda pulling up next to us.
I bristled. “Is that safe?”
The driver looked to be a beta woman, but you couldn’t be too cautious
these days. Josie had told us about this taxi service that started about a
month ago to help omegas move around more freely since the driving ban
hadn’t been repealed yet.
“I’ve taken it several times,” Westin said, grabbing her groceries from
her cart. She wobbled a bit, and I lunged forward to grab the bags out of her
hands. She gripped the side of the cart and took a deep breath.
“Sorry, I’m fine. Just got a bit dizzy there.” She met my gaze with an
unconvincing smile and went to take the grocery bags back. I scowled,
turning to load the bags into the trunk for her.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Josie murmured, taking Westin’s hand.
“You can come home with us if you need to.”
Westin just shook her head. “Thanks, but I’m fine. I have something I
need to do tonight, anyway.”
Josie looked like she wanted to argue but thought better of it. “Text me
when you get home. And maybe we can catch up more tomorrow?”
“I’d like that,” Westin said with a small smile.
Josie waved as the car pulled away. I grabbed Westin’s cart before it
could roll into the parking lot and held out my hand to my omega.
“Her life just seems so lonely,” Josie said, curling into my side. “Like
mine, before I met you.”
The words I wanted to say caught in my throat. You saved me from my
I leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“I love you,” I murmured.
She met my gaze with a radiant smile, holding my hand tightly as we
walked into the store.
Chapter Sixty-Two

T he energy at the gym was celebratory. The self-defense class had moved
to the actual gym, no longer practicing in secret in the basement. Josie
had worked for weeks to set up this graduation event and all the women
were chatting excitedly, but I noticed that most of the alphas looked as tense
as I felt.
Ben, Theo, and I stood next to Poppy’s alphas. They gave us a curt nod
before focusing back on their omega. I didn’t blame them—I couldn’t tear
my gaze away from Josie. She moved around the room easily, greeting
everyone and hugging her friends. A goofy smile spread across my face as I
felt her happiness through the bond. Her eyes met mine, and she smiled and
waved across the room. I had to suppress the urge to run and sweep her up
in my arms. Ben put his arm around me.
“Can’t believe she’s ours,” he said, not taking his eyes off her.
I grunted my agreement.
Luc clapped his hands and the room fell quiet. I noticed he was standing
in front of a slight woman sitting in a wheelchair. I couldn’t get a good look
at her, but I bet that was Charlie.
“I won’t make this long, but I want to welcome everyone and thank you
all for being here. I want to especially thank Josie for all her work
organizing today. This self-defense group wouldn’t exist without her
Applause and cheers broke out in the room, and my mate blushed. She
looked fucking edible.
“Today is about allowing our class participants to do a real-world self-
defense simulation. My pack mate, Paulo, will act out the simulations
today.” Luc gestured to an alpha dressed up head to toe in padding. Paulo
gave us all a friendly wave. I hated him on sheer instinct.
Luc continued, reading off a notecard now. “It’s very important that any
alphas watching remember that this is not real. Your omegas don’t need
saving, and if you disrupt the simulation, you will face their wrath.” He
looked up from the card. “Josie told me I had to say that word for word.”
My little mate beamed at him and Ben snorted beside me.
Paulo added, “Remember, use the safe word red if you get scared, hurt,
or need to stop the simulation for any reason. The goal for today is to get
away from me safely. Now, let’s have fun!”
The women went to suit up in protective equipment. I recognized
Westin, Clementine, and Poppy. Angie and her pack were also here, her
hand resting on her swelling belly.
Josie volunteered to go first since she had been in the class the longest.
My brothers and I were doing our best to shield our apprehension from the
bond so it wouldn’t affect her. I caressed the bond with affection, and she
looked over at me, blowing me a kiss.
The women were all lined up together to cheer Josie on. My heart was
pounding out of my chest as the simulation began. Josie was pretending to
grocery shop when Paolo approached her and started talking. After a few
minutes, his words grew more aggressive, telling her she needed to come
with him. Josie refused, and he grabbed her arm. She was easily able to
break out of his hold and went to back away, but he quickly swept her legs
and knocked her to the ground. I clenched my fists, a growl breaking
through my chest. Ben put his arm around me.
“She’s okay,” he murmured. “Look.”
Josie bent a leg, kicking it towards her head to break his hold on her.
Then she lashed out, kicking at Paolo as hard as she could, hitting his knee.
He let go and she scrambled to her feet. He came at her again, grabbing her
around the waist. She reached out and grabbed his shoulders for leverage
before landing a knee to his groin. Paolo fell to the ground.
“Fuck yes!” I shouted while Theo whooped in excitement.
“She’s kicking ass,” Ben said.
“Of fucking course she is. She’s amazing,” I responded, not taking my
eyes off her.
Paolo reached out and snagged her ankle before Josie could get away,
pulling her to the ground. Adrenaline pumped through me, but Josie stayed
calm. She waited until Paolo had pulled her closer and then lashed out with
her free leg, clipping him in the face. She crawled out of his reach before
standing up and running away.
Once she was free of him, sound rushed back and I realized all the
women and other onlookers were cheering. I joined in, clapping and
shouting as loudly as I could. Josie ripped off her helmet, shook hands with
Paolo, who was beaming at her, and then she ran over to us, launching
herself at me. I picked her up easily, swinging her around. Ben and Theo
pressed in on both sides, all of us holding her tightly.
“I did it!” she exclaimed.
“Never doubted you, baby girl. So fucking proud,” I said, gripping her
neck firmly with one hand and pulling her in for a kiss.
“That was amazing, angel,” Theo murmured. “I have no doubt you
could take all of us down.”
“I mean probably, yeah, I could!” she said.
“You looked so confident and strong, precious,” Ben said, pulling her
out of my grasp to hug her.
Josie went back to stand with her friends, cheering everyone on loudly
as they took their turns. All of them did great, and I had to admit I was
impressed with how much Luc had taught them.
After all the simulations, the three of us stood off to the side as Josie
talked with her friends. Luc leaned down to give Charlie a kiss before
walking over to us.
“Thanks for being here today,” he said. “I think that went well.”
“Thanks for all you’ve done,” I said, shaking his hand. “This has meant
so much to Josie.”
“We’re talking about opening the class up to more people and it’d be
great to have more help. The omegas can be…”
“We can be what?” Josie asked, coming up behind Luc, who jumped.
“Uh…” he stammered, eyes wide. “I was asking Ben if he wanted to
help with classes,” he said, changing the subject.
Josie’s eyes narrowed at him for a second before she turned to Ben with
a wide smile.
“Would you want to?” she asked, and I could feel her hopefulness
through the bond.
“If you think I could be helpful, of course,” Ben responded, beaming.
I smiled, happy for him but also jealous that she hadn’t asked me to
“And I thought maybe you two could help teach those interested in
shooting,” she said, looking between Theo and me. I puffed up, feeling
ridiculously proud that she saw me as useful.
“Of course,” Theo said with a smile.
“Great,” Luc said. He clasped Josie’s shoulder and leaned down slightly.
“You’re a pain in my ass, but I’m proud to know you.”
Josie snorted and threw her arms around him, forcing him into a hug.
“You big softie. I’m so excited about our class expansion, especially since
Charlie’s going to join us now,” she said, pulling away from Luc and
waving at Charlie, who gave her a thumbs-up from across the room. “Soon,
we’ll have to change the name of the gym to Alpha and Omega Gainzz.
With two Zs.”
Luc groaned. “Fucking omegas,” he muttered before walking away.
Josie giggled, leaning into my side. I ran my hand down her back,
hugging her closer to me.
“Today was perfect,” she sighed.
I leaned down and kissed her, her lips soft and sweet against mine.
“Don’t know how I got so fucking lucky,” I murmured, caressing her
through the bond.
Chapter Sixty-Three

“Y ou really think it went well?” I asked, not for the first time.
Cam gave me a sweet smile, pulling me close as we headed up the
walkway. I glanced up, just as enchanted with our new home as I’d been
when I first laid eyes on the brick cottage. We’d only been here for a month,
but it was the most at-home I’d ever felt.
“It was perfect. You did a great job organizing everything, and you were
the best fighter,” he said, unlocking the front door.
Happiness filled my chest, and I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. I was
craving praise even more than usual—probably because my heat was
starting soon—and my alphas were happy to oblige me, never making me
feel like an inconvenience. Looking at Cam now—the way his forearms
flexed with his sweatshirt sleeves rolled up, the messy strands of hair that
had escaped his topknot, the way his ass…
Cam cleared his throat, and I realized I was standing unmoving in front
of the open door.
“You need more time to eye fuck me, or should we go inside?” he
asked, lips twitching.
I stuck my tongue out at him and walked through the door, squealing
when he smacked my ass hard.
“Ouch,” I said, shooting him the most unconvincing glare.
“Ouch, what?” Ben asked, walking into the foyer. He’d gone in through
the back so he could unload the empty food trays in the kitchen.
“Cam smacked my ass,” I said, jutting my lip out in a pout.
Ben chuckled before quickly schooling his expression into something
“I’m so sorry, precious. Can’t believe he would do that.”
Ben moved behind me, grabbed my ass cheeks with both hands and
massaged them.
“Brat,” Cam said, gripping my chin. His gaze was heated and I
squirmed, feeling warm all over. Ben’s cock brushed against my ass and I
was about to suggest we take this to the bedroom when Theo walked in the
door, a frown on his face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, my chest clenching.
“You got a letter in the mail,” he said, looking down at the envelope in
his hands as if it were something poisonous. I pushed at Cam’s chest, and
he reluctantly released me.
I held my hand out for the letter, but Theo hesitated.
“It looks like it’s from your mom,” he said, finally meeting my gaze.
Ice ran through my body as I froze, my open hand dangling midair. Cam
growled and wrapped me up in his arms. His body was warm and soothing
against mine, and his protective touch helped force the air back into my
“You don’t have to read it,” Ben said fiercely, a growl ripping through
his chest. I jumped, startled by his strong reaction.
“You okay?” I asked, reaching up to cup his face.
Ben often covered his deeper emotions with humor, but right now, there
was deep hurt pulsing through the bond. He knew what it was like to have
his parents fail him. After long talks with Lilah, he’d reached out to his
mother to understand why she’d fallen in line with their community’s
wishes and cut off communication all those years ago. They’d had a few
stilted conversations, but it hadn’t brought him the closure he’d hoped for.
Sometimes the pain ran too deep to repair.
“Don’t like how she treated you,” he muttered.
I ran my thumb across his bond mark and felt the tension seep out of
I reached for the letter again, and this time, Theo placed it in my hand. I
wavered for a moment before deciding to rip it open. My mother’s familiar
script stared at me, making my heart ache. I scanned the letter twice before
looking back up.
“She wants to come see me,” I said. “Um, apparently to apologize.”
The letter was short and to the point, making it hard to discern her
ulterior motive in sending it. Because there was no way in hell that she
wanted to see me just to apologize.
“What do you want to do, baby?” Cam asked. I melted at his question,
turning in his arms to hug him. That he had asked what I wanted instead of
deciding for me meant everything.
I was about to say I would just ignore the letter, or maybe do what I
really wanted and send her a nasty one in return, but then my mind flashed
to the tender way she had brushed my hair at Glen’s… and her leaving the
door unlocked when she left. And if Jericho was to be believed, she had
saved me long before then, too.
“Am I stupid for kind of wanting to hear what she has to say?” I
mumbled into Cam’s chest.
“Of course not,” Theo said, pressing himself against my back.
My eyes found Ben. His jaw was tight. He sighed, leaning in to kiss me
on the cheek.
“We’ll be with you, whatever you decide.”
Chapter Sixty-Four

