ReportA 22056112 StephanieBrito

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Student name: Brito Stephanie Cruz Student ID number: 22056112


Unit name: Statistics For Academic Purposes Unit number: 700045/900011

Tutorial/Lecture: Tutorial Class day and time:

Lecturer or Tutor name: Fuat Kayhan


Title: Report Part A

Length: 4 pages Due date: 24 March 2022 Date submitted:


I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged.

I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any
other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment.
I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in another (previous or
current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer / Tutor /
Unit Coordinator for this unit.
No part of the assignment/product has been written/produced for me by any other person except where
collaboration has been authorised by the Lecturer / Tutor /Unit Coordinator concerned.

I am aware that this work will be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of
detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking).

Student’s signature:

WSUIC Statistics for Academic Purposes – Report Part A Page 1 of 4

Important Notice:

Part A of the Report is an individual assessment item. Students should work on their own.
Once this part is completed, students will receive feedback from their teacher before
proceeding to Part B of the Report.


 All numerical calculations and graphs/plots should be done using EXCEL.

 Your assignment must be typed in a Word document in .doc or .docx format!
 How to upload to Moodle: A link exists on Moodle where you will be required to
upload your work (Both Excel and Word document. If you are not sure, ask your

Datasets are common in everyday life. Here is a short list of kinds of everyday information that are,
in fact, data:

 Sales reports (and other internal records).

 Market survey results.
 Production quality measures (and other manufacturing records).
 Human resource productivity records.
 Product price and quantity sold (and other sales data).

Think about it. Probably much of what you do daily depends indirectly on data.

Looking at data and asking some questions about them may reveal surprises: You may find out that
the quality of the data is not as high as you had thought, or you may find out the opposite and be
In this task, you are required to:
Find a dataset on the Internet (you can choose any field e.g. sports, finance, manufacturing,
weather, health and wellness, technology, sports and leisure). Save this data in an Excel
spreadsheet. You must be able to quote the source of your dataset (E.g. provide the internet link the
data was downloaded from in your typed word document). The data you choose must contain TWO
or more variables and more than twenty individuals. 3 marks
Refer to your dataset and answer the following questions.

1. Formulate a research question that can be answered using your dataset? 1 mark
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Does a larger surface area mean a country emits high amounts of carbon dioxide?  

2. Define the target population and describe the sample in the context of
your data. 1 mark

The target population is the ‘Socioeconomic Country Profiles’ dataset on Kaggle which
contains population data for 66 countries

3. What are the two main variables in your dataset? Classify these variables by
level of measurement either as nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio? 2 marks

Both variables which are surface area and carbon dioxide emissions are measured at
a ratio level as there is an actual zero point, and one may classify, rank, and infer
equal distances between nearby data points.  

4. What are the disadvantages of selecting a secondary data? 1 mark

The data given may be insufficient for one’s own research. It may also be outdated
data that might not serve any relevance to one’s own research.

5. Display your data in any appropriate graphical format (basic graphical displays learnt
in Week 1&2). 2 marks

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number of reigons

WSUIC Statistics for Academic Purposes – Report Part A Page 3 of 4


Student declaration: 
  I,  Brito Stephanie Cruz declare that all submitted answers are my own
work, no part of this report has been copied from anyone else and I have not
shared my work with any other students.
 Signature ______________________________            Date 24 March 2023
 Please note that submitted papers without the signed student declaration
will not be marked.

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