Data Driven HR Planning Sheet - Example (2 Tabs)

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-------------------> ------------------->

Step 1.1 Step 1.2

Identify your... Describe your...

DDHR Customer(s) DDHR
as peer to COO & CFO,Customer(s)
very active with Board of
Example 1: SVP Sales Directors
Team responsible for supporting the efficient and
Example 2: Sales Operations effective delivery of the sales function
-------------------> -----------
Step 1.3 Step 1.4

Explain... DDHR Requirement DDHR Requirement

reps, accurate important to them?
high degree of trust in 1
Trusted numbers for 2
data, ROI for sales
management, salesdevelopment
ramp up time,efforts
sales training Executive and Board
Consistent, timely, pipleline
headcount actuals
effectiveness powerful reports and plan, & attrition

At a high level:
DDHR Requirement howRequirement
this translates
DDHRinto DDHR? For
Requirement DDHRthis customer, DDHR must de
turnover/ unfilled 4
ROI of Sales size in next5 36 6
48% of revenue in 36
unfilled sales enablement
(Quality months
Program Rollout & months
positions of Hire) effectiveness

customer, DDHR
DDHR must deliver:
Requirement DDHR Requirement DDHR Requirement DDHR Requirement
7 8 9 10
Step 2
Translate these requirements into 6 DDHR Initiatives o
Operational Reporting & Analytics (ORA) - DO
ORA1 ORA2 ORA3Management
Sales Org: Monthly
Sales Org Headcount & Attrition Fills, First Year People Dashboard
Analytics Effectiveness/Productivity)

6 DDHR Initiatives or Projects (3xDO, 2xHELP, 1xFIX)

Strategic Reporting & Analytics (SRA) - HELP FIX
SRA1 based on
(Plan/Actual/Forecast SRA2 Business Impacts,AP1Growth Plan Risks,
attrition and Time to Fill) Dashboard (Scheduled, TA Strategies, etc.)
Completed, Effectiveness)
Step 3

Initiative/ Describe the S

Project Description
ORA1 Sales
Sales Org
Org Headcount
Attrition Analytics
(Candidate Pipeline,
ORA2 On-Time Fills, First Year Effectiveness/Productivity)
ORA3 Sales Org: Monthly Management
(Plan/Actual/Forecast People Dashboard
based on attrition and Time to
SRA1 Fill)
Sales Learning Program Dashboard (Scheduled,
SRA2 Completed, Effectiveness)
Unfilled Sales Positions (Quantify Business Impacts,
AP1 Growth Plan Risks, TA Strategies, etc.)

(Systems, Spreadsheets, Describe

Reports the Sources,
Available? Availability,
(Yes, Accessibility
Explain Availability & Cleanliness of D
and Identify
etc.) No, Partially) Head of Who Owns
HR owns datathe Data.
and is available
ATS. Finance Costs of Recruitment Yes for use with Lines of Business.
typically used the data more internally
Channel Spend. and actual) from
Quotas (planned Yes within
Head ofRecruitment Ops
Sales. Finance Team. Plan
CRM. Fianance Headcount Plan. Partially -HRIS
Dir of Planning
- Head & Performance.
of HR. Finance Headcount
HRIS. Finance
Finance ReportsHeadcount Plan
on Training (Excel)
Spend Yes Plan - Dir of Planning
Sales. Finance Headcount & Performance
Plan - Dir of
ATS. HRIS.and actual).Reports. Sales
Finance Partially Planning & Performance.
Head of Sales. Finance Headcount Plan
Productivity from CRM. Yes - Dir of Planning & Performance.

ility & Cleanliness of Data

(Easy, Moderate, So-So, Dirty/Not
Hard) We haveExplain Accessibility
their support to get a weekly Trusted)
Easy data extract.
somewhat by the Recruitment Ops Clean/Trusted
Moderate team before it sources
the numerous can be used.
of data and So-So
Hard high
We have their support to getdata.
sensitivity of the sales a weekly So-So
Easy data extract.
the numerous sources of data and Clean/Trusted
Hard high sensitivitysources
the numerous of the sales data.
of data and So-So
Hard high sensitivity of the sales data. So-So
Step 4

