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INSPECTION CERTIFICATE JFE Steel Corporation SEE BENE pec nctnstat mea neta gern ge (Cartiticare Wo, PIeOBaOSeS-000—[Tavotce Wo. [1s [FE code Ee [Order No. |5A90337-004 Shipper's Reference No. [et te0se6038 ¥ Ee Ste sn) rane a : [Custoner [THYSSENKRUPP SANNEX ASIA cas & [Commodi ty” HOT FINISHED SEANLESS CARBON STEEL PIPES, APT SL 13600 PSL2(K520 PSL2), BEVELED ENDS “ feiss Irs une Use Re Ste is rz Poe he fericcn : SEE—T fetes Re Sas Gres IGT EST [error ies =a [esse Tosa! Tone ee ear rene (ote —— es — i i) Rovlmg EWC Fee RS Te FERS PETC FE trea veh nm Gn Chemical Composition (96) [WEG. No. TC Si in [Pee cu Mi] Gr] Mo Jt: Tadle analysis peste rat ast “tes} ff aay Oe mene is bisle) | I to EavtingPestsiy Boe tel Ras P| te} a} toot as a} Bo} sof — seer ech cs/S= mse) 2/60 wae Ha vevine paar Ie] a} 138} et — a} —T} 7} a} esr Se orto 08 Pr 8} 26) 133] 18) 1 q i 3) a} sous pL at at itt al ta Shntan pe ee tere ar ata fave fixltt— 6 ae eh a a] |aNBA:NbovsTs Nia La tracert fas aap aaa ab I od fe: See area ea aah att Hal a] al i] al at al cloner atm Pap he ah gh Sd ise |e a hax + fin [a tex} —Toj To} To} 5} apt i Soe /43723-01| 100} } a ol af ml a acl Gi i St i) 3. renee fost eee Te raat TE OT [Stag Pa Pane Wea ‘Wax 760 ine a7 [Direction : Longitudinal histo fo) or ype of Sosa © Str 3 mm eT a Sat a0) GL Bom 1 Unit : MPa 4 1 [Kind of YS : 0.5% Extension Under Load ‘WTIALS OBSCRTRED HERETY HAVE BEE WAWFACTIRED, INSPECTED AND TESTED POWERS SPECIPLOATION(S), AND THAT THEY SATISFY THE HEGULREUETS, «+ LORREMRGNNARMERRERMLT OUST ‘ION .CERPIPICATE @ JFE Steel Corporation! nna gs SFE FESS rtm inden Pa 8 Dave 21M 22, 2016 Pa ENSPEC: sos00465-000 EA008S7- C08 degoct Test fifo | ibaarbed Baar Tear bea Raapling Poritien = Base Mowat inal 3 a trpe of Specimen : 2 10410 para-ay) | | | ae} 100] ~ftest Tenperature : “50°C [Ts heels as feat 100} | erdness Test | eh i Zz Sapling Post tien 7 Base Wotad ‘un eshoa = Re Nariation fee. No. Tf Outer wid Toner be Oe Oe Oe Yeivg_| lane 7 6 Poa it 2 eae TEGO secon (iparootatTa Tose 2, fies XS COO. Visual & Disension ca esarks [Bx 10208 37 ice afo175/1so1s186-2:2000 PARAGRAPH 82.1.2 GIARDNESS ONL?) lor In Aocoeoance vir antex & OF APT BL. Asie ED PIPE END TASPECTION = AEX © OF API SL 46TH RD. PABA 9.3.1 AND 9.9.2 FINE GRAIN PRACTICE AND FULLY KILLED STEEL osLiveRy covorntow : @ Jaencsone: 920 bes. 10 mn EWPERING: 620 DEG. c 3 30 Mv loro) 5 wore coun ern): en Fe coo0 ero): astw E709 c3-230 coo bata indicated in US customary units were converted from date sessured in $I units WE WATERIALS DeSCRTBED MENEIN IVE BE MAURACTURED, INSPECTED 80 TESTED ME § SPECSPICATIONGS), AND THAT THEY SATISPY TE FEGUTREKENS - SoiameNCOnaamuaMeeRLTaNEs ~~. fom. INSPECTION: CERTIPTCATE JFE Steel Corporation SEE PER rants esta 3 Deena 2, 208 fos by ing (fart renee wn FreiRoneTe-Gii—[Involce We Tre-m00r [FE code ert s100957-019 I Shipper” s Reference No. [eb