Mrs Bixby and The Colonel's Coat by ROALD DAHL - DISCUSSION

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Discussion Questions

• Mrs Bixby says that she feels “a sort of eternal patient, someone who dwelt in the
waiting room”. What does this tell us about their married life?

• How would you characterize the relationship, based on the dialogue in the Bixby
home? What is said between the lines?

• What was your initial reaction to the story?

• Did you expect a different ending? If so, how would you end the story?

• Do you sympathize with Mrs Bixby at all? Do you feel a bit sorry for her or do you
think it served her right?

• What about Mr Bixby? Do you sympathize with him? Why?

• Does it depend on whether you are male or female when it comes to taking sides with
either Mr or Mrs Bixby?

• The fact that everything seemingly goes according to plan, contributes to a gradual
increase in tension. What does this say about the expectations of the reader?

• Who, if any, is the reader meant to sympathize with?

• What do you think of Mrs Bixby's plan to fool her husband? Do you see any
alternatives to going to the pawnbroker?

• Today a fur coat is considered a controversial gift. Why?

• Did you enjoy reading the story? What did you feel while reading it?

• Would you recommend this story to your partner?

• Is cheating on someone ever justified? Why (not)?

• Could you trust your partner again if they had cheated on you?

• Is it possible for a couple to truly “get over” an infidelity?
• What are the chances of a couple staying together when there has been infidelity?

• How many times would you forgive a cheating partner before filing for a divorce?

• Do you think you should be able to sue a cheating partner on the grounds of breach of
marriage contract?

• What would you do if you discovered your partner had been unfaithful just once – five
years ago?

• Do you agree with the expression “once a cheater, always a cheater”?

• Why do people commit adultery?

• Is adultery a natural part of human relations our jealousies cannot cope with?

• Are extra-marital affairs common in your society?

• The Bible says even thinking of having sex with another person is adulterous. What
do you think? Is lust really a sin?

• Do you have any stories about husbands and wives playing around?
• Does the person who had the affair have to “come clean” to improve the chances of
the relationship working, or should they keep the affair to themselves?

• What are some of the signs that your partner is cheating?

• If you suspect your partner of cheating, how should you approach them?

• Is it possible for couples to have affairs and still retain a strong relationship if they’re
in agreement that having affairs is OK?

• (any other questions you can think of)

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