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Manang The: Good evening everyone and Merry Christmas..

We are gathered here today to celebrate

our Christmas Party under the President’s office family.And with that, let us all be joyful for the birth of
our savior Jesus Christ.This is also the time that family and friends gather together to celebrate the good
things they have. It is also the time when we give and receive presents/gifts.

Shella: Yes Manang The, God sent his son Jesus into the world as a christmas present for everyone.He is
our good news, our hope, our prince of peace and our Emmanuel. Good news is meant to be
celebrated. We celebrate Christmas because it was at this time that the savior of all mankind came to
earth to save us from our sins. Let us all have a good cheer as this is an amazing time of the year. To
officially start this party, may we call on Dr. Emily A. de la Cruz for a prayer.

Manang The: Thank you Ma’am Emily, and now can we hear from our ever dynamic and supportive
University President for his welcome message.

Shella: Thank you Sir Muyong.

This party would not be fun without contest and games, therefore may we call Ma’am Lucille our
gamemaster for the mechanics and let us all enjoy the game.

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