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Ropubike ng Phipinas anggapan ng Sangguniang ‘Plantings Lungsed ng Bacolod CITY ORDINANCE NO, 301 June 9, 2005 ‘AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR POLICE CLEARANCE FEES, AMENDING ‘SUB.PARAGRAPHS 7.1.1 TO 7.1.8 OF PARAGRAPH OF ARTICLE i OF CHAPTER. INV OF TAX ORDINANCE NO. 154, SERIES OF 1995, AND ESTABLISHING A TRUST FUND FROM THE COLLECTIONS THEREOF FOR THE CITY'S POLICE SUPPORT PROGRAMS. WHEREAS. Repubse Act 7160 (Local Government Cote) empowers tho Cty ‘Government of Bacolod to create sources of revenue WHEREAS, the Consttutiontkewise empowers tho Cy Goverment of Bacolod to creates own sources of revenue and to vy taxes, fees and charges subject to such ‘uidesnes and imitations as the Congress may provide, consistent wth the baclc policy of loca axtonomy. Such taxes, feos and charges shall ecciue exclishely Ya th Toot ‘overnments: WHEREAS, n accordance vith said Local Government Code, the Cty of Bacolod thru the Sangguniang Panlungsod shal provide support services and facies. for education, police and fre protection: WHEREAS, in order to improve and enhance th service of te Philippine National Police - Bacolod to the public as well as propery store and manage dala colated from Pole criminal records such a arrest records and warrants of ares for purposes. of Issuance of poice clearance and the checking of derogatory iformatin, he same sha ‘now be done with automated machines andlor computer softwares and systems WHEREAS, inorder to maitan peace and order i the Cty of Sacood, Ris also necessary to maintain and sustain the efficient operations end delvery of bam services ‘of police protection othe pube NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE SRNGGUMANG PANLUNGSOD IN SESSION: Section |. TITLE ‘Tis Ordinance shall also be known as the “Police Clearance Fee and Program ‘Support Ordnance of Bacolod Cay Section 2. AMENDING PROVISIONS. ‘This Ordance shal amend sub-paragraphs 7.1.1 10 74.9 of Paragraph 7 of ‘Adtce I of Chapter IV of TAX ORDINANCE NO. 184, Series of 1996, and its provisions shall now be cead 25 folows / Coty Ordinance No. 294, June 9, 2005 Page Section 5. QUARTERLY REPORT ON DEPOSITS AND DISBURSEMENTS ‘A quaterty report on all deposits to and disbursements fom the aforemeitioned “Trust Fund shal be submited by the Bacolod Cty Pokce Director and courtersigned by the City Mayor to the Sangguniang Pankngsod for thei information, leave tracking. ‘and appropiate action. Section 6. OWNERSHIP OF EQUIPMENT/APPLIANCES. ‘Al properties, equinment, appfances and other facies acquired, obtained, or purchased through this Fund shal be owned and utlzed by the Phone Nationa Poco - Bacolod and may not be removed fram &s location by any government ageney or ‘entty wathout the consent of the City Mayor and the Sanaginiang, Pankngsod and conformity ofthe Bacolod Cty Potce Director ‘Section 7. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE "for any reason or reasons, any part or provision of tis Ordnance sha be held tobe unconsttutional or iad, other parts or provisions hereof vic are not affected ‘mereby shall continue tobe in il force and effet ‘Section 8. REPEALING CLAUSE Al other ordinances, resolutions, and executive orders and other issuances wich ‘are inconsistent with any provsions of this eranance ave hereby repeated or mode! accoranhy Section 8. EFFECTIMITY CLAUSE ‘Tis Ordnance shall take effect upon its enactment and pubiation in 9 paper of ‘general creation, ‘CARRIED BY THE VOTE OF. ‘Atirmatve: Counciors: Greg G. Gasataya, Ana Marie V. Palermo, Lyndon P- Calla, Jocele Batapa-Sinue, Homes ©. Bats, Dindo C Ramee, Jude ‘Thaddeus A. Sayson, Napoleon A. Cordova, Ever | 3y, Al Vielor A. Espino, Catalin T.Alsbo, Arturo V. Parco. Negate = None, ‘Ofetat Leave; Counetor Reynold I edn, ‘Absont CCounclor Mane Louie 9. dela Rosa Main Author : Floor Leader Ana Marie V. Palermo Corputhors : -Counciors A. victor A. Espino and Greg G. 6 A ran reps ers (ay) Taragrgan 1g Songgariang Poulwogsad ane? Lungsed ng Bacolod CITY ORDINANCE NO. 392 4 ly 13,2005) ‘AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF CREMATORIA IN THE CITY OF BACOLOD AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. WHEREAS, the Cty of Bacolod is mandated to implement the provisions of the Code on Sanitation ofthe Phppines (P.D. 856) pariculany ts Implementing Rules an Regutations found in Chapter XXI wth regards othe Disposal of Daad Persons, WHEREAS, such implementing Rules and Regulations shall apply to al eematoris ‘hat wil be established and operated wanin Ihe jisaletion of Sacolod Cty, WHEREAS, Republic Act 7160, otierwse known as the Loca! Government Code of 1961, Section 458 (4) (1X) states that the Sangguniang Parkingood as the legislate ody ofthe city must reguate the establshmort, operation and maintenance of tuners) alors and the burl or cremation of the dead, subject to existing laws, res nd ‘esnatons, NOW THEREFORE, be @ ordained by the Sangguniang Panungood af BacoK nat: ame AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF CREMATORIA IN THE CITY OF BACOLOD AND PROVIDING PENAL TIES FOR THE \IOLATION THEREOF. Section 1 - This ordinance shall be known as the “Crematora Regulation Ordinance of Bacolod City Section 2- Scope “Tis ordnance shal regulate the establishment and aperation of crematoria inthe Cty 6 Bacolod as provdod for inthe Imemerting Rus snd Regaéations, Crapter XX: ‘of tne Coxe on Santaton of te Pilppines (PD, 986). Section 3 -Deflnition of Terms | As defined in Chapter XX! ofthe Code on Sanitation ofthe Pilipin (P.0. 2865 2.4 Cremation ~ a process that reduces human remains to bone tages of fine sand or ashes through Combustion and dahycraton, 2.2 Crematorium = any designated pico auty aithorized ty aw to ermvate ‘dead person,

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