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Values and Ethics

Difference between Personal and Professional Values

There is a difference between personal and professional ethics in this scenario. My values

include honesty, loyalty, sincerity, respect, and responsibility. My professional ethics include

integrity, confidentiality, time management, fairness, and transparency. Personal ethics in this

scenario are the ethical aspects that I recognize when interacting with individuals and in certain

situations. Professional ethics refer to the ethical aspects for consideration when interacting and

dealing with people in the professional setting. Personal values can attract bias because they may

cause me to expect everyone who is around me to act similarly, therefore causing a negative

influence (Beckett, Maynard & Jordan, 2017). Therefore, these biases may affect behavior and

perception, causing a rift between me and those with who I interact, especially in the

professional setting. When I behave ethically, then it is largely possible to view others in a biased

manner. Biases refer to faulty beliefs or attitudes that can constrain understanding, which will

impact ethical decision-making. As a professional social worker, I am largely prone to bias in

work-related practices, which may negatively impact me.

Competency, Integrity, Boundaries and Social Justice

Competency is connected to the ability which is acquired through experience and also

learning. It is also focused on one's motivation to implement these abilities for better outcomes

usefully. This will involve a combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities and the proper

judgment in work-related practices influence (Beckett, Maynard & Jordan, 2017). Honesty refers

to the personal characteristic of being honest, trustworthy, and also respectful.

 It involves telling the truth in every situation and being straightforward in all of

one’s dealings.
 Such an individual can act virtuously despite the circumstances or the

consequence. In the ethical setting, boundaries refer to ethical settings that protect

one from doing what is wrong or against the moral code (Reamer & Reamer,


 .In the professional setting, boundaries are essential in ensuring that one does not

go against the rules, regulations, or ethics set in the workplace.

Role of Values in Social Work Practice and Ethical Decision Making

Values play an important role in social work because they ensure that I can apply

professional judgment, which impacts my actions in a positive manner. In social work practice, I

would apply ethics and values in decision-making and apply them in every aspect of decision-

making. As a social worker, I am expected to consider the rights of the clients and display a

commitment to the promotion of justice and fairness. Values are critical because professional

healthcare workers will face many difficult situations in their life and will be expected to find

ways of dealing with these situations in an ethical manner (Reamer & Reamer, 2018).

 I am expected to understand the concepts of social work practice and apply these

to realize better outcomes.

 Ethical decision-making is vital in social work practice because it ensures

reflection and critical thinking, leading to better outcomes.

 Furthermore, it will also generate trust, ensure respect and responsibility, and lead

to better outcomes.

 It provides a foundation for better decision-making, therefore setting the ground

rules for behavior in work-related practices.

Ethical Challenges
I face different challenges as a social worker. One of these challenges is differences in

personal values. This is because the client may need extra assistance, which may conflict with

the moral beliefs of the social worker. As a social worker, I may have a dilemma between

providing the type of assistance required and maintaining a positive relationship with the client

(Barsky, 2017). Another major challenge I may face as a social worker is dual relationships.

 The social work guidelines advise against any relationships between social

workers and their clients outside the professional context.

 In many situations, this may be hard for me to avoid and may complicate my

work practices.

 Issues of confidentiality also occur, and especially when there are minors

involved. In such situations, it may be necessary for me to disclose the

information to a third party as a social worker.

Advocating for Clients

Social work will largely rely on the ability to advocate for clients, which includes

engaging in actions that help advance the clientele's causes. This can help improve the personal

lives, family dynamics, and group processes of affected populations. I would involve the use of

ethical decision-making in advocacy, leading to better outcomes for the client (Barsky, 2017). I

would need to be knowledgeable about creating social change while also focusing on engaging

professional practices in advocacy. This involves the use of ethical and moral principles in

determining the suitable methods of advocacy. It will also consider the short and long-term

impact of the proposed measures on the particular individuals or groups involved. Advocacy will

focus on ensuring that the appropriate resources are given to those who may require them the

most while focusing on improving the clients' lives.

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