M ychairs
mother shifted in her seat across from me. She was in one of the new
I’d picked out for the living room—a cozy, white boucle
armchair—and I had the urge to force her out of the seat and swap it out for
something uncomfortable. Like a wooden chair… with spikes.
I’d agreed to this meeting, but now that she was here, it felt like her
presence was tainting our new home. I picked at a thread in my sweater,
trying to distract myself from the awkward silence. I wasn’t in the mood for
making small talk, and she was the one who had wanted this meeting,
Ben finished pouring everyone tea—he had been insistent that we
would not be feeding her—and then sat down next to me on the couch,
capturing my cold hand in his warm ones. His touch reminded me that this
wasn’t like the torturous parent meeting we’d suffered through when I first
moved in with my alphas. This time, I had the power. I could kick her out
anytime. The thought almost put a smile on my face.
My mother cleared her throat. Cam bristled and shifted closer to me
until his body was flush against mine. Theo met my gaze from his seat next
to the couch and raised his brows. This time, I couldn’t fully stop the smirk
tugging at my lips. I knew he was waiting for me to signal that he could
throw my mom out. I shook my head slightly and he scowled.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I wanted to meet,” my mother said
after taking a sip of tea. I hoped she burned her tongue.
She looked at me as if expecting me to say something, but I gave her
what I hoped looked like an indifferent shrug.
“The main reason is that I wanted to apologize. I haven’t been the
mother I wanted to be. I know you’ve gone through a lot, and I regret I
couldn’t help you more.” Her tone was flat, as if she were delivering well-
rehearsed lines in a play, and she kept her eyes on her tea as she spoke.
Theo scoffed and Cam vibrated with rage, but it was Ben who couldn’t
hold in his retort.
“Help more? When did you help at all?” he hissed with derision.
I leaned into his side and stroked his forearm to soothe him, but I was
thrilled by him coming to my defense.
My mother couldn’t hold Ben’s accusing gaze, turning instead to look
out the window as if the still-bare trees were the most fascinating thing
she’d ever seen.
“I helped her at Governor Jacoby’s,” she said softly.
My chest tightened and now it was my turn to look away. Cam put his
arm around me and kissed my forehead.
I had wanted to believe she left the door unlocked at Glen’s on purpose.
Now that I had confirmation, I didn’t know how to respond. Did it make up
for a lifetime of neglect? Was I supposed to thank her?
The silence stretched. I opened my mouth to speak, to say something to
ease the tension, but no words came out.
Theo leaned forward in his chair. “Why are you really here, Angeline?”
His tone was even, but there was no denying the authority behind them. My
mother sat up straighter as if steeling her spine.
“As I said, I wanted to talk to my daughter,” she responded stiffly.
I tensed, sensing the lie beneath her words.
Maybe she realized we all thought she was full of shit, so she rushed to
continue. “I’ve been through a lot, too, Josephine. You’re not the only one
who’s been hurt here.”
Her tone had regained some of the coldness I was familiar with. I wasn’t
even phased by her words—they were exactly what I expected of her—but
my alphas tensed. My mother’s nose flared as she took in their bitter scents,
and it filled me with rage that she got to scent my alphas. I kept a
possessive hold on Cam and Ben, frustrated that Theo was too far for me to
touch him.
“And now that Jericho and Richard are in prison, I have nowhere to go.
The government seized our home and all our belongings and locked me out
of our bank accounts.”
“Their bank accounts,” I corrected. “Omegas don’t get to have bank
accounts, right? We simply can’t be trusted with something as complicated
as finances.”
My mother blinked, and I could tell she was holding herself back from
reprimanding my rudeness. “What am I supposed to do? I have nothing,”
she said, injecting a whine into her tone. A fucking whine, as if that was
supposed to make me soften to her plight.
“So you came here to ask for money,” Cam growled.
My mother said nothing, and that was all the confirmation I needed. My
emotions threatened to overwhelm me, tightening my chest until I was
seconds from gasping for breath. I stood up.
“I’ll be right back,” I blurted out.
I retreated from the room, forcing myself to take measured steps, but the
second I was out of her sight, I took off running to the kitchen. I curled up
on the floor next to the kitchen fireplace, trying to get rid of the icy chill
seizing my body.
Moments later, I heard footsteps.
“Sweetheart?” Cam crouched down in front of me, running a careful
hand down my arm. “Do you want her to leave?”
Before I had the chance to answer, Theo stormed into the kitchen. He
sat down next to me with a huff and tugged me onto his lap, enveloping me
in his arms and pressing his face to my hair.
“I had to get out of there before I lost my fucking shit,” he muttered.
I bit my lip. “Is Ben going to be okay alone with her?”
“He’ll be fine,” Cam reassured me. “Or he’ll spill that pot of tea on her.
Either way,” he muttered under his breath.
“What do you want to do? Just say the word and I’ll get rid of her,”
Theo growled.
I appreciated that as much as they hated this, they were letting me make
the decision.
“Do you think we should help her?” I whispered.
“No,” both of them said at the same time. Theo’s chest rumbled with a
I nodded slowly, picking at my sweater thread.
Theo took a deep breath. “But it’s your choice.”
I met his gaze, my mouth open slightly with surprise.
“Am I bad for wanting to help her?” I asked.
“No part of you could ever be bad,” Cam said, cupping my face.
“But you don’t think I should.”
Both of them grew quiet and I knew they were being careful with their
“I don’t think she deserves your kindness,” Theo finally said. “But I
won’t judge you if you choose to give it.”
I turned over his words in my mind. Part of me craved being vindictive.
I could imagine returning to the living room and unleashing the years of my
pent-up rage for all the times she stood back and watched Richard and
Jericho abuse me… and had taken part herself with her cruel words. She
was the one who had taught me to hate myself.
But then my mind flashed to how small she looked in the living room…
and the fact that she had allowed me to escape. She had suffered a lot, and I
wished that I could have known her in a different life, one without abusive
alphas. What would happen to her now? The world was still a bleak place
for an omega alone. I leaned into Theo and closed my eyes.
We sat in calm silence, Cam and Theo’s scents blending with the smoky
burning logs.
“I didn’t get the point of a fireplace in the kitchen, but this is nice,” Cam
said, playing with my hair.
I smiled, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, the stubble of his beard
rough against my lips.
“I… I want her to leave, and I don’t want to see her again. Maybe ever,”
I said quietly, looking between Cam and Theo. They both nodded, and
Cam’s grip on my thigh tightened. “But… I would like to give her some
money. Just a one-time thing. But I’ll pay you back.”
Theo stiffened under me and I bit my lip. I’m sure they were
disappointed in my decision, even if they wouldn’t admit it.
“You’ll what?” Cam growled.
My lip trembled. “You said it was my choice,” I whispered. My cheeks
heated and shame washed over me.
“Who does our money belong to?” Cam asked, his eyes dark as he
gripped my chin.
My brain stuttered. Wait, that’s what he was upset about?
“This feels like a trick question,” I said. Cam threw me a disapproving
look. “But you don’t want to give her money. It’s my decision, so it’s not
fair for me to take your money…”
I trailed off at Cam’s fierce expression and Theo’s rumbling growl.
“Listen to me, baby girl,” Cam said, agitation permeating his every
word. “Everything we have is shared. I never want to hear you talk about
paying us back for anything ever again.”
I nodded, my eyes wide.
“Fuck. Going to have to spank you for that later,” Cam said, making me
blush. “I’ll get her cash while you all call a cab.” He gave me a hard kiss
before leaving the kitchen.
“You can stay in here, love. We’ll take care of her,” Theo suggested. I
shook my head. As nice as it would be to just curl up in bed, I needed to see
this through.
We headed back to the living room, where my mother and Ben sat
without acknowledging each other. Ben’s relief was palpable through the
bond as he leapt to his feet. He secured his arm tight around my waist and
kissed me tenderly on my cheek.
“Thank you for rescuing me,” he whispered, and I snorted out a laugh.
I heard a sharp intake of breath and glanced over at my mother, who
was staring at Ben and me. The look on her face was one of pure longing.
“I called you a cab,” I said. “It’s pulling up now. It’s pre-paid, so have it
take you wherever you want.”
I waited to see if she would push the money issue, but she simply stood,
straightening her plum pencil skirt and matching blouse. Her shoulders
were hunched as she walked towards the door, as if defeated. Or maybe I
was reading too much into her posture.
We followed her out, watching as the omega cab service pulled into the
driveway. I wondered where she would go, if she was staying with friends.
Part of me wanted to ask her, felt the need to reassure myself that she would
be okay. But then she was walking towards the taxi, and the moment
Her hand stilled on the door handle. “I’m sorry,” she said, glancing at
me over her shoulder. Our eyes met briefly before she cleared her throat and
opened the car door.
A gust of cold wind swept over me, sending a shiver down my spine. In
the air was the faintest hint of my mother’s scent, twisted with sorrow.
Something about this apology felt real, and my heart clenched tight in my
“I don’t want you involved in my life. Please don’t come around or
contact me in the future,” I said softly, blinking to keep my tears from
spilling over.
My mother gave me a curt nod and got into the cab, but before she
could shut the door, Cam walked out, a brown envelope in his hands. He
headed straight for her, placing his hand on the roof and leaning down to be
at eye level with her. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he handed her
the envelope with cash. Her eyes widened as she took it. Cam shut the door,
the loud clunk having an air of finality.
The cab pulled away. My mother did not look back as they drove off.
Cam stalked over to the three of us, cupped my face in both hands and
kissed me on the forehead.
“What did you say to her?” I asked.
“I told her that what I gave her was nothing compared to our resources
and that we wouldn’t hesitate to use everything we had against her if she
did anything to make you unhappy.”
Cam’s jaw was set, his expression almost defiant, as if he expected me
to be angry at his threat. But I wasn’t angry… I was exhausted. I melted
into his chest, letting my alphas wrap their arms around me and keep me
from collapsing.
“Am I bad for not forgiving her?” I asked as the tears I’d held back
slowly rolled down my cheeks.
They held me close, murmuring reassurances as I cried in the driveway.
I didn’t understand why this felt like heartbreak. She hadn’t been my mom
for a long, long time, and yet seeing her leave me, cash in hand, felt like
reopening a raw wound.

