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Module Code: 4CLO18

Academic Skills and Team-based


Professional Organization

Student Id : 2331905
Student Name : Ankit Bogati
Group : L4CG2
Lecturer : Mr. Manish Deuja
Word Count : 776
Submitted on : 1-31-2023
Module Code: 4CLO18


The report is all about one of the leading group of people working together to make
wonder in field of gaming industry. Its about one of the top professional organization
International Game Developers Association (IDGA) the dream workplace of a gaming
enthusiastic person. The report starts by the introduction of the organization followed
by its criteria to join in and its pros and cons about the membership.
Module Code: 4CLO18

Table of Contents
1) Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 International Game Developers Association ..................................................... 1
2) Criteria to join IGDA ............................................................................................ 2
2.1 Advantage of membership ................................................................................ 2
2.1.1 Knowledge ................................................................................................. 2
2.1.2 Community and group ................................................................................ 3
2.1.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................... 3
2.1.4 Discount and support ................................................................................. 3
2.2 Possible drawbacks .......................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Cost variation ............................................................................................. 3
2.2.2 Limitation .................................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 Limitation in terms of resources ................................................................. 4
2.2.4 Political and ideological differences ........................................................... 4
3) Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 5
4) References .......................................................................................................... 6
5) Abbreviation ........................................................................................................ 7
Module Code: 4CLO18

Table of figures
Figure 1 sign up example ........................................................................................... 2
Module Code: 4CLO18

1) Introduction

1.1 International Game Developers Association

The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) is one of the biggest

organizations in the world functioning as a non-profit organization which is mainly
focused in helping and providing resources to those who are involved in gaming
industry or anyone related to it. It is well re- known organization led by group of people
who are already in this field and they tend to shape and enhance the livelihood of any
personality or game developer who is engaged in creating a product or something
innovative products. Promoting the game developers as well as advocating for the
wish and will of creators all around the world is the one thing which makes IGDA one
of the main and strong community (Affari, 2023).

Module Code: 4CLO18

2) Criteria to join IGDA

There is no restriction for membership for anyone. Any person or group who are game
enthusiastic and game developers are free and open to join the organization and be
part of the community under the association. However, there are certain rules set for
restriction and member benefits are restricted according to the age. Discounts for
membership will not be valid for minors in different industry programs and events.
There are different membership based on the interest of an individual. One can simply
contact and fill the form online to join the membership on website and after
payments the card will be available. (Affari, 2023)

Figure 1 sign up example

2.1 Advantage of membership

There are several benefits while having a membership in IGDA. Members at this
organization can get various discount on different software tools as well as events.
Besides that, they have pure access of a network globally and a bunch information
and knowledge to boost their career path further in life. (Affari, 2023)

2.1.1 Knowledge
The knowledge is the key to unlock the door of success and it is true in IGDA for
gaming enthusiastic people. The support of knowledge is high for members via Expert

Module Code: 4CLO18

Resource Library or it can be through Special Groups and different other community
which are uncountable.

2.1.2 Community and group

Teamwork makes the wonder and it is often true when implementing idea and working
in a group. The IGDA provides different communities to work with and to share the
ideas with each other with most innovative approaches. Larges gaming network,
mentors, professional from gaming industry makes it lot easier for members.

2.1.3 Recommendation
Another benefit which makes a huge difference is the advocacy. Giving and uplifting
the step 1 to next level for example making sure the voice reaches to the top officials
like governments and any other company in the global state.

2.1.4 Discount and support

Talking about other advantages special discount and services are also exclusive
benefits after having a membership. Not only it saves a lot of cost which usually spend
on different courses, seminars, webinar but it provides and empower the idea taking it
to certain authority who are already built up before. (Affari, 2023)

2.2 Possible drawbacks

2.2.1 Cost variation

The membership has a lot of different advantages. Well, in some of the case the price
and cost for the membership can be a problem for the developers. Membership fees
can turn out to be one of the main barriers for small companies or an individual.

Module Code: 4CLO18

2.2.2 Limitation
It is true that one of the top professional organizations IGDA has a large wide gaming
network all around the world. It has multiple communities and professional mentors
and personality but still it might not present the vast interest of all the programmers
who are gaming enthusiastic and working in this field for a long time.

2.2.3 Limitation in terms of resources

It is one big association but the problem could appear in terms of equality as it may
not fulfill the demand of every member out there.

2.2.4 Political and ideological differences

In some case scenario the organization itself can take prior decision based on their
own or any other company which have good industrial position which can oppose the
member as well. (Affari, 2023)

Module Code: 4CLO18

3) Conclusion

Lastly, this organization is the most important association or group of communities for
gaming industry. Providing available resource, uplifting the idea and innovating them,
guiding, mentorship is all every member of IGDA can access at a time inside the
organization in a most friendly and healthy manner. Somehow, the membership is not
free and it is with the age based restriction even with the services. Despite having such
drawbacks, IGDA will always be one of the most significant bases and fundamental
for those who are in gaming industry, working on their ideas. (Affari, 2023)

Module Code: 4CLO18

4) References

Affari, 2023. IGDA – International Game Developers Association. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 20 Janauary 2023].
Affari, 2023. Membership – IGDA. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 Janaury 2023].

Module Code: 4CLO18

5) Abbreviation

IGDA = International Game Developers Association

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