Initiative/ Estimate & A

There mayExplain Cleanliness
the occasional retroactive Project Description
Sales Org Headcount & Attrition
transaction but this in infrequent.
dated given the workloads of our ORA1 Analytics
(Candidate Pipeline, On-Time Fills,
sources of data have good data ORA2 First
Org: Effectiveness/Productivity)
Monthly Management
integrity. ORA3 People Dashboard
Dashboard (Plan/Actual/Forecast
See ORA1 SRA1 based on attrition
Sales Learning and Time
Program to Fill)
See ORA3 SRA2 (Scheduled, Completed,
Business Impacts, Effectiveness)
Growth Plan Risks,
See ORA1 & ORA2 AP1 TA Strategies, etc.)

Estimate & Articulate

Productivity, HR Program why this insight
high & would be of Value to the LoB
low water
and analysingCustomer Impacts,
our headcount and etc. sales
turnover" due to 12% of error)
targeted and get better ROI on our rate - $0.8M-$1M per
so understanding quarter. success
the relative
making, and channel
to use atspend.
Executive/Board and ROI of each
any Business is material.
Intelligence investment
reviews. can be 10-13x.
need) is the goal and will ensure we NET negative impact of
are staffed-to
graduates our desired
many of whichlevels.
have no $200-300/day.
impacts, success rates of participants,
delivering our overall business plan - and
experience in sales. ROI of
revenue these
from programs.
"open" positions could
with massive implications. be as high as $2-2.5M per year.
----------------------------------------------------------> ---------------
Summary Step: Reality Chec

be of Value
the LoB data driven insight
having benefit/value/impacts of improved Reality Check Scoring: 6 Qu
into this issue/ opportunity?
component in the variability of sales data quality? Project
and material understaffing in the sales Not
To beapplicable
discussed further with the ORA1
collect/compile this recruitment team.
efficiency factor on this is a savings of ORA2
data/dashboards/reports in-house.
Massive impact related to missed $75k/yr. ORA3
sales revenue.
investment in our business - and Not applicable SRA1
learning programs
Massive impact are no
related to exception.
missed See ORA3 SRA2
sales revenue. See ORA2 AP1
mmary Step: Reality Check

lity Check Scoring: 6 Quick Questions

and Important (Self
Q2) Is ScoreIntensive
the Data Your Answers:
to 1)and
Clean Not Really 2)ifSomewhat 3) Ve
Attrition to the LoB? Available? Access Trusted? Ignored?
Effectiveness/Pr 3 3 3 3 3
People 3 2 3 2 3
attrition and 3 2 1 1 3
Time to Fill)
Completed, 3 3 3 3 3
Plan Risks, TA 2 2 1 2 1
Strategies, etc.) 3 2 2 2 3
3 Very Much So Very Much So Very Much So Very Much So Very Much So
2 Somewhat Somewhat Somewhat Somewhat Somewhat
1 Not Really Not Really Not Really Not Really Not Really
----> Go To Next Sheet:
Step 5 Decision Matrix

ly 2) Somewhat 3) VeryTotal
Business Much Q1, So
Q5, Q4
Outcomes)? Q6 (Impact) (Effort/Cost) Once Completed, Go to
3 9 9 Next Sheet:
Once Step 5 Decision
Completed, Go to
3 9 7 Matrix/Reality
Next Sheet:
Once Check
Step 5 Decision
Completed, Go to
2 8 4 Matrix/Reality
Next Sheet:
Once Check
Step 5 Decision
Completed, Go to
3 9 9 Matrix/Reality
Next Sheet:
Once Check
Step 5 Decision
Completed, Go to
1 4 5 Matrix/Reality
Next Sheet:
Once Check
Step 5 Decision
Completed, Go to
3 9 6 Matrix/Reality Check
Next Sheet: Step 5 Decision
Matrix/Reality Check
Very Much So
Not Really
Decision Matrix/Reality Check Use Case Scores
7 SRA2

4 SRA2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Step 1) Map your Use Case Score
the left THEN Step 2) use the cha
Case Scores
Total Q1, Q5, Q4
Q6 (Impact) (Effort/Cost)
9 9
9 7
8 4
9 9
4 5
9 6

ur Use Case Scores to the Decision Matrix on

Step 2) use the chart on the right to evaluate

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