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Order No. J189300004 (SE3574413 )
PO No. 80 0579/09/2018
Commodity STEEL PLATE Supplier JFE SHOJI TRADE (KOREA) LTO. Certificate No. DP3-1-181025-001-001
Specifical ion API 2W-50ZLS Customer PT. OWl SUM8ER ARCA WAJA Date of issue Oct. 25. 2018

z- 0
Tensi Ie Test IlltJacl Test Oirecti Qlemica I Compos; I ;on(%)
Oimension on v
Quant i I Weight ;
mm: Space
Product No y kg Heat No YP02 I TS EL YR
V Notch s Remarks
N/1lJIl 2 %
% P b J
C S; I Mn P S Cr
31 75·32QO.8BOO A894516-DI 7.017 SK40528 1 432 505 29 863 40' C I 424 To42 L 0.08 0.27 1.45 0.008 0.003 0.019 110
*Specimen No:OP09072620-a. 2 425 Bo37 P 0.07 0.3 1.47 0.008 0.003 0.02
DP09072620-n. 3 425 Ao39
1Jf'09072620-c. A 425
Sub Tolal (10) I 7.017 -
<Gland Tolal> I 7.017

~ T~nsile TeH Direction-Transverse-TOP

We hereby certify that the malerial herein has been made by BaSIC oxygen process (Fully killed " Specimen No. : a Tension. c Impact. e Product Analysis.. hZ-Direction
• Impact Test Direclion-Transverse- TOP steel. Fine grain practice) and tested In accordance with above specification and also with the • Division: l-ladle Analysis. P-Product Analysis
"CeQ::: C... tv'n/6+(~!i+Cu)/15"'(Cr+Mo"'V)/5 requirements called for by the above order. * Inspection documents: According to EN 10204 " Sub(Sub Size. Real Value. mm) : BlanK-Full Size. 1-7.5-10. 2-5.0-10
• Pcm '" C"'~,i/.30+Mn/20+Gu/2f)+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+Vlll)+5B Type 3.2 "GUGauge length. mm): 1-200.2-100.3-80.4-70.5-50. 6-5.6S..JA.
• Suoply Condition - 01<3 in Une Accelerated Cooling (TMCP) 7~5d. 8-4d.9~8d
- UST(IJllras'Jnic Test) Y-Yes. f'I-IJo • T(S).AI: Total(Sc>luble) AI -Tr : Trace
" NRl Result: G-No Break. B-Break
"TTP(Through Thickness Position): I-Surface. 2-1/41. 3-1/2T
When using the ordered product for other uses. rather than the above specification use. product
damage and salety accidents may be caused.

'3urveyOl 10 ABS Surveyor to Surveyor to Surveyor 10 Chief of Quality Control Team I J. W. Cho

Page: 1/2

Order No. J189300004 (SE3574413 )

PO No. 800579/09/2018
Commodity STEEL PLATE Supplier JFE SHOJI TRADE (KOREA) LTD. Certificate No. DP3-1-181025-001-001
Specification API 2W-50ZLS Customer PT. OWl SUMBER ARCA WAJA Date of issue Oct. 25. 2018

Chemical Composi I ion(\)

Diroonsion U
Ouant jt Weight
Uni t Product No y kg S Remarks
inch: rom: Space T
Ni Cu Mo Nb Ti V l.AI S.AI N CeQ Pem B

31.75,3200-8800 A894516-01 7.017 0.008 0.018 0.001 0.02 0.014 0.004 0.04 0.0025 0.329 0.166 0.0003 y 110
*Specimen No:DP09072620-a, 0.008 0.017 0.001 0.021 0.014 0.002 0.05 0 o 0.325 0.16 0.0001
Sub Total ( 10) I 7.017
<Gran·j Total> I 7.017

~ Tensile Test O:reclion Transverse TOP We hereby certify lhat the material herein has been made by Basic OlC)'gen process (Fully killed • Specimen No. : a-Tension. c-Impact. a-Product Analysis .. h-Z-Direclion
• Impact Tes! D'recllQn-Transverse-TOP steel. Fine grain practice) and tested in accordance with above specification and also with the • Division; l-ladle Analysis. P-Product Analysis
~ Ceo := C+Mn/f,+(N:+Cu)/15+(Cr+Mo+V)/5 reQuirements caUed lor by the above order. ~ Inspection documents: According to EN 10204 * Sub(Sub Size. Real Value. mm): Blank-Full Size. 1-7.5"10.2-5.0*10
• Pcm == C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/l0+5B Type 3.2 . .. GL(Gauge Length. mm) : 1-200.2-100.3-80.4-70.5-50. 6-5.65.JA.
.. Supply CondiliOn - DK$ in Line Accelerated Cooling (TMCP) 7-5d. 8-4d. 9-8d
• UST(Ultrasonic Test) : Y-Yes. N-No .. T(Sl.AI : Total(Soluble) AI *Tf : Trace
.. NAL Result: G-No Break. a-Break
.. TIP(Through Thickness Posilion) : I-Surface. 2-1/4T. 3-1/21

