Hungary and Russia

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Hungary and Russia

Is it true that Hungary is Russia’s Trojan horse in Europe

and that Viktor Orban is a Russian puppet?
Different opinions:

1. I am not sure if Orban is a Russian puppet but I am sure his authoritarian rule and
collaborating with Putin will end up for Hungary very bad. In the event of some
big conflict with Russia they will end up like Hungary collaborating with Nazis
during WWII. Orban seems to not understand how small Hungary is comparing to
the EU, the US or Russia. Small countries trying to play their own “imperial” or
independent games on two fronts is not a good idea.
2. Yes. Viktor Orban’s Hungary is the best friend of Putin’s Russia. Viktor Orban is
looking for Vladimir Putin's Russia for inspiration for his illiberal state.

3. Orbán has no friends in the West like he has in Putin.

4. Former liberal MP and member of the National Assembly’s national security

committee József Gulyás says Hungary has become Russia’s trojan horse in
Europe. Russia, he claims, is keen on dismantling European cohesion and breaking
NATO, and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been all too eager to turn away from
a quarter-century’s worth of precedents in national security policy to cozy-up to
his new friend.


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