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i i ‘CONTRACT OF SUBLEASE ‘This Contract of Sublease, hereinafter referred the Contract, made and entered into ths October _ 2020 at _Gity, by and between: SERVEQUEST PROPERTIES CORPORATION (SPC), a corporation duly organized and existing Under and by virtue of Philippine laws, wth office address at 186 Elizalde corner R. Corpuz Streets, BF Homes Executive Vilage, Paranaque City, represented by its Operations Manager, (Me. Moses Chiong, hereinafter referred to as the "LESSOR"; and KEN N RIE TRANSPORT INC, 2 corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of Philippine laws, with office address at San Proquinto, Malvar, Batangas, represented by its ‘General Manager, Louise T. Matsul, hereinafter referred to asthe “LESSEE” ‘Both the LESSOR and the LESSEE shall collectively be referred to asthe “Parties nd individually the “Party” RECITALS: WHEREAS, the LESSOR isthe lessee of undeveloped properties with 3 total area of THREE HUNDRED NINETY Six THOUSAND Six HUNDRED TWENTY SQUARE METERS (396,620 SOM) situated at Barangay Sta, Anastacia, Sto. Tomas, Batangas as evidenced by the Lease Contract dated February 9, 2018 texecuted by and between the LESSOR and Home Guaranty Corporation (now Philippine Guarantee Corporation or Phlguarantee), copy of whichis attached herein as ANNEX A. The aforementioned ‘properties shall hereinafter be referred to asthe “Master Property”; WHEREAS, the LESSEE desies to lease a portion of the undeveloped Master Property with a total leasabe and area of TWO THOUSAND SQUARE METERS (2,000 SM) inital located at portions of Lot 557A and Lot $578, forthe purposes of constructing and operating, at is own expense, a bus parking yard, hereinafter referred to asthe “Subject Property’ subject tothe terms and conditions setin Clause 2 below. NOW THEREFORE, for and In consideration of the foregoing premises, the LESSOR does hereby sublease unto the LESSEE the Subject Property and the LESSEE does hereby accept from the LESSOR the same Subject Property, subject othe following terms and conditions 1. LEASE PERIOD ~The lease shall be fr period of TEN (10) years commencing on December 1, 2020 and shall terminate on Novernber 30, 2030. The entice period shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Lease Period”. The Lease Period shall be renewable upon mutual consent ofthe Parties and no provision for automatic renewal shall be allowed, 2. LOCATION of SUBJECT PROPERTY: Since the entire Master Property is under continuous development, the LESSEE agrees and hereby consents to allow the LESSOR to transfer the LOCATION of the initial SUBJECT PROPERTY to another reasonable location within the Master Propeny at anytime after the third (3°) year ofthe Lease Period 3, RENTAL FEES ~The LESSEE shall pay a monthly rental fee of THIRTY PESOS (Php 30.00) por {quate meter or an amount equal to Php 60,000.09 inclusive of 12% Value Added Tax (VAT) oe Rae. Matt {forthe lease ofthe Subject Property (the “Rental Fees") or the fist THREE (3) years ofthe LEASE PERIOD, (On the FOURTH YEAR (DECEMBER 1, 2023) (Please refer to Annex B of the LEASE PERIOD, the LESSEE shall pay a monthly rental fe of THIRTY FIVE PESOS (Php 35.00) pr square meter or ‘an amount equal to Php 70,000.00 inclusive of 12% Value Added Tax (VAT) for the lease ofthe ‘Subject Property RENTAL FEES shall be dated on every Sth day of every month and payable tothe LESSOR's office without the need af aotce ar demand through post-dated checks as stated in Clause 3D, Monthiy rentals not paid on due date may be accepted but shall be assessed a penalty of ‘three percent (3%) per month based on the amount due until fully pad, ESCALATION - The Rental Fee shall be subject to five percent (5%) escalation every year starting onthe FIFTH year (Please refer to Annex) of the lease agreernent starting DECEMBER 1, 2024, Should the contract be extended after the prescribed period, the Rental Fes forthe new lease Contract shall be applied based on the Rental Fee ofthe last year plus the five percent (5%) adjustment. LESSEE'S CONSIDERATION OF THE LEASE -As part of the consideration ofthe lease the LESSEE shall be allowed to construct a its own cost offices, structures, of any other improvements ‘necessary for its intended business operations and to maintain such improvements in good condition during the entive Lease Period. FIVE PERCENT (5%) WITHHOLDING TAX ~ The LESSEE shall have the right to deduct from the Rental Fees the prevailing withholding tax required by exsting law (le. currently a five percent (5%) of the net Rental Fees) as long asthe corresponding BIR Form 2307 is forwarded promptly tothe LESSOR without the need for demand or notice. |. POST-DATED CHECKS (PDC) - The LESSEE shal issue TEN (10) postdated checks [PDCS) covering the lst ten months of the frst year ofthe lease atthe time of execution of this CContrat and TWELVE (12) POC atthe start of every year thereafter up to and until