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Professional Education 103: Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education

Learning Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and Written Report

Outline for Reporting:

 Meaning of Gifted and Talented and Differentiate Gifted and Talented

 Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Learners
 Examples of Gifted and Talented (Videos)
1. Visual Arts
2. Music
3. Intellectual Giftedness
4. Performing Arts
 Strategies and Approach for Gifted and Talented Students
(9) Gifted and Talented Students: Teaching Strategies - YouTube

Lesson Proper

A. Meaning and Differentiation of Gifted and Talented

A.1. Gifted – Giftedness is a term that describes people who have abilities that are
significantly above the norm for their age or experience in one or more domains.
- These are the children who are having exceptional talent or natural ability. Gifted
can be defined as being outstanding abilities in one or more academic subjects
such as mathematics, science, geography, history, and English.
Giftedness is having an extraordinary intellectual ability and creativity.
- Tackle that, according to the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).
children with abilities "significantly above the norm" in some areas are considered
A gifted student may show some of these characteristics:
 Good reasoning skills
 Extremely curious
 Wide general knowledge
 Retentive memory
 Early speech and extensive vocabulary
 Ability to concentrate for long periods on subjects of interest
 Critical thinking skills
 Highly creativity
 Facility with numbers

Kids who excel or have the ability to excel in different skills that can range from
academics to even interpersonal skills or creative thinking are today considered
as gifted, and their educational needs are fulfilled in a different manner than
normal children.
- These students are characterized by a quicker and more efficient learning and
thinking at a higher level than other kids of their age.
Just a few decades ago, giftedness in a child was measured using intelligence
tests as this was a quality that was defined in narrow terms that concerned with
intellectual skills and abilities. But today, we know that giftedness is a quality or
attribute that is not limited to intellectual abilities alone and a child can be gifted
even if he is not so good at studies. We now know that intelligence can take
many different manifestations and a child can be gifted if he has exceptional
memory, linguistic skills, and musical abilities or can be an extraordinary

A.2. Talented – it is a natural aptitude, an inner quality that emerges effortlessly.

- According to research, genes play a significant role in talent. They form the way
individuals respond to certain stimuli and how they seek out specific experiences.
The term talented is used to refer to students with exceptional abilities in
practical subjects such as dance, music, design, art, and physical education.
- In other words, if a child is talented, he can deliver the performance or exhibit his
exceptional skills in a manner that is demonstrable.
- So, a talented kid can play a musical instrument in front of others efficiently, or
he can demonstrate his skills in a sport. When a child has above average
intellectual, social, interpersonal, creative, or physical skills that can be seen or
demonstrated, he is referred to as talented.
- The term talented is used to refer to students with exceptional abilities in
practical subjects such as dance, music, design, art, and physical education.
- The talents and abilities of these students will be far superior to the others of the
same age.

A.3. Differences of Gifted and Talented

- There is a subtle difference between giftedness and talent as giftedness talks

about potential abilities whereas talent talks about present abilities that can be
demonstrated or performed.
- Thus, giftedness is outstanding potential whereas talent is an outstanding
performance at present.
- It becomes clear then that giftedness is an earlier stage in the development of a
child than talent and that there is a journey from giftedness to talent that needs
to be covered by a bright child who is above average than his peers in any field
whether academic, sports, music, arts, and so on.

B. Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Learners

According to McAlpine & Reid, 1996, the characteristics of gifted and talented students can
be studied in various sections:
1. Learning Characteristics
2. Self-Determination Characteristics
3. Creative Thinking Characteristics
4. Social Leadership Characteristics
5. Motivational Characteristics
B.1. Learning Characteristics

- displays logical and analytical thinking.

- is quick to see patterns and relationships.

- master’s information quickly

- strives for accurate and valid solutions to problems.

- easily grasps underlying principles.

- likes intellectual challenge.

- jumps stages in learning.

- seeks to redefine problems, post ideas, and formulate hypothesis.

- find as well as solves problems.

- reasons things out for her or himself

- formulates and supports ideas with evidence.

- can recall a wide range of knowledge.

- independently seek to discover the why and how of things.

B.2. Self-Determination Characteristics

- Is sceptical of authoritarian pronouncements.
- questions arbitrary decisions
- pushes teachers and adults for explanations.
- displays a precocious interest in ‘adult’ problems.
- is reluctant to practice skills already mastered.
- is easily bored with routine tasks.
- expresses ideas, preferences, and opinions forthrightly.
- relates well to older children and adults, and often prefer their company.
- asked searching questions.

B.3. Creative Thinking Characteristics

- Produces original ideas.
- Displays intellectual playfulness, imagination and fantasy.
- Creates original texts or invent things.
- has a keen sense of humour and sees humour in the unusual
- generates unusual insights.
- enjoys speculation and thinking about the future.
- demonstrates awareness of aesthetic qualities
- is not afraid to be different.
- generates a large number of ideas.
- is prepared to experiment with novel ideas and risk being wrong.
- seeks unusual rather than conventional relationships.

B.4. Social Leadership Characteristics

- Takes the initiative in social situations.
- is popular with peers.
- communicates well with others.
- actively seeks leadership in social situations.
- shows ability to inspire a group to meet goals.
- persuades a group to adapt ideas or methods.
- is self-confident.
- is adaptable and flexible in new situations.
- actively seeks leadership in sporting activities.
- is socially mature.
- is willing to take responsibility.
- synthesises ideas from group members to formulate a plan of action.

B.5. Motivational Characteristics

- Strives for high standards of personal achievement.
- is self-directed.
- is highly self-motivated and sets personal goals.
- he/she is persistent in seeing tasks to completion.
- becomes committed to and absorbed in tasks.
- tends to be self-critical and evaluative.
- is dependable.
- prefers to work independently.

Typology of Learners with Special Needs is a topic that covers the different types, causes,
characteristics and educational needs of learners who have some difficulties or challenges in learning
or development1. Some common types of learners with special needs include those with learning
disabilities, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, behavioral or emotional challenges, and
developmental delays1. The term Special Educational Needs (SEN) is often used to refer to these
learners2. Teaching students with special needs requires understanding their strengths and
weaknesses, adapting the curriculum and instruction, providing appropriate support and
accommodations, and fostering an inclusive classroom environment

Most contemporary scientists nowadays agree that being gifted comes from both genes and
nurture. Some also consider the epigenetic effect.

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