I ran my hand along the bumpy rows of Cam’s newest knitted blanket. It
had bright yellow and orange stripes and was somehow more lopsided
than his previous projects. But it was soft and smelled like him, and having
it in my nest was a reminder of his love, that he would take the time to
make something just for me.
After my mother left, I needed some alone time and retreated to my nest
in the attic. Most omegas wanted to nest in windowless rooms because they
felt more secure. The guys had offered to transform the basement into my
nest, but I told them they should use it for a gym, and I claimed the attic
instead. The main attic room had a vaulted ceiling with exposed beams and
two windows on either side. It made me feel like I was in a tree house. I
never wanted to feel locked in again.
We laid new hardwood floors and had plans to add a large bathroom and
kitchenette so we wouldn’t need to leave during my heats, but so far, there
was just a massive mattress on the floor. We’d decided to spend my
upcoming heat at the cabin, so we had some time to finish this space.
I waited for my emotions to overwhelm me after my mother’s visit, but
the tidal wave never came. Maybe I was numb… or perhaps I’d come to
terms with not having a mother a long time ago. I had my own family now,
and while that didn’t erase the suffering I’d experienced at the hands of my
parents, it meant I was no longer waiting for them to give me love that
would never come.
The stairs creaked and I looked at my phone to check the time. Cam’s
face appeared in the doorway.
“Can I come in?”
“You made it all of seventeen minutes before tracking me down. Might
be a record,” I said with a small smile.
Cam moved to stand in the doorway and leaned against the unfinished
“I can leave if you still need alone time,” he said gently. I knew he
meant it—my guys were getting much better at giving me space. But I
wanted him here.
I opened my arms and he grinned, flopping down next to me and pulling
me on top of his chest.
“You messed up my pillow configuration,” I said, voice muffled in his
“Sorry, baby, you want to fix them?” he asked earnestly.
I fought my omega nature for a split second before capitulating. I
reached over and rearranged a couple of the pillows until they felt right.
Then I stripped off Cam’s shirt for good measure. He chuckled as I placed
the shirt in my nest before settling back on his chest.
We lay quietly for a few moments. I closed my eyes, running my fingers
down his bare skin and soaking up his scent.
“Are you upset with my decision?” I whispered.
“I’m not upset, sweetheart,” he said, holding me tighter and kissing my
forehead. “Well, not upset at you. I’m pissed at her.”
I hummed, nuzzling his neck.
“Do you think…” I trailed off, a lump forming in my throat. Cam
waited, his hand working its way under my shirt and stroking the skin on
my back. “Do you think she meant it? That she was sorry?”
Cam hesitated, his hand pausing its movement before starting back
“I think she did,” he finally said.
I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. She did help you escape Glen,” he said begrudgingly. Then he
muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like,
“Fucking bare minimum.”
I pressed my smile against his neck, letting the scent of cinnamon rolls
surround me.
“Thanks for supporting me,” I whispered, snuggling in closer.
He ran his hands up and down my body as he gently massaged me. My
muscles slowly released, leaving me boneless. The last thing I noticed
before falling asleep was the dip on the mattress as Theo and Ben joined us
for an afternoon nap.
Chapter Sixty-Five

“H ow are we going to cheer her up after this?” Theo asked, running his
hand through his hair. “Do you think ice cream will do it, or do we
need something more?”
I raised my eyebrows. The three of us stood in the DMV parking lot,
eyes fixed on the front entrance, waiting for Josie to emerge.
“What makes you think she’s going to need cheering up?” I asked with
a grin.
Josie had bounced around the house all morning, her excitement about
the overturn of the anti-omega driving laws outweighing her usual morning
grouchiness. Her joy had been infectious through the bond. Even now, I felt
my chest expanding with it.
“No one in their right mind will give her a driver’s license,” Cam
grunted. “We’re going to have to pretend to be shocked and disappointed
when they fail her.”
He glared at the front doors to the DMV as if it would force Josie to
materialize. She had insisted on going in for her driving test alone. None of
us had been happy about being separated from her, but I was sure my
reasons differed from Cam’s and Theo’s. They wanted to be in there to
growl at anyone who looked at our omega. I wanted to watch as she
charmed her way into getting a license.
The door flew open and Josie practically skipped out, a massive smile
on her face as she held up her new license in the air in victory.
“What. The. Actual. Fuck,” Cam muttered through gritted teeth, forcing
a smile on his face as he waved at Josie.
“She had to have bribed them,” Theo responded, plastering on a neutral
expression as his shock and disbelief radiated through the bond.
I just laughed and bounded ahead, colliding with my mate and twirling
her in the air. Her soft body pressed against mine and I breathed in her
happy scent.
“You did it! So proud of you,” I said, sneaking my hand down to
squeeze her ass.
She squeaked with a giggle and pressed her lips close to my ear. “Don’t
tell the guys, but I think my heat is coming on sooner than we thought. The
instructor was super distracted.”
I laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. “You are so naughty,” I
whispered, enjoying the shiver that went through her as she perfumed. “Feel
free to distract me with your scent any time, precious.”
I ran my nose down her neck, noticing her scent was particularly strong.
My cock hardened and my hips automatically pressed into her. Fuck, is her
heat coming on right now?
Theo and Cam joined us, sporting the fakest smiles I’d ever seen. Josie
snorted with amusement but managed to cover up the sound with a cough.
My eyes watered with kept-in laughter. My brothers constantly forgot how
easily Josie could read them even before we bonded. Now there was
nothing they could hide from her.
“So the instructor thinks you’re ready for driving on roads… with other
people on them?” Theo asked, running his hand through Josie’s hair. She
leaned into his touch, beaming.
“Yes!” she responded. “In fact, his exact words were, ‘you are the best
omega driver I’ve ever tested.’”
“The new law literally went into effect today,” Cam muttered under his
breath, running his hand down his face. Josie either didn’t hear him or
chose to ignore his comment.
She held up her license for us to see.
“It should be illegal to look so gorgeous in a license photo,” I said.
The grainy image captured her bright eyes and radiant smile. I noticed
the star symbol on the side of the license that indicated she was a bonded
omega, along with our pack name listed. Josie and the other omegas on the
Omega Rights Committee had protested this requirement, arguing that bond
status had no bearing on driving ability. But change happened slowly and
even this new government had their heads up their asses a lot of the time.
Cam pulled Josie out of my arms and enveloped her in a tight hug. She
cuddled into his chest, standing on her tiptoes and scent-marking his neck.
The tension immediately melted away from his shoulders. He breathed her
in deeply, and his eyes widened.
“Fuck, are you…”
“Oh, that’s the guy who did my test!” Josie interrupted, gesturing at the
frazzled-looking beta with a city uniform currently stumbling out of the
DMV, holding a backpack in front of his crotch. She gave him a cute little
wave and his eyes widened as he fumbled with his car keys.
Theo tugged Josie’s hand into his. “Was he inappropriate with you?” he
asked, his eyes shooting daggers at the beta, who finally managed to get his
car door open and throw himself in.
“Not at all,” Josie said, her eyes wide. She kept her body firmly pressed
against Cam as her eyes grew glassy. Theo leaned down to scent her, and he
met my gaze, obviously realizing what was happening.
“I don’t like him,” Cam growled.
“I have to text my friends a picture,” Josie said, handing her phone to
Theo. She posed for the photo, holding the license up proudly.
As soon as Theo was done taking the picture, I pulled Josie to my side. I
didn’t think she had realized just yet that her heat was starting. My inner
alpha felt antsy, the urge to protect our omega growing stronger than usual.
“Your heat is starting, gorgeous,” I murmured. “We’ve got to head up to
the cabin.”
“What? No, I feel fine,” she said. But her words were edged with a
slight whine.
“Your scent is changing,” Cam said, surveying the parking lot for
threats as he ushered her into the car.
“No, this is just a mini pre-heat hormone surge,” she insisted.
“Precious, this is just like the last time you went into heat,” I said
gently, getting in the backseat next to her.
She fidgeted in her seat as if she couldn’t quite get comfortable. I
moved to the middle seat and pulled her into my arms, gratification hitting
me as she instantly relaxed.
“We’ll grab your things at the house and then head up to the cabin,”
Theo said as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Maybe we shouldn’t go to the cabin. What if I can’t make a good nest
there?” Her anxiety tainted her sweet scent with its bitterness.
“That’s fine, baby girl,” Cam said, turning around in the passenger seat.
“We can stay at the house. Whatever makes you most comfortable.”
“No, but I want to be at the cabin,” she whined, her eyes shining with
unshed tears.
Cam and I looked at each other, completely clueless about how to fix
“Listen to me, love. I know this feels overwhelming, but we will take
care of you every step of the way. We’ll make sure you have everything you
need at the cabin,” Theo said in a calm, even tone.
I’d forgotten that omegas didn’t like to make decisions while in heat.
Theo made Cam and me read a book on omega heats so we could all be
prepared, and I was frustrated I’d already forgotten key details.
Josie didn’t respond. I tilted her head towards me and kissed her on the
“What’s making you so anxious, precious? Heats are supposed to be
She was silent for a few moments. “I won’t be in control,” she finally
Cam reached out his hand to her. She took it tightly in her own and let
out a shuddering breath.
“We’d never push you into anything you didn’t want to do,” he said
“No, I know. But… what if I don’t remember everything that happens?”
It clicked into place why she was so scared. How had we not put this
together before? She’d spent so long with that device, preventing her from
remembering what had happened to her body. The book Theo gave me said
that omegas could go into a heat fog, where the intensity of the hormones
put them in an altered state. Sometimes they didn’t remember what
happened during parts of the heat.
“Oh, Josie,” I said, hugging her to my chest. I held her to me until the
car stopped. I glanced up and realized we were home already.
“What do you want to do, gorgeous?” I asked. “We could get
suppressants if you don’t feel ready.”
The door opened and Cam and Theo squished into the back seat with us.
I pulled Josie onto my lap so she was straddling me and ran my hands up
and down her thighs.
“I don’t want suppressants,” she said, shaking her head.
Theo grasped her hand and kissed her bond mark. “We’ll be able to feel
you the whole time. If we sense any distress, we’ll stop everything and
make sure you’re okay.”
“You talked to Lilah about your heat, right?” I asked. She and Josie
talked almost every day. One time I’d walked into the room while they were
video chatting and heard Lilah talk in detail about her last heat. I’d
practically sprinted from the room with my hands over my ears. There were
some things I didn’t need to know about my baby sister.
“She said they’re really fun,” Josie said, still sounding uncertain. Her
fingers fiddled with the strings on my sweatshirt until she huffed and tugged
the whole thing off me.
I cleared my throat, and she jolted, staring at the sweatshirt in her hands
as if she didn’t know how it got there.
“Fuck. I’m really in heat, aren’t I?”
My lips twitched. “Seems like it.”
She wrapped the sweatshirt around her, pressing her nose to it and
breathing in deeply.
“Okay, this is silly. It’s going to be fine. I will have fun,” she said to
herself almost angrily as she pulled Cam’s sweatshirt off him. Once she had
all three of our sweatshirts wrapped around her, her scent settled into its
normal cupcake sweetness.
“I’ll go grab your stuff and then we’ll go,” Cam said, kissing her. Josie
immediately wrapped her fingers in his hair and pulled him close,
deepening the kiss. Cam groaned, cupping the back of her neck as she
whimpered and rubbed her pussy against my cock.
Theo chuckled under his breath before sneaking out of the car to grab
our packed bags.
Chapter Sixty-Six

