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Interview Questions

School Affiliation


A company needs to hire their right staff to achieve its optimum performance. Finding

the right staff can prove cumbersome for many companies as it requires a series of steps that help

them match the right candidates to the right jobs. However, there a few tools and strategies that

can simplify the process for hiring managers. Some examples include a variety of interview

types, testing options, and different categories of interview questions. There are several steps I

would consider while hiring a physical therapist to ensure the selected candidate is the right fit

for the position.

A Detailed Description of the Interview

I will use a traditional interview type for this recruitment. According to Plakhotnik

(2017), traditional interviews are the most common type of interview involving behavioral

interviewing. During the interview, I will have a panel of relevant employees in the organization

who will work with or oversee the selected physical therapist. Possible panelists include the

human resource manager, the director, senior physical therapist, and department head. We will

conduct one interview in which each panelist will have at least one question to ask the

interviewee. The estimated time for the interview is between thirty minutes to a maximum of an

hour. This will allow ample time for panelists to probe, clarify and question the interviewee on

all relevant matters about the role.

The interview will include behavioral, situational, and daily task questions. The aim is to

understand the interviewee, their skills, knowledge, and expertise. Even more important is

determining whether they are a good fit for the firm and if they will suit well with the company

culture. it will take place in the company's boardroom, and each panelist will have a written

document of the questions to ask with room to ask a few more unprecedented questions that may

arise in the course of the interview.


Testing Option for the Selection Process

We will use a personality test as a testing option for the selection process. The preferred

test for this case is the Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), one of the most common personality

tests used by hiring managers. The reason behind the selection is the simplicity, effectiveness,

and details provided in the test. MBTI is considered detail-oriented because of the 16 personality

types it provides as part of the results (Doll, 2018). Employers can therefore pinpoint which of

them fits best for the position they desire to feel. Also, the test is simple so that the interviewee

can self-administer without requiring outside help. MBTI has also proved its effectiveness in

sifting through the masses during hiring hence its popularity.

Several reasons led me to choose personality tests over other testing options. One is

because a physical therapist's position, which we desire to fill needs people who have good social

skills as opposed to other functions such as intellect and cognition. Personality tests are the most

excellent option in understanding employees' nature, including their interactions with themselves

and others within and outside the workplace (Villegas, Lloyd, Tritt & Vengrouskie, 2019). The

test will also determine whether the person is good at thinking on their feet, solving problems,

and possessing good leadership skills, all of which are critical for the position we want to fill.

Five Situational Interview Questions

One of the questions we would ask in this category is what the interviewee would do if

they made a mistake that harmed their firm but no one noticed that they were responsible for it.

The main aim is to investigate the level of transparency and accountability when working alone

and with others.


The second question is about what the interviewee would do if they were asked to

perform a task that they had no prior experience. This query will investigate the interviewee's

ability to ask for help when necessary against their creativity and problem-solving confidence.

The third question would touch on an experience of failure that they have had and how

they dealt with it. Here, we expect to find out whether the interviewee is aware of their

weaknesses and failures and how they respond to unpleasant situations in the workplace.

The fourth question will focus on what they would do if a patient was dissatisfied with

their services and angrily confronted them. This question investigates their conflict resolution

and communication skills as well as their ability to empathize with patients and deal with

unpleasant encounters with them.

Finally, we would ask about which is the biggest professional achievement they have and

how they achieved it. With this question, we seek to understand the tasks which the interviewee

enjoys the most and the steps they take to achieve goals in their areas of interest.

Five Behavioral Questions

The first question we would ask in this category is whether there was a time that the

workday needed without the interviewee completing their task and what led to that outcome.. the

aim is to understand the interviewee’s time management, delegation, and prioritization skills.

Secondly, we would ask about a time when the interviewee had to show flexibility and

adaptability. Here, we would seek to understand the interviewee’s ability to readjust when plans

do not go as they had planned and still achieve some level of success in their task or project.

Thirdly, we would question the interviewee on a time that they handled a challenging

situation. This will help us know more about their stress management techniques and their ability

to break down complex tasks into simpler ones to provide effective solutions.

The fourth question would be about how the interviewee stays motivated in a job that

requires repetitive tasks. Here we would understand their values, motivations, and what they are

passionate about to determine whether they are a good fit for a physical therapist's style of work.

Lastly, we would need the interviewee to answer about a time when they had to say ‘no.’

The answers given will tell us about their ability to communicate effectively with others while

maintaining mutual respect in and out of the workplace.


I would recommend several steps and actions to ensure that the right candidate is selected

for the physical therapist's vacant position. I would use a traditional interview in the company's

boardroom with a panelist of employees who will interact with the hired person. we would

administer personality tests to ensure that the candidate has the right attitude and personality for

the job. We would also administer a series of situational and behavioral interview questions to

tests their communication, leadership skills, delegation, time management, and conflict



Doll, J. L. (2018). Structured interviews: Developing interviewing skills in human resource

management courses. Management Teaching Review, 3(1), 46-61.

Plakhotnik, M. S. (2017). Using the informational interview to get an insight into the profession

of a manager. The International Journal of Management Education, 15(2), 1-10.

Villegas, S., Lloyd, R. A., Tritt, A., & Vengrouskie, E. F. (2019). Human Resources as ethical

gatekeepers: Hiring ethics and employee selection. Journal of Leadership, Accountability

and Ethics, 16(2), 80-88.

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