osbezase Bhs IF S10} TRADE CORPORATION IrivSSERTPe uAiDEX ASLA HoT_FINISIED SEAILESS. CARBON STESL PIPES,aPT_BL 1309 PSLICiSOO FSI), WEVETLED OS" Specification INPI_BL GRADE Lag PSL aa [size 525915, 88K 2000 [Project Nan = [constrvccion Ne. [iste Reference to [Custonor”« Control Wo. esos [Gustomar" = Control No.3 [eT [ss Total Gea CSRS Test Fo. Fredaets faasos-o1_——~}7-50599 Ty 7 [4305-02 729079 (©) | 6 05-0 Troe (0) | 2 (Ghstecinskivg Eat Jovan Worle tn tho Kanto Glatrict Pipe manufoctering: Cate Whe in the Chubu distr caine cor sr HE FEREIN AYE nem AASIPACTERD, DSPeTED A TesTED Gwen ¢ Secricniosh ase Te TeeY SRST Me RONEN ee INSPECTION CERT IRIGATE @ JFE Steel Corporation: irs rome GSE {:litctl oe Lc tande-chey Att Prot & " mua ae Ee eg : esis! Gmsasiton (0) WS]? tale analyte Bl: Product Analysis | [sampling Position * Base Motal l [eat (Pc) sc+85/30+Cunscuscr) /20.Ni AD" No/15+7/10158 z| y 4 a 5 ext creo se sh ecu) 15 er Paat:al/t one Vb snp wbvsti Lit :cuicrssi no fel = x10 le2-> 1000 lea: % 10000 SH other + x00 HiT geal Sapling Position + Base Total Diroction + Longitudinal [type of Spocinen + Strip 38, me GL Soma fonts + ura [kind of YS $0.58 Extension Under Load In AATERUALSDescraBeD HEREIN NAVE No WoWEKCTURED, NSFECTED Aw TESTED ASTUMES SPHCTETCATIONGS), AND THAT THEY SATISEY THE REQUIR ‘CERTIFICATE @ JFE Steel Corporation SRE iets rete ari, ik Po. INSPECTION age :mWREH 22, 2016 abe (We No. | ibaarbad Bro Snare [Senet tag Position ? Base Woval exch [pcs (ara iach [iv | rection © Traurerse ial 38 3 Ive of Specinen © 27 10110 Pama] | a5 7a) F009 hast Teaperatare : 30 443) | 100) nie = | as 10] faabs=0a] | aaa aii 10] To | ao too | rl 10) [R06=05) ~~ a38) 788 too} 100 | 4a 40 [a6 ! 400) Mardoose Tost Roch Tie By FSvpling Position © Have Wetal lin ethod : RC [rartatiee ———] ge es a Taser |_ ore ee ee vive | stots a a pees aE fesos-02 [1] 65 5 es Ce fejg05-03 [rt Fee at stp eae Tra n:c000 ona Tat 2S COT Fisval & Disooston 000 esacks fev oar face WROLT5/ts015i66~2:2008 PARAGRAPH #2. 1.2 (HARINESS ONLY) Jor at ACCORDANCE WiTH ANNEX & OF API SL 45TH ED JPIPE END INSPECTION : ANNEX E OF APL 51, 45TH ED. PARA 9.9. AND 2.9.2 JFDVE GRAIN PRACTICE AND FULLY KILLED STL, loexaveRy conpiTion = @ lavencinne: 920 DEG. CX 20 MIN, TeNPERING: 610 DEG. CX 10 MIN. lor woow): ws wore soon lurgeno): sie FEH coon lure): ast £709 cK~30 coop ata indicated in US customary units mare converted from dats neusured in_SI_ units, loumemacenammisneenlTAvaT INSPECTION CERTIFICATE ® JFE Steel Corporation ca ws SEE SEER om tmtectr si ncaa Qe CN 2, 2018 ae [Certificate No. [P160200676-000 | Tavoice No. TH7=1989 TIPE Code [ra fea jweosr-o [snes iota [eee —— we ae Ison fe Si OE GMa | (custoner [TUNSSENKRUPP_WAAWEX ASTA = | Foss ior FNS SLES ARN STL PRE APT Aa LE AL, VEY feet estan [erst eNom FS ao is econ orto. ze joc Ta =, [Construction No. [Ship No. [ a 7% fears stan Co RT EE [Custoner’ s Control No. 3 le A Gani Tass [oval