T he city faded away, replaced by the forested countryside. Theo had

grumbled that if he was going to drive, I had to sit next to him to
prevent any “fooling around.” We’d all teased him for his choice of words,
but sitting up front with him was no hardship, especially with the way he
kept his hand firmly on my thigh. Every once in a while, he would squeeze
it, sending a little thrill of arousal through my body.
My skin felt hot so I’d cracked my window to get a hit of the cold
winter air, but other than that, I was feeling more settled than before. My
heat was building, but I still felt mostly normal. I’d texted Poppy and Lilah
after my freak out, and they’d both reassured me that heat fog was nothing
like being under the device’s influence.
“How’re you feeling, love?” Theo asked.
“Better,” I responded, placing my hand on his.
“Well, I’m super excited,” Ben said, leaning forward to kiss me on the
Cam snorted. “We know how excited you are. Pretty sure half your
suitcase is just sex toys.”
“You should always be prepared,” Ben said, unashamed.
“Wait, you all brought extra shirts and sweatshirts I can use in the nest,
right?” I asked, a jolt of anxiety going through me as I realized I hadn’t
been paying attention when Theo packed the car.
“Yes, love, we brought a whole duffel bag full. You’ll have plenty to
choose from,” Theo said.
I took a deep breath, forcing myself to relax back into my seat. My
alphas were here. They would take care of me.
As we got further into the mountains, the landscape shifted to taller pine
trees. I was excited to return to the cabin, the place that had been a safe
refuge for us right after everything happened.
Theo’s soothing playlist made my eyelids feel heavier and heavier until
I was close to being lulled asleep. My alphas’ scents swirled heavily around
me, mixing with my deepening vanilla until I felt something change… a
shift in the bond.
It suddenly hit me as if a piece of my soul clicked into place.
Mates mates mates.
“Oh my fucking god!” I shouted, my eyes flying open. Cam lunged
forward, throwing his arm across my chest to shield me, and Theo cursed as
he almost swerved off the road.
“What?” Cam shouted, searching out the window for the unknown
“You’re my mates!”
Confusion and panic pulsed through the bond. Cam was still looking
around as if an enemy were about to jump out at any moment.
“I thought we covered this a while ago,” Ben said in a stage whisper.
“No, like I knew we were mates, but I didn’t know we were mates!”
“Baby girl, I think you just took ten years off my life,” Cam groaned,
resting his head in his hands.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to freak you out. Angie said suppressants
block omegas from being able to recognize mates until they fully leave your
system, which takes a few months. It literally just clicked into place for
I waited for my alphas to realize what I was saying, but they still looked
a little shell-shocked by my outburst. I bounced in my seat, unable to
contain my excitement. I’d never felt this good, this sure about anything in
my life.
“No wonder you all were obsessed with me from the start. This feels so
right! Like we belong together!”
Theo’s lips twitched as he glanced over at me. “Yes, love, it’s like we
belong together.”
Tears streamed down my face, and Ben made a distressed sound.
“What’s wrong, precious?” Ben asked, shoving Cam out of the way so
he could wipe my tears.
“I’m just really happy. I can’t believe we all found each other and that
we fit together so perfectly. I never thought I would have this.”
Cam reached his hand forward so he could hold mine. “Love you,
I took in another deep breath as my alphas’ scents drenched the air,
sharper and stronger than before. It felt like their scents were completing a
part of me I hadn’t even known was missing.
I couldn’t stop myself from leaning over to press my face into Theo’s
neck, breathing in so deeply it made me dizzy. My mouth watered from his
deep coffee scent, which now had chocolate notes to it.
“Angel, are you licking my neck?” Theo asked, hands tightening on the
steering wheel.
Oops. I guessed I was. But I couldn’t stop myself.
Cam reached forward and gently tried to push me back into my seat.
“Not safe, baby girl.”
I fought against his hold. I needed Theo, needed to get more of his
“Pull over,” Cam said, his voice sharp.
The car lurched as Theo pulled over onto the gravel shoulder. As soon
as we were stopped, I pressed my face into his neck. I whimpered at how
good he smelled, how perfect this felt.
“Wow, I have to say, I’m really impressed with how well we kept our
shit together when we first scented you,” Ben said, his head popping up
between the two front seats.
“Mmm,” was all I could say in response. I was lost in a haze of lust.
“Fuck, she’s totally in heat,” Cam said, his voice strained.
I faintly registered his words, but my omega had taken over.
“Need you,” I whispered to Theo, trying to pull down his pants. Tears of
frustration welled when I couldn’t get to his cock. Why were they trying to
keep themselves hidden from me?
“Baby girl, listen to me,” Cam said, his stern tone only increasing my
arousal. “We’re ten minutes away. You need to get back in your seat so we
can finish the drive. Then I promise we’ll take care of you.”
“No, now,” I commanded. A cramp wracked through my body, the pain
cutting through the haze momentarily.
I realized I was straddling Theo’s lap.
“Need my nest,” I said with a sob. Why had my alphas not provided a
nest for me? Were we going to go through my heat in this car?
“No, precious. We have a really nice nest waiting for you. Why don’t
you come back here and I’ll tell you all about it?” Ben coaxed, holding out
his hand and pulling me into the backseat, sandwiching me between him
and Cam.
“That’s a good girl,” he said. “Listening to your alphas. That’s going to
earn you a reward.”
I moaned. I wanted my reward now. The car started moving again, and I
tried to work the zipper on Ben’s pants. Why weren’t my mates naked?
Finally, I freed Ben’s erection. I slipped off the seat until I was on my
knees in front of him and shoved his cock into my mouth.
“Fuck!” he gasped as I started to suck.
Relief washed through me as the taste of his precum hit my tongue. My
hand snaked down the front of my pants as my fingers started frantically
circling my clit.
“Fuck me,” Theo said, his voice strained.
I wanted to, but he hadn’t let me, so now I was going to enjoy my treat.
“Did she just call your dick a treat?” Cam asked with a chuckle. Oops,
guess I said that out loud. He reached down and ran his hand through my
hair, the touch soothing and arousing at the same time.
“You’re doing such a good job, precious. Look at those sweet lips
wrapped around me, taking me so deep,” Ben groaned. “Such a good girl.”
I smiled around his cock and hummed my pleasure. My orgasm was
quickly building, but I felt empty. Just playing with my clit wasn’t enough.
“Going to come,” Ben gasped. Cam shifted his hand to grip my hair,
urging me to take Ben deeper.
Fuck, that was so hot.
A burst of slick drenched me as Ben came, but my orgasm still evaded
“Knot,” I whined, wrapping my hands around his swollen knot.
“No knotting in the car!” Theo shouted.
My lip trembled and I whined. Why was he mad at me?
Cam pulled off my leggings and underwear and hauled me onto his lap
so I was straddling him.
“Theo’s just jealous he’s not back here with you,” he murmured. “I’m
going to take care of you, little omega. Stuff you full and make you cream
on my fingers.”
I whimpered as he lifted me enough so he could slip two thick fingers
into my core. It felt so good, but I needed more. Cam slipped another finger
in, curving them so it hit my pleasure spot. I came with a cry, the pleasure
shooting through me like lightning. It was over too quickly. Cam went to
move his hand, but I seized his wrist, forcing him to stay right where he
The part of my mind that wasn’t fully in the heat yet recognized that I
didn’t want to be knotted in the car… but that reasonable part of my mind
was growing quieter, overpowered by my omega who wanted a knot now.
“We’re here, thank fuck,” Theo announced.
We bounced onto the unpaved road, each movement grinding me
against Cam’s fingers. When we came to a stop, he slid his fingers out of
me and put them in his mouth, sucking off my slick before grasping me
behind the neck and pulling me in, pressing my forehead against his.
“You ready for this, baby girl? Feeling good, not scared?” Cam asked.
He knew how I felt through the bond, but I loved that he still wanted to
hear me say it.
“I’m ready. I love you and trust you,” I responded, pressing kisses down
his face until I reached his lips. Cam released a growl that went straight to
my clit, and he deepened the kiss, his tongue fucking my mouth.
Theo tore the door open with a curse. His pupils were dilated and his
hair fell messily in his face.
“Inside,” he bit out. I got out of the car and he immediately swung me
into his arms. I giggled as he ran inside the cabin, Ben and Cam hot on our
Chapter Sixty-Seven