the last year of this contract and/or renewal hereof as the case maybe. ADVANCE RENTALS - Simultaneously with the execution ofthis Contact. the LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR the sum of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 120,000.0) inclusive of VAT representing two (2] months advance Rental Fees (the Advance Rentals) The said amount shall be applied against the fst two (2) months of Rental Fees of the Lease Period SECURITY DEPOSIT In ation tothe Advance Rental, the LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR the sum of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND PESOS (PHP 120,000.00) as two (2) months ‘deposit [the "Security Deposit’). The Security Deposit will be held and applied by the LESSOR to answer for unpaid uty charges, any ad all damages suffered by the Subject Property due to the fault of the LESSEE and as secunty for the return of the Subject Property in proper Condition and to guarantee the LESSEE’ due observance ofan faithful compliance withthe terms and conditions of this Contract. ‘The Security Deposit shall not be use to offset any Rental Fee or other payments due tothe LESSOR from the LESSEE under paragraph 3 thereof. The said Security Deposit shal be refundable to the LESSEE, without any Interest thereon, within thirty (30) days from the expiration ofthe Leased Period Including any renewal hereof but only after the LESSEE shall hhave vacated the Subject Property, deducting therefrom the amounts mentioned in the preceding paragraph. However, the Security Deposit shal not be refunded to the LESSEE in ‘cases where the scenario contemplated in Cause 15 and 16 ofthis Contract is present which ferant the LESSOR the right to forfeit the Security Deposit init favour. Unies LESSOR receives the ten (10) monthly POC, two (2) dated checks or its equivalent for Security Deposit and two (2) dated checks o its equivalent for Advance Rentals, possession of the Subject Property shall not be turned over tothe LESSEE EAL PROPERTY TAKES AND FEES — All real property tares and fees corresponding to the Subject Property (i.e. land) shall be paid by the LESSOR direct tothe local government; and real property taxes for improvements constructed by the LESSEE thereon, i plicable, shall, bbe pai by the LESSEE directly tothe local government on behalf ofthe LESSOR. The LESSOR ‘and the LESSEE shal immediately submit to each other copies of the official receipts ‘evidencing payment of the aforesaid real property taxes, The LESSEE shall likewise be lable forany charges, penalties and damages caused by the delay in payment of real property taxes if applicable, onl forthe portion of improvements constructed by the LESSEE (CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION ~ The LESSEE shall construct and develop a vehicle storage area with related structures on the Subject Property al at its expense. The LESSEE ‘hal provide the LESSOR copies of the approved development plan, including technical plan ‘and working drawings, electrical plan, and meter centre, water supply sytem, road system, drainage layout. and sewerage treatment plant (‘STP’), if any, together with corresponding permits and clearances. Any alteration on the submitted plans, whether final or “As Bult Pian’, shall also be subrtted tothe LESSOR, ‘The LESSEE i allowed bythe LESSOR to include inthe construction oftheir facilities a canteen where its employees can buy food as well as other food supplies. For avoidance of doubt, the LESSEE shall not sublease the place but shal be allowed to have commercial activities related to the aforementioned operations. Alcohol and cigarettes will be STRICTLY prohibited. The LESSEE shall make sure the canteen willbe maintained 35 clean as possible and the waste will, be properly deposed without affecting the drainage system. “The LESSEE shall answer fr any loss, injury, and/or damages to persons andor property which ‘may be caused bythe constuction of any improvement on the Subject Property. UTILITIES. The LESSEE shall py and be responsible for its own electricity, water, telephone and other utes used or consumed in the Subject Property during the Lease Period DRAINAGE AND WASTE SYSTEM. The LESSEE shall have a proper and efficient drainage and waste system within the Subject Property to ensure that all types of wastes and pollutants from its operations inthe Subject Property wil be emoved and be properly disposed of in ‘accordance with the rules promulgated by the local government unit concerned as well as. those required by other agencies ofthe government, rae Ma 10, USE OF PREMISES. The Subject Property and allimprovements constructed therewith shall be sed solely and exclusively by the LESSEE during the Lease Period including any extensions thereto, without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 10.e hereot. In using the Subject Property, the LESSEE n addition tots abigation under Clause 3 above on paying Rental Fees ‘and other obligations in accordance with the Contract shall faithfully comply with the following 2. The LESSEE shall be liable for any assessments and/or fees as well 5 any permits, clearances and/or approvals which may be required by any concerned local government and/or another government agency, now or in the future, involving the LESSEE's conduct ‘of business in the Subject Property 'b_TheLESSEE shall ensure alsafety measuresare property observed inthe storage, handling, transfer, consumption and disposal of any hazardous, inflammable materials, ofthe like that are necessary and vital tothe LESSEE's operations. © Upon the LESSOR's service of a written notice therefor at least two (2) days prior tothe intended inspection date, the LESSEE shall alow the LESSOR to inspec, enter and examine the Subject Property during reasonable hours for purposes of determining whether ornot ‘the LESSE is complying wit ts bligation under this Contact. 4, The LESSEE shal refrain from undertaking any actvty within the Subject Property which ‘slegl as provided bylaw. Inthe event such activity is undertaken the LESSEE cannct and will not implicate LESSOR of any responsibly or connivance. The LESSOR shall have the option to terminate this contract as provided in Clause 15.6 The LESSEE shall not assign transfer, orsub-lease its rights under this Contract without the prior written consent ofthe LESSOR. Any asignment/transfer of rights or sublease ‘made without the prior consent ofthe LESSOR shall be null and void, and stall be ground for the termination ofthis Contract (Clause 15.) 11. MAINTENANCE AND CARE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY, The LESSEE shall forits wn account, Keep land maintain the Subject Property In clean and sanitary condition as required under the applicable rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the LESSOR and concerned {government authorities, The LESSEE shall observe good housekeeping and shall racic safe ‘operating procedures on any ofits vehicles, ruck, equipment, or the like within the Subject Property. The LESSEE shall ensure that the improvemeat on the Subject Property shall be ‘maintainedin good condition, The LESSOR shal not be liable forthe presence and actuation of any snakes, reptiles, rats, and such other animals, 5 wel as bugs, ats, termites, vermin, insects and other pests within the inity ofthe Subject Property. 412. SECURITY OF THE PREMISES, The LESSEE shall at its own expense provide its own security to {guard and keep the peace and order within the Subject Property, while the LESSOR shal be in charge of keeping the security f the other areas of the Master Property. The LESSOR shall not be responsibe for any damages or loss of any items inside the SUBJECT PROPERTY; nr shall they be responsible fr any damages to LESSEE's vehicles whether or ot such damage is caused by other vehicle(s) or person(s) in the SUBIECT PROPERTY or its surrounding area, 13. COMPLIANCE WITH RULES AND REGULATION. The LESSEE shall comply with any and all rules and regulations promulgated by the concemed government agencies and/or any of its instrumentals. The LESSEE shall be responsible for all regulatory requrements forthe Subject Property and shall hold the LESSOR free and harmless from any breach or failure to secure or comply with any ofthe regulatory requirements [RETURN OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, The LESSEE agrees, upon the termination or xpirtion ‘ofthis Contract to peacefully vacate the Subject Property and restore possession thereof to the LESSOR ots designated sucessor or assignee inclusive of the improvements unless the Lease Period be extended or renewed. Al properties shall be handed over to LESSOR or is designated successor or assignee along with any immovable structures existing thereon. For avoidance of doubt, immovable structures shall refer to but not limited to buildings oF Concrete structures tat will be damaged once removed or anything that wl deface or cause injury tothe Subject Property TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. The LESSEE understands and agrees the LESSOR hs the right o Pre Terminate ths contract anytime with reasonable causes. For avoidance of doubt, ‘reasonable causes shall refer to but no hited to the following conditions 1. Checis issued by the LESSEE in payment for any ofits obligations herein which are dishonored upon presentment for payment for any reason shall be 2 ground for the immediate termination of ths contrat. ease of dishonour of any such checks, the LESSEE shall Bear the full epansibity of notifying the LESSOR of such fact of dshonour and of rectyng it with the necessary action within three (3) calendar days to merit POSSIBLE consideration on the part of the LESSOR. LESSEE ofits tolerance of any ofits employees, associates, partners engaging oF found {ult in any forms of legal activities inside the SUBJECT PROPERTY. Sub-leasing the SUBIECT PROPERTY or any part