tena (irate [oat We [Products feaz07-o1 F-36553 0) a YENF \eaar-m ——Tr-35019 —e) 3 ‘©lSteFlnekine East Japan WRG Ta the Vauto aiviet Pips wemufectoring: Quits Works in the Chibu disrice, Gtenical Cinpasttion (96) feno. T TT ¢ ss C pPa see eT | WT tall maya a a ete in| |_110] Soup ing Position = Base Metal lix]P] 18] a5] 160) 255-20} —aa]—na| a fon crea see /20e nance) PON in| {ua “a5 105 aro) Bla ayaya eae ) scere etn P| as} st el a} aa] af ews ’ ae] as} aol} tat sf ca featacmirn sven} 2 am) ae} a} a] zh] i faisva I) 26) sai] as] 2] a] a] aenmrcabevers f P 25 asi} isha] i]s] aanscascevite in. i is a eee ete fa: 0 Tiss) yy ay ag pe = x 1c00 Lt __ fa + xxeeoo Yaa a] Bonner = x10 ce 2 aero ayaa 7 | af af oa} s 3} al @ a} vat. at apg 2) al gl Jsaor-o pat ae a ab aoe a| al af a} aif af ah af al a alot if a} a} a at alg eH | ve [a ve Foe eee ACen] BT TT aT bis i Mink 2 ix) 10} Top To} ay To} ay 35 isle] | 2| zt ora 7 00} Fhe} a} al a} 2} tof, 2} af PF] cy cad at} aah op a} ag lasor-oo} | 109 | fr ah abs as] sak roof a] a] el al al al is) ss} ts] a} sol j 13 i 8 bot Le TohmwneNAaeAsMeRRCTSUET INSPECTION CERTIPICATE @ FE Stee! Corporation cata na SRE ites rae inert si Dota SEH 2.206 race Gortiticate No rans00676-o00 raer No, 40057-0185 Tensile Tos f WF No] TWarietion [1S TOUR) [RORY |] Soapng Postion + base Wirral Was | Te ST Ypirection # Longitudinal iin 60) | eo | 2 Tope of Specinen = S:rip 98. tam sera] 3 i 3) Ta GL Som fsaor-02] | | a) ee eee ed J L Kind of VS = 0.5 Srtension Under Load Iapact Tost io. Siar eT Ranpling Position * tase Yetad i feseh five | lbirection : Transverse hal P| a 1 lize of Speciaen | 21 10t10 i aaa | 5 109) 100 ese Tewpereture : “60 5! 109 lite =F 485) [100] faar-ae]—] asst 7} oop Ta i i 109 | Joo} fd Barnes = Zz fSeapling Position 7 taas Tota iin etn? HRC Vartatia eo ‘iter wa Trea if To ote] oa sero oe soon asoreoe Laat ae t aE a 000 pamastaere Tear i 6S COO Tiseal & Dinonsioa oar esarks fav 0200 ice R0175/1S015186-2:2009 PARKGRAPM. AZ. 1.2 OIMRUNESS ORLY) 1 lot IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANNEX E OF APL SL 45TH 2D pps aND INSPECTION : AEX E OP APT GL ASTH BD. PARA 9.9.1 AND 2.9.2 FINE GRAIN PRACTce aND FULLY KILLED STEEL DELIVERY CONDITION : | laencinne: 920 BG. X 10 MIN. lrewreRINs: £90 BG. X 10 MN lurcaaoy) : ns norcH coon lur(@xo): eam FAH coon lwr(exn): asta £709 CX-480 cooD Data indicated in US customary units vere converted froa data nessured in SI units. CERIMLS DESCRIBED MEAEIN HAVE BEEN ANUFACTURED, INSPECTED NO TESTED A'S SPOCIPLCATIONS), AMD Tuk TARY SATISPY Te ABQULRENETS. SaRENaaARDADESWeRRL CAST — Go) 4G 27 -S On adoq W") 30 sa8emey Castor syet0 + @e pat ost ro0e © °¢ Foe xa OL avtoaae : ssi 1 staaLAED Sim + Ler 2 la a a efx] om | os |E]ar] ©] 0 fee] e fur cot |e} 2] =r ror se fae] oo | see fa)otle | ce] e fan vat |e] Ja nie |e |e [a so fee|2 |i] Jo} 0] | 2] | one | ovens | © : os [a 4 bx sr |eo] om | cs fafnfe|s|eefelalr|s |x fe 2fa