J osie had been so fucking cute when we first got to the house, demanding
we all wait until she put together her nest. It had taken her almost twenty
minutes to arrange everything, and by the end, the three of us had been
growling with impatience. When she finally invited us into the nest,
sprawled naked in the middle of the specially arranged blankets and
pillows, we dove in like animals. We’d spent all of yesterday fucking and
knotting her, sleeping in short bursts between waves of her heat.
Seeing Josie embrace her omega made me strangely emotional. The past
few months with her had been a dream, but not without their painful
moments. She was still having nightmares and struggled to trust her
instincts, and she was working so hard in therapy. Seeing her carefree and
confident and fucking happy during her heat… I hadn’t realized how much
I needed that, too.
She’d also woken me this morning with her hot mouth around my cock,
which didn’t fucking hurt my mood.
She was too good for me. I was constantly in awe of how special she
was—so kind, utterly brilliant, and perfectly sexy. Even though I might not
deserve her, I wasn’t about to give her up for anything.
Josie and I had talked the past few weeks about BDSM. She had told me
in no uncertain terms that she missed being dominated by me and wanted
that during her heat. I’d been anxious about it, my need to coddle and
protect her weighing heavily on me since she’d been ripped from us. But I
missed our games, too, and I knew better than to argue with an omega in
I’d waited until the initial frenzy of the start of her heat died down,
wanting to ensure she was as lucid as possible before we did anything more.
Right now, she was curled against my chest, her skin warm to the touch and
her body fully on display. Her soft breasts pillowed against my skin, her
pretty pink nipples hard, and I was almost dizzy from how deeply I was
breathing in her cupcake scent.
I stroked my hand down her back, trying to keep my touches calming so
I didn’t work her up too much. I knew she’d be begging for a knot any
minute. My cock grew hard at the thought, as if it hadn’t been inside her
just hours ago.
Josie pressed her face to my chest, eyes still closed as she licked my
bond mark. A purr rumbled through me and she whimpered, clutching at
me like she needed to pull herself into my very skin. I gripped her harder,
understanding the feeling.
“You want to play, sweetheart?” I murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to
her forehead.
Her head popped off my chest and her pupils dilated as she nodded
enthusiastically. My lips twitched. I was nervous, but her enthusiasm and
knowing I’d be able to sense what she was feeling through the bond eased
the tension in my chest. Ben winked at me as he and Theo shifted to the
side of the nest to give us room to play, and gratitude washed through me. I
loved sharing her between us, bringing her to pleasure together, but I
needed some time to reconnect with my omega.
I draped Josie over a wedge-shaped cushion so her hips were up in the
air, her chest supported by the lower part of the cushion. I leaned over her,
wrapping her hair around my hand so I could press soft kisses down the
back of her neck and nip at her bond mark. I tugged on her hair and she
moaned, arching her back and pushing her ass against my erection.
“Knot,” she demanded.
“You’re going to have to be patient, little omega,” I said, running my
hands down her arms.
“Nooo,” she pouted, twisting around to look at me. I had to work to hide
my smile. Fucking adorable.
“Yes,” I responded, pressing her firmly against the cushion and
gathering her wrists behind her back before tying them together with a soft
rope. “You’re going to be a good omega and give your alpha exactly what
he wants, aren’t you?”
At first, she struggled against the rope, her breaths accelerating. I kept
my hands on her, ready to untie her at the first sign of panic.
“More,” she whimpered.
“Brat,” I said, grinning. I allowed myself to release the tension in my
shoulders. This was Josie, my omega, my mate. She trusted me, so maybe I
could trust myself.
I looped the rope around her waist several times, making sure it wasn’t
too tight. The rope hugged the soft rolls of her skin and I ran my hand down
her back. She wiggled her ass and I chuckled as I gave it a smack. I started
on the second part of the harness, tying a knot in a length of rope before
pulling it between her pussy lips, arranging it so the knot was rubbing
against her clit. Her hips twitched and she gasped at the sensation. I kept
going, tugging the rope in between her sweet ass cheeks and up her back,
attaching it to the length between her wrists so that anytime she tried to
move her hands, she would pull on the crotch rope.
“Look how gorgeous you are, tied up for me. Love your pretty pink skin
under my hands,” I said, squeezing her ass cheeks hard.
“What do you say if you need to stop?” I prompted.
“Red,” Josie answered. “But don’t fucking stop.”
My shoulders shook with laughter. “Impatient omega.”
I drew my hand back and smacked her ass. She moaned, grinding her
hips against the crotch rope, her perfume heavy in the air. I spanked her
again, warming up her skin until it was pink and glowing.
“Look at you, grinding your cute clit against the rope. Are you going to
make yourself come, little omega?”
Josie whimpered and moved her hips faster, not quite getting enough
stimulation to bring herself to orgasm. Her scent permeated my skin, and I
felt myself on the edge of a rut. I almost gave up on the rest of my plan and
just took her right then, but I gripped my knot and took a breath. I wanted to
see her fall apart completely.
I pulled out the smooth wooden paddle I’d brought and she inhaled
sharply when I tapped it against her ass.
“I think my naughty omega needs to be paddled by her alpha.”
She panted and whined.
“You want that, baby girl?”
She groaned. “If you’re alpha enough to do it,” she challenged.
I raised my brows. She’d never said anything like that to me, and it was
fucking hot.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, omega.” I reached around to cup the
front of her neck, ensuring I brushed my bond mark. When all I felt in the
bond was excitement and arousal, I released her and swung the paddle until
it cracked against her skin.
Josie gasped, fighting her wrist restraints. I hadn’t swung hard, but I
knew the sensation was a lot different from my hand. I gave her a moment
to get used to it before continuing.
I started with soft strikes on alternating cheeks, building heat. She was
writhing now, each smack on her ass accompanied by a little shriek. The
last three I gave her were the hardest, the paddle landing with a loud smack.
My omega came with a scream, her sweet slick drenching the crotch rope
and waterproof blanket beneath her as it dripped seductively down her
I threw the paddle to the side and quickly cut the crotch rope away, not
wanting to aggravate her sensitive clit. I lay down so I could check in with
her better. I stroked my hand through her hair and took in her blissed-out
expression. She had fallen quiet, the occasional soft whimper or moan the
only sound in the room.
“Check in with me, baby girl,” I murmured. I felt her languid calm and
pleasure through the bond, but I still needed to hear her.
“So good,” she mumbled, her words almost slurred.
“Would you say it was a ten out of ten experience?” I teased, calling
back to her words the first time we’d had sex.
“Don’t make fun of me,” she whined.
I chuckled as I caressed her face, feeling a lightness I hadn’t
experienced in a long time. I had dominated my omega, and it had been
good for both of us. Good? It’d been fucking better than good. I might even
describe it as transcendent, not that I would say that out loud. But it’d made
clear that I didn’t need to fear this part of myself.
Josie was sprawled out over the wedge, her hands bound behind her,
seemingly unaware of how luscious and exposed she was, her puffy pink
pussy weeping with slick.
“You want a break, or do you want more?” I asked, leaning in to kiss
her nose.
“More,” she demanded, turning her face to the side so I could catch her
Fuck yes. Heats were my new favorite thing.
I grabbed a bottle of lotion from my bag, rubbing it in to soothe her red
skin before continuing.
“Alpha,” Josie said as she thrashed around. “Need you.”
Her skin was burning up and I knew she was riding another wave of her
heat and needed to be filled. My cock twitched and I couldn’t hold out any
longer. I pressed my cock to her entrance and thrust in, seating myself fully
in one quick motion.
She and I both moaned in pleasure.
“Baby girl, your sweet cunt is squeezing me so tight.”
She was already clenching around me, right on the edge of another
orgasm. My grip on her hips was bruising as I thrust in and out, grinding
my knot against her pussy with every thrust.
“Need more,” she almost sobbed.
“Shh,” I said, trying to soothe her as I ran my hands across her skin. I
glanced at Ben and Theo, who were already moving towards us. Ben placed
kisses down her spine while maneuvering his hand under her so he could
stroke her clit, and Theo kneeled in front of her.
“Can you take me, love?” Theo asked, cupping her face with his hands.
Josie nodded and opened her mouth. Theo fisted her hair, holding her
head in place as he fed her his cock, his dominating grip contrasting with
his gentle words. He thrust into her mouth, his strokes firm and hard. He
was in total control with the way she was bound. With the way her pussy
was contracting on my cock, I knew she loved it.
Ben grunted as he continued working her clit and his cock at the same
time. My thrusts became wild as my spine tingled. My orgasm was so close,
but I wanted her to come with me.
“Baby, you’re so pretty taking your alphas,” I said, teasing her entrance
with my knot. “You going to fall apart for us?”
Josie moaned around Theo’s cock and he swore at the vibration, his
thrusts becoming erratic.
And then the four of us came—Josie’s muffled scream melding with
Theo’s as he released into her mouth. Ben shot his load across her back, and
I thrust my knot into her cunt as my hot cum filled her.
Ben’s shaky laughter filled the room. “That was…”
“Mmm,” was all Josie said.
I didn’t have words, either. It’d been one of the best moments of my
I quickly removed all the ropes around my omega, massaging her skin.
Theo and Ben helped shift her so we could lie down together until my knot
went down.
“I love you,” I murmured to Josie, my eyelids heavy with exhaustion.
“Love you,” she responded, holding tight to my arms that were banded
around her. “Want that again,” she said, her voice tinged with a whine.
A laugh burst forth from me, pulling at where we were connected and
making her cry out.
“You’re perfect,” I said, shifting my leg so it was pressed between hers,
her slick forming a wet patch on my skin.
Absolute fucking heaven.
Chapter Sixty-Eight

J osie was riding my face with total abandon as I sucked her clit, making
her come for the third time before I slid out from underneath her.
We were three days into Josie’s heat, and I was a combination of
exhausted and totally wired. There was no sign that her heat was letting up.
I loved every moment.
“Look at you, precious. So sexy, so beautiful,” I said, caressing her
gorgeous, plump ass. My cock was weeping precum, my knot already
Cam moved Josie so she was on her hands and knees, and I almost came
on the spot as he twisted Josie’s nipples until they were stiff peaks. She was
writhing and whimpering as he placed a nipple clamp. She squealed and I
could see a sheen of sweat covering her. He quickly placed the second
clamp, the jeweled tips swinging back and forth as she struggled against his
“You can take it, baby girl,” he growled.
Josie arched her back and slick gushed from her, filling the room with
her sweet vanilla scent until I was drenched in it. I never wanted to wash
the scent away, wanted it soaked into my skin forever.
I stroked my hands up her thighs, gripping them tightly as I forced them
apart, revealing her perfect pink pussy. I groaned as I slipped two fingers
“Look at this greedy little cunt,” I said, curling my fingers until I was
stroking against her pleasure spot. Josie whined and thrust her hips towards
I pressed my finger against her asshole. “Want Cam to take you here?
While I fill up your sweet pussy?”
“Yes,” Josie cried out.
Cam grinned, gently playing with the nipple clamps as she whined and
shook from another orgasm.
I dipped my fingers into her pussy, gathering her sweet slick before
lubricating her back hole. I pushed in two fingers, scissoring them to help
her loosen up, watching her closely for discomfort, but there was only
pleasure in the bond.
“More, more,” Josie gasped, her voice edged with a needy whine.
Cam tilted her chin up so he could give her a soft kiss, distracting her as
he removed the first nipple clamp. She cried out, whimpering as he
removed the second one. I reached around to stroke her clit, blending her
pain with pleasure. Cam murmured words to her I couldn’t hear, but she
relaxed into the bed with a soft smile. He kissed our omega on the forehead
before trading spots with me.
I lay down on the mattress, pulling her on top of me.
Josie didn’t hesitate to grab my cock and slide it into her slick pussy,
making me cry out at the tight, wet heat of her. She rocked back and forth,
throwing her head back like a goddess.
“More,” she demanded. Cam bit his lip to keep from laughing.
I knew Josie might be embarrassed after her heat about how she’d acted,
but I loved this needy, demanding side of her. The hesitation and self-
consciousness she sometimes had around us were gone. Her omega was in
charge, and I couldn’t love it more.
Theo shifted so he was kneeling next to her and stroked the soft skin on
her back, guiding her down so she was lying flush with my body. I felt
when Cam entered her—the tightness was like nothing I’d ever
experienced. Josie screamed as she came again, her sweet cunt contracting
around me. I grunted, trying to hold off my orgasm.
Cam thrust in and out, spanking her ass with each movement. Josie
panted in my ear, her soft whines and moans spurring me towards my
orgasm. I was grounding my knot against her sweet clit, savoring each of
her little moans and whimpers. And then I thrust into her a bit too hard and
my knot slipped into her pussy, locking into place.
She was so full and tight that I’d locked Cam inside her ass.
Josie’s breaths were coming fast, her eyes squeezed shut. Panic rushed
through me.
“Precious, did I hurt you? Are you okay?” I asked, my voice urgent. I
ran my hands over her body, keeping perfectly still so I didn’t tug on my
I met Cam’s glare over her shoulder.
“Josie, baby, talk to us,” he coaxed.
Her shoulders shook, and horror went through me as I realized she was
crying. But then she turned her face to the side and I realized they were
tears of laughter. I tugged on the bond and all she sent back was arousal and
“I can’t believe you knotted me,” she said, laughter bursting from her. “I
thought you’d learned.”
Cam was grinning now, too, and I knew my brothers would never let me
live this down. I scowled, but that seemed to make Josie laugh harder. I
pursed my lips to keep from smiling, but I knew she could sense my relief.
And then she moaned, her pussy tightening around me, and I realized
she had just come again.
“Fuck, it’s too much, but feels so good,” she whimpered, tensing her
“You’re doing so well, love,” Theo said, moving so he was lying down
alongside us. He ran his hand down her back, following the dips and valleys
of her soft skin. “Just take a deep breath and relax as much as you can.
You’re such a good omega for your alphas.”
Josie took a shuddering breath and the tension seemed to seep from her.
“You look so fucking sexy stretched around my cock, baby girl. You
like making your alphas lose control?” Cam asked.
Josie nodded against my chest, her wild curls tickling my skin. Her
breathing was even now and she ran her nose along my throat, scent
marking me. I was overwhelmed by my love for her, how perfect this
moment was even after I had messed things up.
“Love you,” I murmured, holding her tight until my knot went down.
“E at this, precious,” I coaxed, holding a strawberry to Josie’s mouth.
She looked away with a pout.
“Please,” I begged.
Theo had warned us that omegas could be temperamental about eating
during their heats, but I was getting anxious about how little she’d eaten the
past two days.
Josie shifted so she was pressed against Cam and reached down to grab
his cock. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away.
“Not until you eat, baby girl,” he said sternly.
Josie whined, looking at Theo.
My mouth twitched. She was cute even when trying to play us off each
“Eat five more bites of food and then you’ll get a treat,” I said.
She turned towards me, eyeing my cock. “A treat?”
“Yes, gorgeous,” I said, forcing myself to take a breath to keep myself
from pushing her down on the soft cushions and taking her right here.
She pondered my bribe for a minute, her gaze not moving from my
cock, which twitched under her attention.
She opened her mouth and ate the strawberry. I exhaled a sigh of relief.
I managed to get her to eat a few more strawberries and some cheese and
crackers before she shoved them aside and crawled in between my legs.
“Treat?” she asked, her eyes glazed.
“Yes, you’ve been a good omega,” I said, cupping her jaw and pulling
her in for a kiss. She surprised me when she broke the kiss and instead
leaned down and took my cock in her mouth in one swift movement.
I let out a garbled cry as she continued to work me, squeezing my knot
with her hand.
“Next time, I’ll be the one to force her to eat,” Cam snorted.
I glared at him, but my expression quickly changed as Josie sucked me
down again, her tongue swirling around the head of my cock. My skin was
so tender that my cock felt sore—I hadn’t even known that was possible—
but I was addicted to her touch, the feel of her lips stretched around me. It
wasn’t long until I came, spilling into her mouth. She swallowed it all down
like the good girl she was.
I expected her to move away after I came, but she kept her mouth on my
cock, laying her head on my thigh so she could keep sucking.
I stroked her hair, unsure of what to do. She looked so calm and I didn’t
want to disrupt her. Her eyelids grew heavy and then closed, but she kept
sucking gently.
I looked at Theo, who just yawned. “If that’s what it takes for her to
sleep,” he said with a shrug.
“Like it’s a fucking hardship,” Cam snorted, curling up behind Josie and
wrapping his arms around her waist.
I grinned as I laid back in the nest, the soft blankets and cushions
surrounding us.
Yeah, couldn’t complain about any of it.
Chapter Sixty-Nine

