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CvSU Vision CvSU Mission

The premier university in Cavite State University shall provide

excellent, equitable and relevant
historic Cavite recognized
Republic of the Philippines educational opportunities in the arts, science
for excellence in the
development of globally CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY and technology through quality instruction
and relevant research and development
competitive and morally Silang Campus activities.
upright individuals. Silang, Cavite It shall produce professional, skilled,
and morally upright individuals for global




Conflicts/Controversies in Philippine History


DATE: 03/30/2023 SIGNATURE:

Direction: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING. ENSURE the proper citation for your references. Save
your work in PDF form. It will be submitted to the class representative on March 31, 2023 to be
compiled by him/her in a google drive. Only the drive link shall be forwarded to me on the day the
activity is due.

1. Where did the first catholic mass took place in our archipelago? How significant or what
is the significance of the first mass to our history?
I. The first Catholic mass in the Philippines took place on March 31, 1521, on
the island of Limasawa in Southern Leyte. It was officiated by Father Pedro
de Valderrama, chaplain of the Spanish expedition led by Ferdinand
Magellan. The mass was held to commemorate the Christianization of the
island's inhabitants, which was the first recorded mass in the Philippines.
II. The significance of the first mass in the Philippines is that it marked the
beginning of the spread of Christianity in the country. It was also a
significant event in the history of the Spanish colonialism in the Philippines,
as it paved the way for the arrival of more Spanish missionaries and the
establishment of the Spanish colonial rule in the country. The event also
marks the start of the centuries-long influence of Catholicism in Philippine
culture, which is evident in various aspects of Filipino society, including
religion, language, and traditions.

2. The truth about Cavite Mutiny

a. How do Spaniards explain Cavite Mutiny? On their perspective, what is/are the
reason/s behind the Mutiny and what was the role of secular priests to the said
mutiny in Cavite Arsenal?
I. The Spanish government explained the Cavite Mutiny as an act of rebellion
against the colonial government, with the aim of establishing an independent
CvSU Vision CvSU Mission
The premier university in Cavite State University shall provide
excellent, equitable and relevant
historic Cavite recognized
Republic of the Philippines educational opportunities in the arts, science
for excellence in the
development of globally CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY and technology through quality instruction
and relevant research and development
competitive and morally Silang Campus activities.
upright individuals. Silang, Cavite It shall produce professional, skilled,
and morally upright individuals for global


Filipino state. They also claimed that the secular priests played a significant
role in inciting the mutiny by spreading revolutionary ideas among the
II. According to the Spanish perspective, the primary reason behind the mutiny
was the dissatisfaction of the Filipino soldiers with the poor living and
working conditions in the arsenal. They were also unhappy with the
discrimination they faced, as the Spanish soldiers received higher salaries
and better benefits. Moreover, the Spanish officials believed that the mutiny
was part of a wider conspiracy to overthrow the Spanish colonial
government and establish an independent Filipino state.
III. Regarding the role of secular priests in the mutiny, the Spanish officials
accused them of spreading revolutionary ideas among the soldiers. They
claimed that the secular priests, who were educated in Europe, were
influenced by the liberal and nationalist ideas of the time, which they then
disseminated among the soldiers. The Spanish authorities also accused the
secular priests of providing the mutineers with guns and ammunition to
support their rebellion.
b. One of the subsequent effects of the mutiny was the execution of GOMBURZA. In
Filipinos’ perspective, do the secular priests such as GOMBURZA really the one
who ignited the mutiny? If not, what could be the reason why Spaniards blame the
armed revolt to the secular priests?
I. The Cavite Mutiny played a significant role in the execution of Gomburza,
which was a turning point in Philippine history. Gomburza refers to three
Filipino Catholic priests named Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto
Zamora. They were falsely accused of being involved in the mutiny, and
even though there was no evidence to support the claim, they were still found
guilty and sentenced to death by garrote. Their execution had a profound
impact on Philippine society, especially among the educated class, and
helped fuel the nationalistic sentiments that would eventually lead to the
Philippine Revolution against Spain.
II. From the Filipino perspective, the role of GOMBURZA in the Cavite
Mutiny is seen as indirect rather than direct. They were not the instigators of
the mutiny, but their execution for alleged involvement in the rebellion
stirred nationalist sentiments and fueled the movement for Philippine
independence. The martyrdom of GOMBURZA became a symbol of
Spanish oppression and sparked the revolution against Spanish colonial rule.
CvSU Vision CvSU Mission
The premier university in Cavite State University shall provide
excellent, equitable and relevant
historic Cavite recognized
Republic of the Philippines educational opportunities in the arts, science
for excellence in the
development of globally CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY and technology through quality instruction
and relevant research and development
competitive and morally Silang Campus activities.
upright individuals. Silang, Cavite It shall produce professional, skilled,
and morally upright individuals for global


