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CLIL, meaning of 4Cs and 1 ac vity related to each C Module 2


There are different explana ons about the meaning of each C from 4Cs in the forum, and I agree
with all of them. Nevertheless, I would like to express the meaning of each C as follows:

C for Content  Refers to the knowledge specifically related to the subject we want to teach.
Never mind the language we use, they are skills and understandings related to the specific area
we want students to learn about. In my case, they are contents related to the area of Technology.

An ac vity related to the content, could be learning about the proper es of materials (strength,
elas city, plas city, duc lity, tensile strength) and giving 2 materials of examples for each
property, one which outstands and one which (almost) lacs the property.

C for Communica on  Refers to the use of language and improving the skills to understand the
language and being able to describe situa ons, knowledge, emo ons or technical informa on
with enough clarity and the proper vocabulary.

An ac vity related to the communica on could be preparing a presenta on about a technical

solu on (construc ons, tools, mechanisms, etc.) made with new materials or materials which
are not common for the applica on in study. The presenta on should explain what are the
materials usually used and its proper es, and why the chosen technical solu on used new or
alterna ve materials, the proper es and benefits of these new/alterna ve material, and make a
public display of the presenta on.

C for Cogni on  Refers to carrying out ac vi es which develop new skills and knowledge
through reflec on and abstract thinking.

A group ac vity related to cogni on could be looking for an object, game, etc. which tradi onally
has been design for girls or boys, or related to girls or boys. Taking gender equality into
considera on, each group has to think about the disadvantages of this inequality and re-design
the object, game, etc. to transform it into a product for girls and boys without dis nc on.

C for Culture  Refers to sharing an open understanding, a tude, values and perspec ves which
transmits educa on in terms of ways of doing and ways of living.

And ac vity related to Culture could be studying the structure and materials used for building
tradi onal houses (more than 150-year-old) around the word. Students must make a list of the
materials and par culari es (orienta on, protec on…) of each tradi onal construc on and link
it to the natural resources in the area, the climate, and other peculiari es of the region.

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