foo] os sles] ox | vs falartelofrelefmle|efr |e 3 |i nels loele falc fe] fe zfi} fo] o] fof o | oust | ovssons | 2 we fa 4 wla]| ow | ue [i efafc |x |r} forfsor|se| 2 | coc as] or | us [afer sf efe |e] sol ior fie| cla elulelr|tlelolelelz (i) fol» | [o/s of owe | szssons |v ape =] |e | or ki ba we xs | oo | [eels [ow os |oz|er 3 foe| wx | oe late pele] bole T=] lawl [epee ae =F 7 a sis] * | ™ ebteferere Tre a} ws @) 2 ¥ g $i (ron uray} “cx comaa |3 Hwncuslunaas| TT allt : ova was) Coss | 8 | a fare tse | fo} @ | |u| a s} afm fis] of a}4]} § [bes | ova ili 3 as | |S aoe nse ran ssa. mist ‘onotuisages rom ili 3 | allie owe 2 Nomar XL Xm UBF me | croos | © ; | : seve , newex movers morse || 3H | Ga awe 7 roonr morax moon |_| oe | cae [t Te St a RBs oh srs vamo at aes] on teed me ‘Oe-mNOTON “OE: LT ONE [aS SOY “hogs ‘n-oavN ORV Sr “WBNOL WES 2391480 ava & lly Jo Ive) “dio) 12235 HYVES HWeS ALVOTATINGD NOILOdSNI (0 3, RAR AH BSS ow a os, ano gs axanoon wioliab Rr abuso taLioasids Hi apa suede apa ae SIR SAT usa Sto Aa SFT SHAMS tall ‘Puget ou Isat wy 2 Sioa! at du ‘Oil otal i cuisaL aw 30m Nea ch aia “nani LA an use | ricoons | 0 | use | exxzons | ¢ foorooe oe ww | as st sens | » Hea | I] i pas ee ces _| om | [ee] s| ccfos}oe} st} fcr} oe] » foc] oor| se] om late Tr thal ep aye a > =P = a =] x} | bree nTpe 7H von} | 3 ae EEE 4 5 : 3 rupats}igoars ‘ q au at [es esatd ean eM] CS | fal af Mr [Bie | a @ 22] on] a Jon} ofxf-o] s] af om | es| of Ga) 2 viel ¢ | ok 1H, a i hy PRL it Sal 3 cacrusan exam sat soa (anoruisoams Tena aa iif 3 Ces s5'1S | SHMNRETUNS DN ‘O2sO S]2ee [rower a Woot x SO'eE Xm OOS m0 | crccons | 9 owe | no00'se t Woco'zt x mH So"et x cO'uSY m0 | sesame | sceret | wo00'96 : Rocoret XR OL'ZE XA CO's x80 | srcoans |? aR, | aa aT ee oc ee sis waR80 cou rtve or Tamm eS ew ee FA] om | | YAY ‘DON “09-IN “O¥-2Noa0D “9eT + BATE OAH & lly fo Iy(#) : sey “dio [2835 HYVES HW?es raver GLVOIAIINI NOLLOMdSNI TRE TST TT eR ER ‘tp PT "BAHAS REKASATYA nooramrone on on Kopang inca Ve 10 Satay ‘Tee OSt-7391727 Fax abt 7320059 aN LK — a, Sm Fo om PURCHASE ORDER Pomme ysmnrostassace Some ne = - [DI Tujukan Kepada ee Nama Perusahiaa : PT. WINNMETALS Nama Kontak Farid Yoltad Alamat 2 Menara Rejwah LS ans2 0877 9147 4h Br. Aaic Agung Ge Lt #8 1 31 7391727 = Kuringan-iakarta Selatan Dikirienkan ke = PT. Siam Mason Terminal Phone 5 O2tS76tSae Ypng Pangah. Gres Fax : On-S7e1sa0 ama Teh Untuk Perhatian Mastin Winote Pie Pak Mactyact 2 nuk wong eisamonas tars Dg ZssaTE570 t a ‘Tag! Pengiriman < Part (iiax 14 Macet 2019) arap Dikiinkan Kepada Kam 7 ‘Purchase Ordor Break Down _ fo Description ay | 4. 16*% 19 05 WTA T2 mtr, Pipe LSAW-APISLx | 2 | BIg s2PSi2 2 [ipa iss wriiame poe sms apiece 11 | By 3 Hee Ia 1 | Be ‘SMLS API P32 4 [ei ieoswr Sibnw bye Sus-aistx | 2 | By 5 Hors tess 1138 2.) Be seule 6 Big 8 89 | “Sig “Big 8 ‘Bibuat Oleh > ® Yalladt pr.ynnn metas |

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