Job Description

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Introduction and Description of the Area

The area of the NHS Tayside coincides with that of the Tayside Region. It encompasses the
former counties of Angus, Perth & Kinross together with the cities of Dundee and Perth, and
the Burghs of Arbroath, Forfar, Brechin and Montrose. NHS Tayside currently provides a
service to Tayside and North East Fife - a population of almost half a million.

Dundee is Scotland’s fourth largest city and lies 20 miles east of Perth on the north bank of
the River Tay. It houses two large Universities (Abertay and Dundee) and is the focal point
for the on-going development of a thriving biomedical technology industry.

Perth is the regional centre for a predominantly rural county of Perthshire and Kinross.
Several international companies have their headquarters in Perth.

Both cities provide a mixture of traditional and modern living and the surrounding area
provides an extensive choice of housing and schooling. Most leisure activities are available
close by with particularly good facilities for hill-walking, climbing, skiing and golf.

NHS Tayside covers three main hospital sites – Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, Perth Royal
Infirmary in Perth and Stracathro Hospital, near Brechin.

Ninewells Hospital and Medical School is a major teaching hospital. On the Ninewells site,
are all the major disciplines including general medicine and surgery as well as specialist
areas e.g. obstetrics and gynaecology, ENT, plastics and neurosurgery. There is also the
East of Scotland Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service on site which is closely linked
with our department. NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee enjoy close links between
the NHS clinicians and their university academic colleagues.

Tayside Haematology Services

The Haematology Service is managed within the Specialist Services Clinical Care Group.

The Haematology department is based in our dedicated unit in ward 34 of Ninewells Hospital
with a 13 bed inpatient ward, day unit and haemophilia treatment centre. We also have a day
unit at Perth Royal Infirmary. Patients attend the day units for chemotherapy and other
infusional treatments, investigations such as bone marrow biopsy and assessment of
complications of treatment. We also run outpatient clinics in Ninewells and PRI.

The current consultant team consists of 7 consultants. We have up to 6 Haematology

Specialty Trainees and an extensive multidisciplinary team including specialist nurses.

This new appointment will enhance our current team delivering inpatient and outpatient
haematology care and enable our team to cope with current and future demands on the

We also have a state of the art haematology laboratory service and the successful candidate
will receive training in laboratory haematology such as blood film and bone marrow reporting.
Specialist Services Clinical Care Group

Associate Medical Director Dr James Cotton

Access & Assurance Care Division
Associate Director Mrs Lynn Smith
Access & Assurance Care Division
Clinical Director Dr Maureen Lafferty
Specialist Services Clinical Care Group
Group Manager Mrs Wendy Croll
Specialist Services Clinical Care Group

Senior Haematology Medical Staff

Dr Ron Kerr (Clinical Lead for Clinical Haematology)
Dr Keith Gelly (Cllinical Lead for Laboratory Haematology)
Dr Sudhir Tauro
Dr Gordon Marron
Dr Duncan Gowans
Dr Dawn Brass
Dr David Meiklejohn

Junior Staffing

6 Specialist Registrars numbers

2 FY posts

Clinical Practice

Inpatient care is delivered on ward 34, Ninewells Hospital. Acute haematology admissions
with a new diagnosis of blood disorder or complications of treatment are made directly to our
unit. The service is Consultant led with daily meetings to discuss patients attending the day
unit, regular Consultant input for all cases and twice weekly multidisciplinary ward rounds.
Daily clinics take place in our Day Units, Haemophilia centre and General outpatient
department and you will be given opportunity to attend all of these supervised by one of our
There is a weekly Consultant led teaching session for trainees and a weekly journal club as
well as weekly radiology and pathology meetings.

The Clinical Fellow will be expected to work alongside the current Haematology Specialty
Trainees and provide advice and support for the Haematology unit, hold the on-call page for
referrals, participate in ward rounds, MDTs and outpatient clinics. There will be opportunities
to experience all aspects of haematology and gain competencies in procedures including
bone marrow biopsy and intrathecal chemotherapy administration. The Clinical Fellow will
also receive training in laboratory haematology such as blood film and bone marrow reporting.
We also work closely with our colleague Dr Katie Hands, Consultant Haematologist in the
Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service and training in transfusion medicine will also be

The successful applicant will contribute to a 1 in 6 haematology on-call rota (evenings and


All records created in the course of the business of NHS Tayside are corporate records and
are public records under the terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937. This includes
email messages and other electronic records. It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep
appropriate records of your work in NHS Tayside and manage those records in keeping with
the NHS Tayside Records Management Policy and with any guidance produced by NHS
Tayside specific to your employment.

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