Nursing Theory Assignment

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Nursing Theory Assignment – November 5, 2009

I. For your assigned theorist (see next page): please be prepared to discuss the

1. Name the theorist(s) and provide some background information

a. Is the theorist still living? Yes

b. If so, where is the theorist today and what is she doing? Independent
Curriculum Consultant in Nursing; Private Practice Health Consultant;
Author; Lecturer; Instructor; Individual & Family Counselor


 Betty Neumann was born in 1924, in Lowel, Ohio.
 She completed BS in nursing in 1957 and MS in Mental Health Public
health consultation, from UCLA in 1966. She holds a Ph.D. in clinical
 She was a pioneer in the community mental health movement in the
late 1960s.
 Betty Neumann began developing her health system model while a
lecturer in community health nursing at University of California, Los
 The models was initially developed in response to graduate nursing
students expression of a need for course content that would expose
them to breadth of nursing problems prior to focusing on specific
nursing problem areas.
 The model was published in 1972 as “A Model for Teaching Total
Person Approach to Patient Problems” in Nursing Research.
 It was refined and subsequently published in the first edition of
Conceptual Models for Nursing Practice, 1974, and in the second
edition in 1980.
Retrieved from:

2. Define the components of the metaparadigm:

a. Definition of health:

b. Definition of man/patient/recipient of care:

Definition of environment: A system is composed of a set of interacting elements;

each system can be identified and is distinct from the environment in which it
exists. An open system exchanges energy and matter with the environment
(negentropy), whereas a closed system is isolated from its environment (entropy).
Systems depend on both positive and negative feedback to maintain a steady state

Name : Faqia Sabir

Package : 1000
Date : 17th July, 2023

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