thereof to other parties without the prior ween consent of the LESSOR, Keeping any offensive, dangerous, explosive or igh flammable materials not vital tots ‘operations inthe SUBJECT PROPERTY or using such for any unlawful activities. Engaging or doing anything that maybe harmful or being nuisance to other LESSEES, {Violation of any Terms and Conditions stated inthis Contract. \n case of termination of this contrat, the LESSEE shal leave the SUBJECT PROPERTY within thirty (30) days upon receipt ofthe notice or termination from the LESSOR. LESSEE shal lose ail I rights to al the immovable developments and investments it made on the Subject Property in favour of the LESSOR. in addition thereto, the LESSEE agrees to forfeit in favour of ‘he LESSOR, the Secutty Deposits and any paymentsit may have made tothe LESSOR pursuant to ths Contract. The LESSEE may however retrieve the unused post dated Rental Fe checks It may have ssuee 30 days after the SUBJECT PROPERTY is ttally vacated by the LESSEE 7 Mats w. {the LESSEE fails to surrender the Subject Property within thirty (30) days from receipt ofthe ‘written notice of termination, the LESSOR, or its agents or employee are hereby authorized to ‘enter and take possession ofthe Subject Property and prevent the entry of the LESSEE oF its authorized representatives from the Subject Property without need of demand, notice or any ‘court order or action. The LESSEE hereby waives any claims for damages or liabilities against the LESSOR, its agents or employees, arising out of, or resulting from, oF in connection with such entry and repossession. Notwithstanding the termination of the Contract, the LESSEE ‘hall remain able to pay monthly rentals and other obligations until such time that the LESSEE actually vacates the Subject Property within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the written ‘notice of termination from the LESSOR, PRE-TERMINATION Ifthe LESSEE decides to pre-terminate ths lease contract it can do so provided that it gives the LESSOR written notice to such effect six (6) months prior to the intended date of the said pre-termination In such an event, LESSEE agrees that i wil ose all its rights taal the immovable developments and investments it made on the Subject Property in favour of the LESSOR. In addition thereto, the LESSEE agrees to forfeit in favour of LESSOR the Security Deposits and any payments it may have made to the LESSOR pursuant to this Contract. Within the aforesaid six ()-month peti, the LESSEE shall pay the agreed monthly ‘ental upto and until the Subject Property is totaly vacated, The LESSEE may however retrieve the unused post-dated Rental Fee checks it may have issued 30 days after the SUBJECT PROPERTY s totally vacated bythe LESSEE. In cases of Pre-Termination by the LESSOR for reasons OTHER than those stated or simular to Clause 15, the LESSOR shal likewise give a written notice to the LESSEE at least 60 days from the intended date of Pre-Termination. In such an event, the LESSOR shall return the unused ppost— dated checks and the Security Deposit less applicable deductions 30 days after the SUBIECT PROPERTY is totally vacated The LESSOR shall also waive the Rental Fee of the month ‘when the SUBIECT PROPERTY is totally vacated. ESSOR'S WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. The LESSOR hereby covenants, represents and warrants as follows: 1, That thas the right and authority to lease and use the Master Property and sublease the Subject Property tothe LESSEE. That it shallbe responsible for managing and maintaining all the other areas of the Master Property That the LESSOR wil extend all necessary assistance to enable the LESSEE to obtain al the necessary government permits and licenses to perform its operations on the Subject Property 4. That all real estate taxes and special assessments upon the Subject Property, a5 of date of this Contract and thereafter, have been fully pai/will be paid on or prior to its deadline {and that n imminent risk of levy may be imposed bythe pertinent Local Government Unit ‘over the Subject Area for non-payment of local taxes ‘eThatthe Registered and Legal Owner of the Master Property has good ttle to it including the Subject Property, and the LESSOR has the legal power and authority to sublease the Subject Property to the LESSEE, in behalf of the Registered and Legal Owner, and to ‘exacute this Contract through its representative. LF Mave v. the LESSEE fails to surrender the Subject Property within thirty (30) days from receipt ofthe ‘written notice of termination, the LESSOR, or its agents or employee are hereby authorized to {enter and take possession of the Subject Property and prevent the entry ofthe LESSEE o its ‘authorized representatives from the Subject Property without need of demand, notice or any court order or action, The LESSEE hereby waives any claims for damages orhabilties against the LESSOR, its agents or employees, arising out of, oF resulting