III. There are various perspectives and reasons why the Spanish authorities may
have blamed the secular priests for the Cavite Mutiny. Some historians
suggest that the Spanish authorities may have used the incident to suppress
any form of dissent, including the perceived growing influence of
secularization and liberalism. By blaming the secular priests for the mutiny,
they could further justify their efforts to control and limit the influence of
the clergy. It could also be a way to deflect blame from their own actions
and policies that may have contributed to the unrest.
3. Cite at least one justification on the following:
a. Jose Rizal retracted to his anti-Catholic ideas
I. There are some historical accounts claiming that Jose Rizal retracted his
anti-Catholic beliefs during his incarceration before his execution in 1896.
One of the main justifications for this claim is the document known as the
"Retraction Paper," which allegedly contains Rizal's confession and
renunciation of his anti-Catholic ideas. However, many historians and
scholars argue that the authenticity of this document is highly doubtful, as it
was not signed by Rizal himself and was only presented by a friar after
Rizal's execution. Furthermore, Rizal's close friends and family members
denied that he made any retraction, and his last words before his death were
reportedly "consummatum est" ("it is finished"), which some interpret as a
confirmation of his anti-Catholic beliefs.
b. Jose Rizal did not retract to his anti-Catholic ideas.
I. The majority of historians and scholars today reject the claim that Jose Rizal
retracted his anti-Catholic beliefs. They argue that the supposed "Retraction
Paper" was likely a forgery or a fabrication by the Spanish authorities to
discredit Rizal and his ideas. Additionally, Rizal's writings and letters
throughout his life consistently express his critical views on the abuses and
corruption within the Catholic Church and the Spanish colonial government.
Furthermore, his actions, such as founding the La Liga Filipina and writing
novels like Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, were aimed at exposing
the injustices and advocating for reforms in the society. Therefore, it is more
likely that Rizal remained steadfast in his anti-Catholic ideas until his death.
4. What happened in the event of cry of Pugadlawin? What does the cry of Pugadlawin
symbolizes in Philippine history?
CvSU Vision CvSU Mission
The premier university in Cavite State University shall provide
excellent, equitable and relevant
historic Cavite recognized
Republic of the Philippines educational opportunities in the arts, science
for excellence in the
development of globally CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY and technology through quality instruction
and relevant research and development
competitive and morally Silang Campus activities.
upright individuals. Silang, Cavite It shall produce professional, skilled,
and morally upright individuals for global


The Cry of Pugadlawin, also known as the Cry of Balintawak, was an event
that signaled the beginning of the Philippine Revolution against Spanish
colonial rule. On August 23, 1896, Filipino revolutionary leaders, including
Andres Bonifacio, tore their community tax certificates or cedulas in protest
and raised the Philippine flag, marking the start of the armed struggle for
II. The Cry of Pugadlawin symbolizes the beginning of the Philippine
Revolution against Spanish colonial rule. It marked the Filipinos'
determination to fight for their freedom and independence, which ultimately
led to the declaration of Philippine independence from Spain on June 12,
1898. The cry also served as a unifying call to arms for Filipinos across
different regions and social classes to join the revolutionary movement.
5. Cite the arguments why Aguinaldo was considered first President
a. On the other hand, cite the arguments why Andres Bonifacio should be considered
the first President
I. Arguments for Aguinaldo being the first President: Aguinaldo was officially
elected and recognized as the leader of the revolutionary government during
the declaration of Philippine independence in 1898. He led the fight against
Spanish colonization and established the first Philippine republic, with
himself as the first president. Aguinaldo's leadership was instrumental in
uniting the various factions of the Philippine revolution and securing
international recognition for the new republic.
II. Arguments for Bonifacio being the first President: Bonifacio was the
founder and leader of the Katipunan, the secret society that started the
Philippine Revolution against Spanish rule. He was recognized as the
Supremo or leader of the Katipunan, which was the de facto government
during the early stages of the revolution. Some argue that Bonifacio was the
true leader of the revolution and that Aguinaldo's election as president was
illegitimate, as it was allegedly done without the mandate of the Katipunan
or the people.

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