Press Release 9.23.11

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New York Student and Her Mom Facing Deportation Due to Clerical Mistake
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, September 23, 2011 Contact: Sonia 347-260-5844 New York, NY. Nadia Habib and her mother Nazmin Habib are facing deportation on September 29th at 11am after they were denied motion to reopen their case after a mistake of the immigration judge. Nadia arrived in the United States, from Bangladesh, in her mothers arms as a one year old baby. Now as a 19 year old, Nadia has proven to be an outstanding student and her mother, Nazmin, is the wife of a green card holder and also the mother of three U.S. citizen children and a contributing member of her community. Despite living in the United States for most of Nadias life, they both find themselves fighting their deportation to a country they no longer call their home. Nadia has always been an outstanding student. She has attended the second best public high school in New York and is currently a junior at Stony Brook University, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Biology and Art. Nadia aspires to someday make a major contribution to the world of medicine as a pharmacist in drug research and discovery. Nadias mother, Nazmin, is an exemplary wife and mother who has always been very involved in the lives of her four children. Since arriving in the United States, Nazmin has provided for her family, waking up every day to send her children to school and giving back to the community when time provides. The New York State Youth Leadership Council is leading a campaign to stop Nadia and Nazmins deportation. We are collecting petitions and calling all community members to contact ICE Director John Morton to urge him to defer Nadia and Nazmins deportation.

We are also urging Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand to introduce a private bill that can allow Nadia and Nazmin to stay in the country they now call home. In a recent announcement, Secretary Napolitano stated new guidelines for Prosecutorial Discretion. According to these guidelines, Nadia and her mother are not deemed a priority for removal by DHS and merit a favorable exercise of discretion. Both Nadia and her mother, Nazmin, exemplify what it means to be an American and should be allowed to stay in the U.S. to live their American Dream. ####
The NYSYLC is a youth led organization that seeks to improve access to higher education and creating equal opportunity for immigrant youth and children of immigrants, regardless of immigration status through leadership development, organizing and advocacy.

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