Certificate U.S 65B in O.S.No.241 of 2019

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Certificate u/s 65B Indian Evidence Act 1872 issued for computer outputs.

I, T.D.Pandarinathan Son of Late MR.T.B.Dasarathi Reddy, residing at Door Np.69/40,

Pudupet Street, Alandur, Chennai, state that the photocopy of the legal heir Application
Number TN-720190512172 and transaction reference number: TNCIT00000468631
from his computer under IP No.: ____________________________ on ________ and the
following printouts (computer outputs) ) were taken, through my computer system.

S.NO Request Description of Documents Pages

1 12.05.2019 Legal Heir Certificate Application Status 1

The above-said computer outputs/printouts were produced by my computer system

which was used regularly to store and process information for the purposes of activities
regularly carried on over that period by me. During the said period, information of the
kind contained in the electronic record was regularly viewed and stored into my
computer system, in the ordinary course of the said activities. Throughout the material
part of the said period, the computer was operating properly. The information
contained in the electronic record reproduces such information fed into the computer in
the ordinary course of the said activities. Each page of the printout was signed by me.

Date: 07.07.2023

Son of Late MR.T.B.Dasarathi Reddy

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