Bee-Ege - Libiran - Activity#7 - Ge6 STS

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Name: Dave Matthew B.

Libiran Date: 06/06/2023

Course & Section: BEE-EGE I-1 Rating:
Activity No. 7

Information Age

Information technology and social media have transformed the way we communicate, receive
information, and interact with the world around us. Tools, systems, and methods for collecting, processing,
storing and transmitting information belong to information technology, also known as IT. It is essential to many
aspects of our existence, including commerce, scientific discovery, entertainment, and relationships.

But the rise of information technology and social media has also brought obstacles. Concerns about
privacy, data security, online harassment and the spread of misinformation are major challenges in the digital
age. It is important to use these platforms appropriately, understand the implications of our choices, and be
careful when disclosing personal information.  

The dissemination of false information and disinformation is among the most negative and serious
problems resulting from these advancements. A large audience can easily be reached by illegal or misleading
content now that social media platforms have been developed and information sharing is so simple. As a result,
there may be an increase in conspiracy theories, the spread of false information regarding crucial subjects (such
science or the health), and a decline in the credibility of traditional media sources. In addition to influencing
public opinion, reducing elections, and even inciting violence and harming individuals, misinformation and
disinformation can have serious consequences. Due to the spread of false information and the difficulty in
separating reliable sources from unreliable ones among the wealth of internet content, solving this issue can be
particularly challenging.

The Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173) in the Philippines is a comprehensive law meant
to protect the personal data of persons and regulate the processing, storage, and transport of such data by both
government and business organizations. However, it depends on how these data are used for a specific purpose
in my opinion. To ensure everyone's safety, people should abide by all this law's rules and regulations. People
must be informed of their legal rights, and organizations must comprehend their obligations. Because not
everyone in the Philippines is fully familiar with the legislation, I believe there is room for improvement around
implementation. However, this law further protects our identities and all our personal data. We might claim
that technological development is causing us to advance.

Shaina Mae A. Tobias GE 6 – Science, Technology, Society

Course Instructor

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