Francis de Vera (OM3A) - PART 2 - STP - M-A-D Customer Irritants (REVISED)

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Part 2 STP : Customer Challenges or irritants

Determining the possible competitive advantage and find out your interviewee’s’ needs and
irritants based on the chosen project idea resulted from the “Business Project Template” Please
use the following M-A-D template:
Missing (M) Annoying (A) Disappointing (D)

(What do you need that is not (Which product or service (Which promise is
being addressed) don’t you like and why?) unfulfilled?)

- 4k Resolution Videos - It annoys the customer - Expectations and

when the camera man satisfaction from the
- Aerial Shots
is being aggressive customer didn’t meet
and disrespectful

- Unable to execute the

- Too much lighting videography/photogra
exposure and props phy properly

- High-priced services, - Unexpected situations

this includes that can happened
videography/photogra before and during the
phy and editing. shoot

- Inability to make an
extraordinary effort
that isn’t possible
Answer the following and prepare for the class presentation (Due August 31, 2021)
1. What major pain points for your customers or customer irritants?
The major pain points are the expectations and satisfaction the FMA Studio could get
from the customers because this holds the reputation of the studio and their trust to serve them
well. Another pain point that we can see is how we execute the photography/videography
properly. They are expecting a better outcome and if we failed to deliver that outcome, we will
not be able to retain our customers. Aside from that, some of our customers are looking for an
Ultra HD video and Aerial shots in which we cannot provide because of our equipment. They are
looking for it because most of our competitors are doing their films in Ultra HD resolution.
2. Based on the above findings, discuss the possible competitive advantage you can develop for
the chosen business project idea.
Our competitive advantage is that we do our work with seriousness in editing the videos
and photos. Furthermore, all of us have a background in Videography and Photography and we
make sure that our clients will be satisfied in our work. Furthermore, if the finished video or
photos did not satisfy our clients, we offer revisions of the editing and that comes with our
package. We also cater both business advertising and events. Some of our competitors are only
focusing on one business segment and they only cater either of the two. FMA studios aims to
cater both business segments which will help business owners promote their business and help
people who want to capture and record their memories with an affordable price. Lastly, our price
is not that expensive since we are just a start up business and currently building our business
: Determine Which Segmentation Variables to Use
A. Segmentation variables are the characteristics of individuals, groups, or organizations
used to divide a market into segments.
1. The segmentation variable should relate to customers’ needs for, uses of, or behavior
toward the product.
2. Marketers must select measurable segmentation variables, such as age, location, or
gender, if individuals or organizations in a total market are to be classified
3. A company’s resources and capabilities affect the number and size of segment
variables used.
4. The type of product and degree of variation in customers’ needs also dictate the
number and size of segments targeted.
B. No matter what approach is used, choosing one or more segmentation variables is a critical
step in effectively targeting a market.
1. Selecting an inappropriate variable limits the chances of developing a successful
marketing strategy.
C. Variables for Segmenting Consumer Markets
1. Segmentation variables can be grouped into four major categories: demographic,
geographic, psychographic, and behavioristic. Some variables are shown below:

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