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Section A [45 marks] Answer all questions in this section.

 x , x  −1

1 Find the values of m and n if the function, f (x ) = mx + n , − 1  x  2 is continuous for all real
 2x − 8 , x  2

values of x. [5 marks]

dy  x 2 − 2 x − 4 

2 If ye = 4 − x 2 , show that 2
− y = 0. [6 marks]
dx  4 − x 2 

3 Using the substitution x = 3 sin , evaluate the exact value of ∫0 2
√9 − 𝑥 2
𝑑𝑥. [7 marks]

4 By means of the substitution y = 1 + 1 , show that the differential equation

x z

x2 dy = 1 – 2x2y2 can be reduced to dz

= 4 z + 2. [3 marks]
dx x
Solve this equation and hence find the general solution of the differential equation,

x2 dy = 1 – 2x2y2, expressing y in terms of x. [5 marks]


dy 1
5 If y= tan −1 x and −1< x <1, prove that = . Using Maclaurin’s theorem, express
dx 1 + x 2
tan −1 x as a series of ascending powers of 𝑥 up to the term in 𝑥 5 . [8 marks]

6. a) Show that the equation 𝑥 3 − 5𝑥 + 1 = 0 has a real root which lies between 𝑥 = 0 and 𝑥 =
1. [2 marks]
b) Show that the iterative formula which derived from the above equation can be written in the
form 𝑥𝑛+1 = 3√5𝑥𝑛 − 1 or 𝑥𝑛+1 = 5 (𝑥𝑛3 + 1). [2 marks]
Using 𝑥0 = 0.5, show that only one of these formula will enable you to find a root and
determine this root correct to four decimal places. [7 marks]

For More Info: Dr. Math (Shopee) #All the HARDWORK, SACRIFICES, SLEEPLESS NIGHT, DOWNFALLS definitely PAYS OFF!
Section B[15 marks]

Answer one question only in this section.

7 A function 𝑓 is defined by 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = (𝑥 − 2)(4+ 𝑥)
(a) Find the equations of asymptotes of the curve. [2 marks]
(b) Find the coordinates of the turning point of the curve and determine its nature.
[5 marks]
(c) Sketch the graph of 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥). [3 marks]
(d) On a separate diagram, sketch the graph of 𝑦 = |𝑓(𝑥)|. Hence, determine the number of
roots if |𝑓(𝑥)| = 2𝑥. [5 marks]

8 Sketch, on the same coordinate axes, the curves of y = ex and y = 2 + 3e – x. [2 marks]

(a) Calculate the area of the region bounded by the x-axis, the line x = 3 and the curve
y = ex. [3 marks]
(b) Calculate the area of the region bounded by the y-axis, the curves y = e and
y = 2 + 3e – x. [5 marks]
(c) Calculate the volume of the solid of revolution formed if the area of the region bounded
by the y-axis, the line y = 5 and the curve y = ex is rotated through four right angles about
the y-axis. [5 marks]

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