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CLIL Ac vity: Bridge Challenge

This ac vity is called “Bridge Challenge”. It is an ac vity within the area of Technology, related to
the content on Structures, Forces and Efforts, which is taught during the 3rd course of ESO.

The class will be divided in 6 groups of 4 people each group (assuming there are 24 students in
a class. Else, the number of groups or the number of people per group can be adapted).

There will be 6 “Bridge Challenge”, corresponding to 6 famous bridges from the UK, one for each

The Challenge will consist on answering a series of ques ons about the bridge in ques on. In
order to find the answers, a list of websites and a link to a video will be delivered together with
the ques ons. Each group will have to look for the answers on the video and websites, and write
the correct answers on the ques on sheet (which will be posted on the Google Classroom).

A digital presenta on of the bridge will have to be prepared, , including the facts given in the
answers (using Power Point, Prezzi or similar). All members of the group will have to make a
public display of the presenta on to the rest of the group. The presenta on will include 3 quiz
ques ons at the end, so the rest of the groups will have to answer them at the end of the display
to show they were paying a en on to the presenta on.

There is a ques on sheet of one of the “Bridge Challenge” given as example at the end of this
ac vity.

This ac vity is CLIL because it has a dual focus:

On one hand, students will be working on the content of “Structures, Forces and Efforts” which
belongs to the area of Technology. But on the other hand and at the same me, students will be
learning English language, as the ques on sheet will be in English, the informa on (website and
video) will be in English and they will have to answer, prepare a presenta on and display it in
front of all the group in English. They will also listen to the displays of the other groups in English,
and they will have to make sure they understand them or make the necessary ques ons at the
end of the display to make sure they will be able to answer the final quiz of each presenta on.

Tyne Bridge Challenge

Please find below a video and some websites where you can find informa on related to the Tyne

Look at the video and the websites in order to answer the ques ons below.

Once you have answered all the ques on, make a presenta on about the Tyne Bridge including
the important things you learned through the answers and all the informa on given on the video
and websites. At the end of the presenta on, you will have to make 3 quiz ques ons which the
rests of the groups who were listening to your display will have to answer correctly.

Prepare the display of the presenta on which you will make for the rest of groups. Please make
sure you stress the important points of the presenta on during the display, if necessary, by
asking the audience if they understood them and allowing them to make ques ons a er each
key point of the presenta on.

Video and websites:

h ps://

h ps://

h ps://

h ps://

Ques ons:

1. What type of structure is Tyne Bridge? What shape does Tyne Bridge have? What are
the materials used for its structure? What is the main advantage and main disadvantage
of this structure?

2. What are the main features of the bridge (length, height, width, weight of steel used and
number of rivets used)?

3. Explain how was the opening ceremony. Do you think it was an important structure at
the me of the opening ceremony (explain why do you think so)?

4. Why is it considered that Tyne Bridge helped normalise the gender equality within

5. Is the Tyne Bridge an important Structure, yet? Give detailed informa on on nowadays
use (number of vehicles, events, etc.)

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