I soothed my hand down Josie’s back as she lay on top of me, trying to
help her sleep, but she was restless. Cam was in the shower—quite
possibly having fallen asleep in there—and Ben was in the kitchen
preparing snacks to ease his constant concern that our mate wasn’t eating
enough. Getting her to eat was a battle. All she wanted was cock—her
words, not mine—and we were on day four of her heat. I’d texted Angie
earlier when it was clear that Josie’s heat showed no signs of slowing down.
She’d reassured me it was to be expected after Josie’s long history of
suppressant use and that as long as it didn’t last longer than a week, our
omega would be fine.
If her heat lasted that long, we might actually die.
It’d be the best fucking way to go, but still. Our omega was insatiable.
I trailed my fingers down her back. A fantasy had been playing out in
my mind non-stop since our conversation at Trader Joe’s, and I thought this
rare moment that I had her to myself might be the right time to play it out.
I wanted to stalk her through the house, chasing her down until she had
no chance of escape.
With a little huff, Josie sat up, straddling me and distracting me with the
soft bounce of her breasts. I couldn’t stop myself from reaching up to grab
them, tweaking her nipples with my fingers as she ground her dripping
pussy along the length of my cock.
“I can’t sleep. Too wired,” she said. “Need you.”
I ran my thumbs under her eyes and down her jaw. She’d barely slept
these past few days but didn’t look tired. She looked radiant.
Before she could slide my length inside of her, I gripped her hips,
holding her still. She looked down at where my hands held her fast, an
expression of pure outrage on her face.
“I had another idea, love,” I said, squeezing her hips.
She looked at me with suspicion. “What?” she asked, trying to get some
friction against her pussy.
I opened my mouth to tell her, and then insecurity flooded me. What if
she hated the idea? What if she thought it was ridiculous or upsetting?
Her eyes softened and she leaned down to kiss me.
“What is it, Theo?” she asked, her breath skating across my skin.
“We don’t have to do it,” I stalled.
“Tell me,” she said, leaning down so her breasts were pressed against
my chest as she started sucking on my bond mark.
“You don’t play fair,” I groaned.
She smiled, pulling back to run her hand through my hair. “Good. Now
tell me.”
“Do you want to be hunted?” I blurted out in the least seductive tone
Josie’s lips parted and her scent deepened in arousal.
“Yes,” she gasped without hesitation.
I grinned. “Yeah?”
She nodded, sitting up again and bouncing lightly, the motion grinding
her pussy against my cock. “But… where?” She looked around the room
we’d set up as her nest.
“It’d require you to leave the nest,” I said, sitting up and pulling her
flush to my chest.
She bit her lip. I could sense a hint of hesitation in the bond as she
thought it through. Usually, omegas didn’t want to leave the nest during
their heats, but I thought we were far enough along that she might be
willing to try it.
“That feels okay,” she said, looking back at me with a smile.
“Anytime you want to stop, you just say so and we’ll come back here,”
I said firmly.
She nodded and slowly licked her lips.
“Good girl,” I said and was rewarded with her perfume.
“Here’s what you’re going to do.” I leaned back so I could snag my bag.
“You’re going to put this on for me.” I pulled out a black bodysuit I’d
ordered online. It was all soft lace with a thong back and a low-cut front.
Josie took it, nose crinkled. “You want me to put on clothes?”
I laughed. “Not sure this really counts as clothes. But I think you’ll like
She reluctantly climbed off me and pulled on the bodysuit. I helped her
with the straps, my cock weeping with precum at how sexy she looked. The
lace was barely enough to hold in her breasts, her nipples hard as they
peeked out from the fabric. Straps crisscrossed her back, framing the top of
her plump ass, which was fully exposed from the thong. I couldn’t wait to
tear it off of her.
“I don’t look stupid?” she asked, a hint of anxiety in her gaze.
I blinked in shock. How could she think that for even a second?
“What?” I asked, my voice almost a growl as I dragged her body against
mine. “You are the fucking sexiest,” I kissed her forehead, “hottest,” I
kissed her cheek, “most spectacular omega, no, the most spectacular being
in the entire world.” I cupped her jaw and kissed her deeply, our tongues
rubbing against each other as I nipped and sucked her lush lips.
She looked dazed when I finally pulled away.
“You understand?” I asked, gripping her chin.
A smile spread across her face, and she nodded. “Thank you,” she said,
almost shyly. She shifted her weight, her body brimming with energy. “Now
“Now, pet, you run and hide and hope the monster doesn’t find you,” I
said, my voice slipping into a growl.
Josie shuddered and a gush of slick soaked the bodysuit. Her eyes were
glazed. I ran my hands down her legs, stopping when my thumbs rested
inches from her sweet little cunt. “You better run,” I whispered in her ear.
She moaned before pulling away. I eyed her to make sure she was
steady on her legs. Then she let out a nervous giggle before running out of
the room.
I wondered how long I could force myself to wait. Each second without
her next to me felt like an eternity.
I paced around the nest, counting the seconds.
After four minutes, I decided I’d waited long enough.
I stalked out of the room, letting my alpha instincts take over as I
followed her sweet scent down the stairs. It grew stronger until I was
standing in front of the office door. Little omega couldn’t hide from me.
I threw the door open and prowled around the room, but her scent was
faint and she wasn’t under the desk or in the closet. Confused, I returned to
the door, wondering why her scent was so strong there. Catching another
whiff, I leaned in and realized she had put her slick on the wooden door
I chuckled, my alpha delighted at the challenge. Sneaky pet.
I whirled around to track her down again, entering the kitchen where
Ben had put together a massive tray of Josie’s favorite breakfast foods. He
snorted when he saw me.
“A delicious creature ran through here,” he said with a smile. “But she
made me promise not to tell you where she went.”
I grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ll track her down.”
“I’m heading up to the nest,” he said, picking up the tray. “Come find
me when you’re done with your prize.”
I left the kitchen and turned around in the hallway, trying to think where
an omega in heat would want to go. My eyes caught on the door to the large
linen closet by the laundry room. The perfect, enclosed, nest-like space.
I pressed my face against the crack in the door and was rewarded with a
burst of fresh vanilla. I smiled, a rumble going through my chest as I threw
the door open. A pile of blankets on the floor let out a suspicious gasp.
“Naughty pet. Thought you could run from me,” I said, tearing the
sheets off the floor and exposing my omega. Her hair was wild around her
face, her breaths coming fast, and the air was thick with arousal. I grabbed
her legs, dragging her out of the closet. She shrieked, clawing at the floor,
the doorframe, at anything to stop me, but it was futile. My alpha roared in
approval as I pinned her underneath me, her chest heaving.
“Let me go,” she cried out, kicking her legs, which were soaked in her
slick. “I’m not yours.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, pet. I’m never letting you go.” I leaned
over her, bending her legs and pressing them towards her chest. Her pupils
were so large they took up most of the vibrant green of her eyes.
“You good?” I mouthed.
She nodded, biting her lip to hide her smile before she struggled against
my hold again.
“You can’t do this,” she shrieked, reaching down to pry my hands from
her skin, but my hands didn’t budge.
“I’m going to bring you pleasure until you scream my name, then fill
you with my cum and mark you with my scent so everyone knows you
belong to me.”
I tore the bodysuit off of her, my cock twitching with the satisfying rip
of the lace. She squealed, struggling to get away, but I grabbed onto her
thighs and pulled her towards me.
I chuckled darkly, tightening my grip as I forced her thighs apart. I
lowered my face to her sweet pussy and breathed in the intoxicating scent
of her. I’d planned on teasing her until she was begging, screaming for me
to take her, but now that I was here, I had a better idea.
I dove right in, pressing my tongue into her tight passage, sucking up
her sweet slick, before licking up to her clit. She moaned and it spurred me
on. I licked and sucked her clit and was rewarded with a burst of her slick
as she came. She tried to push me away, but I just growled, continuing the
pleasurable torture until she came again.
And again.
Her body was flushed and covered with a sheen of sweat as I forced her
to give me all her pleasure. I stuffed her cunt full of my fingers, curling
them to continuously hit her pleasure spot as she whimpered and moaned,
her limbs weak from the near dozen orgasms she’d had.
“That’s right, fuck yourself against my fingers. Take what you need.”
Her hips came off the ground as she forced me deeper. The sounds she
made were wild and primal. I clenched my knot to keep myself from
coming, pushed so close to the edge by her taste, her smell, her pleasure.
“Beg,” I gritted out. “Beg for my knot, pet.”
“Please,” she said, a tear trailing down her cheek. “Please fuck me, knot
me. I need you.”
“Say you’re mine,” I said, moving up her body and notching my cock at
her entrance.
“Yours, forever, always,” she gasped out.
With a roar, I sheathed myself inside her cunt, knot and all. She sobbed
as she came again, digging her fingers into my back. The sting spurred me
on and I rutted into her, unleashing a seemingly endless stream of cum
inside her. My alpha snarled with satisfaction that my knot sealed it inside
her. I imagined myself pushing my cum back inside her with my fingers
even after my knot deflated.
I panted, keeping my weight on my forearms so I didn’t crush her as I
pressed my face into her throat.
“God, Theo,” she moaned.
I pulled back so I could meet her gaze. She looked stunned.
“I don’t know where that came from, but anytime you have a fantasy,
please share it.”
I grinned, the haze of the chase and my rut fading. I held her tight as I
rolled on the floor so she was lying on top of me.
“It wasn’t too much?” I asked.
“It was way too fucking much,” she moaned, snuggling into my chest.
“In the very best way.”
Then she finally fell asleep, her body limp on top of me, my knot still
sealed in her cunt.
Chapter Seventy