from, or in connection with such entry and repossession. Notwithstanding the termination of the Contract, the LESSEE shal remain liable to pay monthy rentals and other obligations untisuch time thatthe LESSEE actualy vacates the Subject Property within tity (30) days from the receipt ofthe written ‘tice of termination from the LESSOR. PRE-TERMINATION. Ifthe LESSEE decides to pre-terminate ths lease contract it can do so Provided that it gives the LESSOR written notice to such effect six (6) months prior to the intended date ofthe said pretermination. In such an event, LESSEE agrees that twill se all tsrights tall the immovable developments and investments it made on the Subject Property in favour ofthe LESSOR. In addition thereto, the LESSEE agrees to forfeit in favour of LESSOR the Securty Deposits and any payments it may have made tothe LESSOR pursuant to this ‘Contract. Within the aforesaid six (5}-month period, the LESSEE shall pay the agreed monthly rental up to and until the Subject Property is totally vacated. The LESSEE may however retrieve the unused post-dated Rental Fee checks it may have issued 30 days after the SUBJECT PROPERTY is totally vacated by the LESSEE. In cases of Pre-Termination by the LESSOR for reasons OTHER than those stated or similar to Clause 15, the LESSOR shall likewise give 2 written notice tothe LESSEE at least 60 days from the intended date of Pre‘Termination. In such an event, the LESSOR shall return the unused post— dated checks and the Security Deposit less applicable deductions 30 days after the ‘SUBJECT PROPERTY is totaly vacated. The LESSOR shall also waive the Renta Fee of the month ‘when the SUBJECT PROPERTY is totally vacated. {LESSOR'S WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS, The LESSOR hereby covenants, represents and warrants 2s follows: ‘a. Thatithas the ight and authority to lease and use the Master Property and sublease the Subject Property tothe LESSEE b. Thatitshallberesponsible fr managing and maintaining ll the other areas ofthe Master Property. ‘c That the LESSOR wil extend allnecessary assistance to enable the LESSEE to obtain all the necessary government permits and licenses to perform its operations on the Subject Property ‘d, Thatall realestate taxes and special assessments upon the Subject Property, as of date of this Contract and thereafter, have been fully pawl be paid on or prior to its deadtine and that no imminent ris levy may be imposed by the pertinent Local Government Unit ‘over the Subject Are for non-payment of local taxes. fe. Thatthe Registered and Legal Owner of the Master Property has good tite to It including the Subject Property, and the LESSOR has the legal power and authority to sub-lease the Subject Property to the LESSEE, in behalf of the Registered and Legal Owner, and to execute this Contract through its representative. 18, MUTUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Each Party represents and warrants to the other as follows a. Itisduly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under Philippine Laws and has its principal office atthe address first written above tis 2 BIR registered taxpayer (ie has a BIR Certificate of Registration and Authority to ‘rin oficial receipts/ invoices or Point of Sale Permit or Cash Register Machine Permit, whichever is applicable). thas full egal right, power and authority to cary on its present business, to own its Properties and assets, to incur the obligations provided for in this Contract, to execute and deliver this Contract, and to perform and observe the terms and conditions hereof. 4. Ithas taken all appropriate and necessary corporate and legal actions to authorize the ‘execution, delivery and performance of this Contract. The making, execution and delivery of this Contract, and any documents or instruments Jn implementation hereof, as well as the performance and observance of the terms hereof, wll not contravene or violate any provision ofits articles of incorporation or by- laws of of any applicable law, regulation, order or ruling, and of any contact agreement forinstrument binding on it and its properties. 18, COMMUNICATION, Notices and other communication relating to this Contract of Sub-Lease, ‘neluding all demands and notices, shall be given in writing and shallbe deemed to have been duly given f personally delivered at, or mailed by registered mail to, the addresses set forth above, or at such other address asa Party may hereafter specify to the other Party in writing and duly received by the latter. 