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● Is recycling plastic bottles really useful?

Nowadays plastic bottle recycling machines are everywhere ( at railway stations, bus stands,
etc). But is it really useful to recycle bottles?

● What are the first steps to your own start-up?

Most of the people think that they'll need a few lakhs to open a business. But money isn't the
most important part.

● Do you buy products by just seeing the Brand name?

Nowadays there are numerous brands using words like Organic, natural etc to acquire health
conscious customers.
But instead of the full lineup they only have a few (really) organic items and the rest of the
products are still the same old chemicals. So, instead of picking products by Brand names try
looking at the ingredients.
(you can give a few real life examples of some products).

● Ice cream v/s Frozen Dessert.

Biggest example Kwality Walls

● Buying products online

You can try buying some products using money and buying the same product using vouchers or
gift cards.

● H&M discount
You can give your old clothes and get a 15% discount voucher.

● Why is food so expensive in movie theaters?

You can explain this by showing the unit economics video to show how much they earn from
selling a movie ticket and how much they earn from selling food.

● How is Metro Cash and Carry so cheap?

We all know that online brands sell items cheaper as they save a lot of cost by not having
physical stores. But how a brand like Metro (who are fully offline) beats the prices of online
retailers as well.

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