S cents swirled around the nest, thick and intoxicating, as Cam placed soft,
fur-lined leather cuffs on my wrists.
I’d been scared I would feel out of control during my heat, but I still felt
like me. Just a knot-and-orgasm-obsessed version of me. My omega had
taken over, and she was confident in demanding what she wanted.
“You still want to do this?” Cam asked, tilting my chin up so I met his
“Yes, alpha,” I said earnestly. My body was sore and exhausted, but my
heat wasn’t done yet and I wanted more. More of my alphas, more pleasure,
more knots. My mind felt sharper than it had the past few days—maybe a
sign that my heat was coming to a close—but my body felt just as needy as
“Whatever my baby girl wants,” Cam responded, kissing me before
leading me over to a clear spot on the floor.
I knew Cam had been nervous about dominating me during my heat, but
I fucking loved it. I kept demanding more from him, and I felt him grow
more confident as the days went on.
“You tell me if you need to stop,” he said, gripping my face. Slick
gushed out of me at his stern tone, and I whimpered. Stop? Why would I
ever want to stop this?
“Keep going,” I demanded, my lip jutting out in a pout.
Cam grinned and his expression was so fucking sexy. I tried to rub
against him, my pussy somehow still needing attention. But he didn’t let
me. Instead, he tied a length of rope to the chain between my cuffs and then
attached it to a hook in the ceiling, pulling the rope until my body was taut.
I pulled against the restraints, but they held fast. My feet were still on the
ground, but barely.
How was he so prepared? He had literal ceiling hooks. Also, why
hadn’t we used this earlier?
Then a dark, slimy emotion settled in my chest. How many other
women had he done this with in here?
Cam paused his movements, clearly sensing the change in my mood.
“Baby girl?”
“How many women have you fucked in here?” I snarled and then
cringed. I hadn’t meant for it to sound so accusatory.
Cam’s eyes widened, his lush lips parting. He gripped my hips tight,
pulling me flush against his cock.
“You jealous, little omega?” he murmured. I squirmed, trying to escape
him, but I was at his mercy.
“Fuck you,” I heard myself say. What was wrong with me?
Instead of getting angry, Cam pulled me closer, one hand gripping the
back of my neck and the other cupping my ass cheek.
“You never need to be jealous, sweetheart,” he said, placing little kisses
down my jaw. “No one except our pack has been in the cabin.” His mouth
continued its journey down my neck. “I set this up just for you because I
knew it would make you so fucking turned on your slick would drip down
onto the floor. You’re the only one for me. Now and forever.” I cried out as
his lips latched onto his bond mark and sucked hard.
His words and touch had cut through the red haze of jealousy, and it
helped to know he’d never brought someone else here. This space belonged
to just our pack.
“Okay,” I murmured, sucking on Cam’s bond mark and scent marking
his chest.
Cam chuckled. “Hate seeing you upset, but fucking love how possessive
you are of me.”
A bare chest pressed against my back and I breathed in Theo’s heady
“Look at our omega all on display for us,” he said.
“So perfect, so sexy, and completely at our mercy,” Cam said, his voice
deep as he pinched my nipples. Slick dripped down my thighs.
“Need… I need…” I cried out, not exactly sure what I was asking for.
The helplessness of having my hands bound above me was both frustrating
and deeply arousing.
“Speaking of jealousy,” Cam said. “I think Theo was jealous earlier.”
I tried to twist to look at Theo, but Cam had my hips firmly in his grasp.
“I think he wants to spank you.” Cam’s lips brushed against my ear and
Theo groaned, grinding his cock against my ass cheeks.
Oh god.
My skin flamed with desire. Theo squeezed my ass hard, the sting going
straight to my pussy. Then he shifted his hands to my nipples, playing with
them as he ground his cock against me.
“Would you want that?” he asked.
I almost rolled my eyes. What kind of question was that? Of course, I
wanted it. I wanted everything they could give me.
“If you want it, you need to beg,” Cam said, his voice seductive.
I whimpered, pulling on my restraints. My skin was on fire and my
pussy contracted with need.
“Please, Theo, please spank me,” I begged, grinding against him the
best I could.
“Hmm… and why should I do that?” he asked, trailing his fingers
lightly down my backside.
I let out a growl. I was not in the mood to be kept waiting.
“Did you hear our omega growl at me?” Theo asked Cam.
“I did,” Cam responded. “It’s very naughty to growl at your alphas.”
“That deserves some punishment.”
“But I’m a good girl,” I whined, reveling in playing the brat. Maybe
that’s why I loved these games so much… because I got to be bratty in a
way I could never be growing up, and they would never get angry at me,
never punish me.
Well, they would punish me, but in the most delicious way possible.
I didn’t get any warning before Theo’s hand smacked my ass. I moaned
at the stinging pleasure. I saw Cam give Theo a nod and he continued
spanking me, varying the speed and intensity so I never knew what to
expect. All I could do was surrender—to the bondage, to my stinging skin,
to my alphas.
Cam thrust his fingers into my pussy, grinding the heel of his palm
against my clit. It wasn’t long before I came, my orgasm rushing through
me and leaving me boneless. Slick dripped down my thighs and my
perfume filled the air. Theo’s hands cupped my ass, soothing the tender
“You want your alphas to fuck you, naughty omega?” Theo asked,
giving my tender cheeks a squeeze.
I moaned and nodded furiously. “Yes, please.”
They wasted no time—Theo lubed my ass and Cam slipped into my
pussy. Then they were fucking me, pulling back and forth on my hips. I was
helpless between them, but I felt powerful at the same time.
I closed my eyes, lost to the sensation. Fingers worked my clit as they
filled me, fucking me fast and hard. I came with a cry, shattering around
them, and they followed right behind me.
They both pulled out, their cum dripping from me. I was briefly
disappointed that neither of them had knotted me, but I was feeling very
close to being completely done. They were so in tune with me; it felt like
they knew my body better than I did, and my body was sending signals that
my heat was coming to a close.
Cam untied my arms and I whimpered at the pins and needles sensation
as he lowered them.
“You did so well,” he murmured, massaging the feeling back into them
as Theo rubbed my back.
“You take her,” Cam said to Theo. “I’m going to get a cloth to clean her
I shivered as I collapsed into Theo’s arms. He laid me back down in the
nest and pulled a blanket over us without letting go of me for even a second.
His touch was so devoted and tender that a lump formed in my throat.
“You know you’re always my good girl?” he asked, lying on his side as
he faced me and brushed the hair from my face. “Nothing could ever
change that.”
His warm, brown eyes were filled with so much love it took my breath
away. I clutched at him, wanting our bodies to be fully entwined. He knew
what I needed, pulling my top leg between his and wrapping both arms
around me in a tight hold.
Nothing could ever get better than this.
arm water surrounded me, lapping gently at my tender skin. I leaned my
W head back with a sigh and realized I was resting against Ben.
“You back with us, gorgeous?” he asked, massaging his hands
down my arms.
“Mmm,” I responded, too tired to form words.
Ben shook with laughter and purred, the vibrations soothing me. I
shifted so my side was against his chest, wanting to see him better. His dark
curls were damp from the bath and when he smiled, it lit up my body. It was
almost enough to make me want to initiate something if I hadn’t been so
sore. He ran his thumb across my lips, swollen from so many kisses.
“You’re so incredible, precious. So sexy and beautiful and mine,” he
I snuggled into his chest, trailing my hands down his skin. His body had
softened the past couple of months as he’d cut back on his workouts,
instead spending his mornings with me and his days in the kitchen doing the
things that made him happy. And he was just as damn sexy as before.
“How long was my heat?” I asked. The heat fog hadn’t been scary like
I’d thought. Memories of my heat were wrapped in a lust-induced haze, but
they were still there.
“Five days.”
“What?” I choked out, pushing myself off his chest. His arms tightened
around me, and he tugged me back down so I was flush with his skin again.
“Shh, you’re okay. Theo made me promise to keep you calm.
Something about regulating hormones. Or maybe it was something else. I
wasn’t paying attention.”
I snorted, but his ridiculousness helped me relax. I’d never heard of a
heat lasting over four days—two or three was more common. Angie had
warned me mine would probably be on the long side after my years of
suppressant use, but I hadn’t been expecting that. It freaked me out that so
many days had passed without my awareness, but my alphas had been with
me the whole time—protecting, feeding, and pleasuring me. My cheeks
flushed as I remembered last night’s bondage scene. I guessed that’s what
broke my heat.
I looked around, not seeing my other alphas.
As if he knew I was about to ask, Ben said, “Theo’s getting you some
snacks and Cam is passed out in the nest. You completely exhausted us,
I grinned, feeling a bit proud of that.
“Thanks for being here with me,” I murmured, kissing Ben’s chest. My
eyelids felt heavy again.
“Nowhere else I’d want to be,” he responded, brushing his thumb over
my bond mark as he held me tight, sending all his love down the bond.
Chapter Seventy-One

