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CLIL, real ac vity according to Oliver Meyer’s strategies

The ac vity proposed follows one of the strategies indicated by Oliver Meyer’s: Developing high
order thinking skills through the top three levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy.

The ac vity proposed belongs to the area of Technology, related to the content of Home supplies
which is taught during the 4th course of ESO.

The tle of the ac vity is “Energy Efficiency Audit”. As a general idea, students will have to
analyse the concepts of energy-consuming at home. Students will have to create an strategy to
make their homes more energy-efficient. Students will have to make a cri cal evalua on of the
strategies they proposed.

According to Oliver Meyer’s strategy and the top three levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, here is the
list of ac vi es:


- The teacher will explain the different energy-consuming devices and systems commonly
found in homes, such as ligh ng, hea ng/cooling, appliances and electronics.
- The teacher will introduce the concept of energy efficiency and the importance in
reducing environmental impact and promo ng sustainability using different
presenta ons and videos, and students will have to provide examples found on the
internet, news or their close environment.
- The teacher will explain, by using real examples of the high-school or by using
informa on provided by students, how to find energy consump on data and its costs.
- The same examples will be used to explain how to iden fy pa erns of consump on and
how to iden fy areas of poten al energy waste.

Synthesis (crea on):

- Students will be divided in three groups. Each group will be assign a specific area of
study: home ligh ng, home hea ng/cooling system, home appliances and electronics.
- Each group will have to make a brainstorming of possible energy-efficient solu ons in
the designated area.
- Each group will look for addi onal informa on to help them support and develop the
ideas emerged from the brainstorming, and categorise them into strategies based on
behaviour-change, exis ng technology improvements, or applica on of new
- Each group will make a descrip on of the necessary steps to implement each strategy, a
calcula on of the costs of implemen ng each strategy and a calcula on of the poten al
savings (energy and money) a er implemen ng each strategy.

Evalua on:

- Each group will present their energy efficiency proposal to the class, explaining each
strategy, the expected outcomes and the reason why it was considered a good strategy
to be applied.

- A er each presenta on, a debate will be proposed so all students will be able to show
their support to the strategies proposed, provide construc ve feedback, propose
alterna ve ideas or sugges ons for improvements, and the group will be able to answer
whether they already considered them and dismissed them (and why), or whether they
are good alterna ve ideas to be studied further on.
- The teacher will help in the discussion and encourage cri cal thinking by asking
ques ons about the feasibility, cost-efficiency, possible difficul es for implementa on or
possible key points that must be considered for implementa on.

I chose this strategy because I think it provides many opportuni es to propose ac vi es related
to the close environment of students. This way, students can relate the work done in class to a
reality they live or they will live as adults, and make the ac vity interes ng for they future.

Also, it is an strategy that allows to develop a long-ac vity into smaller ac vi es, carried out step
by step, allowing to plan the strategy from the simpler contents to the more abstract and
laborious contents.

This strategy also includes cri cal evalua on, which I consider key for students to see how their
knowledge evolved from the ini al simpler ideas and ac vi es, to the more elaborate contents,
and how this is a very rich path which can be broadly widen and improved by considering new
ideas, and specially, how team-work helps into this extension of ideas for future improvements.

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