Co 392-2005 Regulating The Establishment and Operation of Crematoria in The City of Bacolod

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Roputuika ng Ppinas Tanggapan ng Sonngeriang Plaulwagson Lungsod ng Bacolod CITY ORCINANCE NO. 302, 4 ‘Jy 3, 2005 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF GREMATORIA IN THE CITY OF BACO.OD AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE MOLATION THEREOF, WHEREAS, the Gay of Bacolod mandated to implement the provisions of the Code on Sanitation ofthe Phpoines (P.D. 56) particulary ts Implementing Ries nt Regulations found in Chapter XXI wah regards othe Disposal of Dead Persons, WHEREAS, such Implementing Rules and Regulations shat apply to a8 crematoria ‘Mat wil be estabished and operated witin the jrislton of Bacolod Cy WHEREAS, Repubic Act 7160, oherwise known as tho Loca! Government Code ot $991, Section 450 (4) (X) states thatthe Sangoimiang Pankangsed as the legkatve body ofthe city must reguate the estabishment, operation and maintenance of func) Patlrs and the bural or cremation of the dead, subject to esting laws, rules 2 regains, HOW THEREFORE, bo it ordained by the Sanggunana Pantungsod of Bscoie ‘nat ame ‘AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF CREMATORIA IN THE CITY OF BACOLOD AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE \OLATION THEREOF. i ‘Section 1 - This ordnance shell be known as the “Crematora. Reguation Oraiance of Bacolod Cty Section 2 - Scope ‘This ordinance shal regulate th establishment and operation of erematocia the ‘ty of Bacolod as provided for n the Imlemecting Res na Reauéaions, Chapter XXi ‘of Code on Santaton of the Piippnes (P 0.95) ‘Section 3 -Defintion of Terms | ‘As defined in Chapter XX of te Code on Sanitation of the Paippines (0. e56) 3.4 Gremation - a process that reduces human rains to bone frag fine sand or ashes trough cembustion and debyratien, %.2 Crematortim'- any designed pice duty autten2od ty aw to erase ‘dead persons. ty Ordnance No, 392 A dy 13,2005 { oe opera ter tan the érsomel waking in a crematorum shat be ‘lowed to enter he cremation room, 57 frat ad rast comers, tinal pars, an hosptals sal be aoe create 28 operate romatoa subject io ie preserbod rose eae ‘ofthese implemonting les and eguations Section 7 -Buitaing Permit i materi of ay kind shal take piace witout tho requisite "No constuction of cre afr tne oe ued and ay eget by ie Othe a he Beene nat only ‘fer the necessary requrements Incudhg the ECCICNC have beng Section Design ana Construction Section 2.2, Chapter Yt? 6) O7 Faaamateten must be disigned and constnictea wth cremation room, {Gina andlor Vewina roon, toll facies, washing factor: fect {orl anda mortuary refgeratornieezer. Arootuary rtigeraterneese, peak epaied or ate strape unt inal dapostion an temporary hokey Beak acinty or emergency stations. 52 The cromaton room sha be separated bya transparent glass and ednerte (fal fom th wating andor ening room, X shall be prodded wit sumone ‘ro fohting equipment as aperovedt by tne cal re department 8.3 The gas roamistorago shale constructed win concreto or imperious Imateril and located below the arcand fe (2) meters auey ‘tow wen ‘romaton and wating ewig oom 84 An it measuring 75 em. By 75 em, at the cremation room stad ba rowed fa Single crematorim equipment is insted for proper conten ‘and cooling ofthe eaoment. The inlet may be lowered and screened ane sal be lecated near the rear ofthe ut | 5 The crematorium oven shat havea temperate of 000" Cto 1200? C wana etention timo of 5 9 6 hours 8.6 The design ofthe smoke stack shal be in accordance wih the standards of ‘he Deparimert of Environment and Natural Resources, ‘ety Ordinance No. 392 ‘hy'13, 2005 Page 5 secten 2 Peles | | : ay Miho te shoe gad, rey and eps sa jo ite aint Seah eo es a Pe Then reer cam 2 tr ante a a eer etenate oor No private person andlor enites re alowed to perform cremation ouside of 3 aay acensed crematorim, Cremation ef afimals are tkewse protibted wthout the Authorty coming from the Local Cay Goverment and only afer complying ath al the Tequstes herein selfeth. nfacion of Sich rovsions shat subject he vilator toa fine ‘of mot ess than Five Thousand Pesos (000.00), Section 19 -Separabity Cuse ‘A povson decared egal or un:onsttoa by competent story ‘any way affect te otter provisions not so dectared and eet. i al notin nel shal eet to be ful free Section 14 Repeating Clause [Any ordinance and administrative regulations or other parts thereat which are Inconsistent this ordnance are hereby repealed, amended or nodifiog accord, Section 15 -Ertectivty “Tis ordinance sta be effective upon s publication la @ newspaper of local creation ‘CARRIED BY THE VOTE OF: Afirmative: Comelors: Greg G. Gastaya, Lyndon P. Cafia, Homer @. Bais, Dindo . Ramos, Jude Thaddeus A. Sayson, Napoleon A. Cordova Ener T. Sy, l Vicor A. Espino, Cataino T. Also, Reynold |-Uedan, tro V. Pareto, Negative © None posent | None tical Leave: Counetor Max Louie 9, de a Rosa anor Counctor Caio Asbo, Passed July 49, 2008 (55h ReguarfSpecal Session. comments: | Passed ‘Counciors Ata Marie V.Palerne snd Jocalle Batapa-Sigue ‘were no yt around wens ordnance vas passed. Re BUKANG PILIPINAS: NG 7G 9UMANG PANLUNGSOD ‘LUNGS. 2DNG BACOLOD “eoatoo: Date ‘The Honorable Cty Mayor Becood Gy Dea Sic ? Wie have the honor to amen, aroun copyies) of eazy gisslanch — Nols) tf real Sates P2005 peseed by Te SET y BO Nirgned a Ganiad WT Wa Tok eolnatoy, Pease acimowedge receipt erat . fl Very tne yours, Received ppyien tiatst aay or eal ove ATTY. MOT. ALEUANDRINO > ‘Séeretary tote Sanggurian = so var oe ‘Pima tamey 88 OF Recenph, LoonuNio Legisve Si#Omeer i

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