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Evaluation of The Input of The CIPP Stuflebeam Model for The Training

of Trainers for The National Health Indicator Investment Health Program

Fitriyanti, Evaluation of The Input of The CIPP Stuflebeam Model for The Training of Trainers for The National Health
Indicator Investment Health Program
First Forsiladi International Conference on Humanity, Science, and Technology in Multidimensional Science, January 28-29 2023

Results and Discussion Conclusion

Context evaluation also aims to assess whether existing
goals and priorities are aligned with the needs of
whoever is being served. Whatever the focus of the This study found 1. Participants met
The results of this study found: 1. Participants met
Improving the Education and Training evaluation object, the results of the context evaluation education and experience criteria, 2. Trainers
education and experience criteria, 2. Trainers met
Program for Health Program Trainers through must provide a solid basis for adjusting existing goals met qualification & competency standards, 3.
Curriculum objectives: clarity of level of qualification & competency standards, 3.
evaluating the input of the CIPP Stufle Beam and priorities and targeting the required changes Curriculum objectives: clarity of level of
model is a national health indicator (Stufflebeam & Coryn, 2014); 2. Input Evaluation: The
knowledge, skills, and attitudes were very
good, Appropriateness of material with knowledge, skills, and attitudes were very good,
investment. main orientation of input evaluation is to help explain
training objectives, Good Outline of Learning Material suitability with training objectives, GBPP
whether the program can bring about the required
Introduction changes. Input evaluation identifies and assesses
Process (GBPP), Program Structure: adequate was good, Program Structure: adequate
proportion of theory and practice time, proportion of theory and practice time,
The achievements of related unit programs relevant approaches, identifies barriers, constraints, and
Appropriateness of methods with learning Conformity of methods with learning objectives,
potentially available resources that are worth taking into
have not been maximized, this is due to objectives, Training Aids by methods, Training Aids by methods, Evaluation of
account in the process of program effectiveness); 3.
several factors, including the supporting Evaluation of curriculum relevant to curriculum relevant to objectives; 4. Available
Process Evaluation: Process evaluation is an assessment
resources, one of the supporting resources is objectives; 4. Available print learning print learning materials are very good: The content
of the implementation of the plans that have been
human resources, namely trainers. To materials are very good: The content and
prepared. One of the goals of process evaluation is to and sequence of printed materials are very good,
improve health program outcomes, program sequence of printed materials are very good,
provide feedback to managers and staff on the extent to the writing of printed materials is very good, and
the writing of printed materials is very good,
units should conduct program technical which the program is running on schedule, implemented
and the physical quality of printed materials the physical quality of printed materials is very
training and related program functional as planned, and using available resources efficiently; 4. good while audio-visual learning materials are
is very good while audio-visual learning
Product Evaluation: The purpose of product evaluation absent; 5. Good & very good facilities, enough case
training where the trainers, apart from being materials are absent; 5. Good & very good
is to measure, interpret, and assess program facilities, enough case banks; 6. Funding: banks; 6. Funding through APBN.
proficient in substance, also have the
achievements. The important thing in this evaluation APBN The TPPK training program is a breakthrough
knowledge, skills, and training principles,
component is the feedback on what was achieved during program, as a transformational tool for training
and also have the appropriate criteria The TPPK training program is a
the program cycle and on the conclusions. In addition,
required for accreditation. The evaluation breakthrough program, as a participants so that the program units obtain
product evaluations often have to be expanded to assess
transformational tool for training optimal program achievements. To produce
model used is Context, Input, Process, the long-term effects of the program being evaluated
participants so that the program units obtain professional health program trainers, apart from
Product from Stufflebeam
optimal program achievements. To produce being proficient in technical substance, they must
Methodology ; professional health program trainers, apart also master the knowledge, skills, and training
This research is evaluation research with a principles as required.
from being proficient in technical substance,
qualitative descriptive approach using the CIPP they must also master the knowledge, skills, References
The components in the CIPP evaluation model Stuflebeam design model. As for data collection
and training principles as required. Stufflebeam, D. L., & Coryn, C. L. S. (2014).
methods using interviews, document studies,
can be explained as follows: 1. Context
observations, and questionnaires with data Evaluation Theory Models & Aplication (Edition,
Evaluation: The main objective of this type of collection tools, namely interview guidelines; S). San Farnsisco: Jossey-Bass.
evaluation is to assess the overall status of the document study guidelines; checklist; list of
object, identify deficiencies, and existing questionnaire statements using a Likert scale. Balai Besar Pelatihan Kesehatan Jakarta.
strengths that can be used to correct these (2018). Laporan Pelatihan Tenaga Pelatih Program
deficiencies and to diagnose existing problems. Kesehatan Tahun 2018. Jakarta: BPPK Jakarta.

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