20. CONSTRUCTION OF THIS CONTRACT AND VENUE. This Contract shall be governed by and Construed in accordance with the laws of the Philippines. In the event of any dispute, controversy, claim of difference of any kind whatsoever arising between the Parties in connection with this Contract, including te breach, termination or validity ofthis agreement, corinconnection wth the determination of any matters which are subject to objective determinaton pursuant to this Contract ("Dispute"), the Parties shall attempt, fra period of ten (10) calendar days after the receipt by one (1) Party ofa notice fom the other Party of the existence ofa Dispute (the “Dispute Notice"), to settle such Dispute in the first instance by mutual discussions between the senior management of each ofthe Parties WV the Dispute cannot be settled by mutual discussions within the aforesaid ten (10) day ‘period, the aggrieved part shall have the right to institute the appropriate action before the ‘competent gular courts within the jurisdiction of ParaRaque Cty. The Parties irrevocably and unconditionally submit to and accept the exclusive jurisdiction ofthe competent courts within the territorial jurisdiction of Parafiaque City, Republi of the Philippines, for any action, sult, fr proceeding arising out of or based upon this Agreement or any matter relating toi, and ‘waives any objection it may have tothe laying of venue in any such cout or that such courts an inconvenient forum or does not have personal junsiction over it Bx Coe Tata 21. FORCE MAJEURE, Should any portion of the Subject Property be damaged, restricted or render unusable due to a fortuitous event or by Force Majeure, then the Parties shall ‘respectively bear their damage, los or injury, However, this shall not excuse the LESSOR from ts obligation to repaie the damaged infrastructures or improvements, or clear any impairment inthe other areas ofthe Master Property to ensure the continuous operation and access of the LESSEE to the Subject Property. Ths also shall not excuse the LESSEE from its obligation to continue payment of ent, however the LESSEE shal nt be prevented from exercising its Fights to pre-terminat ths Contract immediately by ving the LESSOR thirty (30) ays prior written notice especially the Fortuitous Events or Force Majeure results tothe non-leasable state ofthe Subject Property r prevents the LESSEE from continuing with its intended use or ‘operation of the Subject Property. For the purpose of this provision, Fortutous Events Or Force Majeure shall include but not be limited to rebellion, insurection, flood, typhoon ‘earthquake, terrorism, acts or other acts of god 22. BINDING/RELATIVITY CLAUSE AND LEASE RIGHTS. Ths Contract shal inure to the benefit of the Parties, their respective heis, successors and assignees. The LESSOR shall ensure that all subsequent owners of the Subject Property the Master Property shall honour te longterm lease embodied inthis Contract. 23, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, If any provision of this Contract shall be held to be invalid, illegal Uunenforceabe or In conflict with any existing laws of regulation, the validity, legality and ‘enforceabiity ofthe remaining provisions shall nt in any way be affected or impaired thereby 24, ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Contract represents the entre agreement between the LESSOR and the LESSEE and supersedes al prior negatiations, representations or agreements between the Parts, ether oral or writen. The Parties acknowledge however that this Contract of Sub-Lease is subordinate to and necessarily delimited by the provisions of the Contract of Lease dated Feb. 9, 2018 executed byand between Home Guaranty Corporation andthe LESSOR herein. Accordingly, the Parties, hereby agre to incorporate by reference to this Contract of Sublease, insofar as practicable, the provisions of the Contract of Lease dated Feb 8, 2018 executed by and between Home Guaranty Corporation and the LESSOR herein 25, SIGNING IN COUNTERPARTS. This Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which ‘hal be deemed tobe an original but al of which taken together shal constitute one and the same agreement, and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party IN WHTNESS WHEROF, the partes herein have cause these presents tobe signed on the date and at the place fst mentioned above. SERVEQUEST PROPERTIES CORPORATION EN N RIETRANSPORT, INC (uesson) ay Operations Manager ‘General Manager SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, orvor MUNLILUDA CITY BEFORE ME,» Not abe and nn above wean vO) dle 220, personally appeaced Name Mentifietion DATE/PLACE OF ISSUE 1. Louise T. Matsui ‘CRN-0033-5313323-6 2, Moses Chiong, Philippine Passport P75337100 6/13/2018 DFA Mania Known to me the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledge t0 ‘me that the same is theirawa free and voluntary act and deed as well as that ofthe corporations represented herein |WITNESS MMY HAND AND SEAL on the date and atthe place frst mentioned above Docno. 2S _; Page No. S? FiCHO A. VASQUEZ Book No.B rat Commsan No 2-634 Series of 2020 Atay Pup or Maris CY htt Deco 201 nt Games Gr Tt Fane oo rausty is Mcnga Busnes Pak yaar, 1780 Marup Cy Roan S04 08 apne Le trT7ovb252017°PLM pare s7sueeon--aozamrenes Cty TICLE Comphonce No MO00857 15-16-18.

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