.n When using the ordered product for other uses. rather than the above specification use. product
damage and safety accidents may be caused.
~!HH~ '6!l!;: : ~~AjW WJllrl:":.';.~·~'d'lOgkUk.con:') - eljl XLI ,'• • ~(.11I101:r1 &Iel -,."ilZ!l.!l.," ~~ 14AfQglM f!~i';'g iI~_\JI!!JI~ ~81 ~!i!g)~. i';'~
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Surveyor to AB~ Surveyor to Surveyor to Surveyor to Chief 01 Quality Control Team / J. W. Cho

Oangjin Works. 25. Godaegongdan 1 gil. Songak eup. Oangiin si. Chunocheononam-do. Republic of Korea/Quality Control Team. TEL. 041 351 4633 Page: 2/2

Th" ""' T,,, C""'J'"''". CODY 'hAl h" b~" "'"IlAd ':0;;..;":';1,

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Order No. J189300004 (5E3574413 )

PO No. BO 0579/09/2018 Supplier JFE SHOJt TRADE (KOREA) LTO.
Commodity STEEL PLATE Customer PT. OWl SUMBER ARCA WAJA Certificate No. DP3-1-181025-001-001
Specification APi 2W-50ZLS Application Spec. ASTM A 578 [LEVEL B. 51] Date of issue Oct. 25. 2018

Unit Quant Weight Examination Frequency Test
Product No ity kg Heat No
Apparatus Transducer (MHz) Sensitivity Remarks
inch: '. mm: Soace Result

31 .75*3;'00*8800 A894516-01 7,017 SK40528 1 3 5 2.25 G G

Sub Total (10) 1 7.017

<Grand Total> 7.017

[NOle] We hereby certify that the male,ial described he,ein has been examined
'E;t;:!lmination Method (tStralght beam. 2:0ouble beam) in accordance with above ultrasonic specification and also with the reoulrements
'Aooaralus-Maker & Model 01 Instrument (3:Aulo NOT HTT-BE/2 LC-TR3. 2 Portable) called for by the above ordor.
·TransdlJcer {l;l!l21)mm. 2:<ll24mm. 3:<1l25mm or 25mm Square. 4:ltl3Qmm. 5:¢>50mm. 6:0thers}
'SensitlVlty (A:RB-)-10"'SO":.+IOdB. 8:STB-Nl"SO%. C·STB-Nt"'70%. O:STB-G.VI5-4-S0"", E:STB-G.VI5-4=o80%. F.STB-G.V1S-2.S-S0%.
G·eG-15±S%. H;<1l5.0mmDAC(ls.:60mm). 1:/Dll.0mmDAC(t> 6Omm}. J:otlS.ommDAC(t > 6Omm). K:l1J5.OmmDAC(t> 6ommJ.
L;8G-=· 00"'. M:a>5.0mmFSH=60"'. 0:65S996-93 SENS.. p;eG=50%. 0;200-50%. Z:Othefs)
-To;st Resul1 fG·Go::td)

-- .0

,1"'. S' fA/C.k
Surveyor to ASS Surveyor 10 Surveyor 10 Surveyor 10 Chief of Quality Control Team / J. W. Cho

Danaiin Works. 25. Godaegonodan l-gil, Songak-eup. Oangjin-si. Chungcheongnam-do. Republic of Korea/Quality Control Team. TEL. 041-351 ~4633 Page: 1/1
ThiS Mill Test certificate IS a CODY thai has been ollnled" from original eleclrOfliC document(wlth digital SIgning). You a'o able 10 check an ouginal electlOnlc document at e-Buslness Center In Home cage 01 Dongkuk Steel. ( e-Business Conler)

,t, .f;"(~ . , ~~~~~~¥i):~.1:':.~·}i;~J;:;t:~f.·;~~~~.~;;~~~j:~~f<Y~t:~:,\.~,?-~':t·~·;~1~~~~;f...~~~~-;;:~~·~~~~'~~~:,r.: . t·':'Y,~J.~?~i'L~tI~~:t.b::~~~.:~~i~:r~iI~'~~i~f.,~~:'~i~~\J~~W;

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