L ilappease
O’s music played quietly in the car. I knew my alphas were trying to
me, but even my favorite music couldn’t ease my grumpiness.
This morning they’d told me they had a present for me, but they refused to
tell me what it was, saying it was a surprise.
Cam and Ben had pressed me between them in the backseat. My
hormones were still all over the place after my heat, and I needed their
touch. We’d only gotten back to town yesterday, and I felt physically sore
and emotionally raw. I’d loved every moment of my heat, and my guys
were taking such good care of me, but they should know better than to tease
me with a gift right now. I was even irritated at Theo for being up front
driving instead of sitting back here snuggling with me.
My omega was being greedy, but I’d finally come to terms with the fact
that maybe that was okay. I was getting more comfortable with her
existence… she was a part of me, a part that I thought I could love. She
carried with her a confidence that allowed her to be demanding and needy
and whatever else she wanted to be.
“Patience is not my strong suit,” I grumbled.
Theo snorted. “I think we got that message loud and clear when we tried
edging you and you threatened to castrate us.”
I sniffed. “Yeah, well, I want what I want.”
Cam grinned, kissing me on the temple. “This will be worth the wait.”
I glanced over at Ben, who was staring out the window, his leg shaking.
He was trying to shield his emotions from the bond, but I kept getting little
bursts of anxiety. I grasped his hand in mine and squeezed.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
He met my gaze with a forced smile. “Nothing.”
Unease worked its way into my chest. He was hiding something.
Cam wrapped his arm around me, giving me a reassuring squeeze. The
only thing stopping me from freaking out at Ben’s anxiety was how calm
Theo and Cam were.
“Alright, enough edging. We’re here,” Theo announced, pulling into a
small parking lot between two brick buildings.
We were in New River’s historic district, parked just off the adorable
main street. I’d only seen this part of town in passing, but I’d always
dreamed of casually strolling down the cobblestone sidewalks as I visited
the shops and cafes.
“Are we going shopping?” I asked as Cam helped me out of the car. He
just smiled and took my hand.
Ben appeared in front of me. “Put this on,” he said, thrusting a blindfold
at me.
“Why are you acting so weird?” I asked, a slight whine in my voice as I
took the blindfold. “You’re freaking me out.”
Theo huffed at Ben, pushing him out of the way. He took the blindfold
out of my hands and leaned down.
“Trust us?” he asked, kissing my lips gently.
I let out a little omega growl. He knew I trusted them more than
Theo chuckled, slipping the blindfold over me. He took my hand,
making sure to run his fingers down his bond mark.
“You’re cute,” he said.
Before I had a chance to respond, my alphas tugged me along, carefully
guiding me so I didn’t fall.
“Here we are,” Cam said after we’d walked about a block. He removed
my blindfold and I blinked, staring up at an empty storefront.
The brick facade matched the neighboring shops, but this one had a pink
front door. Next to the door was a large window with a striped awning over
it. The view into the shop was covered up with brown paper. Rose vines
grew on the side of the brick and I could only imagine how gorgeous it
would look in the summer.
I was about to ask what we were doing here when my eyes caught on
the pink neon sign above the large window.
My heart just about stopped.
In curly script, it read Vanilla Pie Bakery.
“No,” I gasped, turning towards Ben. He was blushing and shifting side
to side.
“What do you think?” he asked, uncertainty drenching his tone.
I squealed, throwing myself at him. He scooped me up in his arms and
held me tight, a wide smile spreading across his face.
“You like?”
“It’s amazing,” I said, peppering his face with kisses. He laughed, and
Cam and Theo pressed in close, both smiling broadly.
I twisted in Ben’s arms so I could see the shop again. “I can’t believe it.
It’s perfect.”
“The upstairs is empty, so Theo and I thought we would set up our
offices up there,” Cam said, moving my hair so he could kiss his bond
“Ohmygosh! We all get to work in the same building?” Literal dream
come true.
Theo laughed. “Not sure how much work we’ll get done all being in the
same space, but we couldn’t stand the idea of being apart from you all day.”
“They were worried you would realize that I’m the best alpha of the
group,” Ben said with a wink.
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Can we go inside?”
Ben set me down and pulled a key out of his back pocket with a
“We closed on it yesterday. It’s all ours.”
I took the key from him, practically bouncing to the front door. “That’s
why we had to come back so quickly?”
Theo nodded. “Usually, we wouldn’t uproot you from the nest so soon
after your heat. Research shows that an additional three days of nesting
can…” He trailed off as he took in our amused expressions. He ran his hand
through his hair. “Well, anyway, we thought this was worth it.”
I swung the door open, my excitement growing as I took in the empty
space for the first time. The large front windows would let in so much light
once we took down the paper blocking them. The walls were plaster and
brick peaked through in some spots, adding charm to the historic space, and
the wood floors were laid in a herringbone pattern.
“It’s going to take a lot of work to get it set up the way we want,” Ben
said, taking my hand. “But it used to be a restaurant, so the back is already
set up as a commercial kitchen space.”
My mind was whirring with design ideas. I wondered if we could do
some sort of window seat, and then we would need smaller tables… maybe
a couple of cozy accent chairs in the corner.
“You’re not mad we chose a space without you?” Ben asked. I turned
towards him, taking in his worried expression. “We weren’t sure…”
I cut off his words with a kiss. He immediately wrapped his hand
around my neck, dragging me against his chest as he deepened the kiss, his
cock hardening against my stomach.
“I’m so happy,” I said between kisses.
I was relieved they’d bought this space without me, especially after how
stressful I’d found the house-buying process. On our second day of looking
at homes, I’d broken down in tears during an open house. The reminder of
why we needed a new home haunted me, filling me with a mixture of anger,
guilt, and sadness. We’d taken a break from house searching after that until
one day when Theo had hesitantly asked if I wanted to see one more house
the realtor had suggested. I’d agreed, promising myself the entire drive
there that I would not cry. The second Theo showed me the secret door that
led to a room he said I could make my personal library, I burst into tears
because I wanted the house so bad and I was scared we wouldn’t get it.
Theo had put an offer in immediately—I hadn’t even asked for how much
—and then it had been ours.
A firm chest pressed against my back, and I broke the kiss to peer back
at Cam.
“Oh, are we doing this again?” I asked, wiggling my butt against Cam
and looking between the two of them.
Ben snorted, and Cam smacked my ass.
“Naughty omega,” he murmured, but I felt the arousal surging through
the bond. “Let’s go upstairs and check out the office space.”
We headed upstairs and my eyes immediately zeroed in on the beige
wall-to-wall carpet, my fingers itching to rip it up. While the design left a
lot to be desired, the layout was great. There was plenty of space for all of
us to have offices, and the front room looked over Main Street. One
window even had a tiny balcony just big enough for a chair and a side table.
I was already dreaming of sitting out there with my laptop to get work done
once the weather warmed up.
As I looked out the window, I couldn’t stop tears from streaming down
my face.
“What’s wrong?” Cam asked, hurrying to my side.
“I’m happy,” I responded with a sob. “You can’t do something so sweet
to an omega right after their heat,” I said as I tried to keep myself from full-
on ugly crying.
“You deserve all the sweetness,” Cam murmured, trying to wipe away
my tears.
Theo wrapped his arms around me, pressing soft kisses to my neck and
scent-marking me. His scent helped me settle. Maybe he did have a point
about still needing to nest for a few days after my heat.
There was a scent missing, though.
“Where did Ben go?” I asked, looking around.
“He’s setting up one last surprise,” Theo said with a wink.
“Oh god,” I said, wiping the last of my tears. “Not sure I can handle
anything more.”
They brought me to a set of metal stairs tucked away in the back corner.
I was confused about where they led unless…
My jaw dropped as the door opened to the outside and I stepped onto
the roof. Cam chuckled at my excitement, pulling me into his chest to shield
me from the cold wind. The rooftop was a bit dingy right now—all concrete
with a rusted metal railing running along the edge—but it had an amazing
view of Main Street, and I could already imagine how cute it would be with
string lights and seating.
My heart leapt in my chest when I saw Ben standing in the middle of
the roof next to a blanket, picnic basket, and space heater. He was holding a
bottle of champagne. I skipped over to him—ignoring Theo’s shouted
warning to be careful. Ben dragged me to his chest, his hands and lips
insistent, kissing me as though we’d been apart for years and not mere
“We have to christen our new space,” Ben said, pulling away, his earlier
anxiety completely gone.
I raised my eyebrows as a spark of arousal shot through me.
“Not that kind of christening,” Theo groaned, pressing his face to my
hair and making me giggle.
“Next time,” Ben said with a wink. “This time, we’ll stick with
He popped the cork and poured each of us a glass.
“To Vanilla Pie Bakery,” he said.
“To Josie and Ben,” Cam said.
“And to our future together,” Theo said.
I clinked my glass with theirs, too overwhelmed to add any words of my
own. But they had said it all.
I took a sip of champagne. The future felt as bright as the rays of
sunshine warming us on the winter’s day.

The End.
The Journey Continues

Need to see how Pack Ashwood christened the office… the other way?
Grab the spicy bonus scene here!

If you loved this book, I would be so appreciative if you left a review.

They’re so important for authors.

Not ready to say goodbye to this world? I have plans for several more
books in the Luna & Sol Omegaverse. Follow along with me on social
media and my newsletter to get all the latest updates on upcoming books.

Facebook Group: Emilia Emerson’s Reader Group

Newsletter Signup:
Instagram & TikTok: @emiliaemersonauthor

What a journey writing this duology has been.

As I was finishing up drafting this book in late fall of 2022, I was
diagnosed with a rare tumor. I wrote many of these pages between doctor’s
appointments, MRIs, and biopsies. When I imagined publishing this book, I
never expected I’d be doing my final edits during chemo. The past six
months have been devastating in so many ways, and this book got me
through so much of it. Having a project to focus on and something to look
forward to gave me purpose. So my first thank you belongs to Pack
Ashwood. Thank you to these lovely characters who feel so real to me, and
have brought me so much joy.
The second thank you belongs to my friends who have been with me
through all of this. Thank you for coming with me to appointments, sitting
with me during chemo, sending me gift cards and care packages and notes
of encouragement. You have loved me so well, and it’s been one of the
greatest gifts of my life. Thank you forever.
Alex and Lindsay, you made sure I wasn’t alone for any of this. There
aren’t enough words to express what that’s meant. You have my endless
love and gratitude.
Darcy, you know how much I wanted to write a standalone, but you
helped me see this story deserved two books. Thanks for sticking with me
all these months. This book would be tremendously less interesting without
your input (and about 85% less bloodthirsty). I’m so grateful to have you as
a friend and to be on this book-writing journey together.
Olivia, sorry for all the edging. I hope this book was worth the wait!
Your unhinged enthusiasm kept me going, mainly because I was scared of
what you would do to me if I didn’t finish. Just kidding! Mostly.
Another huge thank you to my Tenacious Writer’s critique group:
Patricia, Jenny, and Robyn. I have treasured all your feedback and
encouragement as we go through this challenging book-writing process
together. Thank you to Rachel for hosting all the write-ins, to Emily for
helping me know what it means to finish a book, and for both of you for
helping me keep my “why” for writing at the forefront.
Thank you to Celina and Ella, just because I love you both. Although if
you’ve actually read this book, no you haven’t!!
And lastly, a massive thank you to my ARC readers, content creators,
and anyone who has told their friends about these books. I have been
overwhelmed by your support and excitement. Thank you for believing in
these books when I struggled to believe in myself.
About the Author

Emilia Emerson loves to embroider, take naps with her dog, read filthy smut, and do projects around
the house. She works in mental health and loves that writing romance allows her to explore worlds
with guaranteed happily ever afters, cozy characters who love each other, and found families who
overcome challenges together.

Stay up to date on new announcements:

Facebook Group: Emilia Emerson’s Reader Group

Newsletter Signup:
Instagram & TikTok: @emiliaemersonauthor

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